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Full text of "A brief history of John and Christian Fretz and a complete genealogical family register : with biographies of their descendants from the earliest available records to the present time"

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64P4  9B 

(See  page  230.) 



John  ^lnd  Ghristmn  Fretz 










OF  MILTON,   N.  J. 

With  an  Introduction  by  J.  Freeman  Hendricks,  am. 


ELKHART,   IND.    • 

Entered  according  to  act  of  Congress  in  the  year  1890, 

By  A.  J.  FRETZ,  Milton,  N.  J. 
In  the  Office  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress  at  Washington. 
















The  object  of  the  following  Genealogy  is  to 
preserve  from  oblivion  the  more  remote  history  of 
the  pioneer  ancestors  of  the  Fretz  family,  and  to 
place  upon  record  the  names  and  biographies  of  their 
descendants  from  father  to  son,  down  to  the  present 
time  and  generation.  For  many  years  the  author 
of  this  work  felt  a  desire  to  know  more  about  his 
ancestry,  and  the  particulars  connected  with  his 
progenitors  and  their  descendants  than  the  meager 
legends,  and  traditions  related  to  him  by  individual 
members  of  his  own  family. 

Consequently  during  the  winter  of  1872  he 
visited  among  the  connection  in  Bucks,  Co.,  Pa., 
collecting  such  facts,  and  data  as  were  accessible. 
It  was  the  original  intention  to  prepare  a  history 
of  his  own  branch  of  the  family  only,  but  having 
been  deeply  interested  in  the  work  himself,  he  also — 
naturally  awakened  a  like  interest  in  individuals  of 
the  other  branches.  It  was  then  decided  to  make  the 
history  a  general  one,  by  collecting,  and  introducing 
all  facts  that  could  be  so  arranged  without  making 
the  work  too  expensive  and  voluminous.  The  actual 
work  however  of  compiling  this  history  was  not 
begun  until  the  spring  of  1888.  The  task,  an  arduous 
one,  was  undertaken  none  too  soon. 

—   6  — 

It  should  have  been  begun  years  ago,  while  there 
were  yet  living  those  of  the  third  generation,  who 
could  have  given  more  satisfactory  information  of 
the  early  ancestors  that  would  be  of  great  interest, 
and  value  to  the  work,  but  which  with  their  demise 
is  forever  lost.  Already  the  ancestral  thread  was  lost 
to  many  who  were  unable  to  trace  their  lineage 
farther  than  to  the  grandfather,  or  were  totally 
unaware  of  the  fact  that  they  were  in  any  way 
connected  with  the  Fretz  family. 

Had  the  author  been  aware  of  the  gigantic  pro- 
portions the  work  would  assume,  in  tracing  the 
branches  and  whereabouts  of  many  of  the  descend- 
ants, and  collecting  the  necessary  information,  it  is 
more  than  probable  the  work  would  never  have  been 
undertaken.  It  is  to  be  regretted  that  the  records 
are  not  more  complete  in  many  of  the  branches. 
Owing  to  a  lack  of  interest  in  the  matter,  some,  for 
reasons  best  known  to  themselves,  failed  to  respond 
to  inquiries  for  information  concerning  their  respect- 
ive families,  thereby  causing  these  defects. 

The  work  has  been  prepared  at  a  greater  sacri- 
fice of  time  than  was  anticipated.  Had  all  promptly 
responded  to  communications  the  work  would  have 
been  far  easier.  The  writer  is  far  from  satisfied  with 
the  result  of  the  work.  He  is  aware  that  imperfec- 
tions exist,  but  pleads  in  extenuation  of  the  fact  that 
the  difficulties  were  insurmountable. 

The  author  acknowledges  himself  indebted  to 
the  many  friends  for  kind  favors  received  during  the 
compilation  of  this  work,  and  while  we  express  our 
sincere  gratitude  to  all  who  in  any  way  aided  us, 
we  especially  acknowledge  our  indebtedness  to  those 
who  have  very  materially  aided  us.  They  are  as 
follows:  C.  D.  Fretz,  M,  D.,  of  Sellersville,  Pa.,  Rev. 

—  7  — 

A.  M.  Fretz,  and  Reuben. G.  Frotz,  of  Beclminster, 
Pa.,  J.  H.  Fretz,  M.  D.,  of  Hagersville,  Pa., 
A.  N.  Fretz,  M.  D.,  of  Fleetwood,  Pa.,  J.  Freeman 
Hendricks,  A.  M.,  of  Doylestown,  Pa.,  Prof.  A.  B. 
Fretz,  of  Cedar  Grove,  N.  J.,  and  Thos.  J.  Fretz, 
of  Allentown,  Pa. 

That  the  work  may  meet  with  general  approval 
is  the  earnest  wish  of  the 


MlUo7i,  N.  J.,  Aug.  1S90. 


The  history  of  the  Fretz  family  in  America^has 
hitherto  been  unpreserved  save  by  personal  recollec- 
tions transmitted  from  generation  to  generation  and 
by  such  information  as  may  be  found  in  family 
Bibles,  church  archives,  public  records,  etc.,  and  was 
fast  being  lost  to  the  world.  The  want  of  some 
accurate,  complete,  enduring  record  of  this  old  and 
numerous  stock  has  therefore  long  been  felt  and 
the  undersigned,  among  other  descendants  of  the 
blood,  finally  suggested  the  compilation  and  publica- 
tion of  a  formal  history  of  the  family.  The  collection 
of  the  information  it  was  at  once  apparent  would 
prove  a  gigantic  undertaking  and  ought  to  be  placed 
into  the  hands  of  one  peculiarly  fitted  for  that 
kind  of  work.  As  a  person  thus  fitted,  there  stood 
out  in  bold  relief  Rev.  A.  J.  Fretz,  and  he  was 
at  once  solicited  to  undertake  the  task.  He  kindly 
consented.  The  work  was  begun.  Descendants  were 
hunted  up,  grandfathers  and  grandmothers  inter- 
viewed, family  Bil)les  and  old  documents  rummaged, 
public  records  searched,  thousands  of  letters  written, 
years  of  labor  bestowed;  and  at  last  the  information 
attainable  is  about  all  attained,  the  work  goes  to 
press  and  to-day  we  present  to  posterity  and  to  the 
world  the  fruit  of  our  labors.    We  present  the  history 

—  9  — 

of  a  family  whose  settlement  in  this  country  dates  way 
back  beyond  the  Revolution,  whose  descendants  have 
spread  not  only  over  every  section  of  this  broad 
land  but  over  Canada  as  well,  and  whose  number  has 
already  grown  into  swelling  thousands.  We  present 
the  history  of  a  plain,  sturdy,  country  folk;  of  an 
industrious,  thrifty,  upright,  christian  people.  We 
present  the  history  of  an  ancestry  whereof  we  are 
justly  proud  and  whom  we  ever  delight  to  honor. 
We  present  the  history  of  a  people  whose  memory 
posterity  may  cherish  to  endless  day  and  whose  vir- 
tues the  world  may  well  emulate.  Up  to  the  present 
generation,  the  family  produced  few  (if  any)  profes- 
sional men.  It  was  a  people  of  peace  and  quiet.  It 
was  a  line  of  unassuming,  conscientious  sons  of  toil. 
Most  of  them  were  farmers.  A  few  of  them  adopted 
some  other  manual  pursuits.  But  the  generation 
of  to-day  is  not  confined  to  the  workshop  and  the 
farm.  It  graces  every  walk  in  life.  It  is  represented 
in  every  profession.  It  has  won  high  honors  among 
men.  It  has  made  its  mark  in  business,  in  the  school- 
room, in  journalism,  in  medicine,  at  the  bar,  on 
the  platform,  in  the  pulpit.  God  speed  the  new 
departure.  May  the  Fretz  descendants  freely  enter 
the  pursuit  for  which  their  tastes  and  capabilities  may 
fit  them;  may  they  keep  pace  with  the  car  of  prog- 
ress, may  they  aspire  to  every  thing  that  is  worthy 
and  honorable  but  may  they  never  forsake  the  vir- 
tues of  the  fathers  and  bring  shame  upon  an  honored 
name.  May  they  so  live  that  the  very  name  shall  be 
a  passport  to  respect,  confidence,  preferment.  Every 
man  every  hour  of  his  life,  whether  consciously  or 
unconsciously,  is  making  history  and  that  history 
either  is  to  his  credit  or  it  is  not.  May  the  Fretz 
posterity  ever  bear  this  truth  in  their  hearts  and  so 

—  10  — 

live  that  the  history  of  the  future  shall  be  as  resplen- 
dent as  the  history  of  the  past.  In  every  age  monu- 
ments have  been  reared  to  commemorate  noble  deeds 
and  illustrious  careers  and  it  is  fittino^  that  the  good 
men  do  be  immortalized — immortalized  in  bronze 
and  granite  and  marble,  immortalized  in  statue  and 
arch  and  splendid  pile.  In  every  age  the  notable 
works  of  men  have  been  inscribed  upon  the  annals 
and  it  is  meet  that  every  worthy  deed  should  be 
preserved  to  the  world.  There  is  a  monument,  an 
annal  for  good  things  done;  and  the  proudest  monu- 
ment, the  sweetest  annal  is  that  of  a  noble,  blameless 
life  written  on  the  hearts  and  wrought  into  the  lives 
of  men.  Though  the  chisel  may  never  inscribe, 
though  the  statue  may  never  preserve,  though  the 
page  may  never  contain  and  though  we  have  long 
been  sleeping  the  last  sleep  we  may  still  live — live 
from  age  to  age,  live  in  those  whom  we  in  life  have 
blest.  And  though  unmarbled,  unannaled,  unsung, 
unwept,  unremembered  our  names  may  be  inscribed 
on  the  book  of  life.  May  the  Fretz  descendants — 
though  worldly  honors  never  crown  their  heads, 
though  their  worth  and  works  are  unnoticed  of  men 
— strive,  whether  by  their  struggle  for  lofty  prizes 
or  by  the  beauty  of  their  quiet  lives,  at  least  to  vierit 
the  reward.  With  this  hope — this  prayerful  hope — 
we  present  and  commit  this  work  to  posterity  and 
to  the  world. 

J.  Freeman  Hendricks. 

Doylestotvn,  Pa.^  July  19^  1890. 


lu  the  preparation  of  this  work  it  will  be  observed  that  all 
descendants  are  recorded  in  the  regular  order  of  birth,  from  the 
oldest  down  to  the  youngest  throughout  the  entire  connection, 
each  generation  being  marked  consecutively  from  first  to  last. 
The  Roman  numerals  placed  before  each  name  are  used  to 
designate  the  generation  to  which  they  belong,  as: — 
L  John  Fretz  (First  Generation). 
II.  John  Fretz,  Jr.  (Second  Generation). 

III.  Manasseh  Fretz  (Third  Generation). 

IV.  Margaret  Fretz  (Hestand.)  (Fourth  Generation). 
V.  Hannah  Hestand  (Urmy.)  (Fifth  Generation),  etc. 

Beginning  with  the  first  (I.)  ancestor  John  Fretz,  all  his 
children  are  named  in  the  order  of  their  birth.  Then  follows 
his  oldest  son  John  Fretz  (II.  Generation),  and  his  children, 
(III.  Generation)  next,  Manasseh  being  the  oldest,  is  followed 
down  to  the  last  of  his  descendants,  then  the  second  in  order 
of  birth  of  the  III.  Generation,  and  so  on  until  the  end  of  the 
entire  branch  of  John  Fretz,  of  the  II.  Generation  is  reached. 
Then  the  second  child  of  John  Fretz,  of  the  I.  Generation,  viz: 
Jacob  Fretz,  is  carried  down  in  like  manner  to  the  last  of  his 
descendants,  and  so  on  throughout  the  entire  connections. 

Where  marriages  occur  between  members  of  the  connection 
the  husband  carries  the  record.  In  all  such  cases,  a  numbered 
reference  is  placed  after  the  name  and  marriage  of  the  wife, 
as,  for  example  — (See  Index  of  Reference  No.  i.)  In  the  Index 
of  References,  will  be  found  No.  i.  Hannah  Smith,  167  On 
page  167  in  the  body  of  the  book,  the  family  record  is  given. 

In  the  General  Index  will  be  found  the  names  of  all  males 
of  eighteen  years  and  over,  and  the  maiden  names  of  all 
females  of  eighteen  years,  and  over ;  also  the  pages  on  which 
their  family  record  is  given  in  the  body  of  the  book. 

To  find  family  records,  see  Index  of  Branches,  where 
names  of  all  that  had  issue  of  the  first,  second,  and  third 
Generations  are  given. 

Abbreviations:  Dec'd  signifies  Deceased;  S.  Single; 
Mrd.  Married;  Ch.  Church;  Montg.  Co.  Mo^itgomery  Co.;  Twp. 
Tow7iship  ; 

This  family  History  contains  the  names  of  over  9000,  in- 
cluding the  names  of  over  1500  born  bearing  the  name  of  Fretz. 


The  brothers  John,  and  Christian  Fretz,  together 
with  a  third  brother  (name  unknown,  and  who  died 
on  the  voyage),  emigrated  from  near  the  City  of  Man- 
hcim,  in  the  Grand  Duchy  of  Baden,  Germany,  for- 
merly known  as  the  Palatinate,  or  Rheinish  Prussia. 

They  were  of  German  origin,  as  is  quite  evident 
from  the  fact  that  they  wrote  and  spoke  the  German 
language,  and  were  connected  with  a  distinctively 
German  church.*  That  they  were  of  German  origin, 
is  also  evident  from  the  fact  that  on  the  opposite  side 
of  the  Rhine,  in  the  province  of  Alsatia,  there  are  to 
this  day,  living  where  they  have  lived  for  the  past 
two  or  three  centuries,  many  Fretz's  of  an  old  Alsa- 
tian Stock,  who  claim  they  are  of  German  origin, 
"as  all  true  Alsatians  are." 

The  Province  of  Alsatia  was  annexed  to  France 
in  1648,  prior  to  that  time  it  was  always  under  Ger- 
man Dominion,  and  while  the  French  language  was 
exclusively  taught  in  the  schools,  the  language  spoken 
is  a  German  dialect,  with  decided  variations  in  differ- 
ent localities. 

*  The  Meunonite  church,  of  which  Menno  Simon  (a  Hol- 
lander by  birth)  was  its  founder,  had  its  rise  in  Holland,  but 
eventually  spread  into  the  adjoining  countries  of  Germany  and 
Switzerland,  where  they  also  became  quite  numerous. 

—  14-  — 

At  what  port  the  Fretz  ancestors  landed,  or  the 
exact  date  of  their  arrival  into  this  country  is  not 
known,  but  may  have  been  between  the  years  of  1710 
and  1720.  It  is  said  that  they  came  to  this  country 
during  what  was  known  as  "the  last  persecution/^ 
They  were  given  the  alternative  of  connecting  them- 
selves with  the  state  church,  or  leave  the  country, 
and  they  chose  rather  than  to  give  up  their  religious 
liberty  to  leave  the  "Fatherland,'"'  the  land  of  their 
birth,  and  the  homes  of  their  kindred  and  friends,  the 
graves  of  their  ancestors,  and  all  the  hallowed  asso- 
ciations of  the  home  and  country  of  their  nativity, 
and  found  for  themselves  a  home  in  a  strange  and  far- 
off  land  where  they  could  worship  God  "  under  their 
own  vine  and  fig-tree,"  according  to  the  dictates  of 
their  own  conscience  without  fear  of  molestation. 

Undoubtedly  they  had  heard  that  America  af- 
forded a  refuge  for  the  oppressed  and  granted  reli- 
gious liberty  to  all  its  subjects,  and  naturally  enough 
they  turned  their  steps  hither,  where  they  too,  might 
enjoy  liberty  of  conscience.  And  thus  are  we,  as 
their  descendants,  citizens  of  this  great  liberty  loving 
country.  How  we,  of  to-day,  should  prize  this 
liberty!  Think  what  our  Ancestors  sacrificed  to  en- 
joy it.  How  they  left  their  native  land,  a  country 
established  many  hundreds  of  years,  to  seek  a  home 
in  the  new  world,  in  the  wilds  of  America. 

They  came  about  thirty-five  years  after  the  char- 
ter was  granted,  and  the  great  seal  of  England,  with 
the  signature  of  Charles  H.  was  afiixed,  and  William 
Penn  became  the  proprietor  of  Pennsylvania.  They 
were  here  about  thirty-five  years  before  the  French 
and  Indian  war,  in  which  George  Washington,  was  a 
British  Colonel.  Our  first  ancestor,  John  Fretz, 
slept  beneath  the  sod  before  the  fires  of  the  Revolu- 

—  15  — 

tion  were  kindled,  or  al)out  three  years  before  the 
battle  of  Lexington. 

They  came  when  the  country  was  but  sparsely 
settled,  when  the  inconveniences  were  great,  and 
when  the  equally  dangerous  red  man  infested  the  land. 
They  were  still  living  during  the  period  when  some 
of  the  great  subjects  which  eventually  led  to  the  war 
of  the  Revolution  were  being  agitated,  and  their  chil- 
dren were  settled  with  families  during  the  bloody 
struggle  for  Independence,  and  although  being — non- 
combatants,  they  were  true  and  loyal  to  the  American 
cause,  and  aided  it  as  best  they  could,  without  com- 
promising their  religious  faith  by  bearing  arms. 

Our  ancestors  and  their  immediate  descendants 
were  Mennonites,  who  worshiped  at  Deep  Run,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  first  in  the  old  log  church,  which  was  prob- 
ably built  in  IT^G,  and  later  in  the  old  stone  church, 
built  in  1766,  and  which  stood  for  over  a  hundred 
years.  They  no  doubt  aided  in  erecting  this  church, 
both  by  contributing  of  their  means  and  labor,  and 
from  it  they  were  carried  to  their  last  earthly  resting 
place  in  the  cemetery  adjoining.  There  may  their  ashes 
rest  in  peace  until  the  trump  of  Gabriel  shall  awake 
the  dead  to  come  forth,  and  obtain  the  inheritance  of 
the  faithful. 

Which  of  the  two  brothers  was  the  elder  is  not 
known  as  no  records  of  the  birth  of  either  have  been 

Christian,  settled  in  Tinicum  township,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  along  the  Tinicum  Creek,  on  what  is  now 
known  as  Heaney's  Mill. 

It  is  not  known  where  John  Fretz  at  first  settled. 
He  afterward  settled  in  what  was  then  Plumstead 
township,  but  now  Bedminster,  on  what  is  kno^vn  as 
the  Old  Fretz  Homestead,   situated  about  one  mile 

-U  - 

North  East  of  Bedminsterville,   now  owned  by  Ely 
Fretz,  and  occupied  by  his  son,  Mahlon  M.  Fretz. 

The  homestead  originally  consisted  of  230  acres 
of  land,  which  John  Fretz  purchased  of  Bartholomew 
Longstreth  in  1737  or  1738,  for  which  he  paid  106 
pounds.  The  release  being  given  in  the  latter  year 
in  the  month  of  May.  The  tract  when  purchased 
had  a  house,  barn,  and  other  buildings,  but  was  sur- 
rounded on  all  sides  by  vacant  and  unimproved  wild 
land.  A  veritable  wilderness.  The  homestead  now 
includes  the  whole  or  part  of  four  farms — viz,  Samuel 
High's  69  acres,  Ely  Fretz's  57  acres,  Isaac  L.  Fretz's 
44  acres,  and  Reuben  Miller's  60  acres.  John  Fretz 
was  a  weaver  by  trade,  and  is  known  as  "Weaver 
John."  Of  his  public  services  nothing  is  known  of 
especial  interest  further  than  that  he  was  one  of  the 
committee  to  form  the  new  township  of  Bedminster 
in  1741. 

He  was  twice  married,  but  the  maiden  name  of 
neither  wife  is  known.  By  his  first  wife  Barbara,  he 
is  known  to  have  had  five  children,  and  by  his  second 
wife,  Maria,  three.  There  may  have  been  more,  but 
if  there  were  they  died  young. 

John  Fretz  died  in  1772,  probably  in  February. 
His  last  will  and  testament,  was  dated  January  29, 
1772,  and  was  probated  on  the  third  day  of  March  of 
the  same  year,  which  shows  that  he  died  between  the 
two  dates  given.  The  provisions  of  the  will  were  that 
his  son  Christian  should  have  the  farm,  and  pay  800 
pounds,  and  each  of  the  children  were  to  have  equal 
shares,  except  the  sum  of  60  pounds  which  was  to  be 
tlistributed  among  the  children  of  his  first  wife,  and 
which  came  fi*om  their*  Grandfather,  (probably  on  the 
mother's  side.) 

-  17  — 

To  the  widow  was  willed  a  100  pounds  of  which 
she  was  to  receive  the  interest  as  long  as  she  remained 
his  widow.  She  was  to  have  the  house  in  which 
George  White  lived  at  that  time. 

The  last  Will  and  Testament  of  John  Fretz,  as 
an  old  and  rather  peculiar  document,  will  no  doubt  be 
interesting  reading,  and  of  sufficient  importance  to 
warrant  its  insertion  in  the  history  of  the  connection, 
and  it  is  herewith  produced — entire  as  follows: 

In  the  name  of  God  Amen.  I,  John  Fretz,  of 
the  Township  of  Bedminster  in  the  County  of  Bucks 
in  the  Province  of  Pennsylvania,  Weaver  being  sick 
in  body,  but  of  sound  memory  blessed  be  God  unto 
this  day  the  twenty-ninth  day  of  Januar}^  in  the  year 
of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  sev- 
enty-two make  this  as  my  last  Will  and  Testament 
in  manner  and  form  following: 

First  of  all  it  is  my  Will  that  when  it  shall  please 
God  to  call  me  out  of  this  world  my  1)ody  shall  be 
decently  buried,  and  my  soul  I  recommend  to  God 
my  Savior. 

Secondly,  I  Will  that  all  my  just  debts  shall  be 
paid  carefully  out  of  my  estate,  and  rest  disposed  of 
as  followeth,  that  is  to  say,  I  give  unto  my  beloved 
wife  Maria,  one  hundred  pounds  lawful  money  to  be 
paid  out  of  my  estate  and  the  said  hundred  pounds 
shaD  be  put  on  interest,  and  my  ^vife  shall  have  the 
interest  yearly  during  her  natural  life,  or  so  long 
she  remains  my  widow,  and  if  she  shall  want  any  of 
the  principal  of  the  said  hundred  pounds  so  that  the 
interest  would  not  be  sufficient  for  her  yearly  main- 
tenance, it  shall  be  allowed  to  her  sufficient  to  main- 
tain her  during  her  natural  life,  or  so  long  she  re- 
mains my  widow,  and  if  any  is  remaining  of  the  said 
hundred  pounds  after   her  decease;  or  if  she  marries 

—  18  — 

again,  the  remainder  shall  be  equally  divided  amongst 
my  children  in  equal  shares,  and  it  is  my  Will  that 
my  wife  shall  live  in  the  house  wherein  George  White 
lives  now,  during  her  natural  life  or  so  long  she  re- 
mains my  widow,  and  my  Executors  shall  finish  the 
house  off  sufficiently  and  build  a  good  stable  to  the 
house  to  put  her  cow  in  and  her  hay,  and  my  son 
Christian  Fretz  shall  let  her  have  so  much  meadow 
hay  as  to  give  two  cows,  and  my  said  son  Christian 
shall  give  unto  my  said  wife  yearly  eleven  bushels  of 
good  winter  grain  half  wheat  and  half  rye,  and  to  sow 
yearly  one  acre  of  Buckwheat,  and  to  plow  a  half 
acre  of  land  for  Indian  corn,  and  to  plow  and  sow  a 
half  acre  for  flax  yearly  during  her  natural  life,  or  so 
long  she  remains  my  widow,  and  my  wife  shall  have 
a  row  of  apple  trees  in  my  orchard,  the  fourth  row 
from  the  barn,  and  my  wife  shall  have  to  choose  a 
cow  from  my  cows  which  she  please,  and  her  bed  and 
clothes  and  the  furniture  belonging  to  her  bed,  and 
my  wife  shall  have  one  iron  pot,  and  two  pails,  and 
all  her  household  goods  which  she  brought  to  me  she 
shall  take  again,  and  my  said  wife  shall  have  liberty 
to  cut  fire-wood  on  my  place  sufficient  during  her 
natural  life  or  so  long  as  she  remains  my  widow.  The 
garden  by  the  house  of  George  White  shall  be  for  her 
during  her  natural  life,  and  it  is  further  my  Will  that 
all  my  children  shall  have  equal  shares-except  sixty 
pounds  lawful  money  shall  be  paid  unto  the  children 
of  my  first  wife  out  of  my  estate  which  money  came 
by  their  Grandfather,  and  the  said  sixty  pounds  shall 
be  equally  divided  amongst  my  said  children  of  my 
first  wife.  And  as  all  my  children  which  are  married 
have  had  fifty  pounds  apiece  it  is  my  Will  that  my 
son  Mark  shall  have  fifty  pounds  likewise  to  make 
him  equal  Avith  the  rest,  and  my  son  Henry  shall  have 

—  19  — 

so  much  as  my  children  from  my  first  wife  except 
what  is  above  excepted,  and  except  the  fifty  pounds 
which  is  paid  unto  my  children  when  married. 

And  it  is  further  my  Will  that  my  daughter 
Barbara  shall  have  one  hundred  pounds  lawful  money 
out  of  my  estate,  and  a  cow,  and  a  bed,  all  which 
she  shall  have  when  she  comes  to  the  age  of  eighteen 
years,  and  my  son  Henry  shall  have  his  share  when' 
he  comes  to  the  age  of  twenty-one  years — and  no 
sooner.  And  it  is  further  my  Will  that  my  son 
Christian  Fretz  shall  have  all  my  lands  to  him,  his 
Heirs  and  assigns,  and  he  shall  pay  eight  hundred 
pounds  lawful  money  for  my  said  land  or  plantation, 
and  to  have  the  half  of  the  grain  in  the  ground  with 
the  place,  and  he  is  to  pay  the  Legatees  as  the  Will 
directs,  and  he,  the  said  Christian  fulfill  all  the 
articles  mentioned  in  this  Will  to  my  wife  accordingly 
and  my  son  Christian  shall  have  always  a  equal  share 
with  the  rest  of  my  children. 

He,  the  said  Christian,  my  son,  shall  pay  unto 
John  Fretz  my  son,  and  Jacob  Fretz,  and  Jacob 
Kulp,  my  son-in-law,  for  my  daughter  Elizabeth,  her 
share  fifteen  months  after  my  decease,  and  unto  my 
son  Abraham  two  years  and  three  months  after  my 
decease,  and  unto  my  son  Marcks,  three  years  and 
three  months  after  my  decease,  and  the  said  Barbara, 
my  daughter  which  is  mentioned  in  this  Will  she  shall 
have  no  more  of  my  estate  as  the  hundred  pounds, 
and  the  cow,  and  bed,  as  above  mentioned,  and  Last- 
ly, I  do  ordain,  constitvite,  appoint  my  sons  Chris- 
tian and  John  Frets,  to  be  my  -Executors  of  this  my 
Last  Will  and  Testament,  wdiom  I  do  empower 
authorize  to  sell  all  my  Estate  except  what  is  in  this 
Will  excepted  and  to  pay  all  my  debts  and  the 
Legacies  aforesaid  in  my  name,  utterly  revoking  and 

—  20  — 

disannulling  all  other  and  former  Wills  or  Testaments 
and  Executors  by  me  before  this  time  made  or  named 
Ratifying  and  Confirming  this  and  no  other  to  be  my 
last  Will  and  Testament.  In  witness  whereof  I  have 
to  this  presents  set  my  hand  and  seal  this  the  twenty- 
ninth  day  of  January  in  the  year  1772. 

Sealed  signed  pronounced 
declar  by  this  presents  this 
as  my  last  Will   and  Testa- 
ment in  the  presence  of  us, 
Daniel  Kratz, 
Jacob  Kolb. 

John  Fretz.  {  seale.j 

His  children  in  the  order  of  their  birth  were,  viz: 
John,    Jacob,    Christian,    Abraham,    Elizabeth, 
Mark,  Henry,  and  Barbara. 


II.  John  Fretz  (son  of  Weaver  John)  was  born 
Mar.  1730;  died  May  4th,  1826,  aged  96  years.  Mar- 
ried Mary  Kolb,  of  Tinicmn  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
in  1751.     She  was  born  Sept.  10th,  1730,  died 

He  lived  previous  to,  and  at  the  time  of  his 
fathers  death,  in  Haycock  Twp.,  Pa.,  on  the  To- 
hickon,  where  he  owned  and  run  a  mill.  He  after- 
wards moved  below  Doylestown. 

In  1800  he  emigrated  to  Canada  with  all  of  his 
family  except  his  daughter  Barbara,  who  married 
Jacob  Silvius,  and  remained  with  her  family  in  Bucks 
Co.,  and  Moses,  who  went  out  to  Canada  the  year 
previous.  The  journey  to  Canada  was  in  wagons, 
and  on  foot.  The  old  people  rode  and  the  younger 
members  of  the  family  walked.  It  is  said  that  Mrs. 
Hippie  carried  her  child  aU  the  way  to  Canada  on  foot. 

The  journey  was  a  very  tedious  one,  through  the 
thinly  settled  wilderness.  In  some  places  they  had 
to  cut  a  road  through  the  forests,  and  for  lack  of 
bridges  they  had  to  ford  the  streams.  Thus  on  their 
way  they  experienced  many  inconveniencies  and 
hardships.  On  one  occasion  near  the  close  of  the 
day,  something  broke  about  the  wagon,  without  the 
repair  of  which  they  could  not  proceed,  so  one  of  the 
boys  took  a  horse  from  the  wagon,  rode  back  twenty 
miles  to  the  nearest  blacksmith  shop  where  the  iron 


was  repaired,  and  returned  arriving  at  early  dawn, 
when  the  horse  was  pet  to  the  wagon,  and  the  jour- 
ney continued.  An  incident  which  will  serve  to  show 
the  spirit  of  John  Fretz,  occurred  during  his  resi- 
dence in  Pennsylvania,  It  was  during  the  early  days 
of  the  Revolution.  The  patriot  army  being  some- 
what destitute  of  arms,  the  soldiers  went  from  house 
to  house  collecting  guns  for  the  army,  from  the 
settlers.  On  coming  to  his  house  they  asked  for  his 
gun.  He  took  the  weapon  from  its  accustomed  place, 
and  replied  to  the  soldiers  sa3dng,  "Yes,  you  can 
have  my  gun,  but  I'll  keep  hold  of  the  butt  end  of 
it."  In  1801,  the  first  Mennonite  church  was  estab- 
lished in  Canada, — known  as  Moyer's  church.  Of 
this  church  he  was  ordained  Deacon  in  1801,  being 
the  first  Deacon  of  the  Mennonite  church  in  Canada. 
Among  the  relics  retained  of  the  home  of  John 
Fretz,  is  a  barrel  churn  of  white  cedar,  made  by  him 
in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  ninety-four  years  ago  (1796)  for 
his  daughter  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Abraham  Grobb,  and 
is  now  owned  by  John  Grobb,  grandson  of  Eliza- 
beth. His  children  are:  Manasseh,  Barbara,  Abra- 
ham, Ephraim,  Judith,  Moses,  Anna,  Diana,  Sarah 
and  Elizabeth. 

III.  Manasseh  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks' Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
22,  1755,  died  in  Canada.  Mrd.  Mary  Swartz,  Dec.  7, 
1779.  She  died  June  1,  1781.  They  had  one  child: 
(VI,)  John,  born  May  31,  1781,  died  July  31,  1781.  Ma- 
nasseh mrd.  second  wife,  Anna  Kulp,  Aug.  31,  1781. 
She  died  May  15,  1803.  Children:  Margaret,  Mary, 
Ephraim,  Elizabeth,  Samuel,  Barbara,  Hannah, 
Judith,  David.  Manasseh  mrd.  third  wife,  Esther 
Bleam.    Tanner  and  farmer.    Mennonites. 

IV.  Margaret  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  11, 
1782,  died  in  Canada.  Mrd.  John  Hestand.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Hannah,  Catharine,  Eliza- 
beth, Esther,  John,  Barbara,  Sarah. 

—  23  — 

V.  Hannah  Hestand,  born  1802,  died  1878.  Mrd. 
Abraham  Urmy,  born  1795,  died  1880.  Farmer  in 
Canada.  Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Benjamin,  Jo- 
seph, Jacob,  Abraham,  Jr.,  Annie,  Daniel,  Samuel, 
Eliza1)eth,  Katie,  Henry,  David. 

VI.  John  Urmy,  born  in  Ontario,  Dec.  10,  1820.  Mrd. 
Christine  Knisly,  Feb.  21,  1842.  Farmer.  Baptists. 
Children:  Joseph,  Fidelia,  George,  Mary,  Nathaniel, 
Emma,  Maggie. 

VII.  Joseph  N.  Urmy,  born  Sept.  22,  1844,  died  Mar. 
19th,  1881.  Mrd.  Miss  Clark.  She  died—.  Children: 
(VIII.)  George  B.,  Ida.  Joseph  Mrd.  second  wife, 
Miss  Tumb. '  She  died  1889.  Children:  (VIII.)  Frank, 
Charles,  aged  9  years  (1890). 

VII.  Fidelia  Urmy,  born  Sept.  15,  1846,  died  Mar.  7, 

VII.  George  W.  Urmy,  born  in  Ontario,  Feb.  25, 
1849.  Mrd.  Maggie,  daughter  of  John  Buckley,  Oct.  1, 
1873.    Builder,  in  Toronto.    Methodists.    No  issue. 

VII.  MaryE.  Urmy,  born  Feb.  26,  1852,  died  May  9, 
1888.    Unmrd. 

VII.  Nathaniel  Urmy,  born  June  22,  1855,  died  Dec. 
19,  1875. 

VII.  Emma  C.  Urmy,  born  in  Norfolk  Co.,  Ont.,  May 
16,  1860.  Mrd.  Alfred  W.  Lamb,  Nov.  10,  1880. 
Farmer.    Baptists.    No  issue. 

Vn.  Maggie  J.  Urmy,  born  in  Canada,  May  8,  1863. 
Mar.  Benjamin  Pugsley.  — . 

VI.   Benjamin  Urmy,  born  1822,  died  in  infancy. 

VI.   Joseph  Urmy,  born  1824,  died  1838. 

VI.  Jacob  Urmy,  born  1825.  Mrd.  Children:  (VII.) 
Laura,  Ida,  James. 

VI.   Abraham  Urmy,  born  1828,  -died  1829. 

VI.   Annie  Urmy,  born  1830,  died  1834. 

VI.   Daniel  Urmy,  born  in  1833,  died  1838. 

VI.    Samuel  S.  Urmy,  born  1835.    Mrd.    No  issue. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Urmy,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont., 
Aug.  12,  1837.  Mrd.  Menno  Llovd  Neff,  of  Lincoln 
Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  21,  1858.  He  died  Apr.  20,  1866. 
Carpenter  and  shoemaker.  Children:  Alfred,  Ar- 
thur, Luc}',  Henry,  Aln-aham.  Elizabeth,  mrd.  sec- 
ond husband,  William  H.  Yokom,  of  Selkirk,  Ont., 

—  24  — 

Apr.  29,  1869.  Blacksmith  and  plow-maker.  Mrs. 
Yokom  Methodist.  Children:  Robert,  Infant,  Han- 
nah. Infants,  Annie,  Blanche. 

VII.  Alfred  Lorenzo  Neff,  born  Sept.  16,  1858, 
died,  Sept.  2,  1860. 

VII.  Arthur  Clifton  Neff,  born  May  5,  1860.  Mrd. 
Josephine  Louisa,  daughter  of  Daniel  Bose,  Esq. ,  of 
Rainham  Twp.,  Ont.,  May  12th,  1885.  She  died 
May  17,  1886.  One  child:  '(VIII.)  Menno  Lloyd  Neff, 
born  Apr.  4,  1886.  Arthur,  Mrd.  second  wife,  Jane, 
daughter  of  Robert  McKim  Esq.,  Lx.  M.  pp.  and 
Sheriff  of  Wellington  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  11,  1888.  Meth- 
odists. One  child:  (VIM.)  Lilian  Margaret  Neff,  born 
Nov.  13,  1889.  At  the  age  of  16  years,  Mr.  Neff 
passed  his  examination,  and  began  teaching.  After 
teaching  four  years  he  went  to  Toronto  and  engaged 
in  book-keeping  and  financing,  and  has  for  several 
years  been  in  charge  of  the  office  and  finance  of  the 
firm  Lockhart,  Millichamp  &  Co.,  of  Toronto.  He 
is  classed  as  a  chartered  Accountant  and  is  a  member 
of  the  Council  of  the  Institute  of  Chartered  Account- 
ants for  Ontario. 

VII.  Lucy  Jane  Neff,  born  Feb.  9,  1862.  Mrd. 
Moses  Bartleth,  Jan.  20,  1886.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
One  child:  (VIII.)  Lora  Henrietta  Bartleth,  born 
Sept.  20,  1887. 

VII.    Henry  Lome  Neff,  born  Feb.  21,  1864.     Mrd. 

VII.    Abraham  Oscar  Neff',  born  Nov.  10,  1865.    S. 

VII.  Robert  James  Gordon  Yokom,  born  Jan.  14, 

VII.   Infant  son  born  Feb.  18,  1872,  died  next  day. 

VII.    Hannah  E.  Yokom,  born  May  26,  1873. 

VII.  Infant  son  and  daughter  born  Feb.  23,  died 
Feb.  25,  1876. 

VII.  Annie  Diantha  Yokom,  born  Mar.  9,  1877. 

VII.  Blanche  Clay  Yokom,  born  Dec.  1,  1880. 

VI.    Katie  Urmy,  born  1840,  died  1887,  S. 

VI.  Henry  N.  Urmy,  born  in  Haldimand,  Co.,  Ont., 
September  10,  1842.  Mrd.  Julia  E.  Wellman, 
M.  D.,  at  Los  Angeles,  Cal.,  Mar.  19,  1884.  No 
issue.  Mr.  Urmy  received  a  good  public  school 
education.     Early  in  his  twentieth  year,  he  decided 

9:->    _ 

to  turn  his  attention  to  Dentistry,  antl  aliont  tliree 
years  later  was  admitted  to  the  praetice  of  his  chosen 
profession  at  Detroit,  Micliigan,  in  which  city  he 
received  his  dental  education,  having  been  a  student 
in  the  office  of  Dr.  Farmer  of  that  place.  After 
having  practiced  at  Dansville,  N.  Y.,  Coldwater, 
Mich.,  Spring  Green,  Wis.,  Sioux  City,  Iowa,  Sioux 
Falls,  Dak.,  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Council  Bluffs, 
Iowa.,  Pueblo,  Col.,  in  June,  1882,  he  came  to  Los 
Angeles,  California,  where  he  is  permanently  located 
and  enjoying  a  nice  dental  practice. 
VI.  David  Fretz  Urmy,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  May  1,  1846.  Mrd.  Ada  C.  Taylor  (Methodist), 
of  Gowanda,  N.  Y.,  June  1,  1882.  One  child  (VII.) 
Louisa  Ada  Urmy,  born  Sept.  25,  1885,  died  May 
23,  1888.  Mr.  Urmy  resides  at  Pueblo,  Col. ,  where 
he  is  engaged  in  the  practice  of  Law,  being  associated 
with  L.  A.  Crane,  under  the  firm  name  of  Urmy  & 
Crane.  Mr  Urmy  has  served  one  term,  from  1882  to 
1885,  as  Attorney  General  of  Colorado. 

V.  Catharine  Hestand,  born  in  Canada,  in  180-1, 
died  May  16,  1883.  Mrd.  Daniel  Smith,  Dec.  1,  1827. 
He  was  born  Dec.  28,  1803,  died  Jan.  28,  1888.  Far- 
mer. Mennonites.  Children:  Barbara,  Esther,  Wil- 
liam, Hannah,  Mary,  Daniel. 

VI.  Barbara  Smith,  born  1829,  died  1829. 

VI.  Esther  Smith,  born  in  Vaughn,  Ont.,  Dec.  27, 
1830.  Mrd.  Jacob  Horner,  Farmer.  Members  of 
U.  B.  church.    Children:  Mary,  William,  Hannah. 

VII.  Mary  Catharine  Horner,  born  Feb.  28,  1851, 
died  Feb.  15,  1880.    Mrd.  Christian  Zellers. 

VII.  William  John  Horner,  born  Apr.  1,  1853,  died 
Feb.  9,  1880.    Mrd.  Caroline  Bensinger. 

Vll.  Hannah  Maria  Horner,  born  1855.  Mrd.  Sil- 
vanus  Wray,  Oct.  7,  1873.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VIII.)  William  John  Wray,  born  Jan.  10, 
1875.  (VIII.)  Louisa  AUce  Wray,  born  Dec.  27,  1877. 
(VIII.)  Benjamin  Jacob  Wray,  "born  Jan.  31st,  1879. 
(VIII.)  Lucinda  May  Wray,  born  Nov.  13,  1880. 
(VIII.)  Angus  Sylvanus  Wray,  born  Jan.  11,  1883. 
(VIII.)    George  Garfield  Wray,  born  Mar.  17,  1875. 

—  26  — 

VI.  William  Smith,  born  May,  13,  1833,  died  Apr. 
29,  1851. 

VI.  Hannah  Smith,  born  June  18,  1835.  Mrd.  Isaac 
G.  Wismer, 

(See  Index  of  References  No.  I.) 

VI.  Mary  Smith,  born  in  Ontario,  Nov.  5,  1837. 
Mennonite.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Daniel  Smith,  born  in  Ontario,  July  16,  1840. 
Mrd.  Anna  C.  (daughter  of  Christopher  Rittenhouse 
of  South  Cayuga),  Sept.  18,  1878.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  (VII.)  Christopher  D.  Smith,  born 
Aug.  27,  1879.  (VII.)  Lavina  C.  Smith,  born  Dec.  4, 
1880.    (VII.)  William  Smith,  born  July  5,  1886. 

V.  Elizabeth  Hestand,  born  in  Canada,  July  2,  1806, 
died  June  13,  1883.  Mrd.  Thomas  Stillwell,  in  1826. 
He  died  Jan.  23,  1881,  aged  72  years.  He  was 
ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  Baptist  church  at 
Sherbrook  church  Canada,  Feb.  1838.  He  was  pastor 
of  this  church  and  many  others.  Children:  John, 
Robert,  Mary,  David,  Hannah,  Hester,  Thomas, 
Georo;e,  Barbara. 

VI.  John  Stillwell,  born  in  Ontario,  Aug.  27,  1826. 
Mrd.  Maria  Smith,  Nov.  1,  1851.  Furniture  Dealer 
at  Big  Rapids,  Mich.   Methodists.   Children:  Thomas, 

Mary,  Anna,  W ,  Charles,  Margaret,  J.  E.,  Alice, 

Frank,  George. 

VII.  Thomas  Stillwell,  born  Mar.  22,  1853. 
VII.    Mary  J.  Stillwell,  born  May  18,  1854. 

VII.  Anna  Stillwell,  born  June  15,  1856.  Mrd  F.  P. 
Smith,  Mar  6,  1876. 

VII.  W.  J.  Stillwell,  born  in  Selkirk,  Ont.,  May  15, 
1859.     Mrd.   Alice  Ouiatt,   May  15,   1881.     Express 

Agt.  at  Rhinelander,    Wis.     One  child:    (VIM.) 

Stillwell,  born  June  3,  1882. 

VII.  Charles  N.  Stillwell,  born  Feb.  14,  1861.  Mrd. 
Apr.  12,  1882. 

VII.  Margaret  Stillwell,  born  Feb.  26,  1863,  in 
Ontario.  'Mrd.  Addison  L.  Banks,  May  7,  1883. 
Machinist  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.  Attends  Metho- 
dist Church.  Children:  (VIII.)  Clyde  Lawrence  Banks, 
born  Mar.  19,  1884.  (VIII.)  Kittie  Fern  Banks,  born 
Sept.  14, 1885.   (VIII.)  Hazel  Banks,  bornNov.  11, 1889. 

—  27  — 

VII.  J.  E.  Stillwoll,  born  near  Selkirk,  Out.,  Dec. 
15,  1S6-1:.  Moved  with  his  parents  to  Big  Rapids, 
Mich.,  Remainino-  at  home  nntil  1884.  From  1879  to 
1882  he  was  engaged  as  a  wood-turner,  then  (1882) 
entered  the  High  School  at  Big  Rapids,  from  which 
he  graduated  in  1884.  In  the  fall  of  this  year  he 
entered  the  Literary  department  of  the  University  of 
Michigan,  from  which  he  graduated  with  his  class  in 
June  1888.  He  was  subsequently  admitted  to  the 
study  of  law,  in  the  classes,  in  the  law  department  at 
Ann  Arbor;  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  State  of 
Kansas,  Mar.  1889,  and  is  now  located  at  Seneca,  Kan- 
sas, engaged  as  an  Attorney  at  Law.  Unmrd. 

VII.  Alice  Stillwell,  born  July  9,  1871,  died  Apr.  6, 

VII.   Frank  Stillwell,  born  Oct.  29,  1867. 

VII.   George  Stillwell,  born  July  19,  1876. 

VI.  Robert  Stillwell,  born  in  Ontario,  Aug.  10,  1828, 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Deamud,  Nov.  12,  1850.  Farmer. 
Baptists.  Children:  Sarah,  John,  Thomas,  Levi  and 
Mary,  Amelia,  Isaiah,  Hosea,  Martha,  Agatha. 

VII.  Sarah  Stillwell,  born  Dec.  26,  1852.  Mrd. 
Duncan  Ferguson,  Nov.  20,  1879.  Farmer.  Attend 
Baptist  church.  Children:  (VIM.)  Norman  Ferguson, 
born  1873.  (VIII.)  Blanche  Ferguson,  born  Dec.  23, 
1875.    (VIII.)  Eva  Ferguson,  boi-n  Dec.  10,  1877. 

VII.  Rev.  John  Stillwell,  born  in  Canada,  Jan.  26, 
1855.  Mrd.  Rebecca  Delehay,  July  2,  1885.  He  was 
licensed  to  the  ministry  of  the  Baptist  church.  After- 
wards attended  Queen's  University  of  Toronto,  from 
which  he  received  the  degree  of  B.  A.,  Mar.  9,  1878. 
He  then  entered  the  Rochester  Theological  Seminary, 
where  he  remained  a  year.  Then  the  call  came  from 
India  for  missionaries.  He  wrote  to  the  Missionary 
board  of  his  church,  offering  his  services  to  the  Mis- 
sionary cause,  and  was  accepted,  and  Aug.  1,  1885, 
he  set  out  for  his  new  field  of  labor  as  missionary  of 
the  Baptist  church,  in  tl)e  Presidency  of  Madras, 
India,  where  he  has  since  labored  as  Missionary,  and 
President  of  Samulcotta  Seminary.  One  child:  (VIM.) 
Mary  E.  Stillwell. 

—  28  — 

VII.  Thomas  D.  Stillwell,  born  in  Canada,  June  26, 
1857.  Mi-d.  Lizzie  Becker,  of  Ont.  Nov.  20,  1884. 
Clerk  at  Big  Rapids,  Mich.  Baptists.  One  chikl:  (VIII.) 
Lome  Rothwell  Blocker  Stillwell,  born  Jnne  29,  1886. 

VII.  Levi  and  Mary  Stillwell  (Twins),  born  Nov. 
21,  1859.    Both  S. 

VII.  Amelia  Stillwell,  born  in  Canada,  Oct.  9,  1862. 
Mrd.  Fred  Smeltzer  Feb.  20,  1884.  Farmer.  Bap- 
tists. Children:  (VIM.)  Allen  L.  Smeltzer,  born  Jan. 
26,  1885.   (VIM.)  Ernests.  Smeltzer,  born  Aug.  2, 1887. 

VII.  Isaiah  Stillwell,  born  Aug.  30,  1865,  died  in 

VII.   Hosea  Stillwell,  born  Nov.  16,  1866.    S. 

VII.   Martha  Stillwell,  born  Sept.  13,  1869. 

VII.   Agatha  Stillwell,  born  Aug.  10,  1872. 

VI.  Mary  Stillwell,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.  Ont., 
Oct.  2,  1830.  Mrd.  John  J.  Long,  Nov.  12,  1850. 
He  was  born  May  31,  1828,  died  Apr.  21,  1867. 
Farmer.  Baptists.  Children:  Thomas,  Elizabeth, 
Mary,  Lucy,  David,  Dorothy. 

VII.'  Thomas  W.  Long,  born  Sept.  8,  1851.  Mrd. 
Martha  Pratten,  Mar.  20,  1880.  Farmer  in  Ontario. 
Baptists.  Children:  (VIM.)  Hattie  Long,  born  Jan. 
21,  1881.     (VIM.)  Alma  Long,    born  Aug.  20,    1883. 

VM.  Elizabeth  E.  Long,  born  in  Ontario,  July  11, 
1853.  Mrd.  George  W.  Avey,  June  15,  1875.  Car- 
penter in  London,  Can.  Methodists.  Children:  (VIII.) 
Lucy  Maude  Avev,  born  July  3,  1877.  (VIM.)  May 
Belle  Avey,  born  Nov.  21,  1878.  (VIM.)  Frank  Avey, 
born  Dec'  25,  1880.  (VIM.)  Willie  Avey,  born  Dec. 
25,  1882.    (VIM.)  Mary  Avey,  born  Apr. 'l2,  1884. 

VII.  Mary  Jane  Long,  born  Oct.  25,  1854.  Mrd. 
Albert  Steele,  Sept.  8,  1875.  Farmer  in  Ontario. 
Children:  (VIM.)  Lilian  E.  Steele,  born  Apr.  20,  1877. 
(VIII.)  Harry  Steele,  born  Mar.  20,  1879.  (VIM.)  Ches- 
ter Ray  Steele,  born  Oct.  11,  1888. 

VII.  Lucv  B.  Long,  born  in  Ontario,  Nov.  5,  1858. 
Mrd.  William  H.  Smith,  Nov.  5,  1884.  Farmer  in 
Ontario.  Baptists.  One  child:  (VIM.)  Mamie  Jane 
Smith,  born  Auo-,  5,  1885. 

VII.  David  B.  Long,  born  Dec.  17,  1861,  died  Jan. 
25,  1885. 

—  29  — 

VII.  Dorothy  A.  Long,  born  Feb.  8.  1863,  died 
Mar.  4,  1866. 

VI.  David  Stillwell,  born  Sept.  17,  1832,  died  Dec. 
27,  1832. 

VI.  Hannah  A.  Stillwell,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont,  Nov.  27,  1833,  died  in  Brown  Co.,  Dak.,  Aug. 
26,  1889.  Mrd.  David  Long,  June  27,  1851.  Farmer, 
Brown  Co. ,  Dak.  Baptists.  Children :  Mary,  George, 
Benjamin,  Isaiah,  Dortha,  David,  Mahlon,  Frances. 

VII.  Mary  E.  Long,  born  in  Ontario,  Sept.  8,  1852. 
Mrd.  Edwin  Dennis,  Oct.  26,  1885.  Farmer  in  Sani- 
lac Co.,  Mich.    Baptists.    No  issue. 

VII.  George  W.  Long,  born  in  Ontario,  Oct.  31, 
1854.  Mrd.  Phebe  Booth,  Feb.  11,  1880.  Farmer  in 
Ontario.  Baptists.  Children:  (VIII.)  Florence  Long, 
born  Aug.  28,  1883.  (VIII.)  William  R.  Long,  born 
Sept.  11,  1885.  (VIII.)  Charles  Long,  born  Oct.  18, 
1887,  (VIII.)  Theresa  Long,  born  May  14,  1889. 

VII.  Benjamin  F.  Long,  born  in  Ontario,  May  7, 
1857.  Mrd.  Eliza  J.  Thomas,  Mar.  22, 1881.  Farmer 
in  Dakota.  Children:  (VIM.)  Elsie  Long,  born  Mar. 
20,  1882.    (VIM.)  Ella  Long,  born  July  26,  1883. 

VII.   Isaiah  Long,  born  Sept.  18, 1861,  died  same  day. 

VII.  Dorothy  Long,  born  Sept.  18,  1861,  died  Oct. 
9,  1861. 

VII.  David  T.  Long,  born  Aug.  26,  1866,  cUed  Feb. 
3,  1868. 

VM.  Mahlon  T.  Long,  born  in  Ontario,  Apr.  19, 
1868.  "Mrd.  Laura  Plummer,  Dec.  25,  1889.  Farmer 
in  Dakota. 

VII.  Francis  J.  Long,  born  Dec.  21,.  1870,  died  Mar. 
3,  1872. 

VI.  Hester  Stillwell,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont., 
Apr.  27,  1836.  Mrd.  William  Dennis.  Carpenter, 
Baptists.  Children:  Albert,  Judson,  Edward,  Harmon. 

VM.  Albert  C.  Dennis,  born  in  Haldimand  Co. ,  Ont. 
Jan.  5,  1855.  Mrd.  Martha  E.  Youngs  in  1876.  She 
was  born  Feb.  12,  1852.  Reside  in  London,  Ont. 
Baptists.  Children:  (VIM.)  Isabella  Dennis,  born  Dec. 
30, 1877.   (VIII.)  Julia  Etta  Dennis,  born  Jan.  11,  1880. 

VII.  Judson  Dennis,  born—.  Mrd.  Mabel  Wil- 
son— .     Baptists.     One  child:    (VIII.)   Ensley  Dennis. 

—  80  — 

VII.  Edward  Deilnis,  born — .  Mrd.  Mary  Long — . 
Baptist.    No  issue. 

VII.  Harmon  Dennis,  born — .  Mrd.  Eliza  Michener 
— .  Two  children. 

VI.  Thomas  B.  Stillwell,  born  in  Haklimand  Co.^ 
Ont.,  Apr  13,  1839.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  E.  Price,  of 
Cayuga,  Ont.,  Nov.  11,  1861.  She  was  born  Aug.  1, 
1816.  Farmer  in  Mecosta  Co.,  Mich.,  where  they 
moved  in  May  1865.  Methodists.  Children:  Elisha, 
Arthur,  William,  Francis,  Samuel,  Marques. 

VII.  Elisha  A.  Stillwell,  born  Sept.  4,  1862,  died 
Dec.  8,  1863. 

VII.   Arthur  Stillwell,  born  Nov.  5,  1861. 

VII.  William  Abner  Stillwell,  born  in  Mecosta  Co., 
Mich.,  Feb.  4,  1867.  Mrd.  Cora  Fisk,  Dec.  21,  1887. 
Foreman  in  blind  factory.  Methodists.  No  children 

VII.  Frank  Burton  Stillwell,  born  Sept.  30,  1869. 
Mrd.  Emma  Torsee,  July  29,  1889.  Employed  in 
furniture  factory. 

VII.  Samuel  Douglas  Stillwell,  born  Nov.  11,  1877, 
died  Sept.  22,  1881. 

VII.  Marques  E.  Stillwell,  born  Mar.  21,  1881,  died 
July  5,  1881. 

VI.  George  R.  Stillwell,  born  in  Haldimand  Co. ,  Ont. , 
Jan.  31,  1815.  Mrd.  Sarah  Sider— ,  she  died—.  Wage 
earner.    Baptists.    Children:  (VII.)  John,  Rose,  May, 

VI.  Barbara  Stillwell,  born  in  Canada,  May  11,  1845. 
Mrd.  John  W.  Buckner,  1866.  Marine  Engineer  at 
St.  Clair,  Mich.  Baptists.  Children:  Rose,  ZeHa, 
Mary,  Francis,  Maggie,  Hannah,  Thomas,  Julia. 

VII.  Rose  Belle  Buckner,  born  Mar.  3,  1867.  Mrd. 
James  Bond,  Oct.  29,  1883. 

VII.  Zelia  E.  Buckner,  born  Feb.  19,  1868,  died 
Mar.  19,  1868. 

VII.  Mary  E.  Buckner,  born  June  26,  1870.  Mrd. 
Fred  H.  Bond,  Apr.  6,  1889.  One  child:  (VIII.)  Jes- 
sie Belle  Bond,  born  Oct.  25,  1889. 

VII.  Francis  B.  Buckner,  born  Oct.  11,  1872,  died 
Mar.  1,  1888. 

VII.   Maggie  May  Buckner,  born  Sept.  22,  1875. 

VII.   Hannah  M.  Buckner,  born  May  6,  1878. 

=—  31  — 

VII.   Thomas  F.  Buckner,  bora  Nov.  22,  1880. 
VII.   Julia  B.  Buckner,  bom  Apr.  30,  1885. 
V.   Esther  Hestand,  born — .    Mrd.  Samuel  Smith — ; 
V.   John  Hestand,  born—.     Mrd—.     One  son:  (VI.) 
John  H.  Hestand,  born — . 

V.  Barbara  Hestand,  bora  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
June  10,  1813,  died  Jan.  18,  1884.  Mrd.  Dennis  Rowe, 
Feb.  19,  1829.  He  died  in  Petrolia,  Ont.,  Sept.  15, 
1875.  Farmer.  Baptists.  Children:  Sarah,  John,  Wil- 
liam, EKzabeth,  Dennis,  Mary,  Hannah,  Alexander. 

VI.  Sarah  M.  Rowe,  born  in  Walpole,  Haldimand 
Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  20,  1830.  Mrd.  Abraham  Yeager, 
Nov.  1,  1851.  General  blacksmith  by  trade,  now  oil 
driller.  Mrs.  Yeager  Baptist.  Children:  Byron,  Bar- 
bara, Eugene,  Petrolia,  Maleel,  Josephine. 

VII.  Byron  Yeager,  born  May  27,  1852,  died  Dec. 
26,  1852. 

VII.  Barbara  Matilda  Yeager,  born  May  21,  1854. 
Mrd.  Henry  West,  May  13,  1872.  He  died  Feb.  6, 
1883.  Wagon  Maker.  "Children:  (VIM.)  Ella  West, 
bora  Oct.  13,  1872.  (VIM.)  Ida  West,  born  Aug.  18, 
1874.  (VIM.)  Willie  West,  born  Sept.  4,  1876.  (VIM.) 
Frank  West,  born  Sept.  6,  1878.  Mrs.  West  mrd.  sec- 
ond time  to  —  Boon,  Sept.  17,  1888. 

VII.  Eugene  Yeager,  born  May  15,  1859,  died  June 
26,  1886. 

VII.  Petrolia  Yeager,  born  in  Ont.,  Nov.  28,  1861. 
Oil  driller  in  Austria,  Europe  (1889). 

VII.  Maleel  Yeager,  born  in  Ontario,  Apr.  11,  1864. 
Oil  driller  in  Austria,  Europe  (1889). 

VII.   Josephine  Yeager,  born  in  Ontario,  Feb.  1, 1872. 

VI.  John  Rowe,  born  in  Walpole,  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Apr.  19,  1832,  died  Feb.  22,  1890.  Mrd.  Phebe 
Streeter,  July  22,  1867.  She  was  born  in  Norfolk  Co., 
Ont.  Miller,  Baptists.  Mr.  Rowe  while  in  the  lum- 
ber woods,  Feb.  22,  1890,  felling  a  tree,  was  killed  by 
a  limb  striking  him  crushing  his  skull.  Children: 
(VII.)  Joseph  William  Rowe,  bora  July  31,  1868.  (VII.) 
Jessie  Sophia  Rowe,  born  Dec.  6,  1871.  (VII.)  Alice 
Rowe,  born  July  17,  1873.  (VII.)  Melissa  Jane  Rowe, 
born  Nov.  1,  1876.  (VII.)  George  Alexander  Rowe, 
born  in  1881,  died  July  18,  1882.    (VII.)  Harriet  Belle 

—  32  — 

Rowe,  born  Mar.  5,  1883.    (VII.)  Catharine  Ann  Rowe, 
born  Sept.  29,  1885. 

VI.  William  Nelson  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Jan.  24,  1831.  Mrd.  Matilda  Tuff ord,  Dec.  25, 
1862.  She  was  born  Oct.  9,  1840.  Farmer  and  fruit 
grower  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  Baptists.  Children: 
Mary,  Barbara,  Philip,  Margaret. 

VII.  Mary  Elizabeth  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Dec.  27,  1863.    Dressmaker.    S.  (1889). 

Vli.  Barbara  Ellen  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Mar.  17,  1865.    S.  (1889). 

VII.  Philip  Frederick  Rowe,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Oct.  17,  1866.  _  S.  (1889). 

VII.  Margaret  Matilda  Rowe,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  1869.    S.  (1889). 

VI.  Elizabeth  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  12,  1838.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Dennis  G.  Rowe,  Jr.,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Feb.  25,  1840.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Soome,  Mar.  7, 
1876.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  Children:  (VII.) 
Barbara  Elizabeth  Rowe,  born  June  1,  1879.  (VII.) 
Mary  Rowe,  born  Oct.  8,  1883. 

VI.  Mary  Catharine  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Jan.  3,  1843.    Baptist.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Hannah  Maria  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Apr.  7,  1845.  Mrd.  Alexander  Si>aff'ord,  May 
6,  1873.    He  died  1874.    Baptists.    No  issue. 

VI.  Alexander  James  Rowe,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  May  16,  1849.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Chambers,  Feb. 
27,1878.  Oil  driller  at  Petrolia,  Ont.  Children:  (VII.) 
Florence  Rowe,  born  Aug.  31,  1879.  (VII.)  May  Rowe, 
born  Jan.  15,  1882.  (Vfl.)  Willie  Rowe,  born  Sept. 
17,  1884. 

V.  Sarah  Hestand,  born—,  died—.  Mrd.  Mr.  Miller, 
died  soon  after  marriage. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  19, 
1784.  died  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  — .  Mrd.  Philip Tuf- 
ford — ,  farmer  and  miller.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Mary,  Manasseh,  Susan,  Moses,  Samuel,  Conrad, 
Philip,  Jacob,  Judah,  John. 

V.  Mary  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  July 
8,  1804,    died  Apr.  10,   1832,  in  Jersey  Settlement, 

—  33  — 

Can.     Mrd.  Philip  Grandinc  Sr.,  Oct.  17,  1822.     He 
died  Oct.  1-1,  1879.     Carpenter.     Baptist.     Children: 
Eliza,  Mary,  Elizabeth,  Hannah,  Philip. 
VI.   EUza  Grandine,  born  Aug.  26,  1823,    died  Oct. 
16,  1823. 

VI.  Mary  Grandine,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan. 
11,  1825,  died  Jan.  9,  1887.    Mrd.  Elias  Little,  Apr. 

24,  1845.  Farmer,  lived  in  111.  Methodists.  Children: 
Fannie,  Phihp,  Martha,  Hannah,  Christie,  Mary, 

VII.  Fannie  E.  Little,  born  May,  27,  1816,  died  June 

22,  1816. 

VII.   Philip  A.  Little,    born  in  Scott  Co.,  111.,  May 

25,  1817.  Mrd.  Orpha  Barnes,  July  3,  1876.  She  was 
born  in  Manchester,  111.,  Jan.  28,  1851.  Carpenter 
and  joiner  in  Boone  Co.,  111.  Children:  (VIII.)  Earl 
Euffcne  Little,  born  May  21,  1877.  (VIII.)  Philip 
StaV  Little,  born  Apr.  11,"  1879.  (VIII.)  Berton  Leroy 
Little,  born  Oct.  18,  1880.  (VIII.)  Ruby  May  Little, 
born  Apr.  6,  1882.  (VIII.)  Mary  Alice  Little,  born 
Feb.  29,  1881. 

VII.  Martha  E.  Little,  born  in  Boone  Co.,  111.,  Sept. 
4,  1849.  Mrd.  John  Hazlewood,  Nov.  17,  1869,  in 
Beloit,  Wis.  Farmer  in  Boone  Co. ,  111.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VIII.)  Earnest  and  Earl  Hazlewood  (Twins), 
born  July  7,  1882,  the  former  died  July  19,  1882,  the 
latter  died  Aug.  1,  1882. 

VII.   Hannah  E.  Little  born  in  Boone  Co.,  111.,  Dec. 

23,  1851.  Mrd.  Orson  Schellenger,  Sept.  9,  1869. 
Farmer  in  Smith  Co. ,  Kan.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VIII.)  Elias  B.  Schellenger,  born  Oct.  30,  1871.  (VIII.) 
Wilbam  O.  Schellenger";  born  Dec.  21,  1876.  (VIII.) 
Mary  M.  Schellenger,  born  Oct.  27,  1878.  (VIII.)  Ray 
P.  Schellenger,  born  Jan.  26,  1889. 

VII.  Christie  C.  Little,  born  Apr.  23,  1854,  in  111. 
Mrd.  Alice  E.  Wright,  Oct.  17,  1877.  Farmer  in 
Boone  Co.,  111.  Methodists.  Children:  (VIII.)  Fannie 
Grace  Little,  born  Aug.  6,  1878.  (VIII.)  Frank  E. 
Little,  born  Sept.  2  1880.  (VIII.)  Will  E.  Little,  born 
Aug.  22,  1882.  (VIII.)  Lou  Edna  Little,  born  June 
25,  188.5. 

—  S4  — 

VII.  MaryC.  Little,  born  in  Boone  Co.,  111.,  Aug. 
18,  1856,  died  Apr.  15,  1877.  Mrd.  George  VanAnt- 
werp,  Feb.  1875.    No  issue. 

VII.  Fannie  Little,  born  in  Boone  Co.,  111.,  Apr.  30, 
1864.  Mrd.  Clayton  G.  Wright,  May  12,  1881.  Far- 
mer in  Boone  Co.,  111.  Methodists.  Children:  (VIII.) 
Jessie  Wright,  born  Mar.  12,  1882.  (VIII.)  Mary  E. 
Wright,  born  Apr.  13,  1881.  (VIM.)  Roy  Wright, 
born" Sept.  25,  1886. 

VI.  EUzabeth  Grandine,  l)orn  at  Niagara,  Can.,  Nov. 
8,  1826.  Mrd.  Samuel  Pearson,  May  31,  1846.  Shoe- 
maker. Methodists.  Children:  Martha,  Mary,  Sarah, 
Charlotte,  Frances,  Lorinda,  Ida  and  Philip  (T^vdns). 

VII.  Martha  Esther  Pearson,  born  at  Paris,  Can., 
Dec.  24,  1847.  Mrd.  Thomas  Shannon,  Oct.  11,  1866, 
Custom  House  officer  at  Gretna,  Man.  Presbyterians. 
Children:  John,  Elizabeth,  Thomas,  Solomon,  Martha. 
(VIII.)  John  Philip  Shannon,  born  July  1,  1867.  (VIII.) 
Elizabeth  Ann  Shannon,  l)orn  June  1,  1870.  (VIM.) 
Thomas  William  Shannon,  born  Nov.  17,  1872.  (VIII.) 
Solomon  Shannon,  born.  Mar.  17, 1875.  (VIII.)  Martha 
Shannon,  born  Nov.  19,  1877. 

VII.  Mary  Arietta  Pearson,  born  at  Paris,  Ont.,  Apr. 
20,  1850.  Mrd.  Alfred  Hambleton,  Apr.  30,  1864. 
He  died  Dec.  25,  1876.  Children:  Humberson,  Ida, 
Escott,  Mary. — Mary  Arietta  mrd.  second  husljand, 
Samuel  BellFralick,  Aug.  11,  1879.  He  was  born  in 
Hastings  Co.,  Can.,  Apr  24,  1836.  Farmer  at  Oak 
Lake,  Man.    Children:  Trena  and  Nelson. 

VIII.  Humberson  Grandine  Hambleton,  born  in  Hu- 
ron Co.,  Ont.,  Feb.  5,  1868. 

VIM.  Ida  Isadore  Hambleton,  born  in  Huron  Co., 
Ont.,  Feb.  7,  1870.  Mrd.  Simon  A.  Pearson,  Jan.  27, 
1886,  of  Virden,  Man.  Children:  (IX.)  Alfred  John 
Pearson,  born  Nov.  11,  1886.  (IX.)  Hilton  Wellington 
Pearson,  born  May  27,  1888. 

VIM.   Escott  Pearson  Hambleton,  born  Aug.  15, 1872. 

VIM.  Mary  Elizabeth  Hambleton,  born  in  Huron 
Co.,  Ont.,  Sept.  6,  1875.  Mrd.  John  James  Shaw,  of 
Virden,  Man.,  Oct.  22,  1889.    Methodists. 

VIII.   Trena  Fralick,  born  May  6,  1882. 

VIM.   Nelson  Fralick,  born  Sept.  8,  1887. 

—  85  — 

VII.  Sarah  Elizal^eth  Pearson,  born  in  Perth  Co., 
Ont.,  Feb.  4,  1855.  Mrd.  John  W.  Haggard,  Fob. 
22,  lS7t).  Formerly  cal^inet  maker,  now  farmer  in 
Manitoba.  Methodists.  Children:  (VIII.)  Charles 
Humbcrson  Haggard,  born  Apr.  12,  1877.  (VIII.) 
Addison  George  Haggard,  born  Apr.  14,  1879.  (VIM.) 
Albert  Lome  Haggard,  born  Nov.  20,  1885. 

VII.  Charlotte  Anna  Pearson,  born  in  Mitchell,  Can., 
Oct.  27,  1857.  Mrd.  Charles  W.  Holland,  Jan.  8, 
1874,  at  Brussels  Ont.  Coach  builder  at  Port  Huron, 
Mich.  She  inclines  to  the  Methodist  and  he  to  the 
Episcopal  church.  Chikh'on:  (VIII.)  Lillie  Emma 
Holland,  born  Nov.  2,  1874.  (VIII.)  William  Humbcr- 
son Holland,  born  Dec.  31,  1877.  (VIII.)  Capitola 
Maud  Holland,  born  Nov.  14,  1880. 

VII.  Frances  Dora  Pearson,  born  at  Brussels,  Ont., 
Apr.  17,  1860.  Mrd.  Thomas  Dennis,  Dec.  10th, 
1879.    Farmer.  642493 

VII.  Lorinda  Caroline  Pearson,  r)orn  at  Brussels, 
Ont.,  June  11,  1861.  Mrd.  Frederick  H.  Pelton, 
July  20,  1880.  Shoemaker  in  Port  Huron,  Mich. 
Attend- Methodist  church.  One  child:  (VIII.)  Ulysses 
Frederick  Pelton,  born  Jan.  16,  1882. 

VII.  Ida  Cora  and  Philip  Humbcrson  Pearson 
(Twins),  born  Aug.  13,  1865,  both  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Hannah  Grandine,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Out., 
Feb.  13,  1829.  Mrd.  Henry  Willson  in  1856.  Farmer 
in  Lapeer  Co.,  Mich.  Methodists.  Children:  Mar- 
shall, Jacob,  Martha,  Esther. 

VII.  Marshall  G.  Willson,  born  June  28,  1857.  Mrd. 
Lavina  Meadows,  in  1879.  Children:  (VIM.)  Florence 
Orletta  Wilson,  born  Sept.  18,  1880.  (VIII.)  Thomas 
H.  Willson,  born  Nov.  18,  1882.  (VIII.)  Mary  Will- 
son,  born  Dec.  15,  1884. 

VII.   Jacob  H.  Willson,  born  Feb.  3,  1859.    S. 

VII.  Martha  E.  Willson,  liorn  Jan.  20,  1861,  died 
Oct.  9,  1887. 

VII.  Esther  J.  Willson,  born  May  21,  1863.  Mrd. 
John  M.  Slough,  Feb.  24,  1880.  Children:  (VIII.) 
Martha  V.  Slough,  born  Nov.  28,  1880.  (VIM.)  Han- 
nah A.  Slough,  born  Sept.  .22,  1882. 

—  36  — 

VI.  Philip  Grandine,  born  on  the  Tuff ord  homestead 
in  Lincohi  Co.,  Ont.,  May  22,  1831.  Mrd.  Caroline 
Little,  Mar.  23,  1854.  Farmer  in  Brant  Co.,  Ont. 
Methodists.    Children:  Delpha,  Mary,  Ulysses, 

VII.  Delpha  Dora  Grandine,  born  in  Canada,  July  3, 
1856.  Mrd.  Charles  N.  Buck,  Dec.  24,  1874.  Spring 
mattress  manufacturer.    No  issue. 

VII.  Mary  E.  Grandine,  born  Apr.  16,  1858.  Mrd. 
James  Robb,  Apr.  9,  1884.  Farmer.  One  child: 
(VIII.)  Fannie  Irene  Robb,  born  Oct.  17,  1888. 

VII.   Ulysses  C.  Grandine,  born  Mar.  4,  1869. 

V.  Manasseh  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Aug.  2,  1806,  died  July  2,  1870.  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
Grobb,  Feb.  27,  1826.  Farmer.  Mcnnonites.  Chil- 
dren:  Philip,  Abraham,  Moses,  John. 

VI.  Philip  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr. 
1,  1830.    Mrd—.    Farmer.    Dunkard. 

VI.  Abraham  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Apr.  26,  1831. 

Vl.  Moses  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
26,  1835.    Farmer.    Member  of  the  Disciple  ch.    S. 

VI,  John  G.  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Aug.  16,  1841.  Mrd.  Magdalena  C.  Moot,  Sept.  24, 
1866.  Farmer.  Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  George 
Franklin  Tufford,  born  Oct.  30,  1869.  (VII.)  Norman 
Tufford.  born  July  29,  1874.  (VII.)  Delpha  Tufford, 
born  June  18,  1878.  (VII.)  Jennie  Alberta  Tufford, 
born  Aug.  21,  1881.  (VII.)  William  Tufford,  born 
Apr.  3,  1884. 

V.  Philip  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont. ,  May 
6,  1819,  died  May  18,  1885.  Mrd.  Mary  Woodrow, 
Oct.  21,  1864.  Farmer.  Methodists.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Manasseh  W.  Tufford,  born  in  Woodstock,  Ont., 
Mar.  17,  1866.  Policeman  at  St.  Catharines,  Ont. 
Methodist.    S. 

V.  John  W.  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  26,  1827.  Mrd.  Margaret  Price,  Sept.  26, 
1855.  Farmer.  Mennonite.  Children:  Mary,  Jerome, 
Sarah,  Philip. 

VI.  Mary  Tufford,  born—.    Mrd—. 
VI.   Jerome  Tufford,  born—.    Mrd—. 

—  37  — 

VI.  Sarah  Caroline  Tufford,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Oct.  21,  1863.  Mrd.  Alonzo  L.  Benson,  May 
10,  1884.  Farmer  in  Monroe  Co.,  N.  Y.  Attend  the 
Methodist  ch.  One  child:  (VII.)  Harvey  L.  Benson, 
born  May  28,  1888. 

VI.   Philip  Tufford,  born—.    S. 

V.    Susan  Tufford,  born — ,  died — . 

V.  Moses  Tufford,  born—.  Mrd—.  Children:  (VI.) 
Levi  — . 

V.   Samuel  Tufford,  born—,  died—. 

V.  Conrad  Tufford,  born—.  Mrd.  Catharine  Burtch 
— .   No  issue. 

V.   Jacob  Tufford,  born — .    S. 

V.   Judith  Tufl'ord,  born—,  died—. 

IV.  Ephraim  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  8, 
1787,  died  May  29,  1788. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 

22,  1789,  died  in  Ontario,  Can.,  June  1863.  Mrd. 
Benjamin  Nunn,  Mar.  17,  1807.  He  was  born  Apr. 
16,  1775,  died  Nov.  1862.  Carpenter.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Thomas,  Esther,  Olive,  Anna,  Manasseh, 
William,  Jonathan,  Mary,  Samuel,  Judith,  Joshua. 

V.  Thomas  Nunn,  born  May  8,  1808,  died  June 
25,  1808. 

V.  Esther  Nunn,   born  in  Lincoln  Co. ,    Ont. ,   July 

23,  1809,  died—.  Mrd.  Daniel  Abbe  in  1826.  He 
tiied— .  Laborer.  Baptist.  Children:  Elizabeth, 
Benjamin,  Olive,  Jesse,  Rhoda,  Jacob,  Mary,  Marga- 
ret, Melvin. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Abbe,  born  Mar.  10,  1827.  Mrd. 
James  Singer—.  She  died  Mar.  10,  1890.  Farmer. 

VI.  Benjamin  T.  Abbe,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Apr.  3,  1828.  Mrd.  Eliza  Hilgerd,  June  28,  1852. 
Minister  of  the  Free  Will  Baptist  church  at  Canboro, 
Mich.  Children.  (VII.)  Sarah  Ann  Abbe,  born  Apr. 
7.  1853,  died  Dec.  20,  1853.  (VII.)  William  H.  Abbe, 
born  Nov.  18,  1854,  died  June  25,  1855.  (VII.)  Esther 
Abbe,  born  July  9,  1855,  died  June  17,  1887.  (VII.) 
Susanna  Abbe,  born  June  14,  1857.  (VII.)  Daniel  A. 
Abbe,  born  Nov.  16,  1859.  (VII.)  Sarah  F.  Abbe, 
born,  Feb.  17,  1862.    (VII.)  John  H.  Abbe,  born  Jan. 

—  38  — 

30,  1864.  (VII.)  Jacob  Abbe,  born  June  25,  1867. 
(VII.)  Ira  D.  Abbe,  born  Jan.  11,  1870.  (VII.)  Benja- 
min T.  Abl)e,  born  Sept.  26,  1874. 

VI.  Olive  Abbe,  born  in  AValpole  Twp.,  Can.,  Feb., 
9,  1832.  Mrcl.  Jonathan  Thornthwaite,  July  10,  1853. 
Farmer  in  Huron  Co.,  Mich.  Free  Will  Baptists. 
Children:  Esther,  Charles,  Peter,  Sarah,  Frederick, 
Martha,  Mary. 

VII.  Esther  Ann  Thornthwaite,  born  Jan.  29,  1854, 
died  Jan.  31,  1854. 

VII.  Charles  Wesley  Thornthwaite,  born  Apr.  12, 
1855,  died  June  8,  1856. 

VII.  Peter  D.  Thornthwaite,  born  Feb.  23,  1857. 
Mrd.  Annie  Hayer,  Nov.  14,  1889.  Farmer  in  Huron 
Co.,  Mich.    Free  Will  Baptists. 

VII.  Sarah  Ann  Thornthwaite,  born  July  30,  1858, 
died  Nov.  22,  1861. 

VII.   Frederick  Thornthwaite,  born  Dec.  30,  1861. 

VII.  Martha  Jane  Thornthwaite,  born  Oct.  19,  1864. 
Mrd.  Hants  C.  Morrow,  Oct.  28,  1879.  Farmer. 
Children:  (VIII.)  Joseph  J.  Morrow,  born  Dec.  16, 
1880,  died  Aug.  4,  1881.  (VIII.)  Charles  Morrow, 
born  Aug.  26,  1883.  (VIII.)  Eliza  Morrow,  born  Apr. 
26,  1885.  (VIM.)  AllaB.  Morrow,  born  Jan.  12,  1888. 
(VIII.)    Baby  Morrow,  born  Apr.  1  1890. 

VII.  Mary  Sophronia  Thornthwaite,  born  Dec.  6, 
1866.  Mrd.  William  E.  Dickout,  May  3,  1881. 
Farmer.  Children:  (VIM.)  Olive  Elizabeth  Dickout, 
born  Apr.  31,  1887.  (VIII.)  Gracie  Gertrude  Dickout, 
born  Aug.  6,  1888. 

VI.  Jesse  M.  Abbe,  born  in  1833,  died — .  Free 
Will  Baptist. 

VI.  Rhoda  Abbe,  born  in  Dover,  Ont.,  in  1835. 
Mrd.  Lazarus  Light,  in  1854.  Mason.  Methodist. 
Children:  Marv,  Hattie,  Thirza,  Adelia,  Sarah, 
Matikla,  OHve,  Eva. 

VII.  Mary  Agnes  Light,  born  Apr.  9,  1858.  Mrd, 
Aaron  Weed^e  Nov.  4^^  1876.  Merchant.  Methodists, 
Children.  (VIM.)  Edith  Rosella  Weedge,  born  Mar. 
30,  1878.  (VIII.)  Florence  Mabel  Weedge,  born  May 
4,  1880.  (VIM.)  Charles  Gordon  Weedge,  born  July 
12,  1886. 

—  31)  — 

VII.  Hattie  M.  Light,  born  July  25,  1861.  Mrd. 
Edo-ar  Turrill,  Mar.  30,  1887.  Lal)orer.  Methodists. 
One  child:  (VIII.)  Reana  May  Turrill,  born  Oct.  5, 

VII.  Thirza  Ann  Light,  born  Feb.  22,  1864.  Mrd. 
Ed.  Murphy,  Nov.  22,  1889.   Laborer.  Methodists. 

VII.  Adelia  Frances  Light,  born  June  23,  1865. 
Mrd.  William  Campbell,  Dec.  25,  1889.  Farmer. 

VII.  Sarah  Jane  Light  born  July  23,  1868.  Mrd. 
Robert  Lauthers,  Mar.  30, 1889.  Farmer.  Methodists. 

VII.   Matilda  Clara  Light,  born  Nov.  13,  1870. 

VII.   Olive  Lorrienna  Light,  born  May  31,  1876. 

VII.    Eva  Almeda  Light,  l)orn  Jiine  4,  1880. 

VI.  Jacob  N.  Abbe,  born—,  1837,  died—,  1859. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Abbe,  born  in  Norfolk  Co.,  Ont.,  m 
1838.  Mrd.  Shelden  Davy,  Sept.  18,  1855.  He  died 
Dec.  3,  1856.  Mary,  Mrd.  second  husband  Hugh 
McGaw,  June  22,  1858.  Shoemaker,  at  Canboro, 
Mich.  Free  Will  Baptists.  Children:  Ceclia,  Esther, 
Nancy,  Mary,  George,  Hugh,  John,  Olive. 

VII.  Ceclia  Jane  McGaw,"  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  July  14,  1859.  Mrd.  Louis  Durfy,  — .  Free 
Will  Baptists.  Children:  (VIM.)  Hattie  C.  Durfy. 
(VIII.)    Berty  E.  Durfy. 

VII.  Esther  A.  McGaw,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
July  2,  1861.  Mrd.  William  Wallace,  in  1874. 
Reside  in  Gladwin,  Co.,  Mich.  Children:  (VIM.) 
Hugh,  Mary  J,,  Gertrude,  Mabel. 

VII.  Nancy  J.  McGaw,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
July  26,  1863.  Mrd.  Phinehas  Walsh.  Farmer  in 
Huron  Co.,  Mich.  Children:  (VIM.)  Annie  J., 
Charles  A.,  George  A. 

VII.  Mary  E.  McGaw  born  in  Lapeer  Co.,  Mich., 
May  17,  1866.  Mrd.  Daniel  Doan,  Sept.  1,  1885. 
Minister  of  the  Free  Will  Baptist  church.  Resides 
in  Huron  Co.,  Mich.  One  child:  (VIM.)  Mabel  M. 

VII.   George  W.  McGaw,  born  Dec.  13,  1868. 

VM.  Hugh  E.  McGaw,  born  Dec.  4,  1870,  died  June 
16,  1871. 

—  40  — 

VII.   John  K.  McGaw,  born  July  27,  1873. 

VII.   Olive  H.  G.  McGaw,  born  Sept.  12,  187.5. 

VI.  Margaret  A.  Abbe,  born  in  Vienna,  Ont.,  Jan. 
16,  1816.  Mrd.  Philip  Sweet,  Aug.  29,  1867.  He 
was  born  in  Niagara  Co.,  Ont.,  in  1815.  Laborer. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Francis  J.  Sweet,  born 
Aug.  14,  1868.  (VII.)  Sarah  E.  Sweet,  born  Mar.  8, 
1871.  (VII.)  Ethalinda  Sweet,  born  Oct.  27,  1875. 
(VII.)    Martha  Sweet,  born  Sept.  8  1881,  died  in  1882. 

VI.  Melvin  P.  Abbe,  born  in  1845,  died—.  Farmer. 

V.  Olive  Nunn,  born  Sept.  30,  1811,  died  in  1888. 
Mrd.  Frederick  Cline, — . 

y.  Anna  Nimn,  born  Feb.  12,  1814.  Mrd.  William 
Gillmore, — .  He  died^.  Had  a  large  family  moved 
to  Michigan. 

V.  Manasseh  Nunn,  born  Apr.  2,  1816.  Mrd.  Mary 
C.  Van  Voltanburg, — .  Laborer.  Baptists.  Children: 
John,  Phebe,  Benjamin,  Elizabeth,  Sealey. 

VI.  John  W.  Nunn,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr. 
1,1851.  Mrd.  Catharine  Kratz,  Dec.  3,  1871.  Farmer. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Emily  Nunn,  born  Feb. 
22,  1873.  (VII.)  Ervin  Nunn,  Sept.  21,  1875.  (VII.) 
Louisa  Nunn,  Born  June  8,  1877.  (VII.)  Mary  Nunn, 
born  Dec.  24,  1879. 

VI.  Phebe  A.  Nunn,  born  May  31,  1853.  Mrd. 
George  Helmer,  Jan,  16,  1872.  Sailor  at  Port  Huron, 
Mich.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Bertha  Helmer, 
born  Jan.  28,  1873.  (VII.)  John  Helmer,  born  Nov. 6, 
1875,  died  Nov.  23,  1876.  (VII.)  Cora  Helmer,  born 
Mar.  2,  1877.  (VII.)  Freddie  Helmer,  born  Apr.  19, 
1880,  died  Nov.  29,  1881.  (VII.)  Willie  Helmer,  born 
Jan.  23,  1882.  (VII.)  Sealea  Helmer,  born  Aug.  4, 

VI.  Benjamin  C.  Nunn,  born  in  Brantford  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  10,  1855.  Mrd.  Susannah  Bradshaen,  Dec.  31, 
1879.  She  died  Apr.  30,  1885.  Children:  (VII.)  Roy 
R.  Nunn,  born  Apr.  25,  1881.  (VII.)  John  W  Nimn, 
born  May  27,  1883,  died  Mar.  29,  1884.  Benjamin 
Mrd.  second  wife,  Ida  A.  Wright,  Apr.  25,  1889. 
Formerly  Sailor,  now  farmer.  Methodists.  One 
child:    (VII.)  Elburn  R.  Nunn,  born  Jan,  19,  1890, 

—  41  — 

VI.  Elizabeth  J.  Niinn,  born  Apr.  19,  1858..  Mrd. 
Thomas  Moynes,  Jan.  4,  1886.  Carpenter  in  Detroit, 
Mich.  Attends  Methodist  E.  Ch.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Charles  T.  Moynes,  born  Jan.  27,  1887. 

VI.  Sealey  K.  Nunn,  born  in  Lincoln,  Co.,  Ont., 
June  29,  1861.  Mrd.  Rachel  A.  Arthur,  of  Kent  Co., 
Ont.,  May  1,  1889.  Farmer  in  Midland  Co.,  Mich. 

V.  William  Nunn,  born  in  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont. ,  Apr. 

29,  1818.  Mrd.  Margaret  Cole,  Mar.  20,  1844.  She 
died  Nov.  27,  1868.  Children:  James,  Benjamin, 
Henry,  William,  Joseph,  Charles,  Robert,  Edward, 
Robert.  William  Mrd.  his  second  wife,  Susan  Gra- 
ham, Jan.  25,  1872. 

VI.  James  Nunn,  born  May  29,  1845.  Mrd.  Caroline 
Dobbins, — . 

VI.  Benjamin  Nunn,  born  Feb.  13.  1847.  Mrd.  Jane 
Brown, — .  She  died — .  He  Mrd.  second  wife,  Jennie 
Tice,— . 

VI.  Henry  Nunn,  born  May  3,  1849,  died  Sept. 
23,  1850. 

VI.   William  Nunn,  born  Sept.  8  1851.    Mrd.  Mar- 
garet Bell, — .    No  issue. 
"VI.   Joseph  Nunn,  born  Mar.   26,  1854,   died  Mar. 

30,  1855. 

VI.  Charles  Nunn,  born  Jan.  17,  1856.  Mrd.  Miss 
Doane — .    Two  children. 

VI.  Robert  Cole  Nunn,  born  Mar.  24,  1860,  died  Aug. 
5,  1863. 

VI.  Edward  Nunn,  born  Nov.  14,  1862.  Mrd.  Mary 
Frances  Waterberry, — .  Mrs.  N.,  Methodist.  One 

VI.  Robert  Nunn,  born  June  5,  1865.  Resides  in 
New  York  City.    S. 

V.  Jonathan 'Nunn,  born  Sept.  25,  1820.  Mrd.—. 
House.    Probably  no  issue. 

V.  Mary  Nunn,  born  in  Lincoln,  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr.  9, 
1822,  died  Mar.  3,  1886.  Mrd.  Adam  Renner  in 
1846.  Farmer.  Baptist.  Children:  Maria,  Sarah, 
Daniel,  Olive,  Charlotta. 

VI.  Maria  Ann  Renner,  born  in  Norfolk  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  29,  1847,    Mrd.  Francis  S.  Folks,  Nov.  5,  1865. 

—  42  — 

Carpenter.  Baptists.  Children.  (VII.)  Mary  Catha- 
rine Folks,  born  Feb.  6,  1867.  (VII.)  Josephine 
Folks,  born  Mar.  24,  1869.  (VII.)  Bertha  Frances 
Folks,  born  Apr.  3,  1871.  (VII.)  Matilda  Jane  Folks, 
born  Feb.  16,  1877.  (VII.)  Dorothy  Folks,  born  Nov. 
7,  1878,  died  Dec.  18,  1878.  (VII.)'  Edith  Folks,  born 
Sept.  12,  1880.  (VII.)  Floyd  Renner  Folks,  born 
Nov.  13,  1885. 

VI.  Sarah  Jane  Renner,  born  in  Norfolk  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  12,  1850.  Mrd.  Frederick  Folks,  Jan.  15,  1867. 
He  died  Aug.  1,  1887.  They  moved  to  McComb  Co.", 
Mich.,  in  1868.  Children:  (VII.)  George  Adam  Folks, 
born  Jan.  22,  1868.  (VII.)  Charles  Henry  Folks, 
born  July  4,  1870.  (VII.)  Vern  Folks,  born  Mav  25, 
1873.  (VII.)  Frank  Folks,  born  Nov.  4,  1876.  (Vri.) 
Mary  Elizabeth  Folks,  born  Mar.  4,  1880. 

VI.  Daniel  Fletcher  Renner,  born  in  Norfolk  Co., 
Ont.,  Sept.  7,  1853.  Mrd.  Phebe  Wilcox,  Apr.,  10, 
1875.  Farmer,  at  Brantford,  Ont.  Baptists.  One  child: 
(VII.)    Minnie  Evelena  Renner,  born  Mar.  10,  1877. 

VI.  Olive  Elizabeth  Renner,  born  Sept.  6,  1855. 
Mrd—.    Shaw—. 

VI.  Charlotta  Matilda  Renner,  born  Jan.  11,  1862. 
Mrd.  William  Hunter  Shaw—. 

V.  Samuel  Nunn,  born  Dec.  25,  1825.  Probably 
never  Mrd. 

V.  Judith  Nunn,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont.,  Aug. 
13,  1828.  Mrd.  John  Walker,  Jr.,  Nov.  26,  1849. 
He  died — .Farmer  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.  Baptists.  Chil- 
dren: Mary,  Hannah,  Sarah,  Esther,  Emma,  Henry, 
John.  —  Judith  mrd.  second  husband,  Hiram  Dean, 
in  1871.    He  died  Sept.  10,  1889. 

VI.  Mary  B.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  1850. 
Mrd.  Andrew  Faulds,  of  Middlesex  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov. 
25,  1871.  Moved  from  Canada  to  Michigan  in  1878. 
Farmer  in  Bay  Co. ,  Mich.  Free  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  John  Andrew  Faulds,  born  Nov.  18,  1872.  (VII.) 
Berton  Carman  Faulds,  l)orn  Jan.  29,  1876.  (VII.) 
Emma  May  Faulds,  born  May  30,  1878.  (VII.)  Sarah 
Elizabeth  Faulds,  born  June  26,  1881.  (VII.)  Ivy 
Mvrtle  Faulds,  born  JNIar.  26,  1883,  died  Mar.  7,1884. 
(Vil.)  Pearl  Faulds,  born  Sept.  25,  1887. 

—  43  — 

VI.  Hannah  E.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont. 

VI.  Sarah  A.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.—. 
Mrd.  James  Rowc  in  1881.  She  died  in  1883.  No  issue. 

VI.  Esther  J.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
27,  1856.  Mrd.  George  A.  Lane,  Mar.  17,  1880.  Far- 
mer in  Sanilac  Co.,  Mich.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Nellie  M.  Lane,  born  Mar.  17, 1881.  (VII.)  James 
A.  Lane,  born  June  29,  1888. 

VI.  Emma  M.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
Aug.  11,  1860.  Mrd.  William  C.  Buck,  Mar.  9, 1881. 
Farmer  in  Bay  Co.,  Mich.  Methodist.  Children: 
(VII.)  Frank  Buck,  born  May  4,  1882.  (VII.)  Charles 
Henry  Buck,  born  Sept.  24,  1883.  (VII.)  John  Milton 
Buck,  born  Oct.  5,  1886.  (VII.)  Berton  Ross  Buck, 
born  Feb.  6,  1889. 

VI.   Henry  S.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont. 

VI.   John  R.  Walker,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont. 

V.  Joshua  Nunn,  born  Feb.  26,  1831,  died  Feb.  25, 

IV.  Samuel  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  16, 
1791,  died  in  Canada,  May  19,  1876.  Mrd.  Catharine 
Honsberger,  Dec.  1,  1816.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Susan,  John,  Lydia,  Manasseh,  Philip, 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  Sept.  24,  1817,  died  Nov.  26, 
1865.  Mrd.  Valentine  Kratz,  Mar.  14,  18—.  Children: 
(VI.)  Henry  Kratz,  born  June  4,  1842.  (VI.)  Queen 
Ann  Kratz,  born  June  7,  1849.  (VI.)  William  Kratz, 
born  Sept.  13,  1857. 

V.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb.  6, 
1820,  died  Aug.  15,  1847.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Delp  Culp, 
Nov.  23,  1841.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Ma- 
tilda, Moses,  John. 

VI.  Matilda  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
17,  1843.  Mrd.  Henry  H.  Honsberger,  Feb.  5,  1867. 
He  was  born  July  12,  1840.  Farmer.  Mennonite. 
Children:  (VII.)  Franklin  Honsberger,  born  Dec.  10, 
1867.  (VII.)  Sylvina  Honsberger,  born  Aug.  31,  1869. 
(VII.)  Elizabeth  Honsberger,  born  Mar.  7,  1871.  (VII.) 
Jacob  Honsberger,  born  July  19,  1872.  (VII.)  Sarah 
Honsberger,  born  Feb.  15,  1876.  (VII.)  Wesley  Hons- 
berger, born  Aug.  28,  1877,  died  Sept.  25,  1877.   (VII.) 

—    4:4:    — 

James  Edward  Honsberger,  born  Feb.  27,  1880.  (VII.) 
Anna  Celeste  Honsberger,  born  May  12,  1883,  died 
June  22,  1884.  (VII.)  Effie  Honsberger,  born  June  4, 
1885.  (VII.)  John  Henry  Honsberger,  born  June  8, 1888. 

VI.  Moses  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  16, 
1845,  died  Aug.  6,  1847. 

VI.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  29, 
1848.    Farmer.    S. 

V.  Lydia  Fretz,  born  in  Ontario,  Aug.  5,  1822. 
Mrd.  Jacob  Burtch,  Apr.  3,  .  He  died — .  Far- 
mer. Mrs.  Burtch  belongs  to  Disciple  ch.  Children: 
Eliza,  Rachel,  Catharine,  Anna,  Henry,  Jonas,  Susan. 

VI.  Eliza  Burtch,  born  in  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont.  June  18, 
1844,  died  Sept.  15,  1878.  Mrd.  Henry  Nelson.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Samuel  Nelson,  born — ,  died  aged  three 
years.  (VII.)  Doratha  Nelson,  born  Nov.  22,  1867. 
(VII.)  Jessie  Alberta  Nelson,  born  Mar.  22,  1870. 
(VII.)  Arthur  Nelson,  born  Feb.  21,  1877. 

VI.  Rachel  Burtch,  born  in  Lincoln  Co..,  Ont.,  Feb. 
16,  1846.  Mrd.  Isaiah  Bush,  June  15,  1865.  Farmer 
in  York  Co.,  Pa.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  In- 
fant son  born  and  died  Dec.  19,  1866.  (VII.)  Wil- 
liam F.  Bush,  born  Dec.  14,  1867.  Died  Apr.  1,  1870. 
(VII.)  Wayne  Bush,  born  June  4,  1870.  (VII.)  Mary 
C.  Bush,  born  Dec.  4,  1873.  (VII.)  Bertha  L.  Bush, 
born  July  24,  1876. 

VI.  Catharine  Burtch,  born  May  6,  1851.  Died 
May  6,  1879.  Two  children.  (VII.)  Ellen  Burtch,  born 
Oct.  10,  18.68.  (VII.)  RoUand  Burtch,  born  Feb.  15, 

VI.  Catharine.  Mrd.  Conrad  Tufford,  Jan.  14,  1874. 
No  issue.     (See  Index  of  reference  No.  2.) 

VI.  Anna  Burtch,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov. 
19,  1852.  Mrd.  John  E.  Burkholder,  Jan.  20,  1869. 
Millwright.  Members  of  Disciple  Ch.  Children: 
(VII.)  Margaret  Josephine  Burkholder,  born  Mar.  19, 
1870.  Died  May  2,  1885.  (VII.)  William  Burk- 
holder, born  Nov.  14,  1871.  Died—.  (VII.)  Mary 
Melissa  Burkholder,  born  Apr.  17,  1879.  (VII.)  Jessie 
Alberta  Burkholder,  born  Apr.  25,  1886. 
'  VI.  Henry  Burtch,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr. 
2,  1859.   S. 

—  45  — 

VI.  Jonas  Burtch,  born  July  24,  1857.  Died  July 
25,  1857. 

VI.  Susan  Morilda  Burtch,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  1864.  Mrd.  George  E.  Johnson,  Nov.  16,  1888. 
Blacksmith,  Members  of  Disciple  Ch. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa,,  Apr,  2, 
1794,  Died  in  Canada  in  1872.  Mrd.  Jacob  Thomas, 
aljout  1814.  He  died  in  1856.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
Children  (13  in  number) ,  Jacob,  William,  Eliza,  Ann. 

V.  Jacob  Thomas,  born  at  Short  Hills,  Ont.,  Dec. 
25,  1835.  Mrd.  Mary  Markle  in  1857.  She  died  in 
1870.  Farmer.  Baptists.  Children:  George,  Abigal, 
Daniel,  William,  Jacob,  Mary,  Jacob  mrd.  second 
wife,  Mrs.  Ellen  Reynolds,  in  1872, 

VI.  George  W.  Thomas,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.  in 
1858.  Mrd.  Euphemia  McCauley,  Sept.  12,  1877. 
She  died — ■.  Farmer.  Baptists.  Children:  (VI.)  Caro- 
line Mabel  Thomas,  born  May  27,  1879.  (VII.)  Infant 
still  born  in  1881.  (VII.)  Nellie  May  Thomas,  born 
Aug.  14,  1883 — .  George.  Mrd,  second  wife,  Mrs, 
Fidelia  Chandler,  Sept,  11,  1884,  One  child,  (VII.) 
George  Albert  Thomas,  born  in  1885, 

VI.  Abigal  E,  Thomas,  born  in  1860.  Mrd.  Charles 
Cole,  1888. 

VI.  Daniel  A.  Thomas,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
1862.  Mrd—, 

VI.  WiUiam  O,  Tliomas,  born  1864.    S, 

VI.  Jacob  F.  Thomas,  born  1866,  Died  1877, 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Thomas,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont. 
1868.    Mrd.    IngersoU  Aut,  Mar.  1887. 

V.  William  Thomas,  born — . 

V.  Eliza  Thomas,  born—.  Died  1888.  Mrd.  Leonard 
Beeman — ,    One  child:  Henry  Beeman. 

V.  Ann  Thomas,  born — ,  Mrd — ,  — Soper, 

IV.  Hannah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co,,  Pa,,  Dec,  31, 
1796,    Died  in  Canada — ,  Mrd,  Benjamin  Thomas — . 

IV.  Judith  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co,,  Pa,,  Dec,  31, 
1796  (Twin  to  Hannah),  Died  in  Canada—,  Mrd, 
Peter  Howe — . 

IV.  David  Fretz,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  May  17,  1799,  Died  in  Lincoln  Co,,  Ont.  Mrd. 
Elizabeth  Rittenhouse,  Apr.  27,  1824.  Farmer.  Men- 

—  i6  — 

nonites.  Children:  Barbara,  Esther,  Manasseh, 
Michael,  Hannah,  Samuel,  Sarah,  David,  Jacob, 
Mary,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Ontario,  Ma}^  8,  1825. 
Mrd.  John  Martin;  Apr.  14,  1816.  He  died  Jan.  20, 
1889.  Farmer  near  Byng,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: David,  John,  Elizabeth,  Mary,  Maggie,  Bar- 
bara, Catharine,  Esther,  Hannah. 

VI.  David  F.  Martin,  born  in  Ontario,  Mar.  27, 
1848.  Mrd.  Maggie  Rittenhouse,  Mar.  18,  1873. 
Farmer,  near  Byng,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VII.)  Barbara  C.  Martin,  born  Feb.  17,  1874.  (VII.) 
Clara  Ann  Martin,  born  May  5,  1876.  (VII.)  Mary 
Maggie  Martin,  born  Nov.  22",  1878.  (VII.)  Sarah  Etta 
Martin,  born  Apr.  11,  1881.  (VII.)  John  Franklin 
Martin,  born  May  13,  1885.  (VII.)  Joseph  Martin, 
born  June  20,  1888. 

VI.  John  F.  Martin,  born—.  Mrd—. 

VI.  Elizalieth  F.  Martin,  born—.  Mrd.  John  Ritten- 
house— .  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Lottie  and  Emma, 
both  single. 

VI.  Mary  F.  Martin,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
1856.  Mrd.  Rudolph  Hunsinger,  1877.  Carpenter  at 
Jordan,  Ont.  Mrs.  Hunsinger  Methodist.  Children: 
(VII.)  All^erta  Hunsinger,  born  1878.  (VII.)  Mary 
Elizabeth  Hunsinger,  born  1882.    Died  1888. 

VI.  Maggie  F.  Martin,  born  Aug.  6,  1858.  Mrd. 
Fred  G.  Nonnamaker,  Feb.  3,  1885.  Farmer,  No 

VI.  Barbara  F.  Martin,  born  Sept.  30,  1863.  Mrd. 
Henry  R.  Nonnamaker,  Nov.  22,  1886.  Farmer. 
No  issue. 

VI.  Catharine  F.  Martin,  born—.  Mrd.  J.  W. 
Nonnamaker — .    Blacksmith.    No  issue. 

VI.  Esther  F.  Martin,  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Hannah  F.  Martin,  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Esther  Fretz,  born  Oct.  1,  1826,  died  Aug.  24, 
1877.  Mrd.  Elias  Culp,  Mar.  7,  1854.  He^  died 
Mar.  8,  1882.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
David,  Magdalena,  Solomon.  Henry,  (deceased), 
(VII.)  Susan,  Josiah,  Joshua,  Elizabeth. 

—  47  - 

V.  Manasseh  C.  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 

5,  1828.    Mrd.  Mary  Reesor,  Oct.  14,  1851.    Retired 
farmer.    Mennonite.    No  issue. 

V.  Michael  Fretz,  l)orn  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  July 
14,  1830.  Mrd  Magdalena  Reesor,  Mar.  7,  1854. 
Farmer,  near  Markham,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Cliil- 
dren:  Josiah,  Manasseh,  Annie,  John,  Mary,  Levi, 

VI.  Josiah  R.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  3,  1858,  died  Nov. 

6,  1859. 

VI.  Manasseh  Fretz,  born  in  Ontario,  Mar.  31,  1860. 
Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Cober,  Nov.  25,  1884.  Children: 
(Vli.)  Joseph  C.  Fretz.  born  Sept.  25,1885.  (VII.) 
Martha  Fretz,  born  Jan.  16.  1888. 

VI.  Annie  Fretz,  born  Mar.  10,  1862.  Mrd.  Tihnan 
McDowell,  Mar.  8,  1881.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  )VII.)  Edwin,  Wesley,  Allen. 

VI.  John  R.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  17,  1866,  S. 

VI.  Mary  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  May  3,  1869. 

VI.  Levi  R.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  13,  1871. 

VI.  David  Gleason  Fretz,  born  July  7,  1885. 

V.  Hannah  Fretz,  born  in  Ontario,  Juno  7,  1832. 
Mrd.  Jacob  Overholt,  Sept.  30,  1851.  Farmer  in 
Lincpln  Co.,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Children:  Solomon, 
Henry,  Mar}^  David. 

VI.  Solomon  Overholt,  born  May  18,  1852.  Mrd. 
Almeda  Kratz — .  Fruit  grower.  Children:  (VII.) 
Anna  Maud  and  Cora  Mabel. 

VI.  Henry  Overholt,  born  Aug.  14,  1854.  Mrd. 
Cornelia  Dean — .  Employed  in  a  fruit  store  in  To- 
ronto. One  child:  (VII.)  Francis  Overholt. 

VI.  Mary  Overholt,  born  Oct.  28,  1856.  Mrd.  Alex- 
ander Heckadon — .  Farmer — .  Children:  (VII.)  Jes- 
sie Florence,  Edwin,  Nellie  May. 

VI.  David  Josiah  Overholt,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Feb.  24,  1866.  Mrd.  Esther  A.,  only  .child  of 
Michael  Linnan,  of  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Aug.  2,  1887. 
Agent  Can.  Pac.  R'y-  Co.,  at  Avonmore,  Ont. 
Methodists.  One  child:  (VII.)  Flossie  Alberta  Over- 
holt, born  Aug.  26,  1888. 

V.  Samuel  J.  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  May 
1,  1834.    Mrd.  Margaret  Houscr,  Apr.  15,  1856.    She 

—  48  — 

was  born  July  30,  1836.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Anna,  John,  Mary,  Sarah, 
Catharine,  Barbara,  Jacob,  Margaret,  Sylvester,  Al- 
bert, Emanuel,  Emerson. 

VI.  Anna  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Feb.  4,  1857,  died 
Dec.  18,  1887.  Mrd.  Solomon  H.  Moyer,  Dec.  26, 
1878.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Ervin 
Moyer,  born  June  27,  1879,  died  May  25,  1880.  (VII.) 
Maggie  Mo,yer,  born  Dec.  26,  1880.  (VII.)  Sylvester 
Moyer,  born  Oct.  5,  1882.  (VII.)  Clayton  Moyer, 
born  May  5,  1885. 

VI.  John  Franklin  Fretz,  born  Dec.  30,  1858,  died 
Oct.  20,  1859. 

VI.   Mary  Fretz,  born  Apr.  20,  1860. 

VI.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  July  25,  1861.  Mrd.  Solomon 
H.  Eckhardt,  Mar.  25,  1888.  Laborer.  Members 
Mennonite  B.  in  C. 

VI.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Mar,  14,  1863.  Mrd. 
Joshua  Atyeo,  Nov.  25,  1884.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.  Children:  (VII.)  William  Edward  Atyeo,  born 
Sept  12,  1885.  (VII.)  Samuel  Delos  Atyeo,  born  Jan. 
17    1887 

vi.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Nov.  30,  1864.  Member 
Mennonite  Brethren  in  Christ.    S. 

VI.  Jacob  H.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  17,  1866.  Member 
of  Mennonite.  B.  in  C. 

VI.  Margaret  Fretz,  born  May  29,  1869,  died  Nov. 
1,  1869. 

VI.   Sylvester  Fretz,  born  Oct.  2,  1870. 

VI.  Albert  Fretz,  born  Jan.  27,  1874,  died  May  12, 

VI.   Emanuel  Fretz,  born  Jan.  17,  1877. 

VI.  Emerson  Fretz,  born  July  5,  1879,  died  Nov. 
16,  1880. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb.  27, 
1836,  died  June  15,  1857.  Mrd.  Samuel  Wismer,  Jan. 
13,  1855.  He  died  Sept.  29,  1858.  Farmer.  Member 
Old  Mennonite  ch.    Children:  Elizabeth  and  Henry. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Wismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Feb.  13,  1855.  Mrd.  Gleason  E.  Thoman,  June  22, 
1875.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Isaiah 
Thoman,  born  May  20,   1876.     (VII.)    David  Thoman, 

—  40    - 

born  Mar.  4,  1878.    (VII.)  Harvey  Thoman,  born  Matf. 

10,  1880.  (VII.)  Manasseb  Thoman,  born  Jan.  25, 
1882.  (VII.)  RiLssel  Thoman,  born  Oct.  30,  1883. 
(VII.)  Mary  Anna  Thoman,  ])orn  Mar.  28,  1886.  (VII.) 
Sarah  Elizabeth  Thoman,  Iwrn  July  21,  1888. 

VI.  Henry  F.  Wismer,  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Ont., 
June  5,  1857.  Mrd.  Annie  May  Reesor,  Aug.  17, 
1880.  Farmer  near  Whitevale,  Ont.  Children:  (VII.) 
Franklin  Russel  Wismer.  born  Aug.  20,  1881,  died 
Dec.  21,  1881.  (VII.)  Mary  Loraine  Wismer,  born 
Sept.  28,  1884. 

V.  David  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln,  Co. ,  Mar.  5,  1838, 
died  Mar.  26,  1878.  Mrd.  Barbara  Houser,  of  South 
Cayuga,  Aug.  30,  1859.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: William,  Franklin,  Elizabeth,  Nancy,  David, 
Sophia,  Lavina. 

Vr.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
2,  1860.  Mrd.  Maggie  Troup,  Sept.  22,  1881. 
Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co:,^Ont.,  Children:  (VII.)  Myrtle 
Fretz,  born  July  17,  1885.  (VII.)  Lillian  Fretz,  born 
Nov.  18,  1888. 

VI.  Franklin  Fretz,  born  Nov.  3,  1861.  Mrd.  Catha- 
rine, (daughter  of  Rev.  Daniel  Honsberger,)  Oct.  3, 
1888.  Carpenter  at  Jordan,  Sta. ,  Ont.  Methodists. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Clarence  Elton  Fretz,  born  Jan. 
26,  1890. 

VI.  Ehzabeth  Fretz,  born  Dec.  11,  1862.  Mrd. 
James  Troup,  Oct.  5,  1882.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VII.)  Franklin  Troup.  (VII.)  David  Troup. 
(VII.)    Mildred  Troup. 

VI.  Nancy  Fretz,  born  in  Ont.,  July  9,  1864.  Mrd. 
Alexander  Troup,  Jan.  3,  1882.  Track  foreman  on 
G.  T.  R.  R.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Arthur 
Troup,  born  Apr.  8,  1884.  (VII.)  William  Troup, 
born  June  26,  1886.     (VII.)    Roy  Troup,  born  Mar. 

11,  1889.  _ 

VI.  David  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
5,  1886.  Mrd.  Minnie  Troup,  Jan.  1890.  Carpenter. 

VI.  Sophia  Fretz,  born  Dec.  25,  1867.  Mrd.  Martin 
L.  Ressor,  Feb.  15,  1888.  Farmer.  Methodists.  One 
child:     (VII.)    Edna  May  Reesor,  born  Dec.  18,  1889. 

—  50  — 

VI.   Lavina  Fretz,  born  Feb.  -7,  1869.  Methodist. 

V.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Dec.  16, 
1839.  Mrd.  Magdalena  Shirk,  July  21,  1863.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Benjamin,  Christian,  Clara, 
Norman,  Arminta,  Manasseh,  Edward. 

VI.  Benjamin  Fretz,  born  July  9,  1861.  Mrd. 
Mary  Nevels — .  Children:  (VII.)  Alpheus  Fretz, 
born  Jan.  19,  1887.  (VII.)  Allan  Fretz,  born  June 
19,  1888. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  June  17, 
1842.  Maried  Joseph  M.  Wismer,  Dec.  17,  1867. 
Farmer.  Bee  keeper  in  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont.  He  was 
ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  Mennonite  church, 
Nov.  1,  1885,  of  which  his  wdfe  is  also  a  member. 
Children:  (VI.)  Philip  Henry  Wismer,  born  Mar. 
26,  1870.  (VI.)  Margaret  Elizabeth  Wismer,  born 
Dec.  17,  1874.  (VI.)  Ettie  Eltha  Wismer,  born  June 
25,  1877.  (VI.)  Victoria  Catharine  Wismer,  born 
Feb.  26,  1880,  died  Jan.  20,  1881. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Sept.  1,  1844,  died  Jan. 
1,  1848. 

III.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May 
22,  1756,  died  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  10,  1821. 
Mrd.  Jacob  Silvius,  Sept.  15,  1797.  He  died  Apr. 
15,  1845.  Blacksmith  by  trade,  and  followed  nail 
maldng.  He  w^as  also  a  weaver  and  farmer,  and 
lived  on  a  farm  (now  owned  by  their  grandson, 
Jacob  S.  Geil)  situated  two  miles  below  Doylestown, 
on  the  road  from  Spring  Valley  to  Bridge  Point,  They 
were  Mennonites.    Children:    Mary  and  Susannah. 

IV.  Mary  Silvius,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  5, 
1798,  died  1887.  Mrd.  Henry  Geil  1822.  He  died 
Mar.  14,  1858.  Weaver  and  farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:   Jacob,  Abraham,  Mary,  Christian,  Ann. 

V.  Jacobs.  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  21, 
1823.  Mrd.  Sophia  McKinstry,  Apr.  22,  1852.  Re- 
tired farmer,  resides  in  Doylestown.  Attends  Men- 
nonite Ch.    Children:    Adeline,  Mary,  Rachel. 

VI.  Adeline  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  4, 
1853.  Mrd.  Frank  Garner,  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  3). 

—  51  — 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Geil,  born  July  7,  1854:,  died  Aii^. 
5,  1871. 

VI.  Rachel  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  25, 
1857.  Mrd.  Emanuel  J.  Miller,  Feb.  27,  1886. 
Farmer  in  Norton  Co.,  Kan.  One  child,  died  un- 

V.  Abraham  Geil,  liorn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  18,  1827, 
died  Nov.  13,  181:4. 

V.  Mary  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  26,  1831. 
Mrd.  Reiiben  Keller,  Sept.  28,  1865.  Shoemaker, 
and  Commission  dealer  at  Doylestown,  Pa.,  Mrs. 
Keller,  Presbyterian,  he  belongs  to  Keller's  Ch., 
Haycock  Twp.    One  child:    (VI.)    Anna  Mary  Keller. 

V.  Christian  Geil,  l)orn  June  24,  1834,  died  July  28, 

V.  Ann  Elizabeth  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Dec.  20,  1838,  died—.  Mrd.  Jesse  Hellings,— .  He 
died — .  One  son:  (VI.)  Henry  G.  Hellings,  died — . 
Aged  about  21  vrs. 

IV.  Susannah  "Geil,  born  May  21,  1800,  died  in 

III.   Abraham  Fretz,    born  in   Bucks  Co.,    Feb.   3, 

1758.    No  issue. 

III.  Ephraim  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug. 
18,  1760,  died  young. 

III.  Judith  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  27, 
1761,  died  in  Canada,  Jan.  18,  1837.  Mrd.  Thomas 
Watters,— .  He  died  Dec.  4,  1849.  One  child:  (IV.) 
Nancy  Watters,  born — .    Mrd — . 

III.  Moses  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  23, 
1763.  Emigrated  to  Canada  in  1799,  where  he  died 
Oct.  4,  1843.    No  issue. 

III.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  1765,  died 

III.  Dinah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  30, 
1768,  died  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept.  7,  1801.    Mrd. 

—  52  — 

Michael  Rittenhouse,  June  11,  1793.  He  was  born 
Sept.  1,  1768,  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  died  Aug.  2,  1852, 
in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  where  they  emigrated  in  1800. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Margaret, 
Anna,  John. 

IV.  Mary  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
4,  1794.  Died—.  Mrd.  Tillman  Houser,  Apr.  13, 
1813.  He  was  born  Oct.  19,  1792,  died  Jan.  31,  1871. 
Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Michael,  Margaret,  Jacob,  Barbara,  Anna,  Susannah, 
John,  Joseph,  Tilman,  Samuel,  Daniel. 

V.  Michael  Houser,  born  in  Lincohi  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan. 
11,  1814.  Mrd.  Barbara  Moyer— .  Farmer  in  Lin- 
coln Co.,  Ont.  Member  of  Evangelical  Association. 
Children:  Jacob,  Tilman,  Catharine,  Samuel,  Mary, 
William,  Barbara. 

VI.  Jacob  M.  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Oct.  24,  1841.  Mrd.  Margaret  Hippie,  Jan.  19,  1864. 
Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont.  Members  of  Evangeli- 
cal Association.  Children:  (VII.)  Lifant  daughter 
born  Nov.  19,  died  Nov.  20,  1865.  (VII.)  Mary  Etta 
Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Dec.  3,  1867. 
(VII.)  Emma  Priscilla  Houser,  born  Nov.  8,  1872. 

VI.  Tilman  M.  Houser,  born  May  30,  1843.    Mrd—. 

VI.  Catharine  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Feb.  12, 1845.  Mrd.  E.  N.  Fry,  Sept.  26, 1866.  Wheel- 
wright. Members  of  Evangelical  Association.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Alberta  Fry,  born  Aug.  21,  1869.  (VII.) 
Rosa  Fry,  born  Aug.  4,  1872.  (Vll.)  Sanford  Fry, 
born  Nov.  3,  1874.  (VII.)  Charles  Fry,  born  Oct.  15, 
1876.  (Vll.)  Edith  Fry,  born  Mar.  6,  1878,  died 
1880.  (VII.)  Willie  Fry,  born  June  22,  1882.  (Vll.) 
Lottie  Fry,  born  Feb.  16,  1885. 

VI.  Samuel  M.  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Nov.  21,  1846.    Mrd—. 

VI.  Mary  Houser,  born  July  21,  1850.  Mrd.  A.  D. 
Smith,  Feb.  22,  1877. 

VI.  Wilham  M.  Houser,  born  Sept.  3,  1853.  Mrd—. 

VI.  Barbara  E.  Houser,  born  July  5,  1860.  Mrd. 
J.  M.  Smith,  Dec.  25,  1880. 

V.  Margaret  Houser,  born  Sept.  20,  1815,  died  Sept. 
10,  1836. 

—  53  — 

V.  Jacob  Houser,  born  Feb.  7,  1818,  died  Sept. 
20,  1828. 

V.  Barbara  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
5,  1820.  Mennonite. 

V.  Anna  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr.  30, 
1822.    Died  Sept.  5,  1846.    Mennonite. 

V.  Susannah  Houfeer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  5,  1824.    Member  Evangelical  Association  Ch. 

V.    John  Houser,  born  Nov.   10,  1828.    Died  May 

10,    1811:. 

V.  Joseph  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
8,  1830.  Mrd.  Lydia  Grobb,  Jan.  23,  1854.  Farmer. 
Methodist.  Children:  Sarah,  Mary,  Franklin,  Lu- 
cinda,  Levi,  Ida,  Allen,  Sophia,  Amanda. 

VI.  Sarah  Catharine  Houser,  born  in  Ontario,  Nov. 
4,  1854.  Mrd.  Solomon  Smith,  Dec.  24,  1873.  Farmer 
at  South  Cayuga,  Ont.  Methodist.  Children:  (VII.) 
Wilber  M.  Smith,  born  Dec.  11,  1875.  (VII.)  Loren 
E.  Smith,  born  Dec.  19,  1882. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Houser,  born  Mar.  12,  1858.  Died 
Feb.  18,  1865. 

VI.  Franklin  Houser,  born  Dec.  2,  1860.  Died  Feb. 
14,  1865. 

VI.  Lucinda  Houser,  born  May  28,  1863. 

VI.  Levi  Houser,  born  Aug.  11,  1865. 

VI.   Ida  Houser,  born  June  18,  1868. 

VI.  Allen  Houser,  born  Aug.  26,  1869. 

VI.  Sophia  Houser,  born  Sept.  24,  1871. 

VI.  Amanda  Houser,  born  May  21,  1874. 

V.  Tilman  R.  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
June  17,  1832.  Mrd.  Margaret  Hunsburger,  May  12, 
1853.  She  was  born  Oct.  23,  1834.  Farmer  in  Lin- 
coln Co.,  Ont.  Methodists.  Children:  Mary,  Frank- 
lin, Sarah,  Emma,  Anna,  Mary,  John,  Agnes,  Martha. 

VI.  Mary  Catharine  Houser,  born  Sept.  14,  1853. 
Died  May  2,  1857. 

VI.  Franklin  Houser,  born  Mar.  19,  1855.  Mrd. 
Harriet  Eleseba  Book,  Jan.  7,  1885.  She  was  born 
May  21,  1865.    Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont. 

VI.  Sarah  Jane  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  23,  1857.  Mrd.  Jonathan  Smith,  Oct.  4,  1883. 
He  was  born  Sept.  12,  1858.    Farmer.    Methodists, 

—  54  — 

Children:  (VII.)  Eugenie  Maud  Myrtle  Smith,  born 
July  14,  1884.  (VII.)  Charles  Russel  Smith,  born  Feb. 
7,  1886.  (VII.)  Anna  Lulu  Smith,  born  Apr.  21, 
1887.  (VII.)  Horace  Franklin  Smith,  born  July  13, 

VI.  Emma  Margaret  Houser,  born  Dec.  16,  1858. 
Mrd.  Charles  H.  Vanderbugh,  Sept.  8,  1881.  He  was 
born  Nov.  27,  1858.  Farmer.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Alice  Ethal  Vanderbugh,  born  Mar.  1,  1883. 
(VII.)  Edna  Emma  Vanderbugh,  born  Auo^.  13,  1885. 

VI.  Anna  Rose  Alpha  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Jan.  31,  1862.  Mrd.  William  Fisher,  Dec.  29, 
1881.  He  was  born  Sept.  25,  1857.  Farmer.  _  Mem- 
bers Evangelical  ch.  One  child:  (VII.)  Maggie  May 
Fisher,  born  Feb.  19,  1885. 

VI.  Mary  Catharine  Houser,  born  Oct.  9,  1863.  Mrd. 
David  Albion  Hansel,  Jan.  20,  1886.  He  was  born 
June  21,  1863.  Carpenter.  Methodist.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Maggie  May  Fisher,  born  Feb.  19,  1885. 

VI.  John  Houser,  born  Oct.  12,  1867.  Teacher  in 
the  Public  Schools.    Methodist. 

VI.  Agnes  Etta  Houser,  born  Sept.  15,  1869.  Died 
Feb.  9,  1870. 

VI.  Martha  Alice  Houser,  born  Sept.  2,  1875.  Died 
Feb.  17,  1877. 

V.  Samuel  R.  Houser,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  23,  1837.  Mrd.  Barbara  Hunsberger— .  Farmer. 

V.  Daniel  Houser,  born  Mar.  20, 1839.  Died  same  day, 

IV.  Margaret  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  1,  1796.  Died—.  Mrd.  Joseph  Fretz.  (See  In- 
dex of  References  No.  4.) 

IV.  Anna  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
15,  1798.  •  Died  Apr.  5,  1880.  Mrd.  Abraham  Huns- 
berger, Feb.  13,  1817.  He  was  born  June  28,  1794. 
Died  Dec.  24,  1862.  Farmer  in  Ontario.  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  Sarah,  Susan,  Moses,  Aaron,  Agnes, 
Michael,  Mary,  Nancy,  Enos,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Sarah  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bayham  Twp.,  Ont., 
Sept.  15,  1817.  Mrd.  David  M.  Bearss,  Feb.  1,  1838, 
He  died  Oct.  10,  1889.    Carpenter,    Members  Society 

—  55  — 

of  Friends.  Children:  Susan,  Benjamin,  Mary,  Mah- 
lon,  Lydia,  Anna. 

VI.  Susan  Bearss,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  May  9, 
1839.  Mrd.  Charles  B.  Closs,  June  3,  1860.  Farmer. 
Baptists.    Children:  Frank,  Emma,  Ida,  Carrie,  Ada. 

VII.  Frank  D.  Closs,  born  Apr.  2,  1863. 

VII.  Emma  A.  Closs,  born  June  11-,  1865.  Mrd. 
Lewis  E.  Pound,  Dec.  2,  1884.  Farmer.  Baptists. 
Children:  (VIII.)  Charles  W.  Pound,  born  Sept.  21, 
1885.  Died  Feb.  28,  1886.  (VIII.)  Mason  A.  Pound, 
born  July  30,  1887.  (VIII.)  Albert  A.  Pound,  born 
Oct.  30,  1889. 

VII.  Ada  M.  Closs,  born  Jan.  20,  1868. 

VII.  Carrie  L.  Closs,  born  Jan.  23,  1874. 

VI.  Benjamin  F.  Bearss,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
Feb.  8,  1841.  Died  at  Beaver  Falls,  Pa.,  in  1873. 
Mrd  Annie  Claudius,  of  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  1864.  Black- 
smith. One  child:  (VII.)  David  A.  Bearss,  born  in 
London,  Ont.,  Jan.  20,  1866.  Mrd.,  Dec.  18,  1884. 
Three  children. 

VI.  Mary  Bearss,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  July  5, 
1843.  Mrd.  Levi  A.  Laur,  July  4,  1860.  Carpenter 
and  joiner.  Attends  Friends  meeting.  Children: 
Elva,  Sarah,  Catharine,  Fred,  Levi. 

VII.  Elva  Laur,  born  Feb.  3, 1862.  Died  Feb.  28,  1864. 
VII.  Sarah  E.  Laur,  born  May  3,  1864.    Mrd.  John 

A.  Caron,  Sept.  28,  1887.  Farmer.  Attends  Metho- 
dist Ch.  One  child.  (VIII.)  Zella  Caron,  died  aged 
six  months. 

VII.  Catharine  M.  Laur,  born  May  6,  1866.  Mrd.  A. 
W.  Pierce,  of  St.  Thomas,  Ont.,  May  26,  1886. 
Commercial  Liveryman  at  Aylmer,  Ont.  One  child: 
(VIM.)  Floyd  Pierce,  died,  aged  8  months. 

VI.  Mahlon  Bearss,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  July 
20,  1847.  Mrd.  Matilda  Tinlin,  Mar.  10,  1870.  Re- 
side in  Michigan.  Children:  (VII.)  Brooklin  Bearss, 
born  Feb.  10,  1871.  (VII.)  Gertrude  Bearss,  born 
June  25,  1876. 

VI.  Lydia  L.  Bearss,  born  Aug.  16,  1852.  Mrd. 
William  R.  Scott,  of  Brockway,  Mich.,  May  6,  1875. 
Children:    (VII.)    T^dn    boys,    born    June    3,   1879. 

—  56  — 

Died  June,  1879.     (VII.  Sarah  R.  Scott,  born  Dec.  9, 
1880.   (VII.)    Verne  Scott,  born  May  18,  1886. 

VI.  Annie  Bearss,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  21, 
1857.  Mrd.  Abram  W.  Laur,  Dec.  28,  1874.  Tin- 
smith. Members  U.  B.  Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Clara 
M.  Lanr,  born  1875.  (VII.)  Ethel  M.  Laur,  born 
1878.  (VII.)  Mabel  E.  Laur,  born  1882.  (VII.)  Clar- 
ence Laur,  born  1885,  died  1885. 

V.  Susan  Hunsberger,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
21,  1819.  Mrd.  David  Grobb.  (See  Lidex  of  Refer- 
ence No.  5.) 

V.  Moses  Hunsberger,  born  in  Canada,  Mar.  15, 
1822.  Mrd.  Eliza  Nellis,  Mar.  31,  1845.  Farmer. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Harvey,  Mary,  Phebe, 

V.  Rev.  Aaron  Hunsberger,  born  in  Elgin  Co., 
Ont.,  Apr.  11,  1824.  Mrd.  Cyrena  Nellis,  Oct.  30, 
1844.  In  early  life  he  was  a  Carpenter  and  Joiner. 
When  19  years  of  age  he  connected  himself  with  the 
M.  E.  church,  and  served  the  church  as  Class-leader, 
Steward,  Exhorter  and  Local  Preacher.  In  1854  he 
joined  the  Niagara  Conference  of  the  M.  E.  church 
of  Canada,  and  preached  in  the  bounds  of  that  con- 
ference 15  years.  He  was  ordained  Deacon  in  1857 
and  Elder  in  1859,  by  Bishop  Philander  Smith. — In 
1869  he  joined  the  Michigan  Conference  of  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  church,  U.  S.  which  held  its  session 
that  year  at  Grand  Rapids,  and  has  continued  in  the 
active  work  in  that  conference  for  the  past  20  years, 
making  35  years  of  faithful  service  in  the  church  of 
his  choice  without  the  loss  of  a  single  month  during 
all  that  time  by  sickness,  or  otherwise. — At  the  last 
session  of  his  conference,  (1889)  he  took  a  Super- 
annuated relation,  and  has  made  his  home  in  the  city 
of  Albion,  Mich.,  where  he  has  built  a  comfortable 
home.  Of  his  family,  three  children  have  died,  and 
two  are  living,  the  younger  of  the  living,  Wesley 
Abram,  is  also  a  minister  of  the  M.  E.  church,  and 
is  engaged  in  the  work  his  father' loved  so  much, 
ministering  to  the  souls  of  nien.  The  children  in  the 
order  of  birth  are;  Mary,  John,  Wesley,  Samuel, 

Oi    — 

VI.  Mary  Anna  Hunsberger,  born  Sept.  20,  18-t5, 
died  Nov.  26,  1863. 

VI.  John  William  Hunsberger,  born  in  Caynga, 
Welland  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb.  2i,'  1850.  Mrd.  Minnie 
Orser,  of  Ionia,  Mich.,  Nov.  21,  1871.  Traveling 
Salesman.  Children:  (VII.)  William  W.  Hmisberger, 
born  Mar.  17,  1874.  (VII.)  Herbert  E.  Hunsberger, 
born  July  9,  1876. 

VI.  Rev.  Wesley  Abram  Hunsberger,  born  in  the 
village  of  Troy,  BereslyTwp.,  Ont.,  June  20,  1852. 
Mrd.  Abbie  R.  Clark,  of  Orland,  Ind.,  Dec.  29,  1875. 
In  1874,  he  joined  the  Michigan  Conference  of  the 
M.  E.  church,  on  probation,  and  preached  two  years, 
after  which  he  returned  to  College,  which  he  had  left 
by  reason  of  failing  health.  He  graduated  bachelor 
of  philosophy  in  1878.  In  the  fall  of  that  year  he 
was  received  into  full  connection  in  his  conference, 
and  ordained  elder.  Three  years  later  he  received 
from  his  Alma  Mater,  the  degree  of  A.  M. — He  is  a 
young  man  of  great  promise  for  usefulness  in  the 
church.  He  is  now  (1890)  pastor  of  the  M.  E. 
church  of  Cold  water,  Mich.,  which  has  a  membership 
of  over  one  thousand,  of  these  six  hundred  or  more 
have  united  with  the  church  during  his  pastorate  of 
three  and  a  half  years.  Being  much  exhausted  by 
hard  work  during  the  revival  of  1889,  the  converts 
sent  him  and  wife  to  Europe  on  a  vacation  for  a  few 
months,  the  converts  bearing  the  expenses.  Children: 
(VII.)  Clark  M.  Hunsberger,  born  Feb.  7,  1877.  (VII.) 
Glenn  N.  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  31,  1878.  (VII.)  Ethel 
C.  Hunsberger,  born  Feb.  9,  1881,  died  Aug.  19,  1881. 
(VII.)  Zella  E.  Hunsberger,  born  Sept.  21,  1883. 

VI.  Samuel  Hunsberger,  born  June  24,  1860,  died 
same  day. 

VI.  Russel  Judson  Hunsberger,  born  Aug.  9,  1865, 
died  Sept.  30,  1865. 

V.  Agnes  Hunsberger,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.  Apr. 
16, 1827.  died  Feb.  20,  1869.  Mrd.  Peter  Yokom,  Mar. 
3,  1846.  Carpenter.  Methodists.  Children:  Abraham, 
George,  Annie. 

VI.  Rev.  Abraham  H.  Yokom,  born  in  Elgin  Co., 
Baybam,  Twp,,  Ont,  Jan.   10,   1848.  Mrd.  Flora  A. 

—  58  — 

Hilts,  Apr  12,  1870.  In  the  fall  of  1869,  he  went  to 
Wisconsin.  He  received  local  preacher's  license  from 
the  District  Conference  of  Eau  Claire,  West  Wiscon- 
sin Conference  of  the  M.  E.  Church,  Aug.  20,  1879. 
In  the  fall  of  1883,  he  was  appointed  pastor  of  Eau 
Claire  Circuit  by  the  Presiding  Elder  for  one  year.  In 
1884,  he  united  with  the  West  Wisconsin  Conference 
.on  trial,  and  was  appointed  to  Modena  Charge.  At 
the  Session  of  this  conference  at  Black  River  Falls, 
Oct.  3,  1886,  he  was  ordained  to  Deacon's  orders  by 
Bishop  S.  M.  Merrill,  and  received  into  full  connec- 
tion in  the  Conference,  and  was  appointed  to  Knapp's 
Charge.  On  the  7th  of  October  1888,  he  was  or- 
dained Elder  by  Bishop  E.  G.  Andrews,  and  was 
stationed  at  Mandovi,  Buffalo  Co.,  Wis.  He  was 
transferred  to  the  Michigan  Conference,  Sept.  15, 
1889,  and  stationed  at  Grandville,  Kent  Co.,  Mich., 
his  present  field  of  labor.     No  issue. 

VI.  George  W.  Yokom,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Jan.  29,  1850.  Came  to  Wisconsin  in  1869. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Hilts,  Apr.  24,  1871.  She  was  born 
in  Canada,  Feb.  25,  1853.  Proprietor  of  Temperance 
Hotel  at  Fairchild,  Wis.  Methodists.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Frederick  E.  Yokom,  born  Dec  24,  1879. 

VI.  Anna  Jane  Yokom,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan. 
19,  1854.  Mrd.  Rev.  Major  J.  Robinson,  June  25, 
1871.  Minister  of  the  M.  E.  Ch.,  and  member  of  the 
Wisconsin  Conference.  Mrs.  Robinson  came  to  Grand 
Rapids,  Mich.,  in  1870.  In  1881,  they  settled  in  Wis- 
consin, and  since  that  date  much  of  Mrs.  Robinson's 
time  has  been  devoted  to  public  speaking  for  the  pro- 
motion of  the  temperance  cause,  and  the  advance- 
ment of  the  Redeemer's  Kingdom. — She  was  elected 
Grand  Vice  Templar  of  the  I.  O.  G.  T.  of  Wisconsin, 
in  1883,  and  attended  the  National  W.  C.  T.  U.  Con- 
vention in  New  York,  as  a  delegate  from  Wisconsin, 
and  is  now  President  of  the  9,  Dist.  W.C.T.  U.  of  Wis. 
— She  is  a  public  speaker  of  extraordinary  tact  and  tal- 
ent and  a  fearless  advocate  of  Prohibition.  Children: 
(VII.)  Leslie  Robinson,  born  Apr.  18,  1872,  died  Oct. 
27,  1873.  (VII.)  May  Agnes  Robinson,  born  Mar.  17, 
1874.    (VII.)  Maud  Robinson,  born  Nov.  21,  1878. 

—  59  — 

V.  Michael  Hunsbergcr,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont. 
Jan.  9,  1830.  died  May  20,  1888.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ann 
Howey,  Feb.  28,  1853.  Farmer,  Methodists,  Children: 
Henry,  Anna,  Bertie. 

VI.  Henry  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  5,  1853.  Mrd.  So- 
phronia  Crossett,  Dec.  25,  1878.  Children:  (VII.)  Min- 
nie Hnnsberger,  born  1881.  (VII.)  George  Hunsber- 
ger, born  1883.    (VII.)  Pearl  Hunsberger,  born  1888. 

VI.  Annie  Hunsberger,  born  June  5,  1857.  Mrd. 
George  Potticary,  1878.  Children:  (VII.)  Ethel  Pot- 
ticary,  born  July  6,  1881.  (VII.)  Muriel  Potticary, 
born  Feb.  4,1888. 

VI.  Bertie  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  6,  1867.  Student 
at  the  Normal  School  at  Toronto,  Ont. 

V.  Mary  Hunsberger,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  June 
20,  1833,  died  Dec.  18,  1859.  Mrd.  Tilman  Moyer, 
Jan.  9,  1854.  Undertaker.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VI.)  Madilla  Moyer,  born  May  16,  1856.  Mrd.  Levi 
Freiz,  (See  Index  of  References  No.  6)  (VI.)  Samuel 
Moyer,  born  Mar.  30,  1858.    died  Mar.  8,  1860. 

V.  Nancy  Hunsberger,  born  in  Elgin  Co. ,  Ont.  May 
28,  1836.  Mrd.  George  H.  Wright,  July  14,  1857. 
Farmer  in  Lapeer  Co.,  Mich,  since  1863.  Methodists. 
Children:  Infant,  Annie,  Joseph,  Infant,  George, 
Hannah,  Infant,  Sarah  Lavina. 

VI.  A  son  born  May  2,  1858,  died  unnamed. 

VI.  Annie  E.  Wright,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
2, 1859.  Mrd.  Willkm  D.  Utter,  Dec.  30,  1880.  Far- 
mer in  Lapeer  Co. ,  Mich.   They  have  no  children. 

VI.  Joseph  W.  Wright,  borii  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
Aug.  24,  1861.  Mrd.  Emma  Utter,  Feb.  22,  1883. 
Farmer  in  Lapeer  Co.,  Mich.  Children:  (VII.)  Bert  W. 
Wright,  born  Aug  3,  1884.  (VII.)  Gracie  Wright,  born 
Aug.  27,  1885.  (VII.)  Walter  Wright,  born  Oct.  17, 

VI.   Infant  son  born  May  7,  1863,  died  same  day. 

VI.  Rev.  George  W.  Wright,  born  in  St.  Clair  Co., 
Mich.  Sept.  21,  1866.  Mrd.  Allie  A.  Burrier,  Aug. 
13,  1889.  In  1885  he  was  converted,  and  joined  the 
M.  P.  Church  of  Burlington,  Lapeer  Co.,  Mich. 
Soon  after  his  conversion  he  felt  that  he  was  called  to 
the  gospel  ministry,  and  accordingly  in  May,  1885,  he 

—  60  — 

received  license  to  exhort,  and  a  few  months  Uiter 
it  was  the  judgment  of  the  church  that  he  should  be 
licensed  to  preach,  and  having  passed  a  satisfactory 
examination  he  was  granted  Tocal  preacher's  license. 
In  the  fall  of  the  same  year  he  was  recommended  to 
the  Annual  Conference  of  his  church,  but  did  not  at- 
tend. In  the  fall  of  1886  he  was  again  recommended 
to  the  Annual  Conference  held  at  East  Saginaw,  Mich, 
and  was  admitted  into  the  Conference. — There  being 
no  appointment  available  for  him,  the  President  of 
the  Conference  appointed  him  to  Fowlerville,  Liv- 
ingston Co.,  Mich.,  where  he  remained  three  years, 
and  where  God  graciously  blessed  his  labors.  During 
his  pastorate  here  a  fine  church  was  built,  and  over 
fifty  accessions  to  the  membership.  He  is  at  present 
pastor  at  Columbiaville,  Mich. 

VI.  Hannah  A.  Wright,  born  in  St.  Clair  Co.,  Mich. 
Nov.  23,  1868.    Dressmaker. 

VI.   Infant  son  born  Aug.  2,  1871,  died  same  day. 

VI.  Sarah  C.  Wright,  born  Oct.  9,  1875.  She  is  fit- 
ting herself  to  teach  school. 

VI.   Lavina  S.  Wright,  born  Sept.  17,  1879. 

V.  Enos  Hunsberger,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.  May 
12,  1839.  Mrd.  Rebecca  Switzer,  July  16,  1862.  Mail 
Carrier,  Methodists,  Children:  Edmund,  Infant, 
Louisa,  Lavina,  Joseph. 

VI.  Edmund  W.  Hunsberger  born  in  Bayham,  Ont. 
Aug.  2,  1863.  Mrd.  Euphemia  Jannett  McFarlain,  of 
St.  Thomas,  Ont.  Aug.  22,  1889.  Painter  in  Car  Shops 
at  St.  Thomas,  Ont.    Methodist. 

VI.   Infant  child  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Louisa  Ellen  Hunsberger,  born  Aug.  2.5,  1868. 
died  Oct.  12,  1878. 

VI.  Lavina  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  8,  1875.  Meth- 

VI.   Joseph  Hunsberger,  born  Sept.  30,  1876. 

V.  Elizabeth  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  23,  181-1,  died 
Feb.  13,  1862. 

IV.  John  Rittenhouse,  born  May  22,  1800  Died  in 
Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  June  8,  1881.  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
Funk,  of  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1826.  Elizabeth,  in 
company  with   her  sister  Kstie  Funk,  went  out  tg 

—  61  — 

Canada  to  visit  friends,  and  while  there  Elizabeth 
married  John  Rittenhouse,  and  took  their  wedding 
trip  on  horseback  to  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  Michael,  Andrew,  Mary,  Bar- 
bara, Jacolj,  John,  Catharine,  Abraham,  George, 
Moses,  Dinah,  William. 

V.  Michael  Rittenhouse,  liorn  Jan.  10,  1829,  died 
Sept.,  1856.    Unmarried. 

V.    Andrew  Rittenhouse,  born — .    Died  in  infancy. 

V.  Mary  Rittenhouse,  born — .    Died  in  infancy. 

V.  Barbara  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Ontario,  Apr.  19, 
1833.  Died  Oct.  4,  1871.  Mrd.  Henry  Albright, 
Jan.  23,  1855.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
John,  Abraham,  Israel,  Ruby. 

VI.  John  Albright,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  4,  1856.    Farmer.    S. 

VI.  Abraham  Albright,  born  Dec.  21,  1859.  Mrd. 
Miss  Price,  Nov.  17,  1886.  Button  manufacturer  at 
Berlin,  Ont.    Methodists.  No  issue. 

VI.  Israel  Albright,  born  Apr.  26,  1862.  Mrd.  Ella 
Tufford,  Dec.  16,  1885.  Laborer.  Methodists.  No 

VI.  Ruby  Albright,  born  Nov.  29,  1868.  Unmrd. 

V.  Jacob  F.  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Oct.  24,  1834.  Mrd.  Agnes  Wismer,  Feb.  1,  1859. 
She  died  Mar.  25,  1865.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.  Mennonites.  Children:  Anna,  Elizabeth,  Mar- 
tha. Jacob  mrd.  second  wife,  Barbara  Kratz  Nov., 
30,  1865.    Children:  Frank,  Moses,  Mary. 

VI.  Anna  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  May  10, 
1860.  Mrd.  Rev.  Allen  M.  Fretz,  of  Bedminster, 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  7). 

VI.  Elizabeth  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Jan.  7,  1862.   S. 

VI.  Martha  Rittenhouse,  born  Aug.  9,  1863.  Died 
Mar.  25,  1875. 

VI.  Frank  K.  Rittenhouse,  born  Sept.  24,  1866. 
Stationary  Engineer  at  Chicago,  111. 

VI.  Moses  K.  Rittenhouse,  born  July  8,  1869. 

VI.  Mary  K.  Rittenhouse,  born  June  2,  1872. 

V.  John  F.  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Feb.   13,   1836.     Mrd.   Elizabeth   Honsberger,    Nov. 

—  62  — 

23,  1858.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  He  was 
ordained  Deacon  of  the  Mennonite  Church  in  1885, 
and  ordained  minister  in  the  spring  of  1889,  at 
Moyer's  Church.  Children:  Infant,  Solomon,  Anna, 
Ettie,  Enoch,  Infant,  Cinderella,  Infant,  Edith, 
Albertie,  Valeria,  Jonathan,  David. 

VI.  Infant  son  born  Jan.  29,  died  Jan.  30,  1860. 

VI.  Solomon  Rittenhouse,  born  July  4,  1861.  Mrd. 
Mattie  Moor,  Dec,  1885.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Arthur  Rittenhouse,  born  June  2,  1887.  (VII.) 
Edith  Rittenhouse,  born  Dec.  10,  1888. 

VI.  Anna  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Mar.  18,  1863.  Mrd.  Joseph  Wismer,  Jan.  23,  1889. 
Farmer  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa.     Mennonites. 

VI.  Ettie  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Nov.  5,  1864.  Mrd.  Robert  Martin,  July  1,  1886. 
School  teacher.  Mennonites.  One  child.  (VI.)  Leo 
Martin,  born  July  5,  1887. 

VI.  Enoch  Rittenhouse,  born  Apr.  11,  1866,  died 
Sept.  10,  1877. 

Vf.  Infant  son,  born  Nov.  3,  and  died  Nov.  5,  1868. 

VI.  Cinderella  Rittenhouse,  born  Sept.  29,  1869.    S. 

VI.  Infant  son,  born  July  1,  died  Sept.  15,  1871. 

VI.  Edith  Rittenhouse,  born  Sept.  11,  1872.  Died 
Sept.  18,  1880. 

VI.  Albertie  Rittenhouse,  born  Oct.,  8,  1874. 

VI.  Valeria  Rittenhouse,  born  Oct.  24,  1875. 

VI.  Jonathan  Rittenhouse,  born  Feb.  9,  1877. 

Vi.  David  Rittenhouse,  born  Aug.  5,  1878,  died 
Sept.  13,  1878. 

V.  Catharine  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  1838;  died  Dec,  1872.  Mrd.  Jacob  Swartz— . 
No  issue. 

V.  Abraham  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Oct.  24,  1840.  Mrd.  Christena  Kienzle,  Feb.  _  10, 
1863.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  He  was  ordained 
to  the  ministry  of  the  Old  Mennonite  church,  at 
Moyer's  church,  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  22,  1871. 
Children:  (VI.)  Emma  Alice  Rittenhouse,  born  Jan. 
9,  1864.  (VI.)  Barbara  Elizabeth  Ritttenhouse,  born 
July  24,  1865.  (VI.)  Sophia  Rittenhouse,  born  July 
16,   1867.     (VI.)     Tobias  Rittenhouse,   born   Feb.    5, 

—  68  — 

1869.  (VI.)  Naomi  Rittenhouse,  born  Aug.  3,  1870. 
(VI.)  Abraham  Rittonhoiise,  Jr.  born  July  28,  1872. 
(VI.)  Jacob  Rittenhouse,  born  Aug.  28,  1871.  (VI.) 
Mary  Rittenhouse,  l)orn  July  29, 1876.  (VI.)  John  Rit- 
tenhouse, born  Mar.  1,  1879.  (VI.)  William  Ritten- 
house, born  Apr.  6,  1881.  (VI.)  Aaron  Rittenhouse, 
and  Moses  Rittenhouse,  twins,  born  May  12, 1884.  (VI.) 
Margaret  Rittenhouse,  born  Apr.  29,  1887.  Died 
same  day. 

V.  George  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  12,  1843.  Mrd.  Mary  Honsberger,  of  South 
Cayuga,  Ont.,  Dec.  26,  1865.  She  was  born  Sept. 
23,1842.  Farmer  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont.  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  (VI.)  John  Emerson  Rittenhouse, 
born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont.,  June  11,  1867.  Farmer. 
(VI.)  Franklin  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Jan.  13,  1869.  Farmer.  (VI.)  Allen  Ritten- 
house, born  Jan.  29,  1872.  (VI.)  Elizabeth  Ritten- 
house, born  Mar.  4,  1874.  (VI.)  Sarah  Rittenhouse, 
born  Mar.  18,  1875.  (VI.)  Rosetta  Rittenhouse,  born 
June  22,  1879. 

V.  Moses  F.  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont. 
Aug.  12,  1846.  Mrd.  Emma  Stover,  of  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  1871.  Lumber  Merchant  in  Chicago,  111. 
Presbyterians.  Children:  (VI.)  Edward F.  Rittenhouse, 
born  Nov.  3,  1872.  (VI.)  Charles  J.  Rittenhouse,  born 
Nov.  13,  1874.  (VI.)  Walter  Rittenhouse,  born  Mar. 
31,  1879. 

V.  Dinah  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  County, 
Ont.,  May  23,  1848,  died  May  19,  1883.  Mrd. 
Allen  Moyer,  Feb.  9,  1871.  Nurseryman.  Mrs. 
Mover,  Mennonite.  Children:  (VI.)  Milton  Moyer, 
born  Feb.  22,  1872;  died  Oct.  30,  1875.  (VI.)  Ada 
Moyer,  born  Aug.  8,  1875.  (VI.)  Laura  Moyer,  born 
Oct.  10,  1877.  (VT.)  Lottie  May  Moyer,  born  Oct.  16, 

V.  William  Rittenhouse,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  5,  1852.  Mrd.  Mary,  daughter  of  Wm.  W. 
Moyer,  of  Campden,  Ont.,  Apr.  2,  1874.  Mr.  Rit- 
tenhouse received  a  common  school  education,  attend- 
ing school  in  the  winter  months,  and  as  soon  as  he 
was  old  euousfh  worked  on  his  father's  farm  in  the 

—  64  — 

summer.  Before  he  was  quite  sev^enteen,  he  obtained 
a  certificate  to  teach,  and  on  Jan.  1,  1870,  took 
charge  of  his  first  school.  For  over  thirteen  years 
he  labored  in  the  school  room,  till  failing  in  health  he 
was  compelled  to  seek  other  occupation.  At  the  age 
of  22  while  teaching  a  country  school,  at  the  modest 
sum  of  liOO  a  year,  he  was  married.  Three  years 
later,  he  secured  an  appointment  to  a  position  in  the 
Central  School  of  St.  Catharines.  After  four  years 
of  hard  work,  he  was  promoted  to  headmastership  of 
the  school.  But  the  unceasing  labor,  the  close  con- 
finement, and  the  loss  of  two  of  his  children  so  wore 
upon  his  health,  that  in  1883  he  resigned  his  position 
to  seek  some  more  active  out  door  life.  During  the 
same  year  he  began  the  study  of  medicine,  and  the 
next  year  he  removed  to  Chicago,  where  in  1886  he 
received  his  degree  at  the  College  of  Physicians  and 
Surgeons,  and  at  once  settled  down  in  the  same  city 
to  engage  in  the  practice  of  his  profession.  Children: 
(VI.)  Ernest  Rittenhouse,  born  May  1,  18T6.  (VI.) 
Jane  Rittenhouse,  born  Apr.  12,  1881,  died  Aug. 
25,  1882.  (VI.)  Henry  Rittenhouse,  born  Aug.  3, 
1883;  died  Oct.  23,  1883. 

III.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  26, 
1771,  died  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  June  16,  1866.  Mrd. 
Lawrence  Hippie,  Nov.  21,  1796.  He  was  born  Sept. 
1775,  died  July  31,  1810.  Moved  to  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.  in  1800.  Mennonites.  Children:  Moses,  Mary, 
Judith,  Margaret,  Sarah,  William,  John,  Lawrence, 

IV.  Moses  Hippie,  born  June  19,  1797,  died 
July,  1800. 

IV.  Mary  Hippie,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  7, 
1799,  died  Apr.  7,  1816. 

IV.  Judith  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
18,  1800,  died  Apr.  2,  1883.  Mrd.  Benjamin  Miche- 
ner,  Aug.  6.  1822.  Carpenter  and  Cabinet  maker. 
United  Brethren.  Children:  Lawrence,  Rachel, 
Rachel,  Joseph,  Sarah,  Mary,  John,  Elizabeth,  Leah, 
William,  Amos. 

—  B5  — 

V.  Lawrence  Michener,  burn  in  Ontario,  May  19, 
1823.  Mrd.  Eve  Porter,  Aug.  28,  1851.  Farmer  in 
Montcalm  Co.,  Mich.  Methodists,  Children:  Mary, 
Esther,  James,  George,  Henry,  William. 

VI.  Mary  Clarissa  Michener,  born  June  4,  1856. 
Died  Feb.  24,  1885.  Mrd.  John  H.  Moore,  Jan.  1, 
1878.  Farmer  in  Ionia  Co.,  Mich.  Methodists.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Jacob  Moore,  born  Nov.  6,  1880.  (VII.) 
Winter  L.  Moore,  born  Feb.  3,  1885. 

Vi.  Esther  Matilda  Michener,  born  Oct.  22,  1858. 
Dressmaker.    Methodist. 

VI.  James  Wesley  Michener,  born  Feb.  11,1861.  Mrd. 
Louisa  Wurtz,  Sept.  1,  1885.  Farmer  in  Montcalm 
Co.,  Mich.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Mona  M. 
Michener,  born  Jan.  29,  1886.  (VII.)  Carrie  M. 
Michener,  born  May  9,  1889. 

VI.  George  B.  Michener,  born  Apr.  13,  1863. 
Farmer  in  Montcalm  Co.,  Mich.  Methodist.  S.  (1890.) 

VI.  Henry  Levi  Michener,  born  Aug.  21,  1865. 
Farmer  in  Montcalm  Co.^  Mich.    Methodist.     S. 

VI,  William  Melvin  Michener,  born  Feb.  6,  1869. 
Methodist.     S. 

V.  Rachel  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  Jan.  1,  1825, 
died  Sept.  3,  1825. 

V.  Eachel  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  July  31,  1826, 
died  Dec.  26,  1843.  Mrd.  Albert  Lane,  Nov.  21, 
1843.    No  issue. 

V  Joseph  H.  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  Nov.  22, 
1828.  Mrd.  Mary  Johnson,  June  1,  1853.  Farmer  in 
Sanilac  Co.,  Mich.  United  Brethren.  Children: 
Salina,  Calvin,  Israel,  George,  Eliza,  Mary,  Sarah, 
John,  Martha,  David,  Ella. 

VI.  Salina  Michener,  born  Oct.  23,  1854. 

VI.  Calvin  Henry  Michener,  born  July  22,  1856. 

VI.  Israel  Michener,  born  Apr.  19,  1858. 

VI.  George  Michener,  born  Oct.  24.  1860.  Mrd: 
Christine  Harper,  Mar.  29,  1887.  Farmer  in  Sanilac 
Co.,  Mich.  Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  Joseph  Allen 
Michener,  born  July  7,  1888.  Died  Sept.  15,  1888. 
(VII.)  William  George  Michener,  born  Feb.   3,  1890. 

VI.  Eliza  Ann  Michener,  born  Jan.  10,  1863.  Mrd. 
Harmon  A.  Dennis,  Apr.  10,  1887.    Farmer  in  Sani- 

.  ~  6Q  ^     ' 

lac  Co.,  Mich.  Baptists.  One  child.  (VII.)  Cora 
Dennis,  born  Aug.  10,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Michener,  born  Mar.  24,  1865.  Mrd. 
Jacob  Groh,  Aug.  2,  1881.  Farmer  in  Sanilac  Co., 
Mich.  Dunkards.  Children:  (VII)  Lewis  Groh,  born 
Aug.  22,  1883.  (VII.)  Ethel  May  Groh,  born  Sept. 
12,  1885. 

VI.  Sarah  Josephine  Michener,  born  Mar.  9,  1867. 
Mrd.  William  H.  Rowe,  Apr.  9,  1888.  Farmer  in 
Sanilac  Co.,  Mich.  Episcopahans.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Walter  Rowe,  born  June  4,  1889. 

VI.  John  W.  Michener,  born  Sept.  29,  1869.  Far- 
mer in  Michigan. 

VI.   Martha  Elizabeth  Michener,  born  Aug.  16,  1871. 

VI.   David  Hiram  Michener,  born  July  17,  1874. 

VI.   Ella  Michener,  born  Dec.  20,  1876. 

V.  Sarah  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  May  28,  1831. 
Mrd.  John  Zimmer,  Aug.  4,  1850.  Farmer  in  Huron 
Co.,  Ont.  Mem.  Ev.  Association.  Children:  Mary, 
CaroKne,  Sarah,  Ellen,  Elizabeth,  Leah,  Rachel, 
Catharine,  John,  Gustave,  Jennet,  Philip. 

VI.  Mary  Zimmer,  born  Aug.  11,  1851.  Mrd.  Adam 
Stein,  Oct.  4,  1871.    Farmer  near  Port  Huron,  Mich. 

VI.  Caroline  Zimmer,  born  Jan.  21,  1853.  Mrd.  Pe- 
ter May,  Oct.    22,  1877. 

VI.  Sarah  Zimmer,  born  Aug.  29,  1855.  Mrd.  Joseph 
Diller,  Oct.  24,  1876.  Farmer  at  Dashwood,  Ont. 
Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Sarah  Ehzabeth 
Diller,  born  Sept.  18,  1877.  (VII.)  Jacob  Diller,  born 
Nov.  24,  1879.  (VII.)  Joseph,  Ezra  Diller,  born  Jan. 
26,  1881.  (VII.)  George  Diller,  born  Oct.  14,  1884. 
(VII.)  Gotfried  Diller,  born  Nov.  16.  1886.  (VII.) 
Wilfert  Wesley  Diller,  born  Feb.  5,  1889. 

VI.  Ellen  Zimmer,  born  Sept.  9,  1857.  Mrd.  Fred 
Gossman,  Jan.  24,  1877.  Farmer  at  Dashwood,  Ont. 
Mrs.  Gossman  member  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VII.) 
Jacob  Gossman,  born  Feb.  5,  1878.  (VII.)  Sarah 
Gossman,  born  Sept.  29,  1879.  (VII.)  Frederick  Goss- 
man, born  Jan.  28,  1881.  (VII.)  Christina  Gossman, 
born  Nov.  24,  1882.  (VII.)  Catharine  Gossman,  born 
Aug.  8,  1884.     (VII.)    Elizabeth  Gossman,   born  June 

—  67  — 

12,  1886.  (VII.)  Fredencha  Gossman,  born  Feb.  27, 
1888.    (VII.)  Joseph  Gossmun,  born  Nov.  1,  1889. 

VI.  Eliza])etli  Zininier,  born  Oet.  28,  1859,  died  Mar. 
9,  1887.  Mrd.  Gotlieli  Sigward,  Oet.  28,  1877.  Mason 
and  farmer  at  Kilmanagh,  ]\lieh.  Mems.  Ev.  Ass. 
Children:  (VII.)  Mary  Sigward,  born  Oct.  22,  1878. 
(VII.)  Rathev  Sigward,  born  Sept.  17,  1880.  (VII.) 
John  Sigward,  born  Apr.  9,  1882.  (VII.)  Charles  Sig- 
ward, born  Nov.  18,  1883.  (VII.)  Berney  Sigward, 
born  July  29,  1885,  died  Sept.  15,  1886. 

VI.  Leah  Zimmer,  born  Nov.  30,  1861.  Mrd.  Adam 
Effinger,  May  18,  1882.  Farmer  at  Kilmanagh,  Mich. 
Mems.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VII.)  Sarah  A.  Effin- 
ger, born  Feb.  28,  1883.  (VII.)  Barl:>ara  C.  Effinger, 
born  Sept.  20,  1886.  (VII.)  Lydia  L.  Effinger,  born 
Jan.  2,  1889,  died  Jan.  27,  1889.  (VII.)  Laiier  M. 
Effinger,  born  Mar.  21,  1890. 

VI.    Rachel  Zimmer,  born  July  18, 1863,  died  same  day. 

VI.    Catharine  Zimmer,  born  Nov.  1,  1861:. 

VI.   John  Zimmer,  born  Mar.  31,  1867. 

VI.    Gnstave  Zimmer,  born  June  7,  1869. 

VI.   Jannet  Zimmer,  born  Oct.  29,  1871. 

VI.    Philip  Zimmer,  born  Jan.  12,  1874. 

V.  Mary  Michencr,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
29,1833.  Mrd.  Gnstave  Rustock,—.  Tailor.  One  child: 

VI.  Lavina  Rustock,  born  Mar.  23,  1853.  Mrd. 
Jacob  D.  Sider,  Oct.  8,  1872.  Farmer.  Dnnkards. 
Children:  (VII.)  Andrew  Sider,  born  May  14,  1876. 
(VII.)  Peter  Sider,  born  May  22,  1879.  (Vll.)  Moses 
Sider,  born  June  19,  1882,  died  Mar.  7,  1886.  (VII.) 
Mary  Magdalena  Sider,  born  Feb.  12,  1888. 

V.  John  Michencr,  born,  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr. 
22,  1836.  Mrd.  Eliza  Dorchester,  Dec.  7,  1859.  Mer- 
chant at  Castle  Rock,  Washington.  Methodists.  Chil- 
dren: Milan,  Minnie,  Herbert. 

VI.  Milan  Michencr,  born  in  Ontario,  Oct.  13,  1860. 
Mrd.  Lillie  F.  Adams,  Dec.  23,  1886.  Druggist  at 
Castle  Rock,  Washington.  Methodists.  (No  issue — 

VI.  Minnie  Michencr,  born  in  Ontario,  Mar.  4,  1863. 
Teacher  in  Pul^lic  school,  Portland,  Oregon.  As  a 
teacher  she  ranks  amongf  the  best.  Methodist.  Unmrd. 

—  68  — 

VI.   Herbert  William  Michener,  born  Aug.  27,  1874. 
V.   Elizabeth  Michener,   born   July   29,    1838,    died 
Aug.  8.  1838. 

V.  Leah  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  Sept.  20.  1839. 
Mrd.  John  Emerson,  Dec.  22,  1856.  Farmer.  Mem. 
U.  B.  ch.  Children:  Mary,  George,  William,  Wesley, 
Joseph,  Clark,  James,  Freeman,  Eve,  Benjamin, 

VI.  Mary  Matilda  Emerson,  born  Sept.  23,  1857. 
Mrd.  Frederick  Anderson,  Jan.  26,  1886.  Woollen 
Manufacturer  at  Newfane,  N.  Y.  Baptists.  No  chil- 

VI.  George  Martin  Emerson,  born  Apr.  19,  1859. 
Mrd.  Sarah  A.  McLaughlin,  Sept.  12,  1880.  Mason 
at  Lockport,  N.  Y.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.) 
James  William  Emerson,  born  Nov.  6,  1881.  (VII.) 
Richard  Curtis  Emerson,  born  Apr.  30,  1883.  (VII.) 
Maud  Evelyn  Emerson,  born  Mar.  15,  1888. 

VI.  William  Emerson,  born  Dec.  11,  1860.  Mrd. 
Clara  Gillam,  Mar.  1.  1881.    Methodists. 

VI.  J.  Wesley  Emerson,  born  July  26,  1863.  Black- 
smith at  Attercliffe,  Ont. 

VI.  Joseph  Emerson,  born  Jan.  31,  1868.  Woollen 
manufacturer,  at  Newfane,  N.  Y. 

VI.  Clark  Emerson,  born  Feb.  9,  1870.  Tinsmith  at 
DunnviUe,  Ont.    Mem.  U.  B.  ch. 

VI.  James  Emerson,  born  Mar.  8,  1872.  Mem. 
U.  B.  ch. 

VI.   Freeman  Emerson,  born  Apr.  5,  1873. 

VI.   Eve  Emerson,  born  Oct.  29,  1875. 

VI.   Benjamin  Emerson,  born  June  3,  1877. 

VI.   Robert  Emerson,    born  and  died  June  26,  1878. 

V.  William  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  June  30, 
1842.  Mrd.  Eleanor  Hodgkins,  Apr.  17,  1864.  Far- 
mer in  Ontario.  Mem.  U.  B.  ch.  Children:  Mary, 
Salome,  Lawi'ence,  Martin. 

VI.  Mary  Margaret  Michener,  born  May  16,  1865. 
School  teacher.    Mem.  U.  B.  ch. 

VI.  Salome  Mercie  Michener,  born  Sept.  13,  1866. 
Mrd.  Nelson  Carter,  Oct.  9,  1887.  Farmer.  Mem. 
U.  B.  ch. 

—  69  — 

VI.   Lawrence  Michener,  born  Aug.  26,    1868,    died 
Feb.  27,  1877. 
VI.   Martin  Michener,  born  Sept.  28,  1870. 

V.  Amos  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  Dec.  21,  1844. 
Mrd.  Mary  E.  Sherk,  Jan.  1,  1867.  Merchant  at  Ber- 
lin, Ont.  Mem.  U.  B.  ch.    Children: 

VI.  Benjamin  Jessie  Michener,  born  in  Ontario, 
Nov.  28,  1867.    Commercial  Traveler. 

VI.  Emlius  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  Sept.  22, 
1869.    Clerk. 

VI.  Grace  Michener,  born  in  Ontario,  Sept.  11,  1873. 
Milliner.    Mem.  U.  B,  ch. 

IV.  Margaret  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Mar.  11,  1803.    No  records  received. 

IV.  Sarah  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  July  1, 
1805,  died—.  Mrd.  Christian  Hunsberger— .  He 
died—.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Agnes,  Wil- 
liam, Lawi-ence,  David,  Sarah,  Margaret,  Daniel, 
Barbara,  Elizabeth,  Joseph,  John,  Henry. 

V.  Mary  Hunsberger,  born  Aug.  29,  1823.  Died 
Mar.  26,  1863.  Mrd.  John  W.  Moyer,  Dec.  17,  1845. 
Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Amanda,  Freeman,  Emma,  Agnes,  Sarah,  Rhoda, 
Melvin,  Daniel,  Mary. 

VI.  Amanda  Moyer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
27,  1846.  Mrd.  'Benjamin  Comfort,  Mar.  8,  1870. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  John  Herbert  Comfort, 
born  Jan.  4,  1871.  (VII.)  Agnes  Arminta  Comfort, 
born  June  9,  1873.  (VII.)  William  Hilton  Comfort, 
born  Dec.  30,  1876. 

VI.  Freeman  H.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  8,  1848.  Mrd. 
Annie  Honsberger,  Dec.  25,  1879.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VII.)  ^Mary  Elsie  Moyer,  born  Feb.  12, 
1881.  (VII.)  Hugh  Ellis  Moyer,  born  Feb.  8,  1883. 
(VII.)  Fred.  Clare  Moyer,  born  Nov.  6,  1887.  (VII.) 
John  Wray  Moyer,  born  Nov.  4,  1889. 

VI.  Emma  Moyer,  born  Oct.  26,  1849.  Mrd.  Benoni 
Crumb,  in  1877.    No  issue. 

VI.  Agnes  Moyer,  born  Sept.  27,  1851.  Mrd.  Joseph 
Gerber.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  8). 

VI.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Moyer,  born  Oct.  26,  1853. 
Mrd,  Josiah  D,  Albright,  Dec,  31,  1879.  Methodists, 

—  TO  — 

Children:  (VII.)  William  Donald  Albri^dit,  l)orn  Aug. 
15,  1881.  (VII.)  Frederick  Stanley  Albright,  born 
Mar.  23,  1883.  (VII.)  Margaret  Albright,  born  Nov. 
29,  1886.  (VII.)  Charles  Raymond  Albright,  born 
Mar.  25,  1888. 

VI.  Rhoda  Moyer,  born  Dec.  1,  1855.  Mrd.  Simeon 
N.  Moyer,  July  28,  1875.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Sarah  Luella  Mover,  born  July  7,  1876.  (VII.) 
Ernest  Sidney  Moyer,  born  Dec.  9,  1881.  (VII.)  Flor- 
ence Mabel  Moyer,  born  May  6,  1884.  (VII.)  John 
Curtis  Moyer,  born  Nov.  2,  1886. 

VI.  Melvin  Moyer,  born  Mar.  21,  1858.  Metho- 
dist.  S. 

VI.  Daniel  H.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  28,  1860.  Metho- 
dist.     S. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Moyer,  born  Apr.  2,  1862.  Mrd.  Eli 
Gates  Lane— .  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Flossey 

V.  Agnes  Hunsl>erger,  born — ,  died  young. 

V.  AVilliam  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  7,  1828.  Died 
June  17,  1890.  Mrd.  Jemima  Book,  Jan.  20,  1853. 
She  was  born  July  19,  1833.  Farmer.  Presbyterians. 
Children:  Almeda,  William,  John,  Harriet,  Charity, 
Eliza,  Mary. 

VI.  Almeda  Jane  Hunsberger,  born  Feb.  20,  1855. 
VI.  William  Allen  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  20,  1857. 

Mrd.  Emma  Retta  Freas,  Oct.  18,  1883.  She  was 
born  July  21,  1860.  Butcher.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Ethel  Maud  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  23,  1885. 
(VII.)  Grace  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  14,  1889. 

VI.  John  Albert  Hunsberger,  born  June  14,  1859. 
Died  Apr.  3,  1875. 

VI.  Harriet  Emily  Hunsberger,  l)orn  Jan.    14,  1862. 

VI.  Charity  Alice  Hunsberger,  born  Fel).  29.  1864, 
died  May  26,  1879. 

VI.  Eliza  Ellen  Hunsberger,  b'orn  Apr.  14,  1867. 

VI.  Mary  MilKcent  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  26,  1869, 
died  May  23,  1879. 

V.  Elizabeth  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  26,  1840,  died 
June  24,  1886.  Mrd.  Israel  Martin,  in  1859.  Farmer. 
Methodists.  Children;  Robert,  Celesta,  Wilson, 
Arthur,  William. 

—  71  — 

VI.  Robert  F.  Martin,  born  Oct.  14,  1860.  Mrd.  Etta 
Kittenhoiisc,  July  1,  1886.  Children:  (VII.)  Leo  R. 
Martin,  born  July  5,  1887.  (VII.)  Anna  Martin,  born 
June  2,  1890. 

VI.  Celesta  Martin,  born  Aug.  18,  1865. 

VI.  Wilson  Herbert  Martin,  born  Aug.,  1872;  died, 
Jan.  1873. 

VI.  Arthur  Franklin  Martin,  born  Aug.  9,  1875. 

VI.  William  Murry  Martin,  born  June  9,  1878. 

V.  Joseph  Hunsberger,  born — ,  died  young. 

V.  John  Hunsberger,  born — ,  died  young. 

V.  Henry  Hunsberger,  born  Oct.  16,  1844.  Mrd. 
Mary  Martin,  Dec.  17,  1867.  Farmer.  Mem.  U.  B. 
Ch.  Children:  (VI.)  Rosetta  Jane  Hunsberger,  born 
July  15,  1869.  (VI.)  Sarah  Arminta  Hunsberger,  born 
July  20,  1870. 

V.  Lawrence  Hunsberger  born — ,  died  young. 

V.  David  Hunsberger,  born — ,  died  young. 

V.  Sarah  Hunsberger,  born — .  Mrd.  Jacob  Moyer 
— .  He  died — .  No  issue.  She  mrd.  for  her  second 
husband  Andrew  Flurer — .    Mem.  Ev.  Ass. 

V.  Margaret  Hunsberger,  born — .  Mrd.  Tilman  R. 
Houser,  (See  Index  of  References  No.  9). 

V.  Daniel  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  5,  1836.  Mrd.  So" 
phronia,  daughter  of  John  Moot,  Jan.  17,  1861- 
Farmer.  Presbyterians.  Children:  (VI.)  Eli  Hunsber- 
ger, born  Apr.  12,  1862.  (VI.)  Augusta  Hunsberger? 
born  Oct.  17,  1864.  (VI.)  Augustus  Hunsberger,  born 
Oct.  18,  1866,  died  June  28,  1878.  (VI.)  Clara  Huns- 
berger, born  Aug.  27,  1872.  (VI.)  Arthur  Hunsberger, 
born  Mar.  7,  1874.  (VI.)  John  Hunsberger,  born 
Sept.  30,  1876;  died  June  8,  1878.  (VI.)  Nellie  Eliza- 
beth Hunsberger,  born  Sept.  4,  1885. 

V.  Barbara  Hunsberger,  born — .  Mrd.  Samuel  R. 
Houser — .   (See  Index  of  References  No.  10). 

IV.  William  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.    14,    1807;  died  Jan.    8,    1884.    Mrd.   Susanna 

Shunk,  Jan.  24.  1831.  She  died  Oct.  9,  1878. 
Farmer.    Mem.   Ev.   Ass.    Children:    Jacob,   Sarah, 

Mary,  Tena,  Matilda,  Margaret,  William,  Tena,  John, 


—  72  — 

V.  Jacob  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov. 
19,  1832.  Mrd.  Anna  Fry,  Jan.  23,  1855.  She  died—. 
Children:  (VI.)  William,  Frank.  Mr.  Hippie  married 
for  his  second  wife  Mary  Fry,  Feb.  19,  1862.  School 
teacher  and  farmer.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  Ar- 
minta,  Alpheus,  Clara,  Tillie. 

VI.  William  H.  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Nov.  28,  1855.  Mrd.  Magdalena  A.,  daughter  of 
William  W.  Moyer,  of  Clinton  Twp.,  Ont.,"jnly  12, 
1881.  Stenographer  at  Hartford,  Conn.  Methodists. 
No  issue. 

VI.  Frank  E.  Hippie,  born  at  Campden,  Lincoln 
Co..  Ont.,  Jan.  9,  1858.  Mrd.  Anna,  eldest  daughter 
of  Judge  H.  B.  Whitbeck,  of  New  York  City,  Apr. 
18,  1888.  Mr.  Hippie  attended  the  village  school  at 
Campden,  Ont.,  until  he  was  sixteen  years  of  age. 
Then  went  to  the  Grammar  School  at  Beamsville,  same 
county,  one  year.  He  next  attended  the  Collegiate 
Institute  in  St.  Catharines,  for  one  year.  He  then 
taught  school  in  Niagara  Twp.,  Lincoln  Co.,  for  two 
years,  after  which  he  went  to  the  McGill  University 
Montreal,  where  he  remained  two  years.  He  then 
came  to  New  York,  and  studied  one  year  in  the  law 
department  of  the  University  of  New  York.  After 
which  he  was  admitted  to  the  New  York  Bar.  In 
1881:  he  went  abroad  and  remained  in  England  two 
years  for  the  benefit  of  his  health  and  recreation.  On 
his  return  he  located  in  New  York,  where  he  has 
been  since  engaged  in  the  practice  of  law.  Politically 
he  is  Democratic  and  in  1888,  stumped  New  York 
State  for  Grover  Cleveland.  Episcopalian. 

VI.  Arminta  Hippie,  born  Dec.  11,  1863;  died  Feb. 
21,  1864. 

VI.  Alpheus  H.  Hippie,  born  Feb.  25,  1865.  Dentist 
at  Stratford,  Ontario.     S. 

VI.  Clara  A.  Hippie,  born  Mar.  5,  1867. 

VI.  Lillie  M.  Hippie,  born  May  17,  1875. 

V.  Sarah  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Dec. 
13,  1834.  Mrd.  Henry  Boiler,  Dec.  30,  1856.  Car- 
penter and  farmer  in  I^anjsey  Go.,  N.  Dakota.  Meiii, 
Ev,  Ass.    No  issue. 

V.  Mary  Hippie,  born  Feb.  22,  1837;  died  Oct.  15, 
1883.  Mrd.  Valentine  Grenzenbach,  Feb.  3,  1856. 
Farmer.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Res.  New  Hamburg.  Ont. 
Children:  Sarah,  William,  John,  Mary,  Henry,  Jacob. 

VI.  Sarah  Grenzenbach,  born  Mar.  3,  1857.  Mrd. 
J.  C.  Hoffman,  Mar.  3,  1880.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VII.)  William  Hoffman,  born  June  14, 
1880.  (VII.)  Ezra  Hoffman,  born  Sept.  24,  1882.  (VII.) 
Charles  Hoffman,  born  Jan.  9,  1885.  (VII.)  Henry 
Hoffman,  born  May  6,  1887. 

VI.  William  Grenzenbach,  born  Nov.  8,  1858.  Mrd. 
Emma  Weganast,  June  10,  1885.  Farmer.  Mem. 
Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VII.)  Henry  C.  Grenzenbach. 
born  June  14,  1886.  (VII.)  Clara  Grenzenbach,  born 
Mar.  23,  1888. 

VI.  Rev.  John  Grenzenbach,  born  Feb.  24, 1861.  Mrd. 
Lizzie  Gaiser,  Oct.  23,  1889.  Minister.  He  gradu- 
ated fi'om  North  Western  College,  June  14,  1887,  and 
was  ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  Ev.  Ass.  church, 
Apr.  12,  1887.  His  present  charge  is  Plattsville,  Ont. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Grenzenbach,  born  Dec.  26,  1862. 

VI.  Henry  Grenzenbach,  born  Jan.  28,  1865;  killed 
by  felling  a  tree.  Mar.  6,  1885. 

VI.  Jacob  Grenzenbach,  born  Mav  20,  1871. 

V.  Tena  Hippie,  born  Jan.  11,  1840;  died  Sept. 
16,  1840. 

V.  Matilda  Hippie,  born  July  6,  1841;  died  Aug. 
7,  1841. 

V.  Margaret  Hippie,  born  Aug.  31,  1842.  Mrd. 
Alanson  Moot. 

V.  William  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb. 
13,  1845.  Mrd.  Sarah  E.  Moot,  Oct.  17,  1867.  Chil- 
dren: Peneape,  Susannah. 

VI.  Peneape  A.  Hippie,  born  July  17,  1868.  Mrd. 
Isaac  M.  Moyer,  July  17,  1889. 

VI.  Susannah  A.  Hippie,  born  July  24,  1870;  died 
Sept.  21,  1870. 

V.  Tena  Hippie,  born  Mar.  18,  1847.  Mrd.  Robert 

V.  John  Hippie,  born  Nov.  5, 1850;  died  July  28, 1868. 

V.  Abraham  Hippie,  boni  Feb,  36,  1855;  died  July 
21,  1855. 

—  74  — 

IV.  John  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
18,  1809.  Mrd.  Barbara  High,  Mar.  4,  1834.  She 
died  July  1,  1851.  Farmer  and  wagon  maker.  Mem. 
Ev.  Ass.  Children:  Infant,  Catharine,  Sarah, 
William,  Margaret,  Sarah,  Mary,  John,  William. 

V.  Infant  born  and  died  Jan.  7,  1835, 

V.  Catharine  Hippie,  born  July  5,  1836,  in  Lincoln 
Co.,  Ont.  Mrd.  Mathias  Martin,  Nov.  5,  1861.  Far- 
mer. Methodists.  Children:  Velaria,  Sarah,  Wil- 
liam, Elmer,  John,  Joseph. 

VI.  Velaria  B.  Martin,  born  Aug.  8,  1862,  died  Mar. 
18.  1889. 

VI.    Sarah  A.  Martin,  born  June  22,  1866. 

VI.   William  H.  Martin,  born  Sept.  23,  1868. 

VI.    Elmer  L.  Martin,  born  Mar.  22,  1873. 

VI.   John  D.  Martin,  born  Mar.  26,  1875. 

VI.   Joseph  E.  Martin,  born  July  7,  1877. 

V.  Sarah  Hippie,  born  Mar.  18,  1838,  died  Apr.  9, 

V.  WilHam  Hippie,  born  Feb.  21,  1840,  died  Oct.  6. 

V.  Margaret  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb. 
1,  1842.  Mrd.  Jacob  M.  Houser.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  11.) 

V.  Sarah  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  July 
31,  1843.  Mrd.  E.  N.  Moyer,  Feb.  4,  1866.  Dealer 
in  School  supplies.  Methodists.  Children:  Rebecca, 
Maggie,  Martha,  Harry. 

VI.  Rebecca  Arminta  Moyer,  born  Dec.  22,  1866. 
Mrd.  Ezra  Albright,  Dec.  28,  1887.  Farmer.  Mem. 
Ev.    Ass. 

VI.   Maggie  May  Moyer,  born  Sept.  25,  1870. 

VI.    Martha  Dell  Moyer,  born  Jan.  12,  1873. 

VI.  Harry  Rollison  Amadeus  Moyer,  born  Jan.  17, 

V.  Mary  Hippie,  born  Jan.  15,  1846,  died  Sept.  13, 

V.  John  Hippie,  born  Jan.  6,  1848,  died  Feb.  10, 

V.  William  Hippie,  born  Sept.  14,  1849,  died  Feb. 
28,  1850. 

IV.  Lawrence  Hippie,  Ijoni  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Feb.  21,  1812.  Mrd.  Catharine  Bushy,  of  Adam.s  Co., 
Pa.,  May  9,  1837.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Sarah,  Annie, 
Mary,  Ephraim,  Christian,  Catharine,  Margaret  and 

V.  Elizabeth  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Nov.  26,  1838.  Mrd.  Amos  Honsberger,  Sept.  10, 
1861.    Farmer.    Mennonite.    No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  Hippie,  born  Sept.  3,  181:2,  died  Feb.  24, 

V.  Annie  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
15,  1845.  Mrd.  John  M.  Russ,  May  23,  1872.  Far- 
mer. Presbyterians.  One  child:  (VI.)  Sylvester  Russ, 
born  Dec.  29,  1879. 

V.  Mary  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr. 
20,  1847.  Mrd.  Allen  W.  Martin,  Feb.  19,  1873.  Far- 
mer.   Children : 

VI.  Liition  Martin,  born  July  11,  1875. 
VI.   Lawrence  Martin,  born  May  19,  1877. 
VI.   Millie  C.  Martin,  born  Aug.  13.  1879. 
VI.   Allan  Curtis  Martin,  born^Oct.  16,  1882. 
VI.    Roland  Martin,  born  Sept.  13,  1884. 

V.  Ephraim  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Sept.  21,  1849.  Mrd.  Samantha  Mary  Smith,  Oct.  24, 
1876.  Farmer  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.  Presbyterians. 

VI.  Roberdie  Catharine  Hippie,  born  Jan.  26,  1878. 
VI.    Sarah  Maud  Hippie,  born  Oct.  26,  1880. 

VI.    Emma  Jane  Hippie,  born  Nov.  29,  1883. 

V.  Christian  Hippie,  born  Jan.  2,  1852,  died  Sept. 
2,  1852. 

V.  Catharine  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
May  15,  1854.  Mrd.  Jacob  B.  Shantz,  Dec.  2,  1877. 
Farmer.    E.  U.  Mennonites.    No  issue. 

V.  Margaret  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Aug.  6,  1856.  Mrd.  Dillman  G.  Moyer,  Apr.  4,  1882. 
Farmer.    E.  U.  Mennonites.    Children: 

VI.  Eva  Moyer,  born  June  19,  1883. 

VI.   Gordon  Moyer,  born,  Jan.  27,  1885. 
VI.   Ida  Moyer,  born  July  8,  1886. 
VI.   Ethel  Moyer,  born  June  17,  1888. 

—  76  — 

V.  Justina  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb. 
15,  1859. 

IV.  Barbara  Hippie,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
July  11,  1815,  died  July  11,  1818. 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
13,  1774,  died  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  21,  1860. 
Mrd.  Abraham  Grobb,— .  He  died  June  23,  181:2. 
Children:  Elizabeth,  Mary,  John,  Abraham,  David, 
Moses,  Susan,  Joseph. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Grobb,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
3,  1797,  died  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar.  30,  1873. 
Mrd.  Manasseh  Tufford.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  12.) 

IV.  Mary  Grobb,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  7, 
1798,  (still  living  1889).  Mrd.  Jacob  Smith,  Dec.  19, 
1826.  He  was  born  Feb.  15,  1793,  died  June  7,  1867. 
Farmer,  Mennonitcs.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Jacob, 
Abraham,  Samuel,  Barbara,  Joseph,  Moses,  John. 

V.  Elizabeth  Smith,  born  in  Ontario,  Dec.  19,  1827. 
Mrd.  Daniel  Horner,  Sept.  24,  1850.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonitcs. Children:  Mary,  Barbara,  Daniel,  Jacob, 
Elizabeth,  Joseph,  Joshua. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Horner,  born  Sept.  11,  1851.  Mrd. 
William  Teel,  Sept.  3,  1878.  Carpenter  in  Ontario. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Elizabeth  Emma  Teel, 
born  Oct.  21,  1879.  (VII.)  Clarissa  Ann  Jane  Teel, 
born  Mar.  23,  1882,  died  Apr.  1882.  (VII.)  Mary  Ann 
Teel,  born  July  20,  1884,  died—.  (VII.)  Clara  Matilda 
Teel,  born  Sept.  20,1885.  (VII.)  John  Henry  Teel, 
born,  Oct.  11,  1887. 

VI.  Barbara  Horner,  born  in  Ontario,  Mar.  13,  1854. 

VI.   Daniel  J.  Horner,  born  July  25,  1857. 

VI.  Jacob  Horner,  born  May  28,  1860,  died  Jan. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Horner,  born  Oct.  .1862,  died  May  8, 

VI.   Joseph  Horner,  born  Apr.  27,  1865. 

VI.   Joshua  Horner,  born  Dec.  28,  1867. 

V.   Jacob  Smith,  born  Oct.  15,   1829,   djecl  Oct.  16, 

la^i.  S, 

—  77  — 

V.  Abraham  Smith,  born  in  Ontario,  Dec.  24c,  1830. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Grotf,  Apr.  19,  1864.  She  was  born 
Nov.  10,  1832.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VI.)  Mary  Smith,  born  Dec.  11,  1865.  (VI.)  Fannie 
Smith,  born  Sept.  24,  1867.  (VI.)  Jacob  Smith,  born 
Feb.  3,  1870.  (VI.)  Elizabeth  Smith,  born  Mar.  19, 
1873.    (VI.)  Sarah  Smith,  born  Sept.  10,  1875. 

V.  Samuel  Smith,  born  in  Ontario,  Feb.  9,  1833. 
Mrd.  Sarah  Snyder,  May  29,  1866.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.   Children: 

VI.  Menno  Smith,  born  Jan.  31,  1868.    S. 
qVI.  Nancy  Smith,  born  Apr.  2,  1871. 
^Vl.  Jeremiah  Smith,  born  Mar.  30,  1873. 
|VI.  Sophia  Smith,  born  Feb.  1,  1876. 

V.  Barbara  Smith,  born  Jmie  25,  1835,  died  Oct.  9, 
1888.  Mrd.  Abraham  S.  Grove,  in  1865.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children : 

VI.  Mary  Grove,  born  Mar.  5,  1867. 
VI.   Jessie  Grove,  born  Jan.  16,  1869. 

VI.    Susannah  Grove,  born  Aug.  24,  1873. 

V.  Joseph  Smith,  born  in  Ontario,  Aug.  23,  1837. 
Mrd,  Sarah  Hisey,  Dec.  25.  1863.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  John,  Mary,  Sophia,  Emily,  Eliza- 
beth, Albert,  George,  Melissa. 

VI.  John  Smith,  born  May  12,  1866.  Mrd.  Catharine 
Jane  Makins,  May  25,  1886.  Farmer  in  Ontario. 
One  child:  (Vll.)  William  Herbert  Smith,  born  Dec. 
11,  1887. 

VI.   Mary  Ann  Smith,  born  Apr.  8,  1869. 

VI.    Sophia  Smith,  born  Feb.  25,  1871. 

VI.   Emily  Alice  Smith,  born  Mar.  22,  1875. 

VI.   Elizabeth  Clara  Smith,  born  May  30,  1878. 

VI.   Albert  Smith,  born  June  27,  1880. 

VI.    George  Smith,  born  Mar.  19,  1882. 

VI.   Melissa  Jane  Smith,  born  Dec.  2,  1885. 

V.  Moses  Smith,  born  Jan.  22,  1840;  died  Nov. 
7,  1844. 

V.  John  Smith,  born  May  28,  1842;  died  Mar.  26, 

IV.  John  Grobb,  born  Mar.  21,  1800;  died  in  Ont., 
Feb.  7,  1885.  Mrd.  Mary  High,  of  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
Mar.    13,   1827.     She  died  July  29,   1880.     Farmer. 

-  7s  -^ 

Mennonites.  Children:  Abraham,  Henry,  Elizabeth, 
Mary,  Barbara,  Joseph,  Catharine. 

V.  Abraham  Grobb,  born  in  Ont.,  Dec.  12,  1827; 
died  Sept.  30,  1881.  Mrd.  Lucretia  House,  Oct.  19, 
1876.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VI.)  Hat- 
tie  Elena  Grobb. 

V.  Henry  Grobb,  born  in  Ont.,  Sept.  18,  1829.  Mrd. 
Mary  Wismer,  Mar.  3,  1863.  Farmer.  One  child. 
(VI.)  Aaron  Grobli,  born  Feb.  14,  1870. 

V.  Elizabeth  Grobb,  born  July  22,  1832.  Menno- 
nite.     S. 

V.  Mary  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  27, 
1837;  died  June  30,  1880.  Mrd.  John  J.  Leish,  Dec. 
26,  1851:.  He  was  born  at  Harsley  Tyne  Side,  North- 
umberland, Eng.,  Apr.  13,  1827.  Farmer.  Catho- 
lics. Children:  Elizabeth,  Matthew,  Mary,  Annie, 
Catharine,  John,  Bertha,  Maggie,  Nellie,  Harry, 

VI.  Elizabeth  Leish,  born  Sept.  5,  1855;  died — . 
VI.  Matthew  Leish,  born  Oct.  22,  1857. 

VI.  Mary  Leish,  born  Mar.  16,  1860. 

VI.  Annie  Leish,  born  Mar.  2,  1862.  Mrd.  John 
McDowell,  in  1881.  Farmer.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Rowland  Leroy  McDowell,  born  Oct.  30,  1881. 
(VII.)  Mary  Magdalena  McDowell,  born  Nov.  1,  1883. 
(VII.)  Ethel  Pearl  McDowell,  born  Nov.  9,  1884;  died 
Sept.  18,  1886.  (VII.)  William  Lloyd  McDowell,  born 
Apr.  6,  1888;  died  June  4,  1890.  (VII.)  Charles  Wes- 
ley McDowell,  born  Apr.  20,  1889;  died  July 
24,  1889. 

VI.  Catharine  L.  Leish,  born  Sept.  22,  1865.  Mrd. 
Robert  Ives,  June  2,  1882.  Farmer.  Catholics.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Hessie  Ives,  born  July  6,  1885.  (VII.) 
Willie  Ives,  born  Jan.  8,  1887.  (VII.)  Ruby  Ives,  born 
Apr.  26,  1888.  (VII.)  Augustine  Ives,  born  March 
28,  1890. 

VI.  John  Leish,  born  Dec.  23,  1867. 

VI.  Bertha  Leish,  born  June  27,  1870. 

VI.   Maggie  Leish,  born  Dec.  8,  1873. 

VI.  Nellie  Leish,  born  Feb.  22,  1875. 

VI.  Harry  Leish,  born  Nov.  12,  1877. 

VI.  Julia  Leish,  born  Mar.  3,  1880. 

—  TO  — 

V.  Barbara  Grobb,  born  June  29,  1838.  Unmrd. 

V.  Joseph  H.  Grobb,  born  Jan.  26,  1842.  Mrd. 
Mary  Flynn,  of  Cork  Co.,  Ireland,  Oct.  26,  1869. 
Farmer  in  Lincohi  Co.,  Ont.  Methodists,  Children: 
(VI.)  Jessie  Grobb,  born  Aug.  14,  1871.  (VI.)  Joshua 
Grobb,  born  Feb.  17,  1873;  died  May  17,  1889. 

V.  Catharine  Grobb,  born  Nov.  16,  1845.  Mrd. 
Tempest  Miller,  Apr.  22,  1868. 

IV.  Abraham  Grobb,  Jr.,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Feb.  19,  1803,  (still  living,  1890).  Mrd.  Barbara  Wis- 
mer,  Apr.  13,  1824,  Farmer.  Mennonites,  Children: 
Elizabeth,  John,  Mary,  Abraham,  Margaret,  Sarah, 
Moses,  Ephraim,  William. 

V.  EHzabeth  Grobb,  born  Jan.  20,  1825;  died  Sept. 
28,  1825. 

V.  John  W.  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar, 
19,  1826.  Mrd.  Catharine  Tallman,  daughter  of 
Oliver  and  Ann  Tallman,  of  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont. ,  Feb, 

13,  1850,  She  was  born,  Feb.  10,  1833;  died  Mar.  25, 
1855,  Children:  (VI.)  Joshua  Grobb,  born  Oct.  2, 
1852;  died  Nov.  19,  1869.  (VI.)  Barbara  Ann  Grobb, 
born  Mar,  27,  1855;  died  Aug.,  1855.  Mr.  Grobb, 
married  for  his  second  wife  Frances,  daughter  of 
David  and  Susannah  Honsberger,  of  South  Cayuga, 
Ont.,  Oct.  7,  1856.  She  was  born  Nov.  4,  1835. 
Resides  in  Manitoba.  Children:  Walter,  Maggie, 
Sylvester,  Eli,  Ettie,  Annie,  Jennie,  Abraham. 

VI.  Walter  Grobb,  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Ont., 
Dee.  3,  1858.  Mrd.  Euretta  Jane  Lee,  Oct,  29,  1884, 
Blacksmith.  Resides  in  Manitoba.  Children:  (VII.) 
Loella  May  Grobb,  born  Oct.  10,  1885.  (VII.)  Al- 
berta Larien  Grobb,  born  Tan.  3,  1889. 

VI.  Maggie  Grobb,  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Ont., 
July  21,  1857.  Mri.  Daniel  Dashwood,  of  South 
Cayuga,  Sept.  22,  1881.  Blacksmith  at  Dunnville, 
Ont.  Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Dashwood,  born  July 
10,1882,  (VII.)  William  Arthur  Dashwood,  born  May 
11,  1884,   (VII.)  John  Francis  Dashwood,   born  Dec, 

14,  1885,  (VII.)  Annie  Mabel  Dashwood,  born  May 
22,  1889, 

VI.  Sylvester  Grobb,  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Ont., 
Sept.  29,  1860.    Mrd.    Jennie  Trimble,  Jan.  11,  1888. 

—  so  — 

She  was  born  in  Huron  Co.,  Manitoba,  Feb.  9,  1868. 
Farmer  in  Manitoba.  One  child:  (VII.)  Maggie  Ettie 
Grobb,  born  Oct.  21,  1888. 

VI.  Eli  Grobb,  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Ont.,  May  19, 
1865.    Resides  with  his  parents  in  Manitoba.    S. 

VI.   Ettie  Grobb,  born  in  Ont.,  Feb.  4,  1871.    S. 

VI.   Annie  Grol)b,  born  Aug.  29,  1872. 

VI.   Jennie  Grobb,  born  May  29,  1876. 

VI.   Abraham  Arthur  Grobb,  born  Oct.  17,  1878. 

V.  Mary  Grobb,  born  Oct.  18,  1827;  died  Apr.  10, 

V.  Abraham  Grobb,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
30,  1829.  Mrd.  widow  Smith,  (Nee  Maria  L.  Caugh- 
ell,  of  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  27,  1857.  Farmer  at 
Portage  La  Prairie,  Manitoba.  Children:  Martha, 

VI.  Martha  Louisa  Grobb,  born  in  Elgin  Co.,  Ont., 
Oct.  2,  1857.  Mrd.  Henry  Ogletree,  May  2,  1883. 
Resides  in  Manitoba.  Children:  (VII.)  Roy  Loran, 
(VII.)  Charles  Archibald. 

VI.  Charles  E.  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Oct.  22,  1859.  Mrd.  Margaret  Ann  Caruthers,  Mar. 
26, 1881:.  Resides  in  Manitoba.  Children:  (VII.)  Mabel 
Laura,     (Vil.)    Hazel. 

V.  Margaret  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
June  18,  1831.    S. 

V.  Sarah  Grobb,  born  Mar.  8,  1833.  Mrd.  William 
C.  Smith—.    He  died  Apr.  1885.    Methodist. 

V.  Moses  W.  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
June  22,  1835.  Mrd.  Sarah  E.  Durham,  Feb.,  1863. 
She  died  Mar.  5,  1885.     Children: 

VI.  Mathias  E.  Grobb,  born  Sept.  18,  1864,  died 
Apr.  26,  1884. 

Vl.    Adelaide  Arminta  Grobb,  born  Aug.  2,  1868. 

VI.    Mary  Martha  Grobb,  born  July  31,  1872. 

VI.   Joshua  Charles  Grobb,  born  Aug.  18,  1874. 

VI.    Elmer  Murry  Grobb,  born  June  9,  1881. 
Moses  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Adelaide  Eliza  Dur- 
ham, Jan.  1887.    Builder.    Presbyterian. 

V.  Ephraim  W.  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.. 
July  8.  1837,  died  Aug.  14,  1885.  Mrd.  Susanna  Wis- 
mer,  Feb.  10,  1869.    Farmer,  also  Township  Assessor 

—  SI  — 

and  Collector  for  fourteen  yeais.  Presbyterians. 
Children:  (VI.)  Millie  Ann  Grobl),  ))orn  Mar.  16,  1871. 
(VI.)  Hattie  Jane  Grobb,  l)orn  June  4,  187!». 
V.  William  H.  (xrobb,  l)orn  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Out., 
Mar.  27,  1843.  Mrd.  Elizal)eth  Ann  James,—.  Far- 
mer— . 

IV.  David  Grobb,  l)orn  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Dec,  1», 
1804,  died  Mar.  3,  1890.  Mrd.  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  Jacob  and  Elizabeth  Fry,  Sept.  23,  1828.  She  died 
Mar.  25,  1839.  Blacksmith,  wagon-maker  and  farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Elizaljeth,  Joshua,  Barbara, 
Jacob,  Anna.  David  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Susan 
Hunsberger,  of  Elgin  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  28,  1844.  Chil- 
dren: Sarah,  Emma,  Emerson,  Sylvester,  Orpha. 

V.  Elizabeth  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  June 
26,  1829,  died  Oct.  2,  1887.  Mrd.  David  E.  Gulp,  of 
Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov.  12,  1850.  Farmer.  Metho- 
dists. Children:  (VI.)  David  H.  Gulp,  born  Oct.  9, 
1851,  died  Sept.  3,  1879.  S.  (VI.)  Mary  Ursula  Gulp, 
born  June  25,  1853,  died  Feb.  11,  1872.  S.  (VI.) 
Dudley  Jonas  Gulp,  born  Apr.  30,  1855.  (VI.)  Joshua 
F.  Gulp,  born  July  28,  1859.  (VI.)  Martha  C.  Gulp, 
born  Dec.  25,  1861.  (VI.)  Elizabeth  Susan  Etta  Gulp, 
born  June  5,  1864.  (Vi.)  Ella  Amelia  Gulp,  born  July 
28,  1867.  (VI.)  Evelyn  Louisa  Gulp,  born  Aug.  12, 
1869.  (VI.)  Silas  Wright  Cook  Gulp,  born  Apr.  9,  1872. 

V.  Joshua  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan. 
18,  1831,  died  Oct.  15,  1858.    Blacksmith.    S. 

V.  Barbara  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
3,  1833.  Mrd.  James  E.  Nelles,  of  Brant  Co.,  Ont., 
Jan.  5,  1855.  Farmer  and  pump  maker.  Methodists. 
Children:  Emerson,  Ella,  Anna,  James,  David,  Bar- 
l)ara,  Rowland. 

VI.  Emerson  W.  Nelles,  born  Jan.  28,  1856. 

VI.  Ella  A.  Nelles,  born  Mar.  17,  1857.  Mrd.  George 
H.  Horning,  Dec.  26,  1883,  Farmer.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VII.)  Roy  Nelles  Horning,  born  Aug.  22, 
1886.   (VII.)  Lloyd  Harris  Horning,  born  Nov.  3,l888. 

VI.   Anna  E.  Nelles,  born  Jan.  10,  1861.    S. 

VI.   James  Edgar  Nelles,  born  July  22,  1864.    S. 

VI.   David  Henry  Nelles,  born  Mar.  21,  1867.    S. 

VI,   Barbara  MaiKl  Nelles,  born  Oct.  17,  1872.    S. 

—  82  — 

VI.    Rowland  C.  Xolles,  born  Mar.  20.  1S76.    S. 

V.  Jac-ol)  Fry  Grobl).  1)orn  in  Lint-oln  Co.,  Ont. 
June  IT,  1885.'  Mrd.  Mary  Matilda  Depew.  of  Went- 
wortli  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb.  25,  1863.  Wheolwrioht  and 
farmer.  Attends  Methodist  eh.  Children:  (VI.)  Clara 
A.  Grol)l),  l)orn  Jan.  23,  1864.  died  Nov.  14,  1879. 
(VI.)  Ida  Elizal)etli  Grobl),  Ijorn  Sept.  26,  1865.  Mrd. 
Jacob  All) right,  Dec.  i:>,  1889.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
(VI.)  Arietta  May  Grol)l),  born  July  19,  1868. 

V.  Anna  Grobl),  1)orn  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Ma}'  7, 
1838.  Mrd.  Ira  F.  Gulp,  of  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov.  5. 
1862.  Farmer.  Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Joshua 
G.  Gulp,  born  Oct.  11,  1863,  died  Aug.  31,  1865.  (VI.) 
Lillie  Jane  Gulp,  l)orn  Aug.  25,  186'6,  died  Mar.  13, 
1880.  (VI.)  William  D.  Gulp,  born  Oct.  4,  1868.  (VI.) 
Martha  Barljara  Gulp,  born  Dec.  23,  1870,  died  Aug. 
10,1871.  (VI.)  Rosabelle  Gulp,  born  June  15,  1873. 
(VI.)  Anna  Gulp,  l)orn  Nov.  1,  1874.  (VI.)  Fred  Nelles 
and  Frank  Depew  Gulp  (Twins),  born  July  24,  1883. 

V.  Sarah  Catharine  Grobli,  born  in  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Nov.  21,  1844.  Mrd.  Samuel  N.  Fry,  Oct.  1, 
1872.  Farmer.  Mems.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VI.)  Anna 
Fry,  born  May  28,  1876.  (VI.)  Alpheus  Leland  Fry, 
born  Mar.  23,'l883. 

V.  Emma  Jane  Grobb,  l)orn  Apr,  19,  1847,  died  Nov. 
13,  1886. 

V.  Emerson  D.  Grobl),  born  July  15,  1849.  died 
Mar.  21,  1852 

V.    Sylvester  H.  Grobb,  l)orn  Aug.  23,  1851. 

V.  Orpha  Gro1)]).  born  Feb  21,  1858.  Mrd.  Jonas  H. 
Smith,  of  Kent  Co.,  Ont.,  Dec.  24,  1879.  Hardware 
merchant.  Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Laura  Maud 
Smith,  born  Nov.  20,  1880.  (VI.)  Cecil  Smith,  l)orn 
Dec.  10,  1884. 

IV.  Moses  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co..  Ont.,  Nov. 
16,  1806,  died  May  2,  1877.  Mrd.  Catharine  Funk. 
She  was  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. — ,  came  to  Canada 
with  her  sister  Elizabeth.  She  died  in  1889.  Farmer, 
weaver.  Meuuonites.  Children:  Esther,  Jonas,  Lydia, 
Mary,  Elizal^eth,  Sarah,  Franklin,  Sophia. 

V.  Esther  Grobb,  born,  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
21,  1830.  Mrd.  Solomon  Moyer,  of  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 

—  s;^,  — 

Fcl).  4,  IST)!.  FaniKT.  MciiioniU'S.  Childivn:  Wil- 
liam, Ephraiiii,  Isaac. 

VI.  William  ii.  Mover,  l)om  Mar.  8,  1852.  Mrd. 
Susan  Ciil[),  of  South  Cuyaga,  Out.,  Apr.  9,  1876. 
Farmer.  Meimoiiites.  Chiktren:  (VII.)  Norman  C. 
Moyer,  liorn  Feb.  7,  1878.  (VII.)  Milton  C.  Moyer, 
born  May.  15,  1881.  (VII.)  Solomon  0.  Moyer,  born 
Mar.  23,'  1883.  (VII.)  Isaac  C.  Moyer,  born  Sept.  27, 
1884.  (VII.)  All)erta  C.  Moyer,  born  Aug.  26,  1885. 
(VII.)  Ori)lia  C.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  1, 1888. 

VI.  Ephraim  Moyer,  born  in  Canada,  Jan.  1!),  1855. 
Mrd.  Ella  Smith,  Oct.  23,  1889. 

VI.    Isaac  Moyer,  born  July  30.  1863.    S. 

V.  Jonas  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  31, 

1831.  Mrd.  Sarah  Moyer,  of  Lincoln  Co.,  May  29, 
1860.  Farmer.  Methodists.  Children:  Valeria,  Row- 
land, Alberta,  Eva.     . 

VI.  Valeria  Grobb,  bornMav24, 1861.  Mrd.  Thomas 
K.  Gilmore,  Oct.  11,  1887.    Farmer.    Methodists. 

VI.  Rowland  Grobb,  born  Jan.  31,  1864,  died  Oct. 
20,  1872. 

VI.  Alberta  Grobb,  1)orn  Jan.  10,  1876,  died  Aug. 
3,  1878. 

VI.  Eva  Elma  Grol)1),  born  Mar.  5,  1878,  died  Aug. 
3,  1878. 

V.    Lydia  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co. ,  Ont. ,  Oct.  28, 

1832.  Mrd.  Joseph  Houser.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  13.) 

V.  Mary  Ann  Grol)b,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
June  5,  1834.  Mrd.  William  Tallman,  of  Lincoln  Co., 
Ont.,  Aug.  30,  1854.  Farmer  and brickmaker.  Metho- 
dists. Children:  James,  Walter,  Emma,  Orpha, 
Clara,  Sarah. 

VI.  James  Harvey  Tallman,  born  Jan.  3,  1855. 
Mrd.  Anna  Russ,  of  Clinton  Twp.,  Ont.,  Nov.  15, 
1877.  Farmer  and  Sawyer.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Clara  Tallman,  borii  Aug.  14,  1879.  (VII.)  James 
Wallace  Tallman,  born  Oct.  17,  1883. 

VI.  Walter  F.  Tallman,  born  Dec.  29,  1856.  Mrd. 
Eliza  A.  Beemer,  of  Clinton,  Ont.,  Feb.  20,  1884. 
Farmer  and  brick-maker.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Florence  Helena  Tallman,  born  Jan.  1,  1889. 

—  84  — 

VI.  Emma  Tallman,  born  Mar.  8,  1861,  died  Dec. 
29,  1863. 

VI.    Orpha  Tallman,  born  Feb.  2,  1865. 

VI.  Clara  Ann  Tallman,  born  Apr.  29,  1867,  died 
June  29,  1873. 

VI.  Sarah  Tallman,  born  July  4,  1869,  died  Aug,  6, 
1870.   ; 

V.  Elizabeth  Grobb,  l)orn  in  Lincohi  Co.,  Out.,  Nov. 
3,  1835,  died  Sept.  8,  1876.  Mrd.  Thomas  Brigham  in 
1859.  Laborer.  Methodists.  Children:  Isaac,  Kate, 
William,  Mary. 

VI.  Isaac  Brigham,  born  Jan.  26,  1861.  Mrd.  Isa- 
belle  Wilson,  of  Brantford,  Out.,  Sept.  11,  1887. 
Foreman  in  McKaig's  Iron  and  Steel  Shafting  works, 
of  Cumberland,  Maryland.  Baptists.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Franklin  Wilson  Brigham,  l)orn  June  20,  1889. 

VI.  Kate  Sophia  Brigham,  born  Dec.  19,  1862,  died 
in  1865. 

VI.  William  E.  Brigham,  born  July  22,  1861,  died 
in  1866. 

VI.   Mary  Ann  Brigham,  born  Apr.  5,  1866. 

V.  Sarah  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Aug. 
23,  1838.  Mrd.  Wilson  Nickerson,— .  Farmer.  Meth- 
odists. Children:  John,  Mary,  Alice,  Lillie,  Anna, 

VI.  John  F.  Nickerson,  born  Feb.  5,  1863. 

VI.  Mary  E.  Nickerson,  born  Mar.  8,  1861.  Mrd. 
John  Currie,— .  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Ethel  Cur- 
rie,  born  Oct.  1,  1885.  (VII.)  William  Currie,  born 
Oct.  25,  1886. 

VI.  Alice  E.  Nickerson,  born  Mar.  1,  1868.  Mrd. 
Norris  Stevens, — .    Farmer. 

VI.   Lillie  C.  Nickerson,  born  Apr.  8,  1873. 

VI.   Anna  S.  Nickerson,  born  July  16,  1878. 

VI.   Nellie  V.  Nickerson,  born  Dec.  18,  1881. 

V.  Franklin  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Nov.  29,  1813.  Mrd.  Martha  Ismond,  Nov.  6,  1872. 
Machinist.  Baptists.  Children:  (VI.)  Charles  Hilyard 
Grobb,  born  Oct.  7,  1873.  (VI.)  Frederick  Ismond 
Grobb,  born  July  9,  1877.  (VI.)  Jessie  Eveline  Grobb, 
born  July  14,  1883.  (VI.)  Ro])ert  Gordon  Grobb, 
born  Sept.  20,  1885. 

—  85  — 

IV.  Susanna  Grobb,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb. 
4,  1809,  (lied  Dec.  24,  1883.  Mrd.  Aln-aham  Wismer, 
Dec.  19,  1826.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Isaac,  John,  Elizabeth,  Anna,  Abraham,  Susanna, 
William,  Barbara,  Freeman,  Sarah,  Mary. 

V.  Isaac  G.  Wismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
14,  1827.  Mrd.  Anna  Mover,  Mar.  9,  1852.  She  was 
born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont',  Oct.  1,  1829,  died  Sept. 
12,  1875.  Farmer  and  l)lacksmith.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Lavina,  Anna.  Maria,  Jacol),  Sarah,  Emma, 
Norman,  Huldah. — Isaac  mrd.  second  wife,  Hannah 
Smith,  of  York  Co.,  Ont..  Apr.  11.  1878.  One  child: 

VI.  Lavina  Wismer,  born  in  South  Cayuo-a,  Ont., 
Feb.  6,  1853.  Mrd.  Michael  Dohn,  Sept.  19,  1871. 
He  was  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Jan.  25.  1848.  Farmer. 
Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:'^  (VII.)  Albert  F.  Dohn, 
born  Aug.  3,  1875.  (VII.)  Hattie  B.  Dohn,  born  Aug. 
9,  1877.  (VII.)  Elsie  M.  Dohn,  born  May  13,  1880, 
(VII.)  Leslie  T.  Dohn,  born  Dec.  10,  1883."  (VII.)  La- 
vern  S.  Dohn,  born  June  18,  1888. 

VI.  Anna  Wismer,  born  June  6,  1855.  Mrd.  D.  W. 
Nash,  Jan.  29,  1879.  Farmer.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Willie  W.  Nash,  born  Jan.  4,  1880. 
(VII.)  Ardie  T.  Nash,  born  Nov.  12, 1881.  (VII.)  Lot- 
tie M.  Nash,  born  Dec.  4,  1883.  (VII.)  Isaac  P.  Nash, 
born  Aug.  15,  1886.  (VII.)  Lulu  C.  Nash,  born  Sept. 
3,  1887. 

VI.  Maria  Wismer,  born  in  South  Cayuga,  Ont. .  Apr. 
22,  1858.  Mrd.  G.  D.  Gulp,  Oct.  20,  1880.  Farmer. 
Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  Robin  E.  Gulp,  born  June 
30,  1883.  (VII.)  Anna  Nina  Gulp,  born  Apr.  19,  1885. 
(VII.)    George  Earnest  Gulp,  born  Apr.6,  1887. 

VI.  Jacob  Wismer,  born  Dec.  25,  1860.  Mrd.  Frances 
High,  of  Jordan,  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Aug.  18,  1886. 
She  was  born  Nov.  26,  1866.  Blacksmith.  One  child: 
(VII.)    Harry  Wismer,  born  Nov.  7,  1887. 

VI.  Sarah  B.  Wismer,  born  Oct.  16, 1863.  Mem.  Ev. 

VI.  Emma  Wismer,  boro  Nqy,  8,  186§,  Teacher, 
Mem,  Kv,  Am, 

—  86  — 

VI.  Norman  Wismer,  born  Apr.  3,  1868.  Farmer  in 

VI.  Huldali  WismcT.  born  Mar.  24-,  1873.  Mem.  Ev. 

VI.   Roliert  E.  Wismer,  born  Feh.  1,  1879. 

V.  John  G.  Wismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct. 
29,  1829.  Mrd.  Mary  Hi.^h,  of  Louth,  Ont.,  Feb.  19, 
1861.  She  died  Nov.  18,  1878.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Sarah  Wismer,  born  Nov.  18,  1862. 
(VI.)  Martha  Wismer,  born  Feb.  25,  1864.  (VI.) 
Sandy  Wismer,  l)orn  Oct.  16,  1865.  (VI.)  Sylvester 
Wismer,  born  Feb.  27,  1872.  All  members  Ev. 
Ass.  (VI.)  John  Wismer,  died  at  birth.  (VI.)  Mary 
Wismer,  died  at  birth. — John  mrd.  second  wife,  Janet 
McOmish,  a  native  of  Perthshire,  Scotland.  Dec.  23, 
1879.    She  is  Presbyterian. 

V.  Elizabeth  Wismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Mar.  1,  1832.  Mrd.  Philip  Hioh,  Mar.  9,  1852. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  ^Vlary,  Sarah,  Emer- 
son, Al^raham,  Isaac,  Susie,  Barbara. 

VI.  Marv  Ann  Hio-h,  l)orn  Mar.  9,  1853,  died  Dec.  25, 

VI.  Sarah  Hioh,  l)orn  Feb.  10,  1855.  Mrd.  Freeman 
llittenhouse,  Dec.  1,  1878.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
One  child.  (VII.)  Harvey  Rittenhouse.  born  Sept.  19, 

VI.  Emerson  AV.  High,  l)orn  Dec.  18,  1856.  Mrd. 
Mary  Fry,  Feb.  27,  1881.  She  died  Jan.  18,  1882. 
Farmer.  Mennonites,  One  child:  (VII.)  Orpha  High, 
born  Dec.  12,  1881. — Emerson  nnxl.  second  wife,  Bar- 
bara Jane  Mclntyre  (widow,)  Jan.  27,  1886. 

VI.  Abraham  W.  High,  born  Nov.  2,  1858.  Mrd. 
Rebecca  Jane  Beck,  Dec.  13,  1882.  Farmer  at  South 
Cavuga,  Ont.  Children:  (VII.)  Al)raham  High,  born 
Mar. '20,  1886.    (VII.)   Anna  High,  born  Nov.  1,  1887, 

VI.  Isaac  W.  High,  born  Dec.  9,  1860.  Mrd.  Lily 
Idora  Overholt,  Dec.  15,  1886.  Farmer  at  South  Cay- 
uga, Ont. 

VI.    Susie  High,  born  Nov.   29,  1864-.    Mrd.  Albert 
Rittenhouse,  Sept.  10,  1882.    Farmer.    Children:  (VII.) 
Henry  Rittenhouse,  horn  Sept.  15,  1885.    (VII.)    KVva 
;ib(,^th  Rittenhousjc,  born  July  28,  ISSV, 

—  ,s»  — 

VI.    Bar]):ira  Jane  High,  Ijorn  July  4,  1867. 

V.  Anna  Wisnicr,  l)()in  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  May  (i, 
1884-.  Mrd.  Philip  Mover,  of  Jordan,  Ont. ,  June  1857. 
Children:    Norman,  Delos,  Hattie. 

VI.  Norman  ]Mover,  Ijorn  Apr.  4,  1858.  Mrd.  Emma 
MeCurdy,  of  Clinton,  Ont.,  Jan.  8.  188-1-.  Farmer. 
Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  One  child:  (VII.)  Buroes  Moyer, 
l)orn  Dec.  17,  1884. 

VI.    Delos  Moyer,  1)orn  Mar.  25,  1866. 

VI.    Hattie  Belle  Moyer.  born  Auff.  1».  1872. 

V.  Abraham  G.  Wismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Out., 
Nov.  29,  1836.  Mrd.  Sut^anna  Nash,  May  21,  1870. 
Farmer  in  South  Cayuira,  Ont.  Children:  (VI.)  Abra- 
ham Wismer,  ])orn  Mar.  18,  1871.  (VI.)  Harvey  Wis- 
mer,  born  July  24-,  1873.  (VI.)  Wilford  Wismer,  born 
Sept.  19,  1875.  (VI.)  Florence  Wismer,  l)orn  Dec.  28, 
1877.  (VI.)  Delos  Wismer,  born  May  4,  1880.  (VI.) 
Fannie  Wismer,  born  June  24, 1882,  died  Feb.  17,  1888. 

V.  Susanna  Wismer.  born  in  Lincohi  Co.,  Ont., 
Mar.  26,  1840.  Mrd:  Ephraim  Grobb.  (See  Index  of 
References,  No.  14. 

V.  William  G.  AVismer,  Ijorn  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
July  21,  1842.  Mrd.  Huldah  Ann  Smith,  Mar.  31, 
1870.  Machinist.  Children:  (VI.)  IVIary  Jane  Wismer, 
born  Auo-.  28,  1871.  Teacher.  (VI.)  "Clara  Arminta 
Wismer,1)orn  Dec.  4.  1878.  (VI.)  Buriress  S.  Wismer, 
Bertha  May  Wismer,  (Twins,)  Iwrn  Mar.  16,  1876. 
(VI.)  Rollaiid  S.  Wismer,  ])orn  Aug.  10,  1881.  (VI.) 
Lena  A11)erta  Wismer,  born  Aug.  4,  1883. 

V.  Barbara  AVismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
May  18,  1846.    Mem.  Ev.  Ass.    Unmrd. 

V.  Freeman  AVismer,  born  in  Lincoln  Co..  Ont., 
June  30,  1848.    Presbyterian.    Unmrd. 

VI  Sarah  AA' ismer,  born  May  24,  1852,  died  Sept.  23, 

V.  Mary  Wismer,  1  )orn  in  Lincoln  Co. .  Ont. .  July  13, 
1854.    Presbyterian.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Joseph  (Trol)b,  l)orn  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar.  26, 
1817.  Died  Oct.  18,  1879.  Alrd.  Susanna  Higl^ 
Sept.  20,  1841.  Occupation  at  time  of  death;  Furnii- 
ture  dealer.  Baptist.  Children:  Mary,  FbiUp,  Alme- 
da,  Josephns,  Jiiincs,  Lvk^v,  Lilly. 

—  88  — 

V.  iVlary  Ann  Grohb,  l)orn  Mar.  19,  1843.  Mrd. 
George  Alexander  Miller,  of  Niagara,  Jan.  25,  1865. 
He  was  drowned  June  24,  1866,  Steamboat  engineer. 
He  Avas  Presbyterian,  wife  Episcopalian.  One  child: 
(VI.)  George  Curtis  Heragne  Miller,  born  Mar.  24, 
1866. — Mary  Ann,  mrd.  second  hnsband,  John  Harlev, 
of  Oswego,  N.  Y.,.eTiily  29,  1868.  Cabinet  MakeT. 
Roman  Catholic.  Children:  (VI.)  Joseph  Cornelius 
Harley,  l)orn  Apr.  11,  1869.  Machinist.  (VI.)  John 
Henry  Harley,  born  Sept.  IT,  1875. 

V.  Philip  Henry  Grobb,  born  Aug.  11,  1845.  Mrd. 
Alice  Maud  Dettrick,  Nov.  12,  1872.  Express  agent. 
Episcopalians.  Children:  (VI.)  Martha  Almeda  Grobb, 
born  Dec.  18,  1874.  (VI.)  Lillie  Pearl  Grobb,  born 
Oct.  11,  1877.  (VI.)  Franklin  Gordon  Grobb,  born 
July  7,  1880. 

V.  Almeda  Elizabeth  Grobb,  born  Dec.  12,  1847. 
Mrd.  John  Brewer  Mclntyre,  of  St.  Catharines,  Ont. , 
Dec.  10,  1867.  Undertaker.  He  was  Mayor  of  St. 
Catharines  in  1889.    Episcopalians.    No  issue. 

V.  Joscphn's  Curtis  Grobb,  Iwrn  May  31,  1850.  Mrd. 
Mary  Clotilda  McCarty,  June  30,  1884.  Furniture 
dealer.  Baptist,  wife  Catholic.  Children:  (VI.)  Katie 
Maria  Grobb,  born  Apr.  27,  1885.  (VI.)  John  Joseph 
Grobb,  born  Dec.  11,  1887. 

V.  James  Alsamus  Grobb,  born  May  10,  1852.  Mrd. 
Mary  Elizabeth  Pennington,  June  28,  1875.  Furni- 
ture dealer.  Episcopalians.  Children:  (VI.)  Earnest 
Grobb,  born  Apr.  22,  1877.  (VI.)  R.  Braund  Grobb, 
born  Sei)t.  13,  1881.  (VI.)  Erma  Rosen  Grobb,  born 
Aug.  10,  1887. 

V.  Lucy  Everetta  Grobb,  born  Dec.  21,  1860.  Episco- 
palian.   Unmixl. 

V.   Lilly  Grobb,  born  Nov.  27,  1862,  died  July  3, 1865. 


II.  Jacob  Fretz,  (son  of  weaver  John  Fretz)  was 
born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about  1732,  died — ,  and  was 
buried  in  the  Old  Mennonite  graveyard,  at  Deep 
Run.  About  1755,  he  was  married  to  Catharine 
Nash.  They  at  first  lived  on  a  farm  in  Tinicum  Twp., 
near  Erwinna,  later  known  as  the  Ervine  place,  he 
havino^  sold  it  to  a  man  by  the  name  of  Ervine.  It 
afterwards  came  into  the  hands  of  the  Stovers.  After 
he  sold  his  farm  near  Erwinna,  he  purchased  a  farm 
in  Bedminster  Twp.,  where  he  lived  and  died,  and 
where  his  son  Joseph  (known  as  Bio;  Joe)  also  lived 
and  died;  after  which  it  was  sold  to  Isaac  Detweiler, 
and  is  now  owned  and  occupied  by  Aaron  Yerger. 
The  farm  originally  extended  back  to  the  Tohickon. 
— Jacob  and  his  wife  were  in  all  probability  meml)ers 
of  the  Mennonite  Ch.  at  Deep  Run.  Children:  Eliza- 
l)eth,  Abraham,  John,  Hannah,  Barbara,  Magdalena, 
Jacob,  William,  Joseph,  Isaac. 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
1,  1756,  died  Feb.  13,  1831.  Mrd.  Rev.  John  Kep- 
hart, — .  He  was  born  Feb.  10,  1751,  died  Aug.  31, 
1822.  Farmer  and  Minister.  Ordained  to  the  min- 
istry of  the  Mennonite  church,  and  preached  at  the 
Doylestown  meeting-house,  where  he  and  his  wife 
are  buried.  Children:  Magdalena,  Susan,  Elizabeth, 
Jacob,  John,  Catharine,  Hannah,  Abraham,  Anna. 

IV.  Magdalena  Kephart,  born  Jan,  29,  1780,  died 
Oct.  12,  1851.  Mrd,  John  Bear, — .  Carpenter, 
M!eimoiiites,   Chih^ron;  John,  Joseph,  Kliisiibetli, 

—  90  — 

V,  John  and  Joseph  Boar,  moved  West  and  died 

V.  Elizabeth  Bear,  born  July  S,  ISll,  died  Aug.  24, 
1881).  Mrd.  John  8.  Frets,  of  Scottdale,  Pa.  (See 
Index  of  References  No.  1.5.) 

IV.  Susan  Kephart,  Ijorn  rian.  1."),  1785,  died  June 
23,  1851.  Mrd.  David  Heistand,— .  He  was  born 
Jan.  24,  1788,  died  July  IT,  1800.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.    One  child. 

V.  Elizabeth  Heistand,  born  Sept.  13,  1814,  died 
Mar.  20,  1883.  Mrd.  Henry  Hedrick,  Mar.  5,  1833. 
He  was  born  Mar.  17,  1812,  died  Oct.  31.  1868. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Oliver,  Susan,  Mary, 
Sophia.  David,  Henrv.  Eliza.  Eli. 

VI.  Oliver  Hedrick,"  l)orn  Jan.  1),  183.5.  Mrd.  Mary 
Fretz,  Jan.  7,  1860.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children; 
Lizzie,  Kate,  Annie.  Henry,  Emma,  Sophia,  Ida, 
Susan,  Ellen,  John,  Clara,  Oliver. 

VII.  Lizzie  Fretz  Hetlrick,  born  Feb.  13,  1861. 
Mrd.  Jacob  D.  Moll,  Sept.  11),  1885.  Farmer.  Re- 
formed. One  child.  (VIII.)  Howard  Moll,  born  Jan. 
7,  1887. 

VII.    Kate  F.  Hedrick,  ])orn  June  28,  1862. 

VII.  Annie  M.  Hedrick,  born  Nov.  16,  1864.  Mrd. 
Harvev  Crouthamel,  of  Chalfont,  Pa..  Feb.  1,  1890. 

VII.    Henry  F.  Hedrick,  liorn  Mar.  7,  1866. 

VII.    Emma  F.  Hedrick,  born  May  4,  1867. 

VII.  Sophia  Fretz  Hedrick,  born  Sept.  1,  1868. 
Mrd.  Amos  S.  Baringer,  Oct.  29  1887.  Farmer. 
No  issue.    Lutherans. 

VII.    Ida  F.  Hedrick.  l)orn  Nov.  3,  1869. 

VII.  Susan  F.  Hedrick,  born  Aug.  30,  1871,  died 
Mar.  26,  1873. 

VII.    Ellen  Fretz  Hedrick,  I)orn  Sept.  30,  1872. 

VII.   John  F.,  Hedrick,  l)orn  Nov.  25  1874. 

VII.    Clara  F.  Hedrick,  Iwrn  Aug.  13,  1876. 

VII.    Oliver  Fretz  Hedrick.  born  Oct.  7,  1877. 

VI.  Susan  Hedrick,  l)orn  Nov.  5,  1836.  Mrd.  Ben- 
jamin Frick.  Jan.  5,  I860.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren:   Heni'v,  (xeorge. 

VII.  Henry  H.  Frick,  l)orn  Oct.  10.  1862.  Mrd. 
Emma  Wejkel,  Jan.  29,  1887.    Inventor  and  Patentee 

—  lU  — 

of  Frick's  Patent  Ciirriaiit' Cover;  also  publisher  and 
dealer  in  l)ooks.  Children:  (VIII.)  Robert  Sanuiel 
Friek.  l)orn  Feb.  2(>,  1888.  (VIII.)  Charles  Aaron 
Frick.  l)orn  Feb.  12,  18!»0. 

VII.  Georoe  H.  Friek,  l)orn  Aug.  '24,  1807.  Mrd. 
Louisa  G.  Smith, — .  One  ehild:  (VIII.)  Benjamin 
Adam  Friek,  born  Aug.  13,  1887. 

VI.  Marv  Ann  Hedriek,  born  July  10,  1839,  died 
Nov.  4.  1881.  Mrd.  Charles  Martin,  Nov.  15,  1863. 
Laborer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Henry,  Lizzie, 

VII.  Henry  Thomas  Martin,  born  July  17,  1865, 
died  AuiT.  i5,  1882. 

VII.  Lizzie  H.  :Martin,  born  Apr.  26,  1867.  Mrd. 
George  N.  Trauger,  Apr.  14,  1888. 

VII.  Benjamin  H.  Martin,  born  July  30,  1871,  died 
Aug.  16,  i882. 

VI.  Sophia  Hedriek,  born  June  6,  1841.  Mrd.  Jesse 
H.  Moore,  Jan.  26,  1868.  He  was  born  July  30, 
1847.  Lived  18  years  at  Newville,  Bueks  Co.,"  Pa., 
where  he  followed  the  Blaeksmith.  and  wheelwright, 
trade;  then  moved  on  a  farm  near  Chalfont,  where 
they  now  reside.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Sallie 
A. 'Moore,  born  July  28,  1868.  (VII.)  Henry  H. 
Moore,  born  Dee.  26/1870.  (VII.)  Josiah  H.  Moore, 
born  Dee.  11,  1872.  (VII.)  Leidy  B.  Moore,  born 
June  16,  1874.  (VII.)  Mary  L.  Moore,  born  May  14, 
1876.    (VII.)    Ella  Martha  Moore,  born  Nov.  23,  1880. 

VI.    David  Hedriek.  Ijorn  Feb.  22,  1844.    Mrd.—. 

VI.    Henry  Hedriek,  born  Aug.  6.  1846.    Mrd.—. 

VI.  Eliza'Hedriek,  born  May  2.  1849.  Mrd.  Benjamin 
M.  Mover.  Feb.  1,  1873.  Agent.  ISIennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Katie  jSIoyer,  IjornMay  25, 1875,  died  Apr. 
10,  1878.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Ann  ^Sloyer,  l)orn  Oct.  18, 1876, 
died  Apr.  11,  1878.  (VII.)  Susan  Moj'cr,  born  Aiis^. 
23,  1878,  died  Feb.  16,  1889.  (VII.)  Abraham  H. 
Moyer,  born  Mar.  30,  1880.  (VII.)  Howard  Wilson 
Moyer,  l)orn  Aug.  13,  1882.  (VII.)  E]iliraim  Norman 
Mover,  born  Nov.  12,  1884.  (VII.)  Thomas  Arthur 
Moyer.  born  Sept.  7,  1886. 

VI.'  Eli  Hedriek,  born  Oct.  28,  ls51,  died  P\'b.  7. 

—  !»2  — 

IV.  Elizabeth  Kephart,  horn  June  1,  1786,  died 
Jan  20,  1864.   Unmrd. 

IV.  Jacob  Kephart  l)orn,  about  1787,  died  June  25, 
1856,  Mrd,  Magdalena  Ruth, — .  She  was  born  Auo-. 
10,  1788,  died  Get.  11,  1862.  Carpenter,  Undertaker 
and  Farmer.  Attended  Mennonite  eh.  Children: 
Amelia,  Abraham,  Lydia,  Henry. 

V.  Amelia  Kephart,  l)orn  Auo-.  24, 1801),  diedNov.  17, 
1885.  Mrd.  Samuel  Shutt,  Oct.  16,  1834.  He  died 
Feb.  24,  1887.  Farmer.  Baptists.  Children:  Wil- 
helmina,  AVilliam,  Heman. 

VI.  Wilhelmina  Shutt,  born  Aug-,  20,  1837.  Mrd. 
Charles  McEwen,  Nov.  8,  1860.  Miller.  Baptists. 
Children:  (VM.)  Clara  S.  McEwen,  born  Jan.  20, 1861. 
Mrd.  Abram  Clymer,  Dec.  20,  1881.  She  died  June 
15,  1882.  (VII.)'  AV.  Linford  McEwen,  born  Apr.  26, 
1863.  (VII.)  Mary  Ella  McEwen,  born  Jan.  28,  1865, 
died  Feb.  1,  1884.  (VII.)  Walter  F.  McEwen,  born 
Dec.  29,  1868.    S. 

VI.  William  S.  Shutt,  born  June  18,  1841.  Mrd. 
Ada  J.  Johnson,  Dec.  25,  1887.  Employed  in  a  print- 
ing office  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Served  three  years  in 
the  Army.    Baptist.    No  issue. 

VI.  Heinan  L.  Shutt,  born  Nov.  8,  1850,  died  Dec. 
23,  1884.  Mrd.  Louisa  States,  in  1870.  Farmer.  One 
child:  (VII.)    Emons  B.  Shutt. 

V.  Abraham  K.  Kephart,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  2,  1812.  Mrd.  Mary  Garner,  in  1835.  She  died 
Dec  15,  1854.  Children:  Theophilus,  Catharine, 
Juliet,  Fenton,  Isabelle,  Harrison,  Howard,  Theo- 
dore. He  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Minerva  DeCour- 
sey, — .  One  Child:  Laura.  Mr.  Kephart  during  his 
long  and  eventful  life  followed  farming,  Ijut  has  also 
been  a  public  spirited  man,  and  prominent  in  the 
affairs  of  his  township  and  County.  When  he  was 
about  30  years  of  age  he  joined  the  State  Militia,  and 
served  twelve  years  in  the  following  companies:  "In- 
dependent Rifle  Guns";  ''Washington  Blues'';  and 
"Doylestown  Guards''.  He  was  commissioned  Lieu- 
tenant in  the  Washington  Blues  b}-  Gov.  W-  F-  John- 
son,  He  is  not  a  membe]',  but  attends  the  Mepr^qijit^^ 
church.    \\('  residoH  at  Ti'iHlesvillc,    Fn. 

—  it;i  — 

VI.  Theophilus  G.  Kepliart,  born  Apr.  li),  1835.  Mrd. 
Charlotte  I.  Conner,  Apr.  16,  1867.  She  was  1)orn  in 
Oswego,  N.  Y.,  Mar.  i>-2,  1850.  Baptists.  Children: 
(VII.)  DeForest  C.  Kephart,  born  Dee.  23,  1870.  (VII.) 
Orville  G.  Kephart,  born  Apr.  23,  1872.  (VII.)  India 
B.  Kephart,  l)orn  July  7,  1877,  died  Sept.  21-,  1882. 
(VII.)  Waunetah  B.  K(>phart,  l)orn  May  li,  1885.  In 
earh'  life  Mr.  Kephart  was  a  farmer,  and  like  the 
Revolutionary  patriot,  Gen.  Putnam,  at  the  outl^reak 
of  the  eivil  war,  left  the  plow  for  the  field  of  carnage 
at  the  first  call  to  arms.  His  military  history  dates 
back  to  1855,  when  he  joined  the  Doylestown  Guards, 
which  at  the  liegiuning-  of  the  war  was  captained  l)y 
W.  W.  H.  Davis,  and  who  tendered  the  services  of 
the  company  to  the  government  at  the  first  call  for 
75,000  men,  for  three  months.  They  were  the  first 
troops  to  pass  through  Baltimore,  Md.,  after  the 
Massachusetts  Reg't.  that  met  with  violence  at  the 
hands  of  the  mob.  The  company  was  attached  to  the 
25th  Reg  t.  Pa.,  Vol.,  and  formed  Co.  I,  of  that  Reg't. 
They  were  among  the  troops  to  make  the  first  advance 
into  Va. ,  and  during  the  campaigns  in  that  state  they 
met  the  enemy  in  a  skirmish  at  Harper's  Ferry,  and 
engaged  them  in  battle  at  Falling  water.  At  the 
expiration  of  enlistment,  they  were  mustered  out  of 
service  and  returned  home.  After  the  Regiment  was 
mustered  out  of  service  Mr.  Kephart  was  promoted 
from  private  to  Corporal.  Soon  after  their  return, 
the  104th  Reg  t.  Pa.  Vol.  was  raised  with  Capt.  W. 
W.  H.  Davis  as  Col.,  from  whom  Corporal  Kephart 
received  his  commission  as  First  Lieutenant  of  Co.  B. 
The  Reg't.  joined  the  Army  of  the  Potomac,  and 
served  through  the  Penisular  Campaign,  and  engaged 
in  manj^  of  the  bloody  l^attles  of  the  war.  Their  first 
battle  was  Lee's  Mills;  then  the  siege  of  Yorktown, 
battles  of  Williamsl)urg,  Chickahominy,  Seven  Pines, 
Fair  Oaks,  Seven  days  battles,  James'  Island,  John's 
Island,  taking  of  Morris  Landing,  seige  of  Ft.  Sump- 
ter  and  Charleston,  Cedar  Creek,  and  Campaigns 
before  Petersburg  and  Richmond.  After  the  l)attle  of 
Fair  Oaks,  Leut.  Kephart  was  promoted  to  Captain 
of  Co.  B,  and  subsequently  commissioned  Major,  then 

—  04  - 

Lieut.  Col.,  and  tinally  ColoiU'l  of  the  Regiment. 
After  his  return  from  the  war  his  iirst  venture  was  in 
the  clothing  and  boot  and  shoe  business,  but  for  the 
past  twenty  years  he  has  been  employed  as  a  train 
messenger  for  the  American  Expi-ess  Co.,  at  Chicago, 

VI.  Catharine  Ke})hart,  born  Dec.  8,  1886,  died 
Dec.  26,  1836. 

VI.  Juliet  Kephart,  l)orn  Nov.  28,  1837.  Mrd.  New- 
ton Kadclitie,— .  Farmer  in  111.  Children:  (VII.) 
Enmia  Virginia,  dead.  (VII.)  Harland  Horatio.  (VII.) 
Mary  Orlena  Patience. 

VI.  Fenton  Kephart,  born  July  23,  1841.  Mrd.  Kate, 
daughter  of  Enos  Haldeman,  Aug.  4,  1875.  Farmer. 
Mrs.  Kephart  Baptist.  Mr.  Kephart  enlisted  in  the 
16th  Pa.,  Cavalry,  Sept.  25,  1862,  was  in  all  the  promi- 
nent l)attles  from  the  tirst  battle  of  Fredericksburgh, 
Chancellorsville,  Gettysburg,  Wilderness,  Spottsyl- 
vania.  Siege  of  Petersburgh  and  on  to  Appomattox. 
He  was  w^ounded  in  the  right  hip  at  Hawe's  Shop, 
near  Cold  Harbor.  Was  discharged  at  the  close 
of  the  war,  June  16,  1865.  Children:  (VII.)  Viola 
H.  Kephart,  born  Feb.  22,  1876.  (VII.)  Howard 
H.  Kephart.  born  Sept.  26,  1877.  (VII.)  Raymond 
Kephart,  born  Aug.  28,  1879.  (VII.)  Maliel  Bay 
Kephart,  born  Jan.  1,  1890. 

VI.    Isabella  Kephart,  born  July  18,  1845.    S. 

VI.    Harrison  Kephart,  l)orn  Oct.  8,  1846.    S. 

VI.  Howard  Kephart,  born  Sept.  11,  1848,  died 
Nov.  12,  1873.    S. 

VI.  Theodore  Kephart,  born  Aug.  17,  1852.  Mrd. 
Mary  Gillam, — .  In  Milk  business  in  Phila.  One 
child:   (VII.)  Abraham  Howard  Kephart,  l)orn— ,  1890. 

VI.  Laura  D.  Kephart,  born  Sept.  30,  1859.  Mrd. 
Al)raham  Clymer,  Mar.  30,  1887.     Farmer.   Baptists. 

V.  Lydia  Kephart,  l)orn— ,  1815,  died—.  Mrd. 
George  Geil,— .  One  child:  (VI.)  William  Fenton 
Geil,"born— .    Mrd,  Phebe  Ann  Flack.    No  issue. 

V.  Henry  H.  F.  Kephart,  l)orn  Oct.  17,  1828.  Mrd. 
Amy  T.  High,  June  5,  1851.  Farmer.  Children:  Jo- 
sephine, Emma,  Annie,  George,  AVilhelmina.  Pierson, 
Ida,  Theophilus,  William,  Mary,  Samuel. 

VI.  J()st'))liim'  Kcplmrt,  l>orn  F(_'l>.  15.  ls:)-2.  Mrd. 
John  N.  Iloldcnuiii, — .    Fanner.    Baptists.    No  issno. 

VI.  Emma  P.  Kcpliart.  born  Aug.  15,  1853.  Dress- 
maker.   Baptist.    S. 

VI.  Anna  A.  Kephart.  born  Dec.  30,  18.54.  Dress- 
maker.   Presl)yterian.    8. 

VI.  Georii(>  Ehvood  Kepiiart,  ])orn  Apr.  10,  185t). 
Mrd.  Anna  Weisel,— .  Farmer.  Mem.  Ger.  Ref.  Cli. 
Cliildren:  {VII. )  Calvin  Ira.  Horace,  Elsie  May.  Sam- 
uel S..  Amy. 

VI.  Wilhehnina  S.  Ivei)liart,  l)oni  Oct.  26,  1857. 
Mrd.  Alfred  Steever.— .  Miller.  Members  Ger.  Eef. 
Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Stella  May  Steever,  born—, 
died—.    (VII.)    Norman  Chester  Steever. 

VI.  Pierson  H.  Kephart,  born  Apr.  10,  1859,  died  in 
1885.    S. 

VI.  Ida  Kephart,  born  Jan.  14,  1861,  died  July  18, 

VI.  Theophilus  Kephart,  l)orn  Sept.  30,  1863.  Clerk 
in  Phila.  Pa.    S, 

VI.  William  Fenton  Kephart,  l)orn  Sept.  6,  1864. 
Died  Ausr.  20,  1868, 

VI.  Maiy  Ella  Kephart,  l)orn  Apr.  30,  1866.  Mrd. 
Ervin  Gardner, — ,  1888.  Clerk  at  Lansdale,  Pa.  One 
child:    (VII.)   Harrison  Garner,  born  Feb.  2,  1889. 

VI.  Samuel  H.  K(>phart,'  l)orn  Auo;.  18,  1868,  died 
same  day. 

IV.  John  Kephart,  born — ,  died. — .  Mrd.  Mar.£:aret 
Hook, — .    Farmer.    Mennonites.    One  child: — . 

V.  John  Kephart,  born — .  Mrd.  Henriette  McEwen, 
— .  In  Car  office  in  Phila.  Pa.  Four  children:  (VI.) 
Frank,  — . 

IV.  Catharine  Kephart,  l)orn — ,  died — .  Mrd.  — 
Gerhart,  — .   Children:    Eliza,  Alfred,  Susanna. 

V.  Eliza  Gerhart,  born  Mar.  17,  1812.  Mrd.  Enos 
Rotzell,  in  1830.  He  was  born  July  7,  1807,  died 
Dec.  2,  1874.  Tailor.  Baptists.  Children:  Emily. 
Anna,  Charles,  Joseph,  Lizzie,  John. 

VI.  Emily  Rotzell,  l)orn  Nov.  4,  1834,  died  Sept.  8, 

VI.  Anna  Mary  Rotzell,  liorn  July  28,  1836,  died 
June  10,  1843. 

—  0(^  — 

VI.  Cluuies  M.  Rotzell,  liorn  Mar.  5,  1838,  died 
Sept.  22,  1864.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Dewees,  in  1863.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Harrv  S.  Rotzell,  born  Mar.  7,  1864. 

VI.  Joseph  M.  Rotzell,  born  Dec.  10,  1842,  died 
Feb.  27,  1874.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Whitehead,  in  1871,  One 
child:  (VII.)  Willet  Rotzell,  bom  in  1873. 

VI.  Lizzie  A.  Rotzell,  bom  Feb.  21,  1843,  died 
Apr.  22,  1883. 

VI.  John  Rotzell,  l)ora  Sept.  11,  1845.  Mrd.  Ger- 
trude Eaton,  Mar.  24,  1874.  Grocer  at  Norristown, 
Pa.  Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Rotzell,  l)orn 
Apr.  24,  1875,  died  July  1,  1876.  (VII.)  Bertha  Rot- 
zell, born  Nov.  9,  1876.  (VII.)  Hattie  Rotzell,  born 
Sept.  9,  1880. 

V.  Alfred  Gerhart,  born, — .  Mrd,  Catharine  Lee, — 
She  died  in  1872.  Children:  (VI.)  Philip,  Catharine, 
Sarah,  and  one  or  two  died. 

V.  Susannah  Gerhart,  born — ,  died — .  Mrd.  Henry 
Smith.    Children:  (VI.)  Albert,  Jessie. 

IV.  Hannah  Kephart,  Ijorn — .  died — .  Mrd,  Joseph 
Yocum,    Farmer.    One  child:  (V.)  John  Yocum. 

IV.  Abraham  Kephart,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  19,  1796,  died  Aug,  23,  1850.  Mrd.  De])orah, 
daughter  of  Philip  Brunner,  of  New  Britain  Twp,, 
Apr.  17,  1823.  She  was  born  Dec  5,  1800,  and  is  still 
living  (1890).  Miller.  Presbyterian.  Children:  John, 
George,  Thomas,  Sarah, 

V.  John  B.  Kephart,  born  in  Bucks  Co,,  Pa.,  Apr.  27, 
1824.  Mrd.  Henrietta  Brunner  of  Germantown.  Sales- 
man in  Pork  packing  establishment,  in  Philadelphia. 
They  had  four  children  2  dead.  (VI.)  Anna  Louisa 
Kephart.    (VI.)  Walter  L.  Kephart. 

V.  George  W.  Kephart.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  White. 
Children:  Marshall,  Howard,  Frank,  Mary. 

VI.  Marshall  Kephart,  Mrd,  Ella  Norman.  Paper 
hanger.  Children:  (VII.)  George,  Norman,  Lillie, 

VI.  Howard  Kephart,  mrd.  Martha  Scott,  Clerk, 
Children:  (VII.)  Charlotte,  Catharine,  Isaac,  Howard. 

VI.  Frank  Kephart,  mrd.  Lillie  Norman.  Clerk. 
Children:  (VII.)  Rol)ert,  Katie,  Viola. 

Old    Mennonlte   Church,    Deep   Run. 

itr  — 

VI.  Mary  Kophart,  inr  1.  Jessie  Fowoll.  Book- 
keeper. Children:  (VII.)  Marion  Kephart  Powell. 
(VII.)  Allen  Mills  Powell. 

V.  Thomas  Philip  Kephart,  M.  D.,  born  .  Mrd. 
Belle  James  of  New  Britain  Twp.  Practicing  Physi- 
cian in  New  York  City.  P)aptists.  Children:  (VI.) 
Carrie  E.  Kephart,  born — ,  died — .  Baptist.  (VI.) 
Emma  E.  Kephart,  ))()rn  — ,  died — .  Episcopalian. 
(VI.)  Infant,  died  unnamed.  (VI.)  Infant,  died  un- 
named. (VI.)  Flora  I).  Kei)hart,  Teacher;  resides  in 
Dolyestown,  Pa. 

V.  Sallie  Kephart,  nud.  Jonas  Cassel,  of  Skippack 
twp..  Pa.  Produce  and  connnission  merchant  in  Phil- 
adelphia., Pa.,  Presbyterian.  Children:  (VI.)  Carrie 
E.  Cassel.  (VI.)  Clifford  Kephart  Cassel.  (VI.)  Alice 
C.  Cassel,  born—,  died  July  S.  1ST5.  (VI.)  Linford 
Brunner  Cassel. 

IV.  Anna  Kephart,  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  19, 
1T!)!»,  died  Dec.  22,  1ST8.  Mrd.  John  Shutt,  Jan. 
27,  1820.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Oliver, 
Sophia,  Sarah,  Georg-e,  Samuel,  Mary,  John. 

V.  Oliver  P.  Shutt,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
16,  1820.  Mrd.  Sallie  Ann  Garges,  Nov.  2,  1854. 
Farmer.  Baptist.  C-hildren:  Anna,  Emma,  Ida, 
Mary,  George. 

VI.  Anna  K.  Shutt,  ])orn  Nov.  T,  1855.  Mrd.  Pros- 
per Lenat  Hewes,  Mar.  22,  1877.  Farmer.  Baptists. 
Children,  (VII.)  Georse  Lenat  Hewes,  born  Feb.  22, 
1878.  (VII.)  Marv  C  Hewes,  ])orn  May  11»,  1879. 
(VII.)  Elizabeth  C.' Hewes,  born  Dec.  4,  1881.  (VII.) 
Oliver  Perry  Shutt  Hewes,  born  Aug.  3,  1882. 

VI.    Emma  O.  Shutt,  born  Nov.  21,  1856. 

VI.    Ida  Shutt.  born  Jan.  14,  1857,  died  Nov.  9,  1859. 

VI.  Mary  L.  Shutt,  liorn  June  6,  1868,  died  July  19. 

VI.   George  Franklin  Shutt,  born  July  24,  1873. 

V.  Sophia  Shutt,  born  July  2,  182.5',  died  Mar.  31, 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Shutt,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
18,  1827.  Mrd.  George  M.  Garner,  Dec.  24,  1846. 
Farmer.  Attends  Ref.  ch.  Children:  Anna.  Franklin, 

—  98  — 

VI.  Anna  Amelia  Garner,  born  Oct.  3,  1847,  Mrd. 
Henry  S.  Scholl,  May,  18,  1868.  Carriage  Builder  in 
Juniata  Co.,  Pa.  Mrs.  Scholl,  Lutheran.  Children: 
(VII.)  Alton  G.  Scholl,  born  May  31,  1869.  (VII.) 
Marion  V.  Scholl,  born  Oct.  15,  1871.  (VII.)  Blanch 
Clare  Scholl,  born  Feb.  10,  1875,    died  May  11,  1883. 

VI.  Franklin  S.  Garner,  born  Feb.  18,  1852.  Mrd. 
Adeline  Geil,  Mar.  22,  1877.  Farmer.  Attend  Ref. 
ch.    No  issue. 

VI.  Sylvester  Garner,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  3, 
1859,  Mrd.  Laura  Fesmire,  July  6,  1879.  Telegraph 
operator  on  Stony  Creek  R.  R.  Mems.  Ref.  ch.  No 

V.  George  Franklin  Shutt,  born  Feb.  23,  1831,  died 
Aug.  31,  1882.    No  issue. 

V.  Samuel  Edwin  Shutt,  born  Aug.  18,  1833,  died 
Dec.  22,  1837. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Shutt,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Mar.  28, 
1837.  Mrd.  Samuel  T.  Hinkle,  of  Plumstead  Twp., 
Nov.  24,  1859.  Farmer  in  New  Britain,  Pa.  Baptists. 
Children:  Alcesta,' Arabella,  Franklin,  Eugene,  Anna, 
Bertha,  Albert. 

VI.  Alcesta  Hinkle,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  18, 
1861.  Mrd.  WiUiam  W.  Stover,  of  New  Britain,  Pa. 
Carriage  Painter  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Mrs.  Stover 

Vr.  Arabella  Hinkle,  Ijorn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  2, 
1863.  Mrd.  John  C.  Radcliffe,  of  Warrington  Twp., 
Pa.  Farmer  in  New  Britain,  Pa.  Mrs.  Radcliffe  Bap- 
tist. Children:  (VII.)  DessieH.  Radcliffe,  born  July  17, 
1888,  died  Nov.  8,  1888.  (VII.)  Hazel  Freda  Radcliffe, 
born  Jan  22,  1890. 

VI.  G.  Franklin  Hinkle,  born  May  2,  1865,  in  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa. 

VI.  Eugene  Hinkle,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  1, 

VI.   Anna  M.  Hinkle,  born  July  7,  1872. 

VI.   Bertha  Blanche  Hinkle,  born  Nov.  10,  1874. 

VI.   Albert  Edwin  Hiiikle,  born  Oct.  10,  1876. 

V.  John  Harrison  Shutt,  born  Jan.  2,  1840,  died 
Nov.  8,  1841. 

—  99  — 

III.  Abraham  Fretz,  hum  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  1, 
1T58;  died  Fclx  14,  1839,  aged  81-1-13.  Mrd.  Eliza- 
beth Harmon,  Mar.  11:,  1786.  She  died  Nov.  11, 
1843,  He  was  a  farmer,  and  had  looms  for  weaving. 
The  localit}'  of  his  farm  was  one  mile  above  Leidy 
town,  Hilltown  Twp.,  adjacent  to  the  Old  Bethlehem 
road.  During  the  revolutionary  war,  parties  came 
from  the  American  Army,  to  his  father's  place,  and 
pressed  a  wagon  and  team  of  horses  into  the  service. 
Abraham,  then  a  lad  of  seventeen  years,  was  sent 
along  to  ])ring  the  wagon  and  team  back  again.  At 
Trenton,  N.  J.,  he  put  on  a  load  of  powder,  and 
drove  across  New  Jersey,  New  York  and  Connecticut 
to  Boston,  Mass.,  and  was  present  at  the  battle  of 
Bunker  Hill.  He  remained  with  the  army  three 
months,  and  then  returned  home.  They  were  mem- 
bers of  the  Mennonite  church,  and  were  buried  at 
Line  Lexington  grave  yard.  Children:  Jacob,  Susan, 
John,  Catharine,  Abraham. 

IV.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  12, 
1786;  died  Apr.  13,  1867.  Mrd.  Pleasant  Bitting, 
Feb.  8,  1814.  His  earliest  occupation  was  as  a  mer- 
chant at  Centerville,  thence  to  Hatboro,  Montg'y  Co., 
Pa.,  where  he  remained  until  his  death.  Mrs.  Fretz 
was  a  member  of  the  Dunkard  church.  Children: 
Oliver,  Elizabeth,  Dewitt,  Margaret,  Lewis,  Franklin. 

V.  Oliver  Perry  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
15,  1815.  Bachelor.  Exmember  of  Penns3dvania 
Legislature.  Resides  at  Hatboro,  Pa.,  where  he  is 
engaged  as  a  commission  merchant. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  5, 
1820.  Mrd.  Charles  M.  Stocton,  of  Philadeli^hia, 
Pa.,  Jan.  15,  1846.  Clothing  merchant.  Mrs.  Stoc- 
ton was  a  Baptist.     Both  deceased;  without  issue. 

V.  De  Witt  Clinton  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
May  9,  1823.  Mrd.  Annie  Chambers,  of  Philadelphia, 
Aug.  23,  1865.  He  was  formerly  a  clothing  merchant, 
but  for  the  last  twenty  years  has  been  engaged  with 
Wannamaker  &  Co. ,  as  special  cutter,  at  820  Chest- 
nut St.,  Philadelphia.  Children:  EHzabeth,  De  Witt, 

—  100  — 

VI.  Elizabeth  Stocton  Fretz,  born  Nov.  9,  1866. 
Mrd.  Andrew  P.  Koch,  of  Philadelphia,  Mar.  19, 
1885.  Book  keeper.  Mr.  Koch  Lutheran  and  his 
wife  Baptist.  One  child:  (VII.)  Andrew  P.  Koch,  Jr., 
born  Apr.  3,  1886. 

VI.    De  Witt  Clinton  Fretz,  Jr.,  born  July  23,  1872. 

VI.    Harry  Clay  Fretz,  born  July  31,  1877. 

V.  Margaret  Emily  Fretz,  born  in  Hatboro,  Pa.,  Oct. 
28.  1826.  Died—. "  Mrd.  Jacob  V.  Reading,  of  Hat- 
boro, Sept.  28,  1852.  He  died—.  Merchant.  Bap- 
tists. Children:  (VI.)  Frank  Reading,  born  Jan.  24, 
1866;  died  Oct.  19,  1881.  (VI.)  Walter  T.  Reading, 
born  A])r.  3,  1868.  Assistant  Drawer  at  Eriien  Search 
&  Co.,  Worsted  Mills,  at  Tacony,  Pa.  S. 

V.  Lewis  Bitting  Fretz,  born  at  Centerville,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  13,  1829.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Watson, 
June  12,  1861.  He  was  formerly  merchant  at  Hat- 
boao,  but  is  now  engaged  as  clerk  at  Norristown. 
Quaker.  One  child:  (VI.)  William  Henry  Fretz,  born 
in  Hatboro,  Pa.,  May  19,  1862.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Logan, 
daughter  of  Joseph  and  Esther  A.  Shoemaker,  of 
Jenkintown,  Feb.  10,  1887.  Lumberman.  Mem.  So. 
of  Friends.  One  child:  (VII.)  J.  Lewis  Fretz,  born 
Jan.  3,  1889. 

V.  Franklin  Harry  Fretz,  born  in  Hatboro,  Mont- 
gomery Co.,  Pa.  He  is  about  middle  age.  When  he 
was  sixteen  years  of  age  he  went  to  Philadelphia  to 
study  painting  under  a  German  artist  named  Tholey. 
After  being  tbere  two  years,  he  was  sent  to  Tennent 
School  in  Bucks  Co.,  and  after  remaining  there  two 
years,  he  returned  to  Philadelphia  to  teach  in  Duff's 
Commercial  College,  and  after  a  time  had  offered  to 
him  the  art  classes  in  the  schools  of  Madanu  Chiga- 
ray,  and  Madanu  Clement  in  Germantown  and  has 
continued  in  these  institutions  ever  .since. 

IV.  Susan  Fretz,  born  May  28,  1790;  died  Apr.  16, 
1817.     Unmrd. 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  28, 
1795,  died  Nov.  18,  1871-.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Kerns,  in 
1827.  She  was  born  June  19,  1805;  died  Jan.  7,  181:3. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children.  Harmon,  Mary, 
Elizabeth,  Amanda.    John  mrd.   second  wife,  Mary 

—  101  — 

Landis,  Jun  25,  1846.  She  died  Jan.  18,  1889.  Chil- 
dren: Homy,  John,  William. 

V.  Harmon  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  9, 
1828.    Farmer.    Mennonite.     Unmrd. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  26, 
1833.  Mrd.  Henry  Fretz,  (his  second  wife),  Dec.  3, 
1854.  No  issue.  (See  Index  of  References  No.  16.) 
She  mrd.  second  husband,  Isaac  B.  Kratz,  of  Hill- 
town,  Pa.,  Nov.  21,  1885.     She  is  a  Baptist. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Feb.  13,  1836;  died  Oct. 
12,  1866.     Unmrd.    Methodist. 

V.  Amanda  Fretz,  liorn  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Apr.  17, 
1840.  Mrd.  John  A.  Albright,  Dec.  3,  1881.  Farmer. 
Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VI.)  Warren  F.  Albright, 
])orn  Jan.  8,  1883;  died  Feb.  26,  1886.  (VI.)  Wesley 
F.  Albright,  born  Nov.  13,  1885. 

V.  Henry  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
14,  1846.  Mrd.  Wilhelmina  Kline,  Dec.  10,  1873. 
She  was  born  Feb.  7,  1855.  Proprietor  Trewigtown 
Hotel.  Children:  (VI.)  Franklin  K.  Fretz,  born  Apr. 
6,  1875.  (VI.)  Joseph  Harmon  Fretz,  born  Aug.  6, 
1876.  (VI.)  Mary  Irene  Fretz,  born  Aug.  15,  1878. 
(VI.)  Ida  Estella  Fretz,  born  Aug.  17,  1880.  (VI.) 
Arthur  Alonzo  Fretz,  born  July  30,  1884,  (VI.)  John 
Paul  Fretz,  liorn  Feb.  28,  188(3.  (VI.)  Frances  Grace 
Fretz,  born  May  28,  1888.  (VI.)  Flora  Fidelia  Fretz, 
born  Apr.  20,  1890. 

V.  John  D.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
3,  1848.  Mrd.  Hannah  Eley,  May,  1889.  In  the  milk 
business  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.    Presbyterian. 

V.  William  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
12,  1851.  Mrd.  Dollie  Baxter—.  Liveryman  in  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa.    Children:  (VI.)   Florence,  Clinton. 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  8, 
1804;  died  July  29,  1870.  Mrd.  Andrew  F.  Swartz, 
about  1824.  He  was  born  Sept.  9,  1802.  Mennonites. 
Children:    Christian,  Mahlon. 

V.  Christian  F.  Swartz,  born  Feb.  14,  1826;  died 
Oct.  6,  1826. 

V.  Mahlon  H.  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa.,  Sept. 
2,  1827.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Ann  Lnkens,  of  Kulpsville, 
Pa.,  Oct.  23,  1851.     Butcher  at  Lansdale,  Pa.    Mrs. 

—  102  — 

Swartz  Methodist.  Children:  William,  Kate,  Liikens, 
Lizzie,  Charles,  Walter,  Harry.   " 

VI.  William  L.  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
June  3,  1852.  Mrd.  Prudence  Woodward,  of  Fayette 
Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  18,  1879.  Carpenter  at  Uniontown, 
Pa.  Children:  (VII.)  Harry  E.  Swartz,  born  June  4, 
1880.  (VII.)  Mary  W.  Swartz,  born  June  27,  1882. 
(VII.)  Lizzie  P.  Swartz,  born  May  7,  1888. 

VI.  Kate  A.  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
21,  1853.  Mrd.  Enos  R.  Hunsberger,  of  Hatfield, 
Pa.,  Sept.  21,  1872.  Carpenter.  Children:  (VII.) 
Kate  Delilah  Hunsberger.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Hunsberger. 
(VII.)  Emma  Hunsberger.  (VII.)  Wallace  Hunsber- 
ger. (VII.)  Isaac  Hunsberger.  (VII.)  Jacob  Huns- 
berger. (VII.)  Mary  Hunsberger.  (VII.)  Sarah  Huns- 
berger, born — .    Died — . 

VI.  Lukens  L.  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  26,  1858.  Mrd.  Ann  Clemens,  of  Lansdale,  Pa., 
Nov.  21,  1880.  Children:  (VII.)  Aaron  C.  Swartz, 
born  Mav  23,  1881.  (VII.)  Charles  C.  Swartz,  born 
Oct.  30,  1883.  (VII.)  Franklin  C.  Swartz,  born  Mar. 
9,  1887.    (VII.)    Laura  C.  Swartz,  born  July  28,  1889. 

VI.  Lizzie  L.  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
21,  1862.  Mrd.  Wateman  Williams,  of  Morgantown, 
W.  Va.    No  issue. 

VI.  Charles  L.  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
1,  1861.     Carpenter  at  Uniontown,  Pa.    S. 

VI.  Walter  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
9,  1865,  died  Nov.  9,  1865. 

VI.  Harry  Swartz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  2, 
1869.    Bricklayer.    S. 

IV.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  1, 
1807;  died  Aug.  15,  1813. 

III.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  28, 
1763;  died  Feb.  21,  1812.  Mrd.  Mary  Kratz,  Apr. 
15,  1792.  She  was  born  Mar.  7,  1770;  died  July  9, 
1849.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Magdalena, 
Rachel,  Elizabeth,  Abraham,  Barbara,  John,  Mary, 
Susanna,  Lydia. 

IV.  MagJalena  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
20,  1794;  died—.    Mrd.  Christian  S.  Loux,  Dec.  19, 

—  103  — 

1815.  Farmer  and  weaver.  They  lived  in  Hilltovvn 
Twp.  Mr.  Loux  Reformed  Mennonite  and  Mrs. 
Loux  Old  Mennonite.  Children:  Maria,  Jeremiah, 
Eli,  Jacob,  John,  Ephraim,  Barbara. 

V.  Maria  Loux,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  2, 

1816.  Mrd.  Henry  Weisel,  Nov.  18,  1847.  He  died 
June  3,  1885.  Farmer.  Mem.  Reformed  Ch.  Chil- 
dren: John,  Lydia,  Oliver,  Louis,  Mary. 

VI.  John  G.  Weisel,  born  May  29,  1850;  died  Feb. 
23,  1853. 

VI.  Lydia  A.  Weisel,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
13,  1852;  died  Mar.  11,  1879.  Mrd.  Henry  G.  Funk, 
Dec.  17,  1874.  Children:  (VII.)  Lauretta  M.  Funk, 
born  Nov. — ,  1875.  (VII.)  H.  Norman  Funk,  born 
Mar.  4,  1879. 

VI.  H.  Oliver  Weisel,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
21,  1855.  Mrd.  Sallie  Clymer,  Oct.  26,  1878.  Agent 
in  the  Freight  Dept.,  of  the  Reading  R.  R.  at  2d 
and  Berks  St.  Depot,  Philadelphia.  Mem.  Reformed 
Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Florence  Weisel,  born  Jan.  31, 
1880.     (VII.)    Winfield  Weisel,  born  July  31,  1881. 

VI.  M.  Louis  Weisel,  born  Nov.  26,  1857.  Mrd. 
Mary  A.  Wilgus,  Apr.  18,  1882.  Mem.  Reformed 
Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Olive  Weisel.  (VII.)  Susan 

VI.  Mary  L.  Weisel,  (Twins  M.  Louis),  born  Nov. 
26,  1857;  died  Sept.,  1858. 

V.    Jeremiah  Loux,  born  in  1818;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Eli  Loux,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  12,  1819. 
Mrd.  Hannah  Krupp,  Nov.  5,  1843.  She  died  June 
12,  1848.  Carpenter  and  Builder.  Member  of  the 
Dutch  Reformed  Ch.  One  child:  (VI.)  Elizabeth 
Loux,  born  Jan.  3,  1846;  died  Jan.  27,  1850.  Eli 
Mrd.  second  wife,  Margaret  Ambers,  Oct  8,  1853. 
She  died  Feb.  3,  1885.  Children:  (VI.)  William  H. 
Loux,  born  Apr,  1,  1855.  Assistant  Teller  in  Na- 
tional Bank  of  the  Northern  Liberties,  Philadelphia, 
Pa.  S.  (1889.)  (VI.)  Sarah  Virginia  Loux,  born  Oct. 
26,  1856.  (VI.)  Charles  Wesley  Loux,  born  Jan.  26, 
1859.  Carpenter  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  (Single,  1889.) 
(VI.)  Mary  Ellen  Loux,  born  Jan.  5,  1860.  Mrd. 
Creorge  D.  Bradley,  Sept.   12,  1889.    Dentist.    (VI.) 

—  104  — 

Emma  Jane  Loux,  born  Oct.  3,  lS6-t;  died  Nov.  IT, 
lfi64.   (VI.)  Anna  Maro-arct  Loux,  born  Mar.  13,  1867. 

V.  Rev,  Jacob  Loux,'^lwrn  Oct.  5,  1822.  Mrd.  Han- 
nah Rittenhonse,  Nov.  21,  1847.  Retired  farmer  and 
minister.  He  was  ordained  to  th(^  ministry  May  21, 
1867,  at  the  Plain's  Meetino-  House  in  Hatfield  twp., 
one  of  the  first  Mennonite  churches  in  Monto;omery 
Co.,  and  where  he  still  preaches.  Children:  Samuel. 
Mary,  Jacob,  Hiram,  Al)raham. 

VI.  Samuel  R.  Loux,  born  Jan.  24,  1841)  in  Mont- 
(jomerv  Co.,  Pa.  Mrd.  P^lla  M.  Benjamin,  in  St. 
Paul,  Minn.,  May,  1882.  Book-keeper.  Chiklren: 
(VII.)  Llewellvn  R.  Loux.  born  Dec.  4,  1884;  died 
same  day.  (Vli")  Ina  JeanettcLoux,  born  Dec.  23, 1887. 

VI.  Mary  Ellen  Loux,  l)orn  Aug.  7,  1852,  in  Mont- 
gomery Co.,  died  Mar.  8,  1882.  Mrd.  Franklin 
Metz,  (deceased),  Jan.  12,  1878.  Children:  (VII.) 
Emma  L.  Metz,  born  July  10,  1879.  (VII.)  Hiram  L. 
Metz,  born  Nov.  27,  1880. 

VI.  Jacob  R.  Loux,  ])orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
11,  1856.  Mrd.  Henrietta  D.,  daughter  of  Abraham 
and  Elizabeth  Clenuner,  Jan.  4,  1879.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Lizzie  C.  Loux,  born  Jan. 
1,  1882.   (VII.)  Abraham  C.  Loux,  born  Feb.  17,  1888. 

VI.  Hiram  R.  Loux,  M.  D.,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
July  16,  1859.  Mrd.  Lillian  Lake, 'Sept.  13,  1885. 
Physician  at  Souderton,  Pa.    No  issue. 

VI.  Abraham  R.  Loux,  born  in  Hatfield  Twp.,  July 
16,  1870.    Painter.    (S.,  1889.) 

V.   John  F.  Loux,  T)orn  Oct.  1,  1824;  died  at  17  yrs. 

V.  Ephraim  Loux,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22, 
1826.  Mrd.  Susannah  H.  Oberholtzer,  Dec.  8,  1850. 
Carpenter.  Lutherans.  Children:  Ephraim,  Elizabeth, 
Comly,  Frank,  x'Vnna,  Laura,  Susie,  Ida. 

VI.  Ephraim  Loux,  born  Jan.  8,  1852;  died  same 

VI.    Elizabeth  A.  Loux,  born  Aug.  13,  1853. 

VI.  Comlv  Loux.  born  May  9,  1855;  died  Feb. 
24,  1875. 

VI.  W.  Frank  Loux,  born  June  25,  1857.  Mrd. 
Marcella  Egee,  Oct.  18,  1882.  Merchant.  Children: 
(VII.)   Edna  Loux,   still-born  Mar.    19,   1884,      (VII.) 

—  105  — 

Ada  Marcellu  Loux,  born  Nov.  11),  1S85.  (VII.)  Edith 
Loux,  l)orii  A\\(r.  0.  1888. 

VI.  Anna  M.  Loux,  ])orn  in  Bucks  Co..  Pa.,  Mar. 
26,  1859.  Mrd.  John  B.  S.  EgQL\  M.  D.,  Sept.  15. 
1880.  Practieing  Physician  in  Phihidelphia,  Pa.  Lu- 
therans. Children:  (VII.)  Edgar  G.  P^gee,  born  July 
6,  1881.  (VII.)  Marcella  Egee,  born  Mar.  20,  1883. 
(VII.)  Anna  M.  Egee,  boi-n  Mar.  19,  1885;  died 
next  day.  (VII.)  George  Benton  Egee,  horn  May 
H,  1888." 

VI.  Laura  N.  Loux,  born  Feb.  T,  1866;  died  Aug. 
5,  1866. 

VI.    Susie  N.  Loux,  born  Se})t.  14,  1867. 

VI.    Ida  N.  Loux,  born  Feb.  26,  1872. 

V.  Barbara  Loux,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  24, 

1828.  Mrd.  Joseph  Davis,  Dec.  12,  1850.    Bricklayer 
and  farmer.    Mem.     Reformed   Ch.    Children:    (VI.) 
Eliam  L.  Davis,  born — .   Farmer  in  Minnesota.   Bap 
tist.    (S.,  1889.) 

VI.  Elmira  Davis,  born — .  Mrd.  Reuben  D.  Rosen- 
berger,  Jan.  1,  1876.  Farmer  in  Woodson  Co.,  Kan. 
Mrs.  Rosenberger.  Baptist.  Children:  (VII.)  Melvin 
and  Viola  Vincent  Rosenberger,  tA%dns.  (VII.)  Lillian 
Rosenberger.    (VII.)    George  Rosenberger. 

IV.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  22, 
1796,  died  July  7,  1877.     Mrd.  Isaac  Delp,  Feb.  28, 

1829.  Farmer.  Mrs.  Delp  was  a  Mennonite.  One 

V.  Ephraim  Delp,  born  Jan.  7,  1834.  Mrd.  Ange- 
lina W.  Baker,  Jan.  15,  1859.  Farmer.  Children: 
Henry,  Elizabeth,  Jacob,  William,  Emma,  Amanda, 
Charles,  Ada,  Angelina,  Ephraim. 

VI.  Henry  B.  Delp,  born  Aug.  31,  1860.  Mrd.  Annie 
H.  Bower,  Dec.  6,  1884.  Teacher  in  the  public  schools. 
Children:  (VII.)  Emma  B.  Delp,  born  Jan.  31,  1886. 
(VII.)  Alvin  B.  Delp,  born  Aug.  1,  1888. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Delp,  born  Sept.  22,  1862.  died  Au^. 
30,  1863. 

VI.  Jacob  B.  Delp.  born  Aug.  26,  1864.  Mrd.  Sallie 
D.  Moyer.  Mar.  2.  1889.    Carpenter. 

VI.  William  B.  Delp.  born  Sept.  9,  1866,  died  Oct. 
17,  1867. 

—  106  — 

VI.   Emma  B.  Delp,  born  Jan.  23,  1868,  died  Aug. 
31,  1869. 
VI.   Amanda  B.  Delp,  born  May  10,  1869. 
VI.   Charles  B.  Delp,  bom  Feb."^  5,  1872. 
VI.   Ada  B.  Delp,  born  Dec.  7,  1874. 
VI.   Angelina  B.  Delp,  born  Jmie  7,  1876. 
VI.   Ephraim  B.  Delp  Jr.,  born  May  9,  1878. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  15, 
1798,  died  Mar.  26,  1880.  Mrd.  Abraham  Hiestand. 
Apr.  20,  1820.  He  died  Jan  8,  1862.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  Catharine,  Mary,  Susanna,  Her- 
man, Elizabeth. 

V.  Catharine  Hiestand,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  25,  1822,  died  May  5,  1868.  Mrd.  Henry  Det- 
weiler,  Oct.  1,  181-3.  Blacksmith.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Elizabeth,  Catharine. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  20,  1845.  Mrd.  Tobias  Lapp,  Apr.  21,  1866. 
He  died — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Ellen, 
William,  Martha,  A—. 

VII.  Ellen  Lapp,  born — .  Mrd.  Harry  Rosenberger. 
Farmer.    Mennonites. 

VI.  Catharine  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  19,  1849.  Mrd.  Allen  Sampey,  May  3,  1879. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (Vli.)  Harvey 

V.  Mary  Hiestand,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  10, 
1824,  died  Sept.  25,  1824. 

V.  Susanna  Hiestand,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  25, 
1826,  died  Jan.  6,  1882.  Mrd.  Jesse  Kratz  Sr.  Oct.  20, 
1844.  He  was  born  Oct.  8, 1821.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Abraham,  William,  Mary,  Lizzie,  Albert, 
David,  Harry,  Susan,  Jesse,  Annie,  Katie,  Marcus. 

VI.  Abraham  Kratz,  born  Sept.  23,  1845,  died  Mar. 
18,  1846. 

VI.  William  J.  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
5,  1846.  Mrd.  Josephine  Ritter,  Sept.  23,  1873. 
Solicitor.  Lutheran.  Children:  (VII.)  Cora  Kratz. 
(VII.)  Ruth  Kratz. 

VI.  Mary  Kratz,  Dec.  18,  1848,  in  Bucks  Co.  Mrd. 
Samuel  K.  Moyer,  Jan.  1,  1874.  He  was  born  hi  Hill- 
town,  Sept.  26,   1843.     Farmer.    Mennonites.    Chil- 

—  107  — 

(Iron:  (VII.)  Christian  K.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  17,  1874. 
(VII.)  Jessie  K.  Mover,  born  Sept.  13,  1876,  died 
Feb.  <>,  1878.  (VII.)  Ehner  K.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  25, 
1878.  (VII.)  Susannah  K.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  10,  1881. 
(VII.)  Edward  K.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  6,  1882.  (VII.) 
Mamie  K.  Mover,  born  Jan.  1,  1885.  (VII.)  Maggie 
K.  Moyer,  born  Oct.  4,  1888. 

VI.  Lizzie  Kratz,  Ijorn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  5, 
1851.  Mrd.  Jonathan  Gulick,  of  Hilltown,  Oct.  9, 
1875.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Merari  K.  Gulick, 
born  July  6,  187H.  (VII.)  Jesse  K.  Gulick,  born  Dec, 
25,  1877.  (VII.)  John  H.  Gulick,  born  Sept.  24,  1879. 
(VII.)  Marcus  Wilson  Gulick,  born  Dec.  30,  1881. 
(VII.)  Warren  K.  Gulick,  born  Mar.  23,  1884. 

VI.  Albert  P.  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
5,  1853.  Mrd.  Malinda  S.  Bean,  of  Hilltown,  Pa., 
Oct.  1,  1887.  School  teacher.  Presbyterians.  One 
child:    (VII.)    Luther  B.  Kratz,  born  June  11,  1880. 

VI.  David  H.  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
31,  1855.  Mrd.  Ida  L.,  daughter  of  Rev.  J.  Fritzin- 
ger,  of  Allentown,  Pa.,  Jan.  3,  1888.  Principal  of  the 
Caplay  Boro  school.  Mem.  Reformed  Ch.  One  child. 
(VII.)  Robert  Fritzinger  Kratz,  born  May  20,  1889. 

VI.  Susan  H.  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May 
31,  1857.  Mrd.  Jacob  S.  Landis,  Mar.  4,  1882.  He 
was  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  1856.  Farmer. 
Children:  (VII.)  Eva  K.  Landis,  born  July  10,  1883. 
(VII.)  Isaac  K.  Landis,  born  June  1,  1886.  (VII.) 
Arthur  K.  Landis,  born  Jan.  21,  1890. 

VI.  Harry  E.  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug. 
30,  1859.  Formerly  taught  school,  now  clerk  in  a  store. 

VI.  Jesse  Hiestand  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Dec.  3,  1861.  Graduate  of  Edinburg,  Pa.,  State 
Normal  school,  and  is  teaching. 

VI.  Annie  Kratz,  born  Jan.  31,  1864,  died  Nov. 
11,  1878. 

VI.  Katie  Kratz,  born  May  16,  1866,  died  Oct.  13, 

VI.  Marcus  Wilson  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
July  26,  1868.  Graduate  of  Bloomsburg,  Pa.,  State 
Normal  school,  and  is  teaching. 

—  108  — 

V.  Herman  Hiestand,  l)ora  Mar.  12,  1828,  died 
May  22,  1838. 

V.  Elizabeth  Hiestand,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  11-,  1830.  Mrd.  John  S.  Kratz,  Dec.  1847. 
Farmer.  Mem.  German  Baptist  Ch.,  of  which  he  is 
Deacon.  Children:  Al)raham,  Anna,  Amanda,  Mary, 
Jacob,  Emma,  Martha. 

VI.  Abraham  Herman  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Apr.  28,  1811),  died  Aug.  18.  1885.  Mrd.  Anna 
Oberholtzer.  in  1871.  Ciaar  maker.  Chiklren:  (VII.) 
Lizzie  Ann  Dora  Kratz.  (VII.)  John  Tolnas  Kratz. 
(VII.)    Owen  Kratz. 

VI.  Anna  Kratz,  born  Feb.  3,  1852,  died  Feb.  11, 

VI.  Amanda  Kratz,  ])orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  7, 
1856.  Mrd.  Jacol)  Rosenberger,  Oct.  13,  1883. 
Farmer.    German  Baptist.    No  issue. 

VI.  Mary  Kratz,  l)orn  Feb.  22,  1861,  died  Jan.  13, 

VI.   Jacob  Kratz,  born — .    Single. 

VI.   Emma  Kratz,  born — .    Single. 

VI.   Martha  H.  Kratz,  born—.   Single. 

IV.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
23,  1800,  died  June  16,  1872.  Mrd.  Sarah  Haldeman, 
Nov.  30,  1826.  In  1849  he  moved  to  Medina  Co., 
Ohio,  where  he  died.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Marv,  Eli,  Eliza,  Gideon,  Sarah,  Aliraham. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
26,  1827.  Mrd.  Abraham  Rickert,  Sept.  19,  1847. 
Farmer  in  Medina  Co.,  Pa.,  Ohio.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Allen,  Catharine,  Sarah,  Henry,  Levi, 
David,  Mary,  Abraham,  Barbara,  Amelia. 

VI.  Allen  Rickert,  Iwrn  Dee.  21,  1848.  Farmer  in 
Columbiana  Co..  Ohio.  Mrd.  Sarah  Gehman.  Jan. 
4,  1873.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Edwin  Rickert, 
born  Nov.  12,  1874.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Rickert,  born  Jan. 
26,  1877.  (VII.)  Edith  Rickert,  born  Aug.  19,  1879. 
(VII.)  Harry  Rickert,  born  Sept.  23,  1881.  (VII.) 
Margaret  Rickert,  born  Mar.  11,  1884.  (VII.)  Isaiah 
Allen  Rickert,  born  Oct.  17,  1889. 

VI.  Catharine  Rickert,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
May  7,  1850. 

—  100  — 

VI.    Sarah  Rickert,  l)orn  Nov.  24,  1851. 

VI,  Henry  F.  Rickert,  born  Sept.  10,  1853.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Markley,  Nov.  18,  1875.  Farmer,  in  Medina 
Co.,  Ohio.  Children:  (VII.)  Uriah  Rickert,  born  Oct.  22, 
1877.  (VII.)  ReiUa  Rickert,  born  Sept.  7,  1879.  (VII.) 
Clarence  B.  Rickert,  ))orn  July  28,  1884.  (VII.) 
Mary  A.  Rickert,  born  Aug-.  16,  1888. 

VI.  Levi  F.  Rickert,  bora  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
May  29,  1856.  Mrd.  Alice  C.  Curtis,  Oct.  2,  1886. 
Farmer  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  Child:  (VII.)  Mabel 
Rickert,  born  Mar.  20,  1888. 

VI.  David  Rickert,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  Aug. 
19,  1858.  Mrd.  Eva  M.  Heath  Jan.  13,  1883.  Car- 
penter. One  child:  (VII.)  Dick  Rickert,  born  Apr. 
13,  1885. 

VI.    Mary  Rickert,  born  Jan.  8,  1861. 

VI.   Abraham  Rickert,  born  Apr.  3,  1863. 

VI.    Barbara  Rickert,  born  Apr.  3,  1870. 

VI.   Amelia  Rickert,  born  Apr.  8,  1872. 

V.  Eli  H.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,. Aug.  3, 
1829,  died  Jan.  23,  1881.  Mrd.  Esther  Koppes,  Sept. 
28,  1851.  He  was  a  sawyer  for  fifteen  years,  then 
carpenter,  and  lastly  farmer.  Near  the  close  of  his 
life  he  moved  with  his  family  from  Ohio  to  Kansas, 
and  died  there.  Mennonites.  Children:  Nelson, 
Reliecca,  Nathaniel,  Abraham,  Jacob,  Jeremiah, 
John,  Sarah,  David,  Isaac. 

VI.  Nelson  K.  Fretz,  born  Aug.  16,  1852,  died  Oct. 
21,  1853. 

VI.  Rebecca  Fretz,  born  Mar.  20,  1854,  died  Oct.  1, 

VI.  Nathaniel  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
May  18,  1856.  Mrd.  Nancy  Krieble,  Dec.  29,  1886. 
Carpenter  and  Builder  in  Pratt  Co.,  Kansas.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Earl  Harrison  Fretz,  born  Dec.  5,  1887. 
(VII.)    Daisy  Fretz,  born  Aug.  31,  1889. 

VI.  Abraham  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Nov.  19,  1858.    Sadler.    S. 

VI.  Jacob  K.  Fretz,  born  July  20,  1861,  died  Mar. 
28,  1863. 

VI.  Jeremiah  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Jan.   1,   1864.     Mrd.    Mary,   tlaughter  of  Noah  and 

—  110  — 

Mary  M.  Basenger,  Apr.  11,  18S5.  Carpenter  at 
Newton,  Harve}^  Co.,  Kan.  Children:  (VII.)  Warren 
Elmer  Fretz,  born  July  8,  1886.  (VII.)  Nettie  Estella 
Fretz,  born  July  13,  1887.  (VII.)  Homer  Earl  Fretz, 
born  Mar.  5,  1890. 

VI.  John  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  Mar. 
12,  1867.    Farmer.    S. 

VI.  Sarah  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co.-,  Ohio,  July 
5,  1868.  Mrd.  Henry  N.  Rodgers,  Aug.  5,  1885. 
Reside  in  Harvey  Co.,  Kan.  Children:  (VII.)  Cora 
E.  Rodgers,  born  Sept.  13,  1886.  (VII.)  Charles  S. 
Rodgers,  born  Jan  25,  1888.  (Vil.)  John  Samuel 
Rodgers,  born  Dec.  21,  1880. 

VI.    David  K.  Fretz,  born  July  4,  1871. 

VI.    Isaac  K.  Fretz,  born  Apr'.  28,  1876. 

V.  Eliza  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  3, 
1833.  Mrd.  John  Rickert,  Nov.  9,  1851.  Farmer  in 
Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  Children:  Sarah,  Valentine, 
Mary,  Abraham,  Sarah,  John,  Ella,  Ida. 

VI.  Sarah  Rickert,  born  June  30,  1853,  died  July 
2,  1853. 

VI.  Valentine  Rickert,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Sept.  17,  1854.  Mrd.  Lewie  Henry,  Dec.  12,  1879. 
Farmer  in  Medina  Co. ,  Ohio.  Children:  (VII.)  James 
Rickert,  born  June  15,  1880.  (VII.)  Clare  Rickert, 
born  May  3,  1882,  died  Mar.  1883.  (VII.)  Hiram 
Carl  Rickert,  born  Nov.  26,  1883.  (VII.)  Lewie  Belle 
Rickert,  born  Oct.  19,  1886,  died  Feb.  24,  1887. 

VI.  Mary  Susan  Rickert,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Oct.  13,  1857.  Mrd.  Reuben  Yoder,  Feb.  25,  1882. 
Farmer  in  Whiteside  Co.,  111.  One  child:  (VII.)  Ida 
Yoder,  born  in  Whiteside  Co.,  111.,  Mar.  2,  1884. 

VI.    Abraham  Rickert,  born  Oct.  18,  1859. 

VI.    Sarah  F.  Rickert,  born  Apr.  18,  1862. 

VI.  John  Rickert,  born  May  10,  1864,  died  July  2, 

VI.   Ella  K.  Rickert,  born  Sept.  30,  1867. 

VI.    Ida  Eliza  Rickert,  born  Mar.  11,  1871. 

V.  Gideon  H.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  29, 
1836.  Mrd.  Amanda  Weimer,  of  Cressonia,  Schuyl- 
kill Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  20,  1865.  She  died  Aug.  4,  1888. 
Carpenter  and  builder  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Methodist. 

—  Ill  — 

Children:  (VI.)  Sallie  E.  Fretz,  born  July  8,  1866. 
(VI.)  William  F.  Fretz,  born  Auff.  i,  1867.  (VI.) 
Milton  W.  Fretz.  born  Nov.  19,  1869.  (VI.)  Harry 
A.  Fretz,  born  Aug.  27,  1871. 

V.  Sarah  C.  Fretz.  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  2, 
1847.  Mrd.  Cosam  H.Kindig,  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  Dec. 
14,  1866.  Carpenter  and  Joiner  at  Union  City,  Mich. 
Mems.  German  Reformed  Ch.  Children:  Ella, 
Ephraim,  Mary,  Rodney,  Eddie,  Gertie. 

VI.  Ella  Kindig,  born  Aug.  8,  1866,  died  Oct.  2, 
1888.  Mrd.  Charles  B.  Howe,  of  Paulding  Co. ,  Ohio., 
Aug.  13,  1883.  Children:  (VII.)  Roy  Howe,  born  July 
4,  1884,  died  Oct.  10,  1884.  (VII.)  D.  O.  Howe,  born 
June  3,  1885. 

VI.    Ephraim  F.  Kindi^,  born  Sept.  13,  1868. 

VI.   Mary  Kindig,  born  Oct.  23,  1870. 

VI.    Rodnev  F.  Kindig,  born  July  22,  1872. 

VI.   Eddie  F.  Kindig,  born  July  22,  1875. 

VI.   Gertie  Kindig,  born  Feb.  ll,  1877. 

V.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  Mar.  23,  1852,  died  Sept.  18, 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Sept.  1,  1802,  died—.  Mrd. 
Abraham  K.  Moyer,  Nov.  13,  1842,  for  his  second 
wife.    No.  issue. 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  9, 
1804.  Mrd.  Sarah  Delp,  May  14,  1829.  She  died 
Oct.  26,  1829.  He  mrd.  second  wife  Elizabeth  Kline, 
July  10,  1830.  She  was  born  June  16,  1811.  Mems. 
Ev.'^Ass.  Children:  Ephraim,  Mary,  Sarah,  Susanna, 
William,  Elizabeth,  John,  Emeline,  Amanda,  Jere- 

V.  Ephraim  H.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
16,  1832.  Mrd.  Jane  EUzabeth  Ferry,  Jan.  8,  1857. 
Farmer  in  New  Britain,  Pa.  Mem.  Ev,  Ass.  Chil- 
dren: DeWitt,  John,  Frank,  Isaac,  Kate. 

VI.  R.  DeWitt  Clinton  Fretz,  born  Oct.  30,  1857, 
died  Oct.  10,  1858. 

VI.  John  Wesley  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  12,  1859.  Mrd.  Clara  M.  Stover,  Mar.  31, 1886. 
Cafpenter  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Baptist.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Walter  S.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  14,  1888. 

-  112  - 

VI.  Frank  Ellsworth  Fretz,  hoi'u  Nov.  17,  1861. 
Mrd.  Laura  M.  Good,  Mar.  31,  1888.  Farmer  in 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.    Baptist. 

VI.  Isaac  Newton  Fretz,  born  Mar.  15,  1861.  Mrd. 
Carrie  Jones,  Sept.  12,  1888.  Carpenter  in  Philadel- 
phia, Pa.    Presl)yterian. 

VI.  Kate  C.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  11,  1866.  Baptist. 
(Unmrd.  1889.) 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Aug.  29, 
1831.  Mrd.  Georo-e  Stahr,  Sept.  15,  1859.  He  was 
born  Nov.  28,  1821.  Farmer  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 
MemsEv.  Ass.  Children:  (VI.)  Ella  Elizabeth  Stahr, 
born  Julv.  15,  1860,  died  Feb.  5,  1861.  (VI.)  Sallie 
Stahr,  born  July  8,  1863,  died  Dec.  3,  1885.  Mrd. 
Lewis  F.  Fretz.  (See  Lidex  of  References  No.  IT.) 
(VI.)  John  Clinton  Stahr,  born  Aug,  20,  1867.  (VI.) 
Harvey  S.  Stahr,  born  Sept.  2,  1871. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
9,  1836.  Mrd.  Gilbert  Sellers,  Dec.  23,  1857,  he  died 
—  at  Rose  Cottage  Hospital  in  Virginia,  as  Corporal 
in  Co.  A.,  101th  Regt  Pa.  Vols.  Mems.  Ger.  Ref.  ch. 
One  son:  J.  Clinton,  Sarah  mrd.  second  husband, 
Robert  Reeder,  Mar.  19,  1871.  Grocer  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.    Mems.  Ger.  Ref.  ch.    Children:  Clara,  Florence. 

VI.  J.  Clinton  Sellers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
25,  1861.  He  attended  the  public  schools  of  Hilltown 
Twp. ,  and  when  about  fifteen  years  of  age,  he  attended 
the  high  school  at  Quakertown,  and  subsequently  the 
high  school  at  Do3'lestown .  Through  the  kindly  assist- 
ance of  his  guardian,  Jonas  D.  Moyer,  of  Dublin,  Pa., 
the  subject  of  this  sketch  was  enabled  to  attend  the 
State  Normal  School  at  Millersville,  beginning  Mdth 
the  winter  session  of  '78  and  '79,  and  the  spring  term 
of  '79  and  80.  Beginning  with  the  winter  term  of  '79 
he  taught  school  for  three  successive  winters  in  Hill- 
town  Twp.  In  June  of  1882  h(^  was  offered  and  ac- 
cepted a  position  in  the  Car  Record  Department  of 
the  Philadelphia  and  Reading  R.  R.  Company  in 
Philadelphia.  He  remained  here  until  Nov.  3,  1885. 
During  these  three  j'cars  he  was  the  accredited  Phila- 
delphia correspondent  of  the  Norristown  (Pa.)  Daily 
and  AA\xdvly  Times.    The  work  l)eing  done  principally 

—  118  — 

at  night,  or  during  spare  liouis  of  the  day.  This  con- 
nection eventually  resulted  in  the  oflfer  of  a  position 
on  the  statf  of  the  Times  at  Norristown.  On  Nov.  3, 
'85,  he  resigned  his  position  with  the  R.  R.  Co.,  and 
went  to  Norristown,  where  he  was  installed  in  the 
position  of  Associate  Editor  of  the  Daily  and  Weekly 
Times.  This  position  he  occupied  for  something  over 
a  year,  and  on  the  retirement  of  the  then  Editor 
Mr.  Sellers  was  advanced  to  Managing  Editor. 
Mr.  S.  also  represents  several  metropolitan  News- 
papers, among  them  the  Philadelphia  Press,  and  the 
New  York  World,  and  other  Journals  of  less  import- 
ance. He  was  instrumental  in  ])ringing  about  the 
organization  of  the  Norristown  Board  of  Trade,  and 
has  been  its  Secretary  since  its  organization  in  1887. 

VI.    Clara  Reeder,  born  Apr.  1,  1876. 

VI.   Florence  Reeder,  born  June  1,  1878. 

V.  Susan  F.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Mar.  13, 
1839.  Mrd.  Jonas  Shelly,  Mar.  30,  1861.  Farmer  in 
Jefferson  Co.,  Neb.  Methodists.  Children:  Charles, 
John,  Elmer,  Amanda,  Henry,  Milton,  Anna. 

VI.  Charles  Dayton  SheUy,  born  Mar.  24.  1862,  died 
Feb.  1,  1864. 

VI.   John  Shelly,  born  Dec.  24, 1863,diedFeb.  18, 1864. 

VI.  Elmer  E.  "Shelly,  born  Feb.  9,  1865.  died  July 
18,  1865. 

VI.  Amanda  Elizabeth  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Mar.  10,  1868.  Mrd.  Herman  Zeigenhain  in  1885, 
in  Jefferson  Co. ,  Neb.  Children:  (VII.)"William  Henry 
Zeigenhain  born  Jan.  6,  1887.  (VII.)  Albert  Zeigen- 
hain, born  Apr.  8,  1889. 

VI.   Henry  Shelly,  born  Apr.  26,  1874. 

VI.   Milton  Shelly,  born  Jan.  20,  1876. 

VI.  Anna  Mary  Shelly,  born  Apr.  13,  1879,  died 
Aug.  18,  1880. 

V.  William  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
15.  1841.  Mrd.  Ruth  Ann  Burns,  im  Denver  City, 
Col.,  June  7,  1874.  She  was  born  in  Gentry  Co.,  Mo., 
Oct.  3,  1852.  Mr.  Fretz  went  w^est  in  1866,  to  Ne- 
braska in  1880,  and  in  1887  he  settled  on  a  Homestead 
in  Brewster,  Thomas  Co.,  Kan.  Paintei".  Methodist. 
No  issue. 

—  114  — 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
14,  1843,  died  Feb.  2,  1866.    Uumrd. 

V.  John  S.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  30, 
1845."  Mrd.  Emma  Koch  of  Bridgetown,  Pa.,  Feb. 
24,  1877.  She  was  born  in  Lehigh  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
8,  1857.  Laborer.  Presbyterians.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Dora  Fretz,  born  Jan.  6,  1886. 

V.   Emeline  Fretz,  Ijorn  May  10,  1848.   S. 

V.  Amanda  Louisa  Fretz,  born  May  8,  -1852,  died 
Feb.  19,  1864. 

V.   Jeremiah  Fretz,  born  Nov.  30,  1855,  died  Dec, 

11,  1855. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  Apr.  21,  1807.  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  died  Mar.  11,  1865.  Mrd.  Samuel  Funk,  Apr. 
22,  1829.  He  was  born  July  22,  1805,  died  Mar. 
1878.  Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Mary,  Ann, 
Abraham,  Sanniel,  Milton. 

V.  John  Funk  Sr.,  born  Jan.  19,  1830.  Mrd.  Eliza- 
beth Detterer,  in  1856.  She  was  born  Nov.  12,  1826. 
In  early  life  followed  teaching,  and  later  laborer,  etc. 
Mennonite.    Children:  (VI.)  \V.  W.  Funk,  born  July 

12,  1860,  died  at  birth.  (VI.)  Mary  Amanda  Funk, 
])orn,  Feb.  12,  1862.  Mrd.  F.  L.  Strasser  (deceased) 
Oct.  6,  1883.  (VI.)  J.  C.  M.  Funk,  l)orn  Nov.  8, 
1866.  died  Aug.  12,  1884. 

V.  Mary  Funk,  born  Nov.  27,  1832.  Mrd.  Henry 
Gross,  Dec.  2,  1854.  Harness-maker  at  Doylestown, 
Pa.  Presbyterians.  Children:  (VI.)  Milton  H.  Gross, 
born—,  died  Mar.  16,  1859.  (VI.)  Samuel  H.  Gross, 
born — ,  died  Sept.  4,  1877.  (VI.)  M.  Ida  Gross,  born — 
(VI.)  Anna  M.  Gross,  born — .  Mrd.  Isaiah  H.  God- 
shall,  Jan.  13,  1885.  Operator  in  a  Creamery.  Mrs. 
Goclshall.  Presbyterian.  (VI.)  A.  Lincoln  Gross, 
born—,  died  Mar.  25,  1863.  (VI.)  Emma  L.  Gross, 
born  Mar.  5,  1864.  Mrd.  Jacob  Bissey,  Mar.  5,  1887. 
Farmer.  Presbyterians.  No  children.  (VI.)  Ella  E. 
Gross,  born — .    (VI.)  J.  Asher  Gross,  born—. 

V.  Anna  Elizabeth  Funk,  born  June  15,  1835.  Mrd. 
Amandus  B.  F.  Cope,  in  1857.  Farmer.  Children: 
Mary,  Benjamin,  Samuel,  Amandus,  Edwardene, 
Clinton,  James,  John,  Daniel. 

—  115  — 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Cope,  boni  Nov.  21>,  1857.  Mrd. 
Samuel  P^ckstine,  Apr.  2!»,  18TI».  Superintendent  of 
a  Stock  farm.  One  chikl:  (VII.)  Samuel  P>kstine  ,Tr,, 
))orn  Jan.  10,  1883. 

VI.  Benjamin  Franklin  Cope,  born  Auo^.  1-1-,  1859. 
Mrd.  Rose  Ella  Barton,  Feb.  22,  1883.  Foreman  in  a 
Creamery.  Children:  (VII.)  Linford  W.  Cope,  born 
Aug.  19,"  1884,  died  Dec.  5,  1884.  (VII.)  Edmund  B. 
Cope,  born  June  15,  1886. 

VI.  Samuel  Ellsworth  Cope,  born  Mar.  29,  1861. 
Mrd.  Lizzie  Wood,  Jan.  12,  1889. 

VI.    Amandus  Cope,   born  Jan.   3,   1863,  died  Jan. 

6,  1863. 

VI.  Edwardene  M.  Cope,  born  Dec.  28,  1861.  Mrd. 
Harry  L.  Rile3\  Nov.  14,  1881.  Baggage  master  in 
the  Reading  Depot  at  Atlantic  City,  N.  J.  Children: 
(VII.)  Florence  Virginia  Riley,  born  Apr.  20,  1883. 
(VII.)  Stella  Cushman  Rilev,  born  Mar.  6,  1885. 

VI.    Clinton  B.  Cope,  born  May  3,  1867.    Farmer. 

VI.   James  R.  Cope,  born  Sept.  18,  1869.    Clerk. 

VI.   John  A.  Cope,  born  May  12,  1872.    Clerk. 

VI.   Daniel  Cope,  born  Oct.  30,  1874. 

V.  Abraham  Funk,  born  June  27,  1838.  Mrd. 
Martha  Koffel,  Nov.  25,  1884.  Slate  Roofer,  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Ida  Jane  Funk,  born  Apr.  1,  1886.  (VI.) 
Tobias  K.  Funk,  born  Mav  23,  1887.  (VI.)  Abraham 
Fretz  Funk,  born  June  10^  1888. 

V.  Samuel  Funk,  born  Aug.  2,  1842,  died  Nov. 
18,  1845. 

V.    Milton   Funk,    born   July   29,    1846,    died   Feb. 

7,  1864. 

IV.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  Nov.  18,  1810,  died  Dec. 
18,  1840.  Mrd.  Abraham  K.  Moyer,  Jan.  26,  1833. 
Two  children:  (V.)  John  H.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  26, 
1833,  died  July  18,  1858.  School  teacher.  Unmrd. 
(V.)  Mary  Ann  Moyer,  born  Mar.  17,  1837,  died 
Apr.  16,  1883.  Unmrd. 

IV.  Lydia  Fretz,  born  Nov.  14,  1813.  died  Dec.  28, 
1871.  Mrd.  Jonas  Nace,  Dec.  21,  1834.  Tailor.  Men- 
nonites.    Children:  Francis,  Sarah,  Levi. 

V.  Francis  Nace,  born  about  1839.  Mrd.  Mary 
Fretz  (daughter  of  the  late  Henry  Fretz  of  Amboy 

—  116  — 

N.  J.)  Oct.  26,  1861.  Children:  (Vi.)  Milton  Harvey 
Nace,  born  Aug.  27,  1862.  (VI.)  Jonas  Henry  Nace, 
born  Feb.  29,  1864,  died  Nov.  9,  1867.  (VI.)  Emma 
J.  Nace,  born  Nov.  9,  1866,  (VI.)  Matilda  Nace,  born 
Oct.  12,  1871,  died  same  day.  (VI.)  Leidy  Nace,  born 
July  25,  1874.    (VI.)  ErwinNace,  born  Nov.  19,  1877. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Nace,  born  Jan.  14,  1841,  died  Oct. 
19,  1883.  Mrd.  Isaac  B.  Kratz,  Nov.  4,  1865.  Mem. 
Keformed  Ch.  Children:  (VI.)  Jonas  N.  Kratz,  born 
Aug.  23,  1866.  (VI.)  Lizzie  N.  Kratz,  born  July  28, 
1868.    (VI.)  Franldin  N.  Kratz,  born  Jan.  14,  18t3. 

V.  Levi  F.  Nace,  born  Apr.  8,  1848.  Mrd.  Lydia 
B.  Nace,  Jan.  1,  1872.  Painter  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Lutherans.  Children:  (VI.)  Preston  Nace,  born  Dec. 
13,  1877.  (VI.)  Rol^ert  Nace,  born  Nov.  11,  1886, 
died  Mar.  24,  1887. 

III.  Hannah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., — ,  died 
advanced  in  years.    Unmrd. 

111.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., — ,  died 
advanced  in  years.    Unmrd. 

III.  Magdalena  Fretz,  l>orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., — , 
died  young. 

III.  Jacol)  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa—.  Mrd. 
Elizal)eth  Hiestand  about  1803  or  1805.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  He  lived  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  on  the 
farm  now  occupied  by  Hiram  Moyer.  Children: 
Henry,  Eli,  Noah.  William. 

IV.  Henry  Fretz,  born — ;  died  unmrd.  aged  33  years. 
IV.  Eli  Fretz,  born — ;  died  unmrd.  ao-ed  56  years. 
IV.  Noah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,^  Pa.,  Nov.   20. 

1820,  Mrd.  Marv  B.  Detweiler,  Nov.  6,  1875.  She 
was  born  Dec.  23,  1840.  Farmer,  Children.  (V.) 
William  D.  Fretz,  born  July  17,  1879.  (V.)  Lizzie 
D.  Fretz,  born  Aug.  22,  1882. 

IV.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  24, 
1826;  died  May  13,  1888.  Mrd.  Maria  Hunsberger, 
Dec.    25,    1873.    Carpenter.     Mennonites.     Children: 

—  117  — 

(V.)  p:(linun(l  Frotz,  born  Oct.  19,  1ST4-.  (V.)  Mary 
Lizzie  Fretz,  born  July  16,  1876.  (V.)  Leah  Anna 
Frotz,  born  Mar.  17,  1871). 

III.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22, 
1768;  died — .  He  lived  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  on  the 
farm  now  owned  by  Jacoli  Slotter.  Mennonites.  He 
was  twice  mrd.  His  first  wife  was  Mary  Stover,  by 
whom  he  had  five  children:  Joseph,  Barbara,  Jacob, 
Magdalena,  Catharine.  Second  wdfe  Margaret  Garges, 
b}^  whom  he  had  one  child:  Eliza. 

IV.  Joseph  S.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
10,  1794:  died  Dec.  7,  1854.  He  lived  on  his  father's 
farm  in  Bedminster.  Farmer.  Mem.  of  OklMennonite 
Ch.  Deep  Run;  when  the  division  in  that  congregation 
took  place  in  184-7,  he  joined  the  seceders,  and  was 
one  of  the  leading  factors  in  the  building  of  the  New 
Mennohite  church  at  Deep  Run,  and  was  one  of  the 
leading  members  of  that  cono:regation  until  his  death. 
Mrd.  Magdalena  Swartley,  1822.  Children:  Catha- 
rine, Aaron,  Elizabeth,  Edwin.  In  June  13,  1833. 
He  mrd.  Margaret  Schrauger.  Children:  William, 
Mary,  Isaiah,  Henry,  Levi. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
2,  1824.  Mrd.  Francis  Scheet-z,  in  1844.  Merchant. 
Dunkard.    Children:  Mahlon,  Remandus. 

VI.  Mahlon  F.  Sc-heetz,  born  in  1846.  Mrd.  Annie 
E.  Styer,  1873.  Children:  (VII.)  Mamie  Scheetz. 
(VII.)  'Katie  Scheetz.     (VII.)    Lulu  Scheetz. 

VI.  Remandus  Scheetz,  born  in  1847.  Mrd.  Lizzie 
Harley,  Feb.  16,  1887.  Merchant.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Gertrude  Scheetz,  born  Feb.  13.  1888. 

V.  Aaron  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  19, 
1828.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ann  Longaker,  Feb.  8,  1851, 
Blacksmith  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.  Children:  Joseph. 
Alliert,  Fannie,  Kate,  Mary. 

VI.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  Aug.  21,  1853;  died  Nov.  30, 
1876.  Mrd.  Anna  M.  Neal,  May  1875.  Miller.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Sarah  Jane  Fretz,  born  Mar.  8,  1876. 

VI.  Albert  Fretz,  born  Jan.  18,  1855.  Mrd.  Annie 
Hoffman,  Feb.,  1876.  She  died  Aug.  7,  1887.  Car- 
penter.   One  child:  (VII.)  David  Fretz,  bom  Jm.  18, 

—  lis  — 

1877.  Albert  mrd.  second  wife,  Clara  Graves,  Nov. 
24,  1888. 

VI.  Fannie  L.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  1,  1856.  Mrd.  H.  C. 
Messenger,  Dee.  24,  1884.  Hardware  Merchant. 
Presbyterian.    No  issue. 

VI.  Kate  Fretz,  born  June  25,  1857.  Mrd.  Charles 
Bevan,  Nov.  15,  1884.  Farmer.  Presbyterian.  Chil- 
(h-en:  (VII.)  Maud  L.  Bevan,  born  Dec.  1,  1887. 
(VII.)  Sarah  Fretz  Bevan,  born  Sept.   15,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  Fretz,  born  Mar.  20,  1863.  Presbyterian.  S. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz.  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  11, 
1830.  Mrd.  George  Mcintosh  in  1851.  Carpenter 
and  Builder.  Residence  Doylestown.  Mrs.  Mcintosh 
Baptist.    Children:  Frank,  Fred,  Herbert. 

VI.  Frank  Mcintosh,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
21,  1852.  Mrd.  Maria  Antoinetta  La  Rue,  of  Yard- 
ley,  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  2,  1881.  Mr.  Mcintosh  received 
a  public  school  education,  and  when  eighteen  entered 
the  oiEce  of  the  Bucks  Co.  Intelligencer,  then  pub- 
lished by  Henry  T.  Darlington,  to  learn  the  printing 
business.  He  remained  in  this  establishment  until 
he  was  22  years  of  age,  serving  one  year  as  journey- 
man printer.  Being  somewhat  of  a  roving  disposi- 
tion, he  then  determined  to  see  something  of  the 
country,  and  started  for  Cincinnati,  "Ohio.  Here  he 
worked  at  his  trade  for  something  less  than  a  year. 

He  next  found  employment  on  the  St.  Louis  Dis- 
patch, an  afternoon  paper,  and  a  few  months  later  on 
the  Times,  a  morning  paper.  He  remained  in  St. 
Louis  about  a  year,  then  went  to  Columbus,  Platte 
Co.,  Neb.,  where  he  secured  work  on  the  Republican, 
a  weekly  paper,  remaining  over  a  year,  when  through 
the  influence  ojf  the  proprietor  of  the  paper,  (  Mr. 
Frank  Burgess,  son  of  William  Burgess  at  that  time 
agent  of  the  Pawnee  tribe  of  Indians)  he  received 
the  appointment  of  Commissary  Sergeant  to  the 
tribe,  and  at  once  set  forth  for  the  Indian  Territory 
where  the  Pawnees  were  and  still  are  located.  His 
work  here  was  the  care  of  Indian  supplies,  and  the 
issuing  of  rations  to  the  Red  men.  He  held  this  posi- 
tion until  President  Hayes  appointed  a  new  agent  for 
the  Pawnees,  when  he  and  the  other  appointees  of 

—  119  — 

Agent  Burgess  were  asked  to  hand  in  their  resigna- 
tion. Returning  to  Doylestown  to  visit  his  parents,  he 
soon  after  aeeepted  the  position  of  local  editor  of  the 
Bucks  county  Intelligencer.  He  remained  in  this 
position  until  March,  1881,  then,  having  married,  he 
located  in  Chillicothe,  Ohio,  where  he  secured  the 
position  of  assistant  editor  of  the  Sciota  Gazette. 
Remained  in  Chillicothe  alwut  a  year,  then  returned 
East  with  his  family,  where  he  found  employment  as 
proof-reader  on  the  Times,  a  daily  paper  published 
in  Trenton,  N.  J.  He  held  this  position  for  about 
three  years,  when  the  Times  passed  under  new  man- 
agement, he  was  made  the  editor  of  that  paper,  and 
still  holds  that  position.  Children:  (VII.)  Raymond 
Welsh  Mcintosh,  born  Dec.  5,  1881.  (VII.)  Russel 
Morris  Mcintosh,  liorn  Sept.  25,  1884. 

VI.  P>ed  Mcintosh,  born  Feb.  27,  1855;  died  Oct. 
1,  1881.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Shade  in  1878.  Two  children: 
(VII.)  Fred.  B.  Mcintosh,  born  Oct.  6,  1879.  (VII.) 
Bertha  S.  Mcintosh,  born  Mar.,  1882;  died  aged  4 

VI.  Herl)ert  Mcintosh,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
20,  1857.  His  early  education  was  obtained  in  the 
public  schools  of  Doylestown,  Pa.  In  1872  he  went  to 
the  Doylestown  English  and  Classical  Seminary,  from 
which  he  was  graduated  in  1871.  The  fall  and  winter 
of  the  same  year,  and  a  portion  of  the  next  he  spent 
at  Lafayette  College,  Easton,  Pa.,  taking  a  select 
course.  Returned  to  Doylestown  in  the  spring  of 
1875,  and  engaged  in  teaching  in  the  Doylestown 
English  and  "Classical  Seminary,  and  continued  to 
teach  there  until  the  spring  of  1876.  In  the  fall  of 
1876  he  became  principal  of  the  Swedesboro  Acad- 
emy, Swedeslioro,  N.  J. ,  where  he  remainded  tw^o 
years,  then  resigned  his  position  to  enter  Brown 
University,  Providence,  R.  I.,  in  the  faU  of  1878, 
from  wdiich  he  graduated  in  1882,  having  won  in  that 
year  the  prize  for  the  best  philosophical  essay.  Upon 
graduation  he  accepted  a  position  in  the  Worcester 
Academy,  Worcester,  Mass.,  as  instructor  in  the 
natiTral  Sciences.  Three  years  later  he  was  advanced 
to  the  position  of  assistant  principal,  and  instructor 

—  120  — 

in  Latin  from  whicli  he  resigned  in  the  winter  of  86- 
87  on  account  of  sickness.  He  was  admitted  in  the 
courts  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Mass,  in  Feb.,  1888. 

V.  Edwin  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  25, 
1832.  His  occupation  is  that  of  printer.  Resides  in 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  is  unmrd.  (1889). 

V.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  11, 
1831:.  Mrd.  Mary  Crouse,  Aug.  30,  1862.  Engineer 
at  Stockton,  N.  J.  Not  being  eligible  to  the  rank  of 
Soldier  on  account  of  impaired  eyesight,  he  was  hired 
as  a  citizen  teamster  in  the  quartermaster  department 
of  the  army  and  served  from  fall  of  1861  to  fall  of 
1862,  was  w^ith  Gen.  Wads  worth  on  his  foraging 
expedition  to  Fairfax,  C.  H.,  and  with  McClellan 
tln'ough  his  peninsular  campaign,  in  1862.  Baptists. 
Children:  (Vf.)  Flora  Frances  Fretz,  born  at  French- 
town,  N.  J.,  June  7,  1863.  Mrd.  J.  H.  Budd— . 
Baker  at  Glen  Gardner,  N.  J.  Attend  Baptist  Ch. 
(No  issue  1889.)  (VI.)  Horace  Herbert  Fretz,  born 
July  10,  1865.  (VI.)  Elton  Ellsworth  Fretz,  born 
Oct.  6,  1867;  died  Feb.  11,  1871.  (VI.)  Anna 
Augusta  Fretz,  born  Aug.  22,  1870. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  April  21, 
1836;  died  July  20,  1868.  Mrd.  Joseph  D.  Reiff,  in 
Jan.,  1865.  Children:  (VI.)  Louisa  Reitf,  born  Feb. 
7,  1866;  died  Aug.  3,  1866.  (VI.)  Sallie  F.  Reiff, 
born  Aug.  14,  1867. 

V.  Isaiah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  1, 
1839.  He  was  a  very  successful  teacher  in  the  public 
schools  for  a  number  of  years,  his  first  being  at  the 
Fretz  Valley  School  house.  In  August,  1862,  he  en- 
listed in  the  16th  Penna.  Vol.  Cavalry.  Of  this 
organization  he  was  clerk  for  about  eighteen  months, 
after  which  he  was  promoted  Sergeant  Major.  Dur- 
ing the  summer  of  1864,  he  was  prostrated  with  the 
dreaded  scourge  chronic  diarrhcea  and  spent  several 
months  in  the  hospital.  Then  he  received  his  com- 
mission as  adjutant  of  the  regiment.  Indisposed  as 
he  was,  he  decided  to  assume  the  duties  of  his  office 
at  once,  and  reported  for  duty,  but  the  regiment 
becoming  engaged  the  following  morning  at  the 
Cavalry  engagement  of  White  Oak  Swamp,  here  he 

—  121  — 

was  severely  wounded  while  leading  the  advance 
guard  after  the  retreating  confederates,  the  ball  tak- 
ing effect  in  the  knee,  but  fortunately  not  shattering 
the  bone.  He  was  soon  afterwards  sent  to  the  hos- 
pital at  Philadelphia  from  which  he  obtained  ''sick- 
leave""  and  came  home.  His  complaint  having 
assumed  a  more  serious  turn,  the  wound  now  became 
a  secondary  cause,  and  after  a  struggle  of  several 
months  he  finally  died,  Nov.  -1-,  1864.  Thus  ended  a 
life  that-  had  given  promise  of  great  usefulness. 

V.  Henry  Harrison  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Oct.  28,  1840.  Mrd.  Emma  Bigony,  Dec.  3,  1864. 
In  August,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  Co.  I,  129th  Penna. 
Vol.  Inf.  This  term  of  enlistment  included  the 
second  battle  of  Bull  Run.  South  Mountain,  Antie- 
tam,  Fredericksburg  and  Chancellorsville  campaign. 
During  the  Gettysburg  campaign  he  served  in  the 
34th  Penna.  State  troops.  In  March,  1877,  he  moved 
Avith  his  family  to  Edwards  Co.,  Kan.  In  this  then 
ncAv  and  undeveloped  country  they  struggled  against 
droughts  and  adverse  circumstances  for  about  three 
and  a  half  years.  During  his  residence  here  he  was 
elected  county  commissioner.  In  August,  1880,  they 
settled  in  Springfield,  Mo.,  where  they  now  reside. 
He  is  a  carpenter  by  trade,  and  he  and  family  are 
members  of  the  Cumberland  Presbvterian  Church  of 
which  he  is  an  Elder.  Children:  (VI.) 'Harvey  H.  Fretz, 
born  in  Pennsylvania,  Sept.  28,  1865.  (VI.)  Isaiah 
Nevin  Fretz,  born  in  Pennsylvania,  Mar.  28,  1868. 
(VI.)  Fannie  Bigou}^  Fretz,  born  in  Pennsylvania, 
May  24,  1874.  (VI.)  Harrv  Earnest  Fretz,  born  in 
Kansas,  Jan.  10,  1879.  (VI.)  Frank  Bigony  Fretz, 
born  in  Missouri,  Nov.  5,  1881. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  25, 
1796;  died—.  Mrd.  Christian  Moyer— .  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Margaret,  Mary, 
William,  Anna,  Catharine,  Joseph,  Aaron,  Sarah, 
Susan,  Enos,  Lydia. 

V.  Elizabeth  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  29, 
1819.  Mrd.  Joseph  Kulp.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  18.) 


V.  Margaret  Mover,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Auo;. 
2,  1820;  died  Feb^  1,  1889.  Mrd.  Ulrieh  Hockman— . 
He  was  born  May  24,  1815,  died  Sept.  7,  1886. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chiklren:  Mary,  Abraham, 
Aaron,  Joseph,  Barbara,  Sarah,  Henry,  Leidy, 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Hoekman,  ])orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Jan.  3,  184:8.  Mrd.  Sanmel  B.  (son  of  Rev.  Georo:e 
Landis),  Jan  2,3,  18H1).  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren. (VII.)  John  Landis,  l)orn  June  6,  1869;  died 
June  26,  1869.  (VII.)  (jeorge  Landis,  born  June  8, 
1870.  (VII.)  Mary  Landis,  born  Sept.  22,  1872.  (VII.) 
Katie  Landis,  born  Sept,  22,  1874.  (VII.)  Elki 
Landis,  born  Sept.  9,  1876.  (VII.)  Sallie  Landis,  born 
Nov.  24,  1878.  (VII.)  Samuel  Landis,  l)orn  Julv  31, 
1881;  died  Aug.  21,  1882.  (VII.)  Emma  Landis,  born 
May  10,  1883.  (VII.)  Ida  Landis,  l)orn  Julv  9,  1888; 
died  Aug.  18,  1888.  (VII.)  William  Landis,  born  July 
9,  1888;  died  Aug  4,  1888. 

VI.  Abraham  M.  Hockman,  l)orn  Sept.  15,  1849, 
died  an  infant. 

VI.  Aaron  M.  Hockman,  born  Apr.  15,  1850,  died 

VI.  Joseph  M.  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar. 
31,  1853.  Mrd.  Eliza  Lear,  June  5,  1876.  She  was 
born  Dec.  4,  1853.  Farmer.  He  owns  and  lives  on 
the  original  Tinicum  Christian  Fretz'  homestead  in 
Tinicum  Twp.,  now  known  as  Heaney's  Mill.  He 
owns  about  40  acres  of  the  original  tract.  Lutherans. 
Chikb-en:  (VII.)  William  L.  Hockman,  born  Dec.  18, 
1876.  (VII.)  Albert  L.  Hockman,  l)orn  Mar.  2,  1878, 
died  Oct.  28,  1878.  (VII.)  Emma  Hockman,  born 
June  23,  1879.  (VII.)  Anna  Hockman,  born  Sept.  4, 
1880.  (VII.)  Samuel  L.  Hockman,  born  Aug.  25, 
1882,  died  May  6,  1883.  (VII.)  Wesley  L.  Hockman, 
born  Feb.  18,  1884.  (VII.)  Minnie  Hockman,  born 
July  19,  1886. 

VI.  Barbara  M.  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  14,  1855.  Mrd.  Jacob  C.  Moyer  Jan.  29,  1876. 
Farmer,  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Mary  Ellen  H. 
Moyer,  born  Aug.  20,  1878.  (VII.)  Rosie  Alice  H. 
Moyer,.  bom  Mar,  9,  1882.    (VII.)  Joseph  H.  Moyer, 

—  123  — 

born  March  14,  1884,  dit'd  sauK' da\-.  (VII.)  Henry  H. 
Moyer,  still-born,  Jan.  26,  1886.  (Vll.)  Sadie  May  H. 
Moyer,  born  Jan.  1,  1889. 

VI.  Sarah  M.  Hockman,  Iwrn  July  20,  18.58,  died 

VI.  Henry  M.  Hockman.  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June 
11,  1860.  '  Mrd.  Kate  Crouthamel,  Feb.,  2.5,  1882. 
Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Phemie  Hock- 
man, born  Sept.  25,  1882.  (Vll.)  Sallie  May  Hock- 
man, born  Mar.  14,  1884.  (Vll.)  Katie  Hockman, 
born  Nov.  24,  1886. 

VI.  Leidy  M.  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar. 
15,  1863.  Mrd.  Anna  Fabian  in  1887.  One  child: 
(Vll.)  Samuel  F.  Hockman,  born  Aug.  12,  1887. 

V.  Mary  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  9,  1821, 
died  in  1873.  Mrd.  Rev.  Abraham  Young,  Jan.  17, 
1843.  He  died  in  1887.  Farmer.  He  was  ordained  to 
the  ministry  of  the  Old  Mennonite  church  in  1863, 
at  the  Swamp  meeting  house.  Children:  AVilliam, 
Elizabeth,  Charles. 

VI.  William  Young,  born  Aug.  21,  1846.  Mrd. 
Lydia,  (daughter  of  Christian  Shelly,  of  Steinsburg) 
Nov.  22,  1874.  She  died  about  1878.  Laborer.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Younof,  born  Feb. 
6,  1876,  died  Feb.  1877.  (Vll.)  AbrahanrYoung,  born 
in  1877,  died  aged  5  mos. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Young,  born  Sept.  30,  1849,  died  in 
1877.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Charles  M.  Yo-'-g,  born  Apr.  9,  1857.  Mrd. 
Mary  C.  Rummel,  Oj  Cpper  Hanover,  Mont's-  Co., 
Nov.  13,  1880.  Shoemaker.  Mem.  Reformed  Ch. 
Children:  (Vll.)  Sallie  Young,  born  Feb.  5,  1882. 
(Vll.)  Frank  Young,  born  Dec.  5,  1884.  (Vll.)  Agnes 
Young,  born  Jan.  11,  1889. 

V.  William  F.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
2,  1823.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  M.  Musselman,  Nov.  9, 
1845.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Infant,  Sim- 
eon, Barbara,  Christian,  Henry,  Catharine. 

VI.  Infant  son  still-born,  in  1846. 

VI.  Simeon  Moyer,  born  Dec.  18,  1848,  in  Bucks 
Po,   Creamery  operator,   Mennonite, 

—  124  — 

VI.  Barbara  Moyer,  horn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  30, 
1850.  Mrd.  Isaiah  Brunncr,  Nov.  5,  1869.  Menno- 
nite.  One  child:  (VII.)  Magdalena  Brunner,  born 
Dec.  18,  1871. 

VI.  Christian  Moyer,  born  July  16,  1855,  died  Dec. 

VI.    Henry  Moyer,  born  Dec.  6,  1856,  died  Jan.  1857. 

VI.  Catharine  Moyer,  born  Sept.  1:,  1858,  died  Feb. 

V.  Anna  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  died — . 
]Mrd.  Owen  Rice — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Sarah,  Barbara,  Henry,  All)ert,  Samuel,  Anna  and 
Jonas  (Twins). 

VI.  Sarah  Rice,  born  in  1852,  died  single — .  aged 
about  29  years. 

VI.  Barbara  M.  Rice,  born  Oct.  15,  1854.  Mrd. 
Joseph  Hunsberger,  Mar.  1,  1879.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Anna  R.  Hunsberger,  born 
Dec.  10,  1879.  (VII.)  Katie  R.  Hunsberger,  born  Dec. 
19,  1881,  died  Jan.  11,  1883. 

VI.  Henry  Rice,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  13, 
1857.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Gehnian,  Dec.  9,  1878.  Farmer. 
Mennonite.  Children:  (VII.)  Abraham  Rice,  born 
Oct.  27,  1882.  (VII.)  Anna  Rice,  born  Oct.  13,  1881. 
(VII.)  Hannah  Rice,  born  Sept.  7,  1886.  (VII.)  Samuel 
Rice,  born  Aus.  23,  1888. 

VI.  Al])ert  Rice,  born  Ai)r.  1860.  Mrd.  Mary 
Moyer,  in  1882.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(Vir.)  Daniel  Rice,  born  Mar.  1883.  (VII.)  Harvey 
Rice,  born — ,  1885.  (VII.)  Twins  died  unnamed.  (VII.) 
Noah  Rice,  born  July  1888. 

VI.  Samuel  Rice,  born  in  1862.  Mrd.  Mary  Yoder, 
— ,  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Frvin 
Rice,  born  Sept.  1887. 

VI.  Anna  and  Jonas  Rice,  (Twins,)  born — ,  died 

"  V.    Catharine  Moyer,  born  Sept.  22,  1826,  in  Bucks 
Co.  Mrd.  JohnFretz.  (See  Index  of  References  No.  19.) 

V.  Joseph  F.  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
5,  1828.  Mrd.  Sarah  Landis,  Dec.  9,  1855.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Susanna,  Abraham,  Catha- 
rine, Paniel,  Barbara,  Isaiah,  Sarah.  Mary,  Samuel. 

-  125  — 

VI.  Susanna  Meyers,  born  Jan.  18,  1857.  Mrd. 
John  Meyers,  Sept.  1876.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  20.)  ■ 

VI.  Abraham  L.  Meyers,  born  Jan.  1,  1859.  Mrd. 
Lizzie,  daughter  of  Henry  L.  Meyers,  May  1879. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Annie  Meyers, 
l)orn,  Oct.,  1879.  (VI.)  Sarah  Meyers,  born  Nov. 
18,  1881-. 

VI.  Catharine  L.  Meyers,  born  Dec.  2,  1860.  Mrd. 
Aaron  Hockman,  of  Bedminster,  Dec.  30,  1883, 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Sallie  Hock- 
man, l)orn  Mar.  6,  1884.  (VII.)  Willis  Hockman, 
born  Apr.  19,  1887. 

VI.  Daniel  L.  Meyers,  born  Feb.  17,  1863.  Mrd. 
Annie  Rohr,  of  Bedminster,  Feb.  1-1,  1884.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Kate  Meyers,  born 
Aug.  22,  1884.  (VII.)  Harvey  Meyers,  born  Au^.  5, 
1886.     (VII.)    Wallace  Meyers,  born  Apr.,  1888.  ^ 

VI.  Barbara  Meyers,  borii  Oct.  15,  1865;  died  Nov. 
28,  1879. 

VI.  Isaiah  Meyers,  born  Dec.  3,  1867.    Farmer. 

VI.  Sarah  L.  Meyers,  born  May  5,  1870;  died  Aug. 
24,  1870. 

VI.  Mary  L.  Meyers,  born  Jan.  2,  1872.    Tailoress. 

VI.  Samuel  L.  Meyers,  born  Sept.  29,  1874;  died  Jan. 
5,  1875. 

V.  Aaron  Fretz  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in 
1830;  died  July  7,  1886,  aged  56  yrs.  Mrd.  Susanna 
T3^son,  Dec.  20,  1854.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Albert,  Maggie,  Martin,  Ella,  Sarah,  Mary, 
Edward,  William,  Hannah,  Arthur. 

VI.  Albert  T.  Meyers,  born  Dec.  20,  1855.  Mrd. 
Ella  J.  Race,  Oct.  30,  1879.  Driver  in  Philadelphia. 
Mrs.  Meyers  member  of  Reformed  Ch.  Children: 
(VII.)  Stanley  R.  Meyers,  born  Feb.  19,  188].  (VII.) 
Archie  C.  Meyers,  born  Feb.  16,  1882.  (VII.)  Warren 
H.  Meyers,  born  Oct.  4,  1883.  (VII.)  A.  Clifford 
Meyers,  born  Apr.  6,  1886.  (VII.)  Boy  died  at  birth 
Nov.  10,  1888. 

VI.  Maggie  Myers,  born  Sept.  2,  1858.  Mrd.  Wil- 
liam H.  Doan,  Apr.  7,  1883.  Driver  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.    One  child:   (VII.)  Bessie  Doan,  born  Jan.  10,  '88. 

—  126  — 

VI.  Martin  T.  Myers,  boni  Jan.  IT,  I860.  Mrd. 
Susan  Brown — .  One  child:  (VII.)  Howard  Franklin 
Meyers — . 

VI.  Ella  B.  Myers,  born  Feb.  2,  1863. 

VI.  Sarah  A.  Myers,  born  Mar.  11,  1865,  died  Feb. 
11,  1886. 

VI.  Mary  E.  Myers,  born  Deo.  7,  1866. 

VI.  Edward  S.  Myers,  born  Mar.  2,  1869. 

VI.  William  T.  Myers,  born  Jan.  20,  1870. 

VI.  Hannah  Myers,  born  Aug.  2,  1872. 

VI.  Arthur  Myers,  born  Oct.  2,  1876. 

V.  Sarah  Moyer,  born  about  1832.  Mrd.  Aaron 
Hioh — .  He  died — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Mary  High,  l)orn— .  Mrd.  Abraham 
Powten— .  (VI.)  Barbara  High,  born—.  Mrd.  John 
Goggle — .  Sarah  Mrd.  second  husband.  Christian 
Leatherman — ,  by  whom  she  had  one  child:  (VI.) 
Aaron  Leatherman. 

V.  Susan  Moyer,  born  Mar.  21,  1831;  died  Apr.  16, 
1880.  Mrd.  Abraham  A.  Landis,  Sept.  3,  1861. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VI.)  Aaron  Landis, 
born  Mar.  17,  1865.  Mrd.  Barbara  A.  Slotter,  June 
20,  1885.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Elsie  Landis,  born  Dec.  31,  1885.  (VII.)  Abel  Landis, 
])orn  Aug.  18,  1887.  (VII.)  Harrison  Landis,  born 
Jan.  23,  1889. 

V.  Enos  Moyer,  born — ;  died  young. 

V.  Lydia  Ann  Moyer,  born — .  Mrd.  Abner  Landis 
— .     (See  Index  of  References  No.  21.) 

IV.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about  1798. 
Mrd.    Hannah  Seiple — .    No  issue. 

IV.  Magdelena  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about 
1800,  died  aged  86  years.  Mrd.  Thomas  Trow^ers,  of 
Ireland.  They  mrd.  advanced  in  years,  and  died 
without  issue.'  Mr.  Trowers  left  125,000,  the  interest 
for  the  wddow'.  After  her  death  the  principal  w-as  to 
^o  to  the  blind  asylum.  After  Mrs.  Trower's  death, 
19,000  of  interest  money  w^as  divided  among  her 
l^r others  and  sisters. 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co..  Pa.,  Feb. 
16,  1805;  died,— 1889.  Mrd.  Joel  Strawn,  Nov.  19, 
1829.    He   was   born   Sept.    3,  1803;  died  June   11, 

—  127  — 

1887,  ao-ed  83--9--11.  Fariner.  Lived  in  Haycock 
Twp.  Mem.  Mennonite  B.  in  C.  Children:-  Abel, 

V.  Rev.  Abel  Strawn,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
.5,  1830.  Mrd.  Hannah  Brunner,  Oct.  30,  1850.  He 
was  elected  to  the  ministry  of  the  Ev.  Mennonite 
church  in  1859,  and  preached  first  in  Haycock  Brick 
church  two  years,  then  removed  to  Coopersburo^h 
where  he  preached  fifteen  years.  About  1874  the 
Evangelical  Mcnnonites,  the  Brethren  in  Clirist,  and 
the  Mennonite  Brethren  of  Canada  united  in  one 
body,  constituting  "The  Mennonite  Brethren  in 
Christ,"  and  adopting  the  itinerant  system,  he  con- 
tinues an  itinerant  preacher  among  them.  His  pres- 
ent charge  (1888)  is  reading,  Berks  Co.,  Pa.  One 
child:  (VI.)  Joel  Strawn,  Jr.,  born  Mar.  5,  1852. 
Mrd.  Alice  B.  Adamson,  Nov.  19,  1873.  Manufac- 
turer of  Chemicals.  Baptists.  In  1883  he  started  on 
a  trip  to  Germany  for  his  health,  but  a  few  days 
afterwards  he  was  taken  sick  and  died  June  7,  1883, 
and  was  buried  at  sea.  One  child:  (VII.)  Ethel 
Byron  Strawn,  born  Sept.  19,  1874. 

V.  Elizabeth  Strawn,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
16,  1834.  Mrd.  Henry  W.  Kemmerer,  June  2,  1853. 
He  was  born  Feb.  26,  1829.  A  retired  farmer.  Mem. 
Ev.  Ass.    Children:  Louisa,  Alfred,  Henry,  Milton. 

VI.  Louisa  S.  Kemmerer,  born  May  30,  1854;  died 
Apr.  4,  1855. 

VI.  Alfi-ed  Kemmerer,  born  July  23,  1856.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Morix  (daughter  of  Peter  Morix).  Farmer. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Leidy  Kemmerer,  born  Feb.  5,  1884. 

VI.  Henry  S.  Kemmerer,  born  Oct.  23,  1860;  died 
Dec.  20,  1862. 

VI.  Milton  Kemmerer,  born  July  9,  1864.  Mrd. 
Victoria,  daughter  of  David  Hensinger,  Sept.  2, 
1886.  Farmer.  One  child:  (VII.)  Bessie  Kemmerer, 
born  Sept.  28,  1888;  died  Sept.  31,  1888. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  1, 
1810;  died  Feb.  15,  1873.  Mrd.  Jaceb  S.  Kratz,  Dec. 
16,  1830.  He  died—.  Mem.  F.  Christian  Ch.  Chil- 
dren: Margaret,  Emma,  Laura,  Harvey,  William, 

—  128  — 

V.  Margaret  Kratz,  Ixnii  in  IJ.k-ks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
14,  1S33.  Mrd.  H.  Watson  Johnson,  Nov.  15,  1855. 
Farmer  in  Bucks  Co.  Attend  Reformed  Ch.  Chil- 
dren: Erwin,  Charles,  Oliver,  Harvey,  Mary. 

VI.  Erwin  T.  Johnson,  M,  D.,  born  June  18,  1857. 
Mrd.  E.  Martha  Sheip,  of  New  Britain,  Mar.  11, 
1886.  Practicing  Physician  at  Hilltown,  Pa.  Gradu- 
ated from  the  Jefferson  Medical  College  in  the  spring 
of  1883.  Mem.  Eeformed  Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Su- 
sanna Johnson,  born  Nov.  24,  1886.  (VII.)  Margaret 
Johnson,  born  May  25,  1888. 

VI.  Charles  J.  Johnson,  born  Nov.  23,  1858;  died 
Aug.  21:,  1878. 

VI.  Oliver  K.  Johnson,  born  Nov.  24,  1860. 

VI.  Harvey  E.  Johnson,  born  June  22,  1868. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Johnson,  born  Aug.  15,  1870. 

V.  Emma  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  7, 
1835.  Mrd.  John  Shelly  Weinberger,  Oct.  13,  1861. 
Professor  in  Ursinus  College,  at  CoUegeville,  Pa. 
Mem.  F.  Christian  Ch.  One  child.  (VI.)  Minerva 
Weinberger,  born  Oct.  1,  1863. 

V.  Laura -Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  4, 
1837;  died  Mar.  16,  1866.  Mrd.  I.  S.  Moyer,  M.  D 
— .  Physician.    One  child:    (VI.)    Lillian  Moyer. 

V.  Harvey  Kratz,  M.  D.,  born  Sept.  2,  1838.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Rinker — .  Practicing  Physician  at  New  Britain, 
Pa.  Attends  Baptist  Ch.  Children:  (VI.)  Laura 
Kratz,  born — ,  died.  (VI.)  Lizzie  Kratz.  (VI.) 
Bertha  Virginia  Kratz.  (VI.)  Mabel  Rebecca  Kratz. 
(VI.)  Annie  Worley  Kratz.  (VI.)  Charles  Sumner 
Kratz.  (VI.)  Sarah  Kratz.  (VI.)  Margaret  Kratz.  (VI.) 
Hannah  Kratz.   (VI.)  Esther  Kratz.   (Vl.)  Emma  Kratz. 

V.  William  Henry  Kratz,  born  Apr.  2,  181:3.  Mrd. 
Alice  J.  Piatt,  Jan.  7,  1875.  Farmer  and  Stock  raiser 
in  Piatt  Co.,  111.  Attends  M.  E.  Ch.  Children:  (VI.) 
Laura  Kratz,  born  Oct.  14,  1875.  (VI.)  James  Piatt 
Kratz,  born  Dec.  12,  1878. 

V.  Jacob  Thomas  Kratz,  born  Apr.  27,  1850;  died 
Oct.  5,  1862. 

III.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co,,  Pa.,  1771; 
died  1823.    Mrd.  Mary  Souder  (daughter  of  Abraham 

(See  page  133  ) 

—  129  — 

Soiider).  Farmer,  juul  li\'c'(l  on  his  father's  farm  in 
Bedminster  near  Stover's  mill.  He  was  called  "Big 
Joe"  to  distinguish  him  from  several  other  Joseph 
Fretzes.  Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth.  Abra- 
ham, Catharine,  William. 
IV.  p]lizal)eth  Fretz,  born  about  1812;  died  young. 

IV.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug. 
18,  1813;  died  Mar.  11,  1890.  Mrd.  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  George  Raum,  of  Perkiomen  Creek,  Pa.. 
Fel).  8,  1836.  She  was  born  Mar.  7,  1818.  They 
moved  to  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  in  181:8,  and  purchased 
a  farm — bordering  on  Chip])ewa  Lake,  where  he 
lived  and  died.  Mem.  U.  B.  Ch.  Children:  Augus- 
tus, Amanda,  Mary,  Sarah,  vSamuel,  Elizabeth,  Levi, 
Joseph.  Elmira,  Ella. 

V.  Augustus  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  2,  1837.  Mrd.  Anna,  daughter  of  David  and 
Magdalena  Kreider,  Feb.  22,  1862.  In  the  spring  of 
1863,  he  moved  to  Elkhart,  Ind.,  where  he  purchased 
a  farm,  and  where  he  has  since  resided.  Mennonites. 
Children:  John,  Mary,  Elizabeth,  Amanda,  Adaline, 
Emeline,  David,  Minnie,  William,  Clarence. 

VI.  John  Nelson  Fretz,  born  Dec.  4,  1862. 

VI.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  July  3, 
1864;  died  Feb.  19,  1886.  Mrd.  Peter  B.  Yoder.  Sept. 
24,  1881.  Farmer.  Mennonite.  Children:  (VII.)  Wil- 
liam H.  Yoder,  born  Oct.  8,  1882;  died  in  infancv. 
(VII.)  David  A.  Yoder,  born  Oct.  14,  1883.  (VIJ.) 
John  G.  Yoder.  born  Feb.  16,  1886. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Apr. 
23,  1866.  Mrd.  Benjamin  P.  Ginter,  Mar.,—  1885. 
Farmer.  One  child:  (VII.)  Chloe  Ginter,  born  Jan. 
13,  1887. 

VI.  Amanda  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind., 
July  7,  1869.  Mrd.  Harrison  B.  Ablwtt,  M.  D.,  May 
28,  1887.  Practicing  physician  at  Etna  Green.  Ind. 

VI.  Adaline  Fretz,  born  Sept.  15,  1871. 

VI.  Emeline  Fretz,  born  Apr.  26,  1873. 

VI.  David  A.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  30,  1876. 

VI.  Minnie  C.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  12,  1878. 

VI.  WiUiam  H.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  19,  1880. 

VI.  Clarence  A.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  10,  1882. 

—  130  — 

V.  Amanda  Louisa  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  IT,  1839.  Mrd.  Phineas  Howe,  of  Medina  Co., 
Ohio,  May  29,  1859.  Farmer.  Children:  Charles, 
Mina,  Dora,  Ada. 

VI.  Charles  Herman  Howe,  born  June  9,  1860.  S. 
VI.  Mina  E.    Howe,    born    June   17,    1862.     Mrd. 

Orville  B.  Stewart,  Apr.  17,  1887.  Farmer  in  Medina 
Co.,  Ohio. 

VI.  Dora  Elizabeth  Howe,  born  May  15,  1861.  Mrd. 
James  O'Connel,  of  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  24,  1884. 
Plumber.  Children:  (VII.)  Madge  O'Connel,  born  Oct. 
8,  1886.  (VII.)  Roy  Walker  ^O'Connel,  born  Nov. 
11,  1889. 

VI.  Ada  Jane  Howe,  born  Aug.  9,  1869. 

V.  Mary  Magdalena  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Pa.,  Mar.  27,  1842;  died  Sept.  16,  1848. 

V.  Sarah  Emeline  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Pa.,  Jan.  19,  1844.  Mrd.  J.  F.  Martin,  Oct.  20,  1861. 
Funeral  Director,  at  Seville,  O.  Baptists.  Children: 
Clarence,  Hattie,  Eva,  Frank,  Lillian,  Stella,  Sidney. 

VI.  Clarence  A.  Martin,  ])orn  Sept.  29,  1862.    S. 

VI.  Hattie  D.  Martin,  ))orn  July  3,  1864.  Mrd. 
Alvah  Foster,  Oct.  31,  1886.  Farmer  in  Medina  Co., 
O.  One  child:  (VII.)  Miriam  Foster,  born  July  27, 1888. 

VI.  Eva  L.  Martin,  born  Mar.  21,  1866. 

VI.  Frank  Elmer  Martin,  born  Dec.  31,  1867. 

VI.  Lillian  Jane  Martin,  born  Oct.  31,  1869. 

VI.  Stella  May  Martin,  born  Apr.  21,  1873. 

VI.  Sidney  Abram  Martin,  l)orn  June  23,  1877. 

V.  Samuel  G.  Fretz,  ])orn  in  Montgomery  Co. ,  Pa. , 
Oct.  1,  1845.  Mrd.  Artie  McDonald,  Nov.'  22,  1872. 
She  was  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  Mar.  13,  1852. 
Farmer  in  Medina  Co. ,  O.  Children:  (VI.)  Henry  L. 
Fretz,  born  Apr.  15,  1874;  died  Sept.  15,  1874.  (VI.) 
Harry  H.  Fretz,  Ijorn  Aug.  8,  1878;  died  Aug.  16, 
1879."  (VI.)  Eva  Belle  P^retz,  born  Feb.  5,  1881. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  11,  1847.  Mrd.  A.  H.  Peake,  of  Medina,  Ohio, 
Oct.  1,  1873.  Proof  reader  and  typesetter  at  Medina, 
Ohio.  One  child:  (VI.)  CarlH.  Peake,  born  Oct.  9, 1880. 

V.  Levi  Fretz.  born  in  Wadsworth  Twp.,  Ohio,  Oct. 
5,   1850.    Mrd.   Mildred  E.  Hesmer,  Dec.   22,  1878. 


—  181  — 

She  was  born  in  Modhm  Co..  ().,  Apr.  6,  1858.  Car- 
penter and  joiner  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  Cona-.iega- 
tionalists.  Children:  (VI.)  Chester  H.  Fretz,  born 
Sept.  19,  18Ti>.  (VI.)  William  Fretz,  born  Nov.  8, 
1880.   (VI.)  Hazle  N.  Fretz,  l)orn  Jan.  14,  1888. 

V.  Joseph  Fretz,  l)orn  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  July  14, 
1855.  Mrd.  Cora  A.  Brainard,  Dec.  1,  1882.  Farmer 
in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  One  child:  (VI.)  Lena  A.  Fretz, 
l)orn  Oct.  16.  1883. 

V.  Elmira  Fretz,  )K)rn  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  Mar. 
23,  1858.  Mrd.  M.  E.  Frazier,  Sept.  4,  1880.  Dealer 
in  aofricultural  implements,  and  farmer  in  Medina 
Co.,  Ohio.  Children:  (VI.)  Ona  Ethlvn  Frazier,  born 
Sept.  5,  1881.  (VI.)  Harry  Wavland  Frazier,  born 
July  21,  1885. 

V. '  Ella  Jane  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co. ,  Ohio,  Jan. 
22,  1860;  died  Aug.  23,  1888.  Mrd.  William  Sho- 
walter— .  Children:  (VI.)  Archie  Showalter.  (VI.) 
Sterling  Showalter.  (VI.)  Everet  Showalter.  (VI.) 
Ethel  Showalter. 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  17,  1815.  Mrd.  Joseph  Fretz,  (son  of 
"Lame  Anthon}'").  (See  Index  of  References  No.  22.) 

IV.  William  Ely  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  28,  1817.  Mrd.  Frances  Kratz,  about  1840. 
She  was  born  Jan.  17,  1819.  Carpenter,  and  farmer 
in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  Samuel, 
Elizabeth,  Reuben,  Al^raham,  Mary. 

V.  Samuel  K.  Fretz,  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  14, 
1841.  Mrd.  Mary  E.  Boyer,  of  Hatfield,  Pa.,  Jan. 
7,  1865.  Farmer  in  Kent  Co.,  Del.,  to  which  state  he 
moved  in  1881.  Methodist.  Children:  (VI.)  Erviu  B. 
Fretz,  born  June  20,  1866.  (VI.)  Abraham  B.  Fretz, 
born  Oct.  25,  1867.  (VI.)  Hannah  E.  Fretz,  born  May 
5,  1871;  died  in  1872.  (VI.)  Fannie  B.  Fretz,  born 
Feb.  11,  1873.  (VI.)  Horace  B.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  19, 
1876.  (VI.)  Peter  B.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  6,  1878.  (VI.) 
William  B.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  9,  1880.  (VI.)  Emma 
B.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  16,  1882. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Dec.  27,  1843.  Mrd. 
Charles  George  (deceased).    Children:  (VI.)    William 

—  132  — 

George,  born — ■;  died  in  infancy.  (VI.)  Jacob  George, 
born  Mar.  30,  1883. 

V.  Reuben  K.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  2,  1846.  Mrd.  Mary 
R.  Detweiler,  Nov.  21,  1868.  She  was  born  Dec.  5, 
1817.  Farmer  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.  Mennonite.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Garret  D.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  28,  1869. 
(VI.)  Fannie  D.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  8,  1871.  (VI.)  Annie 
D.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  25,  1875.  (VI.)  William  D.  Fretz, 
born  Mar.  13,  1877;  died  Oct.  11,  1879.  (VI.)  Henry 
D.  Fretz,  born  July  21,  1879.  (VI.)  Wilson  D.  Fretz, 
born  May  8,  1882.  (VI.)  Reuben  D.  Fretz,  born  Sept' 
3,  1884.  '(Vl.)  Abraham  D.  Fretz,  born  Apr.  27,  1887. 

V.  Abraham  K.  Fretz,  born  May  9,  1851.  Mrd. 
Anna  Amanda  Hechler,  Oct.  15,  1881.  Residence 
near  Hatfield,  Pa.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VI.) 
Mary  Alice  Fretz,  born  Sept.  3,  1882.  (VI.)  Aaron 
Melrose  Fretz,  born  Feb.  15,  1887. 

V.  Mary  B.  Fretz  (Twin  to  Abraham),  born  May  9. 
1851.     (S.  1888.) 

III.  Isaac  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  11, 
1781;  died  Dec.  27,  1855,  aged  71-6-16.  Mrd.  Mary 
Moyer— .  She  died  Mar.  27,  1855,  aged  68-7-3. 
Farmer  in  Richland  Twp. ,  having  moved  there  from 
Bedminster  about  1822.  Children:  William,  Magdalena. 

IV.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Pa., 
Apr.  9,  1811.  Mrd.  Catharine  Hofford  in  1854.  In 
early  life  he  worked  at  the  trade  of  carpenter,  but  on 
the  death  of  his  parents,  he  returned  to  the  farm  on 
which  he  remained  until  three  years  before  his  death 
when  he  sold  his  farm  and  moved  to  Quakertown, 
where  he  lived  a  retired  life  until  his  death,  Dec,  22, 
1869.  While  a  resident  of  the  township  he  was 
elected  supervisor  for  three  successive  terms  and  held 
several  other  positions  of  trust.  Two  children: 

V.  Edmn  Penrose  Fretz,  born  in  Richland  Twp., 
Mar.  3,  1856.  He  received  a  public  school  education. 
At  the  age  of  fifteen,  learned  the  trade  of  shoemaking. 
After  several  years  he  went  to  Washington  Hall  Col- 
legiate Institute,  Trappe,  Montg.  Co.  One  year  later 
he  entered  the  Allentown  Business  CoUege  from 
which  he  graduated  in  1878.     He  again  entered  the 

—  133  — 

employ  of  A.  B.  Walp  &  Co.,  and  then  bought  a 
shoe  store  at  Lansdale,  where  he  has  established  a 
good  business.     Unmrd. 

V.  Oliver  Henry  Fretz,  M.  D.,  born  in  Richland 
Twp.,  Apr.  9,  1858.  Mrd.  Elmira  A.,  daughter  of 
Nathan  C.  and  Lucinda  (Antrim)  Roeder,  Oct.  26, 
1882.  After  receiving  a  good  education  in  the  public 
schools,  he  entered  Muhlenberg  College.  When  21 
years  of  age  he  began  reading  medicine  with  Dr.  I. 
S.  Moyer;  he  entered  Jefferson  Medical  College,  and 
after  pursuing  a  graded  course  of  study  for  three 
years,  he  graduated  with  the  degree  of  Doctor  of 
Medicine,  Mar.  30,  1882.  He  began  practice  at  Sal- 
fordville.  Montgomery  Co.,  but  at  the  end  of  three 
years  he  sold  out  on  account  of  his  health,  and 
removed  to  Quakertown,  where  he  is  engaged  in  the 
drug  business,  combining  with  it  a  large  office  prac- 
tice. In  the  spring  of  1887,  he  completed  a  course 
of  instruction  in  the  Philadelphia  Polyclinic  and  Col- 
lege for  graduates  in  medicine,  and  has  thoroughly 
equipped  himself  as  a  specialist  in  diseases  of  the  eye 
and  ear,  catarrhal  and  all  chronic  affections.  Dr. 
Fretz  has  been  appointed  Borough  Physician,  and  is 
a  member  of  the  Bucks  County  Medical  Society,  the 
Lehigh  Valley  Medical  Association,  the  State  Medi- 
cal Society,  the  Bucks  County  branch  of  the  Forestry 
Association,  and  the  Bucks  County  School  Directors 
Association.  He  was  twice  elected  a  member  of  the 
Quakertown  School  Board,  and  was  an  officer  in  the 
Board  for  several  years.  In  the  campaign  of  1890  he 
was  elected  to  the  Pennsylvania  Legislature  on  the 
Democratic  ticket.  He  is  also  Medical  Examiner 
for  several  Life  Insurance  Companies,  and  belongs  to 
the  following  organizations:  Quakertown  Lodge  No. 
512,  F.  &  A.  M.;  Secona  Tribe  No.  263;  I.  O.  of  R. 
M..  Marion  Circle  No.  16,  B.  U.  (H.  F.)  of  Pennsyl- 
vania. Dr.  Fretz  and  wife  are  members  of  the 
Reformed  church.  Children:  (VI.)  Robert  Bartholow 
Fretz,  born  Jan.  19,  1884;  died  Oct.  1,  1884.  (VI.) 
Raymond  Lamar  Fretz,   born  Apr.   24,    1885. 

IV.  Ma^dalena  Fretz,  born  Apr.  22,  1815,  and  died 
unmrd  July  1,  1854. 


II.  Christian  Fretz,  (son  of  Weaver  John)  was  born 
in  1734.  He  married  Barbara  Oberholtzer  in  1757. 
She  was  born  Nov.  20,  1737.  Their  married  life  ran 
through  a  course  of  forty-six  years.  He  died  May  1, 
1803.  His  wife  survived  him  twenty  years,  and 
died  May  8,  1823.  It  is  a  noteworthy  fact 'that  at  the 
time  of  her  death,  she  w^as  the  mother  of  twelve  chil- 
dren, had  a  hundred  and  nine  grand  children,  and  a 
hundred  and  three  great  grand  children.  Previous  to 
his  father's  death,  Christian,  and  his  l^rother  Isaac, 
lived  on  what  isjknown  as  the  Isaac  Fretz'  homestead, 
situated  in  Tinicum  Twp.,  now  owned  by  Henry  F. 
Myers.  He  was  one  of  the  executors  of  his  father's 
estate,  and  inherited  the  old  homestead  in  Bedmin- 
ster  under  the  conditions  previously  mentioned  in  the 
will,  and  where  he  subsequently  lived  and  died.  To 
the  homestead  he  added  by  purchase  from  his  son 
John,  the  tract  known  as  the  "Poor  Fields,"  in  1793, 
and  which  consisted  of  about  30  acres.  He  and  his 
wife  were  members  of  the  Mennonite  church,  and 
worshiped  in  the  ever  memoral)le  Old  Stone  Church 
at  Deep  Run,  which  was  the  oldest  Mennonite  con- 
gregation in  Bucks  county.  In  his  day  the  Indians 
were  yet  quite  numerous,  and  often  quite  trouble- 
some. It  is  related  that  he  had  a  very  fine  horse,  to 
which  the  Indians  took  a  particular  fancy,  and 
wanted  to  buy,  but  he  would  not  sell  it.  The  Indians 
however,  determining  to  gain  possession  of  the  horse, 
camp  by  night  and  stole  it     Some  time  after,  he 

— •  135  — 

ascertained  where  the  horse  was,  and  went  to  the 
Indian  camp,  arriving  at  evening,  and  seeing  the 
horse  turned  out  to  pasture,  he  ceneealed  himself 
until  slumber  had  fallen  upon  the  inhabitants  of  the 
Avigwam.  The  Indians  had  a  custom  of  just  before 
retiring  for  the  night,  to  go  outside  of  their  wigwams 
and  shout  and  make  a  great  noise  to  frighten  away 
the  Mdld  beasts.  Knowing  this  to  be  the  signal  for 
retiring,  he  waited  until  he  thought  they  were  sound 
asleep,  and  then  entered  the  lot,  secured  the  horse, 
and  returned  home  with  it.  It  is  also  related  that  his 
son  Joseph  had  a  very  tine  young  horse,  and  that 
during  the  Revolutionary  war,  when  Washington's 
Army  was  encamped  below  Newtown,  that  foraging 
teams,  accompanied  by  an  officer  on  horseback,  came 
to  Christian  Fretz's  place  for  hay  for  the  army,  that 
the  officer  saw  the  horse,  and  in  conversation  with 
the  foragemen,  said  it  was  a  fine  horse,  that  he  would 
try  and  buy  it,  but  if  he  could  not  buy  it,  he  would 
have  it  an}'way.  The  conversation  between  the 
officer  and  men  was  over-heard  by  one  of  Christian's 
daughters,  who  ran  to  the  house  and  told  her  brother, 
who  was  sitting  at  the  loom  weaving.  As  the  officer 
was  coming  to  the  house  by  the  front  way,  to  see  him 
about  the  horse,  he  not  wishing  to  part  with  it, 
leaped  through  the  window,  ran  to  the  barn  by  the 
back  way  unobserved  by  the  officer,  mounted  the 
horse,  and  rode  towards  the  Haycock  Mountain'.  The 
officer  however  saw  him  as  he  dashed  away  with  the 
horse,  and  followed  some  distance  until  he  lost  track 
of  him.  He  rode  the  horse  up  through  the  wilder- 
ness countr}',  a  part  of  the  time  fording  up  the 
streams  to  cover  his  tracks  and  hid  the  horse  at  the 
place  now  known  as  Shellenberger's  mill.  A  few 
days  later  the  officer  came  again  to  Christian's  place, 
and  told  him  that  he  icould  have  that  horse. 

The  next  day,  however.  Christian  accompanied  by 
a  neighbor  went  to  the  Encampment  at  Newtown, 
and  laid  the  matter  before  the  General  in  command. 
The  General  gave  him  a  writing  of  protection,  told 
him  not  to  trouble  himself  about  the  horse,  and  if  the 
office}:  sbpukl  come  around  ag'ain,  to  hand  bin>  that 

—  136  — 

paper.  In  a  few  days  the  officer  came  the  second 
time,  and  very  impiidentl}'  made  demands  for  the 
horse,  whereupon  Christian  handed  him  the  paper 
from  the  General  in  command.  He  looked  it  over, 
dropped,  it  and  left.  Among  the  relics  of  Christian 
Fretz's  home  is  a  table  now  owned  by  Mrs.  Lapp, 
who  lives  at  the  Doylestown  Mennonite  meeting 
house,  which  was  used  in  his  family,  and  on  which 
he,  being  a  wealthy  man,  counted  his  money.  The 
table  was  bought  at  the  puljlic  sale  of  Christian 
Fretz's  effects  by  Joseph  Wisler,  and  is  now  in  pos- 
session of  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Lapp.  The  children  of 
Christian  and  Barbara  Fretz,  in  the  order  of  their 
birth  are,  viz:  John,  Agnes,  Joseph,  Henry,  Martin, 
Jacob,  Abraham,  Isaac,  Barbara,  Christian,  Mary, 

III.  John  Fretz  (son  of  Christian  and  Barbara) 
known  as  Warwick  John  was  born  on  the  ''Old 
Homestead"  in  Bedminster  Township,  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  May  24,  1758,  and  died  Dec.  20,  1801,  aged  16y- 
6m-26d.  He  married  Ann  Kratz,  of  Plumstead 
(daughter  of  Philip  Kratz).  She  was  born  Nov.  1, 
1761,  and  died  Aug.  1,  1813,  a^ed  48  years  and  H 
months.  John  Fretz  bought  what  is  called  the  ' '  Poor 
fields,"  25  acres,  for  three  pounds  19  shillings,  and 
sixpence,  by  patent  from  the  executive  council  of 
Pa.,  dated  June  12,  1787.  The  warrant  for  the 
same  having  been  granted  one  year  previously.  This 
tract  is  situated  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  and  now  occu- 
pied in  part  by  Jonas  Loux.  In  1793  he  sold  this 
tract  to  Christian  Fretz  for  the  sum  of  fifty  pounds. 
At  the  time  of  this  sale  he  was  a  resident  of  A\  arwick. 
In  1790  while  yet  residing  in  Bedminster  Township, 
he  purchased  of  John  Thomas,  a  tract  of  130  acres  in 
New  Britain  Township,  now  known  as  the  Curly 
Mill  property.  This  property  he  sold  to  Mark 
Fretz  in  1792.  He  never  resided  on  this  property. 
In  1792,  he  bought  299i  acres  in  Warwick  Township, 
of  Richard  &  Willet  Smith  for  1200  pounds  ''in  good 
gold  and  silver  money."  In  1791  he  built  a  barn  on 
this  property,  and   the  following  year,  1795,  he  built 

—  137  — 

:i  stone  house  which  is  still  standing,  in  good  repair, 
and  occupied  as  a  dwelling.  To  this  property  he 
added  by  various  purchases,  so  that  at  his  death  he 
owned  a  connected  tract  of  600  acres.  In  connection 
with  his  occupation  as  farmer,  he  also  distilled 
whisky.  He  and  wife  were  members  of  the  Menno- 
nite  church,  and  to  them  were  born  nine  children: 
Elizabeth,  Susan,  Rachel,  Barbara,  Eliza,  Mary,  John, 
Anna,  Philip. 

IV.  Christian  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Pa., 
Nov.  17,  1782.  Mrd.  Mary  (daughter  of  Ralph 
Stover,  of  Bedminster),  Apr.  14,  1808.  She  was 
born  Dec.  1,  1787;  died  in  New  York,  Nov.  27,  1855. 
His  occupation  was  farmer  and  hotel  keeper  and 
resided  in  War^vick  on  the  old  homestead  now  owned 
and  occupied  by  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Elizalieth  F. 
Farren,  and  where  he  died  Jan.  28,  1840.  Children: 
Ralph,  John,  Philip,  Elizabeth,  Christian,  Mary. 

V.  Ralph  Stover  Fretz,  born  on  the  Homestead  in 
Warwick,  Nov.  13,  1809.  He  sailed  from  the  Isthmus 
of  Panama  in  1849,  and  landed  at  San  Francisco, 
California,  where  he  established  a  bank,  and  amassed 
a  fortune  of  about  a  half  million  dollars,  which  he 
bequeathed  to  relatives,  except  -^20,000  which  he 
willed  to  the  United  States  to  liquidate  the  national 
debt  caused  by  the  late  war.  He  was  never  married, 
and  died  in  California,  June  6,  1867,  aged  58  years. 

V.  John  Fretz,  born  Oct.  2,  1811,  also  went  to  Cali- 
fornia, where  he  died  unmrd,  June  26,  1863,  at  the 
White  Sulphur  Springs.  He  owned  and  operated 
a  gold  quartz  mill  in  Calaveras  Co.,  Cal. 

V.  Philip  K.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  14,  1813.  Mrd. 
Annie  Stover,  Feb.  18,  1841.  He  lived  on  a  part  of 
the  old  homestead  in  Warwick.  He  was  a  farmer, 
and  was  also  extensively  engaged  in  contract  work, 
and  was  one  of  the  contractors  to  build  the  horse 
shoe  curve  over  the  Alleghany  Mountains,  on  the  P. 
R.  R.  He  was  one  of  the  prominent  men  of  the  Co. 
and  a  member  of  the  Doylestown  Presbyterian 
church.  He  died  on  steamship  "  Henry  Chauncy," 
on  the  voyage  to  California,  Mar.  13,  1867.  Buried  in 

—  138  — 

the  Atlantic  otf  the  coast  of  North  Carolina.  Had 
four  children:  Charles,  Mary,  Philip,  John. 

VI.  Charles  Augustus  Fretz,  born  May  31,  1843. 
Mrd.  Susie  Derby.  He  owns  and  occupies  a  part  of 
the  old  homestead  that  belonged  to  his  father,  and  is 
eno;aged  in  farming.     No  issue. 

Vr.  Mary  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Tan.  0,  18-t5.  Mrd. 
Theodore  P.  Austin,  Sept.  8,  1868.  Mr.  Austin  em- 
l)loys  his  time  in  looking  after  his  woodlands  and 
mining  property  in  Maine.  Residence  9.5  Fifth 
Avenue,  New  York  City.  Mrs.  Austin  is  a  member 
of  the  Presbyterian  church,  and  Mr.  Austin  and  one 
daughter  are  members  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal 
church,  of  which  the  family  are  reguhir  attendants. 
Children:  (VII.)  Altia  Rheua  Austin,  born  Sept.  15, 
1869,  at  95  fifth  ave..  New  York  City.  (VII.)  Neva 
Ethel  Austin,  born  Oct.  18,  1876,  at  country  resi- 
dence, Portland,  Connecticut. 

VI.  Philip  Henry  Fretz,  born  Nov.  22,  1846.  Mrd. 
Margaret  Nilla  Johnston,  daughter  of  Robert  and 
Nilla  (McHenry)  Johnston,  Sept.  19,  1871.  She  was 
born  June  1,  1848.  They  reside  on  a  farm  near 
Dylestown,  known  as  the  Hough  Property,  where  they 
have  built  and  occupy  a  handsome  residence.  Presby- 
terians. Children:  (VII.)  John  Edgar  Fretz,  ))orn 
Nov.  29,  1872.  (VII.)  Anna  Leola  Fretz,  born  Nov.  1, 
1875.  (VII.)  Ralph  Johnston  Fretz,  born  Feb.  25, 

VI.  John  S.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  22,  1850.  Mrd.  Mary 
W.  Long,  of  Doylestown.  Resides  on  a  portion  of 
the  old  John  Fretz'  homestead  in  Warwick.  Occupa- 
tion, farming  and  running  saw  mill.  One  child.  (VII.) 
Harry  Fretz. 

V.  Elizal^eth  Fretz,  daughter  of  Christian  Fretz,  of 
Warwick,  born  Feb.  23,  1818.  Mrd.  John  Farren,  of 
Elizabethtown,  Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  Jan.  1,  1844. 
He  was  born  Mar.  1,  1809.  He  was  a  contractor, 
being  one  of  the  contractors  in  constructing  the 
Pennsylvania  R.  R.  on  the  Allecrhany  Mountains. 
The  last  years  of  his  life  were  spent  at  Warwick 
homestead,  where  he  died  Dec.  16,  1878,  Mrs.  Farren 
owns  and  4U1  resides  or  a  portion  of  the  old  home- 

-  139  — 

stead.  Roman  Catholics.  Children:  Mary,  Frances, 
John,  Mary. 

VI.  Mary  Janetta  Farren,  l)orn  May  7,  1851;  died  in 

VI.  Frances  Annetta  Farren,  born  Apr.  1,  1853;  died 
in  infancy, 

VI.  John  AnoTistus  Farren,  born  Apr.  21,  1855;  died 
Dec.  12,  1881-,  aged  29  years.  Roman  Catholic.  He 
mrd.  Alletta  Bleiler,  of  Doylestown,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Jan.  25,  1882.  She  attends  Prot.  Ep.  church.  No 

VI.  Mary  Celicia  Farren,  born  Feb.  21,  1858.  Mrd. 
Samuel  J.  Penrose,  of  Horsham,  Pa.,  June  16,  1881. 
Farmer.  Mem.  of  Society  of  Friends.  Mrs.  Penrose 
and  son  Roman  Catholics.  One  child:  (VII.)  Cyril 
Farren  Penrose,  born  May  5,  1882. 

V.  Christian  Aus^ustus  Fretz,  born  Nov.  25,  1821:; 
died  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1859.  Provision 
merchant  on  Isthmus  of  Panama  for  seven  years  pre- 
vious to  his  death. 

V.  Mary  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Jan.  13,  1827;  died 
Mar.  i,  181:2. 

IV.  Susan  Fretz,  born  Sept.  1,  1784;  died  Sept.  9, 
1829.  Mrd.  William  Garges,  July  30,  1805.  Mer- 
chant at  Bridge  Point,  Pa.  Moved  to  Fairfax  Co., 
Va.,  where  he  1)ought  a  farm  on  which  he  remained 
until  his  death.  Mrs.  Garges  Mennonite.  Children: 
Anna,  Sarah,  Margaret,  John,  William,  Susan,  iVbra- 
ham,  Mary. 

V.  Anna  Fretz  Garges,  liorn  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Nov. 
23,  1806.  Spent  the" early  part  of  her  life  at  the  old 
home,  and  later  in  life  moved  to  Zanesville,  Ohio, 
where  she  died  in  1869.    Methodist.    Unmrd. 

V.  Sarah  Garges,  Ijorn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  29, 
1808.  Lived  for  many  years  ^vith  her  sister,  Mrs. 
Ball,  in  Muskingum  Co.,  Ohio.  Died  in  Washincrton, 
D.  C,  July  15,  1883.    Methodist.    Unmrd. 

V.  Margaret  Garges,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Ausf. 
22,  1810.  Mrd.  Edward  Ball,  of  Fairfax  Co.,  Va.. 
Jan.  8,  1840.  They  moved  to  Zanesville,  Ohio,  where 
he  was  for  a  time  Sheritf,  afterwards  farmer.  Later 
practiced  law,  and  finally  went  into  politics,  and  was 

—  140  — 

elected  to  Cono^ress  two  terms.  Methodists.  Children: 
Vircrinia,  Sarah,  Margaret,  William,  Thomas,  Susan, 

VI.  Virginia  Fairfax  Ball,  born  Nov.  7,  1840.  Em- 
ployed as  Clerk  in  Patent  Office  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

VI.  Sarah  A.  Ball,  born  Apr.  16,  1843.  Mrd.  Charles 
A.  Stevenson,  of  Versailles,  Ky.,  June  15,  1875. 
Farmer.  Mrs.  Stevenson  Presbvterian.  Resides  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  Children:  (VII.)  Fred  Ball  Ste- 
venson, born  Sept.  13,1877.  (VII.)  Pauline  Stevenson, 
born  Nov.  12,  1881.  (VII.)  Vincent  Moore  Stevenson, 
born  Mar.  1,  1883. 

VI.  WilUam  E.  Ball,  born  Sept.  6,  1844;  died  June 
19,  1850. 

VI.  Susan  Ball,  born  Dec.  17,  1846;  died  next  day. 

VI.  Thomas  Smith  Ball,  born  Apr.  1.  1849;  died 
June  1,  1850. 

VI.  John  Alfred  Ball,  born  Sept.  15,  1851.  Mrd. 
Georgia  C.  Bradshaw,  of  Somerton,  Ohio,  eTune  20, 
1876.'  Book-keeper.  Attend  M.  E.  Ch.  Children: 
(VII.)  Cornelia  Virginia  Ball,  born  Sept.  27,  1878. 
(VII.)  Edward  Ball,  born  Aus-  9,  1880;  died  Feb.  13, 

VI.  Margaret  Anna  Ball,  born  at  Zanesville,  Ohio, 
Jan.  3,  1854.  Mrd.  in  Washington,  D.  C,  Oct.  24, 
1876,  to  Philip  T.  Dodge,  Patent  Attorney  in  Wash- 
inofton,  D.  C.  Mrs.  Dodsfe  Ref.  Lutheran.  Children: 
(VII.)  Norman  Dodge,  born  Sept.  27,  1877.  (VII.) 
Olive  Van  Patten  Dodge,  born  July  17,  1882. 

V.  John  Henry  Garges,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  14,  1813.  "Mrd.  Martha  Ann  Scott,  of  Fairfax 
Co.,  Va.,  Dec.  16,  1842.  She  died  Apr.  9,  1886.  His 
occu]3ation  formerly  wheelwright  and  engineer.  He 
bought  the  old  homestead  farm  at  Anandale,  Va.  It 
grew  to  be  a  village  on  his  hands,  and  became  a  place 
of  note  in  the  history  of  the  late  war.  Mr.  Garges 
being  a  Union  man  had  to  seek  protection  in  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  where  he  still  resides.  His  property 
was  destroyed,  beins;  held  first  by  the  Confederates, 
and  then  by  the  Union  forces.  Finally  the  whole 
village  was  burned  by  the  Union  troops  as  they  fell 
back,  notwillingthat  the  Confederates  should  protect 

—  141  — 

themselves,  and  hold  the  pUice.  Mrs.  Garges  Metho- 
dist. Children:  Eugene.  Roliert,  William,  Thomas, 
John,  Otto,  Edwin,  Martha,  Abraham. 

VI.  Eugene  Boyle  Garges,  born  Oct.  18,  1843.  Mrd. 
Josephine  M.  Langley,  Jan.  IT,  1870.  Children: 
(VII.)  John  Henry  Garges,  born  Oct.  17,  1870. 
(VII.)  William  Warren  Garges,  born  Jan.  27,  1872. 
(VII.)  Geo.  Washington  Garges,  born  Dec.  3,  1873. 
(VII.)  Margaret  H.  Garges,  born  Nov.  20,  1876. 
(VII.)  Thomas  Smith  Garges,  born  Aug.  13,  1879. 
(VII.)  Virginia  Fairfax  Garo-es,  born  Feb.  12,  1882. 
(VII.)  Chandler  Garges,  Ijorn  Feb.  1, 1885.  (VII.)  Ellen 
Garges,  born  May  15,  1887.    All  Roman  Catholics, 

VI.  Robert  Emmet  Garges,  born  Nov.  30,  1844;  died 
Mar,  21,  1886.  During  the  late  war  he  was  captured 
by  the  confederates  and  imprisoned  at  Richmond, 
Va.,  for  many  months,  where  he  lay  ill  for  a  long 
time  with  pneumonia.  When  permitted  to  leave  the 
prison,  he  went  almost  in  a  state  of  nudity  to  his 
uncle  Thomas  Smith,  of  Virginia. 

VI.  William  H.  Garges,  born  in  Fairfax  Co.,  Va,, 
Feb.  23,  1846.  When  a  youth  of  about  15  during  the 
late  war  he  was  captured  l^y  the  confederates  and  con- 
fined in  Libby  Prison  for  nine  months,  during  which 
time  he  endured  many  hardships.  He  mrd.  Mary  A. 
Mullen,  Oct.  24,  1871.  Coach-maker.  Mrs.  Garo^es 
and  chikb-en  are  Roman  Catholics.  Children:  (VII.) 
Martha  Magdalena  Garges,  born  Aug,  21,  1872, 
(VII.)  Daniel  Edward  Garges,  born  Mar,  6,  1874. 
(VII.)  Mary  Adelia  Garges,  born  Oct.  2,  1876.  (VII.) 
William  Henry  Garges,'  born  Aug.  26,  1878.  (VII.) 
Samuel  Miller  Garges,  born  Oct,  25,  1880.  (VII.) 
Francis  Garges,  born  June  8,  1882.  (VII.)  Eugene 
Bold  Garges,  born  Nov.  1,  1883,  (VII.)  Sarah  Jane 
Garges,  born  Feb,  9,1887. 

VI.  Thomas  Smith  Garges,  born  Jan.  6,  1848.  Mrd. 
Rebecca  Carvithen,  May  8,  1874.  He  is  Supervisor  of 
Metropolitan  R.  R.    No  issue, 

VI.  John  Henry  Garges,  born  Jan,  19,  1850,  died  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  in  1862. 

VI.  Otto  Goldsmith  Garges,  born  in  Fairfax  Co., 
Va.,  Apr.  22,  1852.     Mrd.  Annie  B.  Faley,  of  Irish 

—  142  — 

descent.  Mr.  Garges  is  in  tlie  Livery  business  in 
Wasliinoton,  D.  C.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  John 
Henry  Gardes,  born  Jan.  22,  1872.  (VII.)  Abraham 
A.  Garges/born  Jan.  24,  1874.  (VII.)  Ellen  Catharine 
Garges,  born  Mar.  2,  1876.  (VII.)  Edwin  Brooke 
Gai-oes,  born  Jan.  29,  1877,  died  Mar.  30,  1879. 
(VI I. )  James  Foley  Garges,  born  Jan.  2,  1880. 

VI.  Ed^in  Brooke  Garges,  ))orn  Apr.  22,  1852. 
Mrd.  Maro-aret  E.  Herrity,  June  12,  1877.  Proprietor 
of  a  Hotel  at  Richmond,  Va.  Children:  (VII.)  Ida 
Theressa  Garges,  born  Oct.  17,  1878.  (VII.)  William 
Henry  Garges,  born  Oct.  12,  1880,  died  Oct.  18,  1880. 

VI.  Martha  W.  Garges,  born  Nov.  19,  1859.  She 
graduated  from  the  Washington  Normal  School  June 
8,  1877,  and  is  now  a  teacher  in  the  6th  Grade  Public 
school  of  Washington,  D.  C.  She  has  taught  boys 
ever  since  her  graduation,  from  the  loAvest  grade  up. 
Mem.  Protestant  Ep.  ch.,  and  resides  with  her  father 
in  Washington. 

VI.  Abraham  Lincoln  Garges,  Ijorn  Apr.  22,  1861. 
Mrd.  Leone  Walde,  Nov. '5,  1881.  Coach- painter. 
Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Otto  Garges,  born  Apr.  10, 
1883.   (VII.)  Martha  Leone  Garges,  born  Aug.  16, 1884. 

V.  William  Garges,  Jr.,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Mar.  19,  1816.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Laughlin,  of  Lexing- 
ton, Va.,  in  1835.  She  died — .  Children:  a  son,  and 
daughter  Mary.  Mr.  Garges  mrd.  second  wife,  Isa- 
belle  Bryan,  of  Fincastle,  Va. ,  May  21, 1846.  Children: 
Sarah,  William,  Susan,  Charles,  John,  Rose,  Harry, 
Annie,  Milton,  Alfred.  Mr.  Garges  has  been  variously 
occupied  as  Stage -driver  in  Rock  Bridge  Co.,  Va., 
and  for  several  years  in  the  Liver}^  lousiness  and  farm- 
ing. At  the  beginning  of  the  Rebellion  he  enlisted  as 
a  three  years  volunteer  in  the  78th  Ohio  Reg't.  At 
the  expiration  of  this  enlistment  he  re-enlisted  in  the 
same  Reg't.,  and  remained  with  it  until  the  close  of 
the  war,  when  he  was  mustered  out  at  Washington, 
D.  C.  United  Presbyterians.  Resides  at  Zancsville, 
Ohio.    Children: 

V  .    A  son — died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Mary  E.  Garges,  born  Jan.  1,  1842.  Mrd.  W. 
H.  Hardy,  of  Winchester,  Va.,  Oct.  10,  1866.    Mer- 

—  u?>  — 

chandise — dealer  in  harness,  saddles,  and  leather. 
Mrs.  Hardy,  Methodist.  Children:  (VII.)  Harry  Hard}-, 
born  Oct.  18,  ISiu.  (VII.)  Rose  Lee  Hardy,  born  Nov. 
23,  1869.  (VII.)  Mary  N.  Hardy,  born  Mar.  19,  1871, 
(dec'd).  (VII.)  Bessie  Hardy,' born  Mar.  26,  1873. 
(VII.)  William  G.  Hardy,  born  Oct.  26,  1876.  (VII.) 
Maegie  B.  Hardy,  born  Sept.  9,  1880.  (VII.)  Lucy  L. 
Hardy,  born  Apr.  11,  1883  (decVl).  (VII.)  Francis  L. 
Hardy,  born  Nov.  20,  1884. 

VI.  Sarah  Bertha  Garges,  born  Aug.  16,  1847.  Mrd. 
L.  P.  Minier,  May,  15,  1873.  Superintendent  of  T<?- 
legraph}',  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Swedenborgians. 
Children:  (VII.)  Estella  Minier,  born  Mar.  8,"l874. 
(VII.)  Chester  Minier,  born  Mar.  2,  1877.  (VII.)  Edith 
Minier,  born  Apr.  12,  1880,  died  Jan.  20,  1885.  (VII.) 
Waite  Minier,  born  Feb.  8,  1882.  (VII.)  Bessie  Minier, 
born  Oct.  19,  1885. 

VI.  Rev.  William  Louis  Garges,  born  Apr.  10,  1849, 
at  Fincastle,  Va.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  he  was  ap- 
prenticed to  John  L.  Shryock,  with  whom  he  learned 
the  printer's  trade,  at  which  he  worked  one  year  after 
serving  apprenticeship.  He  then  went  to  the  country 
and  worked  as  a  farm  hand  for  three  years.  In  the 
winter  of  1870  he  entered  the  preparator}^  department 
of  Muskingum  College,  of  New  Concord,  Ohio,  from 
w^hich  College  he  graduated,  June  24,  1876,  paying 
his  own  way  through  College  b}'  teaching,  having  re- 
ceived no  financial  aid  from  any  one.  In  the  summer 
of  1869,  he  joined  the  U.  Presbyterian  church  at  Rix's 
Mills,  Ohio.  In  the  winter  of  1876-77,  he  entered 
the  Theological  Seminary  of  the  U.  Presbyterian  ch. 
at  Xenia,  Ohio,  from  which  he  graduated  in  Mar. 
1880.  He  was  licensed  by  the  Presbytery  of  Muskin- 
gum June  17,  1879  and  ordained  to  the  ministr}'  of 
the  U.  Presbj^terian  ch.  by  the  Southern  111.  Presby- 
tery, Sept.  6,  1880.  He  has  served  as  pastor  at  Hope- 
well, Parry  Co.,  111.,  from  ordination  to  Dec.  6,  1881. 
At  Beulah,  Crawford  Co.,  Kan.,  from  Oct.  18,  1882, 
to  Apr.  8, 1885.,  and  Nortonville,  since  June  16,  1885, 
now  financial  agent  of  .    When  he  entered 

College  it  was  his  intention  to  fit  himself  for  teaching. 
In  order  to  do  this  he  determined  to  take  the  full 

—  144  — 

classical  course.  But  during  his  college  career  his 
mind  was  turned  toward  the  ministry  and  when  he 
entered  the  junior  year  it  was  with  the  desire,  if  the 
way  opened  to  enter  upon  this  work.  This  desire 
grew  until  like  Paul  he  could  l)ut  exclaim,  ''Woe  is 
me  if  I  preach  not  the  Gospel,"  and  therefore  he  de- 
cided, before  the  junior  year  had  closed  that  if  the 
Lord  was  calling,  lie  would  give  himself  to  this  work. 
He  was  married  to  Miss  Alice  E.  Kelley,  of  Muskin- 
gum Co.,  Ohio,  June  29,  1875.  Children:  (VII.)  Eva 
Belle  Gardes,  born  Oct.  8,  1876.  (VII.)  Hettie  Myrtle 
Garges,  born  Aug  22,  1878.  (VII.)  Martha  Lorene 
Garges,  born  May  4,  1881.  (VII.)  Homer  Bruce  Gar- 
ges, born  June  7,  1883.  (VII.)  Mary  Gertrude  Garges, 
"born  Jan.  4,  1886.  (VII.)  Herbert  Kelley  Garges, 
born  July  24,  1888. 

VI.  Susan  Louisa  Garges,  born  May  7,  1851.  Unmrd. 
She  resides  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Dressmaker. 

VI.  Charles  M.  Garges,  born  Feb.  21,  1853.  Mrd— . 
Children:  (VII.)  Walter  Garges,  aged  7  years.  (VII.) 
Fannie  Garges,  aged  9  years. 

VI.  John  Andrew  Garges,  born  Dec.  27,  1854.  Mrd. 
Ella  Karr,  of  Knobnoster,  Mo.  AVatchmaker.  Mrs. 
Garges  Baptist.  Children:  (VII.)  Freddie  Garges, 
aged  7  years.    (VII.)  Margaret  Garges,  aged  2  mos. 

VI.  Rose  Gertrude  Garges,  born  Feb.  2,  1857.  Mrd. 
Roscoe  E.  Thomas—.  Farmer  in  Ohio.  Mrs.  Thomas 
Baptist.  Children:  (VII.)  Mabel  Thomas.  (VII.)  Ralph 

VI.  Harry  Letcher  Garges,  born  May  7,  1859.  Mrd. 
Anna  Magrie,  Aug.  25,  1885.  She  was  born  of  Eng- 
lish parents,  Dec.  7,  1864.  Salesman  in  St.  Paul, 
Minn.  Mr.  Garges  Methodist,  and  Mrs.  Garges  Epis- 
copalian. One  child:  (VII.)  Matilda  Ann  Garges, 
born  Mar.    22,  1886. 

VI.  Anna  Margaret  Garges,  born  June  3,  1861.  Re- 
sides in  Zanesville,  O.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Milton  Garges,  born  at  Norwich,  Ohio,  Sept.  5, 
1867.  Mrd.  Kate  FitzGerald,  of  Zanesville,  O.,  Oct. 
10,  1888.  He  is  employed  as  day  Telegraph  operator 
by  the  Associated  Press,  the  largest  concern  of  the 


—  145  — 

kind  in  the  world,  for  furnishing  press  dispatches  to 
newspapers,  at  their  office  in  St.  Paul,  Minn.  He  is  a 
believer  in  the  Christian  Religion. 

VI.    Alfred  Ball  Garges,  born  Dec.  25,  1869.    S. 

V.  Susan  Garges,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  24, 
1818.  She  came  with  her  parents  to  Fairfax  Co.,  Va., 
in  1819,  and  lived  at  Annandale  until  after  her  father's 
death,  which  occurred  two  or  three  years  before  the 
war,  when  they  left  the  old  home  and  went  to  Ohio, 
where  she  remained  until  1882.  She  then  came  to 
Washington,  D.  C,  where  she  has  her  residence  at 
the  present  time.    Methodist.    Unmrd. 

V.  Abraham  Garges,  born  in  Fairfax  Co.,  Va.,  Jan. 
6,  1821.  He  spent  the  early  part  of  his  life  with  his 
brother  John,  working  the  Homestead  farm,  at  An- 
nandale, Va.  He  afterwards  moved  to  Ohio,  where 
he  took  charge  of  quite  a  large  business,  owned  and 
carried  on  b}'  the  ''Coal  Dale  Mining  Company."  He 
afterwards  mrd.  Mary  Stark  of  Muskingum  Co.,  Ohio. 
He  has  retired  from  business,  and  has  a  very  pleasant 
home  near  Zanesville,  Ohio.    No  issue. 

V.  Mary  Elizabeth  Garges,  born  in  Fairfax  Co.,  Va., 
Oct.  14,  1825,  died  Jan.  11,  1827. 

IV.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  30, 
1787,  and  mrd.  Abraham  F.  Stover  in  1808  or  9.  He 
was  born  Mar.  10,  1786.  Rachel  died  in  1870,  aged 
83  3^ears  less  13  days.  Children:  John,  Ralph,  Infant, 
Charles,  Albert. 

V.  John  Stover,  died  in  childhood. 

V.  Ralph  Stover,  born  Sept.  28,  1811.  Mrd.  Oct. 
4,  1838,  Eliza,  (born  Aug.  31,  1815,)  daughter  of 
Henry  S.  Stover,  of  Erwinna,  and  Barbara,  daughter 
of  Isaac  Stout,  of  Williams,  Northampton  Co.,  Pa. 
Occupation,  farming,  milling  and  lumber  business. 
Baptist.  Residence,  Point  Pleasant,  Pa*.  Children: 
Robert,  Mar}',  John,  Rachel,  Emeline,  Horace,  Eliza, 
Ellie,  Adelaide,  R.  Chester,  Annie  Albert. 

VI.  Robert  C.  Stover,  born  in  Faquier  Co.,  Va., 
Oct.  28,  1839.  Mrd.  Ellie  Carrington  of  Va.,  Jan.  8, 
1873.  In  mill  business.  Attends  Baptist  Ch.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Lydia  Antrim  Stover,  born  Jan.  25,  1874. 
(VII.)  Charles  Stover,  Feb.  19,  1876,  died  Sept.  25, 


—  146  — 

1877.  (VII.)  Maggie  Cheu  Stover,  born  Aug.  4,  1878, 
died  June  8,  1884.  (VII.)  Lin  wood  Carrington  Stover, 
born  Sept.  6,  1880.  (VII.)  Maud  Alma  Stover,  born 
Mar.  6,  1882.  (VII.)  Claribel  Stover,  born  Feb.  2, 
1884.  (VII.)  May  Pearl  Stover,  born  Nov.  2,  1885, 
died  Aug.  24,  1887.  (VII.)  Robert  Stover,  (VII.)  Ralph 
Stover,  (Twins.)  born  Apr.  3,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  GiU  Stover,  born  Feb.  21,  1842.  Mrd. 
Eugene  Keyser.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  23.) 

V1.  John  Henry  Stover,  born  May  13,  1843. 
Teacher  in  public  schools.  Enlisted  in  the  3d,  Penn- 
sylvania Artillery.  Was  wounded  at  the  battle  of 
Cold  Harbor,  Va.,  June  2,  1864.  Died  at  Campbell 
Hospital,  Washington,  D.  C,  June  30,  1864. 

VI.  Rachel  Virginia  Stover,  born  Sept.  2,  1844,  died 
Sept.  11,  1848. 

VI.  Emahne  Stover,  born  Dec.  19,  1845,  died  Sept. 
9,  1856. 

VI.  Horace  Stover,  born  June  2,  1847,  died  July  30, 

VI.  Eliza  Barbara  Stover,  born  Nov.  30,  1848. 
Mrd.  Frederick  W.  Troemner,  Dec.  21,  1870.  Manu- 
facturer of  Scales  and  Weights.  They  reside  in  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa.  Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  Florence  M. 
Troemner,  born  Nov.  14,  1871.  (VII.)  Clara  L.  Troem- 
ner, born  Nov.  11,  1873.  (VII.)  Henry  Troemner, 
born  Feb.  14,  1880,  died  Feb.  10,  1885. 

VI.  Ella  Stover,  born  Oct.  9,  1850.  Mrd.  John  B. 
Lequear,  of  Hunterdon  Co.,  N.  J.,  Sept.  14,  1876. 
Merchant.  Reside  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Baptist. 
No  issue. 

VI.  Adelaide  Stover,  born  Feb.  1,  1852.  Mrd.  Adel- 
bert  Thomson,  of  East  Avon,  Livingston  Co.,  N.  Y. 
Farmer.  Presbyterians  at  East  Avon,  N.  Y.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Mary  Eliza  Thomson,  born  Feb.  28, 
1881.  (VII.)  Ella  May  Thomson,  born  May  2,  1882. 
(VII.)  Leland  Stover  Thomson,  born  Oct.  12,  1884. 
(VII.)  Adelbert  L.  Thomson,  Jr.,  born  May  18,  1888. 

VI.  R.  Chester  Stover,  born  Feb.  19,  1853.  Mrd. 
Mary  E.,  daughter  of  Findley  and  Anna  M.  Bush,  of 
Shawnee,  Monroe  Co.,  Pa.,  June  14,  1881.  Occupa- 
tion,   Miller.    Children:   (VII.)   John   Henry   Stover, 

—  147  — 

born   Apr.    14,   1883.     (VII.)    Ralph  Chester  Stover, 
born  Nov.  12,  1885. 

VI.  Annie  Stover,  born  Sept.  8,  1854.  Mrd.  Albert 
Stover,  of  Kintnersville,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  30, 
1885.    Lumber  Merchant.    No  issue. 

VI.  Albert  F.  Stover,  born  Aug.  20,  1860.  Mrd. 
Lucy  W.  Rugler,  of  Hunterdon,  N.  J.,  Dec.  31,  1881. 
Farmer.  Baptist.  Children:  (VII.)  Leland  Stover, 
born,  1882.  (VII.)  Clarence  A.  Stover,  born,  1884, 
died  Jan.  14,  1886. 

V.   Died  unnamed. 

V.  Charles  Stover,  born  Sept.  13,  1816,  died  Mar. 
30,  1872.  Unmrd.  Occupation,  Miller  and  Farmer  in 
Va.  After  his  brother  Albert's  death  he  run  his  store 
for  a  time.  "Successful  in  business.  Enjoyed  the 
unlimited  confidence  and  respect  of  the  community 
in  which  he  lived,  so  much  so  that  at  the  close  of  the 
war,  which  left  the  rebel  states  without  the  protec- 
tion of  law  and  order  of  any  kind,  the  whole  com- 
munity insisted  on  his  acting  as  County  Magistrate 
which  office  he  filled  until  reconstruction  of  the  state 
government  was  effected  under  Authority  of  Con- 
gress of  U.  S.  It  was  well  understood  all  through 
the  war  that  he  was  a  Union  man,  but  he  did  not 
make  himself  obnoxious  by  ill  judged  intrusion  of 
his  sentiments  upon  others  in  that  section,  where  it 
could  do  no  good.  Thus  he  was  left  alone  during  the 
war  except  that  the  armies  of  both  sides  encamped 
on  his  place  at  Thoroughfare  Gap,  repeatedly  and 
left  neither  fence,  or  living  thing  of  stock  on  the 
place.  His  losses  in  property  and  monej^  caused  by 
the  war  was  about  $40,000. 

V.  Albert  F.  Stover,  born  Aug.  12,  1820,  died  Dec. 
17,  1854.    Merchant.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., — ,  died 
in  1862.  Mrd.  John  Smith,—.  He  died  in  1844. 
Farmer.  Children:  Richard,  Elizabeth,  Rachel,  John. 

V.  Richard  Smith,  born  about  1817.  Mrd.—.  Re- 
sides near  Portland,  Mo.  Children:  (VI.)  J.  R.  Smith. 
(VI.)  C.  H.  Smith,  (dec'd).    (VI.)  Sallie  Smith,  (dec'd). 

—  148  — 

V.  Elizabeth  Smith,  born—,  died,  1887.  Mrd.  Col. 
Darnes,— .  He  died  in  1817.  One  child:  (VI.)  Ella 
Darnes,  born  about  1844.    Mrd. — . 

V.  Rachel  Smith,  born—.  Mrd.  —  Bnehler,  of 
Harrisburgh,  Pa., — .  Children:  Eliza,  and  (Child). 
Barbara,  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  Daniel  Gris- 
son, — .  Editor  of  the  St.  Louis  Republican,  a  Dem- 
ocratic paper.  (VI.)  Eliza  Buehler,  born — ,  died — . 
Mrd.—.  No  issue.  (VI.)  (Child)  Buehler,  died  quite 

V.  John  Andrew  Smith,  born — ,  died  in  California 
about  1855  or  56. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Feb.  25,  1795,  died  Aug. 
8,  1872.  Mrd.  Thomas  Z.  Smith,  of  Buckingham, 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  18,  1817.  Children:  Mary,  John. 

V.  Mary  Fretz  Smith,  born  Sept.  9,  1818,  in  Alex- 
andria, D.  C. ;  died  Aug.  16,  1824,  in  Fairfax  Co.,  Va. 
Father  and  daughter  lie  buried  in  Friend's  yard, 
Alexandria,  D.  C. 

V.  John  Fretz  Smith,  born  Jan.  14,  1825,  in  Bed- 
minster  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  died  while  on  a  visit 
at  his  Uncle  John  Fretz's  house  at  Warwick,  Oct.  9, 
1838.  Mother  and  son  lie  buried  in  the  Mennonite 
yard,  near  Doylestown,  Pa.  No  living  issue  of  above 

IV.  Mary  Kratz  Fretz,  born  in  1798,  died — .  Mrd. 
Henry  Gill,  of  Northampton  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
May  24,  1821.  Farmer.  Attended  the  Dutch  Ref.  ch. 
Children:  Abraham  Stover,  Mary  Ann,  Elizabeth 
Smith,  Henry  Z.,  Susan  Fretz,  Sjinuiel. 

V.  Abraham  Stover  Gill,  born  Jun  22,  1824.  Mrd. 
Mary  H.  Praul,  Oct.  29,  1846,  both  of  Northampton, 
Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Farmer.  Presbyterian.  Moved 
to  Illinois  in  1853,  where  he  died  Apr.  30,  1857. 
Children:  John  Fretz,  Thomas  Smith. 

VI.  John  Fretz  Gill,  born  Oct.  10,  1847,  died  Sept. 
19,  1859. 

VI.  Thomas  Smith  Gill,  born  Aug.  26,  1850.  Mrd. 
Annie  Sudbrack,  Jan.  6,  1878.  Wagon-maker.  At- 
tends Presbyterian  ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Nora  Rosanna 
Gill,  born  May  7,  1879.  (VII.)  Nellie  B.  Gill,  born 
Dec.  4,  1881.    (VII.)  Arthur  Gill,  born  Dec.  14,  1883. 

—  149  — 

(VII.)  Lettie  Gill,  born  Mar.  29,  1886.     (VII.)  Freder- 
ick W.  Gill,  born  Nov.  7,  1888. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Gill,  born  June  23,  1827;  died  May 
31,  1871.  Mrd.  John  Addis,  Jan.  1,  1851.  He  died 
Sept.  3,  1887.  Farmer.  Mem.  Dutch  Ref.  Ch.  Chil- 
dren: Mary  E.,  Miles,  Susie  G. 

VI.  Mary"E.  Addis,  born  Au^.  8,  1852.  Mrd.  Will 
A.  Yerk9s,  of  Richboro,  Pa.,  Feb.  3,  1874.  Farmer. 
Dutch  Reformed.    No  issue. 

VI.  Miles  Addis,  born  July  30,  1854;  died  Apr.  26, 

VI.  Sus'e  G.  Addis,  born  Jan.  2,  1860;  died  ^  eb.  5, 
1883.     Fnmrd. 

V.  Elizabeth  S.  Gill,  born  July  19,  1829.  Mrd. 
Isaac  Carrell,  Nov.  21,  1855.  She  died  in  Trenton, 
N.  J.,  Aug-.  15.  1882,  without  issue.  Buried  at  Rich- 
boro, Pa.,  cemetery. 

V.  Hen  ry  Z.  Gill,  M.  D. ,  L.  L.  D. ,  born  in  Northampton 
township,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  6,  1831.  Mrd.  Miss 
Mattie  W.  Carpenter,  of  Columbus,  Ohio,  April  21, 
1869.  She  being  the  only  daughter  of  Timothy  R. 
Carpenter.  After  completing  his  twenty-first  year 
at  home  (at  the  place  of  birth),  he  went  to  a  select 
school  kr>.pt  by  John  Clark,  A.  M.,  about  two  miles 
north  of  New  Britain  church,  remaining  several 
months.  He  then  returned  home,  taught  school  for 
ten  months  in  Plymouth  Township,  Montgomery  Co. . 
Pa.  Some  time  in  1854  he  taught  a  term  of  school 
near  Columbus,  Ohio.  Having  injured  his  eyes  by 
too  close  application  to  study,  he  consulted  a  physi- 
cian— connected  with  a  College  Eye  Infirmary,  com- 
menced treatment,  and  after  his  school  term  was 
completed,  by  the  physician's  suggestion  and  recom- 
mendation, he  commenced  the  study  of  medicine. 
His  original  purpose  having  been  to  stud}^  civil  engi- 
neering. After  attending  a  course  and  a  half  of 
lectures,  and  close  reading  till  the  fall  of  1846  he  went 
to  Jefferson  Medical  College  at  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
from  which  he  grad'tit^d  m  March,  1857.  During 
his  time  of  study  in  Columbus,  Ohio,  he  had  charge 
of  the  dissecting  room,  and  aided  in  the  Eye  Infirm- 
aiy,     These  two  eircnmstances  g^ve  him  a  taste  for 

—  150  — 

■surgery,  and  diseases  of  the  eye,  which  were  not 
neglected,  and  were  of  much  advantage  to  him  in  the 
general  practice  of  his  profession.  After  graduating 
he  returned  to  Columbus,  Ohio,  and  commenced  to 
practice,  giving  especial  attention  to  the  eye  and  ear 
though  not  abandoning  the  general  practice.  The 
war  breaking  out  in  1861,  a  call  was  made  for  medi- 
cal men,  a  law  being  passed  requiring  all  to  pass 
examination;  five  years  of  practice  being  required, 
or  its  equivalent  in  hospital  for  assistants,  and  ten 
years  for  surgeons.  Although  in  the  examinations 
he  and  another  stood  equal  (third)  in  the  list  of  over 
fifty  admitted  to  examination,  yet  he  could  be  ap- 
pointed assistant  only.  In  the  summer  campaign  in 
West  Virginia,  he  had  the  entire  work  of  the  Regiment 
until  winter,  when  he  had  the  first  severe  sickness  of 
his  life,  and  from  which  he  probably  never  fully  recov- 
ered. The  next  summer  (1862)  foreseeing  the  probable 
same  experience  of  all  the  work  with  part  of  the  pay  of 
surgeon,  he  resigned,  and  was  in  a  few  days  appointed 
Surgeon  of  another  Regiment,  the  95th  O.  The  former 
being  the  11th  Ohio  Infantr}^  They  were  immediately 
sent  to  the  field  in  Kentucky;  and  on  August  30, 
1862  and  engaged  in  the  battle  (three  engagements  in 
one  day)  of  Richmond,  Ky.,  where  a  large  part  of 
the  regiment  were  captured,  and  many  killed  and 
wounded.  Remaining  six  weeks  in  the  enemies'  hands 
with  the  wounded,  they  returned  paroled  to  Columbus, 
Ohio  in  October,  and  prepared  for  the  work  of  1863, 
down  the  Mississippi  River,  and  the  seige  of  Vicks- 
burgh,  in  all  of  which  he  (Dr.  Gill)  participated. 
After  that  campaign  and  the  second  attack  on  Jack- 
son, Miss.,  they  spent  the  fall  and  winter  in  scout- 
ing, and  doing  guard  duty.  He  had  applied  for  per- 
mission to  ap]:)ear  before  the  United  States  Medical 
board  for  examination  for  Surgeon  of  Volunteers,  a 
higher  ]:)Osition  than  Surgeon  of  a  Regiment,  though 
of  the  same  rank  (Major  of  Cavalry).  The  number 
of  such  was  limited  by  law  of  Congress.  A  ten 
days'  examination  satisfied  the  authorities  and  he 
received  his  commission  from  Abraham  Lincoln.  (It 
is  believed  the  first  vacancy).     He  was  at  once  sent 

—  151  — 

to  the  Atlantic  Campaign,  and  very  early  assigned  as 
Surgeon  in  chief  of  the  first  Division,  20th  Army 
Corps,  Gen.  Joe  Hooker's  fighting  corps.  This  posi- 
tion he  held  to  the  close  of  the  war,  finishing  the 
Atlantic  campaign,  the  famous  march  to  the  sea,  the 
Carolina  Campaign,  and  so  on  to  the  great  Review  at 
Washington  in  1865.  He  went  with  the  Western 
troops,  west  to  Louisville,  Ky.,  and  was  honorably 
mustered  out  in  August  1865.  Spent  the  fall  in 
travelinof,  the  winter  at  the  Jefferson  Medical  College. 
In  May  1866  he  sailed  for  Europe  where  he  spent  two 
years  of  hard  study  in  hospitals,  sixteen  months  in 
Germany,  the  remainder  of  the  time  in  Paris,  Geneva, 
and  London,  and  returned  to  New  York  in  May  1868, 
and  recommenced  the  practice  of  his  profession  in 
St.  Louis,  in  Oct. ,  1868.  There  he  practiced  and  was 
associate  editor  of  the  St.  Louis  Medical  and  Surgi- 
cal Journal  until  1873.  When  at  the  solicitation  of 
friends  he  removed  to  Jersey ville.  111.  About  1875 
or  6,  the  degree  of  A.  M.  was  conferred  on  Dr.  Gill 
by  McKendree  College,  Lelianon,  111. ,  and  the  degree 
of  L.L.D.  by  the  University  of  Wooster,  Ohio  in 
1885,  the  Medical  Department  of  which  was  located 
in  Cleveland,  O.,  where  he  was  living  and  lecturing 
in  the  Medical  College,  occupjdng  the  chair  of  Clini- 
cal Surgery.  In  1881  he  was  appointed  Physician  to 
Southern  lillinois  Penitentiary,  where  he  did  some  of 
his  best  work.  In  March  1865  he  received  the  first 
Brevet  (Lt.  Colonel)  of  any  medical  officer  from  the 
state  of  Ohio.  From  Chester,  111.,  (Southern  111. 
Penitentiary),  he  was  urged  to  take  the  chair  of  Sur- 
gery in  the  Medical  Department  of  the  University  of 
Wooster,  at  Cleveland,  Ohio,  which  position  he 
filled  for  over  two  j^ears.  then  resigned  on  account 
of  over  work,  and  sevei'it}'  of  climate.  In  Oct.,  1886, 
he  removed  to  El  Dorado,  Butler  Co. ,  Kansas.  Hav- 
ing at  that  time  just  completed  his  work  on  '' Diph- 
theria, Croup  and  Tracheotomy,"  a  work  which  cost 
him  much  labor.  In  the  spring  of  1855,  Dr.  Gill 
joined  the  M.  E.  church,  of  which  he  has  been  a 
member  ever  since,  and  has  held  every  official  posi- 
tion up  to  President  of  the  "Lay  Electoral  Confer- 

—  152  — 

ence,"  of  Southern  111.  Conference,  in  1883.  Their 
children  are:  (VI.)  Amos  Carpenter  Gill,  born  May  6, 
1871;  died  Feb.  22,1872.  (VI.)  Elizabeth  Carrell  Gill, 
born  Sept.  21.  1873.  (VI.)  Randolph  Foster  Gill,  born 
Aug.  6,  1880. 

V.  Susan  Fretz  Gill,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  3, 
1835.  Mrd.  James  Gill,  Oct.  1,  1855.  For  some 
years  they  lived  in  California.  In  1860  they  returned 
to  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  having  purchased  the  old  Gill 
hoiiiestead.  He  was  in  the  lumber  business  until 
1865,  when  he  retired.  Mrs.  Gill  Dutch  Reformed. 
Children:  Harry,  Joseph,  Charles,  James,  Mary. 

VI.  Harry  Clay  Gill,  born  Au^.  3,  1857.  Mrd.  Kate 
C.  Coffman,  Dec.  28,  1887,  daughter  of  William  and 
Mary  J.  Coffman,  of  Philadelphia.  Book-keeper, 
and  accountant  in  the  law  department  of  the  City  of 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  They  attend  the  Baptist  church. 
No  children. 

VI.  Joseph  Swift  Gill,  born  Nov.  17,  1859.  Mrd. 
Florence  Elizabeth  Cooper,  daughter  of  Wm.  S.  and 
Mary  H.,  Oct.  20,  1886.  In  Lumber  business.  Chil- 
eren:  (VII.)  Joseph  Raymond  Gill,  born  June  2,  1887. 
(VII.)  William  Cooper  Gill,  born  Dec.  15,  1888. 

VI.  Charles  Stover  Gill,  born  Sept.  4,  1861;  died 
aged  2  years  and  8  months. 

VI.  James  WilUam  Gill,  born  Feb.  5,  1864.  Ma- 
chinist.   Resides  in  St.  Louis,  Mo.    Unmrd, 

VI.  Mary  Lillian  Gill,  born  July  27,  1866.  Mrd. 
John  Marsden,  Mar.  9,  1887.  Dry  Goods  business. 
Attends  D.  Ref.  church.  One  child:  (VII.)  Ethel 
Gill  Marsden,  born  Feb.  15,  1888. 

V.  Samuel  Gill,  born  Sept.  2,  1837;  died  Sept.  15, 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  Aug.  10,  1802;  died  Dec.  4, 
1872.  He  mrd.  Martha  Carver,  of  Buckingham,  Pa. ,  in 
1825.  He  owned  and  lived  on  a  part  of  the  old  home- 
stead in  Warwick,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  where  he  engaged 
in  farming,  until  within  a  few  years  of  his  death, 
when  he  sold  his  farm  to  Samuel  Larzelere,  and 
bought  a  house  in  Doylestown,  where  he  livcdj^and 
retired  until  his  death.     He  died  without  issue, 

—  153  — 

IV.  AnnaFretz,  born—,  1805;  died  Sept.  10,  1875. 
She  was  mrd.  to  Samuel  Diingan,  of  Southampton, 
Pa.    Baptists.    Children:  Charles  S.,  Emeline  F. 

V.  Charles  S.  Dungan,  born  May  18,  1826.  Mrd. 
Mary  Jane  Fau,  Oct.  2,  1850.  Mrs.  Dungan  died 
July  16,  1873.  Mr.  Dungan's  occupation  is  Paymas- 
ter. Baptist.  Residence,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Children: 
William,  Charles,  John,  Thomas,  Ida,  William, 
Robert,  Mary,  Charles,  Louisa,  Samuel. 

VI.  William  Weightman  Dungan,  born  Sept.  25, 
1851;  died  Au^.  22,  1856. 

VI.  Charles  Henry  Dungan,  born  Sept.  12,  1853; 
died  July  13,  1859."^ 

VI.  John  Fau  Duno^an,  born  May  27,  1855.  Mrd. 
— .  May  19,  1884.  Occupation,  Florist.  Residence, 
Maryland.    No  issue. 

VI. 'Thomas  Fau  Dungan,  born  May  27,  1855.  Mrd. 
— .    Clerk.    Residence,  San  Francisco,  Cal. . 

VI.  Ida  Virginia  Dungan,  born  Nov.  10,  1857.  Mrd. 
John  H.  H.  Poole,  "Aug.  10,  1882.  Occupation, 
Manufacturer.  Res.,  Haddenfield,  N.  J.  Children: 
(VII.)  Irene  May  Poole,  born  May  5,  1883.  (VII.) 
Horatio  Nelson  Poole,  born  Jan.  16,  1885.  (VII.)  John 
Chapin  Poole,  born  Apr.  9,  1887. 

VI.  William  Weightman  Dungan,  born  Dec.  22, 
1859.  Mrd.—,  June  11,  1885.  Occupation,  Painter. 
Res.,  San  Francisco,  Cal.    No  issue. 

VI.  Robert  Q.  Dungan,  born  Nov.  5,  1861;  died 
Nov.  6,  1861. 

VI.  Mary  Emma  Dungan,  born  Dec.  19,  1862.  Mrd. 
W.  R.  Perry,  Apr.  10,  1882.  Occupation,  Gentle- 
man. Res.,  "Maryland.  Children:  (VII.)  Mary  Agnes 
Perry,  born  May  26,  1883.  (VII.)  Geneva  Ethelberta 
Perry,  born  Apr.  24,  1884.  (VII.)  Helen  Perry,  born 
June  15,  1887. 

VI.  Charles  Samuel  Dungan,  born  July  18,  1864; 
died  Oct.  27,  1867. 

VI.  Louisa  Trottee  Dungan,  born  Aug.  2,  1866. 
Mrd.  Charles  F.  Esher,  June  16,  1886.  Merchant. 
Res.,  Girard  Ave.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Jda,  Louisa  Esher,  born  June  12,  1867. 

—  154  — 

VI.  Samuel  Grant  Dungan,  born  July  27,  1869. 
Charles  S.  Dungan,  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Amanda 
Heinig,  Jan.  1,  1876. 

V.  Emeline  F.  Dungan,  born—;  died  July  20,  1830. 

IV.  Philip  Fretz,  born — ;  died  young. 

III.  Agnes  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Sept.  13,  1759;  died—.  Mrd.  Abraham  Bewig- 
house.  Occupation,  farmer.  Mennonites.  They  lived 
on  the  farm  now  owned  by  John  Deihl,  near  Joseph 
Sine,  in  Bedminster  Twp.  Children:  Daniel,  Barbara, 
Christian,  John,  Mary. 

IV.  Daniel  Bewighouse,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Annie 
Licey.  Occupation,  farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Betsey,  Mary,  Abraham,  Annie,  Susan,  Leah,  Peggy, 
Isaac,  Barbara. 

V.  Betsey  Bewighouse,  born — .  Mrd.  Leonard  Det- 
wiler — .  Farmer.  Children:  (VI.)  Cornelius,  Samuel, 
Emma,  Ida. 

V.  Mary  Bewighouse,  born — .  Mrd.  Isaiah  Jones — . 
Farmer.    One  child.   (VI.)  Annie  Jones. 
V.  Abraham  Bewighouse,  born — .  Unmrd. 

V.  Annie  Bemghouse,  born — .  Mrd.  Samuel  D.  Det- 
wiler^.  She  died — .  Miller.  New  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Isaac,  Aaron,  Amanda,  William. 

VI.  Isaac  Detwiler,  born — .  Mrd.  Amanda  Stover — . 
Farmer.    New  Mennojiites.    No  issue. 

VI.  Aaron  Detwiler,  born — .  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Stover 
— .    Miller.    One  child—: 

VI.  Amanda  B.  Detwiler,  born  Oct.  26,  1864.  Mrd. 
Edward  K.  Smith,  Jan.  7,  1888.    New  Mennonites. 

VI.  William  Detwiler,  born  Feb.  5,  1869.  Unmrd. 

V.  Susan  Bewighouse,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Michael 
Nace,  by  whom  she  had  one  child.  Deceased.  She 
mrd.  for  her  second  husband  Levi  Landis — .  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VI.)  Barbara  Landis.  (VI.)  Daniel 
Landis;  died  young.   (VI.)  Henry  Landis;  died  young. 

V.  Leah  Bewighouse,  born — .  Unmrd. 

V.  Margaret  Bewighouse,  born — .  Mrd.  Samuel  D. 
Detwiler—.  As  his  second  wife — .  Children.  (VI.) 
Annie,  Allen. 

—  155  — 

V.  Isaac  BeAvighouse,  born — .  Was  killed  by  a  run- 
away horse  at  the  age  of  twelve  years. 

V.  'Barbara  Bewighonse,  born — ;  died  at  about 
eighteen  years  of  age. 

IV.  Barbara  Bew^ighouse,  born  Jan.  13,  1786;  died 
July  3,  1869.  Mrd.  Abraham  Myers,  Mar.  28,  1809. 
He  died  May  28,  1851.  Horse  doctor  and  whisky  dis- 
tiller. Mennonites.  Children:  Agnes,  Susan,  Eliza- 
beth, Mary,  Eli,  Da\dd. 

V.  Agnes  Myers,  born  Mar.  5,  1811;  died  Dec.  9, 
1888.    Mrd.  Isaac  Myers.     (See  Index  of  Eeferences 

No.  21:). 

V.  Susan  Myers,  born  July  24,  1813;  died  Apr.  21, 
1883.  Mrd.  Charles  Myers—.  He  died—.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Abraham,  Christian,  Hannah, 
Henry,  Albert. 

VI.  Abraham  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug. 
28,  1835.  Mrd.  Caroline,  daughter  of  Stephen  G.  and 
Mary  Bavington,  Nov.  15,  1860.  Milk  dealer  in  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa.  Children:  (VII.)  William  Watson 
Myers,  born  July  10,  1862.  (VII.)  Edward  Myers, 
born  Dec.  13,  1868. 

VI.  Christian  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Aug. 
19,  1837.  Mrd.  Phoebe  Ann,  da'-ghter  of 
Stephen  G.  and  Mary  Bavington,  Sept.  23,  1858. 
Millwright.    Children:  Ada,  Carrie,  Charles,  Alfred. 

VII.  Ada  Myers,  born  Mar.  8,  1860.  Mrd.  Asa  S. 
Niece,  of  Hunterdon,  Co.,  N.  J.,  Mar.  29,  1882. 
Locomotive  Engineer.  One  child.  (VIII.)  Ava  Niece, 
born  May  18,  1883. 

VII.  Carrie  B.  Myers,  born  July  1,  1861.  Mrd.  John 
J.  Spencer,  Esq.,  of  Warwick,  Pa.,  June  18,  1885. 
Farmer  and  Justice  of  the  Peace.  One  child:  (VIII.) 
Arthur  Myers  Spencer,  born  Nov.  15,  1887. 

VII.  Charles  Stephen  Myers,  born  Mar.  17,  1863.  In 
Creamery  Business  at  Hartford,  Conn.    Unmrd. 

VII.  Alfred  W.  Myers,  born  Oct.  11,  1867.  Tele- 
graph Operator  at  Bristol,  Pa.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Hannah  Myers,  born  June  27,  1813;  died  Dec. 
10,  1868.  Mrd.  Stephen  Rhoads,  Apr.  6,  1863.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Charles  M.  and  Albert  E. 

-  156  — 

VI.  Henry  C.  Myers,  born  Apr.  4,  1845.  Mrd.  Mary 
Jane,  daughter  of  Stephen  G.  and  Mary  Bavington, 
Oct.  3,  1867.  Farmer.  Children:  Laura,  Mamie, 
Nettie,  Harry. 

VII.  Laura  Myers,  born  Feb.  21,  1869.  Mrd.  Harvey 
C.  Price,  Nov."  18,' 1888.  Farmer.  One  child:  (VIII.) 
Stella  May  Price. 

VII.  Mamie  Myers,  born  Oct.  17,  1870. 

VII.  Nettie  Myers,  born  July  26,  1872. 

VII.  Harry  S.  Myers,  born  Apr.  14,  1878. 

VI.  Albert  P.  Myers,  born  Apr.  2,  1854.  Mrd. 
Maggie  E.  Zells,  June  6,  1884.  Merchant.  Resides 
in  Washington,  D.  C.  One  child.  (VII.)  Charles 
Franklin  Myers,  born  Aug.  4,  1885. 

V.  Elizabeth  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
17,  1816.    Unmrd. 

V.  Mary  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  10, 
1818.  Mrd.  Martin  Myers.  (See  Index  of  References, 
No.  25). 

V.  Eli  Myers,  born  Aug.  11,  1821.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ann 
Smith,  Apr.  10,  1852.  She  was  born  July  12,  1829. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Abraham,  Catha- 
rine, Mary,  Joseph,  Henry,  William,  Lizzie. 

VI.  Abraham  S.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
24,  1852.  Mrd,  Hannah  Gaddes,  of  Solebury,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  8,  1888.  She  was  born  July  1,  1844. 
Farm  laborer. 

VI.  Catharine  Myers,  born  July  31,  1855.  Mrd. 
Hiram  O'Vliet,  of"N.  J.,  Nov.  6,  1875.  He  was  born 
Feb.  10,  1849.  Car  Builder  at  Wilmington,  Del.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Sarah  Virginia  Vliet,  born  Mar.  17,  1879. 
(VII.)  Minerva  Vliet,  born  Aug.  28,  1881.  (VII.)  Grace 
Lucretia  Vliet,  born  Aug.  6,  1885. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Myers,  born  Feb.  24,  1858.  Mrd. 
Levi  S.  Mann,  Dec.  8,  1877.  He  was  born  Feb.  15, 
1849.  Farmer.  One  child:  (VII.)  Bertha  May  Mann, 
born  Nov.  16,  1882. 

VI.  Joseph  S.  Myers,  born  June  21,  1860.  Unmrd. 
P.  O.,  Plumsteadville,  Pa. 

VI.  Henry  S.  Myers,  born  Feb.  12,  1863.  Mrd 
MinervE^  Myers,  of  Bedminster,  Pa.,  Mg-r,  27,  1885, 

—  157  — 

Carpenter.  One  child:  (VII.)  Arthur  Myers,  bom 
May  16,  1888. 

VI.  William  S.  Myers,  born  Aug.  20,  1865.  Single. 
P.  O.  Plumsteadville,  Pa. 

VI.  Lizzie  Myers,  born  Oct.  25,  1868.  She  is  unmrd. 
and  lives  at  home  with  her  parents. 

V.  David  B.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  15, 
1826.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Leatherman  in  1852.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Catharine,  Barbara,  Harvey, 

VI.  Catharine  Myers,  born  Dec.  19,  1854.  Mrd. 
William  H.  Myers.— (See  Index  of  References  No.  26.) 

VI.  Barbara  Myers,  born  Nov.  1,  1856.  Mrd.  Calvin 
Lear — .    Farmer.    Mennonites.    One  child. 

VI.  Harvey  Myers,  born  Oct.  9,  1858.  Mrd.  Annie 
Lear — .    Farmer.    Mennonites.      One  child. 

VI.  Mary  Myers,  born  Apr.  5,  1861.  Mrd.  John  A. 
Myers — ^    Mennonites.    They  have  four  children. 

IV.  Christian  Bewighouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
in  1795;  died  in  1859.  Mrd.  Sarah  Hunsberger — . 
Farmer  and  lived  on  the  farm  he  bought  of  the  heirs 
of  the  Henry  Fretz'  estate,  in  Bedminster  Twp. ,  Pa. 
It  originally  consisted  of  130  acres,  and  is  now 
divided  into  two  farms.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Esther.  Mary,  Abraham,  John,  Sarah. 

V.  Esther  Bewighouse,  born  Feb.  18,  1820.  Mrd. 
Lewis  Kratz,  (his  second  wife).  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  27). 

V.  Mary  Bewighouse,  born  in  1822,  died  unmrd., 
aged  30  years. 

V.  Abraham  H.  Bewighouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Nov.  25,  1825.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  Sept.  17,  1854. 
Farmer,  and  resides  on  a  part  of  the  old  homestead 
in  Bedminister.    Mennonites.    One  child. 

VI.  Pierson  F.  Bewighouse,  born  may  14,  1858. 
Mrd.  Laura  Stover,  Nov.  22,  1881.  Farmer.  No 

V.  John  Bewighouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
15,  1827.  Mrd.  Sarah  Kratz,  May  8,  1858.  Farmer, 
and  resides  on  the  old  homestead  in  Bednlinster,  Pa. 
New  Mennonites.  Children:  Sarah.  Esther,  John, 
Christian,  Christiana,  Ellen. 

—  158  — 

VI.    Sarah  Ann  Bewighousc,  born  Sept.  19,  1860. 

VI.  Esther  Bewighouse,  born  Jan.  11,  1865.  Mrd. 
Ezra  Frankenfiekl,  Dec.  24,  1887.  Creamery  Oper- 
ator. Mr.  Frankenfiekl,  Lutheran.  Wife  New  Men- 
nonite.    No  chiklren. 

VI.   J.  Geary  Bewio;house,  born  Sept.  16,  1867.  S. 

VI.  Christian  and  Christiana,  (Twins.)  born  Nov.  9, 
1869,  died  Feb.  1870. 

VI.   Ellen  Bewighouse,  born  Aug.  13,  1871.  S. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Bewighouse,  born  in  1832,  died  in 
1861.  Mrd.  Lewis  Kratz,  (His  first  wife)—.  (See 
Index  of  References  No.  28). 

IV.  John  Bewio;house,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
27,  1800.  (Stillliving,  1889.)  Mrd.  Esther  Leather- 
man,  Oct.  21,  1824.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Maria,  Isaac,  Rachel,  Fannie,  Sarah,  Catharine, 

V.  Maria  Bewighouse,  born  Aug.  25,  1825.  Mrd. 
Joseph  Beidler, — ,  Farmer.  Children:  Israel,  Samuel, 
EKza,  and  one  died  young. 

VI.  Israel  Beidler,  born — . 

VI.  Samuel  Beidler,  born—.  Mrd.  Rachel  Shad- 
dinger, — . 

VI.  Anna  Eliza  Beidler,  born  Feb.  14,  1854.  Mrd, 
John  Myers.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  29). 

V.  Isaac  Bewighouse,  born  June  13,  1827.  Mrd. 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Garret  Benner,  in  Jan.  1854. 
Farmer.    Mennonites.    Children :  John  and  Anna. 

VI.  John  B.  Bewighouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
May  30,  1855.  Mrd.  Minerva  S.  Myers,  Jan.  31, 
1877.  Farmer,  and  dealer  in  Phosphate  and  Stock. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Esther  M.  Bewighouse, 
born  July  3,  1878.  (VII.)  Sarah  M.  Bewighouse,  born 
Dec.  16,  1879.  (VII.)  Isaac  M.  Bewighouse,  born 
Mar.  23,  1882.  (VII.)  Anna  M.  Bewighouse,  born 
Dec.  20,  1883. 

VI.  Annie  Bewighouse,  born  .  Mrd.  Fred  Bearley, 
— .    Farmer.    No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Bewighouse,  born  Sept.  14,  1829, 
died  unmrd. 

V.  Rachel  Bewighouse,  born  Jan.  1,  1832,  died  Oct. 
6,  1874.    Mrd.  Allen  Crouthamel,— .    Children:  (VI.) 

^:159  — 

Elmer  B,  Crouthamel,  born  June  13,  1868,  died  Apr. 
29,  1887.  (VI.)  Esther  Ann  B.  Crouthamel,  born  Dec. 
27,  1870.  (Vi.)  Anna  Maria  Crouthamel,  born  Aug. 
17,  1872. 

V.  Catharine  Bewighouse,  born  Dec.  10,  1831.  Mrd. 
Isaac  F.  Meyer.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  30). 

V.  Fannie  Bewighouse,  born  Apr.  12,  1836.  Mrd. 
John  Crouthamel, — . 

V.  Esther  Bewighouse,  born  Dec.  27,  1811.  Mrd. 
Joel  Reiner, — . 

IV.  Mary  Bewighouse,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., — , 
died — .  Mrd.  Nelson  Mclntyre,  (deceased).  Farmer. 
Mr.  Mclntyre,  Roman  Catholic,  his  wife,  Mennonite. 
Children:  Charles,  Maria,  Sarah. 

V.  Charles  Mclntyre,  born — ,  died — .  Mrd.  Lucy 
Ann  Myers,-^.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Mary  and  Jordan. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Mclntyre,  born — ,  died — ,  aged 
about  eighteen  years. 

V.  Jordan  Mclntyi-e,  born — .  Mrd.  Lavina  Dot- 
terer, — .  Farmer.  One  child.  (VI.)  Annie  Mclntyre, 
born — ,  died,  aged  2  years. 

V.  Maria  Mclntyre,  born — .  Mrd.  William  Ferno- 
man, — .  Laborer.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Fernoman, 
dec'd.  (VI.)  Nelson  Fernoman,  S.  (VI.)  John  Ferno- 
man, dec'd.    Sarah  Fernoman.  S.  (Twins). 

V.  Sarah  Mclntyre,  born — .  S. 

III.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster^  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  May  9,  1761,  died  Mar.  29,  1806.  Mrd.  Maria 
Kraut.  Nov.  1,  1781.  She  was  born  Feb.  11,  1762, 
died — .  He  owned  and  operated  a  fulling  Mill,  near 
the  Tohickon,  in  Haycock  Twp.,  and  was  known  as 
"Fuller  Joe."  Mennonite.  Children:  Elizabeth, 
Christian,  Barbara,  Anna,  Maria,  Susanna,  Agnes, 
Rachel,  Joseph,  Sarah,  John,  Veronica. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
12,  1783;  died  Nov.  26,  1788. 

IV.  Christian  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa..  Jan.  9, 
1785,  died  Nov.  30,  1788. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Sept.  12,  1786,  died—. 

—  160  — 

IV.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  29, 
1788;  died  about  1865.  Mrd.  Jacob  Bishop,*  Dec. 
8,  1808.  Mr.  Bishop,  when  a  lad,  lived  with  Christian 
Fretz,  of  Bedminster,  until  the  death  of  the  latter, 
then  he  lived  with  Isaac  Fretz,  until  he  himself  mar- 
ried, when  he  purchased  the  farm  now  known  as  the 
Mclntyre  farm,  in  Bedminster  Twp.  From  there  he 
moved  to  New  Britain  on  the  Tommy  Stewart  farm, 
where  he  died  Dec.  15,  1832.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Mary,  Elizabeth,  John,  Joseph,  Jacob,  Sarah,  Anna, 
Susanna,  Rachel,  Abraham,  Enos,  Catharine. 

V.  Mary  Bishop,  born  Oct.  15,  1809;  died  Dec. 
10,  1832. 

V.  Elizabeth  Bishop,  born  Mar.  4, 1811;  died  Sept.  2, 

V.  John  Bishop,  born  Aug.  1,  1812;  died  Sept.  9, 

V.  Joseph  Bishop,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  11, 
1813;  died  Apr.  1,  1872.  aged  58-4-23.  Mrd.  Su- 
sanna Moyer,  Apr.  9,  1837.  Farmer.  Mennonite. 
Lived  in  New"  Britain  Twp,  Children:  Magdalena, 
Eliza,  Mary,  Samuel,  Jacob,  John,  Catharine,  Su- 
sanna, Jonas,  Enos,  Daniel. 

VI  Magdalena  Bishop,  born  Sept.  1,  1838;  died  in 

VI.  Eliza  Ann  Bishop,  born  Aug.  15,  1839.  Mrd. 
Samuel  Garner,  Oct.  26,  1862.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:    (VII.)    Joseph  B.   Garner,  born  Mar.   16, 

1868.  (VII.)  Emma  Margaret  Garner,  born  Dec.  17, 

1869.  (VII.)-  Lewis  D.  trarner,  born  Oct.   20,  1871. 
(VII.)  Marietta  Garner,  born  May  20,  1873. 

VI.  Mary  Bishop,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  2, 
1842.  Mrd.  Henry  Hunsberger,  Oct.  5,  1862.  He 
died  Oct.  29,  1869.  Farmer  and  drover.  Children: 
(VII.)  Allen  Hunsberger,  born  Feb.  4,  1865;  died 
Mar.  25,  1866.  (VII.)  Anna  Hunsberger,  born  Sept. 
4,  1867.  Mrs.  Hunberger  mrd.  a  second  time  to 
Elias  Fretz,  Dec.  22,  1877.    No  issue. 

VI.  Samuel  Bishop,  born  Sept.  5,  1843.  Mrd.  Anna 
Yeakel,  in  1864.    Carpenter.  Mennonites.  One  child: 

*  The  name  was  formerly  spelled  "  Bischofsberger." 

(See  page  218.) 

—  161  — 

(VII.)  Amanda  Bishop,  born  Nov.  29,  1864.  Mrd. 
Milton  Weisel — .  Wheelwright  and  Carpenter.  Mrs. 
Weisel  Ger.  Ref..    Mr.  Weisel  Ev.  Ass. 

VI.  Jacob  M.  Bishop,  born  Nov.  21,  1845.  Mrd. 
Hetty  Hunslierger.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  P.  O., 
Hilltown,  Pa.  Children:  (VII.)  Harvey,  Rosa,  Maggie S., 
John  H.  (deceased),  Erwin  H.,  Mary,  Emma,  Elmer 
S.,  Minnie,  Hattie,  Sallie. 

VI.  John  Bishop,  born  Dec.  26,  1848.  Mrd.  Mary 
Landis — .  Carpenter.  Children:  (VII.)  Alonzo,  Sallie, 
Hampson,  and  — . 

VI.  Catharine  Bishop,  born  Aug.  15,  1851.  Mrd. 
George  S.  Heckler,  Apr.  1,  1871.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Minerva  Heckler,  born  Mar. 
28,  1872.  (VII.)  Susie  Heckler,  born  June  5,  1874. 
(VII.)  Clara  Heckler,  born  June  5,  1876.  (VII.)  Harry 
D.  Heckler,  born  Sept.  15,  1879.  (VII.)  Elmina  Heck- 
ler, born  May  13,  1881.  (VII.)  Walter  B.  Heckler, 
born  Jan.  27,  1884;  died  Sept.  1,  1884.  (VII.)  Mary 
L.  Heckler,  born  Apr.  7,  1885;  died  Apr.  28,  1885. 
(VII.)  Amnion  B.  Heckler,  born  Feb.  14,  1887. 

VI.  Susan  Bishop,  born  Nov.  14,  1853.  Mrd.  Henry 
Albright,  Oct.  2,  1875.  Painter,  and  Assessor  of  HiU- 
town  Twp.,  Pa.    Ger.  Ref.    No  issue. 

VI.  Jonas  Bishop,  born  June  13,  1856.  Mrd.  Kate 
Weisel — .    Carpenter.     Ger.  Ref.    No.  issue. 

VI.Enos  M.  Bishop,  born  Nov.  6,  1858.  Mrd. 
Sallie  S.  Bergey,  Sept.  23,  1881.  Butcher.  Mennon- 
ites. Children:  (VII.)  Laura  S.  Bishop,  born  Mar. 
28,  1883;  died  Oct.  9,  1883.  (VII.)  Bessie  S.  Bishop, 
born  Sept.  13,  1884.  (VII.)  Eva  S.  Bishop,  born  July 
11,  1888. 

VI.  Daniel  Bishop,  born  Jan.  17,  1861.  Mrd.  Mary 
Ruth — .  Farmer.    Mennonites.    The}^  have  one  child. 

V.  Jacob  Bishop,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  25, 
1815;  died  Mar.  30,  1890,  aged  75  years  and  5  days. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Detweiler,  Nov.  28,  1841.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Sophia,  Albert,  Joseph, 
Sarah,  William,  Howard,  Amanda. 

VI.  Mary  Anna  Bishop,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  18, 
1842.  Mrd.  Moses  Stout,  May  7,  1859.  Shoemaker 
at  Blooming  Glen,  Pa.    Ger.   Reformed.     Children: 


—  162  — 

Piersou,    Albert,    Howard,    Martha,    Emma,    Rose, 
Lilly,  Theodore. 

VII.  Pierson  B.  Stout,  born  Nov.  25,  1859.  Mrd. 
Amelia  Beer — .  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  One  child: 
(VIII.)  Joseph  B.  Stout. 

VII.  Albert  B.  Stout,  born  Nov.  3,  1861.  Mrd.  Lena 
Kepler — .  Teamster.  Mrs.  Stout  Lutheran.  Chil- 
dren: (VIM.)  Laura  and  Lena. 

VII.  Howard  B.  Stout,  born  Feb.  29,  1863.  Mrd. 
Sallie  Anglemoyer — .  One  child:  (VIM.)    Raymond. 

VII.  Martha  B.  Stout,  born  Aug.  5,  1866.  Mrd. 
Samuel  M.  Anglemoyer.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  31). 

VII.  Emma  B.  Stout,  born  June  5,  1869.  Mrd. 
Preston  Grover,  Feb.  22,  1890. 

VII.  Rose  Ella  B.  Stout,  born  Sept  1,  1874. 

VII.  Lilly  B.  Stout,  born  May  21,  1879. 

VII.  Theodore  B.  Stout,  born  Feb.  26,  1882. 

VI.  Sophia  D.  Bishop,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
20,  1815.  Mrd.  Philip  S.  Eulp.  (See  Index  of  Ref- 
erences No.  32). 

VI.  Albert  Bishop,  born  Apr.  27,  1817;  died  Aug. 
12,  1848. 

VI.  Joseph  D.  Bishop,  born  May  18,  1849.  Mrd. 
Elizabeth  Fretz,  Feb.  20,  1869.  Farmer  and  Commis- 
sion Merchant.  Mennonites.  They  had  three  chil- 
dren; all  died  unnamed. 

VI.  Sarah  Anna  Bishop,  born  July  10,  1851.  Mrd. 
Henry  H.  Moyer,  Sept.  16,  1871.  (See  Index  of  Ref- 
erences No.  33). 

VI.  William  D.  Bishop,  born  Jan.  12,  1854.  Mrd. 
Susanna  Shaddinger,  Oct.  31,  1878.  Merchant  of  the 
firm  of  Bishop  &  Bro.,  Blooming  Glen,  where  they 
have  a  large  and  successful  business.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Katie  Florence  Bishop,  born  Mar.  4, 
1880.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Cora  Bishop,  born  Nov.  4,  1881. 
(VII.)  Walter  S.  Bishop,  born  Dec.  29,  1885. 

VI.  Howard  D.  Bishop,  born  May  17,  1856.  Mrd. 
Sallie  M.  Geisinger,  Oct.  21,  1882.  Merchant  of  the 
firm  of  Bishop  &  Bro.,  Blooming  Glen.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VM.)  Aquilla  G.  Bishop,  born  July  23, 
1885.   (VII.)  Garwood  G.  Bishop,  born  May  31,  1888. 

—  163  — 

VI.  Amanda  E.  Bishop,  born  July  13,  1862.  Mrd. 
Isaac  F.  Swartz,  Jan.  31,  1885.  Teacher.  Menno- 
nites.  No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  Bishop,  born  Mar.  1,  1817;  died  Nov.  17, 
1853.  Mrd.  Jacob  M.  Leatherman,  Oct.  3,  1837.  He 
died  Au^.  1,  1876.  Farmer.  Mennonites. '  Children: 
Anna,  Qiarlcs,  Mary,  Amanda,  Catharine,  Infant. 

VI.  Anna  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  10,  1839.  Mrd. 
Samuel  C.  Brunner,  Dec.  25,  1860.  He  died — . 
Farmer.  Ger.  Reformed.  One  child:  Clara.  Mrs. 
Brunner  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  John  Piercy, 
Jan.  17,  1867.  Cigar  and  Tobacco  business  in  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.    No  issue. 

VII.  Clara  L.  Brunner,  born  Apr.  6,  1862.  Mrd. 
Charles  J.  Matthews,  Oct.  16,  188.4.  Morocco  Manu- 
facturer.   No  issue. 

VI.  Charles  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  19,  1842.  Mrd, 
Kate  Brown,  Mar.  20,  1869.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  J.  Piercy  Leatherman,  born  Jan.  24, 
1870.  (VII.)  Mary  E.  Leatherman,  born  Apr.  7, 
1873.   (VII.)  Edward  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  14,  1879. 

VI.  Mary  B.  Leatherman,  born  Apr.  10,  1844.  Mrd. 
Henry  S.  Shelly,  Dec.  25,  1862.  Farmer.  Old  Men- 
nonites.    Children:  Sallie,  Jacob,  George. 

VII.  Sallie  L.  Shelly,  born  Mar.  5,  1865.  Mrd. 
William  G.  Godshalk,  Sept.  20,  1884.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VIII.)  Mary  S.  Godshalk, 
born  Apr.  9,  1886.  (VIII.)  Bertha  S.  Godshalk,  born 
Aug.  7,  1887. 

VII.  Jacob  L.  Shelly,  born  Dec.  24,  1866.  Mrd. 
Lizzie  Rosenberger,  Feb.  9,  1888.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. One  child:  (VIII.)  Edith  Shelly,  born  Oct.  25, 

VII.  George  W.  Shelly,  born  Feb.  22,  1880. 

VI.  Amanda  B.  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  16,  1845. 
Mrd.  Mahlon  H.  Myers.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  34). 

VI.  Catharine  B.  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  16,  1848. 
Mrd.  Oliver  Myers.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  35). 

VI.  Infant,  died  unnamed. 

V.  Anna  Bishop,  born  Dec.  4,  1818;  died  Apr.  15, 
1838.    Unmrd. 

—  164  — 

V.  Susanna  Bishop,   born  Aug.    10,    1820;  died  in 
1888.    Mrd.  Isaac  Rosenberg-er,  Sept.  25,  1842.    He. 
died  in  1886.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Henry, 
Jacob,  Elias,  Isaac,  Abraham,  Anna,  Mary. 

VI.  Rev.  Henry  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  July  22,  1844.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  (daughter  of 
Jacob  L.  Shaddinger),  Dec.  19,  1868.  Farmer  and 
Minister.  Mr.  Rosenberger  was  ordained  to  the 
ministry  of  the  Memionite  church,  at  Blooming  Glen, 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  27,  1885,  where  he  has  since 
served  in  that  capacity.    No  issue. 

VI.  Jacob  B.  Rosenberger,  born  about  1846.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Myers  in  1873.  Merchant.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (Vll.)  William  M.  Rosenberger,  born  1875.  (VII.) 
Allen  M.  Rosenljcrger,  born  1881.  (Vll.)  Susie  May 
Rosenberger,  born  1886. 

VI.  Elias"  Rosenberger,  born  Aug.  3,  1849;  died  Oct. 
29,  1849. 

VI.  Isaac  Rosenberger,  Jr.,  born  Sept.  25,  1851;  died 
Mar.  26,  1856. 

VI.  Abraham  B.  Rosenberger,  born  Mar.  27,  1853. 
Mrd.  Mary  Godshalk,  Jan.  10,  1880.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  (VII.)  Isaac  G.  Rosenberger,  born 
Dec.  20,  1880.  (Vll.)  Anna  G.  Rosenberger,  born 
Sept.  19,  1882.  (Vll.)  Mary  Emma  Rosenberger,  born 
Nov.  2,  1884.  (Vll.)  Edward  G.  Rosenberger,  born 
Apr.  6,  1888;  died  Dec.  28,  1888. 

VI.  Anna  Rosenbero-er,  born  Dec.  19,  1855:  died 
Nov.  6,  1888.  Mrd.  Ed.  Shaddinger,  Nov.  22,  1879. 
He  died  Oct.  29,  1884.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (Vll.)  Henry  R.  Shaddinger,  born  Aug.  4,  1881. 
(Vll.)  Susan  Saddinger,  born  Aug.  4,  1883;  died  Feb. 
23,  1885. 

VI.  Mary  Rosenberger,  born  Dec.  6,  1858;  died  Apr. 
6,  1880.    Unmrd. 

V.  Rachel  Bishop,  born  Aug.  28,  1822.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Loux.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  36). 

V.  Abraham  Bishop,  l)orn  Apr.  1,  1824;  died  Nov. 
9,1881.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Bean,  Oct.  26,  1851.  She 
died  Feb.  27,  1856,  without  issue.  Abraham  Bishop 
had  for  his  second  wife  Susan  Bean,  sister  to  his  first 
wife;    they  were  mrd.   Oct.   15,  1857.    Mennonites. 

—  165  — 

Children:  Catharine,  Isaac,  Michael,  Harvey,  Abra- 
ham, William. 

VI.  Catharine  Bishop,  born  Jane  4,  1859;  died  May 
9,  1862. 

VI.  Isaac  Bishop,  born  Nov.  U,  1861.  Mrd.  Lizzie 
Hio-h,  Dec.  16,  1882.  Farmer;  lives  on  the  old  home- 
stead farm  of  his  father.    Mennonites.     No  issue. 

VI.  Michael  F.  Bishop,  born  Oct.  3,  1863.  Mrd. 
Marietta  Leathernian,  Nov.  3, 1883.  Farmer.  Attends 
the  Mennonite  church.  Children:  (VII.)  Bertha  Bish- 
op, born  Feb.  1,  1886.  (VII.)  Stella  Bishop,  born 
Apr.  20,  1888. 

VI.  Harvey  Bishop,  born  Oct.  3,  1863.  (Twin  to 
Michael).  Mrd.  Nettie  McNeelv--.  Farmer.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Elmer  Earl  Bishop.'  (VII.)  Mary  Rebecca 

VI.  Abraham  Bishop,  born  July  21,  1865;  died  July 
26,  1865. 

VI.  William  B.  Bishop,  born  Dec.  31,  1866;  Mrd. 
Sallie  Mo3^er — .    Laborer.  No  issue. 

V.  Enos  Bishop,  born  July  1,  1826;  died  Dec.  27, 
1879.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Bean,  Nov.  1:,  1849.  (She 
was  a  sister  to  Abraham  Bishop's  wives).  Occupa- 
tion— .  Mennonites.  Children:  Annie,  Albert,  Jacob, 
Michael,  Edwin,  Enos. 

VI.  Annie  Bishop,  born  May  16,  1851;  died  Auo-.  29, 
1879.  Mrd.  Henry  Kratz—.  One  Child:  (VII.)  Oliver 

VI.  Albert  Bishop,  born  Jan.  15,  1854.  Mrd.  Sallie 
Linster,  Jan.  15,  1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Wilson  Bishop,  born  June  17,  1880.  (VII.) 
Erwin  Bishop,  born  Apr.  17,  1885;  died  Aug.  22, 
1885.   (VII.)  Norman  Bishop,  born  Oct.  9,  1886. 

VI.  Jacob  Bishop,  born  Feb.  10,  1858.  Mrd.  Amy 
M.  Samsel,  Nov.  30,  1880.  She  died  Apr.  10,  1883. 
They  had  one  child.  (VII.)  Delia  S.  Bishop,  born  Aug. 
12,  1881.  Jacob  married  for  his  second  wife,  Kate 
Allebach,  Apr.  26,  188-1:.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Warren  A.  Bishop,  born  Julv  19,  1885. 
(VII.)  Henry  A.  Bishop,  born  May  10,  1887.  (VII.) 
Clayton  Bishop,  born — ,  1889, 

—  166  — 

VI.  Michael  Bishop,  born  May  6,  1861.  Mrd.  Lizzie 
Moyer — .  Saddler.  Children:  (VII.)  Annie,  Susie, 

VI.  Edwin  Bishop,  born  Mar.  20,  1864.  Mrd.  Lut 
cinda  K.  Andrews,  Sept.  26,  1885.  Farmer.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Artemas  Melvin  Bishop,  born  Apr.  17, 

VI.  Enos  Bishop,  born  Oct.  12,  1868.    S. 

V.  Catharine  Bishop,  born,  Feb.  24,  1830.  Mrd. 
Abraham  Wismer,  Sr. — .  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Henry,  Mary,  Jacob,  Anna,  Abraham, 
Enos,  Lizzie,  Emma. 

VI.  Henry  Wismer,  born  Sept.  2,  1855.  Mrd.  Lydia 
Myers,  Oct.  16,  1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Kate  Wismer,  born  Sept.  24,  1884.  (VII.) 
Mary  Emma  Wismer,  born  June  4,  1887;  died  Feb. 
5,  1888.   (VII.  Ella  Wismer,  born  Mar.  31,  1889. 

VI.  Mary  Wismer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  4, 
1853.  Mrd.  Abraham  G.  Overholt,  Feb.  13,  1875. 
Carpenter,  builder  and  contractor.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Katie  Overholt,  born  Apr.  21,  1876. 
(VII.)  Maggie  Overholt,  born  Nov.  11,  1879.  (VII.) 
Emma  Overholt,  born  July  15,  1881.  (VII.)  Mary 
Overholt,  born  June  21,  1884.  (VII.)  Carrie  Over- 
holt, born  Aug.  16,  1887. 

VI.  Jacob  Wismer,  born  in  1857;  died  in  1858. 

VI.  Anna  Wismer,  born  Apr.  28,  1859.  Mrd.  James 
Bergey,  Nov.  7,  1878.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Noah  Bergey,  born  Dec.  26,  1880.  (VII.) 
Hettie  Bergey,  born  Aug.  14,  1882.  (VII.)  Infant  son 
born  and  died  Sept.  8,  1888. 

VI.  Abraham  B.  Wismer,  born  Nov.  11,  1861.  Mrd. 
Ella  Shelly,  Jan.  29,  1885.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
No  issue. 

VI.  Enos  Wismer,  born  Jan.  9,  1868.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Lizzie  Wismer,  born  Jan.  13,  1864.  Mrd.  Wil- 
liam Detweiler,  Oct.  4,  1883.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Martha  Detweiler,  born  Dec.  31. 
1885.  (VII.)  Abraham  Detweiler,  born  Oct.  29,  1887. 
(VII.)  Bessie  Detweiler,  born  July  30,  1889. 

VI.  Emma  Wismer,  Iwrn  Apr.  18,  1871.    Unmrd. 

—  167  — 

IV.  Maria  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  6, 
1790;  died—. 

IV.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  6, 
1792;  died—.  Mrd.  Abraham  Schlotter— .  He  died 
— .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chiklren:  John,  Samuek 
Susanna  married  for  her  second  husband  Daniel 
Schlotter,  (brother  to  the  deceased  husband), — .  They 
had  one  child:   Daniel. 

V.  John  F.  Schlotter,  born  Nov.  28,  1815;  died  Dec. 
4,  1879.  Mrd.  Mary  Landis,  July  28,  1839.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Abraham,  Samuel,  Mahlon, 
Kate,  John,  Mary. 

VI.  Abraham  L.^  Slotter,  born  Mar.  .5,  1812;  died 
Oct.  11,  1868.  Mrd.  Susanna  AUebach,  Oct.  17,  1865. 
\Yheelwright.   Mennonites.   Children:  Willian,  Mary. 

VII.  William  A.  Slotter,  born  Aug.  15,- 1866.  Farm- 
er.   Attends  Mennonite  ch.    S. 

VII.  Mary  A.  Slotter,  born  Oct.  3,  1868.    S. 

VI.  Samuel  Slotter,  born  May  26,  1841.  Mrd. 
Amanda  Wambold,  Aug.  6,  1866.  She  died  Nov.  20, 
1887.  Farmer.  Mem.  Lutheran  ch.  He  mrd.  for  his 
second  wife,  Matilda,  mdow  of  John  S.  Fretz. 
(Maiden  name  Cope),  Nov.  30,  1889.  Children  bv 
first  wife:  (VII.)  J.  Irwin  Slotter,  born  Sept.  26, 1867. 
Lutheran.  S.  (VII.)  Emma  Irene  Slotter,  born  Oct. 
26,  1878.  Lutheran.  S.  (VII.)  Matilda  Evelyn  Slot- 
ter, born  Nov.  5,  1870.  Lutheran.  S.  (VII.)  Josiah 
Clayton  Slotter,  born  Oct.  29,  1873.  (VII.)  Edith 
Jane  Slotter,  born  Dec.  21,  1878. 

VI.  Mahlon  L.  Slotter,  born  in  Rockhill  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  26,  1846.  Mrd.  Hannah 
Rouschenberger,  June  29,  1866.  She  was  born 
Oct.  11,  1849.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VII.)  Anna  R.  Slotter.  (VII.)  Franklin  R.  Slotter. 
(VII.)  Katy  R.  Slotter.  (VII.)  Mahlon  R.  Slotter. 
(VII.)  Hannah  R.  Slotter.  (VII.)  Emma  R.  Slotter. 
(VII.)  Ella  R.  Slotter.  (VII.)  Mary  R.  Slotter,  born 
Apr.  3,  1869;  died  Apr.  20,  1872.  ' 

VI.  Kate  S.  Slotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug. 
28,  1848.  Mrd.  Henry  F.  Ott,  Oct.  1,  1870.  Cigar- 
maker  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VII.)  Emma  Ott,  born  Oct.  29,  1871.     (VII.)    Letitia 

—  168  — 

Ott,  born  Sept.  14,  1873;  died  Mar.  7,  1876.  (VII.) 
Allen  Ott,  bora  June  10,  1877. 

VI.  John  L.  Slotter,  bora  Dec.  15,  1850.  Mrd. 
Emeline  B.  Willour,  Sept.  2.  1882.  She  was  bora 
June  11,  1817.    No  issue. 

VI.  Mary  Slotter,  bora  Dec.  2,  1852;  died  Mar.  13, 
1881.  Mi-d.  Henry  Moyer,  June  17,  1880.  Cigar- 
maker.  She  was  Mem.  of  the  Mennonite  cb.  Had  one 
son:  (VII.)  SamuelMoyer,  born,  1881;  died  July  1881. 

V.    Samuel  Slotter,  born — ;  died  youno;. 

V.  Daniel  F.  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
26,  1822.  Mrd.  Amanda  Ruth,  Oct.  27,  1811.  Car- 
penter and  miller.  Ger.  Reformed.  Res.  Centre 
Valle}^,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Children:  Sarah,  Jacob, 
Newton,  Salome,  Amelia,  Cornelius,  Amanda,  Su- 
sanna, Mar3%  Ida,  Anna. 

VI.  Sarah  Ann  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  5,  1816.  Mrd.  Moses  Henninger,  Apr.  21,  1886 
Engineer.    Lutherans.    No  issue. 

VI.   Jacob  and  Newton  Schlotter  (Twins),  bora  Sept. 

26,  1817;  died  Oct.  11,  1817. 

VI.  Salome  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
30, 1818;  died  Apr.  11,  1870.  Mrd.  John  Bean  in  1867. 
She  was  mem.  of  Ger.  Ref.  ch.  Children,  (VII.)  Emma 
Bean.    (VII.)  Infant,  still  born. 

VI.   Amelia  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 

27,  1851.  Mrd.  William  Gross,  Nov.  2,  1872.  Car- 
penter and  farmer.  Mrs.  Gross  Ger.  Reformed. 
Children:  (VII.)  Ida  Alice  Gross,  bom  May  5,  1875; 
died  May  16,  1875.  (VII.)  Jacob  Daniel  Gross,  born 
Mar.  23,  1876.  (VII.)  Anna  S.  Gross,  born  Nov.  2, 

VI.  Cornelius  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
July  19,  1853.  Mrd.  Mary  Jane  Weaver,  May  9, 1879. 
Clerk.  Res.  Hellertown,  Pa.  Ger.  Reformbd.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Robert  Schlotter,  born  Jan.  14,  1882. 
(VII.)  Ellwood  Schlotter,  born  July  4,  1887. 

VI.  Amanda  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
27,  1856.  Mrd.  James  Watt  Jamieson,  Nov.  13,  1880. 
Iron  moulder  by  trade,  at  present  Creameryman. 
He  was  born,  Oct.  22,  1858,  in  the  Parish  of  Old 
Machar,  city  of  Aberdeen,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland, 

-  169  — 

He  moved  with  his  parents  to  Woolwich,  Kent,  Eng- 
hiud,  and  came  to  the  United  States  in  1878.  Mrs. 
Jamicson  Ger.  Reformed.  Res,  Denver,  Colorado. 
Children:  (VII.)  Daniel  James  Jamieson,  born  at  Day- 
ton, Ohio,  Oct.  27,  1881.  (VII.)  Ann  Amanda  Jamie- 
son,  born  at  Pueblo,  Colorado,  Sept.  8,  1884:,  (VII.) 
Helen  Louisa  Jamieson,  born  at  Denver,  Col.,  Oct.  15, 

VI.  Susanna  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
19,  1858.  Presbyterian.  Unmrd.  In  early  life  she 
was  dressmaker.  Several  years  ago  she  went  west, 
and  settled  near  Rushville,  Sheridan  Co.,  Neb.,  where 
she  took  up  government  land,  on  which  she  has  built 
a  house,  one  and  a  half  stories  high,  with  six  rooms, 
located  on  an  elevation  overlooking  the  whole  valley 
and  town.  She  is  making  improvements  managing 
the  farming,  and  doing  a  goodly  part  herself. 

VI.  Mary  Schlotter,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  25, 
1862.  Mi-d.  Alexander  Lynn,  July  5,  1883.  Brick- 
layer. Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (Vl!.")  Charles  Audley 
Lynn,  born  Jan.  19,  1884.  (VII.)  James  Daniel  Lynn, 
born  June  9,  1885.  (VII.)  Ellwood  Cornelius  Lynn, 
born  Aug.  9,  1887. 

VI.  Ida  Schlotter,  born  in  Lehigh  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  26, 
1865.    S. 

VI.  Annie  Schlotter,  born  in  Lehigh  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
15,  1868;  died  Feb.  28,  1869. 

IV.  Agnes  Fretz,  born  Dec.  1,  1793;  died  advanced 
in  years.   Unmrd. 

IV.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  Aug.  17,  1795,  died  about 
1832.  Mrd.  Abraham  Zetty,  about  1817,  He  was 
born  Nov.  10,  1792;  died  Sept.  12,  1867.  Linen 
weaver  and  farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  John 
Christian,  Mary,  Sarah,  Elias. 

V.  John  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  7,  1820. 
Mrd.  Catharine  Shelly,  Sept.  1843.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Reside  near  Zion's  Hill,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Chil- 
dren: Maria,  Henry,  Titus,  Clement. 

VI.  Maria  Anna  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
30, 1845.  Mrd.  Charles  Erney,  Jan.  28, 1866.  Produce 
raerchaut  at  Zion's  Hill,  Pa.    Lutherans.    Children; 

—  170  — 

(VII.)  Clinton  Erney,  born  Oct.  10,  1868.  (VII.)  How- 
ard Erney,  born  May  18,  1870.  (VII.)  Kate  Erney, 
born  Dec.  9,  1871.  (VII.)  Hannah  Erney,  born  July  13, 
1873.  (VII.)  Titus  Erney,  born  Feb.  21,  1877.  (VII.) 
Raymond  Erney,  born  Oct.  24,  1879. 

VI.  Henry  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  28, 
1847.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ackerman,  Apr.  1,  1870.  Commis- 
sion merchant  in  Philadelphia.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VII.)  Estella  Zetty,  born  Aug.  15,  1872.  (VII.)  Elmer 
Zetty,  born  Nov.  26,  1874. 

VI.  Titus  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  14, 
1849.  Mrd.  Carrie  Roeder,  Sept.  1879.  Resides  in 

VI.  Clement  S.  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
1,  1853.  Mrd.  Ida  Gross,  Aug.  31,  1878.  Farmer. 
Lutheran.  Res.,  Zion's  Hill,  Pa.  Children:  (VII.) 
Harvey  Zetty,  born  May  31,  1880.  (VII.)  Howard 
Zetty,  born  Jan.  3,  1883. 

V.  Christian  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  June  27, 
1822.  Mrd.  Mary  Jacoby— .  Proprietor  of  Black 
Horse  Hotel,  2d  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Ger.  Ref. 
Christian  Zetty  died  Mar.,  1883.  Mary  his  wife  died 
in  1886.    No  issue. 

V.  Mary  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  20, 
1824;  died  July  16,  1869.  Mrd.  John  Stahlnecker,  of 
Lehigh  Co.,  Pa.  He  was  born  Dec.  21,  1824;  died 
Jan.  17,  1885.    Blacksmith.    Mennonites.    No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  11, 
1826.  Mrd.  Daniel  Landis.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  37). 

V.  Elias  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  8,  1829. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Stauffer,  of  Milford  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  6,  1854.  She  was  born  Nov.  23,  1835; 
died  Sept.  12,  1863.  Farmer.  Resides  on  the  old 
Zetty  homestead,  near  Quakertown,  Pa.  Children: 
Henry,  Allen,  Enmia,  Frank.  Mr.  Zetty  married  for 
his  second  wife  Heddie  Shelley,  Nov.  28,  1868.  She 
wasborn  Jan.  20,  1839.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary, 
John,  Annie,  Lizzie.  Christian,  Kate,  Heddie, 
Elias,  Stella. 

VI.  Henry  Zetty,  born  May  17,  1856;  died  Nov.  2, 
1876.    Mennonite, 

—  171  — 

VI.  Allen  Zetty,  born  Oct.  11,  1858.  Mrd.  Sarah 
Ann  Myers,  Dec.  25,  1887.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  One 
child:  (VII.)    Clayton  M.  Zetty. 

VI.  Emma  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  21, 
1860.  Mrd.  Frank  M.  Roth,  of  Milford  Twp.,  Aii<r. 
9,  1879.  He  was  born  Oct.  18.  1858.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  (VII.)  J.  Wilmer  Roth,  born  Jan. 
8,  1880;  died  Feb.  29,  1880.  (VII.)  Addie  Roth,  born 
Nov.  20,  1882. 

VI.  Frank  Zetty,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  7, 
1863.  Mrd.  Annie  Irene  Walp,  of  Richlandtown, 
Pa.,  Oct.  13,  1888.  She  was  born  Mar.  21,  1867. 
Farmer.  Lutherans. 

VI.  Mary  Zetty,  born  June  27,  1869.  Mem.  Ger. 
Reformed.     S. 

VI.  John  Zetty,  born  Oct.  27,  1870. 

VI.  Annie  Zetty,  born  Mar.  28,  1872.   Ger.  Ref. 

VI.  Lizzie  Zetty,  born  Jan.  16,  1874.     Seamstress. 

VI.  Christian  Zetty,  born  May  7.  1875. 

VI.  Kate  Zetty,  born  Apr.  17,  1878. 

VI.  Heddie  Zetty,  born  Oct.  1,  1880,    ]     rp    • 

VI.  Ehas  Zetty,  born  Oct.  1,  1880.         ("     ^''^^^^''^ 

VI.  Stella  Zetty,  born  May  31,  1887. 

IV.  Joseph Fretz,  born  Feb.  3,  1797;  died  Dec,  1798. 

IV.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  5, 
1798;  died  July  22,  1884,  aged  85  y.,  8  m.  and  17  d- 
Mrd.  Isaac  Landis.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  38)- 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  14, 
1801;  died—.  Mrd.  Mary  Clemmer,  about  1825.  She 
was  born  Sept.  4,  1800.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Anna,  Abraham,  Joseph,  William,  Catharine, 
John,  Mary,  Elias,  Elizabeth,  Sarah. 

V.  Anna  Fretz,  born  Dec.  15,  1825;  die  J — . 

V.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  Apr.  13,  1827;  died — . 

V.  Joseph  C.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
31,  1828.  Mrd.  Olivia  M.  Musselman,  Mar.  6,  1853. 
She  was  born  July  11,  1828.  Farmer.  Mennonite. 
Children:  Harry,  Allen,  Amanda,  Susanna,  Mary, 
Elizabeth,  Erasmus,  Joseph. 

VI.  Harry  M.  Fretz.  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
30,  1853.  ■  Mrd.  Lizzie  K.  Landis,  Dec.  8,  1878.  Tele- 

—  172  — 

graph  Operator  at  Hatfield,  Pa.  Attends  the  Old 
Mennonitech.  Children:  (VII.)  Olivia  Rebecca  Fretz, 
born  Feb.  8,  1882.  (VII.)  Ada  Viola  Fretz,  born  June 
9,  1884.  (VII.)  Orlando  L.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  31,  1885. 
(VII.)  Weldon  L.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  31,  1888. 

VI.  Allen  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  4,  1856.  Mrd.  Ella  B.  Hartzel— .  Mannfactur- 
ing  Tailor,    No  issue. 

VI.  Amanda  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Pa.,  Sept.  23,  1857;  died  Sept.  4,  1869,  aged  11  y., 
11  m.  and  11  d. 

VI. Susannah  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa., 
Mar.  2,  1861.  Mrd.  Henry  H.  Price—.  Laborer. 
Children:  (VII.)  Alice.   (VII.)  Laura—.   (VII.)  Mary—. 

VI.  Mary  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  12, 
1863.  Mrd.  Irwin  D.  Swartz— .  Laborer.  Children: 
(VII.)  Edwin  Swartz.  (VII.)  Minnie  Swartz,  born—; 
died  Jan.,  1890. 

VI.  Elizabeth  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Pa.,  Oct.  30,  1865,  died  Jan.  24,  1870. 

VI.  Erasmus  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Pa.,  Jan.  14,  1868.    Miller.     S. 

VI.  Joseph  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa., 
June  13,  1871.  Farmer.    S. 

V.  William  C.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
21,  1830.  Mrd.  Mary  Barnes,  Jan.  6,  1855.  She  was 
born  Jan.  12,  1834.  Presbyterians.  Children:  Allen, 
Daniel,  Mary,  William,  Mahlon,  Edwin,  Amanda, 
Anna,  Ella,  Walter. 

VI.  Allen  B.  Fretz,  born  Apr.  19,  1856.  Mrd.  Sue 
L.  Stine,  Aug.  30,  1885.     Salesman. 

VI.  Daniel  P.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  5,  1859.  Farmer  in 
111.     Lutherans. 

VI.  Mary  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Oct.  22,  1860.  Pres- 

VI.  William  B.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  14,  1862.  Died 
Oct.  12,  1888;  aged  25y.,  10m.,  28d. 

VI.  Mahlon  B.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  14,  1866.  Druggist 
in  Philadelphia.     Presb3'^terian. 

VI.  Edwin  H.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  5,  1867.  He  was 
licensed  tx  local  preacher  of  the  M,  E.  church,  Jan, 

—  m  — 

14,  1888,  And  is  now  (1888)  a  student  at  Pennington 
Seminary,  preparing  for  the  ministry. 

VI.  Amanda  Fretz,  born  Mar.  27,  1869. 

VI.  Anna  Fretz,  l)orn  Feb.  18,  1872. 

VI.  Alia  Martha  Fretz,  born  Sept.  7,  1875. 

VI.  Walter  Fretz,  born  Aug.  23,  1879. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  29, 
1832.  Mrd.  Sanuiel  Hunsberger,  Feb.  23,  1854. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chikh-en:  Mary,  Elias,  Amanda, 
Kate,  Susanna,  Anna,  Allen,  William,  Daniel. 

VI.  Mary  F.  Hunsberger,  l)orn  Apr.  26,  1855.  Mrd. 
Charles  C.  Atkinson,  Nov.  15,  1879.  Laborer  and 
Shoemaker.  One  child:  (VII.)  Samuel  Howard  Atkin- 
son, born  Feb.  8,  1882. 

VI.  Elias  F.  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Oct.  13,  1856.  'Mrd.  Sarah  Overholt— .  Teamster. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Harvey  Samuel  Huns- 
berger, born — .  (VII.)  Nettie  Catharine  Hunsberger, 
born — . 

VI.  Amanda  Elizabeth  Hunsberger,  born  Mar.  10, 
1858.  Mrd.  Philip  Miller—.  Teamster  in  a  Philadel- 
phia Lumber  Yard.    No  issue. 

VI.  Kate  Hunsberger,  born  May  19,  1860. 

VI.  Susannah  Hunsberger,  born  Aug.  14,  1862;  died 
Sept.  7,  1862. 

VI.  Anna  Hunsberger,  born  Sept.  27,  1863.  Mrd. 
Samuel  L.  Gross,  Mar.  12,  1887.  Farmer.  One  child: 
(VII.  Warren  H.  Gross,  born  Mar.  7,  1888. 

VI.  Allen  F.  Hunsljerger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Mar.  28,  1866.  Enhsted  in  the  army  in  1888,  and  is 
stationed  at  Ft.  Hamilton,  Battery  L,  N.  Y. 

VI.  William  F.  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  23,  1869. 

VI.  Daniel  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  28,  1875;  died 
Sept.  11,  1875. 

V.  John  C.  Fretz,  born  June  21,  1834;  died  young. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  30, 
1837.  Mrd.  Oliver  Hedrick.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  39). 

V.Elias  Fretz,  born  June  11,  1839.  Mrd.  Anna  B., 
daughter  of  John  Sheip — .  After  their  marriage  he 
was  drafted  into  the  late  rebellion,  and  served  nine 
months  in  the  army.     He  is  now  in  business  in  Phila- 

—  174  — 

delphia,  Pa.  Children:  Pierce,  Edward,  Mary,  Annie. 

VI.  Pierce  S.  Fretz,  born  in  1862.  Mrd.  Clara  Mat- 
lack,  Jan.  10,  1889.  Chief  Clerk  in  Cigar  box  estab- 
lishment in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

VI.  Edwin  Levi  Fretz,  born  in  1861.  Principal  of  the 
Skippackville  School. 

VI.  Mary  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  1867.  Mrd.  J. 
Benton  Hoover,  in  Nov.,  1888. 

VI.  Anna  Laura  Fretz,  born  in  1873. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Jan.  18,  1811;  died  young. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  Mar.  22,  1813.     S. 

III.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Feb.  17,  1763;  died  Oct.  9,  1820.  Mrd.  Anna 
Krout,  May  13,  1784.  She  was  born  Sept.,  1764; 
died  Jan.  22,  1806.  Farmer.  They  lived  in  Bedmin- 
ster Twp. ,  on  the  farms  now  owned  and  occupied  by 
John  and  Abraham  Bewighouse.  He  was  called, 
"Hurrying  Hen,"  from  his  habit  of  hurrying,  or 
urging  his  men  who  were  working  for  him.  Mennon- 
ites.  He  was  mrd.  to  a  second  wife  named  Beidler. 
No  issue.  Children  by  the  first  wife  were:  Elizabeth, 
Barbara,  Christian,  Mary,  Sarah,  Agnes,  Abraham, 
Joseph,  Annie,  Henry,  John, 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Feb.  25,  1785.  Mrd.  Henry  Myers,  Mar.  24, 
1807.  He  was  born  Feb.  23.  1780.  Farmer.  They 
lived  and  died  on  the  farm  now  owned  by  Henry  H. 
Myers,  (a  grand-son)  in  Plumstead  Twp.  Mennonites. 
Mr.  Myers  died  in  Oct.,  1847,  aged  68  years,  and 
Mrs.  Myers  died  in  Apr.,  1865,  aged  84  years.  Chil- 
dren: Barbara,  John,  Joseph,  Anna,  Catharine,  Henry, 
William,  Reuben. 

V.  Barbara  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Apr.  25, 
1808;  died  Aug.,  1882.  Mrd.  Abraham  Nash.  Boss 
Carpenter,  afterwards  farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Elizabeth,  Mary,  Henry. 

VI.  Elizbeth  Nash,  born  Aug.  12,  1840.  Mrd.  Levi 
B.  Swartz,  Jan.  10,  1860.  Veterinary  Surgeon. 
Methodists.    Children:  Mary,  Abraham,  Emily. 

VII.  Mary  Alice  Swartz,  born  Apr.  6,  1863.  Mrd. 
Elwood  C.   Wilson,   of  Doylcstown,  Pa.,    Jan.    10, 

—  175  — 

1881.  He  died  Mar.  18,  1883.  Children:  (VIII.) 
Emma  Alice  AVilson,  born  June  15,  1882;  died  Jan. 
29,  1883.  (VIII.)  Elwood  Levi  Wilson,  born  June  29, 

VII.  Abraham  Thomas  Swartz,  born  Oct.  19,  1865; 
died  Jan.  11,  1883. 

VII.  Emily  Ann  Swartz,  born  Sept.  2,  1867;  died 
Sept.  16,  1867. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Nash,  born  Mar.  13,  1843.  Methodist. 

VI.  Henry  Nash,  born  Nov.,  1816,  is  married  to  his 
second  wife.     Methodists.    Has  one  child. 

VI  John  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  8, 
1809.  Mrd.  Rachel  Myers,  Jan.  26,  1836.  Farmer. 
Mennonite.  Children:  Reuben,  Catharine,  Henry, 

VI.  Reuben  Myers,  born  in  1836.  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
High,  Nov.  7,  1860.  Farmer.  Children:  Harvey, 

VII.  Harvey  Myers,  born — ;  died  young. 

VII.  John  F.  Myers,  Jr.,  born  Nov.,  1865.  Mrd. 
Bertha  Swope  in  1886. 

VI.  Catharine  Myers,  born  June  9,  1839.  Mrd. 
Reuben  W.  Nash,  Aug.  1,  1860.  Farmer.  Children: 
Anderson,  John,  Hulda,  Samuel,  Annie,  Reed,  Mary. 

VII.  Anderson  Nash,  born  Nov.  11,  1860.  Mrd. 
Emma  Skillman,  Feb.  25,  1888.    Farmer. 

VII.  John  M.  Nash,  born  Apr.  5,  1863.  Mrd.  Cath- 
arine C.  Smith,  July  26,  1881.  Farmer.  Lutherans. 
One  child:  (VIII.)  SaUie  S.  Nash,  born  Oct.  31,  1881. 

VII.  Hulda  Nash,  born  Sept.  3,  1861;  died  Dec.  15, 

VII.  Samuel  N.  Nash,  born  July  11,  1866.    S. 

VII.  Annie  Nash,  born  June  2,  1868;  died  Sept.  28, 

VII.  Reed  Nash,  born  July  28,  1869. 

VII.  Mary  EUen  Nash,  born  Nov.  9,  1875. 

VI.  Henry  Myers,  born  in  1811;  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Reed  Myers,  born  Apr.  1,  1811;  was  drowned 
July  16,  1865. 

V.  Joseph  F.  Myers,  born  in  Plumstead  Township., 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.   17,  1811;  died  May  12,  1882. 

—  176  — 

Mrd.  Barbara  Fretz,  daiiohter  of  Deacon  Abraham 
Fretz,  Mar.  22,  1838.  Mason  and  farmer.  They 
lived  and  died  upon  the  farm  purchased  of  the  Wil- 
liam Fretz"*  heirs  in  Bedminster  Twp. ,  now  owned  and 
occupied  by  their  son  Aaron  F.  Myers.  New  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  Henry,  Abraham,  Enos,  Aaron, 
Mary,  Mahlon,  Infant,  Susanna. 
VI.  Henry  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
24,  1839.  Mrd.  Emma  Salena  Harpel,  Oct.  3,  1863. 
She  was  born  Sept.  23,  1837;  died  Apr.  1,  1886. 
Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Livera  Myers, 
born  Dec.  9,  1861.  Lutheran.  (VII.)  Erwin  H.  Myers, 
born  Oct.  17,  1866;  died  in  1889.  (VII.)  Anna  Barbara 
Myers,  born  Nov.  16,  1868;  died  Feb.,  1890.  Luthe- 
ran. (VII.)  Edgar  H.  Myers,  born  Mar.  3,  1872. 
Lutheran.   (VII.)  Nora  Myers,  born  July  5,  1877. 

VI.  Abraham  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
12,  1812.  Mrd.  Susanna  High,  Nov.  18,  1872.  She 
was  born  Sept.  7,  1849;  died  Oct.  13,  1883.  Farmer. 
New  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Anna  Belle  Myers, 
born  June  24,  1875;  died  Aug.  28,  1875.  (VII.)  Clara 
V.  B.  Myers,  born  Aug.  6.  1877.  (VII.)  Josephene 
Myers,  born  Sept.  15,  1880.  Abraham  mrd.  for  his 
second  wife  Caroline,  widow  of  Aaron  K.  Sine, 
(maiden  name  Micner),  Feb.  8,  1890. 

VI.  Enos  F.  Myers,  born  Sept.  19,  1844;  died  June 
22,  1857. 

VI.  Aaron  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
10,  1846.  Mrd.  Lydia  M.  Moyer,  of  Saucon,  Lehigh 
Co.,  Pa.,  May  1,  1869.  Farmer.  New  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Oscar  M.  Myers,  born  Dec.  12,  1869. 
New  Mennonites.  (VII.)  Joseph  M.  Myers,  born  Mar. 
17,  1871.  New  Mennonite.  (VII.)  Titus  M.  Myers, 
born  July  5,  1873.  (VII.)  Barbara  Ann  Myers,  born 
Aug.  14,  1875;  died  Aug.  21,  1876.  (VII.)  Susan  M. 
Myers,  born  May  25,  1877;  died  June  4,  1877.  (VII.) 
Pierson  M.  Myers,  born  Jan.  11,  1879.  (VII.)  Isaiah 
M.  Myers,  born  Oct.  13,  1881.  (VII.)  Henry  M. 
Myers,  born  July  12,  1884;  died  Sept.  28, 1884.  (VII.) 
Sevinus  M.  Myers,  born  Jan.  9,  1886.  (VII.)  Abra- 
ham M.  Myers,  born  Feb.  22,  1888. 

—  177  — 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Myers,  born  Feb.  27,  1848;  died  Mar. 
29,  1818. 

VI.  Mahlon  F.  Myers,  born  May  31,  1819;  died  June 
21,  1849. 

VI.  An  Infant  born  Jan.  25,  1851;  died  unnamed. 

VI.  Susanna  Myers,  born  Mar.  12,  1853;  died  Feb. 
26,  1863. 

V.  Anna  Myers,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  13,  1813;  died  Nov.  19,  1875.  Mrd. 
William  Fretz.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  40), 

V.  Catharine  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
13,  1815;  died  in  1874.    Unmrd. 

V.  Henr}^  F.  Myers,  liorn  on  the  Old  Homestead  in 
Plumstead  Twp.,  Aug.,  12,  1817.  Mrd.  Anna, 
daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Krout,  of  New 
Britain  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  19,  1844,  and  shortly 
after  purchased  the  farm  on  which  he  now  resides, 
near  Wismer,  Pa.  Retired  farmer.  Mennnonites. 
Children:  Oliver,  Susanna,  Amanda,  John,  Nathan, 
Lizzie,  Leidy. 

VI.  Oliver  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  14, 
1845,  Mrd.  Kate,  daughter  of  Jacob  M.  Leatberman, 
of  Plumstead,  in  1869,  Farmer,  Mennonites,  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Jeremiah  Myers,  born  Feb,  7,  1871;  died 
Feb,  7,  1873.  (VII.)  Newberry  L.  Myers,  born  Mar. 
2,  1872.  (VII.)  Harry  L,  Myers,  born  Mar,  25,  1876, 
(VII.)  Willis  L,  Myers,  born  Dec,  21,  1878.  (VII.) 
Clara  L.  Myers,  born  Aug.  26,  1881. 

VI.  Susanna  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa,,  Jan,  20, 
1848,  Mrd,  John  K,  Landis.  Nov,  13,  1875.  Farmer. 
Mennonites,  Children:  (VII.)  Leidy  Landis,  (Vil.) 
Henry  Landis — ;  died,  aged  1  day, 

VI.  Amanda  Myers,  born  Nov.  7,  1851;  died  Nov. 
23,  1859. 

VI.  John  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec,  2, 
1853.  Mrd.  Susanna,  daughter  of  Joseph  F.,  and 
Sarah  Myers,  of  Bedminster  Twp.,  Sept.,  1876,  She 
died  Jul}^,  1882,  Farmer,  Mennonite,  Children: 
(VII.)  Silas,  Clara,  (dec'd),  Sarah,  (decYl),  John  mrd, 
second  wife,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Nancy 
Myers,  of  Plumstead  Twp,,  Sept,,  1883,  Children: 
(VII.)  Nathan,  Rosa,  Harvey,  (dec'd),  John,  H,,  Nora. 


—  178  — 

VI.  Nathan  Myers,  born  May  25,  1856;  died  Oct.  12, 

VI.  Lizzie  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aiio^.  10, 
1859.  Mrd.  Abraham  L.  Myers,  of  Bedminster7May 
1879.    Farmer,    Mennonite, 

VI.  Leidy  Myers,  born  Fel).  7,  1860.  Mrd.  Salhe  G., 
daughter  of  Thomas  and  Susan  Shelly,  of  Bucking- 
ham Twp.  Farmer.  Mennonite.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Ellen  Myers. 

V.  William  F.  Myers,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  20,  1819.    Mrd.  Elizabeth  Myers,  in 

1849.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Catharine, 

VI.  Catharine  Myers,  born — ;  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Sarah  Myers,  born  in  1852.  Mrd.  Jacob  B. 
Rosenberger.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  11). 

V.  Reuben  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  13, 
1821;  died — .  Mrd.  Hannah  High — .  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Mahlon,  John,  William, 
Henry,  Lizzie,  Amanda,  Reuben. 

VI.  Mahlon  H.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  19, 
1848.  Mrd.  Amanda  B.  Leatherman,  Oct.  31,  1868. 
She  died  May  8,  1872.  Children:  Edwin,  Horace. 
Mahlon  mrd.  second  wife,  Mary,  daughter  of  Henry 
Fretz,  of  Lincoln  Co.",  Canada,  June  30,  1873. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Anna,  Beulah,  Mag- 
gie, Hannah,  William,  Henry,  Mary.  (VII.)  Edwin 
Stanton  Myers,  born  May  14,  1870.  (VII.)  Horace  L. 
Myers,  born  Apr.  25,  1872;  died  May  6,  1872.  (VII.) 
Anna  F.  Myers,  born  Feb.  25,  1875.  (VII.)  Beulah 
Eldora  Myers,  born  July  25,  1876.  (VII.)  Maggie  F. 
Myers,  born  Sept.  30,  1878;  died  Mar.  8,  1886.  (VII.) 
Hannah  F.  Myers,  born  July  24,  1880.  (VII.)  William 
Howard  Myers,  born  July  1,  1882;  died  Mar.  8, 
1886.  VII.)  Henry  F.  Myers,  born  Oct.  9,  1884;  died 
Mar.  11,  1886.  (VII.)  Mary  Emma  Myers,  born  Mar. 
4,  1887. 

VI.  John  H.   Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,    Jan.   19, 

1850.  Mrd.  Annie  H.  Myers,  Dec.  23,  1876. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Daniel  M. 
Myers,  born  Jan.   14,   1879.     (VII.)    Samuel  Arthur 

—  179  — 

Myers,  born  Nov.  20,  1880.  (VII.)  Elwood  Norman 
Myers,  born  Aug.  31,  1888. 

Vl.  William  H.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  13, 
1853.  Mrcl.  Catharine  Myers,  Oct.  13,  1877.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Franklin  Myers,  born 
Jan.  18,  1879.  (VII.)  Rosa  May  Myers,  born  Jan. 
26,  1881.   (VII.)  Ckira  Myers,  born  July  19,  1884. 

VI.  Henr}^  H.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1855. 
Mrd.  Emeline  P.  Lear, — .  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Katie  M^^ers,—.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Myers, 
died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Lizzie  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  10,  1857. 
Mrd.  Peter  Beeler,  Oct.  20,  1877.  Carpenter  and  un- 
dertaker. Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.)  AUce  Beeler, 
born  Nov.  27,  1883.  (VII.)  Horace  Beeler,  born  Dec. 
11,  1886. 

VI.  Amanda  Myers,  born  May  5,  1859;  died  Sept. 
17,  1875,  aged  16y.,  Im.,  12d. 

VI.  Reuben  H.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  4, 
1860.  Mrd.  Laura  M.  Skillman,  Nov.  11,  1882.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Warren  S.  Myers,  born  Nov.  10,  1884. 
(VII.)  Howard  Rawling  Myers,  born  Nov.  9,  1886. 
(VII.)  Herbert  Russel  Myers,  born  Aug.  11,  1888. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  July  8,  1786;  died  advanced 
in  years,  unmrd. 

IV.  Christian  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  5, 1787, 
died—.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Overholt,  Mar.  6,  1817.  She 
died — .  Mason.  Mennonites.  Children:  Christian, 

V.  Christian  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  5,  1821; 
died—.  Mrd.  Maria  Moyer,  Mar.  7,  1847.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Annie,  Abraham, 
Sallie,  Jacob,  Henry,  Isaiah. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  15, 
1848.  Mrd.  Joseph  D.  Bishop.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  42). 

VI.  Annie  Fretz,  born  Oct!  24,  1850.  Mrd.  William 
Beidler,  June  4,  1870.  Salesman.  Children:  (VII.) 
Ella  Beidler,  born  Feb.  24,  1871.  (VII.)  Maria  Beidler, 
born  June  15,  1872. 

VI.  Abraham  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  15, 
1853.     Mrd.   Sarah  Ann  Hendricks,  Nov.    22,    1873. 

—  180  — 

She  was  born  July  26,  1855.  Creameryman.  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  (VII.)  Ulysses  G.  H.  Fretz,  born 
June  20,  1875.     (VII.)    Albertha  H.  Fretz,  born  Nov. 

26,  1885.    (VII.)  Mabel  May  Fretz,  born  Apr.  6,  1888. 
VI.    Sallie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  10,  1855. 

Mrd.  A.  E.  Detwiler,  Jan  20.  1877.  Tinsmith.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Manerva  Detwiler,  born 
Oct.  6,  1878.  (VII.)  Preston  Detwiler,  born  Jan.  18, 

VI.  Jacob  M.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  6,  1860.  Mrd.  Lizzie 
Geisinger, — .  Children:  (VII.)  Emma  G.  Fretz,  born 
May  1,  1886.  (VII.)  Allen  G.  Fretz,  born  Aug.— 

VI.  Henry  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  8, 
1863.    Farmer  in  Marshall  Co.,  Kan.    S. 

VI.   Isaiah  M.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  27,  1866.    S. 

V.  Enos  Fretz,  born  and  died  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
aged  24  years.    No  issue. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1789;  died 
Apr,  17,  1845.  Mrd.  Samuel  Detwiler, — .  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Rebecca,  Abraham,  Henry. 

V.  Rebecca  Det^viler,  born  Sept.  5, 1827,  died  young. 

V.  Rev.  Abraham  F.  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  Apr.  26,  1829.    Mrd.  Catharine  Ann  Kratz,  May 

27,  1855.  She  died  Nov.  29,  1863.  They  moved  to 
Whiteside  Co.,  111.,  in  1856,  and  later  to  Clay  Co. 
Farmer  and  Minister.  About  1848  he  was  ordained  to 
the  ministry  of  the  Mennonite  church  at  Sterling,  111. 
Children:  Roseannah,  Catharine,  Mary,  Abraham. 

VI.  Roseannah  K.  Detweiler,  born  in  Whiteside  Co., 
Ill,  Oct.  2,  1858.  Mrd.  Frank  Clark,  June  14,  1883. 
Carpenter  in  Clay  Co. ,  111.    No  issue. 

VI.  Catharine  Ann  K.  Detweiler,  born  in  Whiteside 
Co.,  111.  Oct.  15,  1859.    S. 

VI.  Mary  Elizabeth  K.  Detweiler,  born  in  Whiteside 
Co.,  111.,  June  29,  1861.  Mrd.  Charles  Shroder,  Oct. 
20,1885.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Estella  Catharine 
Shroder,  born  Oct.  8,  1886.  (VII.)  Caroline  Shroder, 
born  Feb.  2,  1887.  (VII.)  William  Augustus  Shroder, 
born  Dec.  8,  1889. 

VI.  Abraham  Lincoln  K.  Detweiler,  born  in  White- 
side Co.,  111.,  May  17,  1863.    S. 

—  181  — 

V.  Henry  F.  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
5,  1832.  Mrd.  — .  Farmer  in  Marshall  Co.,  Kansas. 
Children : 

VI.  Eliza  Henrietta  Detweiler,  born  Nov.  8,  1859; 
died  in  1883.  Mrd.  Frank  Sterit,  in  1877.  They  had 
three  children. 

VI.   Cassins  M.  C.  Detweiler,  born  May  3,  1861. 

Vi.  Benjamin  Lincoln  Detweiler,  born  Aug.  18,  1862. 
Farmer  in  Marshall  Co. ,  Kansas. 

VI.  Oliver  B.  Detweiler,  born  Feb.  1,  1861.  Mrd. 
Mary  Grant,  Jan.  20,  1888.    Farmer  in  Kansas. 

VI.   Henry  F.  Detweiler,  born  Mar.  31, 1866.  Farmer. 

VI.  Mary  Emma  Detweiler,  born  May  27,  1868. 

VI.   Annie  Detweiler,  born  June  8,  1870. 

VI.   Ida  B.  Detweiler,  born  Aug.  5,  1872. 

VI.   Margaret  Myrtle  Detweiler,  born  Nov.  2S,  1875. 

VI.   J.  J.  H.  Detweiler,  born  Feb.  3,  1878. 

VI.   Infant  daughter,  still  born,  Jan.  10,  1882. 

VI.    Estella  Ethel  Detweiler,  born  July  24,  1883. 

VI.   Harvey  Detweiler,  born  Mar.  28,  1885. 

IV.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1791;  died 
July  29,  1871.  Mrd.  Jacob  Rittenhouse,— .  They 
moved  to  Canada,  where  both  died  mthout  issue. 

IV.  Agnes  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  20, 
1792;  died—.  Mrd.  John  Myers.  (See  Index  of  Ref- 
erences No.  13). 

IV.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  12, 
1791,  died  July  19, 1871.  Mrd.  Susannah  Leatherman, 
Jan.  20,  1820.  She  died  Sept.  10,  1853.  Children: 
Anna,  Mary,  Elizabeth,  Levi,  Susanna,  David.  He 
mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Anna  Krout  (widow  of  Sam- 
uel Rosenberger),  Nov.  21,  1859.  In  1822  he  moved 
to  Hilltown  Twp. ,  where  he  lived  about  half  a  mile 
north  of  the  Perkasie  Meeting  house.  Farmer.  Men- 

V.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  21,  1821. 
Mrd.  Andrew  Swartz,  Sept.  25th,  1856.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Mahlon  and  Jacob. 

VI.  Mahlon  F.  Swartz,  born  Dec.  26,  1857.  Mrd. 
Emma  Jane  Steely,  Mar.  25,  1882,  Shoemaker.  One 
t'hild:  (VII.)  Freeman  Swai'tz, 

—  182  — 

VI.  Jacob  F.  Swartz,  born  May  21,  1859.  Mrd. 
Mary  Ann  Hockman,  Feb.  10,  1883.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.    No  issue. 

V.  MaryFretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  1,  1823. 
Mrd.  John  Funk,  Oct.  17,  1852.  Farmer  and  tailor. 
Mennonites.  ChiMren:  (VI.)  A  daughter,  born  Sept. 
27,  1860;  died  same  day.  (VI.)  Samuel  F.  Funk,  born 
Dec.  11,  1861;  died  Jan.  24,  1881. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  20, 
1826.  Mrd.  H.  Abraham  Bewighouse.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  44). 

V.  Levi  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  24,  1829. 
Mrd.  Mary  Myers,  Feb.  1860.  She  died  Dec.  24, 
1861.  No  Issue.  He  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Mari- 
etta Rosenberger,  Oct.  15,  1864.  She  died  Mar.  17, 
1883.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah 
Elizabeth  R.  Fretz,  born  Apr.  8,  1867;  died  June  25, 
1867.  (VI.)  Anna  R.  Fretz,  born  June  1,  1869.  (VI.) 
Mary  Alice  Fretz,  born  May  25,  1872.  (VI.)  Maggie 
R.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  23.  1876. 

V.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  Oct.  31,  1833;  died  Sept.  26, 

V.  David  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  7,  1836. 
Mrd.  Mary  Overholt,  Dec.  10,  1859.  Farmer,  and 
lives  on  tlie  Homestead  in  Hilltown.  He  was  chosen 
Deacon  of  the  Mennonite  church  at  Blooming  Glen, 
June  5,  1876.    Children:  Abraham,  John,  Amanda. 

VI.  Abraham  O.  Fretz,  born  July  1,  1862.  Mrd. 
Lizzie  N.  Freed,  Dec.  22,  1883.  In  Creamery  business. 
One  child:  (VI.)  Mary  Fretz,  born  July  12,  1889. 

VI.  John  O.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  4,  1865.  Mrd.  Hannah 
E.  Funk,  Sept.  26,  1885.  Farmer.  Resides  on  the  old 
Homestead  in  Hilltown.    No  issue. 

VI.   Amanda  Fretz,  born  Mar.  25,  1868.    S. 

IV.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  25, 
1795,  died — .  He  went  to  Canada,  where  he  mrd. 
Margaret  Rittenhouse,  Dec.  15,  1817.  She  died  about 
1832.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Sarah, 
Barbara,  Dina,  Anna,  Henry,  Joseph.  Joseph  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  Catharine  Moyer,  Apr.  2,  1833. 
No  issue.   His  third  wife  was  Eliza^  Martin.  No  issue, 

—  183  — 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ontario,  Dec, 
21,  1819;  died  Mar.  5,  1854.  Mrd.  Daniel  Gerber, 
Sept.  3,  1843.  He  was  born  Sept.  4,  1820.  Tanner. 
They  moved  to  Indiana  in  1854,  and  to  Fremont, 
Michigan  in  1864.  Mr.  Gerber,  Congregationalist. 
Wife,  Mennonite.  Children:  Joseph,  Elizabeth, 
John,  Henry,  William,  Sarah. 

VI.  Joseph  Gerber,  born  in  Canada,  Jan.  12,  1845. 
Mrd.  Agnes  Moyer,  Mar.  6,  1870.  Tanner  at  Fre- 
mont, Mich.  Congregationalists.  Children:  (VII.) 
Theron  D.  Gerber,   born  Feb.   13,  1871;    died  Sept. 

16,  1881.  (VII.)  Frank  Gerber,  born  Jan.  12,  1873. 
(VII.)  Mary  Gerber,  born  Dec.  10,  1875;  died  Sept. 
2,1876.  (VII.)  Harry  Gerber,  born  Dec.  6, 1879.  (VN.) 
Ethel  Gerber,  born  Mar.  16,  1884.  (VII.)  Joseph 
Gerber,  Jr.,  born  June  22,  1885. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Gerber,  born  in  Canada,  July  4,  1847. 
Mrd.  Chas.  Ketcham  in  1864.  One  child:  (VII.)  Car- 
rie Ketcham,  born  in  1866.  Elizabeth  married  for 
her  second  husband  William  H.  Shea, — .  He  died  in 
1879.  Children:  (VII.)  Mabel  Shea.  (VII.)  Maud 
Shea.  Mrs.  Shea,  Methodist. 

VI.  John  Gerber,  born  Dec.  15,  1848;  died  Feb.  27, 

VI.  Henry  Gerber,  born  Sept.  8,  1850;  died  Feb. 
23,  1854. 

VI.  William  Gerber,  born  Mar.  19,  1852.    Mrd.  Ella 
Billings,   Oct.   1,  1877.    She  was  born  Mar.  1,  1855 
Real  Estate  Agent.    No  issue. 

VI.  Sarah  Gerber,  born  Feb.  21,  1854;  died  Sept.  6, 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ontario,  Jan. 

17,  1822.  Mrd.  John  W.  Moyer,  Nov.  29,  1868, 
(his  second  wife).     No.   issue. 

V.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan. 
15,  1824.  Mrd.  Abraham  Funk  in  1844.  They  both 
died  in  1847.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary, 
and  Jacob. 

VI.  Mary  Funk,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont,,  Dec.  28, 
1844.  Mrd.  Isaac  Hunsberger.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No,  45). 

—  184  — 

VI.  Jacob  Funk,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  26, 
1846;  died  Feb.  20,  1885.  Mrd.  Dinah  Honsberger. 
Nov.  26,  1867.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VII.)  William  Henry  Fmik,  born  Mar.  31,  1871, 
(VII.)  Arthur  James  Funk,  born  July  6,  1872.  (VII.) 
Sarah  Jane  Funk,  born  Sept.  17,  1871.  (VII.)  Aggie 
Mabel  Funk,  born  Sept.  3,  1876.  (VII.)  John  Frank- 
lin Funk,  born  Nov.  3,  1877.  (VII.)  Mary  Elizabeth 
Funk,  born  Jan.  20,  1879.  (VII.)  Joseph  Funk,  born. 
May  31,  1882;  died  April  31,  1885. 

V.  Diana  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Feb.  17, 
1826.  Mrd.  John  Boose,  Aug.  17,  1851.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Margaret,  Joseph,  William, 
John,  Levi,  Isaac. 

VI.  Margaret  Boose,  born  June  12,  1852. 

VI.  Joseph  Boose,  born  in  Ontario,  June  25,  1854. 
Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Burnam,  Jan.  11,  1876.  Farmer. 
Res.  in  Essex  Co.,  Ont.  Children:  (VII.)  Joseph 
Emerson  Boose.   (VII.)  Richard  Nelson  Boose. 

VI.  William  Boose,  born  in  Ontario,  Sept.  5,  1856. 
Mrd.  Emma  Seeter,  Nov.  2,  1879.  Farmer.  Res. 
Essex  Co.,  Ont.  Children:  (Vil.)  Ira  E.  Boose  (dec'd). 
(VII.)  William  A.  Boose.  (VII.)  Percey  E.  Boose. 
(VII.)  Emma  Mabel  Boose. 

VI.  John  Henry  Boose,  born  in  Ontario,  Feb.  8, 
1860.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Hestler,  Nov.  29,  1884.  Farmer. 
Children:  (VII.)  Mary  Etta  Boose.  (VII.)  Herbert 

VI.  Levi  F.  Boose,  born  in  Ontario,  Apr.  18,  1862. 
Martha  J.  Boughner,  Jan.  2,  1889.    Farmer. 

VI.  Isaac  F.  Boose,  born  Mar.  13,  1865;  ciied — . 

V.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar.  20, 
1826.  She  resides  in  a  comfortable  home  of  her  own 
in  Campden,  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.    Mennonite.  Unmrd. 

V.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Mar. 
19,  1830.  Mrd.  Annie  Kratz,  Nov.  2,  1852.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Sarah,  Mary,  Levi,  Annie, 
Maggie,  Fannie,  Emma,  Martha. 

VI.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  Jan.  3, 1854;  died  Sept.  9, 1856. 
VI.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov.  28, 

1855.    Mrd.  Mahlon  H.  Myers,    (See  Index  of  Refer- 
cnces  No.  46). 

—  185  — 

VI.  Levi  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept.  1, 
1857.  Mrd.  Madilla  Moyer,  Oct.  11,  1880.  Fruit 
Grower.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Beatrice  Fretz, 
born  Jan.  7,  1884.  (VII.)  Cora  Fretz,  born  Aug.  21, 

VI.  Annie  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Jan.  26, 
1859.     S.     (1889.) 

VI.  Maggie  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  July 
3,  1861.  Mrd.  Francis  M.  Fretz.  (See  Index  of  Ref- 
erences No.  4:7). 

VI.  Fannie  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Nov. 
15,  1864.  Mrd.  James  Hunsberger,  Mar.  3,  1886. 
Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Ernest  Hunsberger,  born 
Feb.  3,  1887.  (VII.)  Bertha  Hunsberger,  born  July 
25,  1888. 

VI.  Emma  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Sept. 
15,  1868.     S— .  (1889.) 

VI.  Martha  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  May  3, 
1874.    S. 

V.  Joseph  R.  Fretz,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  June 

13,  1832.    Mrd.    Elizabeth  Hoover,   Sept.    13,    1864. 
Farmer.    Mennonites.    Children:  Jacob,  Sarah. 

VI.  Jacob  Henry  Fretz,  born  Apr.  19,  1866. 
VI.  Sarah  E.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  29,  1869. 

IV.  Annie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  28, 
1797;  died  May,  19,  1882,  aged  85y.,  2m.,  lid.  Mrd. 
Garrett  Benner,  about  1821.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Abraham,  Catharine,  Annie,  Sarah, 

V.  Abraham  Benner,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  about  1825; 
died — .  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Bergey — .  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.   One  child:  Sarah. 

VI.  Sarah  B.  Benner,  born—.  Mrd.  Garret  Det- 
Aviler — .     (See  Index  of  References  No.  48). 

V.  Catharine  Benner,  born  in  1827.  Mrd.  Daniel 
Detwiler,  (Dec'd) — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Sarah,  William,  Reuben,  Anna,  David,  Catha- 
rine, John,  Daniel. 

VI.  Sarah  Ann  Detwiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Jan.  17,  1848.  Mrd.  Henry  S.  Alderfer,  Nov.  26, 
1869.    He  was  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 

14,  1844,    In  Hay  business.    Mennonites,    No  issue, 

—  186  — 

VI.  William  Detwiler,  born—;  died—.  Mrd.  Mary 
Myers — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Samuel,  Kate. 

VI.  Reuben  Detwiler,  born — .  Mrd.  Lizzie  Hen- 
dricks— .  She  died — .  One  child:  (VII.)  Abraham 
Detwiler.  Reuben  married  for  his  second  wife, 
Martha  Rickert— .  Hay  Presser.  Children:  (VII.) 
I — ,  David,  Valentine,  Lizzie,  and — . 

VI.  Annie  Detwiler,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  John 
Derstine — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Enos  Derstine,  born — ;  died — . 

VI.  David  Detwiler,  Ijorn — .  Mrd.  Ada  Hunsberger, 
— .  Farmer  and  Huckster.  Mennonite.  Children: 
(VII.)  Katie,  John,  two  deceased.  Bertha. 

VI.  Catharine  Detwiler,  born — .  Mrd.  John  Derstine 
— .    Children:  (VII.)  Kate,  Daniel,  (Dec'd). 

VI.  John  Detwiler,  born — ;  died  young. 

VI.  Daniel  Detwiler,  born — .     S. 

V.  Annie  Benner,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  11, 1828. 
Mrd.  David  B.  Meyers,  Sept.  19,  1817.  He  was  born 
Apr.  30,  1821.  Retired  farmer.  Mem.  of  Mennonite 
Ch.,  Deep  Run. 

V.  Sarah  Benner,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June, 
1830.  Mrd.  Isaac  Bewighouse.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  161). 

V.  Henry  F.  Benner,  born  Oct.  12,  1833;  died  May 
11,  1868,  aged  31y.  7m.  2d.  Unmrd. 

IV.  Henry  Fretz'^  Jr.,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  2, 
1800;  died—.  Mrd.  Catharine  Benner  in  1824.  She 
was  born  Dec.  7,  1795;  died — .  Farmer  in  Hilltown 
Twp.  Mennonites.  Children:  Catharine,  Joseph, 

V.  Catharine  Ann  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July 
29,  1827;  died  July  29,  1853.  Mrd.  Abraham  Moyer 
in  1818.  He  was  born  Nov.  11,  1820;  died  Nov.  19, 
1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth, 

VI.  Elizabeth  Moyer,  born  Jan.  21,  1850.  Mrd. 
Jacob  H.  Myers,  Nov.  28,  1874.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Flora  M.  Myers,  born  June 
18,  1876.  (VII.)  Abraham  Linford  Myers,  born  Nov. 
6,  1879. 

—  187  — 

VI.  Henry  F.  Moyer,  born  Jan.  18,  1852.  Mrd. 
A.  Eliza  Swartley,  Nov.  18,  1882.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Martha  Moyer,  born  Mar.  2, 

V.  Joseph  B.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  18, 
1831.  Mrd.  Hester  Kulp,  Nov.  23,  1867.  She  died 
Jan.  21,  1878.  Farmer,  lives  on  the  homestead  in 
Hilltown  Twp.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah, 
Ann  Fretz,  born  Feb.  10, 1869.  (VI.)  Henry  K.  Fretz, 
born  Apr.  11,  1870.  (VI.)  Emma  Jane  Fretz,  born 
Apr.  18,  1872;  died  Dec.  6, 1876,  aged  4y.,  7m.,  18d. 
(VI.)  Catharine  K.  Fretz,  born  Apr.  7,  1875.  (VI.) 
Harvey  K.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  12,  1878. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz  (Twin  to  Joseph  B.),  born  in  Bucks 
Co.,  Aug.  18,  1831.  Mrd.  Jacob  L.  Shaddinger, 
Mar.  23,"l875.  No  issue.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  49). 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  1803;  died  May  5,  1811. 

III.  Martin  Fretz,  born  on  the  Old  Homestead,  in 
BedminsterTwp.,  Aug.  9,  1761;  died  Sept.  26,  1835, 
71y.,  Im.,  19d.  Farmer  and  Linseed  Oil  manufr.  He 
lived  in  Hilltown  Twp. ,  near  Yost's  Mill,  on  the  farm 
now  occupied  by  Jacob  Smith.  He  was  an  honest, 
upright  man,  and  held  in  high  esteem.  As  a  chris- 
tian,"he  endeavored  faithfully  to  discharge  his  religious 
duties,  in  all  of  which  he  was  conscientiously  strict. 
He  never  allowed  any  member  of  his  family  to  leave 
the  church  before  the  benediction  was  pronounced.  An 
adage  of  his  was:  "Wernausgeht  vor  dem  segen, 
geht  dem  fluch  entgegen."  Though  at  times  taking 
a  smoke,  it  was  a  saying  of  his,  "That  he  never 
wanted  to  be  a  slave  to  tobacco  or  whisky."  In  the 
time  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  many  of  the  lux- 
uries of  the  present  day  were  not  enjoyed.  There 
were  no  carpets,  and  no  parlor  matches  in  those  days. 
Sometimes  they  had  to  go  to  neighbors  for  fire,  and 
on  one  occasion  the  Fretz'  meadow  was  set  on  fire  by 
borrowed  fire.  For  the  married  girls  in  those  days 
the  dry  goods  outfit  was  mostly  home-made.  The 
spinning  wheel  was  one  of  the  fixtures  of  the  family, 
and  in  this  family  of  ten  girls  there  were  six  spinning 

—  188  — 

wheels  going  at  one  time,  commeneing  at  5  o'clock  in 
the  morning,  and  continuing  until  10  and  11  P.  M. 
One  of  the  daughters,  Mrs.  Susanna  Funk,  generally 
spun  18  cuts  of  flax  per  day,  and  one  day  she  spun 
20  cuts.  The  reel  and  the  shaving  bench  were  in 
the  same  room.  Martin  Fretz  was  one  of  the  first 
to  get  a  Dearborn  pleasure  wagon.  Bows  and  cover 
were  taken  along,  and  if  wanted,  in  case  of  rain,  were 
put  up.  Among  the  relics  of  this  home  is  a  bar  of 
soap  made  by  his  wife  in  1816,  one  of  her  last  acts, 
now  in  the  possession  of  a  grand-daughter,  Esther 
Hunsberger,  of  Dublin,  Pa.  Martin  Fretz  was  twice 
married.  His  first  wife  was  Anna  Kratz,  by  whom  he 
had  fifteen  children.  She  was  born  Sept.  11, 1768;  died 
June  24,  1816.  He  married  for  his  second  wife  Anna 
Licey — .  They  were  members  of  the  Mennonite 
church  at  Blooming  Glen,  where  he  and  his  wives  lie 
buried.  The  children,  all  by  the  first  wife,  are:  Bar- 
bara, Mary,  Agnes,  Betsey,  Betsey,  Nancy,  Veronica, 
Martin,  Martin,  Susanna,  Silas,  Veronica,  Catharine, 
Leah,  Kachel. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Sept.  11,  1787;  died  in  1879, 
from  the  effects  of  a  broken  limb  occasioned  by  a  fall. 
Mrd.  Rudolph  Moyer,  in  the  spring  of  1807.  He  died 
in  1871.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary, 
Martin,  Nancy,  Catharine,  Enos,  Christian,  Abra- 

V.  Mary  Moyer,  born  Feb.  11,  1808.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham O.  Alderfer,  Nov.  11,  1826.  He  died  Apr.  19, 
1868.  Farmer  in  Lower  Salford,  Montgomery  Co. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Isaac,  Rudolph,  Abraham, 
Elizabeth,  Henry,  Mary. 

VI.  Isaac  Alderfer,  born  Oct.  19,  1828:  died  Feb. 
14,  1830. 

VI.  Rudolph  Alderfer,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Nov.  16,  1830;  died  Oct.  2,  1859.  Mrd.  Catharine 
Bean,  Sept.  17,  1853.  Farmer.  Children:  Abraham, 
Jeremiah,  Lizzie. 

VII.  Abraham  B.  Alderfer,  born  Aug.  11,  1851. 
Mrd.  Maor^ie  Reitf,  Dec.  31,  1881.  Engineer.  Chil- 
dren: (VITL)  Jacob  Linwood  Alderfer,  born  Sept.  4, 
18  84,  (Vljl.)  Mary  Lizzie  Alderfer,  born  Oct,  17,  1885, 

—  189  — 

VII.  Jeremiah  B.  Alderfer,  born  May  31,  1858.  Mrd. 
Amanda  H.  Price,  Jan.  T,  1882.  Dealer  in  Pianos  and 
Organs,  at  Hatfield,  Pa.  Children:  (VIM.)  Henry  P. 
Alderfer,  l>orn  Jan.  14,  1881.  (VIII.)  Susan  P.  Alder- 
fer, born  Feb.  11,  1886. 

VII.  Lizzie  B.  Alderfer,  born  Mar.  11,  1860.  Mrd. 
Newton  P.  Kern,  Mar.  28,  1885.  Knitter  by  trade, 
and  farmer  »^ear  Greensborough,  Maryland.  No  issue. 

VI.  Abraham  Alderfer,  born  Oct.  22,  1832;  died 
Feb.  16,  1838. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Alderfer,  born  Jan.  29,  1838.  Mrd. 
Jacob  H.  Allebach,  in  1855.  Farmer  in  Lower  Sal- 
ford,  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Mary,  Romanus. 

VII.'  Mary  Allebach,  born  Sept.  27,  1863.  Mrd. 
James  D.  Swartley,  in  1883.  Laborer.  Mennonites. 
One  child:  (VIII.)  Lizzie  Swartley,  born  Aug.  15,  1888. 

VII.  Romanus  Allebach,  born  Aug.  11,  1869. 

VI.  Henry  M.  Alderfer,  born  Feb.  26,  1839.  Mrd. 
Barbara  H.  Tyson,  Mar.  1,  1863.  Proprietor  of  the 
Perkiomen  Bridge  Hotel  at  CoUegeville,  Montgomery 
Co. ,  Pa.    Mennonites.    No  issue. 

VI.  Mary  Alderfer,  born  Jan.  26, 1811.  Mrd.  Samuel 
K.  Cassel,  Jan.  20,  1866.  Farmer  in  Montgomery 
Co.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Lizzie  Ann  Cassel, 
born  Aug.  21,  1868.  (VII.)  Rachel  Cassel,  born  Apr. 
23,  1871.   (VII.)  Isaiah  Cassel,  born  July  31,  1875. 

V.  Martin  Moyer,  born  Oct.  3,  1809;  died—.  Mrd. 
Catharine  Hunsicker,  Sept.  27,  1835.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. They  had  one  son — Rudolph  H.  Mrs.  Moyer 
died  Jan.  9,  1839.  Mr.  Moyer  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Elizabeth  Moyer,  Nov.  26,  1839.  Children: 
Catharine,  Hannah,  Barbara,  Jacob,  Enos,  Abraham, 
William,  Isaiah. 

VI.  Rudolph  H.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  25,  1836.  Mrd. 
Anna  Kulp,  Dec.  25,  1862.  She  died  Mar.  11,  1875. 
He  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Mary  Ann  Kulp,  Oct. 
31,1875.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children,  alh  by  first 
wife:  Emma,  Allen,  Elizabeth,  Ellen,  Leidy. 

VII.  Emma  Moyer,  born  Mar.  9,  1866;  died  Feb.  11, 
1889.  Mrd.  Milton  Stover—.  Children:  (VIII.)    Katie 

—  190  — 

M.  Stover,  born — ;    died  in  infancy.     (VIII.)     Arthur 
M,  Stover — . 

VII.  Allen  K.  Moyer,  born  Jan.  25,  1868;  died  June 
20,  1881. 

VII.  Elizabeth  Moyer,  born  Aug.  1,  1869.  Mrd. 
Samuel  Bohr,  June  15,  1889. 

VII.  Ellen  Moyer,  born  Dec.  9,  1870. 

VII.  Leidy  K.  Moyer,  born  July  26,  1872;  died  July 
8,  1873. 

VI.  Catharine  Moyer,  born  in  New  Britain  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  14.  1810.  Mrd.  Isaiah  Summers, 
Dec.  22,  1861.  Liveryman,  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VII.)  Lizzie  Summers,  born  Sept.  2,  1864;  died  Mar. 
19,  1865.  (VII.)  Harvey  M.  Summers,  born  Mar.  2, 
1867.  Employed  in  Saw  Mill  at  M't.  Tabor,  in 
Columbia  Co.,  N.  C.  Lutheran.  (VII.)  Edwin  Sum- 
mers, born  Nov.  30,  1868.  Employed  in  brass  foundry. 
Lutheran.  (VII.)  Willie  Summers,  born  Mar.  18, 
1870;  died  Aug.  24,  1870.  (VII.)  Ellie  Summers, 
born  Apr.  1, 1871.  Lutheran  (Vll.)  Martha  Summers, 
])orn  Jan.  11,  1879. 

VI.  Hannah  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  12, 
1843.  Mrd.  John  W.  Lapp,  Sept.  2,  1871.  He  died 
Sept.  27,  1873.  Mrs.  Lapp  mrd.  David  L.  Gehman, 
Nov.  30,  1878.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child: 
(Vll.)  Abraham  Gehman,  born  Mar.  14,  1883. 

VI.  Barbara  Moyer,  born  Mar.  10,  1845;  died,  1863. 

VI.  Jacob  Moyer,  born  Aug.  24,  1847;  died—. 

VI.  Enos  Mover,  born  Aug.  9,  1849;  died—. 

VI.  Abraham'  M.  Moyer,  born  Aug.  6,  1861.  Mrd. 
Mary  Fly,  Sept.  21,  1872.  She  died  Feb.  16,  1875. 
Butcher.  Mennonites.  Children:  (Vll.)  Jannetta 
Moyer,  born  June  5,  1873.  (Vll.)  Mary  Moyer,  born 
Feb.  16,  1875.  Abraham  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, 
AnnaFly — .  Children:  (Vll.)  Magdalena  Moyer,  born 
Dec.  21,  1877.  (Vll.)  Henry  Rodman  Moyer,  born 
July  28,  1881.  (Vll.)  Theodore  Moyer,  born  Oct.  9, 

VI.  William  Moyer,  born  Nov.  1853;  died—. 

VI.  Isaiah  M.  Moyer,  born  June  2, 1856.  Mrd.  Mary 
Ida  Fisher,  of  Doylestown,  Sept.  1,  1877.  Salesman 
of  the  Singer  Mfg.    Co.,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.    Bap- 

—  191  — 

tists.  Children:  (VII.)  William  Henry  Moyer,  born 
May  27,  1878.  (VII.)  Cyreniis  Moyer,  born  Oct.  14, 
1880;  died  Apr.  8,  1884. 

V.  Anna  Moyer,  born  in  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
11,  1811.  Mrd.  Henry  O.  Alderfcr,  Mar.  17,  1833. 
Twiner  and  Spinning-wheel  maker,  in  Upper  Salford, 
Montgomery  Co.  Mennonites.  Children:  Isaac, 
Abraham,  Barbara. 

VI.  Isaac  M.  Alderfer,  born  Feb.  18,  1834,  died  Mar. 
20,  1873.  Mrd.  Catharine  Souder,  of  Montgomery 
Co.,  Oct.  29,  1859.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Elizabeth,  Anna,  Malinda,  Henry,  Samuel,   Emaline. 

VII.  Elizabeth  Alderfer,  born  Nov.  10,  1860,  died 
June  22,  1866. 

VII.  Anna  Alderfer,  born  June  21,  1862.  Mrd.  Jonas 
M.  Horning,  Feb.  2,  1884.  Butcher.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VIM.)  Ella  Horning,  born  in  1885.  (VIII.) 
Kate  Horning,  born  July  12,  1886,  died  June  1,  1887. 

VII.  Malinda  Alderfer,  born  Aug.  28,  1864,  died  June 
17,  1866. 

VII.  Henry  S.  Alderfer,  born  Jan.  5,  1867.  Tin- 
smith in  California.  S. 

VII.  Samuel  S.  Alderfer,  born  June  23,  1868.  Car- 
penter. S. 

VII.  Emaline  Alderfer,  born — .   S. 

VI.  Abraham  M.  Alderfer,  born  in  Montgomery  Co., 
Pa.,  Nov.  29,  1839.  Mrd.  Mary  C.  Godshall,  of  Fran- 
conia,  Nov.  21,  1863.  Dealer  in  Feed,  Hay  and  Coal, 
at  Priesters,  near  Telford,  Pa.  Children :  Anna,  Kate, 
Mahlon,  Mary,  Barbara. 

VII.  Anna  Alderfer,  born  Feb.  1,  1865,  died  July  15, 

VII.  Kate  Alderfer,  born  Mar.  17,  1866.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham O.  Roth,  Jan.  16,  1886.  Two  days  after  their 
marriage,  June  18th,  Mr.  Roth  took  his  newly  made 
wife  back  to  her  parents  from  the  Roth  homestead, 
and  while  returning  to  his  home,  he  took  a  friend, 
Peter  Roth,  with  him  in  his  carriage,  and  took  the  road 
for  Sellersville,  where  they  had  some  business  to 
attend  to.  As  they  were  crossing  the  railroad  track 
at  Clymer's  Crossing,  they  were  caught  by  a  wreck- 
train,   and  the  newly  made  husband    was  instantly 

—  192  — 

killed,  while  Peter  Roth,  escaped  serious  injury. 
Thus  the  young  couple  were  miu'ried  only  two  days, 
when  they  were  separated  by  death.  Kate  mrd.  for 
her  second  husband  Tobias  K.  Moyer,  of  Franconia. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  50). 

VII.  Mahlon  Alderfer,  born  July  12,  1867.  S. 

VII.  Mary  Ann  Alderfer,  born  Mar.  30,  1871.  S. 

VII.  Barbara  Alderfer,  born  Aug.  25,  1876,  died  Dec. 
12,  1878. 

VI.  Barbara  M,  Alderfer,  born  in  Montgomer}^  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  7,  1850,  died  Mar.  28,  1888.  Mrd.  to  Jacob 
M.  Price,  Dec.  23,  1871.  He  died  Apr.  7,  1871.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Anna  Price,  born  May  11,  1873.  Barbara 
mrd.  for  her  second  husband  Enos  Z.  Wambold,  of 
Lower  Salford  Twp.,  Sept.  25,  1880.  Farmdr.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Katie  Wambold,  born  July 
2,  1881.  (VII.)  Abraham  Wambold,  born  Apr.  23, 
1883.  (VII.)  Enos  Wambold,  born  Jan.  7,  1885.  (VII.) 
Henry  Wambold,  born  Apr.  25,  1887. 

V.  Catharine  Moyer,  born  Dec.  3,  1813.  Mrd.  Sim- 
eon Kratz,  Nov.  23,  1831.  He  was  born  Feb.  22, 1807, 
died  May  5,  1865.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Enos,  William,  Mary,  Barbara,  Ephrain,  Mahlon, 
Catharine,  Aaron,  Emma. 

VI.  Enos.  M.  Kratz,  born  in  1836,  died  Apr.,  1890. 
Mrd.  Hannah,  daughter  of  Rev.  Henry  B.  Moyer,  of 
Blooming  Glen,  Pa.,  in  1865.  Farmer  and  Teacher. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Henry  Kratz,  born  in 
1866.  S.  (Vil.)  Harvey  Kratz,  born  in  1869.  S.  (VII.) 
Mary  Kratz,  born  in  1874.  (VII.)  Katie  Kratz,  (Twin 
to  Mary),  died  in  1883.  (VII.)  Frank  Kratz,  born  in 
1877.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Kratz,  born  in  1879.  (VII.)  Daniel 
Kratz,  born  in  1882.  (VII.)  Oliver  Kratz,  born  in 
1881.   (VII.)  Emma  Kratz,  born  in  1887. 

VI.  William  M.  Kratz,  born  Nov.  21,  1837.  Mrd. 
Mary  E.  Shaddinger,  of  Plumstead,  Pa.,  Nov.  19, 
1861.  She  died  Apr.  25,  1882,  without  issue.  Mr. 
Kratz  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Elizabeth  Hunsberger, 
Dec.  26,  1885.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Ida  May  Kratz,  born  Oct.  12,  1886.  (VII.)  Laura 
Kratz,  born  July  19,  1889. 

(See  page  227  ) 

—  193  — 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Kratz,  Ixini  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  8, 
1842.  Mrd.  Joseph  CJ.  Mo3er,  of  Hilltown  Twp., 
Dec.  23,  1862.  Wholesale  and  Retail  Lumber  and  Coal 
Merchant  at  Perkasie.  Mrs.  Moyer  Ger.  Reformed. 
Children:  Madora,  Irwin,  Elmer,  Mary,  Dyre,  Gertie. 

VII.  S.   Madora  Moyer,   Born  Apr.   3.    1864.    Mrd. 

B.  Frank  Hartzell,  Fel).  23,  1883.  Merchant  Miller. 
Ger.  Reformed.  Children:  (VIII.)  Rnssel  M.  Hartzell, 
born  Mar.  11,  1885.  (VIII.)  Percy  M.  Hartzell,  born 
Mar.  15,  188T. 

VII.  H.  Irwin  Moyer,  born  Aug.  2,  1865.  Mrd. 
Eliza,  daughter,  of  David  K.  Moyer,  of  Hilltown, 
Sept.  29,  1887.  Clerk.  Ger.  Reformed. 

VII.  Elmer  K.  Moyer,  born  July  22, 1867.  Telegraph 
Operator.  Ger.  Reformed. 

VII.  Mary  Delilah  Moyer,  born  Nov.  2,  1872.  Ger. 

VII.  J.  Dyre  Moyer,  born  Sept.  11-,  1875. 

VII.  Gertie  K.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  4,  1882. 

VI.  Barbara  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  4,  1843. 
Mrd.  Christian  D.  Moyer—.  He  was  born  Mar,  13, 
1839.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Edwin,  Anna, 
Emma,  Catharine,  xlbrabam,  Alice. 

VII.  Edwin  K.  Moyer,  born  May  16,  1863.  Mrd. 
Anna  S.  Moyer,  of  Franconia,  Nov.  6,  1886.  Farmer. 
One  child:  (VIII.)  Lizzie  Moyer,  born  May  10,  1888. 

VII.  Anna  Mary  K.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  4,^1865. 

VII.  Emma  K.  Moyer,  born  Sept.  15,  1867. 

VII.  Catharine  K.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  19,  1869.  Mrd. 
Jonas  C.  Cressman,  Dec.  24,  1887.  Harness  maker. 

VII.  Abraham  K.  Moyer,  born  Jan.,  1878. 

VII.  Alice  K.  Moyer,  born  Jan.  3,  1880. 

VI.  Ephraim  M.  Kratz,  born  Mar.  26,  1845.  Mrd. 
Catharine,  daughter  of  Henry  Clymer,  of  Warring- 
ton,—. Teacher.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Norman 

C.  Kratz,  born  Mar.  9,  1874.  (VII.)  Mary  Kratz,  born 
Oct.  16,  1875.  (VII.)  Estella  Kratz,  born  Feb.  23, 
1877.  (VII.)  Eugene  Kratz,  born  Dec.  21,  1878.  (VII.) 
Mabel  Kratz.  born  May  8,  1882.  (VII.)  Ephraim  Le 
Roy  Kratz,  born  May  12,  1888. 

VI.  Mahlon  M.  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  22, 
1847.   Mrd.  Mary  Ella  Cohill,  Apr.  28,  1886.  Dispens- 


—  194  — 

ing  Chemist,  at  Manheim  St.  and  Germantown  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  One  child:  (VII.)  Raymond  Cohill 
Kratz,  born  Oct.   12,  1887. 

VI.  Catharine  Kratz,  born  Nov.  15,  1848.  Mrd.  Isaac 
George,  Nov.  16,  1867.  Carpenter.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Wilson  K.  George,  born  Nov.  13, 
1868.  (VII.)  Emnia  Jeannette  George,  born  Nov.  30, 

VI.  Aaron  M,  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  13, 
1855.  Mrd.  Mary  Clymer,  Jan.  8,  1878.  In  Baking 
business.  Ger.  Reformed.  One  child:  (VII.)  A.Wesley 
Kratz,  born  May  16,  1880. 

VI.  Emeline  Kratz,  born  Feb.  2,  1859.  Mrd.  Nero 
Button,  Nov.  25,  1875.  Artesian  Well  Driller  and 
general  agent  wind  mills  and  force  pumps.  Ger.  Ref, 
No  issue. 

V.  Enos  F.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  8,  1816,  died  Mar.  15, 
1883.  Mrd.  Leah  Hunsicker,  Jan.  23,  1842.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Barbara,  Lydia,  Mary,  Eliza- 
beth, Isaac,  Rudolph,  Leah,  Annie. 

VI.  Barbara  Moyer,  born  Aug.  10,  1841.  Mrd. 
Jacob  Godshall — . 

VI.  Lydia  Moyer,  born  Auo-.  17,  1846,  died  Sept.  4, 

VI.  Mary  H.  Moyer,  born  May  28,  1848.  Mrd. 
Samuel  M.  Moyer,  Nov.  9,1866.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Allen  Moyer,  born  Sept.  1,  1868. 
(VII.)  Leanna  Moyer,  born  Mar.  8,  1871.  (VII.)  Enos 
Moyer,  born  Sept.  14,  1872.  (VII.)  William  Moyer, 
born  Oct.  15,  1874.  (VII.)  Jacob  Moyer,  born  Nov. 
23,  1876.  (VII.)  Samuel  Moyer,  born  Mar.  12,  1879. 
(VII.)  Mamie  Stella  Moyer,  born  July  19, 1882.  (VII.) 
Henry  Clayton  Moyer,  l)orn  Mar.  2,  1887. 

VI.  Lizzie  Moyer,  born  Dec.  9,  1851.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Yoder— . 

VI.  Isaac  Moyer,  born  June  4,  1856;  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Rudolph  Moyer  (Twin),  born  June  4,  1856.  died 
in  infancy. 

VI.  Leah  Moyer,  born  Mar.  4,  1857,  died  Oct.  10, 

VI.  Annie  Moyer,  born  Nov.  26,  1859.  Mrd.  to  John 
Anglemoyer.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  51). 

—  195  — 

V.  Christian  F.  Moxcr,  l)orn  in  Franconia  Twp., 
Montgomery  Co.,  Pii.,  Dec.  2.  1818.  Mrd.  Mary 
Clymer,  Jan.  15,  1841.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Twelve 
children;  six  died  in  infancy.  The  living,  born  in 
Hilltown  Twp.,  are  William,  Al)raham,  Henr}',  John, 
Enos,  Christian. 

VI.  AVilliam  C.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  5,  1851.  Mrd. 
Mary  Moyer,  Mar.  9,  1876.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (Vll.)  Elmer  Moyer,  born  Dec.  19,  1876. 
(VII.)  Delia  Moyer,  born  Mar.  7,  1879.  (Vll.)  Eugene 
Moyer,  born  Apr.  2,  1880.  (Vll.)  Clara  Moyer,  born 
May  22,  1881.  (Vll.)  Celina  Moyer,  born  Aug.  11, 

VI.  Abraham  C.  Moyer,  born  Apr.  28,  1856.  Mrd. 
Salome  Fulmer,  Jan.  2.5,  1879.  Machine  Agent. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (Vll.)  Lily  Moyer,  born  Apr. 
20,1880.   (Vll.)  Mary  Jane  Moyer,  born  Ang.  6,  1887. 

VI.  Henrv  C.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  20,  1858.  Mrd. 
Celina  Toon,  Feb.  17,  1880.  Has  a  Bakery.  Luthe- 
rans. Children:  (Vll.)  Alfred,  (deceased),  Mary, 
Elizabeth,  Florence. 

VI.  John  C.  Moyer,  l)orn  Dec.  31,  1860,  died  Apr. 
26,  1888.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Herman,  of  Kutztown,  Pa., 
Nov.  20,  1883.  Creamerj'man.  Reformed.    No   issue. 

VI.  Enos  C.  Moyer,  born  July  10,  1862.  Mrd.  Mary 
Keeler,  of  Upper  Providence,  Montg.  Co.,  Dec.  21, 
1885.  Owns  and  operates  a  Creamery.  Lutherans. 
One  child:  (Vll.)  Worman  K.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  3, 1887. 
.  VI.  Christian  C.  Moyer,  born 'Mar.  28,  1867.  Mrd. 
Alice  Deily,  of  Perkasie,  Mar.  20,  1887.  Station 
Agent  at  Downington,  Chester  Co.,  Pa.  One  child: 
(VTl.)  Elva  D.  Moyer,  born  Nov.  18,  1887. 

V.  Abraham  F.  Moyer,  born  in  Franconia  Twp., 
Montgomery  Co.,  Oct.  21,  1820.  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
Kolb,  Mar.  16,  1817.  She  died  July  28,  1864.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Tobias,  Mary.  William,  Abra- 
ham, Elizabeth,  Emaline,  Kate.  Mr.  Moyer  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  Elizabeth  Alderfer,  Auo;.  19, 1865. 

VI.  Tobias  K.  Moyer,  born  Nov.  1,  1819.lMrd.  Kate 
G.  Roth  (Nee  Alderfer),  Apr.  7,  1888.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  One  child.  (VII.)  Aln-aham  A.  Mover, 
born  Apr.  5,  1889. 

-  196  — 

VI.  Mary  K.  Moyer,  born  June  9,  1851.  Mrd. 
George  H.  Ruth  in  1873.  He  was  born  June  10,  1851. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Elizabeth  Ruth,  born 
May  26,  1875,  died  Mar.  26,  1876.  (VII.)  Henry  Ruth, 
born  Feb.  26,  1877.  (VII.)  Abraham  Ruth,  born  Dec. 
27,  1879.  (VII.)  Vincent  Ruth,  born  Apr.  17,  1885. 
(VII.)  Emma  Ruth,  born  Sept.  3,  1886. 

VI.  William  K.  Moyer,  born  Jan.  11,  1853.  Mrd. 
Mary  T.  Mover,  Jan.  1,  1876.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Sallie  M.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  4,  1878. 
(VII.)  Lizzie  M.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  10,  1882. 

VI.  Abraham  K.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  1,  1854.  Mrd. 
Mary,  daughter  of  Daniel  G.  Nice,  Nov.  11,  1876. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Lizzie  Moyer, 
born  Sept.  25,  1877. 

VI.  Elizabeth  K.  Moyer,  born  Sept.  1,  1857.  Mrd. 
Henry  M.  Nice,  Jan.  20,  1877.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Allen  M.  Nice,  born  Apr.  21,  1878. 
(VII.)  Abraham  M.  Nice,  born  Apr.  7,  1881.  (VII.) 
Katie  M.  Nice,  born  Oct.  23,  1886. 

VI.  Emaline  K.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  23,  1860.  Mrd. 
Hiram  Clemmer,  Jan.  23,  1880.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Lizzie  Clemmer,  born  Jan.  29,  1881. 
(VII.)  Abraham  Clemmer,  born  Nov.  22,  1883;  died 
Dec.  3,  1883.  (VII.)  Laadan  Clemmer,  born  Dec.  15, 
1886.   (VII.)  Hiram  Clemmer,  born  Mar.  10,  1889. 

VI.  Catharine  K.  Moyer,  born  Oct.  9,  1861.  Mrd. 
Abraham  A.  Groff,  Dec.  8, 1883.  Miller.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Annie  Groff,  born  June  6,  1885. 
(VII.)  Alice  Groff,  born  Sept.  2,  1887. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  9,  1788; 
died — .  Mrd.  Henr}' Anglemoyer,  Oct.,  1807.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Ann,  Elizabeth,  Mary,  Susan, 
Leah,  Martin,  Rachel,  Barbara,  Catharine,  Henry, 

V.  Ann  Anglemoyer,  born  Sept.  2,  1809;  died — . 
Mrd.  Joseph  Freed,  in  1829.  Farmer  and  mer- 
chant. Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Annie,  Mary, 
Henry,  Joseph,  Jacob. 

VI.  John  Freed,  born  Dec.  27,  1829;  died  June  15, 

—  197  — 

VI.  Annie  Freed,  born  Dec.  25,  1831;  died  Jan.  11, 
1857.  Mrd.  Franklin  Hendricks,  in  Oct.,  1852.  Mer- 
chant. One  child:  (VII.)  Louisa  Hendricks,  born — . 
Died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Mary  Freed,  born  July  3,  1834.  Mrd.  Philip  N. 
Hartman,  Oct.  26,  1851.  Farmer.  Merchant.  Ger. 
Reformed.  Children:  Franklin  and  Emma. 

VII.  Franklin  F.  Hartman,  born  July  31,  1855.  Mrd. 
Josie  Robinson,  Mar.  21,  1880.  Children:  (VIII.) 
Harry  Hartman,  born  Oct.  28,  1882.  (VIII.)  Mary 
Emma  Hartman,  born  Oct.  28,  1881. 

VII.  Emma  Hartman,  born  June  21, 1865.  Mrd.  Harry 
G.  Gotwals,  June  23,  1888.  Machinist  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.   Mrs.  Gotwals  Ger.  Reformed. 

VI.  Henry  A.  Freed,  born  Mar.  29,  1838;  died  Sept. 
28,  1816. 

VI.  Joseph  Freed,  born  Oct.  29,  1842;  died  Sept.  11, 

VI.  Jacob  A.  Freed,  born  July  5,  1851.  Mrd.  Lydia 
Lewis,  Jan.  4,  1873.  Farmer.  Member  of  the  Men- 
nonite  Ch.,  of  which  he  is  a  deacon.  Children:  (VII.) 
Joseph  Freed,  born  Nov.  8,  1874.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Freed, 
born  Jan.  29,  1876.  (VII.)  Annie  Freed,  born  Aug. 
28,  1877.  (VII.)  Mary  Freed,  born  Apr.  9,  1879;  died 
Sept.  14,  1879.  (VI L)  Emma  Freed,  born  Aug.  22, 
1881.  (VII.)  Lydia  Freed,  born  May  3,  1883.  (VII.) 
Susan  Freed,  born  May  6,  1885. 

V.  Elizabeth  Anglemoyer,  born  Oct.  26,  1811;  died 
— .  Mrd.  Michael  Oberholtzer, — .  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  Abraham,  Henry,  John.  Jacob, 
Michael,  Jonas,  Lizzie,  William,  Mary. 

VI.  Abraham  Oberholtzer,  lives  at  Bangor,  Pa. 

VI.  Henry  A.  Oberholtzer,  lives  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

VI.  John  A.  Oberholtzer,  lives  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

VI.  Jacob  A.  Oberholtzer,  born — ;  died — . 

VI.  Michael  A.  Oberholtzer,  born  Aug.  31,  1846; 
died  July  28,  1884.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  D.  Alderfer, 
Dec.  24,  1870.  Blacksmith.  New  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Quintin  A.  Oberholtzer,  born  Sept.  31, 
1871;  died  Oct.  21,  1871.  (VII.)  William  Henry  A. 
Oberholtzer.  born  June  18,  1873;  died  Mar.  15,  1874. 
(VII.)  Lizzie  A.  Oberholtzer,  born  Dec.  8, 1874.  (VII.) 

—  198  — 

Abraham  A.   Oberholtzer,  born   Mar.  9,   1879;  dicMl 
Sept.  20,  1879. 

Vl.  Jonas  Oberholtzer,  Ijorn — ;  died — . 

VI.  Lizzie  Oberholtzer,  born — ;  died- — . 

VI.  William  Oberholtzer,  born — ;  died — . 

VI.  Mary  Oberholtzer,  born — ;   died — . 

V.  Mary  Anolemoyer,  born  July  4,  1814;  died — . 
Mrd.  Michael  Ruth, — .  Carpenter  and  farmer.  Men- 
nonites.    Children:    Jacob,  Eliza,  Mary. 

VI.  Jacob  A.  Ruth,  born — .  Mrd.  Maria  Wismer — . 
She  died — .  Shoemaker.  Moravian,  Children:  (VII.) 
Infant,  Malinda,  Ambrose,  Michael.  Jacob  mrd.  for 
his  second  wife,  Anna  Hockman.  Children.  (VII.) 
Elmer,  Flora. 

VI.  Eliza  Ruth,  born — .  Mrd.  David  Zimmerman — . 
Carpenter.  Children:  Lena,  Susanna,  Frank,  and  two 
died.  (VII.)  Lena  Zimmerman,  born — .  Mrd.  Joseph 
Souder — .  (VII.)  Susanna  Zimmerman,  born — .  (VII.) 
Frank  Zimmerman,  born — . 

VI.  Mary  Ruth,  born — .  Mrd.  Abraham  Godshall — . 
Children:  (VII.)  Lizzie,  Michael,  Anna,  (deceased), 
Mary  Ann,  Emma,  Clara. 

V.  Susan  Anglemoyer,  born  Oct.  12,  1817;  died  in 
1882.  Mrd.  John  Kau^nan  in  1839.  He  died  in  1863. 
Farmer.    Riv.  Brethren.    Children:  Mary  and  Henry. 

VI.  Mary  A.  Kauffman,  born  Aug.  27,  1811.  Mrd. 
Rev.  Henry  A.  Landis,  in  1860.  Farmer  and  Minister. 
He  was  ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  River  Brethren 
church,  at  Grater's  Ford,  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.,  in 
1877,  where  he  has  preached  since  ordination.  Chil- 
dren: Abraham,  John,  Susan,  Magdalena,  Elizabeth, 
Henr3%  Mary,  Martha,  Sallie,  Wilhelmina,  Joseph, 
Eliza,  Andrew,  Jane,  Kate,  Emma. 

VII.  Abraham  K.  Landis,  born  Apr.  4,  1861.  Mrd. 
Susan  A.  Wismer,  in  1882.  Farmer.  Riv.  Brethren. 
Children:  (VIM.)  Franie  W.  Landis,  born  Jan.  7, 1883. 
(VIM.)  Mary  W.  Landis,  born  Mar.  14,  1885.  (VIM.) 
Henry  W.  Landis,  born  Oct.  16,  1887. 

VII.  John  K.  Landis,  born  Mar.  2,  1862.  VII.  Susan 
K.  Landis,  born  Jan.  15,  1864.  VII.  Magdalena  K. 
Landis,  born  Feb.  1,  1865.  VII.  Elizabeth  K.  Landis, 
born  Apr.  19,  1866;  died  Jan.  22,  1867.    VII.   Henry 

—  199  — 

K.  Landis,  bora  May  2,  1867.  VII.  Mary  K.  Landis, 
horn  Alio;.  21,  1868.  VII.  Martha  K.  Landis,  born 
Oct.  5,  1869.  VII.  Sallic  K.  Landis,  born  Nov.  25, 
1870,  VII.  AVilliclniina  K.  Landis,  born  Aug.  13, 
1872.  VII,  Joseph  K.  Landis,  l)orn  Oct.  8,  1873.  VII. 
Eliza  K.  Landis,  bora  Jan.  17,  1877.  VII.  Andrew  K. 
Landis,  bora  Aug.  6,  1878;  died  Apr  30,  1887.  VII. 
Jane  K.  Landis,  bora  Mar.  17,  1881.  VII.  Katie  Ann 
K.  Landis,  born  Mar.  23,  1882.  VII.  Emma  K.  Lan- 
dis, born  July  18,  1884.  Of  the  above  children  the 
eight  eldest  are  members  of  the  River  Brethren  ch. 

VI.  Henrv  Kaufman,  born  at  Lawndale,  Bucks  Co., 
in  1846.  Mrd.  .ALirtha  Graybill,  June  12,  1869.  Mer- 
chant at  Zeiglersville,  Montgomery  Co.  Riv.  Brethren. 
Children:  (Vll.)  William  G".  Kaufman,  born  June  22, 
1870..  (Vll.)  Henrv  G.  Kaufman,  l)orn  Dec.  24,  1874. 
(Vll.)  Sallie  G.  Kaufman,  born  Mar.  10,  1877;  died 
Jan.  10,  1878.  (VII.)  Christopher  Kaufman,  born 
June  22,  1888. 

V.  Leah  Ano-lemoyer,  borii  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  20, 
1819.  Mrd.  '  Joseph  D.  Detwiler,  Feb.  29,  1841. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Anna,  John, 
Henry,  Garrett,  Lizzie,  Sallie. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Detwiler,  born  Feb.  11,  1843.  Mrd. 
Rev.  Amos  K.  Bean,  Jan.  10,  1864.  Farmer  and  min- 
ister of  the  Mennonite  ch.  Children:  (VII.)  John  D. 
Bean,  born  Nov.  23,  1864.  (Vll.)  Joseph  D.  Bean, 
born  Julv  6,  1866.  (VII.)  Leah  D.  Bean,  born  Dec.  21, 
1868.  (Vll.)  Henry  D.  Bean,  born  Dec.  20,  1870. 
(Vll.)  Irwin  D.  Bean,  born  Sept.  2.5,  1872;  died  June 
12,  1873.  (Vll.)  Amos  D.  Bean,  born  Dec.  19,  1873. 
(Vll.)  Garret  D.  Bean,  born  July  10,  1875;  died  Aug. 
9,  1875.  (Vll.)  Lizzie  D.  Bean,  born  Aug.  7,  .1876; 
died  Aug.  20,  1877.  (Vll.)  Isaac  D.  Bean,  born  Sept. 
23,  1877.  (Vll.)  Clement  D.  Bean,  l)ora  Aug.  11,  1879. 
(Vll.)  Mary  D.  Bean,  born  July  25,  1881.  (Vll.)  Wil- 
liam D.  Bean,  l)orn  Apr.  21,  1883;  died  Sept.  19,  1883. 
(Vll.)  Alvin  D.  Bean.  ))orn  Oct.  25,  1884;  died  Apr. 
30,  1885.    (Vll.)  Sallie  D.  Bean,  born  Sept.  6,  1886. 

VI.  Anna  A.  Detwiler,  born  Mar.  24,  1845.  Mrd. 
George  R.  Detwiler.  Nov.  25,  1865.  Farmer.  Men- 
jionites.    Children:    (VII.)    Leanna  D.  Detwiler,  born 

—  200  — 

Sept.  3,  1866.  Mrd.  John  B.  Bergey,  Oct.  9,  1886. 
Farmer.  Mems.  Trinity  Christian  ch.  (VII.)  Garret 
D.  Detwiler,  born  Auo-.'  21,  1868;  died  Sept,  1,  1868. 
(VII.)  Joseph  D.  Detwiler,  born  Nov.  5,  1869.  (VII.) 
Fannie  D.  Detwiler,  born  June  22,  1872;  died  Feb. 
25,  1886.  (VII.)  Harry  D.  Detwiler,  born  Sept.  5, 
1874.  (VII.)  Abraham  D.  Detwiler,  born  Feb.  9,  1877. 
(VII.)  Jacob  D.  Detwiler,  born  Mar.  20,  1879.  (VII.) 
Annie  D.  Detwiler,  born  Sept.  6,  1881.  (VII.)  Mary 
D.  Detwiler,  born  Mar.  24,  1881.  (VII.)  Katie  Lizzie 
Detwiler,  born  Nov.  17,  1886. 

VI.  John  A.  Detwiler,  born  Dec.  9,  1846.  Mrd. 
Eliza  Yoder,  Nov.  13,  1869.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Elemina  Y.  Detwiler,  born  Aug.  7, 
1870;  died  Apr.  18,  1871.  (VII.)  Irvin  Y.  Detwiler, 
born  Feb.  16,  1873.  (VII.)  Horace  Y.  Detwiler,  born 
Mar.  16,  1877;  died  Apr.  11,  1878.  (VII.)  Maurice  Y. 
Detwiler,  born  May  23,  1880;  died  Jan.  7,  1881.  (VII.) 
Elmer  Y.  Detwiler,  born  Aug  24,  1882. 

VI.  Henry  A.  Detwiler,  born  Apr.  10,  1849.  Mrd. 
Ellen  A.  Moyer,  Dec.  10,  1872.  Farmer.  Presbyteri- 
ans. Children:  (VII.)  Martha  M.  Detwiler,  born  Nov. 
5,  1874.  (VII.)  Ephraim  M.  Detwiler,  born  Aug.  28, 

VI.  Garret  A.  Detwiler,  born  Mar.  3,  1853;  died 
Feb.  6,  1887.  Mrd.  Sallie  B.  Benner,  Oct.  16,  1875. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Lizzie  B.  Det- 
wiler, born  Sept.  2,  1876;  died  May  11,  1879.  (VII.) 
Ellen  B.  Detwiler,  born  Sept.  25,  1877.  (VII.)  Anna 
Mary  B.  Detwiler,  born  Feb.  10,  1880.  (VII.)  Ira  B. 
Detwiler,  born  Sept.  10,  1882.  (VII.)  Leah  B.  Det- 
wiler, born  Aug  29,  1884;  died  Jan.  29,  1887. 

VI.  Lizzie  B.  Detwiler,  born  Aug.  14,  1856.  Mrd. 
David  Gehman,  Feb.  5,  1876.  Shoemaker.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Sallie  D.  Gehman,  born  Nov. 
13,  1877.    (VII.)  Laura  D,  Gehman,  born  Jan.  16,  1882. 

VI.  Sallie  A.  Detwiler,  born  Apr.  18,  1860.  Mrd. 
Abraham  Sw^artley,  Mar,  3,  1877.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Mary  D.  Swartley,  born  Nov. 
19,  1878.  (VII.)  Martha  D.  Swartley,  born  Jan.  12, 
1882.    Leah  D.  Swartley,  born  Jan.  25,  1885. 

—  201  — 

V.  Martin  F.  Anglemoyer,  l)orn  July  5,  1821.  Mrd. 
Eliza  Landis,  Oct.  27,  1814.  She  was  born  Oct.  23, 
1823.  •  Farmer.  Ger.  Baptists.  Children:  Emma, 
Henry,  Jairus,  Samuel. 

VI.  Emma  Anglemoyer,  born  Aug.  31,  1852;  died 
Aug.  16,  1862. 

VI.  Henry  Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  5,  1851.  Mrd. 
Kate  L.  Deetz,  Aug.  27,  1871.  She  was  born  Feb.  11, 
1851-.  Policeman.  Residence  605  Vincent  St.,  Phila- 
delphia. Children:  (VII.)  Alice  Anglemoyer,  born 
Aug.  20,  1875;  died  Dec.  26,  1878.  (VII.)  Ida  Angle- 
moyer, born  Nov.  16,  1876;  died  Feb.  22,  1878.  (Vll.) 
Laura  Anglemoyer,  born  Nov.  16, 1878.  (VII.)  George 
Anglemoyer,  born  May  16,  1880.  (VII.)  Florence  An- 
glemoyer, born  Jan.  31,  1883;  died  June  9,  1885. 
(Vll.)  Lizzie  Anglemoyer,  born  Apr.  4,  1885.  (Vll.) 
Emma  Anglemoyer,  born  Sept.  28,  1889. 

VI.  Jairus  Anglemoyer,  born  May  30,  1862.  Mrd. 
Amanda  Groff,  Apr.  22,  1882.  She  was  born  Dec.  22, 
1857.  Farmer  near  Benjamin,  Pa.  Children:  (VII.) 
Allen  K.  Anglemoyer,  born  July,  1882.  (Vll.)  Ray- 
mond K.  Anglemoyer,  born  Oct.  9. 1883.  (Vll.)  Samuel 
K.  Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  16,  1886.  (VII.)  Clara  K. 
Anglemoyer,  born  Sept.  1,  1888.  (VII.)  Howard  K. 
Anglemoyer,  born  Dec.  18,  1889. 

VI.    Samuel  Anglemoyer,  born  Aug.  24,  1876. 

V.  Rachel  Anglemoyer,  born  Oct.  5,  1824.  Mrd. 
John  Snovel — .  Farmer.  Children:  Mary,  Malinda, 

V.  Barbara  Anglemoyer,  born  Mar.  21,  1827;  died — . 
Mrd.  Amos  Baringer.  One  child:  (VI.)  Ephraim  Bar- 
inger,  born — ;  died — ;  no  issue. 

V.  Catharine  Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  28,  1829;  died 

V.  Henry  F.  Anglemoyer,  born  Mar.  28,  1831. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  George,  Jan.  23,  1853.  She  died 
Mar.  25,  1860.  Farmer,  and  lives  on  the  farm  where 
his  Grandfather  Martin  Fretz  once  lived,  80  years 
ago.  Brethren  in  Christ.  Children:  Frank,  Joseph, 
Mar}',  Henry,  James.  Mr.  Anglemoyer  mrd.  for  his 
ydie,  Annie  Moyei'.  Jan.  26,  1861,   ChihU'en:  Mary, 

—  202  — 

Ellon,  Samuel,  Emma,  Sallie,  Anna,  William,  Jacob, 

VI.   Frank  Ano^lemoyer,  born  1854,  died  1854.  , 

VI.   Joseph  Ano^lemoyer,  born  1856,  died  1856. 

VI.    Mary  Ann  Anoflemoyer,  born  1857,  died  1857. 

VI.  Henry  G.  Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  26,  1859. 
Mrd.  Kate  C. ,  danobter  of  Jacob  and  Elizabeth  Kratz, 
of  Franconia  TwprMontg'y  Co.,  Nov.  29, 1879.  Shoe- 
maker.   Mennonites. 

VI.  James  Anglemoyer,  l)orn  Mar.  10,  1860;  died 
in  1860. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  27,  1862. 
Mrd.  John  M.  Fiilmer,  Oct.  20,  1883.  Farmer.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Stella  A.  Fnlmer,  born  Jan.  15,  1885. 

VI.  Ellen  Anolemoyer,  born  Dec.  28,  1863.  Mrd. 
John  Bilger,  Jan.  12,  1884.  One  child:  (VII.)  Walter 
Bilger,  born  in  1885. 

VI.  Samuel  M.  Anglemoyer,  liorn  June  28,  1866. 
Mrd.  Martha  B.,  daughter  of  Moses  and  Mary  Ann 
Stout,  Apr.  23,  1887.  Laborer.  One  child:'  (VII.) 
Arnon  Anglemoyer, — . 

VI.   Emma,  Anglemoyer,  born  Oct.  22,  1868. 

VI.  Sallie  Anglemoyer,  born  Nov.  22,  1870.  Mrd. 
Howard  B.  Stout.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  52). 

VI.  Anna  Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  18,  1873;  died 
July  14,  1886. 

VI.   William  M.  Anglemoyer,  born  May  8,  1875. 

VI.  Jacob  M,  Anglemoyer,  born  Feb.  11,  1878;  died 
Oct.  10,  1779. 

VI.  Lizzie  Anglemoyer,  l)orn  Nov.  28,  1880;  died 
Aug.  16,  1883. 

V.  Sanmel  F.  Anglemoyer,  born  Oct.  28,  1834. 
Mrd.  Lucy  Ann  Hangey,  Feb.  5,  1857.  Carpenter. 
Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Lavina,  Hannah,  Allen. 

VI.  John  H.  Anglemoyer,  born  June  14,  1858. 
Mrd.  Annie  Moyer,  Jjin.  1,  1880.  Carpenter  and 
farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Leanna  Angle- 
moyer, l)orn  Sept.  8,  1881.  (VII.)  Samuel  Arthur 
Anglemoyer,  born  Jan.  31,  1884. 

VI.'  Lavina  Anolemoyer,  born  June  10,  1861.  Mrd. 
William  M.  Moyer,  May  30,  1879.  Farjiier.  Menno- 
nites,    Children:    (VII.)"  Alice  Moyer,  born  Jan,  24, 

—  203  — 

1880.  (VII.)  Lucy  Moyer,  born  Sept.  5,  1883.  (VII.) 
Mamie  Moyer,  born  Sept.  12,  1885.  (VII.)  Quilla 
Moyer,  born  June  2!>,  1887. 

VI.  Hannah  Moyer,  born  Aug-.  31,  18(35;  died  June 
29,  1882. 

VI.   Allen  Anglenioyer,  born  Dec.  16,  1867.    S. 

IV.  Agnes  Fretz,  born  Aug.  10, 1790;  died  Sept.  21, 
1862.  Mrd.  Peter  Loux,  Nov.  28,  1811.  He  died 
July  22, 1855.  Farmer  and  Oil  manufacturer  at  Fretz' 
oil  mill  in  Hilltown  Twp.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Mary,  Martin,  Jacob,  Enos,  Silas,  Aaron,  Samuel. 

V.  Mary  Loux,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  about  1813. 
Mrd.  Michael  Oberholtzer,— .  She  died  Dec.  4, 1873. 
No  issue. 

V.  Martin  Loux,  born  Dec.  18,  1814;  died  Feb.  1, 

V.  Jacob  Loux,  born  Feb.  7,  1817;  died  June  18, 
1886.  Mrd.  Rachel,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Anna 
Bishop—.  Farmer.  Lost  a  hand  in  the  cylinder  of 
a  threshing  machine  while  threshing.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Peter,  Anna,  Mary,  Jacob,  Enos,  Isaac, 

VI.  Peter  B.  Loux,  born  Dec.  29,  1847.  Mrd.  Eliza 
Hunsberger,  Dec.  24,  1871.  Carpenter  and  farmer. 
Mennonites.    No  issue. 

VI.  Anna  Loux,  born  Apr.  13,  1850.  Mrd.  Abraham 
L.  Detwiler,  May  4,  1869.  Farmer  and  tailor.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  (VH.)  Samuel  L.  Detwiler,  born 
June  2,  1871;  died  Feb.  5,  1883.  (VII.)  Ella  May  Det- 
wiler, born  May  28,  1885. 

VI.  Mary  Loux,  born  July  8, 1852;  died  Mar.  1,  1858. 

VI.  Jacob  B.  Loux,  l)orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
14,  1854.  Married.  Emeline  Yoder,  Dec.  22,  1877. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Susan  Loux, 
born  Jan.  5,  1880.  (VII.)  Samuel  Y.  Loux,  born  Jan. 
5,  1881.  (VII.)  Annie  Loux,  born  June  20,  1883;  died 
Sept.  13,  1885.  (VII.)  Jacob  Y.  Loux,  born  May  15, 
1885.   (VII.)  Lizzie  Loux,  born  Feb.  15,  1887. 

VI.  Enos  B.  Loux,  born  Jan.  13,  1856.  Mrd.  Anna 
Yoder,  Dec.  6,  1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Levi  Y.  Loux,  l)orn  Dec,  20,  1886;  died 
Mar.  13,  1888. 

—  204  — 

VI.  Isaac  Loux,  born  Dec.  15,  1859;  died  May  12, 

VI.  Samuel  F.  Loux,  born  Aug.  12,  1862;  died  May 
24,  1863. 

V.  Enos  F.  Loux,  born  June  20,  1819.  Mrd.  Anna 
Rickert,  Aug.  28,  1842.  She  died  Dec.  12,  1859. 
Miller.  He  was  ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  New 
Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run,  Pa.,  where  he 
preached  for  some  years,  and  of  which  he  is  still  a 
member.  Children:  Isaac,  Peter,  Amanda,  Minerva, 
Catharine,  Menno,  David.  Enos  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Anna  Beidler,  Dec.  28,  1862. 

VI.  Isaac  R.  Loux,  born  July  11,  1843.  Mrd.  Catha- 
rine Yoder,  Aug.  29,  1868.  Designer  and  Pattern 
maker  at  Wadsworth,  Ohio.  New  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  David  Franklin  Loux,  born  Oct.  22, 
1869;  died  May  1,  1871.  (VII.)  Cora  Loux,  born  Feb. 
17,  1872;  died'Jan.  2,  1873.  (VII.)  Ella  Loux,  born 
July  20,  1873.  Ger.  Reformed.  (VII.)  Charles  Loux, 
born  Aug.  15,  1875.  (VII.)  Susie  Loux,  born  July  5, 
1877.  (VTl.)  Ada  May  Loux,  born  Oct.  7,  1882;  died 
Oct.  25,  1882.   (VII.)  Beulah  Loux,  born  Feb.  7,  1884. 

VI.  Peter  Loux,  born  Apr.  11,  1845.  Mrd.  Sarah  A. 
Miller,  Sept.  10,  1865.  Engineer  at  Quakertown,  Pa., 
Stone  Works.  Mennonite.  Children:  (VII.)  Abigail 
Loux,  born  Mar.  7,  1866;  died—.  (VII.)  Hannah 
Loux,  born  Mar.  14,  1867;  died—.  (VII.)  Anna  M. 
Loux,  born  Aug.  22, 1869.  (VII.)  Amanda  Loux,  born 
Aug.  22,  1872;  died — .  (VII.)  Jeremiah  Loux,  born 
Nov.  1,  1874;  died—.  (VII.)  Enos  Loux,  born  Apr. 
20,  1879;  died—.  (VII.)  Sanford  Loux,  born  June  22, 
1881.  (VII.)  Edith  Loux,  born  June  6,  1884. 

VI.  Amanda  Loux,  born  Sept.  26,  1846.  Mrd.  John 
S.  Fretz.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  53). 

VI.  Minerva  Loux,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  8,  1849.  Mrd.  Jacob  B.  Zepp,  Jan. 
15,  1870.  Cigar  Manufacturer,  at  Wadsworth,  Medina 
Co.,  Ohio.  Mennonite.  Children:  (VII.)  Alice  Zepp, 
born  Jan.  21,  1871.  (VII.)  Annie  Zepp,  born  Oct. 
7,  1872.  (VII.)  Katie  Zepp  (Twin),  born  Oct.  7,1872; 
died  July  24,  1876.  (VII.)  Irvin  Zepp,  born  Apr.  8, 
1874,    (VII.)    Klpier  Zepp,  born  Jan,   8,  1876.    (VII.) 

—  205  — 

Ida  May  Zepp,  born  May  25,  1878.  (VII.)  Eddie  Zepp, 
bom  Mar.  12,  1880;  died  Dec.  30,  1881.  (Vlf.) 
Amanda  Elida  Zepp,  born  Sept.  26,  1881.  (VII.) 
Walter  Zepp,  born  Apr.  19,  1886. 
VI.  Catharine  Loax,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
1,  1853.  Mrd.  Daniel  G.  Koppes,  July  10,  1875. 
Painter  at  Newton,  Harvey  Co.,  Kansas.  He  also 
owns  a  farm  of  240  acres  near  Newton,  Kan.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Lloyd  Koppes,  born  Nov.  23,  1876;  died 
Dec.  18,  1876.  (VII.)  Elno  Koppes,  born  July  2, 1878; 
died  Mar.  15,  1888.   (VII.)  Olivid  Koppes,  born  Aug. 

16,  1881.  (VII.)  Leonard  Koppes,  born  May  5,  1884. 
(VII.)  Daisy  Koppes,  born  Feb.  18,  1888. 

VI.  Menno  Loux,  born  May  25,  1856;  died  Dec.  12, 

VI.  David  R.  Loux,  born  Feb.  1,  1858;  died  Jan.  4, 

V.  Silas  Loux,  born  Apr.  24,  1821;  died  Jan.  15, 

V.  Aaron  Loux,  born  Apr.  18,  1823;  died  Aug.  1, 

V.  Samuel  F.  Loux,  born  Apr.  20,  1825.  Mrd. 
Matilda  Farley,  in  1850.  Carpenter  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.    No  issue. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Aug.  10,  1790  (Twin  to 
Agnes) ,  died  in  infancy. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  May  20,  1792;  died  Sept. 

17,  1872.  Mrd.  Abraham  Kratz,  of  Lower  Salford, 
Montgomery  Co.,  Nov.  2,  1813.  He  was  born  Nov. 
22,  1786.  Farmer  and  Weaver  in  Upper  Salford, 
Montgomery  Co.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary, 
Martin,  Abraham,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Mary  Kratz,  born  Aug.  3,  1814;  died  Feb.  16, 
1888    S 

V.  Martin  F.  Kratz,  born  Dec.  9,  1817;  died  Nov. 
15,  1846.  S. 

V.  Abraham  F.  Kratz,  born  June  28,  1825.  Mrd. 
Rachel  Moyer,  daughter  of  Christian  Moyer,  of  Up- 
per Salford,  Jan.  4,  1852.  She  died  Sept.  1,  1867. 
Children:  Leah,  Henry,  Mary.  Abraham  mrd.  for 
his  second  wife^  Catharine  Boorse,  of  Worcester, 
Montgomery  Co.,  Mar.  4,  1871.    She  died  Dec.  30, 

—  206  — 

1885.  Chair-maker  and  Ujjholsterer.  Mennouites. 
Children:  Sarah,  Jacob,  Evelyn. 

VI.  Leah  M.  Kratz,  bom  Aug.  24,  1853.  Mrd.  Wil- 
liam K.  Cassel,  of  Upper  Salford,  Dec.  -1,  1875.  He 
was  born  Nov.  26,  184-8.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Mary  Catharine  Cassel,  born  Apr.  9,  1878. 

VI.Henry  M.  Kratz,  born  Apr.  18,  1857.  Mrd.  Mary, 
daughter  of  Philip  Markley,  Dec.  15,  1877.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Irene  M.  Kratz,  born  Oct.  26, 
1878.   (VII.)  Jennie  M.  Kratz,  born  Dec.  11,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  M.  Kratz,  born  June  19,  1860. 

VI.  Sarah  Alice  B.  Kratz,  liorn  Apr.  30,  1872. 

VI.  Jacob.  B.  Kratz,  born  July  12,  1873. 

VI.  Evelyn  B.  Kratz,  born  Feb.  l-t,  1875. 

V.  Elizabeth  F.  Kratz,  born  Sept.  30,  1831;  died 
Feb.  6,  1877.  Mrd.  Jacob  K.  Freed,  of  Harleysville, 
Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1851.  He  died  in  Feb.,  1890.  Carpenter. 
They  lived  on  her  father's  farm  until  her  death.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  Abraham,  Catharine,  Mary,  Isaac, 
John,  Elizabeth,  Joseph,  Sarah,  Anna,  Henry,  Infant, 

VI.  Abraham  K.  Freed,  born  Aug.  21-,  1855.  Mrd. 
Deborah  L.  Zeigler,  Sept.  2,  1876.  Farmer  near 
Lederachsville,  Montgomery  Co..  Pa.  Children:  (VII.) 
Elizabeth  Z.  Freed,  born  Mar.  14,  1877.  (VII.)  Mary 
Z.  Freed,  born  June  16,  1879;  died  July  7,  1879. 
(VII.)  Reinhart  Z.  Freed,  born  July  9,  1880.  (VII.) 
HenryZ.  Freed,  born  Feb.  24,  1883.  (VII.)  Dayton  Z. 
Freed,  born  Jan.  25,  1885;  died  Mar.  23,  1885.  (VII.) 
Bertha  Z.  Freed,  born  Dec.  28,  1886. 

VI.  Catharine  K.  Freed  (Twin  to  Abraham),  born 
Aug.  24,  1855;  died  Oct.  11,  1856. 

VI.  MaryK.  Freed,  born  Jan.  31,  1858.   Ger.  Ref.  S. 

VI.  Isaac  K.  Freed,  born  Sept.  17, 1859.  Mrd.  Eliza- 
beth Allebach,  Feb.  2,  1882.  Teacher.  Mennonites. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Bertha  A.  Freed,  born  Apr.  18,  1885. 

VI.  John  K.  Freed,  born  Aug.  6,  1861.  Teacher  in 
Brown  Co.,  Kansas.  Christian.    S. 

VI.  Elizabeth  K.  Freed,  born  July  24,  1863.  Mrd. 
John  K.  Clemmer,'  Apr.  15,  1882.  Farmer  and  occu- 
pies the  farm  of  his  father-in-law,  the  '•'Old  Kratz'" 
farm,   near  Salfordsville,   Montg.    Co.     Mennonites. 

—  207  — 

Children:  (VII.)  Elincr  F.  Clemmer,  born  Apr.  2, 
1883.  (VII.)  Jacob  Howard  Clemmer,  born  Mar.  16, 
1887;  died  Auo-.  20,  1887. 

VI.  Joseph  K.  Freed,  ))orn  Aug-.  4,  186.5.  He  for- 
merly tauijiit  school,  but  now  is  a  student  at  Ursinus 
College,  CoUegeville,  Pa. ,  preparing  for  the  ministry 
of  the  Reformed  church.     S. 

VI.  Sarah  K.  Freed,  born  Nov.  5,  1867;  died  Jan. 
25,  1868. 

VI.  Anna  K.  Freed,  born  Sept.  23,  1869.  Mrd. 
George  Hartranft,  Feb.,  1889. 

VI.  JHenry  K.  Freed,  born  Feb.  31,  1872.  Carpenter. 

VI.  Infant  son,  born  Mar.  20,  1874;  died  same  day. 

VI.  Jacob  K.  Freed,  born  Jan.  29,  1877. 

IV.  Nancy  Fretz,  born  Jan.  8,  1794;  died  Sept.  14, 
1863.  Mrd  Abraham  Hunsberger,  about  1815.  He 
died — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Esther, 
Anna,  Martin,  Susanna,  Isaac,  Elizabeth,  John,  Abra 
ham,  Enos. 

V.  Esther  Hunsberger,  born  in  1817.    S. 
V.  Anna  Hunsberger,  born  in  1818.    S. 

V.  Martin  F.  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  25,  1821;  died 
Oct.  27,  1852.  Mrd.  Anna  Maria  Loux,  Sept.  20, 
1846.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Sarah  Ann, 
Remandes,  Emeline. 

VI.  Sarah  Ann  Himsberger,  born  in  1847;  died  in 

VI.  Remandes  Hunsberger,  ])orn  in  1849;  died  Dec. 
31,  1862. 

VI.  EmeHne  Hunsberger,  born  May  20,  1851.  Mrd. 
Charles.  S.  Kachline,  Dec.  3,  1870.  Farmer.  Ger. 
Reformed.  Children:  (VII.)  Jennie  H.  Kachline, 
born  Feb.  14,  1872;  died  Aug.  24,  1872.  (VII.)  Ed- 
ward H.  Kachline,  born  June  26,  1873.  (VII.)  Ida 
May  Kachline,  born  Jan.  28,  1876.  (VII.)  Minnie  H. 
Kachline,  born  May  13,  1878.  (VII.)  Ella  Nora  Kach- 
line, born  Apr.  15,  1884.  (VII.)  Allen  H.  Kachline, 
born  July  19,  1887. 

V.  Susanna  Hunsberger,  born  in  1823;  died  June, 

V.  Isaac  Hunsberger,  born  in  1825;  died  Apr.  17, 
1848.    S. 

—  208  — 

V.  Elizabeth  Hiinshcrocr,  l)oni  in  1827;  died  Nov. 
14,  1815.     S. 

V.  John  S.  Hunsberger,  born  Feb.  25,  1828;  died 
Apr.  10,  1871.  Mrd.  Mary  Magdalena  Snyder,  Oct. 
6,  1852.  She  died — .  Wheelwright  and  Carpenter. 
Lutherans.  Children:  Hartwell,  Hannah,  Alfred, 
Fremont,  Harry.  John  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, 
Sarah  Jane  Weeks,  Feb.  11,  1864.  Presbyterian. 
Children:  Anna,  Esther, 

VI.  Hartwell  Hansberger,  born  Oct.  31,  1853;  died 
Dec.  5,  1853. 

VI.  Hannah  Hunsberger,  born  Oct.  29,  1854.  Mrd. 
William  Cam,  Oct.  15,  1874.  Blacksmith:  Attends 
Ger.  Ref.  Ch.  (VII.)  Edith  May  Carn,  born  May  13, 
1876.   (VII.)    John  Henry  Carn,  born  Feb.  16,  1880. 

VI.  Alfred  W.  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  12,  1855;  died 
Dec.  26,  1877.    S. 

VI.  Fremont  S.  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  25,  1857. 
Mrd.  Lauratine  B.  Richards,  Oct.  13,  1879.  Drives 
an  Express  wagon.  One  child:  (VII.)  Flora  Mabel 
Hunsberger,  born  Oct.  13,  1882. 

VI.  Harry  Clifton  Hunsberger,  born  Aug.  7,  1858; 
died  Jan.  9,  1863. 

VI.  Anna  Martha  Hunsberger,  born  Nov.  17,  1864. 
Presbyterian.     S. 

VI.  Esther  Estella  Hunsberger,  born  Oct.  31,  1866; 
died  May  16,  1882. 

V.  Abraham  F.  Hunsberger,  born  in  1831.  Mrd. 
Catharine  Angeny,  of  Bedminster  Twp.,  Dec.  9, 
1858.  Farmer.  Mcnnonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary 
Ann  Hunsberger,  born  in  1860.  S.  (VI.)  Remandes 
Hunsberger,  born  1863.  (VI.)  Jacob  Hunsberger,  born 
in  1867.  (VI.)  Leidy  and  Edwin  Hunsberger  (Twins), 
born  in  1877. 

V.  Enos  F.  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  4,  1835.  Mrd. 
Mary  Loux,  Nov.  5,  1859.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Anna  L.  Hunsberger,  born  Feb.  26, 
1860;  died  Mar.  29,  1863.  (VI.)  Sarah  L.  Hunsberger, 
born  Nov.  11,  1862;  died  Apr.  8,  1863.  (VI.)  Emma 
L.  Hunsberger,  born  June  12,  1864.  Mrd.  Samuel 
W.  Gross.  (VI.)  Peter  L.  Hunsberger,  born  Nov.  9, 
1869.   (VI.)  Harvey  D.  Hunsberger,  born  Oct.  8,  1873. 

—  209  — 

IV.  Veronica  Fretz,  born  about  1796;  died  young. 
IV.  Martin  Fretz,  l)orn  aliout  1798,  died  young. 
IV.  Martin  Fretz,  born  about  1800,  died  youn^. 

IV.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  in  Backs  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  23, 
1802;  died  Feb.  4,  1890,  aged  87  y.,  10  m.  and  11  d. 
Mrd.  Jacob  Funk,  Dec.  9,  1830.  He  was  born  in 
Sprino-town,  in  Springfiekl  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  on  the 
16th  of  Dec,  1796;  died  Sept.  4,  1875.  Mason, 
Bricklayer  and  farmer.  Mennonites.  Chiklren:  Mar- 
garet, Esther,  John,  Sarah,  Abraham,  Jacob,  Susan. 

V.  Margaret  Funk,  born  Oct.  15,  1831;  died  Nov. 
22,  1857.  Mrd.  Benjamin'Frick,  in  1853.  Menno- 
nites. One  chikl:  (VI.)  Samuel  Frick,  born  July  27, 
1856.  Book-binder  and  sfeneral  workman  in  Chicago, 
111.    S. 

V.  Esther  Funk,  born  July  1,  1833.  Mrd.  John  L. 
Frick  in  1854.  He  died  in  1880.  Merchant  and  build- 
er. Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Elizabeth  (dec'd). 
(VI.)  Jacob  F.,  printer  with  the  Mennonite  Pub'g. 
Co. ,  Elkhart,  Ind. ;  died  at  his  home  in  Philadelphia, 
Apr.  15,  1882.  (VI.)  Joel,  printer  in  Philadelphia; 
died  at  his  home  July  6,  1881.  (VI.)  Edward  (dec'd). 
(VI.)  Emma  E.,  (Vl.)  Charles  E. 

V.  John  Fretz  Funk,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  6,  1835.  He  worked  on  the  farm  as 
soon  as  he  was  old  enough,  going  to  school  in  the 
winter  season  until  he  was  in  his  nineteenth  year 
(1854),  when  he  commenced  teaching  in  his  native 
township,  and  taught  during  the  winter  for  three  suc- 
cessive winters.  He  also  attended  school  at  Freeland 
Seminary  three  months  during  the  summer  of  1855,  and 
again  in  1856.  In  the  spring  of  1857,  after  closing 
his  school  at  Chestnut  Ridge,  S.  H,,  in  Hilltown 
township,  he  went  to  Chicago,  111.,  and  engaged  in 
the  lumber  business,  in  which  he  continued  nine  years. 
In  the  winter  of  1859-60  he  became  a  member  of  the 
Mennonite  church  at  Line  Lexington,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 
In  January  1864  he  commenced  the  publication  of  the 
Herald  of  Truths  and  Der  Herald  der  Wahrheit,  and 
on  the  19th  of  the  same  month  was  married  to 
Salome  Kratz,  daughter  of  Jacob  Kratz,  of  Hilltown, 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.     On  the  28th  of  May,  1865,  he  was 


—  210  — 

ordained  to  the  ministry  in  the  Mennonite  church 
near  Gardner,  Grundy  Co.,  111.  In  April,  1867,  here- 
moved  to  Elkhart,  Ind. ,  and  established  there  the  bus- 
iness house  now  known  as  the  Mennonite  Publishing 
Co.,  first  under  his  own  name,  and  afterwards  under 
the  firm  name  of  John  F.  Funk  &  Bro.,  after  having 
associated  with  himself  his  brother  Abraham  K. 
Funk,  and  continued  the  business  under  this  firm 
name  until  May  1,  1875,  when  the  Mennonite  Pub- 
lishing Co.  was  organized.  Children:  (VI.)  Martha. 
(VI.)  Susan  Mary  (dec'd),  (VI.)  Phoebe,  (VI.)  Rebecca 
(dec'd),  (VI.)  Grace  Anna  (dec'd),  (VI.)  John  Edwin 

V.  Sarah  Funk,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Bucks  Co., 
Apr.  24,  1837;  died  Aug.  20,  1839. 

V.  Abraham  Kratz  Funk,  born  in  Hilltown,  Bucks 
Co..  Jan.  20.  1840.  His  early  years  were  spent  on 
Ml  father's  farm.  He  attended  school  about  four 
months  usually  in  the  winter,  and  a  month  or  two 
during  the  summer.  He  commenced  teaching  in  the 
public  schools  of  the  county,  at  the  age  of  18,  under 
the  County  Superintendency  of  Wm.  H.  Johnson. 
He  attended  school  at  Freeland  Seminary,  at  Free- 
land,  now  Collegeville,  Montgomery  Co.,  in  1859, 
and  the  Excelsior  Normal  Institute,  at  Carversville, 
Bucks  Co.,  in  1861.  After  spending  five  years  in 
farming  durino-  the  summer  and  teaching  in  winter, 
he  went  to  Chicago,  111.,  in  the  spring  of  1863 
and  engaged  in  the  lumber  business.  i\^ter  a  resi- 
dence of  five  years  in  Chicago,  he  went  to  Elkhart, 
and  there  entered  into  a  copartnership  with  his 
brother,  under  the  firm  name  of  John  F.  Funk  & 
Brother,  as  publishers  and  booksellers.  They  con- 
tinued the  publication  of  the  Herald  of  Truth,  and 
Der  Hcrold  der  Wahrheit,  and  also  issued  during  the 
continuance  of  the  co-partnership  a  number  of  relig- 
ious works,  the  most  important  of  which  was  the 
great  book  of  Martyrs,  in  the  German  language,  con- 
taining over  1100  quarto  pages,  and  the  complete 
works  of  Menno  Simon,  which  was  translated  from 
the  Holland  and  printed  in  English.  In  1875  he 
became  one  of  the  principal  stock-holders  in  the  Men- 

—  211  — 

nonite  Publishing  Co. ,  which  was  then  organized,  and 
has  since  held  the  position  of  Secretary  and  Treasurer 
of  that  institution.  He  married  Annie  M.  Landis, 
daughter  of  Joseph  and  Mary  (Geil)  Landis,  of 
Greer's  corner,  near  Dublin,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar. 
11,1872.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Maude, 
(VI.)  Edna  Josephine,  (VI.)  Esther  Winifi-ed. 
V.  Jacob  Silas  Funk  was  born  in  Hilltown  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  13,  1842.  He  spent  his  early 
days  on  his  father's  farm,  and  received  as  was  cus- 
tomary in  those  days,  a  fair,  common  school  educa- 
tion. He  afterwards,  during  the  early  part  of  1862 
and  the  summer  of  1863,  spent  two  terms  at  the 
Excelsior  Normal  Institute,  at  Carversville,  Bucks 
Co.  He  taught  in  the  schools  of  his  native  county, 
from  1862  to  1865.  In  the  spring  of  1865  he  gave  up 
that  vocation  and  went  to  Chicago,  111.,  and  engaged 
in  the  Lunber  business.  On  the  28th  of  Sept.,  of 
the  same  year  he  purchased  a  scholarship  in  the  East- 
man Business  College  of  that  city,  and  took  a  com- 
mercial course,  attending  evenings  only.  After  four 
years'  residence  in  Chicago,  he  determined  to  engage 
in  business  for  himself,  and  accordinglj^,  in  the  spring 
of  1869,  located  at  Chillicothe,  Mo.,  where  he  opened 
a  lumber  yard  and  commenced  business  on  his  own 
account.  On  the  15th  of  January  following  (1870), 
he  was  married  to  Annie  K.  Stover,  daughter  of 
Jonas  Stover,  of  E.  Rockhill  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 
He  afterwards  became  connected  with  the  North 
Western  Lumber  Co.,  who  had  their  mills  at  Eau 
Claire,  Wisconsin,  and  extensive  yards  at  Hannibal, 
Mo.;  and  on  the  20th  of  Apr.,  1880,  moved  with  his 
family,  from  Chillicothe  to  Hannibal.  Afterwards 
when  the  duties  of  his  position  required  him  to  be 
mostly  in  the  neighborhood  where  the  mills  of  the 
company  were  located,  he  found  it  more  economical 
and  convenient  to  have  his  family  in  that  vicinity 
also,  and  accordingly,  on  the  20th  of  July,  1885, 
removed  to  Minneapolis,  Minn.  He  continued  with 
the  above  firm  eleven  years,  during  which  time  he 
gained  with  them  the  highest  esteem  and  respect, 
both  for  his  conscientious  business  integrity  and  his 

-  212  — 

excellent  qualifications  for  the  work  in  which  he  was 
engacred.  In  the  spring  of  1890  he  severed  his  rela- 
tions with  N.  W.  Lumber  Co.,  but  the  warm  feeling 
of  esteem  and  respect  which  he  had  won  for  himself 
during  these  extended  business  relations,  continued 
to  the  end  of  his  life.  He  took  an  active  part  in  the 
various  civil,  social  and  religious  movements  of  the 
day,  and  was  always  ready  and  willing  to  assist  in  all 
enterprises  of  public  interest,  and  held  continuously 
positions  of  responsibility  and  honor.  Soon  after  his 
removal  to  Chillicothe,  in  1869,  he  was  elected  super- 
intendent of  the  Sunday  School  of  the  Presbyterian 
church  of  that  city,  which  position  he  held  until  his 
removal  to  Hannibal  in  1880,  He  was  converted  and 
united  with  the  Third  Presbyterian  Church  of  Chicago 
during  the  time  of  his  residence  there.  In  1871  or  72 
he  was  elected  elder  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church 
of  Chillicothe,  He  was  secretary  of  the  School  Board 
of  that  city,  and  through  his  influence,  was  built  the 
beautiful  new  school  building,  costing  from  $45,000 
to  $50,000.  In  1875  he  was  also  member  of  the  City 
Council.  During  the  last  three  years  of  his  residence 
in  Chillicothe  he  was  correspondent  of  the  "Globe 
Democrat,''  a  Republican  paper  of  St.  Louis.  During 
the  summer  of  1890,  after  severing  his  connection 
with  the  N,  W.  L.  Co.,  he,  with  A,  Fiero,  was 
appointed,  by  the  Lumber  Manufacturers  of  the  N. 
W,,  to  inspect  the  system  of  grading  employed  by 
the  leading  manufacturers  of  the  northwest,  and  their 
report  was  received  with  much  favor  and  satisfaction. 
After  the  completion  of  this  commission,  he  became 
connected  with  the  T,  B.  Scott  Lumber  Co.,  of  Mer- 
rill, Wis.,  and  during  a  business  trip  through  Illinois 
ancl  Indiana  he  was  taken  sick  with  a  severe  bilious 
attack,  and  after  nearly  a  week  of  suffering  in  hotels, 
in  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  Chicago,  111.,  and  on  the  road, 
he  reached  his  home  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  on  the 
22d  of  Sept.  The  disease  assumed  a  complicated 
form  which  resulted  in  blood  poisoning,  and  after 
three  weeks  more  of  intense  sufl'ering,  which  he  bore 
with  patience,  he  died  on  the  15th  of  October,  1890, 
aged  18  y.,  6  m.  and  2  d,    Presbyterians.    Children: 

—  213  — 

(VI.)  Emma  Laura  Funk,  born  Mar.  30,  1871;  died 
Oct.  16,  1872.  (VI.)  Frederick  Stover  Funk,  born  Jan. 
26,  1873;  died  Mar.  20,  J877.  (VI.)  Gertrude  Eliza- 
beth Funk,  born  Feb.  25,  1877.  (VI.)  Susan  Anna 
Funk,  born  Jan.  29,  1885. 

V.  Susan  Elizabeth  Funk,  born  May  4,  1846.  Mrd. 
Henry  W.  Gross,  June  17,  1875,  son  of  Joseph  N. 
Gross.  Mr.  Gross  is  a  graduate  of  the  Millersville, 
Pa.,  State  Normal  School,  having;  graduated  in  June, 
1873.  At  the  time  of  his  marriage  he  was  principal 
of  the  Public  Schools  of  Etna,  Alleghen}'  Co.,  Pa. 
His  present  occupation  is  farmer  and  Creamery  busi- 
ness. Members  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  Doyles- 
town.  Pa.,  of  which  he  was  ordained  elder  in  Jan., 
1890.  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah  Ella  Gross.  (VI.)  Emma 
Laura  Gross.  (VI.)  Esther  Gross.  (VI.)  Walter  Gross, 
born  in  1889;  died  Mar.  8,  1890. 

IV.  Silas  Fretz,  born  about  1804;  died  in  infancy. 

IV.  Veronica  Fretz,  born  Aug.  8,  1806;  died  ISFov. 
1,  1885.  Mrd.  Jonas  Meyers.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  54). 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Sept.  9,  1808.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham Kratz — .     Mennonites.    No  issue. 

IV.  Leah  Fretz,  born  Oct.  1,  1810.  Mrd.  Abraham 
Angeny,  Oct.  21,  1828.  They  lived  on  the  property 
known  as  Angeny's  Mill,  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  until 
the  spring  of  1848,  when  they  moved  to  New  Colum- 
bia, Union  Co.,  Pa.  In  1859  they  moved  to  Milton, 
Northumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  where  Mr.  Angeny  per- 
ished in  the  great  fire  May  14,  1880,  in  his  78th  year. 
Carpenter  and  Cabinet-maker.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Anna,  Barbara,  Eva,  Martin,  Leah,  Rachel, 
Abbie,  Katharine,  Minerva. 

V.  Anna  Eliza  Angeny,  born  Dec.  21,  1829;  died 
Jan.  13,  1850.     S. 

V.  Barbara  Angeny,  born  Aug.  29,  1831,  at  the  old 
Deep  Run  Mill,  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa.  Mrd. 
Jacob  Gehman,  of  Springfield,  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  2, 
1849.  Farmer  in  Gage  Co.,  Nebraska.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Abraham,  Jacob,  Elizabeth,  Menno,  Fan- 
nie, Rachel,  Sarah,  Lillie,  Emma,  Benjamin,  Samuel, 

—  214  — 

VI.  Abraham  A,  Gehman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Ansf.  26,  1850.  Resides  at  Hutchinson,  Kan.  Music 
teacher.    S.  (1888). 

VI.  Jacob  Gehman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  24, 
1852;  died  Oct.  26,  1860. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Gehman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
19,  1854;  died  Oct.  20,  1860. 

VI.  Menno  S.  Gehman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May 
17,  1856.    Running  a  Stock-ranch  in  Wyo. 

VI.  Fannie  Gehman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
19,  1858.  Mrd.  Samuel  Horning,  of  Clarinda,  Page 
Co.,  Iowa.,  Oct.  31,  1878.  Farmer.  Disciples.  Res. 
at  Pickrell,  Gage  Co.,  Nebraska.  Children:  (VII.) 
Benjamin  F.  Horning,  born  Apr.  19,  1880.  (VII.)  Jacob 
Lee  Horning,  born  Apr.  12,  1881.  (VII.)  Edwin  G. 
Horning,  born  Aug.  2,  1882.  (VII.)  Jennie  Agatha 
Horning,  born  Jan.  15,  1884.  (VII.)  Alice  Horning, 
born  Jan.  19,  1888. 

VI.  Rachel  A.  Gehman,  born  in  Pleasant  Valley, 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  17,  1860.  Mrd.  Henry  Wm. 
Smith,  of  Rockport,  Atchison  Co.,  Mo.,  Oct.  21, 
1886.  Farmer.  Mrs.  Smith  Baptist.  Mr.  Smith 
Lutheran.  One  child:  (VII.)  Arthur  Raymond  Smith, 
born  July  23,  1887. 

VI.  Sarah  Gehman,  born  Aug.  10,  1862,  in  Fayette 
Co.,  Iowa.  Mrd.  William  G.^  Grebe,  Dec.  25,  1883. 
Farmer  in  Atchison  Co. ,  Mo.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Elsie  Grebe,  born  Sept.  27,  1884.  (VII.)  Guy 
Grebe,  born  Mar.  28,  1886.  (VII.)  Herbert  Grebe, 
born  June  12,  1888. 

VI.  Samuel  Gehman,  born  in  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa,  July 
6,  1864.    Running  a  Stock-ranch  in  Wyo.     S. 

VI.  Lillie  A.  Gehman,  born  in  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa, 
Apr.  15,  1868.    Teacher.    S. 

VI.  Emma  B.  Gehman,  born  in  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa, 
Sept.  27,  1870.    Teacher.    S. 

Vf.  Benjamin  F.  Gehman,  born  in  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa, 
Aug.  1,  1873. 

VI.  Mary  Anna  Gehman,  born  in  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa, 
Aug.  6,  1877. 

V.  Eva  Angeny,  born  Oct,  25,  1833,  in  Bucks  Co. , 
Pa,    Mra,  Reuben  U  Hatfield,  Dec,  4,  1851,  in  Ne>v 

—  215  — 

Columbia,  Union  Co.  Res.  Milton,  Northumberland 
Co.,  Pa.  Tinner.  Baptists.  Children:  Annetta,  Ella, 
Lillian,  Carroll,  Edgar,  William,  Minnie,  Grace, 

VI.  Annetta  V.  Hatfield,  born  May  29,  1853.  Mrd. 
William  I.  Webb,  Apr.  27,  1880.  Clerk  and  Book- 
keeper at  Milton,  Pa.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.) 
John  Webb,  born  Mar.  10,  1881;  died  Sept.  7,  1881. 
(VII.)  Fannie  B.  Webb,  born  July  18,  1883. 

VI.  EUa  E.  Hatfield,  born  Aug.  9,  1855. 

VI.  Lillian  V.  Hatfield,  born  Dec.  1,  1857.  Mrd. 
John  H.  Krauser,  Mar.  27,  1879.  Traveling  Sales- 
man. Res.  Milton,  Pa.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.) 
Webb  Guy  Krauser,  born  May  31,  1880.  (VII.)  James 
B.  Krauser,  born  July  5,  1883. 

VI.  Carroll  D.  Hatfield,  born  Dec.  1,  1859.  Mrd. 
Laura  Quick,  Mar.  29,  1881.  P.  O.,  Huntsville,  Ran- 
dolph Co.,  Mo.  Carriage  maker.  Baptists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Walter  Hatfield,  born  Dec.  11,  1882.  (VII.) 
Annetta  Jennie  Hatfield,  born  Jan.  25,  1885. 

VI.  Edgar  A.  Hatfield,  born  Feb.  16, 1862.  Mrd.  Anna 
M.  Brigg,  Nov.  30,  1886.  P.  O.,  La  Junta,  Bent 
Co.,  Colorado.     Machinist. 

VI.  William  S.  Hatfield,  born  Sept.  2,  1864.  Painter 
and  paper  hanger. 

VI.  Minnie  E^ Hatfield,  born  Feb.  7,  1869. 

VI.  Grace  G.  Hatfield,  born  Jan.  24,  1872. 

VI.  M.  Mabel  Hatfield,  born  Jan.  17,  1877. 

V.  Martin  F.  Angeny,  born  Nov.  27,  1835;  died  Oct. 
3,  1865.  Mrd.  Clara  'F.  Hagner,  Mar.  3,  1864.  Car- 
penter. Baptists.  One  child:  (VI.)  Harry  R.  Angeny, 
died  Oct.  5,  1865,  aged  7  m. 

V.  Leah  Angeny,  born  Dec.  9,  1837;  died  Jan.  13, 
1866.    S. 

V.  Rachel  Angeny,  born  Feb.  24,  1840.  Mrd.  Seth 
Comly  Hill,  Oct.  3,  1861.  Farmer  and  Dairyman. 
Bapti^sts.  P.  O.,  Milton,  Pa.  Children:  (VI.) ^  Ray- 
mond C.  Hill,  born  Aug.  31,  1862;  died  Aug.  11, 
1864.  (VI.)  Clara  R.  Hill,  born  May  29,  1864.  (VI.) 
Kate  E.  Hill,  born  Aug.  21,  1866.  (VI.)  Alice  HiU, 
born  Junf'  19,  1869.    (VI.)    Basse  Hill,  born  Qct,  24, 

—  216  — 

1872.     (VI.)    W.  Herbert  Hill,   born  Apr.  16,  1874. 
(VI.)  Harry  M.  Hill,  born  Apr.  30,  1878. 

V.  Abbie  C.  Anofen3%  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
26,  1842.  Mrd.  Thomas  Shuler,  May  21,  1866.  Ma- 
chinist at  Grand  Junction,  Iowa.  Methodists.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Elmer  E.  Shuler,  born  Nov.  26,  1867. 
(VI.)  Charles  C.  Shuler,  born  July  2,  1869.  (VI.)  John 
E.  Shuler,  born  Mar.  28,  1871.  (VI.)  Martin  A. 
Shuler,  born  May  27,  1873.  (VI.)  Bessie  M.  Shuler, 
born  Oct.  3,  1875.  (VI.)  Willie  T.  Shuler,  born  Jan. 
16,  1878.  (VI.)  Robert  A.  Shuler,  born  Au^.  14, 1880. 
(VI.)  David  O.  Shuler,  born  Oct.  8,  1883;  died  Nov. 
28,  1886.  (VI.)  Forest  Shuler,  born  Feb.  2.5,  1886. 
(VI.)  Alvan  Shuler,  born  July  18,  1888. 

V.  Katharine  Ano-eny,  born  Sept.  18,  1844.  Mrd. 
William  Shields,  Dec.  26,  1867.  Wheelwrio^ht  at 
Kelly  Point.  Union  Co.,  Pa.  Mrs;  Shields  Baptist. 
Children:  (VI.)  Esther  Lucas  Shields,  born  Dec.  26, 
1868.  Presbyterian.  (VI.)  Lillian  Ansfeny  Shields, 
born  Dec.  12,  1870.  Baptist.  (VI.)  Ellen  Harris 
Shields,  born  Jan.  31,  1873.  Presbyterian.  (VI.)  Wil- 
liam Scott  Shields,  born  Apr.  11,  1875.  (VI.)  Edgar 
Thomson  Shields,  born  Sept.  24,  1877.  (VI.)  Charlotte 
Elliott  Shields,  born  May  4,  1880.  (VI.)  James  Leigh 
Shields,  born  Jan.  27,  1885. 

V.  Minerva  Angeny,  born  at  New  Columbia,  Union 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  26,  1852.    S. 

IV.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  1,  1814;  died  Dec.  11,  1858.  At  an, 
early  age  she  lost  her  mother,  and  the  only  remem- 
brances she  had  of  her  fond  parent  were  the  recollec- 
tions of  early  childhood.  It  is  related  that  on  the 
clay  of  her  mother's  funeral,  she  stood  beside  her 
casket,  calling  her  mamma  to  listen  to  her  child-like 
questions.  She  received  such  educational  advantages 
as  the  public  Schools,  of  that  early  period,  afforded. 
She  read  both  German  and  English  well,  and  in  later 
years,  the  reading  of  German  Poetry  afforded  her 
especial  pleasure.  She  was  a  constant  reader  of  the 
Bible,  and  delighted  to  call  the  attention  of  her  own 
famih"  to  the  beauty  of  its  precepts.  She  was  mar- 
ried to  Henry  S.  Krout,  of  Bedminster,  Nov.  2,  1835. 

—  217  — 

He  was  born  Apr.  10,  1810;  died  May  30,  1888.  They 
lived  near  Line  Lexington  for  eight  years.  Then 
moved  to  the  homestead  of  the  Krout  family,  on  the 
Deep  Run,  where  six  more  years  of  their  busy  lives 
were  spent  in  tilling  the  soil  that  had  been  cultivated 
for  more  then  a  century  by  the  paternal  ancestral 
line.  While  residing  here  they  determined  to  own  a 
home  of  their  own,  and  purchased  and  occupied  the 
Kramer  farm,  on  the  east  branch  of  Perkiomen  Creek. 
While  living  here  the  family  ties  were  broken.  The 
mother  having  contracted  consumption,  was  called  to 
precede  the  rest  of  the  family  circle  and  join  the 
great  majority  in  the  eternal  world  beyond  the  shad- 
owy vale.  She  was  a  truly  pious  mother,  and  her 
chief  care  was  to  bring  up  her  children  in  the  nurture 
and  admonition  of  the  Lord.  Above  all  she  loved 
her  family,  her  church,  her  Savior,  and  her  God.  They 
were  members  of  the  Mennonite  Church  at  Deep 
Run.    Children:  Jacob,  Martin,  Abraham,  John. 

V.  Jacob  F.  Krout,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  29, 
1836.  He  always  lived  under  the  parental  roof,  and 
after  the  decease  of  his  father,  came  into  possession 
of  the  homestead,  in  Bedminster,  where  he  is  the 
proprietor  of  the  farm  and  the  Bedminster  Nursery 
of  Fruit  and  Ornamental  Trees.  By  industry  and 
frugalit}^  he  has  acquired  much  success  as  a  farmer 
and  nurseryman.  He  is  unmarried  and  a  member  of 
the  Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run. 

V.  Martin  F.  Krout,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
3,  1838;  died  Apr.  20,  1876.  He  lived  with  his  pa- 
rents and  worked  on  the  farm  until  he  was  twenty- 
one  years  of  age.  He  then  took  a  position  in  a  mer- 
cantile house  in  Philadelphia,  where  during  his  four 
years  of  service,  he  became  thoroughly  conversant 
with  the"  business  and  enjoyed  the  confidence  of  all. 
In  1862  he  went  to  River  Styx,  Ohio,  and  engaged  in 
Tanning,  in  which  business  he  continued  for  a  time. 
He  then  purchased  a  farm  near  that  town,  and  settled 
upon  it,  where  he  remained  until  his  death.  He  mar- 
ried Rebecca,  daughter  of  Dr.  Wm.  Andrews,  of 
River  Styx,  Ohio,  Oct.  2,  1861.  Children:  James 
and  Wm,  Arthur. 

—  218  — 

VI.  James  H.  Krout,  born  Apr.  30,  1866. 
VI.  William  Arthur  Kront,  born  Apr.  20,  1871. 
V.  Abraham  F.  K.  Krout,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  2,  1813.  He  lived  at  home  until  he'  was  nine- 
teen years  of  age.  He  then  entered  the  North  Wales 
Institute  to  obtain  a  more  thorouoh  education  than 
the  public  schools  afforded.  Here  he  remained  about 
a  year.  In  the  Fall  of  1862  he  commenced  teaching, 
and  until  1868  taught  successively  in  the  Deep  Run, 
Rocky  Ridge,  Algards,  Sellersville  and  Plumstead- 
ville  Schools.  In  1868  he  took  charge  of  the  West 
Bethlehem  Schools,  Lehigh  Co. ,  and  in  1860  accepted 
the  Principalship  of  Coplay  schools,  in  the  same  Co. 
Here  he  remained  from  Sept.  '69  to  June  '83,  when 
he  asked  to  be  relieved  to  become  the  accountant  and 
cashier  for  Coplay,  Iron  Co.  This  position  he  held 
from  July  '83  to  Oct.  '88.  In  the  Fall  of  1889  he 
took  charge  of  the  Borough  Schools  of  Emlenton, 
Venango  Co.,  P.,  where,  as  Principal,  he  reorganized 
the  school  system,  and  introduced  a  number  of  im- 
portant changes  for  the  improvement  of  the  Public 
schools  in  that  nnmicipality.  Having  been  offered  still 
better  inducements  l)y  the  Board  of  Education  of  the 
Lehighton  Borough  Schools,  he  will  in  the  future 
have  the  Principalship  and  supervision  of  the  schools 
of  that  growing  town  on  the  Lehigh.  Through  all 
these  years  of  teaching  there  is  one  idea  that  has 
never  been  lost  sight  of,  namely,  that  of  self-im- 
provement. The  schooling  at  the  academy  was  only 
the  beginning  of  a  life  of  study.  In  1876  he  appeared 
before  the  State  Board  of  Examiners,  passed  the 
examination  an  J  was  granted  a  Normal  Certificate  as 
.  Teacher  of  Didactics.  He  found  much  pleasure  in 
pursuing  a  course  of  general  studies  in  science  and 
language,  and  in  1877  Franklin  and  ]\Iarshall  College 
recognized  his  industry  as  a  student  and  conferred  on 
him  the  Honorary  Degree  of  A.  M.  He  has  been  a 
member  of  the  Pennsjdvania  State  Teachers'  Asst'n 
since  1877,  and  an  active  member  of  the  Touvey  Bo- 
tanical Club  of  Columbia  College,  New  York  City, 
since  Oct,  1S81.  Having  the  confidence  of  the  peo- 
ple fit  )iip  ppipi^pept  hopip  ip  CpplfiY.  hp  '^'^^  ^^f^ 

—  219  — 

qiicntly  called  upon  to  fill  positions  of  honor  and 
responsibility.  He  was  the  first  commissioned  Justice 
of  the  Peace  for  this  Borough,  and  has  continuously 
held  this  office  from  1869  to  1890.  He  was  Secretary 
of  the  Town  Council  for  thirteen  years,  and  a  school 
Director  while  serving  the  Coplay  Iron  Co.  The 
Judges  of  the  Courts  frequently  appointed  him  to 
serve  on  road  juries  and  commissions  and  there  are 
few  townships  in  Lehigh  Co.,  in  which  he  has  not 
been  called  to  execute  these  appointments.  Being  a 
member  of  the  Eef.  ch.  he  took  an  active  interest  in 
the  founding  of  Trinity  Congregation,  at  Cophiy,  in 
1872.  He  served  as  deacon  and  was  for  many  years 
the  Sec'y  of  the  Consistory.  He  was  the  Superin- 
tendent of  the  Sabbath  Schools  of  this  congregation 
for  eii^hteen  years.  He  married  Mary  C.  Moyer,  of 
Skipp^ack,  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  1,  1868.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Mabel  Olivia  Krout,  born  Dec.  25,  1871. 
(VI.)  Jacob  Henry  Krout,  born  May  16,  1874.  (VI.) 
Clarence  A.  Krout,  born  May  3,  1883;  died  Sept.  12, 
1883.   (VI.)  Helen  Rachel  Krout,  born  Nov.  5,  1885. 

V.  John  H.  Krout,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
26,  1845;  died  Mar.  22,  1888.  He  worked  on  the 
farm  until  of  age.  After  having  taught  one  term  of 
school,  he  went  to  Philadelphia  and  engaged  as  clerk, 
and  afterward  followed  the  mercantile  business  in 
Montgomery  and  Lancaster  counties.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church. 

III.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  1, 
1767;  died  Jan.  12,  1799.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Kratz, 
Nov.  6,  1787.  She  was  born  in  1768.  Resided  in 
Soleb.ury,  at  the  place  known  as  Fleecydale.  Fuller 
and  Dyer.  Children;  Philip,  Barbara,  Christian, 
Elizabeth,  Mary. 

IV.  Philip  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  8, 
1789;  died  Apr.,  1851.  Mrd.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of 
Ralph  Stover,  of  Bedminster.  She  was  born  Nov.  8, 
1790;  died  June  8,  1870.  Fuller,  Dyer  and  farmer. 
Children:  Jacob,  Catharine,  Susan,  Magdalena,  Eliz- 
abeth, Violette,  Hiipnah,  Infft^t,  ApWPj  Rl^plipl.  VqV' 
"rfeljn,  Sarah, 

—  220  — 

V.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22, 
1811.  Formerly  Miller  and  farmer,  now  retired.  He 
owned  the  Old  Homestead  at  Fleecydale,  where  he 
lived  for  many  years.  In  1875  he  retired  from  busi- 
ness. About  1880  he  sold  the  homestead  at  Fleecy- 
dale,  nearly  100  years  after  it  came  into  the  posses- 
sion of  his  Grandfather.  In  1880  he  moved  to 
Lumberville,  Pa.,  where  he  had  previously  erected  a 
fine  dwelling.    He  never  married. 

V.  Catharine  Stover  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct. 
1,  1813;  died  Dec.  19,  1877.  Mrd.  Joseph  Cowell 
Heed,  in  1810.  Farmer  and  Gun-maker.  Children: 
Emma,  William,  Joseph,  Charles,  Elizabeth,  Joseph, 
Clifford,  Catharine,  Stover. 

VI.  Emma  Augusta  Heed,  born  July  1,  1841;  died 
May  10,  1864.     S. 

VI.  William  Stover  Heed,  born  Sept.  22,  1842;  died 
Dec.  30,  1880.  Mrd.  Hannah  Moore,  July  24,  1867. 
Lawyer.  Episcopalian.  Children:  (VII.)  Emma  Au- 
gusta Heed,  born  Oct.  30,  1868.  Episcopalian.  S. 
(VI I.)  Lillian  Marion  Heed,  born  Mar.  21,  1872;  died 
Aug.  24,  1872.  (VII.)  Florence  May  Heed,  born  Apr. 
3,  1873;    died  Feb.  11,  1887. 

VI.  Joseph  Clark  Heed,  born  July  20,  1845;  died 
Aug.  21,  1846. 

Vl^  Charles  Ernest  Heed,  born  June  30,  1846.  Res. 
in  Philadelphia.  Wholesale  grain  dealer.  Attends 
Quaker  meeting.     S.   (1889). 

VI.  Elizabeth  Fretz  Heed,  born  June  15,  1848;  died 
Feb.  24,  1850. 

VI.  Joseph  Bradley  Heed,  born  July  30,  1851.  Mrd. 
Virginia  A.  Rittenhouse,  Feb.  3,  1876.  Salesman. 
Attends  Presbyterian  ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Helen 
Catharine  Heed,  born  Aug.  1,  1877.  (VII.)  Charles 
Rittenhouse  Heed,  born  Aug.  20,  1879. 

VI.  CHfford  Harold  Heed,  born  May  3,  1853;  died 
Dec.  31,  1886.   Attended  Methodist  Ch. 

VI.  Catharine  Genette  Heed,  born  May  2,  1854;  died 
Sept.  20,  1854. 

Vr.  Stover  Keyser  Heed,  born  Oct.  5,  1856;  died 
Mar.  22,  1861. 

—  221  — 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  19, 
1815;  died  Apr.  1,  1847.    S. 

V.  Magdalena  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  1, 
1817;  died  Dec.  23,  1840.    S. 

V.  Elizabotli  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  4,  1821. 
Mrd.  Charles  Ferdinand  Keyser,  Mar.  4,  1845.  Re- 
tired. Presbyterians.  Res.  Phila.,  Pa.  Children: 
Charles,  Harry,  Stover. 

VI.  Charles  Eugene  Keyser,  born  Feb.  7,  1846.  Mrd. 
Mar}^  Gill,  daughter  of  Ralph  Stover,  of  Point  Pleas- 
ant, Pa. ,  Sept.  20,  1870.  Farmer  in  Virginia.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Mary  Elizabeth  Keyser,  born  Aug.  5, 
1871.  (VII.)  Ella  Augusta  Keyser,  Wn  Nov.  30,  1872. 
(VII.)  Eliza  Mariam  Keyser,  born  Aug.  27,  1875. 
(VII.)  Edgar  Eugene  Keyser,  born  June  23,  1877. 
(VII.)  Charles  Henry  Keyser,  born  Jan.  12,  1880.  (VII.) 
Ralph  Stover  Keyser,  born  May  10,  1883. 

VI.  Harry  Theodore  Keyser,  born  Jan.  20,  1850. 

VI.  Stover  Fretz  Keyser,  born  July  20,  1853;  died 
Dec.  13,  1855. 

V.  Violette  Fretz,  born  May  5,  1820;  died  June  14, 
1842.  S. 

V.  Hannah  Fretz,  born  Jan.  28,  1822;  died  Feb.  10, 
1844.    S. 

V.  Infant  unnamed,  born  and  died  in  Mar.,  1824. 

V.  Annie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  1, 
1825.  Mrd.  Hugh  E.  Walton  (dec'd),  Jan.  13,  1846. 
Miller.  Res.  Sibley,  Iowa.  Congregationalists.  Chil- 
dren : 

VI.  Cornelia  Walton,  born  Aug.  28,  1850.  Mrd. 
Geo.  W.  Jones,  Jan.  14,  1880.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Leslie  Jones,  born  1881. 

VI.  Eugene  Walton,  born  June  22,  1859.  Mrd. 
Annette  Berger,  July  25,  1888.  Furniture  and  Un- 
dertaking business  at  Sibley,  Iowa.  Congregation- 

VI.  Hugh  E.  Walton,  born  Jan.  22,  1862.  Furniture 
and  Undertaking  business  at  Sibley,  Iowa.  Congre- 

V.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  Feb.  1,  1827;  died  June  19, 
1844.    S. 

—  222  — 

V.  Cornelia  Fretz,  born  Jan.  1,  1829;  died  Oct.  28 
1849.    S. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  17, 
1831.  Mrd.  Morris  L.  Fell,  Nov.  27,  1856.  Whole- 
sale Grain  Merchant  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Children: 
(VI.)  Henry  Fell. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  H, 
1791;  died — ,  without  issue. 

IV.  Christian  Fretz,  born  Dec.  28,  1792;  died  Mar. 
11,  1799. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.  May  6,  1795; 
died^ — •,  without  issue. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  U,  1797. 
Mrd.  William  Rich,  of  Doylestown,  Pa.,  about  1815 
or  1816;  died  a  year  or  so  later  without  issue. 

III.  Abraham  Fretz  (Deacon),  born  in  Bedminster 
Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  30,  1769,  died  Mar.  7,  1841:. 
Mrd,  Magdalena  Kratz  (dauo;hter  of  John  Kratz,  of 
Hilltown),  Apr.  30,  1793.  She  was  born  Aug.  30, 
1776,  died  Jan.  9,  1840. — He  lived  and  died  on  the 
Old  JFretz'  homestead,  in  Bedminster  Twp.  The  farm 
consisting  of  about  255  acres  he  inherited  from  his 
father.  He  was  an  honest,  upright  citizen,  a  con- 
scientious Christian,  and  much  esteemed  by  the  com- 
munity in  which  he  lived.  It  is  related  that  while  he 
was  working  in  the  field  one  day,  a  man  rode  up,  and 
seeing  his  fine  cows,  wanted  to  buy  one,  but  he  did 
not  want  to  sell.  The  man  however  insisted  and 
asked  him  to  set  a  price.  He  then  thought  that  if  he 
should  ask  double  what  the  cow  was  worth,  the  man 
would  leave  without  buying.  But  contrary  to  his 
expectation,  the  man  laid  down  the  money  and  drove 
the  cow  off.  After  the  man  was  gone,  he  talked  the 
matter  over  with  his  wife,  and  they  decided  it  was 
"usury."  So  he  mounted  a  horse,  rode  after  the  man, 
and  gave  him  back  half  of  the  money,  saying,  "I 
don't  want  to  be  damned  for  a  cow."  He  and  his  wife 
were  members  of  the  Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run, 
of  which  he  was  for  many  years  a  deacon.  Children: 
Anna,  Rebecca,  Jacob,  Christian,  John,  Isaac,  Martin, 
Elizabeth,  Barbara,  Abraham. 

—  223  — 

IV.  Anna  Fretz,  l)orn  Jan.  22,  1795,  died  Mar.  18, 
1873.  Mrd.  Henry  Meyers,  Dec.  23,  1830.  He  was 
born  Sept.  7,  1795,  died  Mar.  25,  1870.  Farmer. 
Mennonites  at  Deep  Run.  Children:  Abraham,  John, 

•V.  Abraham  Fretz  Meyers,  born  Oct.  11,  1831,  died 
Oct.  21,  1877.  Mrd.  Susanna  Smith,  Nov.  10,  1855. 
She  died  Feb.  9.  1877.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Cliil- 
dren:  (VI.)  Anna  Catharine  Meyers,  born  Nov.  12 
1856,  died  May  21,  1882.  (VI.)  Joseph  S.  Meyers 
born  Oct.  25,  1858,  died  Nov.  15,  1877.  (VI.)  Andrew 
Lincohi  Meyers,  born  Oct.  3,  1863,  died  May  21,  1881. 

V.  John  Fretz  Meyers,  born  Nov.  1,  1833,  died 
Sept.  11,  1855. 

V.  Christian  Fretz  Meyers,  born  Jan.  1,  1811.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Baum,  Jan.  18,  1883,  Farmer,  resides  near 
Dulilin,  a'^d  is  the  only  living  memlier  of  his  father''s 
family.    Mennonites  at  Deep  Run.    No  issue. 

IV.  Rel)ecca  Fretz,  l)orn  Sept.  29,  1796,  died  Feb. 
2,  1798. 

IV.  Jacol)  Fretz,  born  Aug.  9, 1799,  died  Mar.  11, 1800. 

IV.  Christian  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  13, 
1801,  died  Sept.  5,  1875.  Mrd.  Mary  Leatherman, 
Oct.  24,  1824.  She  died  Apr.  24,  1864.  Children: 
Ely,  Abraham,  Eliza,  Mary.  Christian,  mrd,  his 
second  Avife,  Elizabeth  Nash,"  Oct.  6,  1867.  She  died 
— .  He  was  a  farmer  of  large  means,  a  man  of  thriv- 
ing energy,  a  director  of  the  Doylestown  Bank,  and 
an  honored  Mem,  of  the  Mennonite  Ch,  at  Deep  Run. 

V.  Ely  Fretz,  born  Sept,  9,  1825,  Mrd,  Mary, 
(daughter  of  William  Meyers,  a  descendant  of  Tini- 
cum  Christian  Fretz'  branch,)  in  1850,  He  is  a  pros- 
perous farmer  of  Bedminster  Twp,,  and  a  director 
of  the  Sellersville  bank.  He  and  his  wife  are  influ- 
ential Mems,  Second  Mennonite  Ch,  of  Deep  Run. 
Children:  Allen,  Lucinda,  Emeline,  Mahlon,  Francis, 
Barbara,  Susan,  Mary,  Etta, 

VI.  Rev,  AUen  M,  Fretz,  born  Dec,  12,  1853,  in 
Tinicum  Twp.,  on  the  property  known  as  Fretz'  Mill, 
on  the  Tohickon,  where  his  parents  lived  at  the  time. 
In  1856  his  parents  moved  to  Bedminster  Twp.,  to  the 
farm  of  his  Grandfather  Christian,  where  his  father 

—  224  — 

was  born  and  brought  up,  and  which,  upon  the  death 
of  Christian  passed  into  the  hands  of  EI3',  who  still 
(1889)  owns  it.  Allen  now  resides  thereon.  When  17 
years  old  he  was  sent  by  his  parents  to  the  Mennonite 
seminary  at  Wadsworth,  Ohio.  He  subsequently  at- 
tended one  term  at  the  Excelsior  Normal  Institute  at 
Carversville,  Pa. ;  after  which  he  taught  school  eleven 
terms,  working  on  his  father's  farm  during  the  sum- 
mer months.  •  On  Sept.  18,  1880,  he  was  mrd.  to  Sarah 
(daughter  of  Abraham  L.  Leatherman,  also  Fretz" 
descendants,  see—).  She  died  Mar.  21,  1882.  An  in- 
fant son  died  soon  after  birth  without  name.  In  the 
fall  of  1882  he  accepted  the  nomination  of  the  Repub- 
lican party  as  a  candidate  to  the  State  Legislature, 
which  was  tendered  him,  but  his  party  being  in  the 
minority  in  that  year's  campaign,  he  was,  with  the 
rest  of  the  ticket,  defeated.  In  1883  the  Second  Men- 
nonite church  at  Deep  Run  called  him  to  be  their 
minister,  and  he  was  accordingly  ordained  by  Bish. 
Moses  Gottschall  on  Oct.  13,  1883,  and  installed  pas- 
tor of  the  same.  Feeling  the  pressing  need  of  an 
English  paper  in  the  interests  of  his  branch  of  the 
Mennonite  church,  he,  with  the  aid  of  N.  B.  Grobb, 
pastor  of  the  church  in  Philadelphia,  succeeded  in 
Oct.  1885,  in  getting  out  the  prospectus  of  "TAe 
Mennonite^''  which  was  laid  before  the  conference  and 
accepted  as  one  of  the  periodicals  of  the  church.  He 
is  still  one  of  the  editors  of  the  paper,  which  has 
steadily  increased  in  popularity  and  circulation  since 
it  was  started.  On  Mar.  5,  1884,  he  was  mrd.  to 
Anna,  daughter  of  Jacob  F.  Rittenhouse,  of  Campden, 
Ont.  She  is  a  descendant  of  John  Fretz,  who  emi- 
grated to  Canada  in  1800.  Children:  (VII.)  Jacob 
Rittenhouse  Fretz,  born  July  22,  1886.  (VII.)  Ely  R. 
Fretz,  born  Nov.  27,  1888. 

VI.  Lucinda  Fretz,  born  Aug.  5,  1855.  Mrd.  Ed- 
ward L.  Yost,  May  16,  1874.  Harnessmaker  and 
farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  William  F.Yost, 
born  Nov.  15,  1874.  (VII.)  Stella  May  Yost,  born 
Apr.  28,  1884. 

VI.  EmeHne  Fretz,  born  Dec.  14,  1857.  Mem.  Sec. 
Mennonite  ch.  Deep  Run.  Resides  with  her  parents.  S. 



—  225  — 

VI.  Mahlon  M.  Fretz,  born  Aug  12,  1759.  Mrd. 
Amanda,  daughter  of  Joseph  M.  Fretz,  of  Trum- 
bauersville.  Pa.,  Dec.  22,  1883.  Farmer.  Lives  on  the 
old  "Weaver"  John  Fretz'  homestead  m  Bedminster 
Twp.    New  Mennonites.    No  issue. 

VI.  Francis  M.  Fretz,  born  May  25,  1863.  Mrd. 
Maggie,  daughter  of  Henry  Fretz,  of  Lincohi  Co., 
Ont.,  Mar.  3,  1886.  Farmer.  Res.  with  his  father. 
New  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Martha  Fretz, 
born  Aug.  30,  1887. 

VI.   Barbara  Fretz,  born  May  20,  1866.    Mrd.  Irwin 
Wasser,  Apr.  21,  1888.    Farm  laborer.    New  Menno- 
nites.   One  child:    (VII.)  Mary  Wasser,  born  Jan.  26, 
VI.    Susan  Fretz,  born  Dec.  1, 1869.   S.  |  rp    • 

VI.   Mary  Etta  Fretz,  born  Dec.  1, 1869.   S.  \  ^^^'^^^ 
V.   Abraham  Fretz,  born  Dec.  16,  1829;  died  Dec.  13. 
1876.    S. 

V.  Eliza  Ann  Fretz,  born  Apr.  1,  1835.  Mrd.  Reu- 
ben Stover,  Oct.  15,  1854.  He  died  Mar.  25,  1871. 
Farmer.  He  was  Ger.  Reformed.  She  was  New  Men- 
nonite  at  Deep  Run.    One  child: 

VI.  Louisa  Stover,  born  in  1855.  Mrd.  John  S. 
Bissey,  Aug.  26,  1873.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Clara  S.  Bissey,  born  Feb.  22,  1877. 
(VII.)  Alvin  S.  Bissey,  born  Dec.  22,  1879.  (VII.) 
Sadie  S.  Bissey,  born  Oct.  30,  1882;  died  Feb.  12, 
1886.    (VII.)  Alma  Bertha  Bissey,  born  Oct.  23,  1888. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  Oct.  18,  1812.  Mrd.  John  M. 
Fretz.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  55. 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  21,  1803,  died  Nov.  17,  1866.  Mrd.  Ann  Fretz 
(daughter  of  Abraham  and  Rachel  Fretz),  May  1, 1830. 
She  died — .  Farmer.  Lived  on  a  farm  which  was  a 
portion  of  the  old  Fretz'  homestead  in  Bedminster. 
New  Mennonites.   One  child: 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  May  4,  1831,  died  Feb.  25, 
1873.  Mrd.  Lafayett  Yost,  Dec.  8,  1855.  He  died 
Jan.  21,  1880.  Children:  Annetta,  Rachel,  John,  Lin- 
ford,  Ulysses,  Lizzie. 

VI.  Annetta  Yost,  born  Aug.  27,  1857.  Mrd.  Sam- 
uel High,  Dec.  3,  1881.    Farmer.    Live  on  the  home- 


—  226  — 

stead  in  Bedminster.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Gertrude  High,  born  July  5,  1883.  (VII.)  Jacob  Free- 
man High,  born  Nov.  13,  1884.  (VII.)  Chester  Arthur 
High,  born  Oct.  16,  1886. 

VI.  Rachel  Yost,  born  Oct.  8,  1860.  Mrd.  Leidy 
Harpel,  Sept.  20,  1883.  Merchant.  Lutherans.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Maggie  Harpel,  born  Sept.  28,  1883. 

VI.  John  Fretz  Yost,  born  Mar.  28,  1863.  Mrd.  Jen- 
nie Fulnier,  Oct.  6,  1883.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.) 
Fretz  Yost,  born  Feb.  15,  1884;  died  Sept.  4,  1884. 
(VII.)  Edgar  Yost,  born  Feb.  15,  1885.  (VII.)  Harry 
Yost,  born  Sept.  2,  1886.  (VII.)  Raymond  Yost,  born 
Jan.  17,  1888;  died  Sept.  13,  1888. 

VI.   Linford  Yost,  born  Mar.  12,  1866.    S. 

VI.  Ulysses  Grant  Yost,  born  Nov.  4,  1868;  died 
Mar.  24,  1869. 

VI.   Lizzie  Fretz  Yost,  born  ,Nov.  13,  1870. 

IV.  Isaac  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co., 
Dec.  16,  1805;  died  July  7,  1882.  Mrd.  Annie  Leath- 
erman  (daughter  of  Christian  and  Annie  Leatherman), 
Oct.  1,  1833.  She  was  born  Apr.  15,  1809;  died  Oct. 
14,  1883.  Farmer,  New  Mennonites  at  Deep  Run, 
where  he  led  the  singing  for  upwards  of  twenty  years. 
Children:  Abraham,  William,  Magdalena,  Sarah, 
John,  Maria,  Annie,  Isaac. 

V.  Abraham  L.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  6,  1834.  Mrd. 
Leanna  Orr  (daughter  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Orr, 
of  Rockhill,  Pa.),  Jan.  2,  1856.  She  was  born  Feb.  12, 
1840.  Farmer.  New  Mennonites  At  Deep  Run.  Chil- 
dren: Adina,  Samuel 

VI.  Adina  Fretz,  born  Feb.  11,  1861,  died  Feb.  20, 

VI.  Samuel  O.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  7,  1862.  Mrd.  Mi- 
nerva, daughter  of  John  H.  andEmalineStout,  of  Rock- 
hill,  Pa.,  Feb.  13,  1886.  She  was  born  Jan.  31,  1865. 
Farmer,  resides  with  his  father  in  Bedminster  Twp. 
New  Mennonites  at  Deep  Run.  One  child:  (VII.)  Nearo 
Stout  Fretz,  born  May  27,  1888. 

V.  William  L.  Fretz,  born  May  13,  1837;  died  Aug. 
25,  1840. 

V.  Magdalena  Fretz,  born  July  19,  1839;  died  Aug. 
19,  1840. 

—  227  — 

V.  John  L.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  13,  1841.  Mrd.  Mary 
Ann  S.  Kratz,  Dec.  16,  1863.  She  was  born  Jan.  18, 
1846;  died  in  1870.  Farmer.  Children:  (VI.)  Isaiah 
K.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  26,  1864;  died  Sept.  11,  1865. 
(VI.)  Emma  Jane  K.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  27,  1866;  died 
Mar.  27,  1868.  (VI.)  Isaac  K.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  14, 
1867;  died  in  1869.  By  a  second  wife  he  had  one  child: 
(VI.)  John  Fretz,  born — ;  died,  aged  about  6  months. 
He  mrd.  for  his  third  wife  Sarah  Leicy,  June  12, 
1875.  They  have  one  child:  (VI.)  Horace  L.  Fretz, 
born,  Nov.  27, 1879. 

V.    Sarah  Fretz,  born  July  9,  1843;  died  Jan.  25,  '47. 

V.  Maria  Fretz,  born  Mar.  19,  1846.  Mrd.  Henry 
K.  Hockman, — .  He  was  born  Aug.  15,  1840,  Car- 
penter. Children:  (VI.)  Lillie  Hockman,  born  Mar.  1. 
1867;  died  Jan.  7,  1872.  (VI.)  William  Henry  Hock- 
man, born  Dec.  17,  1869.  (VI.)  Ella  Hockman,  born 
in  1874.    (VI.)  Clinton  Hockman,  born  May  25,  1885. 

V.  Anna  L.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  19,  1848.  Mrd.  John 
B.  Kratz,  Sept.  7,  1876.  Saddler  and  Farmer.  New 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Isaac  F.  Kratz,  born 
Jan.  31,  1881.    (VI.)  Irene  F.  Kratz,  born  Sept.  6, 1884. 

V.  Isaac  L.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  30,  1851.  Mrd.  Minerva 
daughter  of  John  K.  and  Maria  Myers,  May  1,  1875. 
Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Lizzie 
Fretz.    (VI.)  Grace  Alice  Fretz. 

IV.  Martin  Fretz,  born  on  the  old  Fretz'  homestead 
in  Bedminster,  Pa.,  Sept.  12,  1808.  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
Kratz  (daughter  of  John  Kratz  of  Skippack,  Pa.), 
Oct.,  6,  1831.  She  was  born  Aug.  31,  1813,  died 
Mar.  21,  1855.  He  was  variously  occupied  as  Farmer, 
Weaver,  Miller,  and  Merchant.  He  at  first  lived  on 
a  farm  in  Montgomery  Co.,  and  afterwards  purchased 
Sixty  acres  of  the  old  Fretz'  homestead,  and  some 
adjoining  lands  in  Bedminster,  Bucks,  Co. ,  where  in 
1838,  he  built  a  dwelling  house,  and  subsequently  a 
barn,  tenant  house,  and  other  buildings.  The  farm  is 
now  owned  and  occupied  by  Reuben  Miller.  In  early 
life  he  and  wife  were  Mems.  Old  Mennonite  Ch.  at 
Deep  Run.  About  1847,  a  division  took  place  in  that 
congregation,  and  a  new  meeting-house  was  built  a 
few  hundred  yards  from  the  old  one.    At  the  time  of 

—  228  — 

the  division  he  was  a  trustee  of  the  old  church,  but 
cast  his  lot  with  the  new  church,  and  was  subse- 
quently chosen  one  of  its  first  ministers.  In  1853  he 
purchased  a  mill  property  in  Sussex,  Co.,  New 
Jersey,  and  moved  thereon  with  his  family  in  the 
spring  of  18.54.  He  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  widow 
Margaret  E.  Hill  (maiden  name  Wintamute),  Feb. 
11,  1857.  She  was  born  Apr.  30,  1817.  Soon  after 
marriage,  in  the  spring  of  1857,  having  rented  this 
mill  property,  he  moved  to  his  wife's  farm  in  Warren 
Co.,  N.  J.,  where  he  engaged  in  farming  until  the 
spring  of  1862;  having  disposed  of  his  mill  property, 
he  removed  to  Newton,  Sussex  Co.,  where  he  had 
built  a  house,  and  engaged  in  the  commission  busi- 
ness. About  1866  he  removed  to  Stillwater,  Sussex 
Co.,  where  he  had  purchased  a  home  and  engaged  in 
Merchandise.  In  the  spring  of  1882,  he  again  re- 
moved to  the  farm  in  Warren  Co.,  where  he  died 
July  13,  1882.  Some  years  prior  to  his  death,  he  was 
ordained  a  Ruling  Elder  in  the  Presbyterian  Ch.  of 
Stillwater.  Amid  all  the  trials,  and  turmoils  of  his 
long  and  eventful  life,  he  maintained  a  strict  integrity 
and  died  highly  respected  by  the  community  in  which 
he  lived,  and  honored  in  the  church.  The  children  by 
the  first  wife  are:  Mary,  Magdalena,  Catharine,  Leah, 
Elizabeth,  John,  Anna,  Theodore,  Abraham,  Martha, 
Edwin,  Albert.  The  children  by  the  second  wife  are: 
Alva,  Lucilla,  David. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born  Nov.  4,  1832,  died  Mar.  8, 

V.  Magdalena  Fretz,  born  Aug.  16,  1834,  died  May 
18,  1876.  Mrd.  Frank  Strohme,  about  1853.  Ger. 
Reformed.  Children:  Lydia,  Mary,  Hannah,  Elias, 
Henry,  Sallie,  John.  Magdalena  mrd.  for  her  second 
husband  Samuel  Lear,  of  Tinicum  Twp.,  in  1865. 
Carpenter  and  farmer.  Children:  Martha,  Abraham, 
Infant  died  unnamed. 

VI.  Lydia  Strohme,  born  in  1853;  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Mary  Fretz  Strohme,  born  in  Sussex  Co.,  N.  J., 
Oct.  4,  1854.  Mrd.  Alfred  D.  Wilt,  May  7,  1873. 
Mrs.  Wilt,  Lutheran.    Children:    (VII.)   Anna  Mabel 


Wilt,  born  in  1873.    (VII.)  James  Henry  Wilt,  born 
Oct.  26,  1875. 
VI.  Hannah  Strohme,  born  in  Sussex  Co.,  N.  J.,  May 

2,  1856.  Mrcl.  William  Hillpot,  Jan.  8,  1879.  She 
is  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.)  Annie  Hillpot.  (VII.) 
William  Dayton  Hillpot.  (VII.)  Frankie  Hillpot.  (VII.) 
Hannah  Hillpot.    (VII.)    Mary  Bell  Hillpot. 

VI.   Elias  Strohme,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  19,  1858. 
VI.   Henry  F.  Strohme,  born  Aug.  18,  1859.    Mrd. 
Amanda  Shelly,  of  Lawndale,  Pa..  Oct.,  8,  1887. 
VI.   Sallie  F.  Strohme,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 

3,  1861.  Mrd.  John  D.  Miller,  Jan.  13,  1883.  Farmer. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Mary  Miller,  born  Jan.  7,  1885. 

VI.  John  Strohme,  ■  born  Apr.  29,  1862.  Mrd—. 
One  chikl:  (VII.)  Henry.  Strohme. 

VI.  Martha  Fretz  Lear,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug. 
5,  1866.     .  ■ 

VI,   Abraham  Frankinfield  Lear,  born  Nov.  21,  1868. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Apr.  20,  1836,  died  Oct. 
20,  1853.  One  child:  (VI.)  Lavina  Fretz,  born  July 
12,  1853.    Tailoress.    New  Mennonitc. 

V.  Leah  Fretz,  born  June  20,  1838,  died  Aug.  1,  1810. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bcdminster,  Bucks  Co., 
Apr.  18,  1810.  Mrd.  Levi  C.  Hefler,  in  1857.  He 
died  Mar.  13,  1870.  Miller,  and  Merchant.  Children: 
Irwin,  Ellsworth,  Elmer. 

VI.  Irwin  F.  Hefler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  23, 
1857.  Mrd.  Mary  Borger,  Sept.  30,  1886.  Clerk  in 
Philadelphia.  One  child:  (VII.)  Emma  Hefler,  born 
Mar.  23,  1887. 

VI.  Ellsworth  Hefler,  born — .  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Elmer  Hefler,  born  Mar.  6,  1869;  died'^Oct.  5, 

V.  John  Kratz  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  19, 
1813.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  years  he  left  home  and 
served  as  farm  laborer.  In  1862  he  enlisted  in  the 
15th  Regiment  N.  J.  Vol.  for  three  years.  In  1863 
he  was  appointed  Corporal.  He  was  engaged  in  some 
of  the  severest  battles  of  the  war.  The  two  battles 
of  Fredricksburg,  Chancellorsville,  and  others.  In 
the  great  battle  of  Spotts3dvania,  C.  H. ,  in  which  his 
regiment  was  nearly  annihilated,  he  fell  a  martyr  to 

—  230  — 

his  country's  cause,  on  May  12,  1864,  from  a  bayonet 
wound  in  the  mouth  and  a  rifle  ball  which  entered  his 
right  eye.  "A  brave  and  gallant  soldier,  and  a  true 
patriot. " 

V.  Anna  Fretz,  born  May  17,  1845;  died  Mar.  7, 

V.  Theodore  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Dec. 
1,  1846.  After  leaving  home,  he  served  as  a  farm 
laborer,  for  a  time,  then  engaged  for-  several  years  as 
Clerk,  until  about  1869  when  he  was  tendered  a  posi- 
tion with  the  Newark  and  Orange  Railway  Co. ,  which 
position  he  accepted,  and  very  satisfactorily  filled 
until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  the  city  of  Orange, 
N.  J.,  Dec.  14,  1872.  He  was  a  member  of  Lafayette 
Lodge,  No.— ,  I.  O.  O.  F.,  of  Orange. 

V.  Abraham  James  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp. , 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  7,  1849.  At  the  age  of  thirteen 
years  he  left  home  and  worked  as  farm  laborer, 
attending  school  in  winter.  He  was  converted  in 
1865  during  the  great  revival  at  Newton,  N.  J.  He 
united  with  the  Presbyterian  church,  and  soon  after 
felt  called  to  preach  the  gospel.  He  accordingly 
entered  the  Newton  Collegiate  Institute  Jan.  3,  1867, 
with  the  ministry  of  the  Presbyterian  church  in  view. 
In  the  winter  of  1868  he  taught  school  at  Mount 
Benevolence,  Sussex  Co. ,  N.  J.  Disagreeing  with  the 
doctrines  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  he  subsequently 
united  with  the  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  July  4, 
1868.  He  was  licensed  an  exhorter,  Oct.  18,  1869, 
and  a  local  preacher,  Mar.  7,  1870.  In  Sept.,  1870, 
he  went  to  Ohio,  and  attended  the  Mennonite  Semi- 
nary at  Wadsworth  for  a  year.  After  visiting  friends 
in  Canada,  he  returned  east  in  the  fall  of  1872.  In 
the  spring  of  this  year  (1872)  he  was  appointed  pas- 
tor of  Middle  Smithfield  charge,  in  Monroe  and  Pike 
counties,  Pa.,  by  Rev.  N.  Vansant,  P.  E.  His  labors 
as  pastor  of  this  charge  were  attended  with  great 
spiritual  success.  He  conducted  several  revival 
meetings,  and  received  into  the  churches  under  his 
care  121  souls.  Since  then  he  has  served  as  pastor  of 
the  following  charges:  Stockholm,  N.  J.,  1873:  Lib- 
erty ville  and  ColevJlle,  1874;    Unionville  md  West- 

—  231  — 

town,  N.  Y.,  1875.  In  the  fall  of  1875,  he  attended 
Wyomino;  Seminary  at  Kingston,  Pa.  Appointed  to 
Hamburgh  and  Ogdensburgh,  1877.  Hurdtown  and 
Hopatcong,  1878  and  1879.  In  1880,  he  built  a  house 
and  went  to  farming,  which  he  has  since  followed  in 
connection  with  the  ministry.  He  is  at  present  pas- 
tor of  M.  E.  church  at  AVest  Milford,  N.  J.  He  was 
ordained  Deacon  by  Bishop  John  F.  Hurst,  Apr.  2, 
1882,  and  Elder  by  Bishop  Charles  H.  Fowler,  Apr. 
1,  1888.  He  was  married  to  Elizabeth  C.  Headley,* 
daughter  of  Joseph  and  Almeda  Headley,  of  Milton, 
N.  J.,  Nov.  14,  1877.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Headly 
Fretz,  born  Dec.  13,  1878.  (VI.)  Joseph  Martin  Fretz, 
born  Sept.  27,  1881;  died  May  10,  1883.  (VI.)  Ervin 
Kratz  Fretz,  born  Dec.  19,  1883;    died  June  7,  1884. 

V,  Martha  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Pa.,  July  25, 
1850.  Mrd.  Andrew  E.  Newbaker,  of  Hardwick 
Twp.,  N.  J.,  Dec.  25,  1869.  Carpenter  in  Philadel- 
phia. Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Belle  New- 
baker,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  20,  1871.  Meth- 
odist. (VI.)  Florence  Ellen  Newbaker,  born  in  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  26,  1876.    Methodist. 

V.  Edwin  Fretz,  born  in  Pa.,  Sept.  15,  1853;  died  in 
N.  J.,  Apr.  28,  1855. 

V.  Albert  Fretz,  born  in  N.  J.,  Mar.  15,  1855;  died 
Apr.  3,  1855. 

V.  Alva  Bennett  Fretz,  born  in  Hardwick  Twp., 
Wai'ren  Co.,  N.  J.,  July  23,  1858.  His  early  school 
days  were  spent  in  the  Academy,  and  Collegiate 
Institute,  both  of  Newton,  N.  J.  He  next  attended 
the  select  school  of  Rev.  T.  B.  Condit,  at  Stillwater, 
until  the  doors  of  that  institution  were  closed  forever. 
He  then  attended  the  Academy  in  that  village  until 
the  age  of  sixteen  when  he  left  school  and  for  a  year 
worked  as  day  laborer,  after  which  he  continued  his 
studies  under  his  Preceptress  Miss  Anna  M.  Condit. 

*She  is  a  descendant  of  Robert  Headley  who  settled  at  Mil- 
ton during  the  Revolution.  He  was  a  native  of  England,  and 
emigrated  to  this  country  and  settled  in  the  Wyoming  Valley, 
Pa.  Prior  to  the  Wyoming  Massacre  he  received  timely  warn- 
ing of  the  impei^diog  danger,  from  a  friendly  Squaw,  and  made 
bis  escape. 

—  232  — 

During  this  his  last  year  at  home  he  decided  to  make 
teaching  his  profession,  which  he  has  since  followed 
with  but  few  periods  of  relaxation,  up  to  the  present. 
He  began  his  career  as  a  teacher  in  1876,  has  been 
very  successful  as  such,  and  is  at  present  principal  of 
a  Graded  School  in  Essex  Co. ,  N.  J.  He  has  always 
been  a  profound  reader,  and  an  indefatigable  student. 
He  has  held  positions  of  trust  and  honor  in  various 
social.  Dramatic,  Musical,  and  Literary  Societies  to 
which  he  belongs,  and  received  many  encomiums  of 
merit,  ability  and  talent  from  his  patrons,  and  supe- 
riors. He  is  a  member  of  Arcana  Lodge,  No.  60,  F. 
and  A.  M. ,  at  Boonton,  N,  J.  He  was  married  to 
Lillian  Isabel  Williams,  daughter  of  Matthew  Wil- 
liams, of  Hampton,  Sussex  Co.,  N.  J.,  in  1881.  She 
was  born  Jan.  15,  1862.  Mrs.  Fretz  is  a  member  of 
the  Christian  Ch.,  toward  which  the  husband  is  also 
strongly  inclined.  Children:  (VI.)  Harold  Norman 
Fretz,  JDorn  Jan.  30,  1882.  (VI.)  Arthur  Raymond 
Fretz,  born  Apr.  25,  1885;  died  May  16,  1885.  (VI.) 
Ethel  May  Fretz,  born  Aug.  2,  1888;  died  Feb.  9, 

V.  Lucilla  Fretz,  born  Jan.  9, 1860;  died  Mar.  12, 1861. 

V.  David  Elmer  Fretz,  born  in  Newton,  Sussex  Co. , 
N.  J.,  Dec.  7,  1862.  Mrd.  Harriet  C.  Swisher,  July 
26,  1890.    Farmer.    Presbyterians. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp. ,  Bucks 
Co.,_Pa.,  Jan.  12,  1812;  died  Apr.  30,  1877.  Mrd. 
Benjamin  D.  Hendricks,  Mar.  16,  1839.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Abraham,  Aaron, 
John,  William,  Sarah,  Jacob. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Hendricks,  born  Feb.  22,  1840;  died 
Sept.  30,  1887.  Mrd.  Jacob  L.  Dimmig,  Sept.  13, 
1862.  Carpenter.  Lutherans.  Children:  Lydia,  Em- 
ma, Mahlon,  Isaac,  Maria,  Lavina,  Benjamin,  Lavina, 
Morrison,  Mabel. 

VI.  Lydia  Ann  Dimmig,  born  Nov.  28,  1863;  died 
Apr.  5,  1888.  Mrd.  Darias  Sine—.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Harry  Sine,  born  Mar.  1,  1887. 

VI.  Emma  Elizabeth  Dimmig,  born  Feb.  28,  1865. 
Mrd.  Thomas  King  (dec'd),—  One  child:  (VII.) 
Mamie  Susan  King,  born  Apr.  12,  1885. 

—  233  — 

VI.  Mahlon  Dimmig,  born  May  13,  1866. 

VI.  Isaac  Dimmig,  born  July  13,  1867. 

VI.  Maria  Dimmig,  born  May  13,  1870. 

VI.  Lavina  Dimmig,  born  July  20,  1873. 

VI.  Benjamin  Dimmig,  born  Nov.  11,  1874. 

VI.  Laura  Cora  Dimmig,  born  Aug.  27,  1878. 

VI.  Morrison  Dimmig,  born  Mar.  7, 1881;  died  Nov. 
27,  1881. 

VI.  Mabel  Alburtis  Demmig,  born  May  11,  1883. 

V.  Abraham  Hendricks,  born  Jan.  12,  181:2;  died 
Apr.  19,  1842. 

V.  Aaron  Hendricks,  born  July  29,  1844;  died  Oct. 
17,  1862. 

V.  John  Hendricks,  born  June  29,  1846;  died  Nov. 
20,  1862, 

V.  William  Hendricks,  born  Dec.  26,  1848;  died 
Mar.  6,  1859. 

V.  Sarah  Hendricks,  born  Sept.  1,  1851;  died  Oct. 
20,  1862. 

V.  Jacob  Freeman  Hendricks,  A.  M.,  born  May  15, 
1854.  He  was  the  youngest  and  is  now  the  only  sur- 
viving child.  He  was  given  the  patriarchal  name  of 
Jacob,  being  named  after  his  paternal  grandfather. 
When  the  boy  became  of  school  age,  he  was  sent  to 
the  public  school  of  the  vicinity.  In  1862,  through 
the  visitation  of  death,  of  seven  children  but  two,  the 
oldest  and  youngest,  were  left.  A  few  months  later, 
marriage  having  claimed  the  oldest,  led  her  forth 
from  beneath  the  parental  roof,  leaving  the  subject 
of  the  sketch  the  only  child  at  the  family  fireside.  In 
'65  his  father  sold  the  farm  on  which  he  had  lived  for 
many  years,  and  on  which  he  had  reared  his  children 
and  bought  a  property  near  the  village  of  Line  Lex- 
ington, in  Hilltown  township,  and  moved  thereon. 
Here  the  boy  resumed  his  attendance  at  public 
school,  assisting  his  father  when  school  was  not  in 
session  in  the  work  on  the  farm  and  in  the  chores 
about  the  place.  Between  '65  and  '70,  he  induced  his 
father  to  send  him  for  several  short  terms  to  the  Line 
Lexington  Seminary,  then  a  select  school  for  boys 
and  girls,  instead  of  the  public  school.  In  the  spring 
of  '70,  thirsting  for  wider   educational  advantages,  he 

—  234  — 

induced  his  father  to  send  him  to  the  Excelsior  Nor- 
mal Institute  at  Carversville,  then  under  the  Princi- 
palship  of  Rev.  F.  R.  S.  Hunsicker,  D.  D.  After  a 
twelve  weeks  attendance  at  this  school,  he  entered 
the  profession  of  teaching,  taking  charge  of  a  school 
in  Hilltown  Twp.,  and  continued  to  teach  in  that 
township  for  four  successive  terms.  In  the  spring  of 
'71  he  entered  the  Millersville  State  Normal  School 
and  remained  there  twelve  weeks.  In  the  spring  of 
'74  he  returned  to  that  school  and  took  a  short  term. 
In  the  fall  of  that  year  he  was  examined  by  the 
County  Superintendent  of  Lehigh  County,  apd 
granted  a  provisional  certificate,  having  one  in  every 
branch.  He  was  thereupon  elected  principal  of  the 
Schools  of  Rittersville,  in  that  county.  After  teach- 
ing there  several  months  he  was  granted  a  profes- 
sional certificate.  In  the  spring  of  '75  he  returned  to 
Millersville  to  finish  his  course,  graduating  with 
honors  in  the  class  of  '76,  and  the  degree  of  Bachelor 
of  the  Elements.  In  the  fall  of  '76  he  took  charge 
of  a  school  at  Breinigsville,  Lehigh  County.  During 
this  term  he  gained  prominence  among  the  teach- 
ers of  the  county.  At  the  County  Teacher's  Institute 
of  that  year,  he  was  made  Secretary  of  the  Institute, 
appointed  to  open  the  discussion  on  one  of  the  topics, 
chosen  delegate  to  the  State  Teacher's  Association 
and  selected  as  one  of  the  evening  lecturers.  In  the 
fall  of  '77  he  took  charge  of  a  school  in  East  Donegal 
Township,  Lancaster  County.  During  this  term  he 
gave  some  attention  to  public  lecturing,  appearing, 
among  other  audiences,  before  the  Page  Literary 
Society  of  Millersville.  At  the  commencement  of 
'79  he  received  from  his  Alma  Mater  the  degree  of 
Master  of  the  Elements.  In  the  fall  of  '78  he  was 
elected  teacher  of  the  Intermediate  Department  of  the 
Doylestown  Borough  Public  Schools,  and  before  the 
close  of  the  term  was  made  Principal  and  Borough 
Superintendent.  In  the  summer  of  '79,  after  win- 
ning golden  testimonials  as  a  teacher,  he  left  the 
school  room  and  turned  his  face  in  the  direction  of 
the  legal  profession.  He  entered  the  office  of  Alfred 
Fackentball,  Esq.,  and  was   duly   registered  as  a 

-  235  — 

student  at  law.  In  '81  he  was  admitted  to  the  Bucks 
County  Bar,  and  at  once  began  the  practice  of  law  at 
the  County  Capitol.  For  reasons  he  has  never  yet 
made  known  he  now  adopted  as  a  middle  name,  the 
name  Freeraan^  writing  his  name  J.  Freeman  Hen- 
dricks. In  the  spring  of  '85,  Doylestown  Borough 
elected  him  Justice  of  the  Peace  by  an  overwhelming 
majority,  when  his  party  was  hopelessly  in  the 
minority.  The  same  year  he  was  admitted  to  the 
Bryant  Literary  Union  of  New  York,  and  again  he 
entered  the  lecture  field.  Since  then  he  has  appeared 
before  County  Teacher's  Institutes  and  other  dis- 
tinguished audiences,  and  won  the  strongest  testi- 
monials. At  the  commencement  of  '86  Ursinus  Col- 
lege conferred  on  him  the  honorary  degree  of  Master 
of  Arts.  He  is  a  Republican  in  politics,  and  a  Presbyte- 
rian in  religion.  He  still  resides  in  Doylestown, 
figuring  as  a  lawyer.  Justice  and  lecturer. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  on  the  Old  Homestead  in 
Bedminster,  Mar.  24,  1813;  died—.  Mrd.  Joseph  F. 
Myers.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  56). 

IV.  Abraham  Fretz,  son  of  "Deacon  "  Abraham  and 
Magdalena  (a  born  Kratz),  was  born  on  the  Fretz' 
Homestead,  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Oct.  9,  1815.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Detweiler,  in  1840.  She  was  born  Ian.  5,  1818; 
died  Jvily  18,  1850.  Children:  Oliver,  Titus,  Lavina, 
Clayton,  Clementine,  Sarah.  He  married  for  his 
second  wife,  Catharine  Fry,  in  Mar. ,  1859.  She  was 
born  Jan.  12,  1827;  died  July  5,  1886.  Children: 
Lewis,  Sybilla,  Laura,  Alice,  Abraham,  Katie.  He 
is  one  of  a  few  surviving  members  of  the  fourth 
generation  from  "Ancestor"  John.  He  being  the 
youngest  of  the  children,  he  remained  at  home  with 
his  parents,  to  be  their  comfort  and  stay  in  their 
declining  years.  He  remained  on  the  old  homestead 
for  the  first  seventy-one  years  of  his  life,  carrying  on 
the  business  of  farming,  and  during  the  summer 
months  that  of  droving.  In  his  business  transactions 
he  is  noted  for  his  honesty  and  integrity.  He  is  a 
member  of  the  New  Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run. 

V.  Oliver  D.  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Nov.  13, 
1840.    Mrd,  Susanna  Meyers,  Dec,  3,  1870,     Shoe- 

—  236  — 

maker  at  Bedminsterville,  Pa.  New  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Abbie  Fretz,  born  July  27,  1875.  (VI.) 
William  James  Fretz,  born  Auo-.  6,  1877. 

V.  Titus  Fretz,  born  Apr.  9,  1842;  died  Oct.  7, 1842. 

V.  Lavina  D.  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  May 
2,  1843.  Mrd.  Jonas  S.  Myers.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  57). 

V.  Clayton  D.  Fretz,  M.  D.,  son  of  Abraham  and 
Sarah  (iDetweiler)  Fretz,  was  born  on  the  old  John 
Fretz'  homestead  in  Bedminster,  Nov.  16,  1844.  At 
the  age  of  six  years  his  mother  died  of  a  lingering 
illness.  He  remained  at  home  with  his  father  until 
the  spring  of  1855,  when  he  was  hired  out  on  the 
farm  of  the  late  Jonas  Meyers,  of  Bedminster,  where 
he  remained  nearly  two  years.  The  following  year  he 
was  with  the  late  Reuben  Stover,  and  the  succeeding 
year  with  Aaron  Tyson,  working  on  the  farm  in  the 
summer  months  and  attending  school  at  Bedminster, 
during  the  winter  terms.  His  father  having  resumed 
farming  he  returned  home  in  the  spring  of  1859,  and 
assisted  on  the  farm,  attending  school  during  the 
winter  months  at  Fretz  Valley.  In  the  spring  of  1862 
he  attended  a  term  at  "The  North  Wales  Institute," 
under  the  principalship  of  A.  S.  Overholt.  He  also 
attended  the  spring  term  of  1863,  at  the  same  insti- 
tution. In  the  summer  of  1864  he  took  a  course  at 
'"Eastman  Business  College"  at  Poughkepsie,  N.  Y., 
graduating  July  12.  In  the  Antumn  of  1862,  he 
secured  a  certificate  of  County  Superintendent  S.  S. 
Overholt,  and  taught  his  first  term  of  school  in  the 
"Old  Octagon"  school  house,  near  Fountain ville. 
He  continued  teaching  for  the  next  three  years — 
teaching  at  the  Monroe  school,  Durham;  and  the 
Fretz  Valley  school,  Bedminster,  and  closing  his 
career  as  teacher  at  Croufs  school,  Rockhill.  Dur- 
ing this  last  term  he  commenced  reading  medicine 
under  his  preceptor,  Dr.  1.  S.  Moyer,  then  at  Plum- 
steadville,  Bucks  Co.  After  the  close  of  the  school 
term  he  devoted  all  his  time  to  medicine,  and  entered 
the  oflice  of  his  preceptor  as  a  regular  student,  and 
in  the  autumn  of  1866  matriculated  at  the  Medical 
Department  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Phil- 

—  237  — 

adelphia.  Durino;  the  succeeding  two  years  he  applied 
himself  closely  to  study,  attended  the  lectures,  and 
g;raduated  Mar,  18,  1868.  Ten  days  thereafter,  on 
the  23d  of  March,  he  located  at  Sellersville,  Pa.,  and 
entered  into  partnership  with  Dr.  Nelson  Applebach, 
for  the  practice  of  his  profession.  He  met  with  suc- 
cess, and  in  a  few  years  succeeded  in  acquiring  a 
lucrative  practice,  and  establishing  himself  in  the 
conlidence  and  esteem  of  the  community.  In  the 
autumn  of  1871,  he  dissolved  the  business  partner- 
ship with  Dr.  Applebach  to  enter  into  a  life  partner- 
ship with  Miss  Kate  B.  Everhart,  daughter  of  the 
late  Dr.  Charles  W.  Everhart,  of  Sellersville. — The 
study  of  Botany  and  the  collection  of  specimens  of 
plants  and  flowers  has  been  one  of  his  favorite  pur- 
suits. He  has  added  many  new  and  rare  plants  to 
the  known  flora  of  Bucks  Co.,  besides  having  dis- 
covered one  new  to  the  state  flora,  and  also  a 
variety  not  before  known  to  science.  His  herbarium 
not  only  contains  a  complete  set  of  all  the  plants  in 
Bucks  Co.,  but  a  very  large  majority  of  the  plants 
growing  east  of  the  Mississippi,  including  not  less 
than  ten  thousand  specimens  and  about  four  thousand 
diffierent  species  and  varieties. — Dr.  Fretz  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Bucks  Co. ,  Medical  Society,  the  Lehigh 
Valley  Medical  Association,  the  Bucks  Co.,  Historical 
Society,  and  the  Bucks  Co.,  branch  of  the  Pennsyl- 
vania Forestry  Association.  He  was  married  to  Kate 
B.  Everhart,  Nov.  16,  1871.  She  was  born  in  Sellers- 
ville, May  2,  1846.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Charles 
Raymond  Fretz,  born  July  19,  1873,  died  June  19, 
1877,  aged  3y.,  11m.  (VI.)  Alfred  Everhart  Fretz, 
born  Aug.  30,  1874.  (VI.)  Samuel  Edward  Fretz, 
born  Aug^  30,  1878.  (VI.)  Eva  Catharine  Fretz,  born 
Feb.  17,  1885,  died  Nov.  25,  1885,  aged  9m.,  8d. 

V.  Clementine  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp., 
June  14,  1846.  Mrd.  William  J.  Myers.  (See  Index 
of  References  No.  58).  Clementine  married  for  her 
second  husband  William  K.  Hockman,  Mar.  5,  1870. 
He  was  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Feb.  23,  1843. 
Farmer  in  Bedminster.  Mrs.  Hockman.  New  Men- 
nonite.     Children:    (VI.)    Maggie  F.  Hockman,   born 

—  238  — 

Dec.  14,  1871.  (VI.)  Clara  F.  Hockman,  born  June 
17,  1874,  (VI.)  Infant  daughter,  died  Dec.  23,  1878, 
aged  9  hours.  (VI.)  Infant  daughter  still  born  Feb. 
13,  1884. 

V.  Sarah  Ellen  Fretz,  born  Oct.  24,  1848;  died  Jan. 
3,  1871.  Mrd.  Amos  Myers.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  59). 

V.  Lewis  F.  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Jan.  13, 
1860.  Mrd.  Sallie  Stahr,  Nov.  29,  1884.  She  died 
Dec.  3,  1885.  One  child:  (VI.)  Nellie  Victoria  Fretz, 
born  June  30,  1885.  Lewis  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, 
Jeanetta  Stokes  Buchanan,  June  6,  1888.  She  was 
born  Mar.  16,  1868.  House  Painter.  Residence  198 
Mechanic  St.,  Germantown,  Pa.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Lewis  Buchanan  Fretz,  born  Apr.  26,  1889. 

V.  Sybella  F.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  18,  1861,  in  Bedmin- 
ster Twp.  Mrd.  William  L.  Fenton,  of  Cheltenham, 
Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  20,  1880.  R.  R.  Engineer. 
Children:  (VI.)  Marion  Alice  Fenton,  born  Jan.  31, 
1882;  died  Jan.  6,  1886.  (VI.)  Clarence  L.  Fenton, 
born  Nov.  30,  1883;  died  Jan.  21,  1886.  (VI.)  Clarion 
Myrtle  Fenton,  born  Dec.  15,  1886. 

V.  Laura  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Pa.,  Feb.  22, 
1863;  died  Jan.  9,  1886,  aged  21y.,  10m.  and  17d. 

V.  Alice  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Sept.  26, 
1865.  Mrd.  Harvey  B.  Lewis,  Nov.  6,  1886.  He  was 
born  July  5,  1864.  Tailor  at  Perkasie.  He,  Luthe- 
ran. Wife,  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Genella  Lewis, 
born  Dec.  6,  1887.  (VI.)  Laura  Lugertia  Lewis,  born 
Nov.  23,  1889;  died  Apr.  1,  1890. 

V.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  Oct.  29,  1867;  died  Dec. 
19,  1869. 

V.  Katie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  18, 
1870.  Mrd.  Richard  R.  Hudson,  June  26,  1889. 
Fireman  on  Railroad.  Ger.  Reformed.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Miriam  F.  Hudson,  born  July  3,  1890. 

III.  Isaac  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  12,  1771;  died  Nov.  1,  1843.  Mrd. 
Susanna  Kratz,  of  Hilltown  Twp.,  May  28,.  1793.  She 
was  born  Sept.  3,  1775;  cUed  Mar.  20,  1798.  Chil- 
dren: Abraham,  Enos,  Susanna.     In  the  year  1800, 

—  239  — 

Isaac  mrd.  his  second  wife,  Veronica  Kratz,  of  Skip- 
pack,  Montff.  Co.  She  was  born  Oct.  28,  1778;  died 
13,  1821.  Children:  John,  Elizabeth,  Jacob,  Isaac, 
William,  Mahlon,  Mary,  Samuel.  In  1822  Isaac  mrd. 
his  third  wife,  Betsey  Landis.  She  was  born  Nov.  16, 
1799;  died  Feb.  13,  1887.  In  early  life  Isaac  Fretz 
followed  the  vocation  of  farmer.  He  owned  and  lived 
on  the  farm  in  Tinicum  Twp. ,  now  owned  and  occu- 
pied by  Henry  F.  Myers.  He  also  for  a  time  had 
teams  on  the  road  freighting  goods  from  Philadelphia 
to  Easton,  Bethlehem,  and  Nazareth,  with  an  occa- 
sional visit  to  Pittsburg  and  other  points  west.  Dur- 
ing his  absence  from  home  Mar.  4,  1804,  his  barn 
was  struck  by  lightning  and  burned.  On  this  occasion 
his  wife  Veronica,  displayed  heroic  energy,  in  rescu- 
ing horses  and  cattle  from  the  burning  building,  and 
undoubtedly  would  have  perished  herself  in  the 
flames,  had  she  not  at  last  been  held  back  by  the 
neighbors.  In  spite  of  all  efforts  to  rescue  the  cattle 
from  the  flames,  one  horse  and  fourteen  (some  say  21) 
head  of  cattle  perished.  In  1815,  Isaac  built  what  is 
now  known  as  the  Fretz  Valley  Mill,  on  the  Tohickon 
Creek,  and  in  addition  to  farming  operated  the  mill. 
During  his  busy  life  he  succeeded  to  competency,  and 
accumulated  nearly  300  acres  of  land.  He  and  wives 
were  members  of  the  Mennonite  church.  He,  how- 
ever, respected  all  denominations,  and  would  never 
(without  reproof)  allow  any  one  in  his  presence  to 
speak  lightly  of  any  church,  or  church  ordinance. 

IV.  Abraham  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
13,  1794;  died  Nov.  7,  1875.  Mrd.  Hannah  Groff,  of 
Salford,  Montg.  Co.,  June  20,  1820.  She  was  born 
Sept.  3,  1803;  died  Mar.  20,  1873.  At  the  age  of  18 
he  commenced  to  learn  the  shoemaking  trade,  and  as 
was  the  custom  at  that  time,  went  from  house  to 
house  carrying  his  "kit"  with  him.  At  the  age  of 
twenty-one,  he  apprenticed  himself  to  the  milling 
trade  which  he  followed  many  years.  About  1818  he, 
in  company  with  Samuel,  son  of  "lame  Anthony 
Fretz,  and  "Velvet"  Henry  Fretz,  made  a  trip  to 
Canada,  to  visit  friends  and  relatives  there.  The 
entire  trip  was  made  on  foot,  and  was  attended  with 

—  240  — 

the  usual  amount  of  adventures.  At  an  early  age  he 
connected  himself  with  the  Mennonite  church,  but  on 
marrying  a  Ger,  Ref.  lady,  he  was  excluded  from 
membership,  and  so  remained  until  the  division,  twen- 
ty-six years  later,  when  he  and  wife  connected  them- 
selves with  the  New  Mennonites.  He  was  at  one  time 
nominated  for  Deacon,  but  not  elected.  He  served 
as  trustee  for  some  time,  and  was  the  second  sexton 
of  the  church,  which  position  he  held  for  over 
twenty-two  years.  Children:  Susanna,  Catharine, 
Josephus,  Elizabeth,  Reuben,  Amanda,  Henry. 

V.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  in  Philadelphia  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  7,  1830;  died  Nov,  22,  1873.  Mrd.  Enos  Kulp, 
of  Bedminster,  May  20,  1853.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  Martha,  Andrew,  George,  Mary,  Frank, 
Sarah,  Hannah,  Barbara. 

VI.  Martha  Kulp,  born  and  died  May  6,  1855. 

VI.  Andrew  Kulp,  born  July  19,  1857;  died  July 
26,  1873. 

VI.  George  Kulp,  born  Mar.  26,  1860.  Resides  in 
Sabetha,  Nemaha  Co.,  Kansas. 

VI.  Mary  Etta  Kulp,  born  Sept.  23,  1861.  Mrd. 
Charles  Swopo,  of  Philadelphia,  in  1880.  Mrs.  Swope, 
Reformed.  Children:  (VII.)  Sophia  Swope,  born  Apr. 
15,  1881.  (VII.)  Sarah  Elizabeth  Swope,  born  Jan.  26, 
1884;  died  May  26,  1885.  (VII.)  Mary  Bertha  Swope, 
born  June  26,  1886.  (VII.)  George  Swope,  born  Jan. 
6,  1889. 

VI.  Frank  Kulp,  born  Jan.  4,  1864.  Farmer  in 
Nemaha  Co. ,  Kansas. 

VI.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  June  18,  1861.  Mrd. 
Frank  Diehl,  Ox  Rockhill,  Pa.,  in  1886.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (VII.)  William  Diehl,  born  Jan.  9,  1887. 
(VII.)  Bertha  Florence  Diehl,  born 28,  1889. 

VI.  Hannah  Kulp,  born  Dec.  23,  1868;  died  Feb.  17, 

VI.  Barbara  Kulp,  born  Aug.  10,  1870. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Philadelphia  Co.,  Pa., 
June  5,  1833;  died,  aged  3  years. 

V.  Josephus  Fretz,  born  in  Philadelphia  Co.,  Pa. 
Mar.  23,  1835;  died  Sep.  19,  1854. 

—  241  — 

V.  Elizabeth  Ann  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  16, 1837.  Mrd.  Harvey  G.  Shaddinger,  of  Plum- 
stead,  Mar.  18,  1866.  He  was  born,  Jan.  7,  1813.  On 
the  6th  of  Sept.,  1861,  he  enlisted  in  Co.  A.,  104 
Penna.  Vol.,  for  three  years,  and  served  in  the  fol- 
lowing engagements:  Lee's  Mills,  Williamsburg, 
Chickahominy,  Seven  Pines,  Fair  Oaks,  Bottom 
Bridge,  White  Oak  Swamp,  Carter's  Hill,  James' 
Island,  Siege  of  Fort  Wagner,  and  Siege  of  Charles- 
ton. He  was  appointed  Corporal  Apr.  1,  1863,  dis- 
charged on  expiration  of  enlistment,  Sept.  30,  1864. 
Reinlisted  as  Seargent  in  Co.  I,,  213  Pa.  Vol.,  the 
16th  of  Feb.,  1865,  for  one  year,  or  during  the  war, 
and  was  discharged  at  the  close  of  the  war,  Nov.  18, 
1865.  New  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  A.  Wesley 
Shaddinger,  born  Aug.  5,  1866.  (VI.)  Elmer  F.  Shad- 
dinger, born  Apr.  12,  1869;  died  Aug.  24,  1869.  (VI.) 
Anna  Charlotta  Shaddinger,  born  Sept.  6,  1870.  New 
Mennonite.  (VI.)  Jonas  Moyer  Shaddinger,  born 
Apr.  21,  1873.  (VI.)  M.  Magdalena  Shaddinger,  born 
Oct.  4,  1875.  (VI.)  Dora  May  Shaddinger,  born  May 
3,  1878. 

V.  Reuben  G.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July 
16,  1841.  Mrd.  Henrietta  B.  Carter,  of  Doylestown, 
July  14,  1866.  She  was  born  Nov.  26,  1833:  died 
July  18,  1884,  without  issue.  He  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Ella  Butterworth,  of  Hatboro,  Pa.,  Mar.  1, 
1886.  She  was  born  Sept.  4,  1844.  At  the  age  of 
sixteen  years  he  apprenticed  himself  to  the  wheel- 
wright trade,  and  in  Mar.,  1861,  began  to  learn  the 
milling  trade  with  his  father,  which  he  followed  for 
thirteen  years.  His  present  occupation  is  wheel- 
wright. In  1863-64  he  enlisted  to  drive  the  invaders 
from  the  State,  and  served  two  months  in  the  45th 
Regt.,  Pa.  V.  M.    Baptists. 

V.  Amanda  Fretz,  born  Oct.  6,  1844.  Mrd.  Joseph 
Holden,  Oct.,  1866.  He  was  born  May  13,  1841;  died 
Mar.  10,  1873.  Children:  (VI.)  Edward  Holden,  born 
Feb.  24,  1870.  (VI.)  Ellwood  Holden,  born  July  29, 
1872;  died  Sept.  6,  1873.  (VI.)  Ella  Nora  Opdyke, 
born  Apr.  8,  1874.  Amanda  mrd,  her  second  husband 
Daniel  Nusbickel,  Apr.  11, 1875.  Lutherans.  Children: 


^  242  — 

(VI.)  Anna  Laura  Nusbickel,  born  July  7,  1876.  (VI.) 
Thomas  Nusbickel,  born  Jan.  9,  1881.  (VI.)  Sallie 
Nusbickel,  born  Dec.  23,  1884.  (VI.)  Milton  H.  Nus- 
bickel, born  May  19,  1887. 

V.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  1848;  died  same  day. 

IV.  Enos  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  14, 
1796;  died  Aug.  15,  1860.  Mrd.  Mary  Leatherman, 
May  6,  1821.  She  was  born  Sept.  8,  1803;  died  with- 
out issue,  Oct.  12,  1875.  Farmer.  Owned  and  lived 
on  the  Esquire  Stover  farm,  on  the  Tohickon..  New 
Mennonites  at  Deep  Run  Ch.,  of  which  he  was  a  trus- 
tee for  a  number  of  years.  He  presented  the  church 
with  a  part  of  the  new  burying  ground,  and  was 
among  the  first  to  be  buried  there. 

IV.  Susannah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  1, 1798; 
died  Jan.  14,  1872.  Mrd.  Samuel  G.  Myers,  Dec.  27, 
1825.  He  was  born  Nov.  14,  1802;  died  Nov.  8,  1877. 
Farmer,  and  run  a  commission  wagon  for  many 
years,  after  which  he  engaged  in  the  milling  business 
at  Doylestown  Borough.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Catharine,  Isaac,  John. 

V.  Catharine  Myers,  born  Dec.  5,  1826;  died  Dec. 
30,  1851.  Mrd.  Joshua  Histand,  Feb.  4,  1851.  Men- 
nonites. One  child:  (VI.)  Catharine  Histand,  born 
Dec.  20,  1851.  Mrd.  Frank  Heaton,  Jan  28,  1879. 
Farmer  of  Doylestown,  Pa.  Presbyterians.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Edwin  Mathias  Heaton,  born  Dec.  10,  1880. 

V.  Isaac  F.  Myers,  born  Feb.  13,  1831.  Mrd.  Cath- 
arine Bewighouse,  Mar.  7,  1868.  Farmer  and  Mer- 
chant. Also  in  the  milling  business  for  some  years; 
at  present  merchant.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Susan  B.  Myers,  born  Mar:  2,  1869.  (Vl.)  Elwood  B. 
Myers,  born  Aug.  13,  1872. 

V.  John  Myers,  born  April  17,  1833.  Mrd.  Annie 
E.  Beidler,  Mar.  15,  1883.  He  was  Engineer  for  a 
number  of  years;  but  is  now  farming.  They  attend 
Presbyterian  church. 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  12,  1801; 
died  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  July  1,  1881.  Mrd.  Veron- 
ica Shelley,  of  Milford,  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  15,  1824.  She 
died  Apr.  18,  1850.  In  1834,  they  emigrated  to 
Wavne  Co.,  O.,  and  in  1835  to  Putnam  Co.,  which  was 

—  243  — 

then  a  dense  wilderness.  Although  he  lived  on  the 
banks  of  the  Blanchard  River,  he  had  to  go  thirty 
miles  to  mill.  For  some  years  their  bread  stuff,  which 
consisted  mainly  of  corn,  was  all  ground  on  a  hand 
mill.  The  entire  family  shoes  were  made  of  wood.  In 
1856  he  sold  his  farm  and  emigrated  to  Lima  County, 
Kansas,  where  he  purchased  a  farm,  which  he  worked 
for  three  years,  then  sold  to  his  sons  Jacob  and  John, 
and  returned  to  Ohio,  where  he  spent  the  remainder 
of  his  days  with  his  daughters,  Elizabeth  and  Fannie. 
He  and  wife  were  members  of  the  Mennonite  church, 
and  assisted  in  building  the  first  Mennonite  meeting- 
house in  Putnam  Co. ,  where  they  worshiped  for  a 
long  time.  Children :  Elizabeth,  Fannie,  Mary,  La- 
vina,  Isaac,  Barbara,  Shelly,  Susan,  Jacob,  Catharine, 
John,  Hannah. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  16, 
1828.  Mrd.  Stephen  Crow,  Oct.  28,  1847.  Farmer 
of  Putnam  Co. ,  O.  Christians.  Children:  Mary  Fan- 
nie, William,  Sarah,  James,  Isaac,  Elias,  Thomas. 

VI.  Mary  M.  Crow,  born  Aug.  26,  1848.  Mrd.—. 
Towsley — .  Farmer  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.  Christians. 
Children:  (VII.)  Armina  E.  (VII.)  Electa  V.  (VII.) 
Lavina  E.   (VII.)  Stephen  R.   (VII.)  Nellie  F. 

VI.  Fannie  Crow,  born  Aug.  6,  1850.  Christian. 

VI.  William  Crow,  born  Oct.  27,  1852.  Mrd.  Mary 
Haskel— .  Children:  (VII.)  Maud  M.  (VII.)  Fannie. 
(VII.)  Grace.   (VII.)  Lucy. 

VI.  Sarah  Crow,  born  Mar.  7,  1855.  Mrd.  James 
Agner — .  Farmer  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.  Christians. 
Children:  (VII.)  Pratt  E.  (VII.)  Nora  B.  (VII.)  Neva 
B.   (VII.)  Stephen  J.   (VII.)   Everje  R. 

VI.  James  Crow,  born  Ai^r.  7,  1857.  Mrd.  Mary  C. 
Agner — .  Methodists.  One  child:  (VII.)  Pet  Agner 

VI.  Isaac  Crow,  born  Jan.  5,  1860.    Farmer.    S. 

VI.  Elias  F.  Crow,  born  Dec.  27,  1862.  Mrd.  Ren- 
nie  M.  Clymer— .    Once  child:    (VII.)    Carl  C.  Crow. 

VI.  Thomas  Crow,  born  Mar.  23,  1865.  Mrd.  Elva 
Schib — . 

—    U4:    — 

V.  Fannie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1825; 
died  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  3,  1886.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Ridenour,  Mar.  2,  1847.  He  died  Oct.  14,  1888. 
Farmer  in  Putnam  Co. ,  O.  Fannie,  Mem.  U.  B.  Ch. 
Children:  William,  Jane,  John,  Albert,  Mary,  Eliza- 
beth, George,  Emma,  Orlando,  Clara. 

VI.  William  Ridenour,  born  Apr.  14, 1848;  died  Oct. 
11,  1849. 

Vl.Jane  E.  Ridenour,  born  Jan.  19,  1850.  Mrd.  Sam- 
uel Wollam,  Apr.  19,  1868.  Mrs.  Wollam  and  seven 
of  the  children  are  Mem.  U.  B.  Ch.  Children:  (VII.) 
Frank  D.  Wollam,  born  Jan.  18,  1869.  (VII.)  Alfred 
L.  Wollam,  born  Oct.  16,  1870.  (VII.)  Waldo  O. 
Wollam,  born  Jan.  17,  1874.  (VII.)  Men  Wollam, 
born  Sept.  16,  1879.  (VII.)  Leo  J.  Wollam,  born  Feb. 
3   1885 

VI.  John  F.  Ridenour,  born  Sept.  21,  1851.  Mrd. 
Julia  Wollam,  Jan.  11,  1878.  Children:  (VII.)  Lloyd 
W.  Ridenour,  born  Nov.  8,  1879.  (VII.)  Eva  P. 
Ridenour,  born  Jan.  17,  1884.  (VII.)  Orlando  B. 
Ridenour,  born  Aug.  17,  1887. 

VI.  Albert  E.  Ridenour,  born  Feb.  5,  1854. 

VI.  Mary  A.  Ridenour,  born  Jan.  30,  1856.  Mrd. 
Samuel  M.  Bibler,  Sept.  5,  1872.  He  died  Jan.  31, 
1887.  Mary  Mem.  U.  B.  Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Iva 
A.  Bibler,  born  Nov.  20,  1876.  (Vil.)  Blanch  M. 
Bibler,  born  Aug.  6,  1878.  (VII.)  Claud  C.  Bibler, 
born  May  6,  1880.  (VII.)  Fannie  Bibler,  born  Dec.  31, 
1881.  (VII.)  Charles  Bibler,  born  Dec.  20,  1883.  (VII.) 
Clara  Bibler,  born  Jan.  6,  1886;    died  Apr.  27,  1887. 

VI.  Elizabeth  L.  Ridenour,  born  July  26,  1858;  died 
Jan.  26,  1889.  Mrd.  George  L.  Marriott,  Aug.  21, 
1883.  Farmer  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.  Elizabeth  Mem. 
U.  B.  Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Randolph  J.  Marriott, 
born  Dec.  20,  1884.  (VII.)  Rosco  C.  Marriott,  born 
Jan.  16,  1887. 

VI.  George  W.  Ridenour,  born  Oct.  27,  1860.  Mrd. 
Reona  Simons,  Dec.  1,  1887.  One  child:  (VII.)  Lewis 
J.  Ridenour,  born  June  25,  1889. 

VI.  Emma  Ridenour,  born  Jan.  16,  1863.  Mrd. 
Nathan  C.  Shirley,  Aug.  12,  1888.    Clerk  of  Dupont, 

—    2J:5     — 

Ohio.    Mem.  U.  B.  Ch.    One  child:    (VII.)  Ashley  R. 

Shirley,  born  June  22,  1889. 

VI.  Orlando  E.  Ridenour,  born  Apr.  15,  1865. 

VI.  Clara  E.  Ridenour,  born  Feb.  9,  1869;  died  July 
2,  1886. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  26, 
1831.  Mrd.  Henry  Eyer,  Apr.  29,  1849.  Farmer  in 
Putnam  Co.,  O.  Children:  John,  George,  Sarah, 
Wesley,  Lavina. 

VI.  John  Ever,  born  Mar.  24,  1850.  Mrd.  Nancy 
Jane  Howard,  Jan.  1,  1872.  Children:  (VII.)  Clar- 
ence E.  Eyer,  l)orn  Oct.  6,  18T3;  died  Sept.  6,  1874. 
(VII.)  LeRoy  Howard  Eyer,  born  Sept.  24,  1875;  died 
aged  8  years.  (VII.)  William  Harrison  Eyer,  born 
Sept.  29,  1877.  (VII.)  Florence  Delilah  Eyer,  born 
Nov.  21,  1880.  (VII.)  Henry  Martin  Eyer,  born  Oct. 
30,1882.  (VII.)  Mary  Grace  Eyer,  born  May  20,  1885. 
(VII.)    Margaret  Elizabeth  Eyer,   born  Jan.  3,  1887. 

VI.  George  Washington  Eyer,  born  Feb.  22,  1852. 
Mrd.  Fannie  Moyer,  of  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Apr. 
1,  1877.    Children:    (VII.)    John  Eyer,  born  in  July, 

1877.  (VII.)    Ida  Eyer,  born  Oct.  1879.    (VII.)    Laura 
Eyer,  born  Mar.,  1884. 

VI.  Sarah  Eyer,  born  Sept.  23,  1855.  Mrd.  Henry 
Crisman,  of  Porter  Co.,  Ind.,  Aug.  15,  1877.  Chil- 
dren:   (VII.)    William  Henry  Crisman,  born  Oct.  14, 

1878.  (VII.)  Mabel  Crisman,  born  Mar.  31,  1883.  (VII.) 
Grace  Crisman,  born  Apr.  26,  1885. 

VI.  Wesley  Eyer,  born  May  21,  1859.  Mrd.  Catha- 
rine Moyer,  of  Kent  Co.,  Mich.,  Oct.  11,  1882.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Arthur  DeWitt  Eyer,  born  Aug.  26, 
1883.  (VII.)  Bessie  Eyer,  born  Sept.  11,  1885.  (VII.) 
Earl  Eyer,  born  Feb.  16,  1887.  (VII.)  Harrison  Eyer, 
born  Oct.—,  1888. 

VI.  Lavina  Eyer,  born  July  18,  1862.  Mrd.  George 
O.  Martin,  of  Etna  Green,  Kosciusko  Co.,  Ind.,  Feb. 
22,  1885.    No  children. 

V.  Lavina  Fretz,  born — .  Mrd.  Reuben  Adams,  of 
Putnam  Co.,  Ohio — .    No  issue. 

V.  Isaac  Fretz,  born  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  in  1834; 
died  June  4,  1865.  Mrd.  Rosanna  Sylvester,  June  4, 
1§60.    She  was  born   in  Dearborn   Co.,  Ind.,   Jan, 

-  246  — 

1839.  Occupation,  Clerk,  teacher,  farmer,  &c.  At 
the  outbreaking  of  the  "Border  Ruffian  War,"  he 
enlisted  in  the  Government  Service,  and  served  nine 
months.  During  the  war  of  the  RebeDion  he  enlisted 
and  served  in  Sherman's  Corps;  was  wounded  in  the 
battle  of  Goldsboro,  and  died  on  the  way  to  the  Hos- 
pital.   Methodists.    Children:  Rose,  Lavina. 

VI.  Rose  Fretz,  born  in  Bureau  Co.,  Bl.,  Feb.  3, 
1852.  Mrd.  John  A.  Fox,  Jan.  26,  1876.  Farmer  in 
Dallas  Co.,  Iowa.  Children:  (VII.)  Milton  F.  Fox, 
born  Mar.  13.  1880.  (VII.)  Dermott  Fox,  born  Aug. 
1,  1881.  (VII.)  Cross  Fox,  born  Apr.  11,  1883.  (Vll.) 
Mary  Rosanna  Fox,  born  June  1,  1885.  (VII.)  Rich- 
ard L.  Fox,  born  Mar.  26,  1887.  (VII.)  George  Fox, 
born  Feb.  12,  1889;  died  Mar.  5,  1889. 

VI.  Lavina  Fretz,  born  Oct.  2.  1864;  died  Mar.  1865. 

V.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Putnam  Co. ,  O. ,  in  1835 ; 
died  in  1855. 

V.  Shelly  Fretz,  born  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  14, 
1837;  died  Mar.  17,  1855. 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  Mar.  17, 

1840.  Mrd.  Francis  M.  Sylvester,  Feb.  28,  1864. 
Farmer.  In  June,  1869,  they  moved  to  Carroll  Co., 
Mo.,  where  he  died  Apr.  18,  1877.  Baptists.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Andrew  J.  Sylvester,  born  in  Elkhart  Co. , 
Ind.,  Feb.  5,  1865.  (VI.)  Fannie  J.  Sylvester,  born  in 
Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Jan.  18,  1867;  died  Apr.  11,  1871. 
(VI.)  Wesley  J.  Sylvester,  born  in  Carroll  Co.,  Mo., 
Apr.  12,  1869.  (VI.)  Maggie  A.  Sylvester,  born  in 
Carroll  Co.,  Mo.,  May  29,  1871.  (VI.)  Joseph  Sylves- 
ter, born  in  Carroll  Co.,  Mo.,  Mar.  2,  1874.  (VI.) 
Mary  B.  Sylvester,  born  in  Carroll  Co.,  Mo.,  May  1, 

V.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  June  9, 

1841.  Mrd.  Susan  H.  Flemming,  of  Defiance  Co.,  O., 
Sept.  21,  1861.  He  enlisted  in  the  war  of  the  Rebel- 
lion, in  the  26th  Regt.,  Ky.  Vol.  Went  with  Gen. 
Thomas  to  Nashville,  Tenn. ,  and  all  through  the  Ten- 
nessee campaign;  then  with  the  23d  Army  Corps 
through  North  Carolina,  and  was  discharged  at  New- 
bern  Hospital,  June  16,   1865.    He  is  ^  meniber  of 

—  24^7  — 

Avalon  Post,  No.  146,  in  Livingston  Co.,  Mo.  They 
attend  the  M.  E.  Ch.     Children: 

VI.  Sarah  A.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  22,  1863.  Mrd.  Wil- 
liam E.  Wilson,  of  Carroll  Co.,  Mo.,  in  1887.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Benjamin  Jacob  Wilson..  (VI.)  William 
John  Fretz,  born  Nov.  18,  1864.  (VI.)  Elmer  Ells- 
worth Fretz,  born  Jan.  26,  1867;  died  Aug.  1,  1869. 
(VI.)  Stephen  Grant  Fretz,  born  Nov.  14,  1868.  (VI.) 
Almon  Fretz,  born  Dec.  20,  1870.  (VI.)  Cora  May 
Fretz,  born  Mar.  10,  1873.  (VI.)  Ida  Elizabeth  Fretz, 
born  Jan.  13,  1875.  (VI.)  Ervy  Clarence  Fretz, 
born  Mar.  6,  1877;  died  Oct.  11,  1878.  (VI.)  Frank 
and  Fannie  Fretz  (Twins),  born  Mar.  24,  1879.  (VI.) 
Charles  Eldon  Fretz,  born  May  12,  1881.  (VI.)  Del- 
mer  Ray  Fretz,  born  July  13,  1883;  died  Sept.  14, 
1883.     (Vl.)  Louella  Belle  Fretz,  born  May  31,  1885. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Oct.  26.  1844;  died  Aug. 
12,  1855. 

V.  John  Fretz,  born  in  1848.  Mrd.  Lucy  Round,  of 
Carroll  Co.,  Mo.,  Jan.  27,  1887.  Lived  for  a  time  in 
Kansas,  and  at  the  time  of  the  grasshopper  plague 
lost  heavily.  He  afterwards  returned  to  Ohio.  He 
enlisted  in  the  5th  Ohio  Cavalry,  and  served  seven 
months  in  Sherman's  command.  He  also  served  in 
the  199th  111.  100  days'  service.  Methodists.  One 
child:  (VI.)  —  Fretz,  born  in  1888. 

V.  Hannah  Fretz,  born  Oct.  22,  1849;  died  Sept.  30, 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
18,  1803;  died  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Feb.  25,  1884. 
Mrd.  George  Leffler,  about  1835.  He  was  born  in 
Gerling,  Germany,  Nov.  18,  1802;  died  Mar.  10,  1876, 
in  Philadelphia,  where  he  was  engaged  in  the  carriage 
building  business,  and  succeeded  in  accumulating  a 
small  fortune.  He  was  Lutheran,  and  she  Ger.  Ref. 
No  issue. 

IV.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  18, 
1805;  died  Dec.  29,  1848.  Mrd.  Rebecca  Walters,  Dec. 
24,  1829.  She  was  born  Feb.  2,  1807;  died  June  2, 
1834.  Blacksmith.  Children:  Caroline,  Catharine, 

—  248  — 

V.  Caroline  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  21, 
1830.  Mrd.  Andrew  P.  Schlichter,  of  Blooming 
Glen,  Pa.,  Jan.  6,  1850.  He  has  been  variously  occu- 
pied, first  in  the  commission,  then  in  the  Livery 
business,  in  Philadelphia,  and  finally  Flour,  Feed  and 
Hay  Merchant,  at  Telford,  Pa.  Now  retired.  Dunk- 
ards.    Children : 

VI.  Enos  F.  Schlichter,  born  Sept.  11,  1856.  Mrd. 
Malinda  H.  Tettemer,  of  Pipersville,  Pa.,  Feb.  5, 
1879.  His  occupation  is  Carriage  builder,  at  Telford, 
where  he  has  successfully  carried  on  the  business  to 
the  present  time.  Children:  (VII.)  Harvey  T.  Schlich- 
ter, born  Jan.  18,  1882.  (VII.)  Carrie  T.  Schlichter, 
born  June  3,  1883.  (VII.)  Frank  Russell  Schlichter, 
born  Aug.  11,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  F.  Schlichter,  born  in  1861;  died  in  1864, 
aged  3y.,  4m.  and  6d. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  July  24,  1832.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Fluck,  Nov.  29,  1851.  He  was  born  June  18,  1827. 
Mem.  Union  Ch..  Dublin,  Pa.  Children:  Mary, 
Susan,  Hiram,  Carrie,  Samuel,  Emma. 

VII.  Mary  Ann  Fluck,  born  July  25,  1852;  died  Feb. 
3,  1857. 

VI.  Susan  Fluck,  born  Sept.  18,  1854;  died  Oct.  17, 
1884.  Mrd.  Enos  Yost,  in  1877.  Farmer.  One  child: 
(VII.)  —  F.  Yost;  died,  aged  about  3  yrs. 

VI.  Hiram  F.  Fluck,  born  Aug.  28,  1856;  died  Apr. 
17,  1858. 

VI.  Carrie  Fluck,  born  Feb.  19,  1859.    S. 

VI.  Samuel  F.  Fluck,  born,  Sept.  7,  1861.  Farmer. 
Res.  in  Kansas. 

VI.  Emma  Fluck,  born  Apr.  3,  1868.     S. 

V.  Mahlon  Fretz,  born  Aug.  12,  1833;  died  Aug. 
11,  1834. 

Jacob  Fretz  married  for  his  second  wife  Mary 
Swartz,  Jan.  24,  1836.  She  was  born  Mar.  31,  1816; 
died  June  8,  1884.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Rebecca, 
Isaac,  Sarah,  Jacob. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Jan.  22,  1837;  died  Apr. 
15,  1837. 

V.  Rebecca  Fretz,  born  May  5,  1838;  died  Sept.  5, 

—  249  — 

V.  Isaac  S.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  23,  1839. 
Mrd.  Mary  J.  Smith,  of  Venango  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  28, 
1865.  His  earliest  occupation  was.  Blacksmith.  In 
1864  he  served  the  Government  as  a  Mechanic  for 
seven  months.  In  1875  he  went  to  the  Oil  Regions  of 
Venango  Co.,  where  he  was  engaged  as  Engineer  and 
tool  dresser.  In  March,  1883,  he  moved  to  Valley 
Co. ,  Neb. ,  where  he  is  engaged  in  farming,  &c.  Mrs. 
Fretz,  Mem.  of  Ch.  of  God.  Children:  Mary,  Edwin, 
Annetta   Austin,  Millie,  George. 

VI.  Mary  Fretz,  born  Aug.  28,  1866.  Mrd.  John  E. 
Guthrie,  Dec,  27,  1885.  Mrs.  Guthrie,  Christian. 
Children:  (VII.)  William  Edwin  Guthrie,  born  Oct. 
5,  1886.  (VII.)  Rawlin  Guthrie,  born  May  6,  1888. 
(VI.)  Edwin  Fretz,  born  Apr.  26,  1870.  (VI.)  An- 
netta Fretz,  born  Nov.  1,  1872;  died  Aug.  31,  1S73. 
(VI.)  Austin  Fretz,  born  July  22,  1874.  (VI.  MilHe 
Fretz,  born  Feb.  1,  1877.  (VI.)  George  Fretz,  born 
June  1,  1879. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  1, 
1843.  Mrd.  Levi  Longacer,  of  Philadelphia,  Aug. 
21,  1867.  He  was  born  June  28,  1836.  Stair  Builder 
in  Philadelphia.  Mrs.  Longacer,  Ger.  Ref.  Children: 
(VI.)  Frank  Longacer,  born  Sept.  9,  1875;  died  Sept. 
18,  1875.   (VI.)  Edward  Longacer,  born  Dec.  17,  1887. 

V.  Jacob  S.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.  Apr.  5,  1847. 
Mrd.  Emma  Brown,  Dec.  25,  1873.  She  was  born 
Sept.  2,  1850.  Producer  of  Coal  Oil,  at  Bradford, 
Pa.  Mrs.  Fretz,  Baptist.  One  child:  (VI.)  Flora 
May  Fretz,  born  May  15,  1876. 

IV.  Isaac  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  22,  1807; 
died  June  5,  1874.  Mrd.  Catharine  Stover,  of  Bed- 
minster,  Bucks  Co. ,  in  1832.  He  owned  and  run  the 
miU  until  1850,  when  he  sold  it,  and  bought  the  old 
homestead,  where  he  lived  until  about  '65,  then  sold  and 
moved  to  Bridgetown.  New  Mennonites  at  Deep 
Run,  of  which  he  was  a  trustee  for  some  time,  and  of 
which  he  was  twice  nominated  for  the  ministry,  but  not 
elected.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Jemima,  Annie,  John, 
Mary,  Catharine,  Violetta,  Hannah,  Salome,  Caroline. 

v.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  13, 
1833.     Mrd.  Eli  Stover.     He  died  Sept.   16,   1878. 

—  250  — 

(See  Index  of  References  No.  60).  Elizabeth  mrd.  for 
her  second  husband,  Philip  Protzman,  May  27,  1883. 
Farmer  in  Finesville,  N.  J. 

V.  Jemima  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  15,  1835; 
died  Apr.  26,  1883.  Mrd.  George  Gotlieb  Ebert,  Aug. 
12,  181:9.  He  was  born  in  Germany,  June  27,  1821; 
died  Mar.  3,  1884.  Mr.  Ebert,  Lutheran.  Mrs.  Ebert 
Ger.  Ref.  Children:  William,  John,  Ella,  Mary, 
Charles,  Warren. 

VI.  William  Ebert,  born  May  3,  1850;  died  Jan.  19, 

VI.  John  Lewis  Ebert,  born  Dec.  22,  1851.  Mrd. 
Annie  Hotel — .  She  was  born  Jan.  10,  1847.  Teacher 
and  Carpenter.  Presbyterians.  Children:  (VII.)  Elmer 
Garfield  Ebert,  born  Aug.  22,  1880;  died  May  28, 
1884.  (VII.)  Ella  May  Ebert,  born  Sept.  14,  1882. 
(VII.)  Alice  Magill  Ebert,  born  Apr.  16,  1886.  (VII.) 
Jennie  Valeria  Ebert,  born  Jan.  13,  1888. 

VI.  Ella  Ebert,  born  Sept.  5,  1857;  died  Mar.  4, 
1883.    Ger.  Ref. 

VI.  Mary  Catharine  Ebert,  born  Dec.  22,  1864;  died 
Feb.  25,  1865. 

VI.  Charles  Ebert,  born  Oct.  31,  1859.  He  was  well 
educated  and  at  one  time  Principal  of  the  Kutztown 
Normal  School.  He  was  mrd.  and  had  one  child,  but 
afterwards  separated  from  his  wife:  (VI.)  Warren 
Ebert,  born  July  27,  1874.    New  Mennonites. 

V.  Annie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  29,  1837. 
Mrd.  Joseph  Funk,  Nov.  23,  1857.  He  was  born 
Apr.  1,  1831.  Farmer.  He  Lutheran.  She  New  Men- 
nonite.    Children:  Adeline,  Elmer. 

VI.  Adeline  Funk,  born  Jan.  28,  1859.  Mrd.  Gideon 
Rosenberger,  of  Bedminster,  Jan.  8,  1880.  Farmer. 
Children:  (VII.)  Joseph  Rosenberger,  born — .  (VII.) 
Minnie  Catharine  Rosenberger,  born — . 

VI.  Elmer  E.  Funk,  born  Aug.  15,  1864.  Mrd.  Phi- 
lena  Zeigenfoss,  June  12,  1884.  Teacher.  Children: 
(VII.)  Mamie  Nora.  (VII.)  Elmer  Millard.  (VII.)  Anna 
Ray,  born  June  22,  1889. 

V.  John  S.  Fretz.  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  6, 
1839;  died  Jan.  1,  1887.  Mrd.  Ella  Amanda  Loux, 
Oct.   15,  1864.     She  was  born  Sept.  26,  1846;  died 

—  251  — 

May  14,  1873.  Farmer  and  miller.  New  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Anna  Laura  Fretz,  born  July  23, 1865. 
died  Apr.  2,  1873.  (VI.)  Katie  Fretz,  born  Sept.  15, 
1868;  died  Feb.  8,  1873.  John  mrd.  his  second  wife, 
Matilda  Cope,  Nov.  23,  1873.  Children:  (VI.)  Howard 
C.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  1,  1875;  died  Feb.  19,  1887.  (VI.) 
Charles  C.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  30,  1876.  (VI.)  Sallie  C. 
Fretz,  born  July  29,  1879;  died  Aug.  11,  1881.  (VI.) 
Irwin  C.  Fretz,  born  June  19,  1885. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  2,  1842. 
Mrd.  Jonas  Loux,  Jan.  26,  1861.  He  was  born  Jan. 
16,  1839.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  Harvey,  Lin- 
coln, Eva. 

VI.  Harvey  F.  Loux,  born  Dec.  28,  1861.  Mrd.  — 
— ,  Sept.  1885.  Teacher.  Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Chester  Arthur  Loux,  born  Oct.  7,  1887. 

VI.  E.  Lincoln  Loux,  born  July  7,  1866.  Teacher 
and  book  keeper.    Ger.  Ref. 

VI.  Eva  Flora  Loux,  born  Apr.  6,  1871.  Tailoress. 
Ger.  Ref. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Oct.  4,  1844;  died  Nov.  3, 

V.  Violetta  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  12,  1847. 
Mrd.  Henry  Roth,  Dec.  24,  1870.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass. 
No  issue. 

V.  Hannah  Frejbz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  17,  1849. 
Mrd.  Monroe  S.'Weikel,  in  1869.  Farmer  and  shoe- 
maker, of  Springfield,  Pa.  New  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Alice,  John,  Irene,  Hattie,  Meda. 

VI.  Alice  F.  Weikel,  born  Jan.  20,  1870.  Mrd.  Har- 
ver  R.  Balliet,  Dec.  14,  1889.  Mr.  Balliet,  mem.  of 
Springtown  Union,     Mrs.  Balliet,    New  Mennonite. 

VI.   John  H.  Weikel,  born  May  22,  1873. 

VI.    Irene  F.  Weikel,  born  May  8,  1876. 

VI.   Hattie  F.  Weikel,  born  Aug.  15,  1881. 

VI.    Meda  F.  Weikel,  born  July  15,  1883. 

V.  Salome  FrQtz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  16,  1851. 
Mrd.  Andrew  S.  Hendricks,  Oct.  29,  1870.  Farmer. 
Mem.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VI.)  Ella  Catharine  Hen- 
dricks, born  July  2,  1871.  Mrd.  Jacob  M.  Detweiler, 
Sept.  26,  1889.  (VI.)  Charles  F.  Hendricks,  born 
July  15,  1874;  died  Apr.  6,  1876.    (VI.)  Clara  F.  Hen- 

—  252  — 

dricks,  born  July  22,  1877;  died  Aug.  10,  1877.  (VI.) 
Franklin  F.  Hendricks,  born  July  6,  1878.  (VI.)  Laura 
F.  Hendricks,  born  Mar.  7,  1881;  died  Mar.  19, 1890. 
(VI.)  Harvey  F.  Hendricks,  born  Dec.  16,  1883.  (VI.) 
Clayton  F.  Hendricks,  born  Aug.  30,  1886.  (VI.) 
Stella  F.  Hendricks,  born  Jan.  21,'  1889. 

V.  Caroline  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Nov,  12,  1854. 
Mrd.  James  D.  Bergey,  of  Hilltown,  Apr.  14,  1877. 
Blacksmith.  Mems.  Ev.  Ass.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary 
Catharine  Bergey,  born  Mar.  27,  1879.  (VI.)  Ella  F. 
Bergey,  born  Aug.  18,  1885. 

IV.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  1, 
1810;  died  Feb.  20, 1883.  Mrd.  Anna  Myers,  of  Plum- 
stead  Twp.,  Mar.  12,  1838.  He  early  engaged  in 
farming  and  freighting  goods  by  teams  to  Easton, 
Nazareth,  and  other  points.  Farming  was  his  princi- 
pal occupation.  He  was  also  the  last  of  his  name  who 
owned  and  run  his  father's  mill.  As  a  business  man 
he  was  financially  successful.  New  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Mahlon,  Albert,  Elizabeth,  Henry,  Amos,  La- 
vina,  Sarah,  Reed,  Eli,  Catharine,  William. 

V.  Mahlon  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  1,  1838. 
Mrd.  Henrietta  Althouse,  Aug.  13,  1864.  She  was 
born  Dec.  12,  1846.  He  has  been  variously  occupied 
as  farmer,  teamster,  agent  and  merchant.  Ger.  Ref. 
No  issue. 

V.  Albert  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  1,  1840. 
Mrd.  Amanda  H.  Licey,  of  Hilltown  Twp. ,  Dec.  24, 
1864.  Blacksmith  and  farmer.  New  Mennonites. 
Children:  Ella,  Annie,  Clayton,  Aquilla,  Abraham, 
Emma,  Gertrude. 

VI.  Ella  Jane  Fretz,  born  June  20,  1865.  Mrd.  Har- 
vey Bryan,  in  1887.  Farmer  of  Bedminster  Pa.  One 
child:  (VII.)  LilHe  Bryan,  born  Mar.  1888. 

VI.  Annie  ElizabethFretz,  born  Aug.  20, 1869.  Mrd. 
Moses  Bryan,  of  Bedminster,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  1886.  Far- 
mer. Mrs.  Bryan,  New  Mennonite.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Katie  Bryan,  born  Apr.  1887. 

VI.  Clayton  L.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  8,  1874.  (VI.) 
Aquilla  May  Fretz,  born  Jan  3,  1877.  (VI.)  Abraham 
L.  Fretz,  born  July  8, 1879.  (VI.)  Emma  Laura  Fretz, 


—  253  — 

born  June  16,  1880.  (Vl.)  Gertrude  Fretz,  born  Sept. 
6,  1884. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Dec.  16, 1841;  died  Mar.  19. 

V.  Henry  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  15. 
1843.  Mrd.  Sallie  Haldeman,  of  New  Britain,  Pa., 
Sept.,  1876.  Miller.  He  Presbyterian,  she  Mennonite. 

V.  Amos  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  12, 
1845.  Mrd.  Catharine  Fox,  of  Bedminster,  Pa.,  Dec. 
25,  1869.  She  was  born  Nov.  1,  1845.  Engaged  in 
commission  clothing  business.  Mrs.  Fretz,  Presby- 
terian. Children:  (VI.)  William  Fretz,  born  July  1, 
1870.  (VI,)  Jordan  Fretz,  born  July  23,  1873.  (VI.) 
Amos  Fretz,  born  July  8,  1877.  (VI.)  Rosa  Fretz, 
born  Mar.  4,  1880.  (VI.)  Katie  Alice  Fretz,  born. 
Sept.  21.  1882. 

V.   Lavina  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Feb.  10, 

1847.  Mrd.  Simeon  Landis,  Jan.  21,  1871.  Harness 
maker  at  Blooming  Glen,  Pa.,  Mr.  Landis  Old,  and 
Mrs.  Landis  New  Mennonite.  Children:  (VI.)  Wil- 
liam F.  Landis,  born  Nov.  4,  1872.  (VI.)  Allen  F. 
Landis,  born  June  4,  1876;  died  Mar.  18,  1889.  (VI.) 
Mary  F.  Landis,  born  Oct.  10,  1878;  died  Mar.  4, 1882. 
(VI.)  Harriet  F.  Landis,  born  Feb.  22,  1883.  (VI.) 
Reed  F.  Landis,  born  Dec.  13,  1889. 

V.    Sarah  Ann  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Sept.  7, 

1848.  Mrd.  Christian  Rosenberger,  of  Richland,  Pa., 
in  1888.  Farmer.  Mrs.  Rosenberger,  New  Mennonite. 

V.  Reed  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  20, 
1850.  Mrd.  Maggie  R.  Landis,  of  Lawndale,  Pa.,  in 
1876.  She  died  Jan.  1890.  Farmer  in  Nemaha  Co. ,  Kan. 
He  also  does  quite  an  extensive  business  in  shipping 
horses  and  cattle  from  the  west  to  Pennsylvania. 
Children:  (VI.)  J.  Warren  Fretz,  born  Oct.  14,  1877. 
(VI.)  WiUiam  L.  Fretz,  born  Jan.  13,  1879.  (VI.)  An- 
nie R.  Fretz,  born  May  2.  1880.  (VI.)  Harry  L.  Fretz, 
born  Jan.  15,  1881.  (VI.)  Arlington  L.  Fretz,  born 
Aug.  28,  1883.  (VI.)  Leroy  L.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  30, 
1885;  died  Oct.  10,  1885.  (VI.)  Floyd  L.  Fretz,  born 
Nov.  21,  1887. 

V.  Eli  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1851. 
Mrd.  Emma  Catharine  Frantz,  Feb.  24,  1881.    Far- 

'  —  254  — 

mer.  He  is  New  Mennonite,  Mrs.  Fretz,  Lutheran. 
Children:  (VI.)  Bertha  Fretz,  born  May  6,  1884;  died 
Sept.  14,  1884.  (VI.)  Charles  F.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  8, 
1886.    (VI.)  John  Fretz,  born  Sept.  22,  1888. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Mar.  7,  1853.  Mrd.  Hor- 
ace Swope,  Nov.  28,  1885.  Farmer  in  Tinicum  Twp. , 
Pa.    Mrs.  Swope,  New  Mennonite.    No  issue. 

V.  William  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Sept.  6, 
1856.  Mrd.  Laura  M.  Sames,  of  Springfield  Twp., 
Dec.  25,  1880.  She  was  born  Mar.  8,  1860.  Miller. 
After  his  father's  death,  he  purchased  the  homestead 
farm,  but  finally  sold  out  and  went  to  Nemaha  Co., 
Kan.,  where  he  is  dealing  in  cattle.  Lutherans.  One 
child:  (VI.)  Sadie  Fretz,  born  Feb.  5,  1884. 

IV.  Malilon  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  12, 
1813.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Grubb,  of  Montg.  Co.,  Pa., 
May  30,  1841.  She  was  born  Oct.  20,  1821.  His 
principal  occupation  has  been  farmer,  and  has  other- 
wise been  a  skillful  and  useful  man.  He  also  had  a 
military  tendency,  and  was  Captain  of  a  Company  of 
Militia  for  some  time.  He  never  belonged  to  any 
church,  but  was  active  in  the  building  of  the  New 
Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run,  of  which  his  wife 
was  a  member.  In  1854  he  and  wife  separated,  and 
were  divorced  in  1872.  Children:  Jeremiah,  Fenton, 
Susan,  Sylvester,  Mary,  Hannah,  Harvey. 

V.  Jeremiah  Fretz,  born  Oct.  21,  1842;  died  same 

V.  Fenton  G.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
21,  1843.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Holloway,  of  Montg.  Co., 
Pa.,  Mar.  12,  1867.  She  was  born  Feb.  6,  1842.  He 
enUsted  Aug.  29,  1861,  in  Company  B.  6th  Penna. 
Cavalry,  known  as  "Rush's  Lancers."  He  was 
thrown  from  his  horse  and  wounded  in  a  charge,  in 

1864,  and  was  taken  to  the  Hospital  at  Wilmington, 
Del.,  and  was  discharged  from  the  service,  Aug.  17, 

1865.  He  is  at  present  Express  Agent,  at  Pottstown, 
Pa.  Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Jennie  Fretz,  born 
July  30,  1868.  (VI.)  Mary  A.  Fretz,  born  July  3, 
1870.  (VI.)  Sarah  M.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  25,  1872.  (VI.) 
Wilbur  Fretz,  born   May  31,   1874;    died  July  15, 

—  255  — 

1874.  (VI.)  Ida  Fretz,  born  Aug.  18,  1875;  died  Sept. 

29,  1875.   (VI.)  Roy  Fretz,  born  Oct.  19,  1876. 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  Nov.  28,  181:4;   died  same  da}^ 

V.  Sylvester  G.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 

30,  1845;  died  Feb.  2,  1888.  Mrd.  Catharine  Swavely, 
in  July,  1865.    She  was  born  in  1847;    died  Oct.   24, 

1875.  Children:  Anna,  Rebecca,  George,  Sarah.  Syl- 
vester mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Mary  Lee,  Sept.  29, 
1878.  She  was  born  Oct.  12,  1844.  They  had  one 
child:  (VI.)  Thomas  Fretz,  born  June  2,  1879.  Syl- 
vester Fretz  enlisted  in  Company  I,  129th  Regiment, 
Pa.  Vol. ,  Aug.  4,  1862,  and  participated  in  the  battles 
of  Antietam  and  Chancellorsville.  He  was  discharged 
Mar.  18,  1863,  and  re-enlisted,  July  11,  1864,  in  Co. 
F.,  197th  Regt.,  Pa.  Vol.,  and  was  discharged  Nov. 
11,  1864. 

VI.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Dec.  17,  1865.  Mrd.  Reub6n 
Eagle,  of  Montg.  Co.,  Feb.  2,  1884.  He  was  born 
Oct.  15,  1859.  Children:  (VII.)  Laura  Eagle,  born 
Oct.  31,  1885.  (VII.)  Harry  Eagle,  born  June  2,  1887. 
(VII.)  Ro  y  Eagle,  born  Aug.  1,  1888. 

VI.  Rebecca  Fretz,  born  Aug.  13,  1867. 

VI.  George  L.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  11,  1869. 

VI.  Sarah  M.  Fretz,  born  Aug.  25,  1871. 

VI.  Thomas  I.  Fretz,  born  June  2,  1879. 

V.  Mary  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  23,  1847.  Mrd.  George  Spiese,  Jan.  10,  1867. 
He  was  born  Mar.  10,  1840.  Attend  Ger.  Ref.  Ch. 
Children:  (VI.)  Emma  Laura  Spiese,  born  Nov.  18, 
1867.  (VI.)  Lettie  Mary  Spiese,  born  May  29, 1870.  (VI.) 
Ida  Florence  Spiese,  born  June  15,  1874.  (VI.)  Harry 
Warren  Spiese,  born  Jan.  15,  1877.  (VI.  Fenton  G. 
Spiese,  born  Mar.  7,  1879.  (VI.)  Mary  A.  Spiese, 
born  Sept.  23,  1882.  (VI.)  William  Earl  Spiese,  born 
Sept.  30,  1887. 

V.  Hannah  Eliza  Fretz,  born  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  5, 
1849.  Mrd.  George  Haus,  Mar.  4,  1876.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Anna  Brown  Haus,  born  Dec.  13,  1878. 

V.  Harvey  Fretz,  born  Sept.  16,  1852;  died  Apr., 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  12,  1815. 
Mrd.  Henry  Fretz.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  61). 

—  256  — 

IV.  Samuel  Fretz,  born  in  B  icks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  12, 
1819;  died  Dec.  25,  1881.  He  early  identified  him- 
self with  the  printing  trade,  and  rose  step  by  step  in 
his  chosen  craft,  and  at  one  time  was  editor  and  pro- 
prietor of  "The  Bucks  County  Intelligencer,"  at 
Doylestown,  Pa.  He  was  also  a  mechanic  of  note. 
Millwright,  Marble  cutter,  organ  builder.  Dentist, 
and  added  to  these  during  the  latter  part  of  his  life, 
he  was  occupied  as  teacher.  In  1854  he  emigrated  to 
Putnam  Co.,  Ohio,  and  when  taken  sick,  was  teach- 
ing near  Melrose,  Paulding  Co.,  O.,  where  he  died, 
and  is  buried  in  the  Mackling  Grave  yard.  He  was 
never  married. 

III.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  in  1773;  died  about  1821.  Mrd.  Henry 
Fretz,  for  her  first  husband.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  62).  For  her  second  husband  she  mrd.  Henry 
Hockman — .    Farmer.    Lived  on  the  farm  now  occu- 

Sied  by  Rev.  A.  M.  Fretz.    Mennonites.    Children: 
[ary,  Christian,  Barbara,  Abraham,  Veronica. 

IV.  Mary  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  22, 
1800;  died  Oct.  11,  1815.  Mrd.  John  Rosenberger, 
Jan.  22.  1826.    He  was  born  in  Hatfield,  Pa.,  Apr, 

12,  1790;  died  Sept.  12,  1873.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Elizabeth,  Catharine,  Mary,  John,  Henry, 
Samuel,  Abraham,  Sarah,  Nancy,  William. 

V.  Elizabeth  Rosenberger,  born  Jan.  13,  1827.  Mrd. 
John  Anders,  both  deceased.  Children:  (VI.  Henry. 
(VI.)  Josiah.   (VI.)  Catharine.   (VI.)  Nathaniel. 

V.  Catharine  Rosenberger,  born  in  Hilltown  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  July  29,  1828.  Mrd.  Ephraim  R.  Landis, 
Nov.  5,  1851.    He  was  born  in  Haycock  Twp.,  Dec. 

13,  1824.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  George, 
W.  R.,  Mary,  John,  Reuben,  Katie,  Emma. 

VI.  George  R.  Landis,  born  Aug.  23,  1855;  died 
Nov.  13,  1865. 

VI.  W.  R.  Landis,  born  Feb.  22,  1857.  Mrd.  Ella 
M.  Campbell,  Dec.  25,  1883.  She  was  born  Mar.  17, 
1862.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Willie  H.  Landis, 
born  Sept.  16,  1883.  (VII.)  Elbert  E.  Landis,  born 
Oct.  26,  1886. 



(See  page  231.) 

—  257  — 

VI.  Mary  Landis,  born  Apr.  17,  1859.  Mrcl.  Abra- 
ham C.  Moyer,  Nov.  20,  1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Lillie  Moyer,  born  Aug.  14,  1881. 

VI.  John  R.  Landis,  born  Mar.  22,  1862;  died  Aug. 
12,  1874. 

VI.  Reuben  R.  Landis,  born  Oct.  12,  1864.  Mrd, 
Lizzie  M.  Moyer,  Jan.  30,  1886.  She  was  born  Mar. 
9,  1865.  Farmer.  P.  O.,  Dublin.  Children:  (VII.) 
Elmer  M.  Landis,  born  Mar.  11,  1887.  (VII.)  Stella 
M.  Landis,  born  Apr.  22,  1889. 

VI.  Katie  R.  Landis,  Ijorn  in  Bedminster  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  June  16,  1867.  Mrd.  FrankMn  L.  Alder- 
fer,  Jan.  8,  1887.    He  was  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Oct. 

11,  1864.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Cora, 
L.  Alderfer,  born  Jan.  17,  1888.  (VII.)  Horace  L. 
Alderfer,  born  May  29,  1889. 

VI.  Emma  R.  Landis,  born  Jan.  15,  1870.  Mrd. 
Edward  Heacock,  Sept.  8, 1887.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
One  child:    (VII.)   Willis  Heacock,  born  Feb.  2,  1888. 

V.  Mary  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  7, 
1830.  Mrd.  David  H.  Anders,  Dec.  3,  1859.  Pro- 
fessor of  Music.  Presbyterians.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Horace  R.  Anders.    S. 

V.  Rev.  John  H.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Hilltown 
Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  7,  1832.  Mrd.  Annie  Clem- 
mer,  of  Franconia  Twp.,  Montg.  Co.,  Nov.  20,  1856. 
She  was  born  Feb.  12,  1838.  Farmer  and  Minister. 
He  was  ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  Mennonite 
church,  at  Line  Lexington,  Oct.  28,  1884.  Children: 
Mary,  Lizzie,  Sue,  Harry,  Emma,  Kate,  Ella,  Levi, 
John,  Annie. 

VI.  Mary  C.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Sept. 

12,  1857.  Mrd.  William  K.  Godshall,  Oct.  13,  1877. 
He  was  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Sept.  16,  1857.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Henry  R.  Godshall,  born  Jan.  22,  1878. 
(VII.)  Annie  Elizabeth  Godshall,  born  Dec.  22,  1879. 
(VII.)  John  Franklin  Godshall,  born  Aug.  23,  1881. 
(VII.)  Wellington  R.  GodshaU,  born  July  23,  1883. 
(VII.)  Edwin  Morris  Godshall,  born  June  14,  1885; 
died  Aug.  27,  1886.  (VII.)  Mamie  R.  Godshall,  born 
Dec.  7,  1886.  (VII.)  Lavina  R.  Godshall,  born  Aug. 
1,  1888. 


—  ^58  — 

VI.  Lizzie  C.  Rosenberger,  born  July  3,  1859.  Mrd. 
Henry  F.  Hendricks,  Oct.  13,  1883.  He  was  born  in 
Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  10.  1860.  Farmer  in  Marshall 
Co.,  Kansas.  Mrs.  Hendricks,  Dunkard.  Children: 
(VII.)  Mamie  Hendricks,  born  May  8,  1878.  (VII.) 
Elmer  Hendricks,  born  Dec.  10,  1884.  (VII.)  Raymond 
Hendricks,  born  Mar.  11,  1887. 

VI.  Sue  C.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar. 
15,  1862.  Mrd.  John  M.  Myers,  Dec.  11,  1886.  He 
was  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  17,  1862.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Ottoman  R.  Myers, 
born  Feb.  28,  1888. 

VI.  Harry  C.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug. 
8,  1864.  Mrd.  Mary  Ellen  Lapp,  of  Hilltown  Twp., 
May  8,  1887.  She  was  born  May  11,  1868.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    No  issue  (1889). 

VI.  Emma  C.  Rosenberger,  born  Oct.  16,  1866;  died 
Dec.  23,  1866. 

VI.  Kate  C.  Rosenberger,  born  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  8, 

VI.  Ella  C.  Rosenberger,  born  June  24,  1869. 

VI.  Levi  C.  Rosenberger,  born  Apr.  30,  1873. 

VI.  John  C.  Ronsenberger,  born  Feb.  21,  1876. 

VI.  Annie  C.  Rosenberger,  born  Nov.  30,  1878. 

V.  Rev.  Henry  H.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Feb.  23,  1834.  Mrd.  Mary  Frick,  Oct.  31,  1857. 
Farmer  and  Minister.  He  was  ordained  to  the  min- 
istry in  Apr.,  1877,  and  ordained  Bishop  in  May, 
1886,  in  the  Brethren  Church  at  Lawndale,  Bucks 
Co.,  where  he  regularly  officiates.  Children:  John, 
Abraham,  Frany,  Kate,  Sarah,  William,  Henry. 

VI.  John  F.  Rosenberger,  born  Aug.  28,  1861;  died 
Feb.  26,  1863. 

VI.  Abraham  F.  Rosenberger,  born  Nov.  28,  1863; 
died  July  22,  1865. 

VI.  Frany  Rosenberger,  born  Jan.  3,  1866.  Mrd. 
John  R.  Kindig,  of  Hatfield.  One  child:  (VII.)  Har- 
vey R.  Kindig,  born  June  4,  1886;  died  Aug.  11, 1886. 

V'l.  Kate  Rosenberger,  born  Sept.  18,  1868;  died 
July  19,  1873. 

VI.  Sarah  Rosenberger,  born  in  Hatfield  Twp.,  Mar. 
3,  1871. 

—  259  — 

VI.  William  F.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Hatfield  Twp., 
June  6,  1874. 

VI.  Henry  F.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Hatfield  Twp., 
June  15,  1877. 

V.  Samuel  H.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Feb. 
11,  1836.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Stover,  Nov.  12,  1859. 
Farmer.  Riv.  Breth.  Children:  Mary,  Milton,  James, 
John,  Henry,  Rachel,  Samuel.  All  born^inTJ Hatfield 
Twp.,  Montg.  Co.,  Pa. 

VI.  Mary  Rosenberger,  born  Jan.  4,  1861;  died  Feb. 
13,  1862. 

VI.  Milton  Rosenberger,  born  Feb.  8,  1863.  Mrd. 
Cora  Cannady,  Apr.  20,  1886.  Farmer  in  Doniphan 
Co.,  Kan.  One  child:  (VII.)  Henry  Rosenberger,  born' 
May  13,  1889.  >  ■  ' 

VI.  James  Rosenberger,  born  Oct.  18,  1864;  'died' 
Feb.  27,  1878.  •_  ■'"■ 

VI.  John  Rosenberger,  born  Aug."  20,  1866.  Itf 
Express  office  at  Philadelphia. 

VI.  Henry  Rosenberger,  born  Nov.  11,  1869.  "^ 

VI.  Rachel  Rosenberger,  born  Dec.  10,  1871. 

VI.  Samuel  Rosenberger,  born  May  14,  1875. 

V.  Abraham  H.  Rosenberger,  born  in  Montg.  Co., 
Pa.,  May  29,  1838.  Mrd.  Anna  S.  Kulp,  of  Franco- 
nia,  Nov.  29,  1868.  She  was  born  Jan.  18,  1850. 
Children:  (VI.)  John  K.  Rosenberger,  born  Nov.  29, 
1872;  died  July  29,  1873.  (VI.)  Ervin  K.  Rosenber- 
ger, born  Nov.  29,  1872.  died  July  25, 1873.  (Twins), 
(VI.)  Sallie  K.  Rosenberger,  born  June  18,  1874. 
(VI.)  Katie  K.  Rosenberger,  born  Mar.  17,  1879.  (VI.) 
Anna  Mary  K.  Rosenberger,  born  May  28, 1882.  (VI.) 
Carrie  K.  Rosenberger,  born  Dec.  29,  1884. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Rosenberger,  born  in  Montg.  Co., 
Pa.,  June  23,  1840.  Mrd.  Enos  Landis,  Aug.  30, 
1876.  Farmer  in  Btown  Co.,  Kansas.  Ger.  Baptists. 
Children:  (VI.)  William  Henry  Landis,  born  June  25, 
1878.  (VI.)  Ellen  Jane  Landis,  born  Dec.  20,  1880. 
(VI.)  Mary  Edna  Landis,  born  May  7,  1884. 

V.  Nancy  Rosenberger,  born  Apr.  7,  1842;  died 
Feb.  27.  1880. 

V.  William  Rosenberger,.  born  Aug.  3,  1844;  died 
Jan.  3,  1845. 

—  260  — 

IV.  Christian  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co. — ;  died 
— .    S. 

IV.  Barbara  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  2, 
1809.  Mennonite.  Her  son:  (V.)  Hiram  Drake,  born 
in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  28,  1831.  Mrd.— .  Resides 
in  Christian  Co.,  Ind.  (Family  records  not  given). 
Barbara  mrd.  Daniel  Fretz,  Apr.,  1837.  (See  Index 
of  References  No.  (33).  Barbara  mrd.  again  Moses 
Wismer,  Oct.  28,  1847.  Farmer  and  Weaver.  Men- 
nonites.    Children:   Israel,  Eliza. 

V.  Israel  H.  Wismer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  10, 
1848.  Mrd.  Mary  E.  Smith,  Nov.  4,  1871.  Carpenter 
and  Farmer.  Lutheran.  Children:  (VI.)  Willis  S. 
Wismer.  (VI.)  Steward  S.  Wismer.  (VI.)  Horace  S. 
Wismer.   (VI.  Amos  S.  Wismer. 

V.  Eliza  Ann  Wismer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  30, 
1850.  Mrd.  H.  W.  Wismer.  Merchant  at  Wismer, 
Pa.  Baptists.  Children:  (VI.)  Manard  W.  Wismer. 
(VI.)  Ella  Wismer.   (VI.)  Mary  Wismer. 

IV.  Abraham  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.—; 
died — .  S. 

IV.  Veronica  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co. — ;  died 
— .  S. 

III.  Christian  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1775; 
died  Apr.  5,  1799.    S. 

III.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  15, 
1777;  died  Nov.  9,  1822.  Mrd.  Henry  Tyson—. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Cornelius, 
Joseph,  Martin,  Mary,  Barbara,  Henry. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  18, 
1803;  died  Sept.  20,  1868.    S. 

IV.  Cornelius  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  27, 
1806;  died  Mar.  3,  1832.    S. 

IV.  Joseph  F.  Tyson,  born  in  Bedminster  Township, 
Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  3,  1808;  died  Dec.  23,  1869.  Mrd. 
Catharine,  daughter  of  Henry  Clemens,  of  Lower 
Salford,  Montg.  Co.,  Oct.  13,  1831.  She  was  born 
Dec.  23,  1810.  Blacksmith,  farmer  and  commission 
merchant.      Mennonites.     Children:     Four    died  in 

—  261  — 

infancy;  no  record  kept.  Living,  Henry,  Enos,  Anna, 

V.  Henry  Tyson,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Dec.  25,  1832. 
Mrd.  Sallie,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Shepard,  of  Dan- 
boro,  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  13,  1862.  She  was  born  in 
1833.  In  milk  business  at  2409,  Germantown  Ave., 
Philadelphia.  Mrs.  Tyson,  Mem.  of  Society  of  Friends. 
No  issue. 

V.  Enos  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  28,  1835; 
died  July,  1869.  Mrd.  Margaret,  daughter  of  Adam 
Myers,  of  Philadelphia  in  1859.  She  died  in  Aug., 
1869.  Children:  Adam,  Enos,  Catharine,  Harry,  and 
three  others  (names  not  given),  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Adam  Tyson,  born  Jan.  1,  1863.  Time  and 
Book  keeper,  in  Philadelphia.     S. 

VI.  Enos  Tyson,  born  in  1863;  died  Oct.  26,  1883. 

VI.  Catharme  Tyson,  born  Oct.,  1867.     S. 

VI.  Harry  Tyson,  born  Nov.,  1868.  Drives  Milk 
wagon  in  Philadelphia.     S. 

V.  Anna  C.  Tyson,  born  in  Doylestown  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Apr.  13,  1840.  Mrd.  John  C.  Bryan,  Oct.  27, 
1858.  He  was  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  5,  1835. 
Grocer  at  2364,  Germantown  Ave.,  Philadelphia. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Henry  C.  Bryan,  born 
Sept.  27,  1859;  died  Nov.  8,  1859.  (VI.)  William 
Bryan,  born  in  Philadelphia,  Nov.  12,  1860.  In  Gro- 
cery business,  with  his  father.  S.  (VI.  Charles  T. 
Bryan,  born  in  Phildelphia,  Oct.  5,  1862.  In  Grocery 
business  with  his  father.  S.  (VI.)  Rose  Anna  Bryan, 
born  Feb.  4,  1865;  died  Feb.  1,  1870. 

V.  Daniel  Tyson,  born  at  Danboro,  Bucks  Co.,  Apr. 
20,  1847.  Mrd.  Hannah  Sackler,  Sept.  16,  1871.  She 
was  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  20,  1847.  Foreman  in 
milk  business  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Sarah  Tyson,  born  in  Philadelphia,  Feb.  26,  1873. 
Methodist.    S. 

IV.  Martin  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  18,  1811; 
died  Jan.  2,  1885.  Mrd.  Magdalena  Overholt,  Feb. 
27,  1834.  In  early  life  blacksmith;  later  Miller.  Men- 
nonites.  Children,  (12  in  number) :  Susannah,  Isaac, 
William,  Martin,  Abraham,  Annie,  Hannah.  (The 
rest  not  reported, 

—  262  — 

V.  Susannah  Tyson,  born  Sept.  23,  1834.  Mrd. 
Aaron  Fretz  Myers.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  64. ) 

V.  Isaac  Tyson,  born — .  Mrd.^ — .  Dealer  in  Horses 
at  Line  Lexington,  Montg.  Co.  Children: —  (Not 

V.  William  Tyson,  born  Sept.  15,  1841.  Mrd.  Han- 
nah Albright,  Nov.  30,  1871.  Farmer.  Children: 
(VI.)  Henry  A.  Tyson,  born  Apr.  20,  1872.  Printer. 
(VI.)  Martin  A.  Tyson,  born  Sept.  9,  1873.  (VI.)  Eu- 
gene A.  Tyson,  born  Apr.  13,  1875.  (VI.)  Catharine 
Tyson,  born  July  19,  1876.  (VI.)  Herbert  A.  Tyson, 
born  May  2,  1878;  died  July  19,  1878.  (VI.)  Magda- 
lena  Tyson,  born  Jan.  10,  1881.  (VI.)  Abraham  A. 
Tyson,  born  May  27,  1888. 

V.  Martin  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  2?, 
1840.  Miller,  employed  in  the  Washburn  Mills,  Min- 
neapolis, Minn. 

V.  Abraham  Tyson,  born  in  1844.  Mrd.  Clara  I., 
daughter  of  Adam  Martin,  May  13,  1874.  Milk 
dealer  in  Philadelphia.  Mrs.  Tyson,  Presbyterian. 
No  issue. 

V.  Annie  Tyson,  born  July  25,  1848.  Mrd.  William 
G.  Detwiler,  Oct.  15,  1870.  He  died  Mar,  1,  1882. 
Merchant.  Mrs.  Detwiler,  Presbyterian.  One  child: 
(VI.  Mamie  Detwiler,  born  Sept.  7,  1878. 

V.Hannah  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  6, 
1852.  Mrd.  Enos  D.  Nice,  Dec.  23,  1873.  Farmer. 
Children:  (VI.)  Martin  Tyson  Nice,  born  July  8, 
1875.  (VI.)  Ira  T.  Nice,  born  Aug.  4,  1878.  (VI.) 
Maggie  May  Nice,  born  Mar.  21,  1880.  (VI.)  Clara 
Elsa  Nice,  borp  Oct.  30,  1882.  (VI.)  A.  Paul  Nice, 
born  July  23,  1884. 

IV.  Mary  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  11,  1813; 
died  Mar.  4,  1870.     Mrd.  Abraham  Haldeman,  Feb. . 
24,    1835.     Retired  farmer.    Mennonites.    Children: 
Eliza,  Mary,  Sallie,  Cornelius,  Christina,  John,  Abra- 
ham, Catharine. 

V.  Eliza  Haldeman,  born  Jan.  5,  1836;  died  July  18, 
1880.  Mrd.  Christian  K.  Godshalk,  Oct.  9,  1858. 
Harness-maker.  Mennonites.  Children:  Isaiah,  Mary, 
Abraham,  Harvey,  Edwin,  Henry. 

—  263  — 

VI.  Isaiah  H.  Godshalk,  born  Dec.  17,  1859.  Mrd. 
Anna  Gross — . 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Godshalk,  born  May  3,  1862.  Mrd. 
Mahlon  Tranger — . 

VI.  Abraham  L.  Godshalk,  born  Oct.  4,  1864. 

VI.  Harvey  L.  Godshalk,  born  Apr.  10,  1870. 

VI.  Ervin  S.  Godshalk,  born  Apr.  22,  1873;  died 
Nov.  9,  1873. 

VI.  Henry  W.  Godshalk,  born  Dec.  12,  1875. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Haldeman,  born  Nov.  11,  1838;  died 
June  30,  1840. 

V.  Sallie  Haldeman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
11,  1840.  Mrd.  Tobias  Gayman — •.  Dealer  in  Agri- 
cultural Implements  at  Plumsteadville.  Children: 
(VI.)  John  H.  Gayman,  born  May  21,  1865;  died  July 

4,  1873.  (VI.)  Mary  E.  Gayman,  born  Sept.  4,  1868. 
(VI.)  Rosetta  H.  Gaymnn,  born  Sept.  12,  1876. 

V.  Cornelius  Tyson  Haldeman,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
May  31,  1843.  Mrd.  Sallie  A.,  daughter  of  Philip 
Bleam,  Jan.  14,  1871.  Farmer.  Ev.  Lutherans.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Theodore  Newton  Haldeman,  born  Oct. 
26,  1871.    (VI.)    Mary  Cornelia  Haldeman,  born  Jan. 

5,  1874.    (VI.)    Anna  Elizabeth  Haldeman,  born  Feb. 

9,  1876.  (Vl.)  Abraham  Howard  Haldeman,  born  Oct. 
31,  1877.  (VI.)  Adelma"  Haldeman,  born  Nov.  11, 
1879;  died  Mar.  31, 1881.  (VI.)  Linford  B.  Haldeman, 
born  July  26,  1884;  died  Nov.  14,  1889. 

V.  Christiana  Haldeman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept. 

10,  1845.  Mrd.  Albert  Haldeman  in  1869.  Farmer. 
Baptists.  Children:  (VI.)  Flora  Haldeman,  born  Aug. 
28,  1869;  died  June  17,  1885.  (VI.)  Edwin  S.  Halde- 
man, born  Jan.  6,  1871.  (VI.)  Emily  V.  Haldeman, 
born  Apr.  24,  1872;  died  July  17,  1872.  (VI.)  Addie 
M.  Haldeman,  born  Oct.  1,  1874.  (VI.)  Annetta 
Haldeman,  born  May  3,  1876.  (VI.)  Carrie  T.  Halde- 
man, born  Jan.  23,  1880.  (VI.)  Helen  H.  Haldeman, 
born  Sept.  1,  1881;  died  Oct.  17,  1881.  (VI.  Maud  E. 
Haldeman,  born  Nov.  20,  1883. 

V.  John  H.  Haldeman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  24, 
1847.  Mrd.  Josephine  D.  Kephart,  Dec.  30,  1874. 
Farmer.  Lives  on  his  father's  farm.  Baptist.  No 

—  264  — 

V.  Abraham  Haldeman,  born  Sept.  22,  1849;  died 
Feb.  22,  1854. 

V.  Catharine  Haldeman,  born  July  9,  1857;  died 
Jan.  3,  1874. 

IV.  Barbara  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  10, 
1815;  died  Jan.  6,  1832.    S. 

IV.  Henry  Tyson,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Mrd. 
Sallie  Smith.  Children:  (V.)  David  and  Walter. 
Reside  somewhere  in  Canada. 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks 
Co.,  Oct.  20,  1780;  died  Feb.  29,  1828.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham Meyer,  Nov.  21,  1809.  He  was  born  Apr.'  21, 
1784.  Previous  to  his  marriage,  he  was  a  mason,  but 
after  marriage  purchased  and  worked  a  100  acre  farm 
in  Salford.  They  were  people  of  excellent  worth,  an  d 
much  esteemed  by  all,  and  were  members  of  the 
Mennonite  church.  Children:  Mary,  Isaac,  Christian, 
Abraham,  Anna,  Elizabeth,  Barbara. 

IV.  Mary  Meyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  28, 
1810;  died—.  Mrd.  Enos  Hunsberger,  about  1829. 
Farmer,  near  Dublin,  Pa.  Mennonites.  Children: 
John,  Elizabeth,  Mahlon,  Abraham,  Reuben,  Edwin, 
Isaac,  EnOs. 

V.  John  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
14,  1830;  died  Mar.  4,  1871.  Mrd.  Barbara  Moyer— . 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Huns- 
berger, Dec'd.  (VI.)  Emma  Hunsberger,  Dec"'d.  (VI.) 
Harry  and  Enos  Hunsberger,  Twins,  Dec'd.  (VI.) 
Wilson  Hunsberger.   (VI.)  Elmer  Hunsberger,  Dec'd. 

V.  Elizabeth  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec. 
6,  1833;  died  Dec.  18,  1888.  Mrd.  Henry  Rickert, 
Mar.  27,  1853.  He  was  born  Dec.  22,  1829."  Children: 
Mary,  Catharine,  Levi,  Enos,  Reuben,  Rosa,  Mahlon, 
Magdalena,  Salome. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  6, 
1854;  died  Apr.,  1886.  Mrd.  John  Barnes— .  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Lizzie  Barnes,  dec'd.  (VII.)  Bertha  May 
Barnes.   (VII.)  Daniel  Warren  Barnes. 

VI.  Catharine  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  21, 
1855;  died  Feb.  20,  1858. 

—  265  — 

VI.  Levi  Rickert,  born  July  18,  1857;  died  Mar.  10, 

VI.  Enos  Rickert,  born  Feb.  2,  1859;  died  Apr.  3, 

VI.  Reuben  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  11, 
1863.    Res.  in  Kansas. 

VI.  Rose  Emma  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept. 

2,  1866.  Mrd.  Samuel  Yoder— .  One  child:  (VII.) 
Anna  Valeria  Yoder. 

VI.  Mahlon  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  10, 
1870.    In  business  in  Philadelphia. 

VI.  Magdalena  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  8, 

VI.  Salome  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  21, 

V.  Mahlon  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Feb.  22, 
1835;  died  Feb.,  1889.  Mri.  Elizabeth  Hunsberger 
— .  Huckster.  Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VI.)  Annie 
Hunsberger,  (dec'd). 

V.  Abraham  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar. 

3,  1837;  died  June  30,  1877.  Mrd.  Emeline  Rosen- 
berger — ■.    Farmer.    Mennonites.    No  issue. 

V.  Reuben  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept. 
17,  1841;  died  July,  1884.  Mrd.  Mary  Hamilton— . 
He  enlisted  in  the  army  in  which  he  served  three 
years.  In  1876  he  moved  to  Wimar,  Texas,  where  he 
died.  Hardware  Merchant.  Children:  Clara,  Fre- 
mont, Oscar,  Robert,  Henry,  Walter,  Jessie,  James. 

VI.  Clara  Hunsberger,  born — .  Mrd.  Harry  White — . 
V.  Edmund  Hunsberger,  born   in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct. 

11,  1843.  Mrd.  Mary  Lang—.  Huckster.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Margaretta  Hunsberger,  (dec'd). 

V.  Isaac  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  22, 
1847;  died  July  13,  1881,  Mrd.  Margaret  Brand—. 
Merchant.  Presbyterians.  Children:  (VII.)  Gardette 
Hunsberger.   (VII.)  Mamie  Valeria  Hunsberger. 

V.  Enos  Hunsberger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  27, 
1849;  died  June  16,  1879.    Farmer.     Ger.  Ref.    S. 

IV.  Rev.  Isaac  Meyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  1,  1812.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Kratz,  daughter  of 
Philip  Kratz,  Oct.  6,  1833.  She  was  born  Aug.  24, 
1826;    died  Dec.  25,  1882.    In  early  life  Mr.  Meyer, 

—  266  — 

was  a  Blacksmith.  After  marriage  iie  engaged  in 
farming.  At  present  he  is  leading  a  retired  life.  He 
was  ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  Old  Mennonite 
church  at  Deep  Run,  June  12,  1843,  since  which  time 
he  has  faithfully  preached  the  word  at  Deep  Run  and 
elsewhere,  for  forty-six  years.  He  retired  from  the 
active  ministry  in  18S9.  Mr.  Meyer  is  an  upright, 
and  influential  Christian,  and  is  highly  respected.  On 
Dec.  20,  1885,  he  mrd.  Susanna,  widow  of  Jacob 
Leatherman,  of  Plumstead.  By  his  first  wife  he  had 
twelve  children:  Enos,  Abraham,  Mahlon,  Mary, 
Anna,  Elizabeth,  Sarah,  Rachel,  Isaac,  Dilman,  Chris- 
tian, Hannah. 

V.  Enos  Meyer,  born — ;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Abraham  K.  Meyer,  born  Feb.  19,  1836.  Mrd. 
Sophia,  daughter  of  Christian  S.  Meyers,  Jan.  23, 
1863.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Till- 
man Me^^er,  born  Dec.  10,  1865.  S.  (VI.)  Lydia 
Meyer,  born  Oct.  14,  1869.  S.  (VI.)  Edwin*  M. 
Meyer,  born  Nov.  20,  1873.  S.  (VI.)  Abraham  Meyer, 
born  Mar.  5,  1880.     S. 

V.  Mahlon  K.  Meyer,  born  July  29,  1838;  died—. 
Mrd.  Sarah  K.  Moyer,  Sept.  10,  1859.  Children: 
Barbara,  Eliza,  Edward,  Irwin. 

IV.  Barbara  M.  Mever,  born  Jan.  23,  1863.  Mrd. 
Henry  L.  Myers,  Dec.  8,  1883.  Children:  (VII.)  Sam- 
uel M.  Myers.   (VII.)  Howard  M.  Myers. 

VI.  Eliza  M.  Meyer,  born  Nov.  22,  1866. 

VI.  Edward  M.  Meyer,  born — ;  died  in  infancy. 
VI.  Irwin  M.  Meyer,  born  May  10,  1875. 

V.  Mary  Meyer,  born  Oct.  23,  1839;  died  May  22, 
1872.  Mrd.  Jacob  Hi^h,  Apr.  9,  1859.  He  died  Aug. 
29,  1863.  Laborer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Lizzie, 
Mahlon.  Mrs.  High  mrd.  for  her  second  husband 
Henry  Wisler,  Jan.  14,  1866.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Mary,  Emma,  Rachel. 

VI.  Lizzie  High,  born  May  26,  1860.  Mrd.  Isaac 
Bishop.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  65). 

VI.  Mahlon  M.  High,  born  May  13,  1863;  died  Dec. 
— ,  1888.  Mrd.  Mary  Krout  in  1882.  Shoemaker  and 
Carriage  Trimmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.)  Oscar 
K.  High,  (VII.)  Henry  High,  (VII.)  Susan  High. 

—  267  — 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Wisler,  born  Nov.  7,  1866. 

VI.  Emma  Wisler,  born  Feb,  17,  1869.  Mrd.  Milton 

VI.  Rachel  Wisler,  born  July  23,  1871;  died  Feb.  9, 

V.  Anna  Meyer,  born  Dec.  14,  1841.  Mrd.  William 
Rush,  Sept.  29,  1860.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Jacob,  Lizzie,  Catharine,  Annie,  Isaac,  Allen, 
William,  Amanda,  Mahlon. 

VI.  Jacob  M.  Rush,  born  Apr.  4,  1862.  Mrd.  Mary 
G.  Moyer,  Aug.  4,  1883.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Nora  Lizzie  Rush,  born  Feb.  20,  1885. 

VI.  Lizzie  M.  Rush,  born  Dec.  10,  1863.  Mrd. 
Joseph  A.  Shuler,  July  15,  1882.  Carpenter.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Irwin  R.  Schuler,  born  Feb.  11,  1883. 
(VII.)  Howard  R.  Schuler,  born  Oct.  24,  1885;  died 
Jan,  21,  1887. 

VI.  Catharine  M.  Rush,  born  Jan.  I8,  1866.  Mrd. 
Philip  Musselman,  Oct.  18,  1884.  Shoemaker.  Ger. 

VI.  Annie  M.  Rush,  born  May  27,  1867.  Mrd.  I. 
Newton  Snyder — .    Carpenter. 

VI.  Isaac  M.  Rush,  born  June  15,  1871. 

VI.  Allen  M.  Rush,  born  Sept.  26,  1873. 

VI.  William  M.  Rush,  born  Nov.  3,  1878. 

VI.  Amanda  M.  Rush,  born  May  9,  1883;  died  Apr. 
29    1887 

Vi.  Mahlon  M.  Rush,  born  May  3,  1885. 

V.  Elizabeth  Meyer,  born  Dec.  19,  1843.  Mrd. 
Lewis  Myers.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  66). 

V.  Sarah  Meyer,  born  Oct.  18,  1845;  died,  aged  18 

V.  Rachel  Meyer,  born  Aug.  28,  1847.  Mrd.  Jonas 
Mill — .  Farmer.  Mennonites!  Children:  Isaac,  Lydia, 

VI.  Isaac  M.  Mill,  born—.  Mrd.  Lydia  Meyers—. 
They  have  two  children. 

VI.  Lydia  M.  Mill,  born—.  Mrd.  John  Derstine— 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  67). 

VI.  Harvey  M.  Mill,  born—.    S. 

V.  Isaac  K.  Meyer,  born  Nov.  14,  1849.  Mrd.  Mary 
Amanda  Bryan — .      Carpenter.      Mennonites.    Chil- 

—  268  — 

dren:  (VI.)  Allen  Meyer,  born — ;   died,  aged  5  years. 
(VI.)  Oscar  Meyer.    (VI.)  Addison  Meyer. 

V.  Dillman  K.  Meyer,  born  Apr.  20,  1853;  died 

V.  Christian  K.  Meyer,  born  Oct.  18,  1854.  Mrd. 
Amanda  Garger — .  Carpenter  and  Undertaker.  Men- 
nonites.  One  child:  (VI.)  Edwin  G.  Meyer,  born  in 

V.  Hannah  K.  Meyer,  born  Apr.  28,  1858;  died 
aged  6  years. 

TV.  Christian  Moyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Mar. 
15,  1814;  died  in  1867.  Mrd.  Barbara,  daughter  of 
John  Godshalk,  Apr.  10,  1836.  Farmer  and  miller. 
He  lived  first  on  the  lead  mine  farm  in  New  Britain 
Twp.,  which  he  sold  after  discovering  the  lead.  A 
year  later  he  built  the  new  store  house  at  New  Galena, 
where  he  kept  store  the  last .  six  years  of  his  life. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Lydia,  Enos,  Isaac,  Mary, 
Allen,  Amanda,  Mahlon,  Isaiah. 

V.  Lydia  Ann  Moyer,  born  Nov.  4,  1836.  Mrd. 
Samuel  Leatherman,  Sept.  9,  1855.  Cattle  Broker. 
Mennonites.  Res.  Doylestown,  Pa.  Children:  Wil- 
liam, Marietta,  Anna,  Mahlon,  Franklin. 

VI.  William  Hendrie  Leatherman,  born  May  26, 
1857.  Mrd.  Josie  K.  Knight,  Jan.  26,  1882.  Gardener. 
Methodists.  One  child:  (VII.)  Laura  W.  Leatherman, 
born  Aug.  1,  1883. 

VI.  Marietta  Leatherman,  born  Mar.  19,  1865.  Mrd. 
Michael  F.  Bishop.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  68). 

VI.  Anna  Barbara  Leatherman,  born  May  17,  1867. 
Mrd.  Harry  F.  Webber,  Jan.  10,  1888.  Farmer,  and 
Butcher.  (3rer.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.)  Warren  L. 

VI.  Mahlon  M.  Leatherman,  born  Aug.  1,  1871. 

VI.   Franklin  James  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  7,  1874. 

V.  Enos  G.  Moyer,  born  June  7,  1840,  on  his  great- 
grandfather's homestead  (on  his  mother's  side),  who 
emigrated  from  Holland.  Mrd.  Mary  Harrer  in  1863. 
She  died  Sept.  5,  1879.  Miller  by  trade,  now  operat- 
ing a  creamery.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Ellanore 
Moyer,  born  Jan.  20,  1864;  died  Mar.  1886.  (VI.)  Jen- 
nie "Moyer,   born  Mar.  31,  1865;    died  Aug.  4,  1865. 

—  269  — 

(VI.)  Georgie  Ann  Moyer,  born  June  12,  1866.  (VI.) 
Josiah  Rich  Moyer,  born  Sept.  27,  1867;  died  July 
24,  1868.  (VI.)  James  Ell  wood  Moyer,  born  July  22, 
1869.  (VI.)  Josephine  Moyer,  born  Feb.  20,  1872. 
(VI.)  Anderson  Moyer,  born  Feb.  12,  1874;  died  May 
29,  1874.  (VI.)  Charles  V.  Moyer,  born  May  31,  1875; 
died  Dec.  18,  1877.  (VI.)  Cora  Moyer,  born  Sept.  12, 
1877.  (VI.)  Ervin  Moyer,  born  Sept.  1,  1879;  died 
Sept.  10,  1879. 

V.  Rev.  Isaac  G.  Moyer,  born  in  New  Britain  Twp. , 
Bucks  Co.,  July  10,  1843.  Mrd.  Kate,  daughter  of 
Eli  Lcatherman,  Dec.  21,  1867.  At  the  January 
Quarterly  Conference  of  1888,  at  Doylestown,  Pa., 
he  was  licensed  a  local  preacher  of  the  M.  E.  ch. 
Children:  (VI.)  Edmund  H.  Moyer,  born  June  17, 
1869.  Methodist.  (VI.)  Mary  Emma  Moyer,  born 
Aug.  18,  1870.  Methodist.  (VI.)  Sada  L.  Moyer, 
born  Dec.  2,  1875.  Methodist.  (VI.)  Bertha  Moyer, 
born  Nov.  22,  1879. 

V.  Mary  Moyer,  born — ,  drowned  when  3  or  4  years 

V.  Allen  G.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  5, 1848. 
Mrd.  Mary  A.  Brand,  June  22,  1870.  Pork  Butcher. 
Presbyterians.  Children:  (VI.)  Wauneta  Moyer,  bom 
Jan.  6,  1871.  (VI.)  J.  Arthur  Moyer,  born  Mar.  9, 
1872.  (VI.)  Purdy  Moyer,  born  Dec.  27,  1873.  (VI.) 
Allen  Moyer,  born  Apr.  23,  1875;  died—.  (VI.)  Carey 
Moyer,  born  Jan.  10,  1877.  (VI.)  Harvey  K.  Moyer, 
born  Apr.  28,  1878.  (VI.)  Margaretta  B.  Moyer,  born 
Feb.  8,  1880.  (VI.)  Jesse  Moyer,  born  June  1,  1882. 
(VI.)  William  Warren  Moyer,  born  Nov.  23,  1884; 
died—.  (VI.)  Elsie  Moyer,  born  Apr.  9,  1885.  (VI.) 
Nellie  Moyer,  born  Dec.  1,  1887. 

V.  Amanda  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  16. 
1851.  Mrd.  H.  Erwin  Fretz.  (See  Index  of  Referen- 
ces No.  69). 

V.  Mahlon  G.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  30, 
1853.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Keller,  Jan.  28,  1875.  Telegraph 
operator  at  North  Wales,  Pa.  Presbyterians.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Alberta  Virginia  Moyer,  born  Oct.  8, 
1876.  (VI.)  Laura  Parsons  Moyer,  born  June  23, 

—  270  — 

V.   Isaiah  G.  Moyer,  born — ;  died  aged  6,  years. 

IV.  Anna  Meyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Apr.  6, 
1816.  Mrd.  Isaac  Knlp.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  70). 

IV.  Elizabeth  Meyer,  born  Oct.  21,  1818;  died  aged 
3  years. 

IV.  Barbara  Meyer,  born  Jan.  26,  1821;  died  July, 

IV.  Rev.  Abraham  F.  Moyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co., 
Pa.,  Sept.  19,  1822.  After  the  death  of  his  mother  he 
lived  with  his  uncle,  Martin  Fretz.  At  the  age  of  16 
years  he  was  employed  as  a  clerk  in  a  store,  until  he 
was  21  years  old.  Mrd.  Hester  Hunsberger  of  Hill- 
town,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Hunsberger,  about- 
1844.  She  died  Feb.  28,  1873.  In  1874  he  nii-d.  Anna, 
widow  of  Henry  M.  Hunsberger,  and  daughter  of 
Abraham  L.  Moyer,  of  Upper  Salford,  Montg.  Co. 
Mr.  Moyer  was  ordained  to  the  ministry  of  the  Men- 
nonite  church  at  Blooming  Glen,  Nov.  6,  1855,  where 
he  has  since  served  as  minister.  In  church  work  he  is 
active  and  faithful,  and  respected  by  all.  Children:" 
Mary,  Henry,  Allen,  Jacob,  Reuben,  Isaac,  Aaron, 
Abraham,  Lizzie,  Emma,  Anna. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Moyer,  born  Bucks  Co.,  June  2,  1845. 
Mrd.  Samuel  H.  Moyer,  of  Hilltown,  in  1862.  Saw- 
yer, at  present  farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Milton  Moyer,  born  Sept.  9,  1863;  died  Oct.  5,  1863. 
(VI.)  Esther  Ellen  Moyer,  born  Apr.  27,  1865;  died 
Jan.  20,  1877.  (VI.)  Abram  Moyer,  born  Oct.  5, 1867. 
(Vl.)  Anna  Mary  Mover,  born  Nov.  10,  1869;  died 
Sept.  9,  1877.  (VI.)  Amanda  Moyer,  born  Aug.  6, 
1871;  died  Apr.  1,  1877.  (VI.)  EUen  Moyer,  born 
May  2,  1874.  (VI.)  Harriet  Moyer,  born  July  6,  1875. 
(VI.)  Lizzie  Moyer,  born  July  1,  1877.  (VI.)  Delia 
Moyer,  born  Mar.  20,  1880.  (VI.)  Emma  Moyer,  born 
Oct.  31,  1882.  (VI.)  Ida  Moyer,  born  Aug.  19,  1885; 
died  Aug.  17,  1886. 

V.  Henry  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  5, 
1847.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ann  Bishop,  of  Hilltown,  Sept.  16, 
1871.  Carpenter.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  LiDy 
Alice  Moyer,  born  July  4,  1875;  died  Jan.  19,  1877. 
(VI.)  An  infant  born — ;  died  unnamed.    (VI.)  Elias  B. 

—  271  — 

Moyer,  born  Apr.  15,  1883.  (VI.)  Harrison  B.  Moyer, 
born  May  27,  1888. 

V.  Allen  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  24, 
184:9.  Mrd.  Sallie  A.  Derr,  June  8,  1878.  She  was 
born  in  Upper  Milford,  Lehigh  Co.,  May  20,  1857. 
Clerk  with  Adams'  Express  Co.,  16th  &  Market  Sts., 
Philadelphia.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  William  El- 
wood  Moyer,  born  June  6,  1880.  (VI.)  Daisey  Viola 
Moyer,  born  June  2-1,  1882. 

V.  Jacob  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  29, 
1851.  Mrd.  Emma  Klein,  of  Hilltown,  Oct.  11,  1873. 
She  was  born  May  3,  1856.  Superintendent  of  Bloom- 
ing Glen  Creamery.  Mcnnonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Azalia  Moyer,  born  July  19,  1875;  died  June  17,  1882. 
(VI.)  Titus  KUne  Moyer,  born  Apr.  11,  1877.  (VI.) 
Abraham  E.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  25,  1879;  died  June 
15,  1882.  (VI.)  Mary  Estelle  Moyer,  born  July  16, 
1881.  (VI.)  Alice  Kline  Moyer,  born  Sept.  14,  188S. 
(VI.)  Lucy  Ann  Moyer,  born  Dec.  12,  1885.  (VI.) 
Charlotte  Grace  Moyer,  born  Apr.  24,  1889. 

V.  Reuben  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  — .  Mrd. 
Agnes  Wallace.    One  child:  Wallace  Moyer. 

V.  Isaac  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  1,  1856. 
Mrd,  Amanda  E.,  daughter  of  George  A,  Detwiler, 
June  24,  1876.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.) 
Oscar  D.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  3,  1876;  died  Apr.  30, 
1877.  (VI.)  Howard  D.  Moyer,  born  Jan.  28,  1879. 
(VI.)  Ellis  D.  Moyer,  born  July  15,  1882.  (VI.)  Calvin 
D.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  12,  1885.  (VI.)  Linford  D, 
Moyer,  born  May  6,  1888. 

V.  Aaron  H.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  21,  1858,  in  Hill- 
town  Twp.  Mrd.  Amelia  D.,  daughter  of  Lewis  D. 
Sellers,  of  Sellersville,  Pa.,  Oct.  28,  1879.  Teamster 
with  V.  H.  Smith  &  Co.,  Second  &  Green  Sts.,  Phil- 
delphia.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Preston  Elliott 
Moyer,  born  Nov.  26,  1881.  (VI.)  Jeannetta  Moyer, 
born  Oct.  24,  1885. 

V.  Abraham  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  July  29, 
1860.  Mrd.  Emma  Jane  Berger,  Feb.  12,  1881,  She 
was  born  Nov.  3,  1859.  Tinsmith  with  Lippencott  & 
Co.,    Philadelphia.     Mr.    Moyer,    Mennonite.     Mrs. 

—  272  — 

Moyer  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Norman  Sanford 
Moyer,  born  Oct.  13,  1881.  (VI.)  Gertrude  B.  Moyer, 
born  Nov.  1,  1888. 

V.  Lizzie  H.  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  27, 
1862.  Mrd.  Charles  Cassel,  Jan.  6,  1883.  He  was 
born  in  Jennings  Co.,  Ind.,  Sept.  30,  1862.  Farmer. 
They  live  on  her  father's  farm  in  Blooming  Glen. 
Children:  (VI.)  Irvin  H.  Cassel,  born  in  1883.  (VI.) 
Abraham  Cassel,  born  in  1886.  (VI.)  Florence  Cassel, 
born  in  1888. 

V.  Emma  H.  Moyer,  born  Oct.  1, 1864.  Mrd.  Chris- 
topher S.  Gulick,  Feb.  28,  1885.  Justice  of  the  Peace 
and  teacher.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Anion  M.  Gu- 
lick, born  July  8,  1886.  (VI.)  Mabel  GuKck,  born 
Apr.  13,  1889. 

V.  Anna  H.  Moyer,  born  Apr.  25,  1866;  died,  aged 
14y . ,  10m. ,  22d.  Her  death  was  caused  by  her  cloth- 
ing taking  fire  at  a  hot  stove  from  which  she  suffered 
36  hours. 


II.  Abraham  Fretz  (son  of  Weaver  John  Fretz), 
born  m  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about  1736.  He  lived  on  a 
farm  consisting  of  226  acres,  situated  in  the  eastern 
part  of  Bedminster  Twp. ,  now  known  as  ' '  Fretz'  Val- 
ley," and  now  owned  by  Philip  K.,  and  Reed  Fretz. 
Abraham  Fretz  Sr. ,  purchased  said  farm  of  one  Fell, 
in  1757.  Whom  he  married,  and  the  date  of  his  death, 
we  have  been  unable  to  learn.  He  and  his  wife  were, 
in  all  probability,  members  of  the  Mennonite  church 
and  buried  at  Deep  Run.  Their  children  were:  Ag- 
nes, Elizabeth,  Mary,  Sarah,  Abraham. 

III.  Agnes  Fretz,  iDorn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  13, 
1763;  died  Nov.  20,  1826.  Mrd.  Jacob  Landis,  June 
13,  1782.  He  was  born  Feb.  24,  1760;  died  Sept.  5, 
1837.  Farmer  and  Spinning-wheel  maker.  They  lived 
on  the  property  purchased  of  Joseph  Grier.  The 
deed  bearing  date,  Apr.  6,  1796.  It  is  situated  in  the 
eastern  corner  of  Hilltown,  known  as  Grier's  Corners. 
Mennonites.  No  physician  was  employed  at  the 
births  of  their  eleven  children.  A  midwife  who  trav- 
eled on  horseback  was  the  only  attendant.  Agnes  and 
Magdalena,  when  young  women,  threshed  with  the  flail, 
thirty  bushels  of  rye  for  seed  which  was  sold  to  the 
neighbors.  The  girls  walked  five  miles  to  school,  at 
Deep  Run.  Magdalena  and  Barbara  never  married,  and 
lived  together  on  the  homestead.  In  their  younger 
years,  Magdalena  cut  all  their  fire-wood  with  a  five 
pound  axe  (the  axe  is  still  in  possession  of  John  F. 
Landis,  who  lives  in  the  same  room),    and  BaiHbara 


—  274  — 

cared  for  and  fed  the  cow  and  pig.  Children:  Mary, 
Sarah,  Elizabeth,  Ralph,  Agnes,  Magdalena,  Anna, 
Jacob,  Barbara,  Abraham,  Joseph. 

IV.  Mary  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  27, 
1783;  died—.  Mrd,  Philip  Baum.  No  issue.  She 
mrd.  for  her  second  husband  "Gentleman"  Joseph 
Meyers,  — .    No  issue.    Old  Mennonite. 

IV.  Sarah  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  17, 
1785;  died—.  Mrd.  John  Leatherman,  May  15,  1817. 
He  died — .  Farmer.  New  Mennonites  at  Deep  Run. 
Children:  Abraham,  Magdalena,  Jacob. 

V.  Abraham  L.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
June  20,  1819.  Mrd.  Anna  George,  Apr.  17,  1853. 
Farmer.  New  Mennonites  at  Deep  Run.  Children: 
Jonas,  Mary,  Sarah,  Lcanna,  Abraham,  Elizabeth. 

VI.  Jonas  G.  Leatherman,  born  Feb.  18,  1855. 
Mrd.  Pricilla  M.  Musselman,  Apr.  2,  1881.  Farmer. 
New  Mennonite.  Children:  (Vll.)  Anna  May  Leath- 
erman, born  Mar.  11,  1882.  (Vll.)  Katie  M.  Leather- 
man,  born  May  31,  1881.  (VII.)  Addie  M.  Leatherman, 
born  Apr.  8,  1886.  (Vll.)  Abraham  M.  Leatherman, 
born  July  2,  1888;  died  May  19,  1889. 

VI.  Mary  G.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct. 
28,  1856.    S.,  (1889). 

VI.  Sarah  G.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov. 
21,  1858;  died  Mar.  21,  1882.  Mrd.  Allen  M.  Fretz. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  71). 

VI.  Leanna  G.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb. 
17,  1862.  Mrd.  Cornelius  Hunsberger,  Dec.  15, 1887. 
Jeweler  at  Souderton,  Pa.  One  child:  (VII.)  Anna 
Pearl  Hunsberger,  born  July  16,  1888. 

VI.  Abraham  Leatherman,  born  Aug.  22,  1865;  died 
Jan.  12,  1876. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug. 
31,  1868.    Teacher  in  public  schools.    S.,  (1888). 

V.  Magdalena  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  May 
16,  1821.    Mrd.  Abraham  S.  Myers,  dec'd.    No  issue. 

V.  Jacob  L.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Jan.  10, 
1826;  died  Apr.  8,  1886.  Mrd.  Catharine  Kratz, 
Dec.  12,  1852.  Farmer.  New  Mennonites.  Children: 
John,  William,  Lena,  Emma,  Mary,  Isaac,  Laura, 
Wilson,  Elmer. 

—  275  — 

VI.  John  K.  Loathorman,  born  Feb.  17,  1853.  Mar- 
ried— . 

VI.  William  K.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Dec.  2J:,  1856.  Mrd.  Kate  Leonard,  of  Dover,  N.  J., 
May  31,  1887.  Paper-hanger  and  decorator  at  Doyles- 
town.  Pa.    Methodists.   No  issue. 

VI.  Magdalena  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Mar.  2,  1859.  Mrd.  Peter  Strouse,  Dec.  25,  1884. 
Carriage  painter.  He  Lutheran;  his  wife  New  Men- 
nonite.    No  issue. 

VI.  Emma  K.  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  5,  1861.  Mrd. 
Bramley  Holden, — .  Children:  (VII.)  William  A. 
Holden,  born  Apr.  12,  1878;  died  Apr.  15,  1878.  (VII.) 
Stella  L.  Holden,  born  Jan.  4,  1881.  (VII.)  Herbert 
L.  Holden,  born  Mar.  18,  1883.  (VII.)  Howard  F. 
Holden,  born  Oct.  2,  1885. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  10,  1863. 
Mrd.   Sylvester  R.   Fluck,    Dec.   10,   1881.    Harness 

maker.     Ger.  Ref.     One  child:    (VII.)    ,  born — ; 

died  Feb.  17,  1883. 

VI.   Isaac  Leatherman,  born  Aug.  11,  1867. 

VI.   Laura  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  23,-1869, 

VI.   Wilson  Leatherman,  born  Apr.  8,  1873. 

VI.   Elmer  Leatherman,  born  Sept.  8,  1879. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  9, 
1787;  died—.  Mrd.  David  Shelly,  Dec.  14,  1813. 
Tailor.  Mennonites,  Children:  Agnes,  Barbara,  Ja- 
cob, Ralph,  Joseph. 

V.  Agnes  Shelly,  born  Feb.  28,  1814;  died  Dec, 
1878.  Mrd.  John  Thomas,—.  He  died—.  Children: 
(VI.)    Henry,  Mary. 

V.  Barbara  Shelly,  born  Apr.  7,  1817;  died  Oct.  29, 
1859.  Mrd.  Jacob  Bassler,  Nov.  11,  1838.  Weaver. 
Mennonites.  Children :  Henry,  Eliza,  David,  Rebecca. 

VI.  Henry  Bassler,  born  Oct.  3,  1839;  died  1862. 
VI.   Eliza  Bassler,  born  Aug.  14,  1842. 

VI.  David  Bassler,  born  May  10,  1850.  Mrd.  Sarah 
Clouser,  of  Fleetwood,  Berks  Co.,  Pa.,  Au^.  2,  1873. 
Farmer.  Men.  Br.  in  Christ.  Children:  (VI H)  Preston 
Bassler,  born  Aug.  9,  1875.  (VII.)  Ellen  Bassler,  born 
Oct.  6,  1878.  (Vir.)  Allen  Bassler,  born  Sept.  8,  1880. 
(VII.)  Alice  Bassler,  born  Jan.  29,  1884. 

-  276  — 

VI.   Rebecca  Bassler,  born  May  19, 1857;  died  in  1863. 
V.   Jacob  Shelly,  born  Aug.  25,  1819;  died  in  Aug., 

V.  Ralph  Shelly,  born  Apr.  5,  1821.  Mrd.  Anna 
Maria  Roth,  Apr.  2,  1818.  Miller.  Presbyterians. 
Children:  Howard,  DeWitt,  Scott. 

VI.  Howard  M.  Shelly,  born  Sept.  21,  1853.  Mrd. 
Cassie  Anderson,  Sept.  19,  1877;  died  June  30,  1887. 
Miller.  Presbyterian.  One  child.  (VII.)  Nellie  Shelly, 
born  Nov.  30,  1877. 

VI.  DeWitt  Clinton  Shelley,  born  June  30,  1856; 
died  Feb.  27,  1876.    Presbyterian. 

VI.  Scott  H.  Shelly,  born  July  4,  1858.  Mrd.  Tacy 
Righter,  in  1879.  Miller.  One  child:  (VII.)  Emma 
SheUy,  born  Sept.  24,  1879. 

V.  Joseph  L.  Shelly,  born  Oct.  30,  1825.  Mrd. 
Mary  B.  Hulshizer,  Feb.  16,  1850.  Miller.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  Oliver,  Adaline,  William,  Salhe,  Caroline, 
Horace,  Alma,  Mary. 

VI.  Oliver  H.  Shelly,  born  Nov.  17,  1851.  Mrd. 
Hattie  E.  Coldren,  Sept.  15,  1887.  Miller  in  Kansas 
City,  Mo.  Presbyterian.  Children:  (VII.)  Oliver 
Shelly,  born  Aug.  15,  1887.  (VII.)  Eva  May  Shelly, 
born  June  20,  1888. 

VI.  Adaline  Shelly,  born  Oct.  10,  1853;  died  July  9, 

VI.  William  H.  Shelly,  born  July  24,  1855.  Mrd. 
Annie  L.  Van  Dyke,  Nov.  16,  1879.  Flour  and  feed 
merchant.  Presbyterian.  One  child:  (VII.)  Percy 
V.  D.  Shelly,  born  June  2,  1882. 

VI.  Sallie  M.  Shelly,  born  June  28,  1858.  Mrd. 
Isaiah  B.  Mills,  Jan.  15,  1885.    Farmer.    Ger.  Ref. 

VI.  Caroline  H.  Shelly,  born  Apr.  23,  1860.  Pres- 

VI.  Horace  G.  Shelly,  born  Jan.  28,  1862.  Butcher 
in  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

VI.  Alma  Belle  Shelly,  born  June  25,  1864.  Pres- 

VI.   Mary  H.  Shelly,  born  Dec.  3, 1869.  Presbyterian. 

IV.  Ralph  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  17, 
1789;  died  Mar.  4,  1852.  Mrd.  Esther  Overholt,  Dec. 
2,  1817.     She  was  born  Jan.  28,  1795;  died  June  5, 

—  277  — 

1869.     Farmer.     Mennonites.     Children:    Elizabeth, 
Jacob,  Abraham,  Sarah,  Mary,  Hannah. 
V.   Elizabeth  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa..  Feb.  1, 
1819;  died  Feb.   19,    1883.     Mrd.   Henry  B.    Fretz. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  72.) 

V.  Jacob  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  28,  1821; 
died  June  5,  1881.  Mrd.  Mary  Eckhart,— .  Farmer. 
Children:  Ralph,  Anna,  John,  Joseph,  Hannah,  etc. 

VI.  Ralph  Landis,  born—;  died — ■.  Mrd. — .  Chil- 
dren:   (Vll.)  Mary,  Harry,  dec'd. 

VI.  Anna  Landis,  died  young.  (VI.)  John  Landis, 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Nusbicklo,— .  (VI.)  Joseph  Landis, 
died  young.  (VI.)  Hannah  Landis,  died  young.  (VI,) 
Abraham  Landis.  (VI.)  Jacob  Landis.  (VI.)  Daniel 
Landis.  (VI.)  William  Landis,  died  young.  (VI.) 
Edward  Landis.  (VI.)  Henry  Landis.  (VI.)  Lizzie 
Landis.    (VI.)  Ella  Landis.    (VI.)  Emma  Landis. 

V.  Abraham  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  13, 
1823;  died  June  4,  1885.  Mrd.  Mary  Ott,  Feb.  13, 
1848.  She  died  Aug.  13,  1865,  without  issue.  For 
his  second  wife  he  mrd.  Elizabeth  M.  Mover,  of  Dub- 
lin, Dec.  23,  1871.  She  died  Dec.  19,  1889;  aged  52 
years  and  19  days.  Formerly  Hotel  Keeper;  at  pres- 
ent farmer.  Children:  (VI.)  John  M.  Landis,  born 
Sept.  2,  1873.  (VI.)  Edward  B.  Landis,  born  June 
14,  1875;  died  Mar.  5,  1883.  (VI.)  Reuben  Samuel 
Landis,  born  May  28,  1877.  (VI.)  Emma  C.  Landis, 
born  21,  1879. 

V.  Sarah  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  4,  1827. 
Mrd.  Christian  B.  Moyer,  Oct.  8,  1848.  Miller.  Chil- 
dren: Mary,  Clementine,  William,  Abraham,  Chris- 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Moyer,  born  Nov.  16,  1850.  Mrd. 
Oliver  Smith — .  Farmer.  Lutherans.  One  child: 
(Vll.)  Emily  Smith,  born  Nov.  2,  1869. 

VI.  Clementine  Moyer,  born  Jan.  18,  1853.  Mrd. 
Josiah  Fry — .  Green  Grocer,  at  Doylestown,  Pa. 
One  child:  (Vll.)  Anna  Mary  Fry,  born  Mar.  16, 

VI.  William  L.  Moyer,  born  July  7,  1856.  Mrd. 
Mary  Beal— ,    One  child:   (Vll.)   Leonard  V.  Moyer. 

—  278  — 

VI.  Abraham  L.  Moyer,  born  Dec.  23,  1860.  Mrd. 
Rebecca  Jane  Bolby — .  One  child:  (VII.)  Sarah  Eliz- 
abeth Moyer,  born — ;    died  Feb.  5,  1888. 

VI.  Christian  L.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  5,  1867.  Works 
in  Paint  Shop,  in  Philadelphia.    S. 

V.  Mary  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  23,  1880; 
died  Sept.  3,  1886.  Mrd.  Mark  B.  Fretz.  (See  Index 
of  References  No.  73). 

V.  Hannah  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  26, 1836. 
Mrd.  Enos  Leathcrman,  Mar.  12,  1854.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Henry  Leatherman.  (VI.) 
Huldah  Leatherman.  Mrd.  Joseph  O.  Fretz,  Au^. 
2,  1879.  No  issue.  (See  Index  of  References  No.  74). 
(Vl.)  Philip  Leatherman.    (VI.)    Harvey  Leatherman. 

IV.  Agnes  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  29,  1791; 
died  Apr.  28,  1852.  Mrd.  Abraham  Shaddinger,  Oct. 
20,  1812.  Weaver.  Mennonite.  Children:  Jacob, 
Mary,  John,  Hannah,  Magdalena,  Sarah. 

V.  Jacob  L.  Shaddinger,  born  July  22,  1813.  Mrd. 
Mary  Leatherman,  Mar.  8,  1842.  She  died — .  Retired 
farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Sophia,  Mary, 
Charles,  Edward,  Sallie,  Elias.  Jacob  mrd.  for  his 
second  wife,  Sarah  Fretz,  Mar.  23,  1875. 

VI.  Sophia  Shaddinger,  born  Apr.  12,  1844.  Mrd. 
Henry  M.  Kratz,  Jan.  4,  1868.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Mary  Emma  Kratz. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Shaddinger,  born  July  18,  1847.  Mrd. 
Rev.  Henry  B.  Rosenberger.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  75). 

VI.  Charles  F.  Shaddinger,  born  June  15,  1850;  died 
June  2,  1876.    Carpenter.    Mennonite. 

VI.  Edward  E.  Shaddinger,  born  Dec.  21,  1852;  died 
Oct.  29,  1884.  Mrd.  Anna  Rosenberger,  Nov.  23, 
1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Henry 
Shaddinger,  born  May  23,  1881. 

VI.  Sallie  Shaddinger,  born  Sept.  30,  1855;  died 
Aug.  20,  1879.    Mennonite. 

VI.  EHas  F.  Shaddinger,  born  Sept.  11,  1858;  died 
Feb.  4,  1863. 

V.  Mary  L.  Shaddinger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug. 
31,  1815.  Mrd.  Christian  Gayman.  (See  Inde:?^  pf 
References  No.  76). 

—  279  — 

V.  John  L.   Shaddino^er,   born  in   Bucks  Co.,  July 

16,  1818.  Mrd.  Catharine  Schlotter,  Oct.  8,  1840. 
Carpenter.  Res.  Blooming  Glen,  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: William,  Marv,  Harvey,  John,  Susan. 

VI.  William  J.  Shaddinger,  born  Sept.  24,  1841.  He 
enlisted  in  1862  in  the  104th  Regt.,  Co.  A.,  Penna. 
Inf. ,  and  was  killed  by  a  bomb  on  Morris  Island,  at 
the  siege  of  Fort  Wagner,  Aug.  21,  1863. 

VI.  Mary  Elizabeth  Shaddinger,  born  Dec.  4,  1844; 
died—;  Mrd.  William  M.  Kratz— .  Mennonite.  No 

VI.  Harvey  Shaddinger,  born  July  15,  1848.  Mrd. 
Annie  Fretz,  Nov.  23,  1872.  Saddler,  and  Painter. 
At  present,  painter  and  paper  hanger.  In  1879  they 
moved  to  Abilene,  Kan.,  and  in  the  spring  of  1889,  to 
Kansas  City,  Mo.  Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  Willie 
Ira  Shaddinger,  born  Apr.  24,  1876.  (VII.)  John 
Alvin  Shaddinger,  born  Jan.  1,  1883.  (VII.)  Anna 
Laura  Shaddinger,  born  Dec.  18,  1884.  (VII.)  Ina 
May  Shaddinger,  born  May  1,  1887. 

VI.  John  Henry  Shaddinger,  born  Aug.  14,  1853. 
Paper  Hanger  at  Little  Rock,  Ark. 

Vr.  Susannah  Shaddinger,  born  Feb.  22,  1859.  Mrd. 
William  D.  Bishop.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  77). 

V.  Hannah  Shaddinger,  born  Dec.  2,  1821.  Mrd. 
Joseph  Leatherman — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Abraham,  William. 

VI.  Abraham  S.  Leatherman,  born  June  14,  1847. 
Mrd.  Ella  Snyder,  Feb.  5,  1874.  Veterinary  Surgeon, 
at  Clinton,  N.  J.  One  child:  (VII.)  Maud  Leatherman, 
born  May  25,  1875. 

VI.  William  S.  Leatherman,  born — . 

V.  Magdalena  Shaddinger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June 

17,  1826.  Mrd.  Samuel  A.  Detweiler,  Sept.  10,  1845. 
He  died  Oct.  23,  1873.  Bhicksmith.  Mrs.  Detweiler, 
Christian.  They  moved  to  Whiteside  Co.,  Ill,  where 
they  lived  until  the  husband's  death.  Children:  Jo- 
seph, Clayton,  Mary,  Hannah,  Edwin,  Abia,  Henry, 
Anna,  Harvey. 

VI.  Joseph  S.  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug. 
21,  1847.  Mrd.  Fannie  R.  Rutt,  Sept.  12,  1872. 
Merchant  at    Sterling,  111.      Christians.     Children; 

—  280  — 

(VII.)  Ira  Grant  Detweiler,  born  Oct.  17,  1873.  (VII.) 
Harry  Detweiler,  born  Aug.  31,  1875.  (VII.)  Guy 
Leroy  Detweiler,  born  June  8,  1880.  (VII.)  Anna 
Pearl  Detweiler,  born  July  10,  1888. 

VI.  Clayton  S.  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug. 
29,  1850.  Mrd.  Cora  A.  Noble,  Dec.  27,  1883.  Far- 
mer at  Clay  Center,  Neb.  Christian.  Wife,  Congre- 
gational. Children:  (VII.)  Fannie  Lucile  Detweiler, 
born  June  4,  1885.  (VII.)  Verne  Noble  Detweiler, 
born  May  8,  1887. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May 
12,  1852;  died  Dec.  14,  1861. 

VI.  Hannah  Detweiler,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  23, 
1854.  Mrd.  Christian  R.  Rutt,  Sept.  12,  1872. 
Wheelwright,  in  Whiteside  Co.,  111.  Christians. 
Children:  (VII.)  Martin  Elwood  Rutt,  born  Mar.  11, 
1874;  died  Auff.  20,  1879.  (VII.)  Ida  May  Rutt,  born 
Nov.  22,  1877;^ died  Aug.  21,  1879.  (VII.)  John  Clay- 
ton Rutt,  born  Mar.  15,  1879.  (VII.)  Albert  Leroy 
Rutt,  born  Sept.  10,  1880;  died  Nov.  26,  1884.  (VII.) 
Samuel  Urr  Rutt,  born  Oct.  21,  1882;  died  Dec.'  27, 
1882.   (VII.)  William  Lloyd  Rutt,  born  Feb.  15,  1886. 

VI.  Edwin  S.  Detweiler,  M.  D.,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
May  9,  1856.  Physician  in  Chicago,  111.  Congrega- 

VI.  Abia  John  Detweiler,  born  at  Sterling,  111.,  Feb. 
27,  1860.  Mrd.  Lena  Brooks,  Dec.  21,  1882. .  Far- 
mer, at  Clay  Center,  Neb.  Christians.  Children: 
(VII.)  Bertha  Detweiler,  born  Oct.  15,  1883.  (VII.) 
Magdalena  Detweiler,  born  Mar.  4,  1885.  (VII.)  Ed- 
win Detweiler,  born  Aug.  24,  1886.  (VII.)  Ida  Pearl 
Detweiler,  born  Sept.  19,  1888. 

VI.  Henry  Detweiler,  born  Oct.  19,  1863;  died  Dec. 
7,  1864. 

VI.  Anna  Detweiler,  born  May  18,  1866;  died  Feb. 
5,  1867. 

VI.  Harvey  James  Detweiler,  born  July  10,  1867. 
Teacher  in  Clay  Co. ,  Neb.    Christian. 

V.  Sarah  Shaddiriger  (Twin  to  Magdalena),  born  in 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  17,  1826;  died — ,  aged  about 
14  years. 

—  281  — 

IV.  Magdalena  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Aug. 
29,  1793;  died  unmrd,  aged  about  80  years.  Men- 

IV.  Anna  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  7, 
1796.  Mrd.  Abraham  Overholt.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.    They  had  one  chikl. 

V.  Jacob  Overholt  mrd.  Amelia  Roth — .  Children: 
(VI,)  Edward  Overholt,  born—;  died—.  (VI.)  Anna 
Mary  Overholt,  mrd,  Henry  Beck. 

IV.  Jacob  Landis,  Jr.,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  3, 
1798;  died  Feb.  8,  1822. 

IV.  Barbara  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  19, 
1800;  died  unmrd.,  aged  about  70  years.    Mennonite. 

IV.  Abraham  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  9, 
1803;  died  Nov.  13,  1870.  Mrd.  Barbara,  daughter 
of  Rev.  John  Geil,  Oct.  20,  1831.  Miller  and  far- 
mer. Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Jacob,  Joseph, 
Elizabeth,  Ephraim,  William. 

V.  John  Landis,  born  July  13,  1832;  died  Nov.  28, 

V.  Jacob  G.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  5, 
1831.  Mrd.  Catharine  K.  Kindig,  May  2,  1857.  She 
died  Feb.  11,  1883.  Salesman  in  Philadelphia.  Meth- 
odist. Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Ellen  Landis,  born  Feb. 
14,  1858;  died  Feb.  5,  1862!  (VI.)  Lizzie  Landis,  born 
Feb.  23,  1863;  died  Sept.  5,  1863.  (VI.)  Barbara  Ade- 
lia  Landis,  born  Aug.  20,  1870. 

V.  Joseph  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  21,  1836. 
Mrd.  Sarah  D.  Kindig,  May  15,  1858.  Jeweler  at 
Doylestown,  Pa.  Methodists.  Children:  Rosanna, 
Abraham,  Martin. 

VI.  Rosanna  S.  Landis,  born  Oct.  30,  1859.  Mrd. 
Isaiah  Beans,  Feb.  6,  1884.    Cabinet  maker. 

VI.  Abraham  Henry  Landis,  born  Feb.  6,  1863. 
Mrd.  Mary  Elizabeth  Barnes,  Sept.  15,  1887.  Jew- 
eler at  Lansdale,  Pa.  One  child:  (Vll.)  Rebie  Landis, 
born  July  21,  1888. 

VI.  Martin  Ely  Landis,  born  Aug.  4,  1876. 

V.  Elizabeth  Landis,  born  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  19,  1838. 
Mrd.  Samuel  C.  Kulp,  Feb.  13,  1863.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:   Rosella,  Mary,  Joseph,  Barbara,  Titus. 

—  282  — 

VI.  Rosella  L.  Kulp,  born  Sept.  7,  1863.  Mrd. 
EphraimH.  Johnson,  in  Oct.,  1885.  Stone  cutter  and 
farmer.  Mrs.  Johnson,  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.) 
Abraham  H.  Johnson,  born  Mar.  27,  1886.  (VII.) 
Samuel  Johnson,  born  Mar.  10,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  Kulp,  born  Feb.  8,  1867.  Mrd.  Morris  P. 
Tomlinson,  Sept.  19.  1886.  Mason.  Mrs.  Tomlinson, 
Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.)  Joseph  Kulp  Tomlinson, 
born  Mar.  5,  1888. 

VI.  Joseph  Kulp,  born  Jan.  20,  1869. 

VI.  Barbara  Landis  Kulp,  born  Oct.  20,  1870;  died 
Nov.  7,  1874. 

VI.  Titus  Kulp,  born  Oct.  8,  1876. 

V.  Ephraim  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  15, 
1841.  Mrd.  Sallie  E.  Walton,  Sept.  14,  1871.  She 
died  July  21,  1877.  He  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, 
Mary  Garis,  Feb.  6,  1879.  Carpenter  in  Philadelphia. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Edith  M.  Landis  (only 
child  by  first  wife),  born  Sept.  28,  1872.  Methodist. 
(VI.)  Annie  F.  Landis,  born  Nov.  13,  1879;  died 
Nov.  30,  1879.  (VI.)  Ida  M.  Landis,  born  Mar.  14, 
1881;  died  May  25,  1881.  (VI.)  Chester  A.  Landis, 
born  Apr.  17,  1882;  died  June  13,  1883.  (VI.)  Sallie 
W.  Landis,  born  Oct.  21,  1883.  (VI.)  William  G. 
Landis,  born  July  10,  1888. 

V.  William  Hendrie  Landis  (Twin  to  Ephraim),  born 
Dec.  15,  1841.  Before  losing  his  eyesight  he  was  a 
farmer.    Methodist. 

IV.  Joseph  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  10, 
1807;  died  Apr.  14,  1858.  Mrd.  Mary,  daughter  of 
Rev.  John  Geil,  Apr.  16,  1837.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Samuel,  John,  Annie,  Joseph. 

V.  Samuel  G.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  28, 
1837.  Mrd.  Susan  Garis,  Nov.  20,  1862.  Farmer. 
He  is  at  present  owner  and  occupant  of  that  part  of 
the  Old  Homestead  situated  in  New  Britain  Twp. 
Children:  (VI.)  Edward  S.  Landis.  S.  (VI.)  Horace 
G.  Landis.  S.  (VI.)  Elma  Mary  Landis.  S.  (VI.)  Jo- 
seph Franklin  Landis.    S. 

V.  John  F.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  12, 
1839.  Mrd.  Huldah  J.  Shaddinger,  Aug.  29,  1872. 
Both  Mr.  and  Mrs,  Landis  in  early  life  taught  in  the 

—  283  — 

Public  Schools.  Present  occupation,  farmer.  They 
own  and  occupy  part  of  the  Old  Homestead  situated 
in  Hilltown  Twp.  They  have  also  been  officially  con- 
nected with  Sunday  School  work.  New  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Ada  May  Landis,  born  Jan.  31,  1874. 
(VI.)  Fannie  E.  Landis,  born  Oct.  23,  1875.  (VI.) 
Wilmer  Landis,  born  June  30,  1878;  died  Jan.  14, 
1886.  (VI.)  George  W.  Landis,  born  Feb.  22,  1881. 
(VI.)  Eugene  S.  Landis,  born  Aug.  20,  1886.    , 

V.  Annie  M.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
31,  1842.  Mrd.  Abraham  K.  Funk.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  78). 

V.  Joseph  H.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct., 
24,  1848.  Mrd.  Blanche  McCulloch,  Aug.  21,  1879. 
They  are  both  graduates  of  the  State  Normal  School 
at  Millersville,  Pa.  They  are  farming,  and  conduct- 
ing a  school  for  boys.  Mr.  Landis,  Presbyterian,  and 
Mrs.  Landis,  Methodist.  In  early  life  Mr.  Landis 
worked  on  the  homestead  farm  in  the  summer  and 
attended  school  in  the  winter,  and  when  about  seven- 
teen years  of  aged  he  attended  two  short  terms  at 
Carversville.  He  now  turned  his  attention  to  teach- 
ing, and  taught  in  the  Public  Schools  of  Bucks  Co., 
four  terms,  and  one  in  Allegheny  Co.  After  this  he, 
attended  the  State  Normal  School  at  Millersville, 
from  which  he  graduated  in  1874,  After  graduation 
he  held  the  position  of  Superintendent  of  the  Model 
School  (connected  with  the  Normal  School),  for  nine 
years.  He  also  graduated  from  the  National  School 
of  Elocution  and  Oratory,  in  Philadelphia,  and  took 
further  lessons  in  Reading  of  Prof.  Mark  Bailey,  of 
Yale  College.  Owing  to  ill  health  he  was  now  obliged 
to  quit  teaching,  and  spent  a  year  at  "The  Sanato- 
rium," known  as  "Our  Home  on  the  Hillside""  at 
Dansville,  N.  Y*,  in  the  hope  of  regaining  his  health. 
While  there  he  was  appointed  chaplin  of  the  institu- 
tion for  one  winter.  While  at  Millersville,  he  became 
acquainted  with  Miss  Blanche  McCulloch,  of  McCul- 
loch's  Mills,  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  who,  like  himself,  was 
a  pupil  in  the  Normal  School.  She  graduated  in  the 
class  of  1875,  after  which  she  became  a  teacher  in  the 
same  school,  and  for  four  years  they  worked  together 

—  284  — 

as  fellow  teachers.  They  were  mrd.  Aug.  21,  1879, 
at  her  home  in  Juniata  Co.  After  marriage  they  con- 
tinued as  teachers  at  the  Normal  School  for  five  years, 
and  then,  on  account  of  broken  health,  they  moved 
to  McCulloch's  Mills,  where  they  are  now  living  in 
charge  of  a  "  Little  Boy's  Home  School "  and  their 
two  farms.  They  have  one  child:  (VI.)  Frederick 
McCulloch  Landis,  born  July  9,  1884. 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
24,  1766;  died  May  4.  1835,  aged  67y.,  7m.  and  lOd. 
Mrd.  Samuel  Landis,  Nov.  15,  1787.  He  died  Nov. 
26,  1801,  aged  35y.,  2m.  and  16d.  Farmer.  Lived 
near  Pipersville,  Pa.  Mennonites.  Children:  Abra- 
ham, Magdalena,  Joseph,  Samuel,  Jacob,  Isaac,  Mary. 

IV.  Abraham  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  24, 
1788;  died  Nov.  8,  1801.    ■ 

IV.  Magdalena  Landis,  born  July  19,  1790;  died 
Dec.  26,  1867,  aged  77y.,  5m.  and  7d. 

IV.  Joseph  Landis,  born  Oct  7,  1792;   died — . 

IV.  Samuel  Landis,  born  Nov.  5,  1794;  died — . 

IV.  Jacob  Landis,  born  Jan.  7,  1797;  died  Feb.  12, 
1862,  aged  65y.,  Im,  and  5d. 

IV.  Isaac  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb,  13,  1799; 
died  June  1,  1875,  aged  76y.,  3m.  and  18d,  Mrd. 
Sarah,  daughter  of  "Fuller"  Joseph  Fretz,  Aug.  21, 
1827.  Farmer.  Lived  near  Pipersville.  Mennonites. 
Children;  Infant,  Elizabeth,  Abner,  Oliver. 

V.  A  son  born  and  died  Nov.  2,  1828. 

V.  Elizabeth  Landis,  born  June  18,  1830;  died  Nov. 
14,  1851. 

V.  Abner  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  7, 
1833.  Mrd.  Lydia  Ann  Moyer,  Feb.  16,  1862.  Far- 
mer near  Pipersville.  Mennonites,  Children:  (VI.) 
Sarah  Landis,  born  Nov,  12,  1862.  (VI.)  Barbara 
Landis,  born  Nov.  12,  1862;  died  Nov.  21,  1862.  (VI.) 
Mary  Landis,  born  Feb.  2,  1864;  died  June  27,  1864. 
(VI.)  Isaac  Landis,  born  Oct.  11,  1866;  died  Oct.  23. 
1866.  (VI.)  Susie  Landis,  born  Sept.  22,  1869.  (V|.) 
Ellen  Landis,  born  Jan.  12,  1874.  (Vl.)  Lizzie  Landis, 
born  Nov.  19,  1878;  died  Aug.  17,  1879. 

—  285  — 

V.  Oliver  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  9,  1836. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Peter  Myers.  Farmer, 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Rebecca  Landis.  (VI.) 
Lizzie  Landis.  (VI.)  Isaac  M.  Landis,  died — .  (VI.) 
Amanda  Landis.   (VI.)  Oliver  M.  Landis. 

IV.  Mary  Landis,  born  Sept.  6,  1801;  died  Oct.  15, 

III.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about  1770; 
died — .  Mrd.  Rev.  Daniel  Landis, — .  Minister  of 
the  Mennonite  church.  Children:  Benjamin,  Jacob, 
Abraham,  Daniel,  Mary,  Samuel,  Magdalena,  Sarah, 

IV  Benjamin  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1790; 
died  Jan,  30,  1865.    Unmrd.    Mennonite. 

IV.  Jacob  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  18, 
1791;  died  Apr.  28,  1856,  Mrd.  Susannah  Yoder, 
Feb.  1,  1820.  She  died  Oct.  21,  1829.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  Daniel,  David,  Mary.  Jacob 
mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Susanna  Beeler,  Dec.  27, 
1830.  She  died  Jan.  1851.  Children:  Peter,  Abraham, 

V.  Daniel  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  14,  1820. 
Mrd,  Sarah  Zetty,  in  1846,  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:   Henry,  Mary,  Abraham,  Sarah. 

VI.  Henry  Z.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks,  Co.,  Dec.  27, 
1846.  Mrd.  Mary  Rebecca  S.  Schantz,  Feb.  8,  1868. 
She  was  born  Feb,  13,  1849;  died  May  9,  1875. 
Farmer  and  Butcher,  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Sarah  S.  Landis,  born  Apr.  18,  1868;  died  June  18, 
1869.  (VII.)  Harvev  S.  Landis,  born  July  13,  1870. 
(VII.)  Mary  S.  Landis,  born  Mar.  17,  1872.  Herlry 
Mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Elizabeth  B.  Lapp,  Feb.  18, 
1877.  One  child:  (VII.)  Ellen  L.  Landis,  born  June 
14,  1878. 

VI.)  Mary  Z.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  29, 
1848.  Mrd.  Henry  B.  Yoder,  of  Springfield  Twp., 
Sept.  7,  1873.  He  was  born  Sept.  5,  1852.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  William  L.  Yoder,  born 
Dec.  7,  1874;  died  Nov.  29,  1877.  (VII.)  Daniel  L. 
Yoder,  born  Jan,  16,  1877.  (VII.)  Henry  L.  Yoder, 
born  Oct.  18,  1878. 

—  286  — 

VI.  Abraham  Z.  Laiidis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan. 
17,  1850.  Mrd.  Mary  Y.  Moyer,  of  Springfield  Twp. , 
Sept.  28,  1873.  She  was  born  Oct.  30,  1819.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Sarah  M.  Landis,  born 
Mar.  27,  1875.  (VII.)  Abraham  M.  Landis,  born  Sept. 
7,  1876.  (VII.)  Daniel  M.  Landis,  born  Sept.  2,  1878. 
(VII.)  Amos.  M.  Landis,  born  Sept.  16,  1881.  (VII.) 
Isaac  M.  Landis,  born  Oct.  7,  1881. 

VI.  Sarah  Z.  Landis,  born  July  2,  1855;  died  Nov. 
28,  1862. 

V.  David  Landis,  born  Sept.  19,  1823;  died — ,  aged 
about  17  years. 

V.  Mary  Landis,  born  m  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  15,  1827; 
died  in  1870.  Mrd.  Joseph  L.  Gross — .  Children: 
(VI.)  Sarah,  Amanda,  Henry  (dec'd),  John,  Frank, 
Samuel,  Mary  (dec'd),  Anna  (dec'd) 

V.  Peter  B.  Landis,  born  Sept.  26,  1831;  died  May 
22,  1856.  S. 

V.  Abraham  B.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  8, 
1834.  Mrd.  Susanna  A.  Beidler,  Oct.  7,  1860. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Katie  B.  Landis, 
born  May  21,  1866.  (VI.)  Mary  B.  Landis,  born  Mar. 
9,  1872. 

V.  Hannah  B.  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  16, 
1838.  Mrd.  Joseph  W.  Lapp,  Jan.  16,  1861.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  John  L.  Lapp,  born 
Nov.  27,  1861;  died  June  12,  1881.  (VI.)  Abraham  L. 
Lapp,  born  Apr.  20,  1864;  died  Sept.  26,  1865.  (VI.) 
William  L.  Lapp,  born  May  27,  1866.  Mrd.  Amanda 
M.  Beidler,  May  11,  1889.  (VI.)  Isaiah  L.  Lapp,  born 
Dec.  8,  1867.  (VI.)  Sallie  L.  Lapp,  born  Aug.  10, 
1870.  (VI.)  Joseph  L.  Lapp,  born  Mar.  5,  1872.  (VI.) 
Erwin  L.  Lapp,  born  July  9,  1873.  (VI.)  Elizabeth 
L.  Lapp,  born,  May  12,  1876.  (VI.)  Mary  L.  Lapp, 
born  Dec.  2,  1878.  (VI.)  Emma  L.  Lapp,  born  Jan. 
30,  1881. 

IV.  Abraham  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  29, 
1792;  died  Jan.  8,  1877.    Unmrd.    Mennonite. 

IV.  Daniel  Landis,  Jr.,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  6, 
1796;  died  Nov.  10,  1870.  Mrd.  Catharine,  daughter 
of  Rev.  Isaac  Alderfer,  of  Montg.  Co.,  Nov.  29,  1821. 
She  was  born  Aug.   13,   1802;   died  June  13,  1869. 

—  287  — 

Farmer  in  Frdne-onia  Twp.,  Montg.  Co.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Elizabeth,  Maria,  Anna,  Catharine,  Sarah, 
Abraham,  Isaac  and  Daniel  (twins),  Susanna. 
V.  Elizabeth  Landis,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Sept.  10, 
1822.  Mrd.  Henry  Fretz.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  79).  She  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  Abraham 
M.  Moyer,  Oct.  18,  1873.  He  died  Feb.  8,  1884.  No 

V.  Maria  Landis,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Nov.  23,  1825; 
died  Nov.  1,  1881.  Mrd.  Joseph  Hagey, — .  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    One  son. 

VI.  Levi  Hagey,  born  Oct.  2,  1847.  Mrd.  Maria 
Yoder, — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Joseph  Y.  Hagey,  born  Tune  16,  1886. 

V.  Anna  Landis,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Feb  2,  1828; 
died  Mar.  15,  1889.  Mrd.  John  Gashow,  Apr.  7, 
1870,    He  died  May  26,  1880.    No  issue. 

V.  Catharine  Landis,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Oct.  7, 
1830.  Mrd.  Elias  H.  Freed,  Oct.  18,  1853.  Menno- 
nites. One  child: 

VI.  Mary  Anna  Freed,  born  Apr.  22,  1858.  Mrd. 
Henry  C.  Witman,  Sept.  18,  1880.  Children:  (VII.) 
Catharine  Witman,  born  Dec.  3,  1881.  (VII.)  Jonas 
Witman,  born  Nov.  28,  1884;  died  Jan.  12,  1885. 
(VII.)    Elias  F.  Witman,  born  Sept  21,  1888. 

V.  Sarah  Landis,  born  Sept.  18,  1833.  Mrd.  Joseph 
F.  Meyers.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  80), 

V.  Abraham  A.  Landis,  born  Jan.  9,  1836.  Mrd. 
Susannah  Myers,  Sept.  3,  1864.  She  died  Apr.  16, 
1880.  Farmer  in  Plumstead  Twp. ,  Bucks  Co.  Men- 
nonites.   Children:  Aaron,  Samuel. 

VI.  Aaron  Landis,  born  Mar.  17,  1865.  Mrd.  Bar- 
bara, daughter  of  Jacob  Slotter,  of  Bedminster  Twp. , 
June  20,  1885.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.) 
Elsie  Landis,  born  Dec.  31,  1885.  (VII.)  Abel  Landis, 
born  Aug.  18,  1888.  (VII.)  Harrison  Landis,  born 
Jan.  23,  1889. 

VI.  Samuel  Landis,  born  Aug.  28,  1871;  died  Mar. 
28,  1872.  Abraham  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Esther, 
widow  of  Griffith  Jones,  and  daughter  of  Henry 
Shaddinger,  May  5,  1881.  Children:  (VI.)  Abraham 
Landis,  born  Mar.  11,  1882.     (VI.)  William  Landis, 

—  288  — 

born  Mar.  30,  1883.    (VI.)  Reuben  Landis,  born  Dec. 
24,  1885. 

V.  Isaac  A.  Landis,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
20,  1838.  Mrd.  Lydia  D.  Wismer,  Oct.  17,  1863. 
Farmer.  Mcnnonites.  Children:  Kate,  Mary,  Daniel, 

VI.  Kate  W.  Landis,  born  Sept.  5,  1861:;  died  June 
2,  1884.  Mrd.  John  H.  Zetty,  Nov.  3,  1883.   No  issue. 

VI.  Mary  W.  Landis,  born  Aug.  22,  1866;  Mrd. 
Wilson  M.  Underkuffer,  Jan.  12,  1889.    Machinist. 

VI.   Daniel  W.  Landis,  born  Mar.  5,  1869. 

VI.    Lizzie  W.  Landis,  born  Feb.  20,  1876. 

V.  Daniel  A.  Landis  (twin  to  Isaac),  born  Dec.  20, 
1838.  Mrd.  Catharine  Ruth,  Jan.  12,  1867.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Hiram  R.  Landis,  born 
Jan.  1,  1870.  (VII.)  Annie  R.  Landis,  born  Nov.  28, 
1871.  (VI.)  Joseph  R.  Landis,  born  Apr.  25,  1874, 
(VI.)  Daniel  R.  Landis,  born  Feb.  11,  1876.  (VI.) 
Susanna  R.  Landis,  born  Feb.  9,  1878.  (VI.)  Isaac  R. 
Landis,  born  Dec.  25,  1879.  (VI.)  Abraham  R.  Landis, 
born  Mar.  18,  1881.  (VI.)  Catharine  R.  Landis,  born 
Apr.  9,—.  (VI.)  Sarah  R.  Landis,  born,—.  (VI.)  Elias 
R.  Landis  born  Jan.  30,  1889. 

V.  Susanna  Landis,  born  Aug.  23,  1842.   S. 

IV.  Mary  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  17,  1798; 
died  Apr.  14,  1884,  aged  85y.,  4m.,  28d.  Mennonite. 

IV.  Samuel  Landis,  born  Jan.  17,  1801;  died  July 
10,  1875.    Mennonite.    Unmrd. 

VI.  Magdalena  Landis,  born  in  1803;  died  Dec.  22, 
1862,  aged  59y.,  3m.,  26d.    Mennonite.    Udmrd. 

IV.   Sarah  Landis,  born  in  1808;  died  May  21,  1864, 
aged  56y.,  6m.,  21d.    Mennonite.    Unmrd. 
rV.   An  Infant  died  unnamed. 

III.  Sarah  Fretz,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Joseph 
Landis,  — .    No  issue. 

III.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp,, 
Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  17,  1775;  died  May  20,  1816.  Mrd. 
Rachel,  daughter  of  Philip  Kratz,  Apr.  4,  1797.  She 
was  born  Sept.  5,  1777;  died  May  22,  1852.    Farmer, 

—  289  — 

and  lived  on  the  old  homestead  in  Bedminster,  of 
which  he  took  possession  in  1797.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Susan,  Jacob,  Anna,  Philip,  Elizabeth,  Abraham. 

IV.  Susan  Fretz,  born  Feb.  25,  1798;  died—.  Mrd. 
George  Mitman, — ■.    One  child: 

V.  Rachel  Mitman,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Joseph 
Moyer,  M.  D.,  (dec'd) — .    Children:  Susan,  Sallie. 

VI.  Susan  Moyer,  born—.  Mrd.  Abel  Mathias,  M. 
D.  Children:  (VII.)  Joseph,  Howard. 

VI.  Sallie  Moyer,  born — .  Mrd.  Joel  Rosenberger, 
— .  Children:  (VII.)  Joseph,  Rachel. 

IV.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  M,  1803; 
died—.  Mrd.  Susannah  Beidler,  Nov.  19,  1839. 
Farmer,  and  owned  and  lived  on  a  part  of  the  home- 
stead in  Bedminster  Twp.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Emma,  Reed,  Rachel,  Abraham,  Lizzie,  Philip, 

V.  Emma  Fretz,  born  Apr.  1,  1841.  Mrd.  Abraham 
M.  Leatherman,  Nov,  1,  1862.  Farmer.  Children: 
(VI.)  Horace  Leatherman,  born  Feb.  1,  1864;  died 
Apr.  18,  1871.  (VI.)  Jacob  Kirk  Leatherman,  born 
Jan.  26,  1866.  (VI.)  Henry  W.  Leatherman,  born 
Aug.  30,  1867.  (VI.)  Erwin  Ely  Leatherman,  born 
Apr.  21,  1871. 

V.  Reed  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  19,  1844. 
Mrd.  Amanda  Loux,  of  Carversville,  Jan.  27,  1870. 
Framer.  Mrs.  Fretz,  Presbyterian.  Children:  (VI.) 
Jacob  Franklin  Fretz,  born  Nov.  27,  1870.  (VI.) 
Minerva  Fretz,  born  July  21,  1872.  (VI.)  Anna 
Laura  Fretz,  born  Aug.  18,  1873.  (VI.)  Nelson 
Oswold  Fretz,  born  Nov.  3,  1875.  (VI.)  Mabel  Celia 
Fretz,  born  Nov.  3,  1877.  (VI.)  Mary  Matilda  Fretz, 
born  Dec.  30,  1879. 

V.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  1846. 
Mrd.  William  H.  Sk)tter,  Dec.  1882.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Slotter,  previous  to  their  marriage  were  both  engaged 
in  teaching  school,  and  Mr,  Slotter  is  the  present 
(1889)  County  Superintendent  of  Bucks,  Co.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  German  Ref . ,  and  Mrs.  Slotter  of 
the  Mennonite  Ch.  One  child:  (VI.)  Jacob  Fretz 
Slotter,  born  Jan.  1885. 

V.  Abraham  Ely  Fretz,  born — ;  died  from  injuries 
received  by  being  thrown  from  a  horse. 


—  290  — 

V.  Lizzie  Fretz,  born  Nov.  5,  1850.  Mrd.  Nelson 
K.  Leatherman.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  81). 

V.  Philip  Kirk  Fretz,  born  Nov.  19,  1858.  Mrd. 
Charlotte,  daughter  of  Hon.  L.  B.  LaBarre,  Oct. 
23,  1879.      . 

IV.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  3,  1806; 
died  May  26,  1886.  Mrd.  John  Fretz.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  82.) 

IV.  Philip  K.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  25, 
1809.  Mrd.  Eliza  Fretz,  granddaughter  of  Mark 
Fretz,  Sr.,  of  New  Britain  Twp.,  Nov.  22,  1836.  She 
died — .  Retired  farmer.  Children:  Susan,  Anna, 
Rebecca,  Henry,  Jacob. 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Apr.  16,  1838;  died—.  Mrd.  Mahlon  Meyers,— . 
He  died — .  No  issue.  (See  Index  of  References  No. 

V.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  25,  1840. 
Methodist.    Res.  at  Wheaton,  111.    Unmrd. 

V.  Rebecca  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  21,  1843. 
Mrd.  James  L.  Reber,  Mar.  23,  1863.  In  Fruit  Pre- 
serving business.  Res.  Wheaton,  111.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VI.)  Erwin  M.  Reber.  Mrd.  Etta  Ruppe. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Hazel  Ruppe,  born — .  (VI.)  Schuy- 
ler Colfax  Reber.  (VI.)  Philip  Eugene  Reber; 
died—.  (VI.)  James  Watt  Reber.  (VI.)  Pearl  Reber; 
died—.    (VI.)  Edna  Myrtle  Reber. 

V.  Henry  Erwin  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  6, 
1847.  Mrd.  Amanda  Moyer,  Dec.  1,  1870.  Farmer. 
Res.  on  the  homestead  at  Fretz'  Valley.  New  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  (VI.)  Edgar  M.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  19, 
1871;  died  Feb.  15,  1875.  (VI.)  James  Oscar  Fretz, 
born  Jan.  1,  1873.  (VI.)  Warren  Fretz,  born  May  3, 
1875.  (VI.)  Philip  K.  Fretz,  Jr.,  born  Sept.  7,  1876. 
(VI.)  Erwin  Clarence  Fretz,  born  Oct,  30,  1878.  (VI.) 
Lizzie' Bertha  Fretz,  born  Mar.  1,  1881.  (VI.)  Eugene 
Fretz,  born  Mar.  23,  1883.  (VI.)  Herbert  Fretz,  born 
July  12,  1885.   (VI.)  Florence  Fretz,  born  July  8,  1887. 

V.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  18,  1852; 
died—.  Mrd.  Josephine  Berks,  July  25,  1877.  One 
child:  (VI.)  James  Garfield  Fretz. 

—  291  — 

IV.  Elizabeth  Frctz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  about  1812; 
died — .  Mrd.  Christian  B.  Fretz.  (See  Index  of  Ref- 
erences No.  83). 

IV.  Abraham  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  20,  1815;  died  Jan.  4,  1888.  Mrd. 
Catharine  Swartzlander,  Oct.  18,  1856.  She  died  Dec. 
21,  1866.    Farmer.   New  Mennonite.    One  child: 

V.  Clara  S.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  5,  1857.  Mrd.  Frank 
W.  Rotzel,  Mar.  7,  1885.  Loan  Broker  at  Kansas 
City,  Mo.  Children:  (VI.)  Blanche  F.  Rotzel,  born 
Mar.  14,  1886.  (VI.)  Edward  F.  Rotzel,  born  Apr. 
1,  1887;  died  same  day. 


II.  Elizabeth  Fretz  (daughter  of  Weaver  John 
Fretz),  born  on  the  old  Fretz'  homestead,  in  Bed- 
minster  Twp.,  Pa.,  July  19,  1739;  died—.  Mrd. 
Jacob  Kolb*,  May  22,  1760.  He  was  born  Apr.  16, 
1737;  died — ,  buried  at — .  They  at  first  lived  in  Tini- 
cum  Twp.,  and  afterwards  moved  to  Hilltown  Twp., 
near  Blooming  Glen,  where  many  of  their  descend- 
ants still  live.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Isaac, 
John,  Gertrude,  Jacob,  Abraham,  Deilman,  Henry, 
Elizabeth,  Barbara,  Catharine. 

III.  Isaac  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  3,  1762; 
died — .  Mrd.  Mary  Clymer, — .  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Jacob,  Isaac,  Elizabeth,  Esther,  Gertrude, 
Dillman,  Moses,  Mary,  Veronica. 

IV.  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  died  unmrd. 

IV.  Isaac  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co., — ;  died  in  1836. 
Mrd.  Mary  Hockman.  Farmer  and  weaver.  Menno- 
nites.   Children:  Henry,  Mary,  Catharine. 

V.  Henry  Kulp,  born  Apr.  22,  1830;  died  Oct.  23, 

V.   Mary  Kulp,  born  about  1833;  died  in  1836. 

V.  Catharine  Kulp,  born  Nov.  28,  1836.  Mrd.  Mi- 
chael B.  Bergey,  Aug.  27,  1859.  Hosiery  manufact- 
urer. Mennonites,  Children:  (VI.)  Henry  Bergey. 
(VI.)  Mary  Bergey.  (VI.)  Michael  Bergey.  (VI.)  Rufus 
Bergey.     (VI.)  Katie  Bergey. 

*  The  name  is  uow  differently  spelled.     By  some  it  is  spelled 
Kolb,  by  others,  Culp,  but  the  majority  spell  it  Kulp. 

—  293  — 

IV.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  21, 
1793;  died  in  1864.  Mrd.  Daniel  R.  Rickert,  June  23, 
1818.  He  died  Mar.  7,  1869.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Isaac,  Jacob,  Daniel. 

V.  Isaac  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Apr.  7,  1819. 
Mrd.  Anna  G.  Stauffer,  Jan.  9,  1858.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  (VI.)  Anna  S.  Rickert,  died  at 
birth.  (VI.)  Lizzie  S.  Rickert,  born  May  23,  1863. 
(VI.)  Daniel  S.  Rickert,  born  Sept.  26,  1864.  (VI.) 
Amanda  S.  Rickert,  born  Nov.  26,  1867.  (VI.)  Sarah 
S.  Rickert,  died  in  birth. 

V.  Jacob  K.  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  10, 
1821.  Mrd.  Mary  M.  Newhard,  June  28,  1847.  She 
died  Jan.  26,  1858.  Children:  Hiram,  Daniel.  He 
mrd.  his  second  wife,  Eliza  A.  Hotfman,  Aug.  18, 
1859.    Farmer  and  Merchant.    Mems.  Ev.  Ass. 

VI.  Hiram  Rickert,  born  in  Lehigh  Co.,  Pa.,  May 
22,  1848.  Mrd.  Ida  Howe,  in  1874.  Associated  with 
his  father.  Children:  (VII.)  Harry  Rickert,  born  Oct. 
27,  1875.    (VII,)  Miles  Rickert,  born  Mar.  11,  1877. 

VI.  Daniel  F.  Rickert.  born  in  Carbon  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  1,  1850.  Mrd.  Margaret  Campbell,  in  1879. 
Painter.  One  child:  (VII.)  Robert  R.  Rickert,  born 
Aug.  15,  1886. 

V.  Daniel  K.  Rickert,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Sept.  15, 
1825.  Mrd.  Hannah  Myers,—.  Farmer.  New  Men- 
nonites. Children:  Aaron,  Elizabeth,  Lydia,  Sophia, 
Susanna,  Catharine. 

VI.  Aaron  M.  Rickert,  born  Jan.  31,  1852.  Mrd. 
Catharine  M.  Sell,  in  1873.  She  was  born  in  1851. 
Farmer.  New  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Lillie 
Jane  Rickert,  born  Feb.  5,  1874.  (VII.)  Hannah 
Louisa  Rickert,  born  June  18,  1876.  (VII.)  Daniel  S. 
Rickert,  born  Nov.  30,  1877.  (VII.)  Barbara  Ella 
Rickert,  born  Feb.  24,  1879.  (VII.)  Peter  Rickert, 
born  July  28,  1880.  (VII.)  Menno  Rickert,  born  Oct. 
5,  1881.  "(VII.)  Katie  May  Rickert,  born  Nov.  9, 1885. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Rickert,  born  June  26,  1854;  died 
May  6,  1855. 

VI.  Lydia  A.  Ricliert,  born  Feb.  13,  1856;  die4  Qct, 
21,  J862, 

—  294  — 

VI.  Sophia  Rickert,  born  Auo^.  16,  1858;  died  Oct. 
27,  1862. 

VI.  Susanna  Rickert,  born  Feb.  8,  1865;  died  Jan. 
25,  1873. 

VI.  Catharine  Rickert,  born  Aug.  16,  1868.  Mrd. 
William  H.  Powell,  in  1886.    They  have  one  child. 

IV.  Esther  Knlp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  20,  1801; 
died  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Sept.  28,  1872.  Mrd.  Joseph 
Leatherinan,  about  1821.  He  was  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Mar.  8,  1798;  died  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Mar.  10,  1861. 
Emigrated  to  Ohio  in  the  spring  of  1840.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Infant,  Mary,  Aaron,  Isaac, 
Ann,  Esther,  Fannie,  Infant,  Infant. 

V.  Infant  son,  born  1822;  died  soon  after  birth. 

V.  Mary  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  10, 
1823;  died  in  Ohio,  Nov.  17,  1853.  Mrd.  Samuel 
Flager,  May  9,  1844.  He  was  born  in  Butler  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  10,  1815.  Farmer.  Mary,  Mennonite.  (VI.) 
One  son  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Aaron  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  2, 
1825.  Mrd.  Susan  Drissel,— .  Farmer  in  Medina 
Co.,  Ohio.  Mennonite.  Children:  (VI.)  Esther 
Leatherman,  dec'd.  (VI.)  Infant  son,  dec'd.  (VI.) 
John  D.  Leatherman. 

V.  Isaac  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  21, 
1827.  Mrd.  Rachel  Shaum,  Oct.  26,  1848.  She  was 
born  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Mar.  24,  1831;  died  in  Elk- 
hart, Co.,  Ind.,  July  6,  1889.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
"Isaac  spent  his  boyhood  days  on  the  banks  of  the 
Strasburger  Mill  race,  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.  When  he  was  twelve  years  old  his  father  and 
family  emigrated,  by  wagon,  to  Wayne  Co.,  Ohio, 
where  they  purchased  the  present  Stare  farm,  near 
New  Pittsburgh,  and  which  on  the  death  of  the  father 
was  sold  to  the  present  owners,  and  the  mother  lived 
with  her  children  until  her  death.  In  the  spring  ox 
1853,  Isaac  emigrated  with  his  family  to  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind.,  and  settled  on  the  banks  of  the  Baugo,  near 
Wakarusa,  where  he  still  lives.  Here  he  tested  life; 
tasted  its  "bitters  and  sweets,"  while  laboring  in  the 
heavy  timbers,  and  around  the  many  stumps  on  his 
farm,    until  nearly  freec]  from   lt>Qtb,     At  different 

-  295  — 

periods,  as  a  relief  from  the  cares  of  the  farm,  he 
made  tours  over  eastern  and  western  states  of  the 
union.  In  1860  he  visited  eastern  Pa.,  in  1872,  the 
prairie  states  of  Minn.,  Dak.,  Iowa.,  Kan.,  and  Mo., 
In  1876  he  and  wife  visited  eastern  Pa. ,  and  the  Cen- 
tennial Exibition,  at  Philadelphia.  In  the  spring  of 
1889  his  wife  died.  In  1890  he  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife  Susan  Link  Bachert,  widow  of  Jacob  Bachert. 
Children,  all  by  his  first  wife:  Sarah,  Esther,  Benja- 
min, Joseph,  Enos,  Samantha,  Anise,  Henry,  Irwin, 
Maggie,  William,  Lewis,  Reuben,  Dora. 

VI.  Sarah  Ann  Lcatherman,  born  in  Wayne  Co.,  O., 
May  6,  1850.  Mrd.  Benjamin  F.  Lutz,  Jan.  15,  1871. 
He  was  born  in  Butler  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Juno  30,  1817.  Far- 
mer in  Elkhart,  Co.,  Ind.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VII.)  Cora  Gertrude  Lutz,  born  Jan.  12,  1872;  died 
Nov.  3,  1872.  (VII.)  Estelle  May  Lutz,  born  Apr.  20, 
1871.    (VII.)  Cloyd  Homer  Lutz  born  June  1,  1881. 

VI.  Esther  Leatherman,  born  in  Wayne  Co.,  Ohio, 
May  26,  1851.  Mrd.  Joseph  Longenecker,  Jan.  10, 
1867.  He  was  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  11,  1812. 
Farmer  in  Marion  Co.,  Kan.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VII.)  Clara  Augusta  Longenecker,  born  Feb.  6,  1869. 
(VII.)  Nora  Mabel  Longenecker,  born  Jan.  30,  1875. 
(VII.)  Vernon  Oren  Longenecker,  born  Sept.  2,  1881. 

VI.  Benjamin  F.  Leatherman,  born  in  Wayne  Co  , 
O.,  Feb.  15,  1853.  Mrd.  Hettie  Lehman,  Aug.  23, 
1873,  She  was  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Mar.  20, 
1853.  Farmer  in  Marshall  Co.,  Ind.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Valeria  A.  Leatherman,  born  Mar. 
7,  1875.  (VII.)  George  Monroe  Leatherman,  born 
Sept.  23,  1877.  (VII.) "Edith  Euphemia  Leatherman, 
born  Feb.  2,  1880.  (VII.)  Clara  Kachel  Leatherman, 
born  Mar.  20,  1882.  (VII.)  Elmer  L.  Leatherman, 
born  Aug.  2,  1884.  (VII.)  Vernon  J.  Leatherman, 
born  Mar.  21,  1888. 

VI.  Joseph  Leatherman,  born  Mar.  10,  1851;  died 
Aug.  14,  1855. 

VI.  Enos  Leatherman,  born  Sept.  19,  1855;  died 
Oct.  1,  1856. 

VI.  Samantha  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind,  Pec.  3,  1857.    Menijonite. 

—  296  — 

VI.  Anise  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind., 
Jan.  26.  1859.  Mrd.  William  H.  Eicher,  Feb.  25, 
1877.  He  was  born  in  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
25,  1853.  Farmer  near  Wakarusa,  Ind.  Children: 
(VII.)  Nina  Madilla  Eicher,  born  Oct.  30,  1879.  (VII.) 
Floyd  Irvin  Eicher,  born  July  29,  1885.  (VII.)  Olen 
Eugene  Eicher,  (VII.)  Orva  Irene  Eicher,  born  Nov. 
8,  1888  (Twins). 

VI.  Henry  M.  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co. ,  Ind. , 
Dec.  8,  1861.  Mrd.  Minerva  E.  Ehret,  Mar.  29, 1884. 
She  was  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  June  24,  1864. 
Farmer  and  trader  in  Elkhart  Co.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Grace  Alnetta  Leatherman,  born  Feb.  1, 

1885.  (VII.)  Nelson  Linfred  Leatherman,  born  Mar. 
29,  1888. 

VI.  Irvin  J.  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind., 
Sept.  9,  1863.  Mrd.  Ida  May  Mitchell,  in  Van  Buren 
Co.,  Mich.,  May  5,  1889.  'She  was  born  in  Elkhart 
Co.,  Ind.,  Sept.  15,  1861.  Teacher.  Mrs.  Leather- 
man,  Methodist. 

VI.  Maggie  M.  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind.,  June  4,  1865.  Mrd.  Henry  J.  Defrees,  M.  D., 
Apr.  4,  1889.  He  was  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind., 
Sept.  27,  1861.  Physician  in  Kosciusko  Co.,  Ind., 
He,  Methodist.    She  mem.  M.  B.  in  C. 

VI.  William  Harvey  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart 
Co.  Ind.,  Dec.  8,  1866.    Mrd.  Alice  Ehret,  Sept.  26. 

1886.  She  was  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Jan.  11, 
1869.  Farmer  in  St.  Joseph  Co.,  Ind.  Children: 
(VII.)  Maud  Leotha  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  26,  1887. 
(VII.)  Walter  Isaac  Leatherman,  born  Mar.  18,  1889. 

VI.  Lewis  Linfred  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind.,  July  31,  1869. 

VI.  Reuben  Owen  Leatherman,  born  Mar.  20,  1872; 
died  May  24,  1872. 

VI.  Dora  Ellen  Leatherman,  born  in  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind.,  Dec.  21,  1873. 

V.  Ann  K.  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Dec.  9,  1829;  died  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Sept.  8,  1887. 
Mrd.  Ernst  A.  Salathee,  about  1857.  He  was  born  in 
Ebersdorf,  France,  May  25,  J829.  JPaiftter,  She  Men- 

—  297  — 

nonite.  Children:  Alice,  Henrietta,  Charles,  Frank- 
lin, Edward,  Esther. 

VI.  Alice  Salathee,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  July  9, 
1858.  Mrd.  George  Inbody,  Jan.  29,  1875.  Farmer, 
in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Frank- 
lin Inbody,  born  Mar.  17,  1877.  (VII.)  Florence  El- 
nore  Inbody,  born  Aug.  17,  1878.  (VII.)  Maud  May 
Inbody,  born  Feb.  20,  1882.  (VII.)  Chlora  Wilmer 
Inbody,  born  Sept.  3,  1885.  (VII.)  Warren  Ernst  In- 
body, born  Jan.  17,  1888. 

VI.  Henrietta  Salathee,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
Aug.  22,  1859.  Mrd.  Joseph  B.  Culp,  Sept.  3,  1881. 
He  was  born  in  Mahoning  Co.,  O.,  Apr.  13,  1856. 
Fruit  Grower  near  Columbiana,  O.    Mennonites. 

VI.  Charles  Salathee,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  May 

19,  1861. 

VI.  Franklin  Salathee,  born  Jan.  7,  1863;  died  July 
18,  1887. 

VI.  Edward  Salathee,  born  May  6,  1865;  died  May 
13,  1865. 

VI.  Esther  Ann  Salathee,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
June  18,  1867.  Mrd.  George  Doering,  Mar.  10,  1889. 
He  was  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  July  11,  1859. 
Harness-maker  in  Elkhart  Co. ,  Ind. 

V.  Esther  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Feb. 
6,  1832.  Mrd.  Rev.  Peter  Y.  Landis— .  Farmer, 
and  Minister  of  the  Mennonite  church  in  Wayne  Co., 
O.  Children:  Mary,  Esther,  William,  Emma,  Joseph. 

VI.  Mary  E.  Landis,  born  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Oct. 

20,  1855.  Mrd.  Isaac  W.  Rohrer,  Nov.  27,  1884. 
He  was  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  1,  1842.  Far- 
mer. Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Clara  E.  Rohrer, 
born  Dec.  18,  1885.  (VII.)  John  C.  Rohrer,  born  Oct. 
6,  1887. 

VI.  Esther  Landis,  born  Feb.  12,  1858;    died  June 

21,  1863. 

VI.  William  H.  Landis,  born  in  Wayne  Co.,  O., 
Nov.  8,  1861.  Mrd.  Sarah  Lehman,  Dec.  10,  1885. 
Farmer  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.  Children:  (VII.)  Mary  E. 
Landis,  born  Nov.  13,  1886.  (VII.)  John  W.  Landis, 
bprn  Apr.  21,  1888.  (VII.)  Laoais,  born-,  1889, 

—  298  — 

VI.  Emma  Landis,  born  Dec.  25,  1865;  died  July  7, 

VI.  Joseph  Landis,  born  in  Wayne  Co.^  O.,  July  14, 

V.  Fannie  Leatherraan,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
14.  1834;  died  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  28,  1849. 

V.  A  son  born  and  died  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Mar.  19, 

V.  A  daughter  born  Apr.  1,  184o;  died  in  infancy. 

IV.  Gertrude  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  1, 
1805;  died  in  1875,  aged  69  yrs.  Mrd.  Isaac  Means, 
Jan.  13,  1835.  Carpenter.  He  lived  at  Deep  Run, 
Pa.  Mennonites.  He  died — .  Children:  Henry, 
Mary,  Levi.  Gertrude  mrd.  for  her  second  husband, 
John  Drissel,  by  whom  she  had  one  child:  Isaac. 
Gertrude  mrd.  for  her  third  husband,  John  Detweiler. 

VI.  Henry  Means,  born  May  8,  1836;  died  Aug.  31, 

V.  Marv  Means,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  31, 
1837.  Mrd.  Enos  F.  Geil.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  84). 

V.  Levi  Means,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  23,  1838. 
Mrd.  Whilmina  Carver,  May  26,  1859.  She  died—. 
Agent  for  farming  Implements,  at  Blooming  Glen. 
Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  Maggie.  Levi  mrd.  for  his 
second  wife,  Elizabeth  King,  Jan.  18,  1861.  She 
died — .  Children:  Mary,  Isaac,  Ida.  Mr.  Means 
mrd.  for  his  third  wife,  Anna  Eliza  Rosenberger,  in 
Nov.,  1875. 

VI.  Maggie  I.  Means,  born  Apr.  21,  1860.  Mrd. 
Valentine  Ruth— .  Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.)  Arthur. 

VI.  Mary  Etta  Means,  born  Nov.  10,  1862.     Luthe- 
rans.    S. 
VI.  Isaac  Grant  Means,  born  Nov.  15,  1863. 
VI.  Ida  Means,  born  Mar.  21,  1870.    Lutheran. 
V.  Isaac  Drissel,  born  May  27,  1846. 

IV.  Dillman  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1807; 
died  Aug.  3,  1882.  Mrd.  Christine  Rosenberger, 
Feb.  13,_  1829.  She  died  Sept.  25,  1875.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Jacob,  Isfl{\g!,  Mary,  Catha- 
rine, Elizabeth. 

V.  Jacob  R.  Kulp,  born  Mar.  14,  1831,    Mrd.-= 

—  299  — 

V.  Isaac  R.  Kulp,  born  Dec.  4,  1832.  Mrd.  Mary 
Overholtzer,  Oct.  4,  1857.  Farmer  and  dealer  in 
Hay,  Coal,  Feed,  &c.  Mennonites.  Children:  Cath- 
arine, Christine,  Dilman,  Mary,  Ellamina,  Esther. 

VI.  Catharine  Kulp,  born  Aug.  31,  1860;  died  June 
16,  1866. 

VI.  Christine  Kulp,  bom  Oct.  9,  1863.  Mrd.  Henry 
S.  Weierman,  Jan.  5,  1883.  Produce  Merchant  in 
Philadelphia.  One  child:  (VII.)  Charles  Weierman, 
born  Nov.  17,  1884. 

VI.  Dilman  Kulp,  born  Jan.  13,  1866.  Mrd.  Clara 
Jane  Gerhart,  'May  28,  1887.  Printer,  and  Laborer. 
Mrs.  Kulp,  Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.)  Elmer  Ger- 
hart Kulp,  born  July  22,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  Lizzie  Kulp,  born  Oct.  25,  1867;  died  Mar. 
18,  1877. 

VI.  Ellamina  Kulp,  born  June  9,  1869;  died  June 
25,  1869. 

VI.  Esther  Kulp,  born  Dec.  18,  1871. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Kulp,  born  June  12,  1834.  Mrd. 
Henry  M.  Kulp.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  85). 

V.  Catharine  Kulp,  born  Apr.  13,  1836;  died  Aug. 
12,  1878.  Mrd.  Samuel  G.  Leidy,  (deceased).  Har- 
ness-maker.   Ger.  Ref.    Children:  Mary,  Lydia. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Leidy,  mrd.  Van  Buren  Lutz— . 
VI.  Lydia  Ann  Leidy,  mrd.  Frank  Leidy — . 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  June  28,  1848;  died  Apr. 
22,  1885.    Mrd.  Chas.  E.  Ball.    No  issue. 

IV.  Mary  Kulp  mrd.  Jacob  Rosenberger — ,  (dec'd). 
Farmer.    New  Mennonites.    No  issue. 

IV.  Veronica  Kulp,  born  June  3,  1813;  died  Sept.  28, 
1868.  Mrd.  Christian  Detweiler— .  He  died—.  Black- 
smith. One  child:  (V.)  Isaac  Detweiler,  died  in  in- 
fancy. Veronica  mrd.  for  her  second  husband,  John 
Frick,  Feb.  22,  1835.  He  died  Feb.  16,  1881.  Far- 
mer. ;  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary,  Francis,  John, 
Amanda,  Aaron,  Emma,  Kate,  Matilda. 

V,  Mary  Frick,  bora  Dec.  12,  1835.  Mrd.  Rev. 
Henry  Rosenberger.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  86). 

V.  Francis  K.  Frick,  born  Feb.  7,  1837.  Mrd.  Susan 
Kulp,  Jan.,  1860.    He  died  May  3,  1866.    Farmer. 

—  300  — 

Mennonites,  One  child:  (VI.)  Lizzie  Frick,  born  in 
Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  2,  1859.  Mrd.  William  M. 
Souder,  Oct.  23,  1880.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Sevillla  F.  Souder,  born  Oct.l,  1881. 
(VII.)   Harvey  F.  Souder,  born  Oct.  3,  1886. 

V.  John  K.  Frick,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  9,  1839. 
Mrd.  Lydia  H.  Crouthamel,  June  28,  1863.  Farmer. 
Dunkards.  Children:  Allen,  Francis,  Elmer,  Clay- 
ton, John,  Eva. 

VI.  Allen  C.  Frick,  born  Nov.  7,  1863.  Mrd.  Susan 
Brinker,  Apr.  18,  1885.  Clerk.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Elsie  Dinsmore  Frick,  born  Dec.  5,  1886. 

VI.  Francis  Frick,  born  Aug.  18,  1869. 

VI.  Elmer  Frick,  born  Feb.  24,  1872;  died  Oct.  17, 

VI.  Clayton  Frick,  born  Oct.  1,  1874, 

VI.  John  C.  Frick,  born  Nov.  10,  1879. 

VI.  Eva  Frick,  born  Feb.  19,  1887;  died  Feb.  8, 

V.  Amanda  Frick,  born  in  Montg.  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Apr.  4, 
1841.  Mrd.  Samuel  S.  Kulp,  Oct.  30,  1858.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Fannie,  Lizzie,  Allen, 
Amanda,  John. 

VI.  Fannie  Kulp,  born  May  19,  1861. 

VI.  Lizzie  Kulp,  born  Jan.  10,  1864.  Mrd.  John  F. 
Lederach,  of  Lederachville,  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
20,  1880.     Store-keeper. 

VI.  Allen  Kulp,  born  Dec.  8,  1867;  died  Aug.  25, 

VI.  Amanda  Kulp,  born  Jan.  28,  1871. 

VI.  John  Kulp,  born  June  12,  1875. 

V.  Aaron  K.  Frick,  born  Nov.  25,  1842.  Mrd. 
Susan  Godshall. 

V.  Emma  F.  Frick,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
31,  1844.  Mrd.  Joseph  R.  Bergey,  Oct.  24,  1863. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Horace,  Mary,  Kate. 

VI.  Horace  F.  Bergey,  born  Apr.  30,  1865.  Mrd. 
Annie  M.  Landis,  Jan.  24,  1884.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  EUwood  Bergey,  born  Nov.  14,  1887; 
died  Feb.  17,  ia8$,  (VII.)  Mary  P^rgey,  bpm  June 
16,  im      "  N      .      ^    ■    w 

—  301  — 

VI.  Mary  Emma  F.  Berofey,  bora  May  5,  1868.  Mrd. 
William  F.  Hockman,  Sept.  19,  1885.  She  Menno- 
nite.  Children:  (VII.)  Warren  Hockman,  born  Dec, 
1885.   (VII.)  Wilson  Hockman,  born  Jan.,  1888. 

VI.  Kate  F.  Bergey,  bora  Feb.  8,  1875. 

V.  Kate  Frick,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  9, 
1847.  Mrd.  Henry  C.  Delp,  Oct.  12,  1867.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.     Children:  Jennie,  Ellie,  Kate. 

VI.  Jennie  F.  Delp,  born  July  3,  1869,  Mrd.  Garret 
S.  Nice,  Nov.  17,  1888.    Farm  laborer  and  Huckster. 

VI.  Ellie  F.  Delp,  bora  July  10,  1873. 

VI.  Katie  F.  Delp,  born  Jan.  21,  1876. 

V.  Matilda  Jane  Frick,  born  Oct.  8,  1849.  Mrd. 
John  Erney,  Sept.  11,  1869.  Children:  (VI.)  Ervin 
F.  Erney,  born  Jan.  3,  1870.  (VI.)  Oscar  F.  Erney, 
born  Mar.  30,  1873. 

IV.  Moses  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.;  died — . 
Mrd.  Mar}^  Moyer.  Farmer.  Mennonite.  Chil- 
dren: John,  Elizabeth,  Veronica,  Anna,  Mary. 
Amanda,  Isaac. 

V.  John  M.  Kulp,  born---. 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born—;  died — .    S. 

V.  Veronica  Kulp,  born — .  Mrd.  Henry  Kulp — . 
No  issue. 

V.  Anna  Kulp,  born  Dec.  13,  1841;  died  Mar.  11, 
1875.  Mrd.  Rudolph  Moyer.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
encs  No.  87). 

V.  Mary  Kulp,  born  Sept.  14,  1843.  Mrd.  Rudolph 
Moyer.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  88). 

V.  Amanda  Kulp,  born—.  Mrd.  Christian  M.  Hock- 

V.  Isaac  Kulp,  born — ;  died  in  infancy, 

III.  John  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  6,  1764; 
died  in  1824.  Mrd.  Barbara  Funk — .  Farmer.  Lived 
at  Blooming  Glen,  Pa.  Mennonites.  Children:  Jacob, 
Annie,  Sarah. 

IV.  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  27,  1786; 
died  Nov.  1,  1833.  Mrd.  Anna  Barks,  Mar.  13,  1806. 
She  was  born  Aug,  19,  1779;  died  Apr.  14,  1849. 
Farmer,  Mennonites,  Children:  Barbara,  J^^^, 
George,  Susan,  Gertrude, 

—  302  — 

V.  Barbara  Knlp,  born  Jan.  29.  1807;  died  June  7, 
1834.  Mrd.  Isaac  Knlp.  .  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  89). 

V.  John  Kulp,  born  Oct.  20,  1810.  Mrd. Halde- 

man — . 

V.  George  Kulp,  born  May  27,  1812. 

V.  Susan  Kulp,  born  Feb.  20,  1815.  Mrd.  Henry 
Kulp.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  90). 

V.  Gertrude  Kulp,  born  Sept.  23,  1817.    Mrd. 

Haldeman. — 

IV.  Anna  Kulp,  born — ;   died — . 

IV.  Sarah  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1793;  died  in 
1848.  Mrd.  Samuel  Meyers  in  1815.  He  was  born 
in  1788;  died  in  1847.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Henry,  Barbara,  Anna. 

V.  Henry  K.  Myers,  born  in  1817.  Mrd.  Barbara 
Kratz,  in  1842.  She  was  born  in  1821.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Levi,  Huldah,  Elias. 

VI.  Levi  K.  Myers,  born  in  1843;  died  in  1887. 

VI.  Huldah  Myers,  born  in  1848.  Mrd.  Amos  Myers 
in  1868.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Clara 
Myers,  born  in  1869.  (VII.)  '  Henry  Myers,  born  in 
1870;  died  in  1870.  (VII.)  Horace  Watson  Myers, 
born  in  1871.  (VII.)  Edward  M.  Myers,  born  in  1874. 
(VII.)  Annetta  Myers,  born  in  1876.  (VII.)  Samuel 
Myers,  born  in  1878;  died  in  1878.  (VII.)  Alice  My- 
ers, born  in  1881.  (VII.)  Susanna  Myers,  born  in 
1885;  died  in  1885.  (VII.)  Charles  Elmer  Myers, 
born   in   1886.    (VII.)    "Baby"  Myers,  born  in  1889. 

VI.  Elias  Myers,  born  in  1854;  died  in  1862. 

V.  Barbara  Myers,  born  in  1818.  Mennonite.  Un- 

V.  Anna  Myers,  born  in  1825;  died — .  Mrd.  Isaac 
Fretz.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  91). 

III.  Gertrude  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  8, 
1767.  Mrd.  Jacob  Hunsberger — .  Farmer.  Resided 
near  Hatfield,  Pa.  Mennonites.  They  died  without 

III.  Rev.  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
30,  1769;    died  in  Holmes  Co.,   Ohio,   Sept.,   1858. 

—  303  — 

Mrd.  Catharine  Delp,  Mar.  24,  1793.  She  was  born 
June  21,  1772;  died  in  Hohues  Co.,  Ohio,  in  1844. 
Farmer,  and  Minister.  He  was  ordained  to  the  min- 
istry of  the  Mennonite  church,  at  the  Doylestown, 
Pa.,  Meeting-house,  in  1818,  where  he  preached  for  a 
number  of  years.  In  June  1831,  he  moved  to  Holmes 
Co.,  Ohio,  and  settled  in  Walnut  Creek  Twp.,  which, 
at  that  time  was  but  sparsely  settled.  There  were  a 
few  Mennonite  families  living  there,  with  a  minister 
by  the  name  of  Mishler,  but  were  without  a  church, 
Mr.  Kulp  organized  a  church,  and  a  log  meeting- 
house was  built  on  the  farm  of  his  nephew,  Jacob 
Kulp.  A  few  years  later  Rev.  Jacob  Showalter 
arrived  from  Pa. ,  and  other  Mennonite  families  emi- 
grated thither  fi*om  the  eastern  and  western  parts  of 
Pennsylvania,  and  the  church  prospered  until  Mr. 
Kulp's  death.  Children:  Samuel,  Elizabeth,  Jacob, 
Catharine,  Isaac,  Henry,  Gertrude,  Anna. 

IV.  Samuel  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  12,  1794; 
died  in  Holmes  Co.,  Ohio,  Aug.  15,  1848.    S. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  30, 
1795;  died  Sept.  23,  1872.  Mrd.  Jacob  Godshalk. 
He  died  about  1869.  They  moved  to  Ohio  in  1832. 
He  was  afflicted  with  white  swelling  in  one  of  his 
limbs  from  which  he  suffered  for  forty  or  more  years. 
Farmer  and  Weaver.  Mennonites.  Children:  Cath- 
arine, Maria,  Henry,  Samuel,  Jacob,  Sarah,  Abra- 
ham, Isaac,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Catharine  Godshalk,  born  about  1819;  died,  aged 
18  years. 

V.  Maria  Godshalk,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  3,  1820; 
died  in  1887.  Mrd.  David  Holderman,  June  2,  1842, 
He  died  about  1873.  They  moved  to  Elkhart  Co., 
Indiana,  in  1848.  Mennonites.  Children:  Jacob, 
Joseph,  Susanna,  Elizabeth,  John,  Sarah,  Isaac, 

VI.  Jacob  Holderman,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Mar. 
23,  1843.  Mrd.  Catharine  Kulp,  June  28,  1863.  She 
was  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Mar.  21,  1833.  Mr. 
Holderman,  was  drafted  in  1864,  and  served  nine 
months  in  the  army.  While  in  the  service  he  became 
deaf,  for  which  he  receives  a  pension  fi'om  the  Gov- 

—  304  — 

ernment  of  twenty-two  dollars  a  month.  They  reside 
near  Osceola,  Ind.  Mennonites.  Children:  Isaac, 
Sarah,  Andrew,  Mary,  William. 

VII.  Isaac  Abraham  Holderman,  born  July  11, 
1865.    S. 

VII.  Sarah  Maria  Holderman,  born  July  15,  1868. 
Mrd.  Daniel  W.  Kryder,  July  23,  1888.  Teamster. 
Res.  South  Bend,  Ind.  One  child:  (VIII.)  Mabel  C. 
Kryder,  Aug.  11,  1889. 

VII.  Andrew  F.  Holderman,  born  Jan.  3,  1871.    S. 

VII.  Mary  Sophia  Holderman,  born  Sept.  12,  1873. 

VII.  William  Jacob  Holderman,  born  Aug.  9,  1876. 

VI.  Joseph  Holderman,  born  Mar.  7,  1845.  When 
five  years  old  he  was  burned  to  death  in  a  sugar  camp. 

VI.  Susanna  Holderman,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O,, 
July  18,  1847.  Mrd.  Michael  Eicher.  He  died—. 
Children: — ,  David,  Andrew.  Susanna  mrd.  for  her 
second  husband,  Christian  Lanchman.     U.  Brethren. 

VII.  —  Eicher,  born — .  Mrd.  Robert  Knowlton. 
One  child:  (VIII.)  Frank  Knowlton. 

VII.  David  Eicher,  Mrd.  Laura  Jacobs,  in  1889. 

VII.  Andrew  Eicher,  born — .    Single. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Holderman,  born  June  13,  1850.  Mrd. 
Levi  Beck — .    Tailor  at  Marcellus,  Mich.    No  issue. 

VI.  John  Holderman,  born  Oct.  15,  1853;  died  in 

VI.  Sarah  Holderman,  born  Mar.  31, 1855.  Mrd.  John 

VI.  Isaac  Holderman,  born  July  7,  1857.  Mrd.  Alda 
Lanchman.  Children:  (VII.)  Levi,  (VII.)  Ida,  (VII.) 

VI.  Rachel  Holderman,  born  Oct.  17,  1863.  Mrd. 
William  Hendershot.  They  have  three  children  living 
and  one  dead. 

V.  Henry  Godshalk,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  in  1822. 
Mrd.  Catharine  Berkey,  in  1845.  Farmer.  Res.  in 
Coshocton  Co.,  O.  (VI.)  They  had  two  children,  both 
died  in  infancy. 

V.  Samuel  Godshalk,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
29,  1825.  Mrd.  Rebecca  Kohli,  July  1,  1858.  Far- 
mer at  Woodland,  Ind.  Mennonites.  Children.  (VI.) 
Sarah  Godshalk,  born  Apr,  28,  1859;    died  Apr.  3, 


(See  page  233.) 

—  305  — 

1866.  (VI.)  Anna  Godshalk.  born  Apr.  25,  1861.  S. 
(VI.)  John  Godshalk,  born  Oct.  ^4,  1863.  S.  (VI.) 
James  Godshalk,  born  Jan.  li,  1871. 

V.  Jacob  Godshalk,  born  m  Bucks  Co.,  P.,  Feb.  29, 
1828;  died  June  20,  1887.  Mrd'.  Margaret  Long,  May 
21,  1853.  She  was  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Aug.  11, 
1828.  He  came  with  his  parents  to  Ohio.  After 
marriage  they  moved  to  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth,  John,  William, 
Andrew,  Reuben. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Godshalk,  born  Aug.  6,  1855. 

VI.  John  Godshalk,  born  Dec.  28,  1858;  died  Feb. 
27    1859 

V'l.  William  Godshalk,  born  July  24,  1860. 

VI.  Andrew  Godshalk,  born  Nov.  13,  1862.  Mrd. 
Alice  Martin,  Sept.  18,  1889.  She  was  born  Aug.  18, 
1872.    Farmer  in  Indiana. 

VI.  .Reuben  Godshalk,  born  Sept.  5,  1871. 

V.  Sarah  Godshalk,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  12, 
1831;  died  in  1884.  Mrd.  Jacob  Brenneman,  June 
23,  1850.  He  was  born  Apr.  13,  1825.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Andrew,  Elizabeth,  John,  Susanna,  Lydia, 
Mary,  Benjamin,  Sophia,  Salome,  Peter,  Cornelius. 

VI.  Andrew  Brenneman,  born — .  Mrd.  Mary  Derr 
— .  Children:  (VII.)  William,  (dec'd).  (VII.)  John. 
(VII.)  Walter.  (VII.)  Sarah. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Brenneman,  born  in  St.  Joseph  Co., 
Ind.,  Ai3r.  17,  1853.  Mrd.  John  Martin,  Nov.  12, 
1876.  Carpenter  in  Elkhart,  Ind.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Ida  Priscilla  Martin,  born  Aug".  2,  1877; 
died  Aug.  26,  1877.  (VII.)  Daniel  Jacob  Martin,  born 
Dec.  5,  1879.  (VII.)  Edward  Francis  Martin,  born 
Oct.  12,  1881.  (VII.)  Oscar  Henry  Martin,  born,  Jan. 
23,  1889.  (VII.)  Myra  Mabel  Martin,  born  June  16, 

VI.  John  Brenneman,  born  Feb.  4,  1855;  died  Feb. 
5,  1855. 

Vl.  Susanna  Brenneman,  born  Feb.  5,  1856.  Mrd. 
Joseph  Neff — .  Farmer  in  St.  Joseph  Co.,  Ind.  No 

VI.  Lydia  Brenneman,  born  in  St.  Joseph  Co.,  Ind., 
Feb.  6,  1858.    Mrd.  David  Rider,  Jan.  23,  1887.    He 


—  806  — 

was  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Mar.  31,  1854.  Farmer 
in  Kosciusko  Co.,  Ind.  Children:  (VII.)  Archibald 
M.  Rider,  born  Nov.  23,  1887.  (VII.)  George  Rider, 
born  Dec.  12,  1889. 

VI.  Mary  Brenneman,  born  in  St.  Joseph  Co.,  Ind., 
Nov.  14,"  1861.  Mrd.  Isaac  N.  Rodgeb,  Mar.  20, 
1884.  Carpenter  in  Elkhart,  Ind.  Children:  (VII.) 
Jesse  Lorenzo  Rodgeb,  born  Jan.  1,  1885.  (VII.) 
Mabel  Z.  Rodgeb,  born  June  3,  1890. 

VI.  Benjamin  F.  Brenneman,  born  in  St.  Joseph  Co., 
Ind.,  Feb.  12,  1864.  Mrd.  Mary  E.  Bixler,  Jan.  1, 
1889.  She  was  born  Feb.  13,  1868.  Farmer  in  St. 
Joseph  Co.,  Ind.  One  child:  (VII.)  Agnes  Brenne- 
man, born  Aug.  24,  1889. 

VI.  Sophia  Brenneman,  born  July  20,  1866;  died 
Apr.  21,  1867. 

VI.    Salome  Brenneman,  born  July  4,  1868.  S. 

VI.  Peter  Brenneman,  born  Aug.  30,  1870;  died  in 

VI.    Cornelius  Brenneman,  born  Aug.  16,  1872. 

V.  Isaac  Godshalk,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  Ohio,  Mar. 
15,  1835.  Mrd.  Mary  Sterner,  Oct.  24,  1858.  Farmer 
in  Kosciusko  Co.,  Ind.  Baptists.  Children:  Mary, 
George,  Matilda,  John,  Joseph,  Sarah,  Anna,  Ina, 
Dora,  William. 

VI.  Mary  Elizabeth  Godshalk,  born  Jan.  28,  1860; 
died  Nov.  13,  1860. 

VI.  George  H.  Godshalk,  born  May  13,  1862;  died 
May  29,  1881. 

VI.  Matilda  B.  Godshalk,  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co., 
Ohio,  Sept.  9,  1864.  Mrd.  David  Deisch.  Laborer. 
Children:  (VII.)  Elmer  K.  Deisch,  born  Jan.  18,  1885. 
(VII.)  Amanda  Goldy  Deisch,  born  Sept.  25,  1889. 

VI.  John  F.  Godshalk,  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co., 
Ohio,  Feb.  26,  1867. 

VI.  Joseph  H.  Godshalk,  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co., 
Ohio,  July  2,  1869. 

VI.  Sarah  J.  Godshalk,  born  in  Kosciusko  Co.,  Ind., 
Jan.  24,  1873. 

VI.   Anna  L.  Godshalk,  born  Oct.  12,  1875. 

VI.  InaE.  Godshalk,  born  Oct.  26,  1878;  died  Dec. 
12,  1879. 


—  307a— 

VI.    Dora  A.  Godshalk,  born  Sept.  22,  1881. 

VI.   D.  William  Godshalk,  born  Oct.  25.  1884. 

V.  Abraham  Godshalk  (Twin  to  Isaac),  born  Mar. 
15,  1835;  died  aged  9  years. 

V.  Elizabeth  Godshalk,  born  Apr.  27,  1838;  died  in 
July  1870.  Mrd.  John  J.  Kendle.  He  was  born  July 
17,  1838;  died  Jan.  23,  1880.  Children:  (VI.)  Rachel 
Kendle,  born  June  10,  1860.  (VI.)  Andrew  Kendle, 
born  June  11,  1862.  (VI.)  Benjamin  Kendle,  born 
May  12,  1864.  (VI.)  John  F.  Kendle,  born  Feb.  12, 
1866.  (VI.)  Sophia  Kendle,  born  Mar.  29,  1868.  (VI.) 
Emanuel  Kendle,  born  Apr,  27,  1870, 

IV.  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  3, 
1798;  died.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Catharine  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  1, 
1801;  died  Mar.  26,  1884.  Mrd.  Joseph  Landis,  Dec. 
2,  1824.  He  was  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  7,  1792; 
died  in  Ohio,  Jan.  22,  1881.  They  emigrated  to 
Holmes  Co.,  O.,  and  settled  on  a  place  heavily  tim- 
bered, which  they  cleared,  and  where  they  remained 
until  death.  Mennonites.  Children:  Noah,  Alpheus, 
Elizabeth,  Rachel,  Tobias. 

V.  Noah  Landis,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  29, 
1826.  Mrd.  Barbara  Molebash,  about  1849.  He 
moved  to  Elkhart  Co. ,  Ind.  In  1862  he  enlisted  in 
the  army,  and  died  in  the  Hospital  at  Gallatin, 
Tenn.,  in  1863.  Children:  John,  Catharine,  Elizabeth, 
Lucinda,  Jerome.   • 

VI.  John  F.  Landis,  born  Aug.  12,  1850.  Mrd. 
Tamsy  Robinson,  of  Wakar'usa,  Ind.,  in  the  fall  of 
1868.  Employed  in  the  Starch  Mills  at  Elkhart,  Ind. 
Children:  (VII.)  Hattie  Belle.  (VII.)  Noah.  (VII.)  Delbert. 
(VII.)  May.  (VII.)  Edith.  (VII.)  NeUie.  (VII.)  Dessie. 

VI.  Catharine  Love  Landis,  born  Oct.  27,  1851. 
Mrd.  Henry  Kronk,  of  Locke  Twp.,  Elkhart.  Co., 
Ind.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  Ulysses,  (VII.)  Jesse, 
(VII.)  Ozark. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Ann  Landis,  born  Apr.  8,  1854.  Mrd. 
George  Oberholtzer,  of  Harrison  Twp.,  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind.  Live  in  Locke  Twp. ,  Farmer.  Dunkards.  Chil- 
dren:   (VII.)   Alice,    born — .     Mrd.    John   Bowlman. 

—  308  — 

(VII.)  Monroe.  (VII.)  Barbara  Ellen.  (VII.)  William. 
(VII.)  Joseph,  decVl.  (VII.)  Ida,  dec'd.  (VII.)  Alonzo. 

VI.  Lucinda  Landis,  born  Feb.  6,  1857;  died  in  1878. 
Mrd.  William  McGowen.  Farmer  in  Locke  Twp., 
Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  One  child:  (VII.)  Oliver  Andrew 
Jackson  McGowen. 

(VI.)  Jerome  Landis,  born  Sept.  20,  1861.  Mrd. 
Malinda  Ringler,  Feb.  12,  1884.  Railroading.  Res. 
at  Elkhart,  Ind.  Children:  (VII.)  Floyd.  (Vlj.)  Calvin. 
(VII.)  Zoa  Belle.  (VII.)  Aravilla.— Barbara  (Molebash) 
Landis  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  Samuel  Fields. 
He  died  about  1867.  One  son:  (VII.)  Enos,  Born  Dec. 
21,  1865.    Brakeman. 

V.  Alpheus  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Dec. 

25,  1830.  Mrd.  Barbara  Miller,  Aug.  18,  1850.  She 
was  born  Jan.  31,  1831.  Farmer  in  McPherson  Co., 
Kan.  Mennonites.  Children:  Benjamin,  Elizabeth, 
Joseph,  Aaron,  Rachel,  Catharine,  William,  Charles, 
Fannie,  Reuben. 

VI.  Benjamin  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  May 

26,  1852.  Mrd.  Elmira  Eash,  Oct.  29,  1876.  She  was 
born  Dec.  29,  1858.  Carpenter.  Dunkards.  Children : 
(VII.)  Harvey  E.  Landis,  born  Feb.  13,  1877.  (VII.) 
Mina  F.  Landis,  born  Apr.  17,  1879.  (VII.)  George 
D.  Landis,  born  Apr.  26,  1884.  (VII.)  Clemence  Earl 
Landis,  born  July  1,  1886. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Ann  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O., 
July  10,  1853.  Mrd.  Samuel  Wenger,  Dec.  20,  1881. 
He  was  born  May  2,  1846.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Daniel  Wenger,  born  Jan.  25,  1883. 
(VII.)  Nora  W^enger,  born  Mar.  3,  1884.  (VII.)  Cora 
Wenger,  born  Jan.  7,  1886.  (VII.)  Jonas  Wenger, 
born'july  22,  1887.  (VII.)  Anna  Wenger,  born  Nov. 
14,  1888. 

VI.  Joseph  T.  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O., 
Sept.  29,  1854.  Mrd.  Rose  Messer,  Oct.  11,^  1877. 
She  was  born  May  22,  1854.  Carpenter  in  Kansas. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Arley  E.  Landis,  born 
Dec.  15,  1879;  died  Feb.  21,  1885.  (VII.)  Alpheus  A. 
Landis,  born  Apr.  27,  1880.  (VII.)  Ellen  M.  Landis, 
born  Apr.  11,  1883.  (VII.)  Cela  M.  Landis,  born 
May  29,  1886. 

—  309  — 

VI.  Aaron  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O..  Mar. 
21,  1857.  Mrd.  Amanda  Seltzer,  Dec.  9,  1877.  She 
was  born  Mar.  16,  1861.  Farmer  in  McPherson  Co., 
Kan.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  William  H.  Landis, 
born  Sept.  13,  1878;  died  Apr.  11,  1879.  (VII.)  Delia 
M.  Landis,  born  June  4,  1884.  (VII.)  Cora  Landis, 
born  Dec.  16,  1886.     (VII.)  Eddy  Landis,  born  June 

11,  1889. 

VI.   Rachel  Landis,   born  Feb.   27,   1860;  died  Oct. 

12,  1871. 

VI.  Catharine  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O,,  Feb. 
11,  1864.  Mrd.  Christian  Miller,  Jan.  31,  1882.  He 
was  born  Jan.  23,  1853.  Farmer  in  Kan.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Mina  M,  Miller,  born  Sept.  29,  1884. 
(VII.)  Barbara  E.  Miller,  born  Jan.  26,  1887.  (VII.) 
Charles  Miller,  born  Oct.  27,  1889. 

VI.    William  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Jan. 

13,  1866.  Mrd.  Emma  Smith,  Sept.  4,  1888.  She  was 
born  Feb.  14,  1872.  Butcher.  One  child:  (VII.)  Lester 
Landis,  born  Jan.  8,  1890. 

VI.  Charles  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  July 
11,  1868.   S.   (1889).  _ 

VI.  Fannie  E.  Landis,  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co.,  O., 
Sept.  17,  1872. 

Vt.  Reuben  R.  Landis,  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co.,  O., 
Mar.  21,  1874. 

V.  Elizabeth  A.  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O., 
Nov.  15,  1833.  Mennonite.  Resides  on  the  old  home- 
stead, in  Holmes  Co.,  O.    Unmrd. 

V.  Rachel  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  18, 
1839.  Mennonite.  Resides  on  the  old  homestead,  in 
Holmes  Co.,  O.    Unmrd. 

V.  Tobias  Landis,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Apr.  14, 
1846.  Mrd.  Magdalena  Messer,  Feb.  10,  1869.  She 
was  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co. ,  O.  Farmer.  Resides  on 
the  old  homestead,  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.  Children:  (VI.) 
Oliver  Landis,  born  Sept.  21,  1869.  (VI.)  Samuel 
Landis,  born  Oct,  5,  1871.  (VI.)  Salome  Landis,  born 
Sept.  14,  1874.  (VI.)  Aurelia  Landis,  born  Dec.  8, 
1876.    (VI.)  Harry  Landis,  born  May  10,  1880. 

IV.  Isaac  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  20, 
1804;  died  June  14,   1882.     Mrd.  Barbara  Kulp,—. 

—  310  — 

She  died  June  7,  1834.  Children:  Jacob,  Catharine. 
Isaac  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  widow,  Barbara  (Bair) 
Brenneman,  Feb.  30,  1835.  She  died  in  Sept.  1854. 
Children:  Abraham,  Joseph,  Mary,  Margaret,  Lydia, 
Sophia.  Isaac  was  mrd.  a  third  time,  to  the  widow 
Sarah  Schneider,  in  1857.  He  moved  to  Ohio  in  1831, 
and  to  St.  Joseph  Co. ,  Ind. ,  in  May  1852. 

V.  Jacob  W.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
12,  1831.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Gill,  Dec.  28,  1864.  She 
was  born  Dec.  6,  1844.  He  cut  his  knee  while  out 
hunting  rabbits,  when  15  years  old,  and  caught  cold 
in  the  wound,  and  has  been  a  cripple  ever  since.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Harriet  Kulp,  born  Jan.  7, 
1866;  died  Mar.  12,  1866.  (VI.)  Margaret  Kulp,  born 
Dec.  30,  1867.  (VI.)  Levi  Kulp,  born  Oct.  4,  1868. 
(VI.)  Nancy  Sophia  Kulp,  born  Nov.  7,  1871;  died 
June  30,  1879.  (VI.)  Cornelious  Kulp,  born  Feb.  18, 
1875.  (VI.)  Sarah  Jane  Kulp,  born  Mar.  30,  1879. 
(VI.)  Noah  Kulp,  born  Dec.  29,  1882. 

V.  Catharine  Kulp,  born  Mar.  21,  1833.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Haldeman.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  92). 

V  Abraham  Kulp,  born  July  31,  1836.  Mrd.  Eliza- 
beth Noffzinger,  Apr.  12,  1860.  She  was  born  Nov. 
30,  1834;  died  Mar.  25,  1883.  Carpenter  and  Farmer. 
Now  partner  in  meat  market  in  Elkhart,  Ind.  Men- 
nonites.    Children : 

VI.  Sarah  Jane  Kulp,  born  July  29,  1861.  Mrd. 
Daniel  R.  Baker,  of  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Apr,  10,  1886. 
He  was  born  in  Mich.,  Oct.  22,  1860.  Carpenter.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Ada  Golda  Baker,  born  Jan.  5,  1888. 

VI.    Infant,  born  July  1,  1862;  died,  aged  1  month. 

VI.  Charles  Kulp,  born  Sept.  9,  1866;  died  Feb.  18, 

VI.  Elmer  Lorenzo  Kulp,  born  Dec.  15,  1867.  Mrd. 
Nellie  Moon,  of  Elkhart,  Ind.,  June  23,  1889.  Car- 
riage trimmer  in  Elkhart. 

VI.  Antha  Livera  Kulp,  born  Oct.  21,  1873.  Lives 
with  her  father.  S. 

V.  Joseph  Kulp,  born  Mar.  14,  1838.  Mrd.  Susan- 
nah Hunsberger,  — .  Farmer  at  Milbrook,  Mich. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Esther,  dec'd,  (VI.)  Isaac, 
(VI.)  Samuel,  (VI.)  Thomas,  (VI.)  Susanna.  (VI.)  Joseph. 

—  311  — 

V.  Mary  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  18, 
1840.  Mrd.  Daniel  Gill,  born  Oct.  25,  1882.  He  was 
born  Sept.  19,  1842,  near  Philadelphia.  He  is  a  sec- 
tion hand  on  Lake  Shore  R.  R.  Children:  (VI.)  Frank 
Gill,  born  Dec.  13,  1873.  (VI.)  Alice  Gill,  born  Nov. 
13,  1877.    (VI.)  Charles  Gill,  born  May  7,  1884. 

V.  Margaret  Kulp,  born  Aug.  1,  1841.  Mennonite. 
One  child:  (VI.)  Ellen  Jones,  born  about  1870.  Ger. 

V.  Lydia  Kulp,  born  Sept.  16,  1843;  died  Oct.  12, 
1889.  Mrd.  John  J.  Long.  He  died  about  1869.  Car- 
penter. Mennonitcs.  Children:  Clara,  Francis,  Infant. 
Lydia  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  B,  F.  Nusbaum, 
in  1881.  (VI.)  Clara  Long,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  , 
May  15,  1864.  (VI.)  Francis  Long,  born  in  Elkhart 
Co.,  Ind.,  Dec.  1,  1866.  (VI.)  A  son,  born  Aug.  28, 
1869;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Sophia  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  May  15, 
1846.  Mrd.  Frederick  Hager;.  June  24,  1866.  He  was 
born  in  Bavaria,  on  the  Rliein,  Germany,  May  3, 
1836.  Farmer  near  Osceola,  Ind.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Julius,  William,  Margaret,  Isaac,  Ida,  Harry, 
Pearley,  Harvej",  Andrew. 

VI.  Julius  Franklin  Hager,  born  Apr.  11,  1866. 
Mrd.  Louella  Brubaker,  Apr.  22,  1888.  Day  Laborer, 
in  St.  Joseph  Co.,  Ind.  One  child:  (VII.)  Floyd  Hager. 

VI.    WilHam  H.  Hager,  born  Feb.  13,  1869. 

VI.  Margaret  M.  Hager,  born  in  Tuscarawas  Co., 
O.,  Apr.  23,  1872.  Mrd.  Franklin  Miller,  of  Elkhtirt, 
Ind.,  July  7,  1889.  Railroad  employee.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Milo  Vernon  Miller,  born  Apr.  26,  1890. 

VI.  Isaac  Edward  Hager,  born  June  6,  1874.  (VI.) 
Ida  Irene  Hager,  born  Nov.  8,  1876.  (VI.)  Harry  J. 
Hager,  born  Aug.  29,  1878;  died  Nov.  1880.  (VI.) 
Pearley  May  Hager,  born  Dec.  18,  1880.  (VI.)  Harvey 
Elmer  Hager,  born  May  22,  1882;  died  Feb.  8,  1884. 
(VI.)  Andrew  F.  Hager,  born  May  3,  1886. 

IV.  Henry  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Feb.  8, 
1806;  died  July  22,  1886.  Mrd.  Susannah  Kulp,  June 
19,  1832.  (Still  living  1890.)  Farmer.  Settled  in 
Holmes  Co.,  O.  Mennonites.  Children:  Jacob,  Isaac, 
Susannah,  John,  Lewie,  Aaron,  Anna,  Rachel,  Eliza- 

—  312  — 

beth,  Sarah,  Peter,  Tobias,  Gertrude,  Lydia,  Two 

V.   Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.  ,0. ,  Dec.  15, 1833. 

V.   Isaac  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  1,  1835. 

V.    Susanna  Kulp,  born  Apr.  15,  1838;  died — . 

V.   John  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co. ,  O. ,  Mar.  5,  1839. 

V.   Lewie  Kulp,  born  Feb.  22,  1841;  died—. 

V.   Aaron  Kulp,  born  Jan.  21,  1842;  died — . 

V.   Anna  Kulp,  born  Feb.  28, 1843;  died  June  25, 1883. 

V.   Rachel  Kulp,  born  Jan.  26,  1845;  died — . 

V.   Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  Feb.  11,  1846;  died—. 

V.    Sarah  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  Feb.  29,  1847. 

V.  Peter  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Oct.  15, 
1849.  Mrd.  Sarah  Egleson,  Mar.  14,  1872.  She  was 
born  in  1848.  Farmer  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Louisa  Ellen  Kulp,  born  Feb.  2,  1873. 
(VI.)  Susie  Etta  Kulp,  born  Sept.  4,  1874.  (VI.) 
Fannie  Catharine  Kulp,  born  Apr.  3,  1876.  (VI.) 
Henry  C.  Kulp,  born  Auo;.  1,  1877.  (VI.)  Aaron  A. 
Kulp,  Oct.  14,  1879.  (VI.)  Sarah  E.  Kulp,  born  June 
26,  1882;  died  1888.  (VI.)  Alvin  Tobias  Kulp,  born 
July  1,  1885.    (VI.)  Eda  Kulp,  born  Mar.  10,  1888. 

V.  Tobias  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Apr.  17, 
1862.  Mrd.  Mary  Catharine  Silvius,  in  1889.  She 
was  born  Oct.  12,  1866. 

V.  Gertrude  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  June 
20,  1854. 

V.  Lydia  Kulp,  born  in  Holmes  Co.,  O.,  Sept.  14, 
1866.  "Mrd.  Christian  Wise,  Jan.  1,  1888.  One  child: 
(VI.)    Henry  Wise,  born  Feb.  1,  1889. 

IV.  Gertrude  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  19, 
1808;  died  Jan.  16,  1875.  Mrd.  Tobias  Seese,  Apr. 
12,  1839.  He  was  born  July  9,  1816.  In  early  life  he 
was  a  carpenter;  at  present  farmer,  in  Elkhart  Co., 
Ind.,  where  they  moved,  in  Sept.  1859.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Joseioh,  Katie. 

V.  Joseph  W.  Seese,  born  Dec.  14,  1840.  Mrd. 
Nancy  Jane  Morris,  Nov.  15,  1865.  In  1871  they 
moved  to  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  where  she  died  July 
15,  1873.  In  early  life,  Mr.  Seese  was  a  school 
teacher;  now  engaged  in  making  brick,  and  building 
cisterns.     Two  children:  (VI.)  Minneola  Seese,   born 

—  313  — 

Feb.  14,  1867.  (VI.)  Arlington  Seese,  born  Aug.  1, 
1869.  Joseph  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Esther  Kline, 
Dec.  31,  1879.  Children:  (VI.)  Georgiana  Seese,  born 
Apr.  9,  1881.  (VI.)  Ophelia  Seese,  born  Nov.  8,  1883. 
V.  Catharine  Ann  Seese,  born  May  25,  1845.  Men- 
nonite.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Anna  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  19, 
1813;  died  May  1886.  Mrd.  Benjamin  Seese  (dec'd), 
Apr.  6,  1844.  He  was  born  Sept.  21,  1821;  died—. 
Children:  Albert,  Jacob,  Abraham,  Mary,  Lewis. 

V.  Albert  Seese,  born  in  — ,  Ohio,  Sept.  7,  1846. 
Mrd.  Mary  Rader, — .  Mrs.  Seese,  Lutheran.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Benjamin  Seese,  born  Sept.  27,  1873. 
(VI.)  Jerome  Seese,  Sept.  1,  1875.  (VI.)  Hattie  Avilla 
Seese,  born  Apr.  6,  1877.  (VI.)  Miner  Jackson  Seese, 
born  Jan.  8,  1880.  (VI.)  Minerva  Ann  Seese,  born 
Jan.  10,  1883.  (VI.)  Verna  Velois  Seese,  born  Jan. 
25,  1885.  (VI.)  Nellie  Seese,  born  May  1,  1887;  died 
— .   (VI.)  Melvin  Grover  Seese,  born  July  1,  1889. 

V.   Jacob  Seese,  born — ;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Abraham  Seese,  born  in  — ,  Ohio,  May  31,  1850. 
Mrd.  Mary  Hunsberger,  Feb,  1,  1874.  She  was  born 
July  23,  1856.  Ger.  Baptists.  Children:  (VI.)  John 
Seese,  born  Dec.  27,  1874.  (VI.)  William  Seese,  born 
Oct,  19,  1876.  (VI.)  Ira  Seese,  born  Apr.  2,  1879. 
(VI.)  Harvey  Seese,  born  June  9,  1884. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Seese,  born  in  — ,  Ohio,  Oct.  12,  1853. 
Mrd.  Henry  Hunsberger, — .  He  died  in  1887.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Rudy,  (VI.)  Rosey,  (VI.)  Robert,  (VI.) 
Walter.  (VI.)  Rollo  Ralph  Hunsberger.  (VI.)  Harry 
Hored  Hunstjerger. 

V.  Lewis  Seese,  born  in  — ,  Ohio,  Apr.  4,  1855. 
Mrd.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Doty.  She  died  Apr.  11,  1880. 
Without  issue.  Lewis  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Mary 
Hoover,  Mar.  6,  1881.  She  was  born  Oct.  8,  1856. 
Ger.  Baptists.  Children:  (VI.)  Bertha  Seese,  born 
Jan.  11,  1882.  (VI.)  Austin  Seese,  born  Dec.  18,  1884. 
(VI.)  Blanche  Seese,  born  Dec.  26,  1886.  (VI.)  Lavina 
Seese,  born  Jan.  21,  1889. 

III.  Rev.  Abraham  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr.  19,  1771;  died  in  1848,   aged  77  years.     Mrd. 

—  314  — 

Sarah  Hunsicker,  in  1796.  He  was  a  farmer,  and 
minster  of  the  Mennonite  Ch,  at  Deep  Rim,  Pa. 
Children:  EUzabeth,  Isaac,  Abraham,  Anna,  Jacob, 
Henry,  John,  Sarah,  David,  Barbara. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bedminster,  Bucks  Co. , 
Pa.,  Mar.  13,  1797;  died  June  30,  1876.  Mrd.  Samuel 
Gayman,  Nov.  26,  1816.  He  was  born  Nov.  5,  1790; 
died  Feb.  14,  1825.  Carpenter  and  builder,.  Menno- 
nites.    Children:  Abraham,  Christian. 

V.  Abraham  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  20, 
1819.  Mrd.  Hannah  Moyer,  Dec.  20,  1846.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Samuel,  John,  Elizabeth, 
Anna,  Sarah,  Infant,  Catharine,  Hannah. 

VI.  Samuel  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  3, 
1848.  Mrd.  Mary  Gross, — .  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  John  Gayman.  (VII.)  Abraham  and 
Samuel  (Twins).    (VI.)  Daniel  Gayman. 

VI.  John  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar,  8,  1851; 
died  May  27,  1861. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  8, 
1852.  Mrd.  Henry  Rice.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  93). 

VI.  Anna  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  8,  1855. 
Mrd.  Martin  Leatherman,  in  1875.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. No  issue. 

VI.  Sarah  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  10,  1857. 
Mrd.  Jacob  Leatherman,  Feb.  1876.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  (VII.)  Elizabeth  Leatherman.  (VII.) 
—  Leatherman. 

VI.    Infant,  born  and  died  unnamed. 

VI.  Catharine  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  24, 
1860.  Mrd.  Samuel  Leatherman,  in  1880.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VII.)  Abraham,  died—.  (VII.)  David.  (VII.) 
Jacob.    (VII.)  Hannah.    (VII.)  Anna. 

VI.  Hannah  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  7, 
1864.  Mrd.  Henry  Y.  Leatherman  in  1884.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Sarah  Leatherman, 
born  Oct.  10,  1889. 

V.  Christian  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  5, 
1823.  Mrd.  Anna  Moyer,  about  1843.  Shoemaker. 
Mennonites.      Children:     William,     Samuel,    Sarah, 

—  315  — 

Abraham,  Elizabeth,  Joseph,  Isaac,  Christian,  Isaiah, 

VI.  William  Gayman,  born — ;  died  young. 

VL  Samuel  Gayman,  born—.    (S.,  age  over  40). 

VI.  Sarah  Gayman,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  John 
Lewis.  Carpenter.  Children:  (VII.)  William.  (VII.) 
Joseph.    (VI r.)    Clara. 

VI.  Abraham  Gayman,  born — ;  died  young. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Gayman,  born — ;  died  young. 

VI.  Joseph  Gayman,  born — .    (S. ;  aged  over  30). 

VI.  Isaac  Gayman,  born — ;  died  young. 

VI.  Christian  Gayman,  born — ;  died  young. 

VI.  Isaiah  Gayman,  born — .   (S. ;  aged  about  25). 

VI.  Anna  Gayman,  born — .   (S. ;  aged  over  20). 

IV.  Abraham  Kulp,  Jr.,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1802; 
died  in  1876.  Mrd.  Catharine  Shoemaker,  in  1835. 
She  was  born  in  1804;  died  in  1888.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.  Children:  Sarah,  Elizabeth,  Catharine,  Jacob. 

V.  Sarah  Kulp,  born  Sept.  3,  1838.  Mrd.  Levi 
Strohme,  Mar.  23,  1861.  Carpenter.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Abraham,  Daniel,  Jacob,  Katie,  Lizzie, 
Mary,  Isaac,  John,  Sallie,  Levi,  Hannah,  Emma. 

VI.  Abraham  K.  Strohme,  born  Jan.  7,  1862.  Mrd. 
Lizzie  Weelen,  in  May,  1888.    Carpenter. 

VI.  Daniel  K.  Strohme,  born  Dec.  13,  1863.  Mrd. 
Mary  Kane,  Mar.  2,  1889.  Carpenter.  Now  Street 
Car  Conductor. 

VI.  Jacob  K.  Strohme,  born  Dec.  7,  1865;  died  Mar. 
26,  1877. 

VI.  Katie  Strohme,  born  Mar.  11,  1868;  died  Mar. 
19,  1877. 

VI.  Lizzie  Strohme,  born  Mar.  28,  1870. 

VI.  Mary  Strohme,  born  Jan.  22,  1873;  died  Mar. 
26,  1877. 

VI.  Isaac  K.  Strohme,  born  Apr.  9,  1874;  died  Mar. 
25,  1877. 

VI.  John  K.  Strohme,  bom  May  18,  1876. 

VI.  Sallie  Strohme,  born  Oct.  25,  1877. 

VI.  Levi  K.  Strohme,  born  Oct.  23,  1879;  died  Dec. 
23,  1879. 

VI.  Hannah  Strohme,  born  Sept.  27,  1881. 

VI.  Emma  Strohme,  born  Dec.  12,  1883. 

—  316  — 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1841;  died 
in  1871.    unmrd.    Mennonite. 

V.  Catharine  S.  Knlp,  born  June  24,  1842.  Mrd. 
John  H.  Kulp.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  94). 

V.  Jacob  S.  Kulp,  born  in  1845.  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
Kulp,  in  1869.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Catharine  Kulp,  born  in  1870;  died  Apr.  11,  1877. 
(VI.)  Henry  Kulp,  born  in  1872;  died  Apr.  11,  1877. 
(VI.)  Abraham  Kulp,  born  in  1878;  died  Apr.  7, 1877. 
(VI.)  Sarah  Kulp,  born  in  1876;  died  Apr.  24,  1876. 
(VI.)  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  1878.  (VI,)  Annie  Kulp, 
born  in  1879.  (VI.)  Isaac  Kulp,  born  in  1880.  (VI.) 
Lizzie  Knlp,  born  in  1882.  (VI.)  Harvey  Kulp,  born 
in  1884.  (VI.)  John  Kulp,  born  in  1886.  (VI.)  Samuel 
Kulp,  born  1888. 

IV.  Anna  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  16,  1804; 
died  Jan.  25,  1885.  Mrd.  Martin  Overholt,  Dec.  20, 
1825.    Farmer.    Mennonites.    One  child,  a  son. 

V.  Jacob  K.  Overholt,  born  Sept.  14,  1826.  Mrd. 
Hannah  Baum,  Nov.  25,  1849.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
He  was  ordained  Deacon  of  the  church  at  Deep  Run, 
Nov.  1,  1859.  Children:  Martin,  Hetty,  Anna,  Sallie, 
Joseph,  Katie,  Jacob. 

VI.  Martin  Overholt,  born  Jan.  26,  1851.  Mrd.  Kate 
Hunsberger,  of  Blooming  Glen,  Mar.  17,  1888.  He 
is  employed  at  the  Bridgetown  Steam  Mill.  Menno- 

VI.  Hetty  Overholt,  born  Jan.  21,  1853.  Mrd.  Levi 
L.  Meyer,  Dec.  20,  1873.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Emma  Meyer,  born  Oct.  8,  1876.  (VII.) 
Annie  Meyer,  born  Nov.  12,  1880.  (VII.)  Jacob 
Meyer,  born  Apr.  6,  1887. 

VI.  Anna  Overholt,  born  Mar.  29,  1855.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham M.  Hunsicker,  May  27,  1876.  Miller.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Sallie  Hunsicker,  born  Aug. 
13,  1877.  (VM.)  Katie  Hunsicker,  born  May  16,  1879. 
(VII.)  Jacob  Hunsicker,  born  May  28,  1881.  (VII.) 
Hannah  Bessie  Hunsicker,  born  Apr.  1,  1886. 

VI.  Sallie  Overholt,  born  June  2,  1858.  Mrd.  George 
A.  Schriver,  Nov.  27,  1881.  Farmer,  and  Herding 
Cattle  in  Harvey  Co.,  Kan.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VII.)    Richard  Schriver,  born  Nov.  17,   1882.    (VII.) 

—  317:— 

Nola  Schriver,  born  Sept.,  1886.  Two  children;  both 

VI.  Joseph  Overholt,  born  July  29,  1860.  Mrd. 
Sallie  Leatherman,  Sept.  29,  1883.  Farmer  and  SaAV- 
yer.  Mennonitcs.  Children:  (VII.)  Hannah  Overholt, 
born  May  1,  1885.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Overholt,  born  Mar. 
10,  1887. 

VI.  Jacob  Overholt,  born  Aug.  17,  1867.  Miller  by 
occupation.    S.    (1889). 

IV.  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  8,  1806. 
Still  living  (1889),  in  his  83d  year.  Mrd.  Mary 
Moyer,  of  Springfield  Twp. ,  Nov.  21,  1827.  Retired 
farmer.    Mennonite.    Children:  Elizabeth,  Abraham. 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  June  7,  1830;  died  Dec.  21, 
1864.    Unmrd. 

V.  Abraham  M.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  13, 
1838.  Mrd.  Elmira  B.  Slifer,  of  Steinsburgh,  Pa., 
Oct.  27,  1860.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Clnldren: 
Harvey,  Mary,  Jacob,  Willis,  Lizzie,  Ella,  Abraham, 

VI.  Harvey  S.  Kulp,  born  July  25,  1862.  Mrd.  Mary 
L.  Moyer,  of  Richlandtown,  Pa.,  May  21,  1887. 
Clerk.  One  child:  (VII.)  Lottie  Erma  Kulp,  born 
Apr.  2,  1888.  (VI.) .  Mary  A.  Kulp,  born  Sept.  12, 
1864.  (VI.)  Jacob  S.  Kulp,  born  Sept.  1,  1866.  (VI.) 
Willis  S.  Kulp,  born  Nov.  28,  1869.  (VI.)  Lizzie  S. 
Kulp,  born  Nov.  23,  1871.  (VI.)  Ella  A.  Kulp,  born 
May  20,  1873.  (VI.)  Abraham,  S.  Kulp,  born  Sept. 
30,  1875.   (VI.)  Carrie  S.  Kulp,  born  Nov.  14,  1878. 

IV.  John  H.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  10, 
1809;  died  Jan.  24,  1887.  Mrd.  Catharine  Swartley, 
Jan.  7,  1844.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Philip, 
Sarah,  Anna,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Philip  S.  Kulp,  born  July  27,  1845.  Mrd.  Sophia 
D.  Bishop,  Dec.  19,  1868.    Farmer.    No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  S.  Kulp,  born  Dec.  4,  1846.  Mrd.  Benja- 
min C.  Kratz,  Nov.  30,  1867.  Farmer  and  Huckster, 
of  Franconia  Twp.,  Montg.  Co.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Ulysses  K.  Kratz,  born  July  9,  1869.  (VI.) 
Katie  K.  Kratz,  born  July  27,  1873.  (VI.)  John  K. 
Kratz,  born  May  4,  1875;    died  Sept.  14,  1875.    (VI.) 

—  318  — 

Abraham  K.  Kratz,  born  July  21,  1876.  (VI.)  Sallie 
K.  Kratz,  born  June  22,  1878. 

V.  Anna  S.  Kulp,  born  Jan.  18,  1850.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham H.  Rosenberger.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  95). 

V.  Elizabeth  S.  Kulp,  born  Oct.  18,  1854.  Mrd. 
Daniel  C.  Kratz,  of  Skippack  Twp.,  Montg.  Co., 
Sept.  2,  1876.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Harvey  K.  Kratz,  born  Feb.  14, 1879.  (VI.)  Katie  K. 
Kratz,  born  Apr.  29,  1884. 

IV.  David  H.  Kulp,  born  Aug.  20,  1816.  Mrd.  Eliz- 
abeth Detweiler,  Feb.  14,  1848.  She  died  Oct.  31, 
1852.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Samuel, 
Sarah,  John.  David  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Eliza- 
beth AUenbach,  Jan.  4,  1854. 

V.  Samuel  D.  Kulp,  born  Aug.  4,  1849.    Unmrd. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  D.  Kulp,  born  Apr.  2,  1851.  Mrd. 
Jacob  H.  Kulp.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  96). 

V.  John  D.  Kulp,  born  Oct.  25,  1852;  died  Sept.  21, 

IV.  Barbara  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  26,  1818; 
died—.  Mrd.  Jacob  Moyer,  Mar.  10,  1840.  Menno- 
nites.   Children:  Sarah,  Elizabeth,  Anna,  Mary. 

V.  Sarah  K.  Moyer,  born  Sept.  17,  1841.  Mrd. 
Mahlon  Meyer.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  97). 

V.  Elizabeth  Moyer,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp. ,  Jan. 
24,  1846.  Mrd.  Mahlon  Kboker,  Jan.  15,  1860.  He 
was  born  in  Hilltown  Twp.,  Feb.  13,  1846.  Shoe- 
maker. Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah  Kooker, 
born  Oct.  11,  1870;  died  July  27,  1871.  (VI.)  Jacob 
Kooker,  born  Feb.  12,  1877. 

V.  Anna  Moyer,  born  Sept.  27,  1851.  Mrd.  Chris- 
tian Meyers.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  98). 

V.  Mary  Moyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  22,  1855. 
Mrd.  Samuel  Landis,  in  Nov.,  1881.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites.   No  issue. 

IV.  Isaac  Kulp,  born — .    Has  issue.    Not  reported. 

IV.  Henry  Kulp,  born — ;  died  in  1889.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Sarah  Kulp.  born—.  Mrd.  Jacob  High.  They 
have  issue. 

—  319  — 

III.  Dielman  Kiilp,  liorn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  23, 
1773;  clied^.  Mrd.  Hester  Leicy — .  Farmer.  Lived 
on  a  part  of  tlie  Old  Kulp  Homestead,  near  Dublin. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Henry,  Anna. 

IV.  Henry  L.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  10, 
1813.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  High,  in  Mar.,  1835.  She  died 
Feb.  5,  184-5.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Mary, 
Dilman,  Hester.  Henry  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, 
Mary  High  (sister  to  his  first  wife),  Oct.  26,  1846. 
Children:  Elizabeth,  Philip,  Sarah,  Jacob,  Isaac. 
Henry  mrd.  for  his  third  wife,  Catharine  (Moyer), 
widow  of  John  Fretz,  Nov.  1-1,  1869.  They  reside  at 
Blooming  Glen.    No  issue  by  this  union. 

V.  Mary  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  29,  1836. 
Mrd.  Jacob  Kulp.  Farmer.  Children:  (VI.)  Henry. 
(V!.)  Tillman.   (VI.)  Amanda.   (VI.)  Lizzie. 

V.  Dilman  Kulp,  born  Aug.  12,  1839,  died  an  infant. 

V.  Hester  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  23,  1840. 
Mrd.  Joseph  B.  Fretz.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  99). 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  May  19,  1848. 
Mrd.  Jacob  S.  Kulp.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  100). 

V.  Philip  Kulp,  born  Dec.  25,  1850;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  13, 
1853.  Mrd.  Eli  S.  Strouse,  Jan.  19, 1878.  Day  Laborer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Katie  K.  Strouse,  born 
Aug.  22,  1879.  (VI.)  Lizzie  K.  Strouse,  born  July  3, 
1881.  (VI.)  Mary  K.  Strouse,  born  Nov.  1. 1882.  (VI.) 
Emma  K.  Strouse,  born  May  23,  1884.  (VI.)  Harry 
K.  Strouse,  born  July  23.  'l885.  (VI.)  Harvey  K. 
Strouse,  born  Feb.  8,  1887.  (VI.)  Annie  K.  Strouse, 
born  July  16,  1888. 

V.  Jacob  H.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  13, 
1855.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ann  D.  Kulp,  Jan.  11,  1879. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Harvey  K. 
Kulp,  born  May  28,  1881.  (VI.)  David  K.  Kulp,  born 
May  10,  1884;  died  Apr.  30,  1888.  (VI.)  Katie  K. 
Kulp,  born  Apr.  4,  1887;  died  Aug.  27,  1887. 

V.  Isaac  H.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Jan.  28,  1863. 
Mrd.  Maiy  Angeuy,  of  Blooming  Glen,  Feb.  19, 
1887.    Laborer.    Mennonites. 

—  320  — 

IV.  Anna  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  12,  1812; 
died  Feb.  19,  1876.  Mrd,  Samuel  Angeny,  Apr,  2, 
1832.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Hester,  Bar- 
bara, Tillman. 

V.  Hester  Angeny,  born  Dec.  14,  1833.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Hockman,  Oct.  15,  1859.  Carpenter.  Children:  Reu- 
ben, Annie. 

VI.  Reuben  Hockman,  born  Feb.  21,  1862.  Mrd. 
Elizabeth  Strouse,  June  4,  1883.  Tonsorial  Artist,  at 
Hatboro,  Pa.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Lillian 
Hockman,  born  Jan.  5,  1884.  (VII.)  Gertrude  Hock- 
man, born  July  13,  1886. 

VI.  Anna  Hockman,  born  Feb.  11,  1865.  S.  (1889). 
V.  Barbara  Angeny,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  May 
28,  1835.  Mrd.  Henry  M.  Kramer,  Sept.  29,  1864. 
Carpenter  in  Philadelphia.  Lutherans.  Children: 
Emma,  WilKam,  Anna,  Linford. 

VI.  Emma  Kramer,  born  Jan.  18,  1867.  Mrd.  C.  F. 
Follmer,  of  Sunbury,  Northumberland  Co. ,  Pa. ,  Oct. 
27,  1888.    Machinist.    Lutherans. 

VI.  William  Henry  Kramer,  born  Apr.  15,  1873; 
died  Mar.  30,  1876. 

VI.  Anna  E.  Kramer,  born  Apr.  9,  1875;  died  July 
18,  1876. 

VI.    S.  Linford  Kramer,  born  Sept.  18,  1879. 

V.  Tillman  Angeny,  born  Apr.  28,  1844.  Mrd.  Vic- 
toria Grace  Wickert,  June  17,  1886.  Salesman  in 
General  store.    Lutherans.    No  issue. 

III.  Henry  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  28, 
.1776;  died — .  Mrd.  Anna  Hunsicker, — .  Farmer 
lived  on  the  old  Kulp  homestead,  in  Hilltown  Twp. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Jacob,  Isaac,  Joseph,  Eliza- 

IV.  Jacob  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  25,  1804; 
died — .  Mrd.  Barbara  Hunsberger, — .  Farmer,  lived 
near  Dublin.  Mennonites.  Children:  Anna,  John, 
Veronica,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Anna  Kulp,  born  Sept.  22,  1838.  Mrd.  Henry 
Smith,  May  4,  1867.  Farmer,  resides  on  the  old  Mar- 
tin Fretz'  homestead,  in  Hilltown  Twp.  Mennonites. 
Children:    (VI.)  Mary  Ann  Smith,  born  Feb.  2,  1868. 

—  321  — 

(VI.)  Lizzie  Smith,  born  Sept.  20,  1869.  (VI.)  Harvey 
Smith,  born  Apr.  17,  1872.  (VI.)  Jacob  Smith;  born 
Aug.  26,  1875.    (VI.)  Henry  Smith,  born  Oct.  7,  1884. 

V.  John  H.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  28,  1810. 
Mrd.  Catharine  S.  Kulp,  Mar.  16,  1867.  Farmer  in 
Hilltown  Twp.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Jacob 
K.  Kulp,  born  Oct.  31,  1868.  (VI.)  Abraham  K.  Kulp, 
born  May  10,  1871.  (VI.)  Sallie  K.  Kulp,  born  Aug. 
21,  1873.  (VI.)  Mary  K.  Kulp,  born  Feb.  11,  1876; 
died  June  7,  1880.  (VI,)  John  K.  Kulp,  born  Mar.  4, 

V.   Veronica  Kulp,  born  about  1843;  died  young. 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  9,  1845. 
Lives  with  her  brother,  John  H.  Kulp,  unmrd. 

IV.  Isaac  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  10,  1808. 
Mrd.  Anna  Meyer,  Nov.  4,  1834.  Farmer,  resides 
near  Dublin.  Mennonites.  Children:  Henry,  Elizabeth. 

V.  Henry  M.  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  11, 
1836.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Kulp,  Jan.  15, 1859.  Farmer, 
resides  near  Dublin,  on  his  father's  farm.  Mennonites. 
One  child:    (VI.)   Isaac  K.  Kulp,  born  Mar.  21,  1865. 

V.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  Feb.  5,  1842.  Mrd.  John 
M.  Hockman,  Mar.  27,  1869.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Anna  K.  Hockman,  born  Aug.  14, 
1871.  (VI.)  Margaret  Hockman,  born  Aug.  28,  1873. 
(VI.)  Mary  Hockman,  born  Jan.  24,  1875.  (VI.)  Isaac 
K.  Hockman,  born  Feb.  20,  1878.  (VI.)  John  K. 
Hockman,  born  June  21,  1880. 

IV.  Joseph  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  26, 1811. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Moyer  (granddaughter  of  William 
Fretz,  Sr.),  Nov.  19,  1841.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Res.  Blooming  Glen.  Children:  Henry,  Christian, 
Anna,  Enos,  Aaron. 

V.  Henry  Kulp,  born  Sept.  12,  1842.  Mrd.  Susan- 
nah Hockman,  Feb.  29,  1868.  She  was  born  May  26, 
1846;  died  Aug.  9,  1872.  Mennonites.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Lizzie  Kulp,  born  Feb.  10,  1869;  died  Sept.  12, 
1869.  Henry  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, Veronica  Kulp, 
May  10,  1873.  Two  children:  (VI.)  John  and  Aaron 
(Twins),  stm  born,  Feb.  17,  1876. 

V.  Christian  Kulp,  born  Oct.  2,  1843;  died  aged  9 


—  322  — 

"  V.  Anna  Kulp,  born  Aug.  8,  1846.  Mrd.  Oliver 
Charles, — .  Laborer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Joseph  Charles,  born  Mar.  24,  1876.  (VI.)  —  Charles, 
born — ;  died — . 

V.  Enos  Kulp,  born  Sept.  26,  1849;  died,  aged  3 

V.  Aaron  M.  Kulp,  born  Oct.  21,  1853.  Mrd.  Mary 
Kulp, — .    Farmer.    Mennonites.  No  issue. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  30; 
1815.  Mrd.  David  Angeny,  Nov.  14,  1841.  He  died 
— .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Henry,  Jacob, 
Anna,  Mary. 

V.  Henry  Angeny,  born  about  1842;  died  in  infancy. 
V.   Jacob  K.   Angeny,   born  Dec.  11,   1845.     Mrd. 

Catharine  Shelly,  Apr.  12, 1873.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Elizabeth  S.  Angeny,  born  July,  23, 
1875.  (VI.)  Henry  S.  Angeny,  born  Oct.  26,  1876. 
(VI.)  David  S.  Angeny,  born  Mar.  10,  1879.  (VI.) 
Jacob  S.  Angeny,  born  Apr.  1,  1881.  (VI.)  Mary  S. 
Angeny,  born  Mar.  5,  1883.  (VI.)  Katie  S.  Angeny, 
born  May  9,  1886.  (VI.)  Anna  S.  Angeny,  born  Oct. 
27,  1888. 

V.  Anna  Angeny,  born  Sept.  1,  1850. .  Mrd.  Henry 
K.  Detweiler,  Feb.  28,  1874.  Farmer  near  Blooming 
Glen.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Samuel  A.  Det- 
weiler, born  Mar.  17,  1875;  died  Aug.  20,  1875.  (VI.) 
David  A.  Detweiler,  born  May  29,  1876.  (VI.)  Mary 
A.  Detweiler,  born  Aug.  1,  1878;  died—.  (VI.)  Eliza- 
beth A.  Detweiler,  born  Nov.  19,  1879.  (VI.)  Annie 
A.  Detweiler,  born  Aug.  7,  1882.  (VI.)  Mary  A.  Det- 
weiler, born  Mar.  20,  1884;  died  Mar.  30,  1885.  (VI.) 
Jacob  A.  Detweiler,  born  Dec.  21,  1886;  stillborn. 
(VI.)  Emma  A.  Detweiler,  born  Jan.  19,  1888. 

V.  Mary  Angeny,  born  Apr.  18,  1857.  Mrd.  Isaac 
H.  Kulp.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  101). 

III.  Elizabeth  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  1, 
1778;  died — .  Mrd.  Jacob  Silvius, — .  Farmer,  lived 
below  Doylestown.    Mennonites.    No  issue. 

III.  Barbara  Kulp,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  May  4, 
1781;  died  Tune  26,  1783. 

—  323  — 

III.  Catharine  Kulp,  born  Nov,  14,  1783;  died  Sept. 
11,  1876.  Mrd.  Simon  Musselman, — .  He  was  born 
Mar.  30,  1791;  died  Mar.  30,  1871,  aged  80  years. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Samuel,  Elizabeth, 
Jacob,  Henry. 

IV.  Samuel  Musselman,  born  June  8,  1814;  died 
Oct.  29,  1850.  Mrd.  Sarah  Myers,  Mar.  17,  1835. 
She  was  born  Feb.  28,  1813;  died  Aug.  14,  1881. 
Children:  Catharine,  Sarah,  Joseph,  Henry. 

V.  Catharine  Musselman,  born  Sept.  22,  1836.  Mrd. 
Joseph  Krout,  of  New  Britain,  Sept.  30,  1860.  He 
was  born  Sept.  20,  1827;  died  Jan.  4,  1883.  Children: 
John,  William,  Samuel,  Sallie,  Adaline,  Henry,  Jo- 
seph, Catharine,  Elizabeth,  Annie. 

VI.  John  M.  Krout,  born  Sept.  9,  1861.  Mrd.  Sallie 
A.  Larzalere,  of  Warrington,  Dec.  25,  1884.  She  was 
born  Mar.  11,  1863.  One  child:  (VII.)  Linford  L. 
Krout,  born  Dec.  25,  1885. 

VI.  William  M.  Krout,  born  Sept.  19,  1863.  Mrd. 
Sallie  M.  Hoover,  of  Warrington,  Dec.  17,  1885. 
She  was  born  Dec.  10,  1865.  One  child:  (VII.)  Myrtle 
H.  Krout,  born  Apr.  6,  1888. 

VI.  Samuel  M.  Krout,  born  Apr.  18,  1865.  Mrd. 
Mary  A.  Sycler,  of  Stony  Run,  Berks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
15,  1887.  She  was  born  Sept.  10,  1864.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Russell  Krout,  born  Dec.  28,  1888. 

VI.  Sallie  M.  Krout,  born  May  26,  1867.  Mrd.  Dan- 
iel W.  Sperry,  of  Three  Tuns,  June  9,  1888.  He  was 
born  Dec.  5,  1863. 

VI.  Adaline  M.  Krout,  born  Mar.  28,  1869.  Mrd. 
Joseph  K.  Whiteside,  of  Davis  Grove,  June  9,  1888. 
He  was  born  Dec.  30,  1867. 

VI.  Henry  M.  Krout,  born  Oct.  26,  1871;  died 
Apr.  17,  1872. 

VI.  Joseph  M.  Krout  (Twin),  born  Mar.  4,  1873; 
died  Mar.  5,  1873. 

VI.  Catharine  M.  Krout  (Twin),  born  Mar.  4,  1873; 
died  Sept.  2,  1887. 

VI.  Elizabeth  M.  Krout,  born  Aug.  24,  1875;  died 
Aug.  27,  1881. 

VI.   Annie  M.  Krout,  born  Aug.  8,  1879. 

-  324  — 

V.  Sarah  Miisselman,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  28,  1838.  Mrd.  Jacob  Leatherman, 
of  New  Britain  Twp.  He  was  born.  Apr.  30,  1837. 
Children:  Samuel,  John. 

VI.  Samuel  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  25,  1861.  Mrd. 
Kate  Clymer, — ■.  Children:  (VII.)  —  Leatherman. 
(VII.)  —  Leatherman. 

VI.  John  Leatherman,  born  Nov.  27,  1861;  died 
July  6,  1885. 

V.  Joseph  M.  Musselman,  born  Feb.  19,  1811.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Wolfinger,  Jan.  4,  1862.  She  was  boi'n  Dec. 
15,  1812.  Children:  Mary,  Samuel,  Sallie,  Reuben, 

VI.  Mary  Musselman,  born  Feb.  20,  1862.  Mrd. 
Titus  Ott,  May,  10,  1882.  He  was  born  Sept.  9, 1859. 
Children:  (VII.)  Oscar  Ott,  born  Dec.  8,  1882.  (VII.) 
Peter  Ott,  born  June  4,  1884.  (VII.)  Cora  Ott,  born 
Mar.  26,  1886. 

VI.    Samuel  Musselman,  born  Dec.  31,  1864.     , 
VI.   Sallie  Musselman,  born  Nov.  28,  1868. 
VI.   Reuben  Musselman,  born  Feb.  27,    1872;    died 
June  18,  1872. 
VI.    Henry  Musselman,  born  Aug,  15,  1874. 

V.  Heniy  M.  Musselman,  born  Aug.  8,  1844.  Mrd. 
Lavina  Krout,  Feb.  14,  1864.  She  was  born  Apr.  21, 
1845.  Children:  Philip,  Mary,  Joseph,  Henry,  Samuel. 

VI.  Philip  K.  Musselman,  born  July  26,  1864.  Mrd. 
Catharine  Rush,  Oct.  18,  1884.  She  was  born  Jan.  18, 

VI.  Mary  C.  Musselman,  born  Nov.  23,  1865.  Mrd. 
Jesse  C.  Landis,  May  7,  1881.  He  was  born  Oct.  25, 
1860.  Children:  (VM.)  Bertha  Landis,  born  Nov.  28, 
1881.  (VII.)  Arthur  Landis,  born  May  14,  1883;  died 
May  31,  1883.  (VII.)  Howard  Landis,  born  July  23, 

VI.   Joseph  K.  Musselman,  born  Sept,  22,  1867. 

VI.   Henry  K.  Musselman,  born  Oct.  9,  1871. 

VI.  Samuel  K.  Musselman,  born  June  30,  1875;  died 
Aug.  4,  1875. 

IV.  Elizabeth  M.  Musselman,  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Mar.  14,  1816;  died  Oct.  1,  1875.  Mrd.  William  F. 
Moyer.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  102). 

—  325  — 

IV.  Jacob  K.  Musselman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May 
23,  1818.  Mrd.  Hannah  Moyer,— .  She  was  born  in 
1821;  died  Dec.  27,  1871.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Resides  in  Dublin.    Children:  Simon,  William,  Sarah. 

V.  Simon  M.  Musselman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov. 
23,  1845.  Mrd.  Mary  Geisinger,  Nov.  16,  1867.  Far- 
mer. Mennonites.  Children:  Hannah,  Mary,  Katie, 
Jacob,  Willie,  Edward. 

VI.  Hannah  Musselman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  11, 
1868.  Mrd.  Andrew  Steer,  Nov.  26,  1887.  Laborer. 
Lutherans.  One  child:  (VII.)  Elmer  M.  Steer,  born 
Nov.  11,  1888. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Musselman,  born  Mar,  11,  1870.  (VI.) 
Catharine  Musselman,  born  May  8,  1872.  (VI.)  Jacob 
Musselman,  born  Jan.  29,  1875.  (VI.)  William  Mus- 
selman, born  Sept.  17,  1878.  (VI.)  Edward  Mussel- 
man, born  Feb.  12,  1884. 

V.  William  Musselman,  born  Oct.  23,  1849;  died 
Dec.  25,  1869. 

V.  Sarah  Musselman,  born  Apr.  1,  1857;  died  Nov. 
23,  1857. 

IV.  Henry  Musselman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  27, 
1821;  died  Dec.  11,  1851.  Mrd.  Veronica  Rickert. 
Two  Children:  (V.)  Catharine.    (V.)  Susan. 


II.  Mark  Fretz  (son  of  Weaver  John  and  Maria),  was 
born  in  Bedrainster  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in  Dec. 
1750.  He  died  Feb.  24,  1840,  aged  89  years  and  about 
two  months.  Mrd.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Rev.  Henry 
and  Barbara  Rosenberger,  of  New  Britain  Twp. ,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  May  11,  1773.  She  was  born  Sept.  19,  1752; 
died  Jan.  10,"  1847,  aged  94y.,  3m.,  22d.  They  lived 
in  New  Britain  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  on  the  place  now 
known  as  "Curley's  Mill,"  which  he  purchased  of 
John  Fretz  of  Warwick,  in  1792.  The  tract  consisted 
of  130  acres.  To  this  he  added  by  other  purchases 
until  he  owned  several  hundred  acres.  He  was  exten- 
sively engaged  as  a  farmer  and  in  the  milling  business. 
They  were  members  of  the  Mennonite  church  at  Line 
Lexington,  of  which  he  was  a  deacon.  Children: 
Barbara,  Maria,  Elizabeth,  Infant  dau. ,  Henry,  Infant 
dau.,  Mark. 

III.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  21, 1775; 
died  in  Brazoria  Co.,  Texas,  June  10,  1840,  aged 
65y.,  Im.,  20d.  She  was  buried  between  two  trees. 
Mrd.  John  Sliver.  Brickmason.  In  early  life  she  was 
a  member  of  the  Mennonite  ch.,  and  later  united  with 
the  M.  E.  ch.,  of  which  she  remained  a  consistent 
member  until  her  death.  Their  only  child  was  (IV.) 
Elizabeth  Sliver,  born  in  New  Britain  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Feb.  20,  1798;  died  at  Gonzales,  Texas,  Aug.  10, 
1840.  Mrd.  William  Denyer,  May  31,  1821.  He  was 
born  in  the  county  of  Southampton,  Hampshire,  Eng- 
land, Nov.  22,  1794;  died  in  Louisana,  Mar,  14,  1848. 

—  327  — 

In  early  life  he  was  a  cabinet  maker  in  Baltimore, 
Md,  After  marriage  he  was  a  farmer  in  Bucks  Co. , 
Pa.,  later  he  burned  lime  from  oyster  shells,  in  Phil- 
adelphia, was  in  ice  business,  rafted  lumber  down  the 
Schuylkill  river,  boated  on  the  Schuylkill  canal,  run 
saw  and  grist  mill  in  Lycoming  Co.,  Pa.,  and  engaged 
in  whip-sawing  at  New  Albany,  Ind.  While  there  he 
was  taken  sick,  and  went  to  Louisiana  for  his  health. 
In  1839  he  settled  with  his  family  near  Brazoria,  Tex. 
In  IS-tO  he  moved  to  Gonzales  Co. ,  Tex. ,  and  in  1841 
to  Louisiana,  and  traveled  as  an  itinerant  minister  of 
the  M.  E.  ch.,  until  his  death.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Denyer 
were  earnest  Christians,  and  endeavored  faithfully  to 
bring  up  their  family  under  the  influence  of  the  Chris- 
tian religion,  and  lead  them  heavenward.  Children: 
Samuel,  Elizabeth,  Ebenezer,  Jane,  William,  Ross. 
V.  Samuel  Jennings  Denyer,  born  in  Baltimore,  Md., 
May  22,  1822.  Mrd.  Zerelda  Ann  Singleton,  of  Lou- 
isiana, Oct.,  17,  1849.  During  his  eventful  life  he  was 
variously  occupied.  He  attended  the  Methodist  Sem- 
inary at  New  Albany,  Ind. ,  two  or  three  years,  was  a 
good  English  and  Latin  scholar,  taught  school  for  a 
number  of  years,  surveyed  lands,  and  practiced  law 
at  Galesburg,  111. ,  where  he  held  the  oiEce  of  Notary 
Public.  In  June  1841,  he  joined  a  Volunteer  Co. ,  in 
the  "Santa  Fe  Expedition,"  under  Gen.  Hugh  M'Leod. 
After  undergoing  many  hardships,  the  expedition 
reached  their  destination  in  Sept.,  with  the  commis- 
sioners who  were  to  treat  with  the  Mexicans.  They 
were  received  with  every  appearance  of  friendship. 
A  bountiful  meal  provided,  and  while  they  were  en- 
joying it  they  were  disarmed  by  the  treacherous  Mex- 
icans, taken  prisoners,  and  marched  barefooted,  with 
bleeding  feet  that  stained  the  stones  and  snow,  at 
every  step,  and  were  driven  into  sheep  cotes,  with 
one  blanket  for  bed  and  covering.  When  on  the 
march  they  were  required  to  keep  up  with  the 
mounted  officers,  or  be  cut  down  by  their  captors. 
Mr.  Denyer,  in  helping  one  of  his  comrades,  who  was 
near  fainting  from  fatigue  and  weakness,  to  some  wa- 
ter, got  a  little  behind  and  received  a  cut  from  a 
sword  in  his  side,  the  scar  of  which  he  carried  to  the 

—  328  — 

grave.  He  was  imprisoned  at  Puebla,  where  he  re- 
mained nearly  a  year.  In  the  spring  of  1843,  he  re- 
turned to  Pennsylvania,  working  his  passage  to  New 
York.  In  1858  he  moved  to  Burnett  Co.,  and  from 
there  to  Llano  Co.,  Texas,  where  he  followed  stock- 
raising.  Apr.  30,  1861,  while  out  hunting  for  a  lost 
cow,  he  was  treacherously  shot  by  an  Indian.  At  the 
time  of  his  death  he  was  preparing  himself  for  the 
ministry  of  the  M.  E.  church.  South.  Zerelda,  his 
wife,  died  in  1867.  The  following  is  a  a  poem  com- 
posed and  dedicated  to  the  memory  of  "Mother," 
beloved  wife  of  Samuel  J.  Denyer,  by  their  youngest 
child,  Mrs.  Ida  E.  S.  Green. 

Mother!  ah,  how  oft  that  name 

Our  loving  hearts  have  thrilled, 
It  soothes  to  rest  in  hours  of  pain, 

Though  death  her  pulse  has  stilled 

In  life  we  were  her  constant  care; 

And  often  while  we  slept, 
She  o'er  us  bent  in  silent! prayer. 

While  Indians  through  our  barley  crept. 

They  had  her  loved  companion  slain. 

Disguised  in'white-men's'clothes. 
Whom  he  mistook  for  neighboring  friends, 

Till  they  had  strung'their  bows. 

And  then  upon  that  April  morn. 

When  death  his  frame  had  chilled, 
She  stood  beside  that  lifeless  form. 

Her  heart  with  anguish  filled. 

And  when  we  laid  him  in  the  tomb. 

And  sadly  turned  awa}-, 
Our'mother  knew  that  she  alone, 

Must  guard  us  night  and  day. 

Nor  did  she  through  those  years  of  grief 

E'er  murmur  or  repine. 
But  sought  in  prayer  that  sweet  relief 

Which  true  believers  find. 

And  when  consumption  seized  her  child. 

The  first  that  God  had  given. 
She  closed  in  death  those  eyes  so  mild, 

And  said,  "  We'll  meet  in  heaven." 

One  year  elapsed,  then  mother  left, 

To  join  the  host  above. 
And  four  small  children  werf  befeft 

Of  either  parents'  love, 

—  329  — 

And  now  those  loved  ones  round  the  throne 

Are  beckoning  us  away; 
Dear  brothers,  sisters,  kindred  ones, 

Let  us  the  call  obey. 

Yes!  let  us  follow  in  the  path 

This  noble  woman  trod; 
Perform  oui  duty  here  on  earth, 
But  lean  upon  our  God. 
Santa  Maria,    Texas,    Oct.  8,  iS8g. 
There  were  born  to  Samuel  J.  and  Zerelda  A,  Den- 
ver   the    following    children:     Herminie,    Amanda, 
Robert,  Sherwood,  Ida. 

VI.  Herminie  Aiirilia  Denyer,  born  Dec.  20,  1850; 
died  Feb.  18,  1866. 

VI.  Amanda  Jane  Denyer,  born  Apr.  4,  1853.  Mrd. 
Walter  P.  Brannon,  Feb.  18,  1874.  Farmer.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Ella  Geneva  Brannon,  born  Mar.  8,  1875. 
(VII.)  John  Brannon, — .  (VII.)  George  Brannon,  born 
— ;  died  in  1888.  (VII.)  Lauretta  Ann  Brannon.  (VII.) 
Archie  Brannon.  (VII.)  Clifford  Brannon.  (VII.)  Cor- 
nelius Irving  Brannon. 

VI.  Robert  C.  H.  Denyer,  born  at  New  Iberia, 
Parish  Iberia,  La.,  Nov.  10,  1854.  Mrd.  Jennie, 
daughter  of  Rev.  T,  G.  Wildman,  of  Medina  Co., 
Texas,  Oct.  6,  1881.  Farmer,  seventeen  miles  South- 
west of  San  Antonia,  Texas.  Attend  the  Baptist  Ch. 
Mr.  Denyer  is  a  charter  member  of  the  "Farmer's 
Alliance,"  doorkeeper  of  the  "'Alma  Alliance,  No. 
2227."  In  1889  he  was  elected  Vice  President  of  Bexar 
Co.,  Alliance.  Children:  (VII.)  Lulu  Lee  Denyer, 
born  Aug.  12,  1882.  (VII.)  Minnie  May  Denyer,  born 
June  6,  1884.  (VII.)  Samuel  Arthur  Denyer,  born 
Apr.  25,  1886.  (VII.)  Thomas  Hilliard  Denyer,  born 
July  21,  1888. 

VI.  Albert  Sherwood  Denyer,  born  near  New  Iberia, 
La.,  Nov.  27,  1856.  Mrd — .  Has  been  engineer  on 
boat,  worked  in  bell  foundry,  etc.  Children:  (VII.) 
Charles.    (VII.)  Jessie. 

VI.  Ida  E.  Sammie  Denyer,  born  near  New  Iberia, 
La.,  Jan.  2,  1859.  Mrd.  L.  L.  Green,  Nov.  14,  1882. 
Farmer  in  Cameron  Co. ,  Texas.  Mems.  of  the  Mission- 
ary Baptist  ch.,  of  which  Mr.  Green  is  a  deacon.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Ida  Green,  born  May  20,  1884,    (VII.) 

—  330  — 

Lewis  Lamar  Green,  Jr.,  born  June  10,  1886;  died 
Sept.  13,  1886.    (VII.)  Ola  Green,  born  Dec.  22,  1887. 

V.  Elizabeth  Ann  Denyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  29,  1825.  Mrd.  John  Pratt,  in  Gonzales  Co., 
Texas,  July  18,  181:1,  He  was  born  in  Aberdeen, 
Scotland,  about  1806;  died  Jan.  6,  1871.  He  came  to 
Texas  in  1837.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  the  Texan 
Army  of  1837,  which  was  stationed  at  Galveston, 
where  it  was  finally  disbanded  without  having  been 
called  into  active  service.  He  was  honorably  dis- 
charged and  received  a  certificate  for  a  "head-right" 
of  640  acres  of  land,  and  a  bounty  claim  for  1280 
acres,  both  tracts  located  at  difl^erent  points  on  the 
Sandes  river,  in  Gonzales  Co.  Mrs.  Pratt  is  a  faithful 
member  of  the  M.  E.  Ch.  South.  Children:  Minerva, 
Emily,  Maria. 

VI.  Minerva  Ann  Pratt,  born  in  Gonzales  Co.,  Texas, 
Mar.  13,  1816.  Mrd.  Joseph  McAfee  Coulter,  Sept. 
25,  1867.  Farmer  in  Texas.  Members  of  the  Mission- 
ary Baptist  Ch,  Children:  (VII.)  Emma  Coulter,  born 
Feb.  4,  1869;  died  Sept.  4,  1873.  (VII.)  Mary  Mazilla 
Coulter,  born  Oct.  6,  1871.  (VII.)  Joseph  McAfee 
Coulter,  born  July  12,  1874,  (VII.)  Morrison  John 
Scott  Coulter,  born  Feb.  17,  1877.  (VII.)  lola  May 
Coulter,  born  June  17,  1880.  (VII.)  Minerva  Ann 
Coulter,  born  Oct.  2,  1883.  (VII.)  Arrena  Elizabeth 
Coulter,  born  Aug.  17,  1886. 

VI.  Emily  Pratt,  born  Dec.  28,  1848;  died  Apr.  17, 

VI.  Maria  Denjer  Pratt,  born  in  Gonzales  Co., 
Texas,  Nov.  23,  1852.  Mrd.  DeWitt  Mason,  Aug. 
25,  1874.  He  is  a  distant  relative  of  DeWitt  Clinton, 
Gov.  of  New  York,  and  also  of  Gen  Winfield  Scott. 
Farmer  in  Gonzales  Co. ,  Texas.  Members  of  the  Mis- 
sionary Baptist  Ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Fletcher  Stock- 
dale  Mason,  born  June  21,  1875.  (VII.)  Sarah  Priscilla 
Mason  born  Mar.  4,  1878.  (VII.)  Eveline  Mason,  born 
Jan.  16,  1881.  (VII.)  Charles  Tate  Mason,  born  Jan, 
2,  1884.    (VII.)  John  Pratt  Mason,  born  Sept.  2,  1886. 

V.  Ebenezer  Opham  Denyer.  born  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.,  May  20,  1828;  died  Mar.  20,  1872.  Mrd.  Sarah 
Ann  Heartley,  in  1854. — Mr.  Denyer,  served  in  the 

—  331  — 

Mexican  war  of  1848,  with  Capt.  Henry  McCohlogh, 
and  was  with  the  Ohio  Rangers  for  several  years.  About 
1858,  he  moved  to  Onion  Creek,  Hays  Co.,  Texas, 
where  he  remained  until  the  breaking  out  of  the  civil 
war,  when,  after  moving  his  wife  to  her  mother's 
home  in  Eastern  Texas,  he  joined  the  2d,  Texas  Co. 
Volunteers,  mustered  at  Marcos,  Hays  Co.,  in  the 
summer  of  1861,  and  served  throughout  the  war  in 
the  Confederate  service.  He  was  taken  prisoner  at 
Vicksburgh,  Miss.,  was  exchanged,  and  laid  in  the 
Hospital  at  Galveston  until  the  close  of  the  war.  On 
arriving  at  home  in  the  fall  of  1865,  he  found  every- 
thing gone;  house  burned,  cattle  stolen,  and  himself 
in  feeble  health. — But  being  a  man  of  iron  will,  he  at 
once  set  to  work  as  he  had  never  done  before.  He 
got  a  few  things  together  and  moved  to  Major  E. 
Nonces  on  the  Rio  Blanco  river.  Hays  Co.,  Tex.,  and 
went  to  work  for  him,  continuing  in  his  employ 
most  of  the  time  up  to  his  death. — Dr.  Denyer,  was 
an  "honest,  straight  forward  man,  trusted  and  re- 
spected by  all  who  knew  him.""  He  was  a  farmer, 
and  he  and  wife  were  members  of  the  Baptist  Ch. 
Children:  Mary,  Samuel,  Margaret,  Ezekiel. 

VI.    Mary  Susan  Denyer,  born^;  died  in  infancy. 

VI.  Samuel  William  Denver,  born  in  Hays  Co., 
Tex.,  Oct.  23,  1866.  Mrd.  Alice  Cumile  (iallihor, 
Dec.  23,  1883.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.)  William 
Ebenezer  Denyer,  born  Feb.  2,  1885;  died  Jan.  19, 
1889.  (VII.)  Alfred  Victor  Denyer  born  June  6,  1886. 
(VII.)  Arthur  Denyer,  born  May  8,  1888. 

VI.  Margaret  Jane  McAlpin  Monteroy  Denyer,  born 
in  Hays  Co.,  Tex.,  Sept.  1,  1868.  Mrd.  M.  E.  Van 
Every,  of  San  Marcos,  Aug.  29,  1883.  Wool  Grower. 
Children:  (VII.)  Minnie  Ray  Van  Every,  born  July  6, 
1884.  (VII.)  Samuel  U.  Van  Every,  born  Jan.  15, 
1886.  (VII.)  A  daughter,  born  Apr.  4,  1888;  died 
Apr.  21,  1888. 

VI.  Ezekiel  Ebenezer  Denyer,  born  Apr.  5,  1870; 
died  May  20,  1870. 

V.  Jane  Goldfinch  Denyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Apr  24,  1831.  Mrd.  Henry  Johnson,  of  St.  Mary's 
Parish,  La.,  in  1850.    Carpenter,  and  Book  agent,  in 

—  332  — 

Hays   Co.,    Texas.     Christians.     Children:    Martha, 
William,  Eliza,  Sarah,  Zerelda,  Albert,  James,  Susie. 

VI.  Martha  Alice  Johnson,  born  Sept.  22,  1851. 
Mrd.  Zephraim  Lagan2;e,  Feb.  10,  1869.  Farmer  in 
Atacosa  Co.,  Texas.  Mr.  Lagange,  Rom.  Catholic. 
Children:  (VII.)  Elennor  Jane  Lagange,  born  Nov.  23, 
1870.  (VII.)  Henry  Zephraim  Lagange,  born  Nov.  21, 
1872.  (VII.)  Bertha  Eliza  Lagange,  born  Feb.  29, 
1875.  (VII.)  Lillie  Euphemia  Lagange,  born  Sept.  20, 
1878.  (VII.)  May  Aasfasta  Lagange,  born  Jan.  9, 
1883.  (VII.)  Joseph  D.^Lagange,  born  Apr.  20,  1885. 
(VII.)  John  Allen  Lagange,  born  Dec.  6,  1887. 

VI.  William  Henry  Johnson,  born  Oct.  8,  1854; 
died  Feb.  16,  1855. 

VI.  Eliza  Jane  Johnson,  bprn  Apr.  20,  1856.  Mrd. 
Harry  B.  Jenkins,  Nov.  29,  1877.  Farmer  in  Hays 
Co.,  Texas.  Christian.  Children:  (VII.)  Dora  Jane 
Jenkins,  born  Sept.  2,  1878.  (VII.)  Otho  Cecil  Jen- 
kins, born  July  11,  1880.  (VII.)  Laura  Irene  Jenkins, 
born  Dec.  25,  1882.  (VII.)  Frederick  Henry  Jenkins, 
born  Dec.  12,  1881.  (VII.)  Albert  Victor  Jenkins, 
born  Jan.  13,  1887. 

VI.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Johnson,  born  Feb.  16,  1859. 
Mrd.  John  E.  Jenkins,  June  1,  1887.  Farmer.  Mrs. 
Jenkins,  Christian.  One  child:  (VII.)  lola  Jane  Jenkins. 

VI.  Zerelda  Ann  Johnson,  born  June  26,  1862;  died 
Aug.  25,  1886. 

VI.  Albert  Henry  Johnson,  born  Aug.  8,  1865.  Bar- 
ber by  trade;  at  present  farmer.  Christian.  S.   (1889). 

VI.  James  Lyons  Johnson,  born  May  26,  1869;  died 
June  26,  1887. 

VI.    Susie  Arabella  Johnson,  born  July  31,  1873. 

V.  William  Sliver  Denyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Oct.  17,  1831.  Mrd.  Dilly  Susanna  Corley,  of  Louisi- 
ana, in  1861.  She  and  their  two  children  died  in  1863. 
Mr.  Denyer,  was  in  the  United  States  Army  during 
the  late  war,  in  Co.  A.  1st,  Reg't.  Louisiana  Cavalry, 
and  served  as  Quarter  Master  of  that  command.  His 
services  were  principally  rendered  in  the  State  of 
Louisiana,  during  Gen.  Banks'  Campaign  on  the  Red 
river,  and  at  New  Orleans.  He  was  in  several  battles 
in  that  campaign.    At  Yellow  Bayou,  La.,  hi?  hor^P 

—  333  — 

was  shot  and  instantly  killed  under  him,  and  in  an 
engagement  on  Chaffalia  he  was  wonnded  in  the  fore- 
head. He  remained  in  the  service  until  his  discharge 
in  1864. — In  1865  he  mrd.  his  second  wife,  Nancy 
Emeline  Rhodes,  of  Fayette  Co. ,  111.  Farmer  at  Hot 
Springs,  Ark.    Missionary  Baptists.    One  child: 

vl.  Andrew  J.  Denyer,  born  in  Fayette  Co.,  111., 
Nov.  20,  1865.  Mrd.  Sophronia  Gardner.  Mar.  3, 
1889.   Farmer  in  Ark.    Mem.  of  the  "Ch.  of  Christ." 

V.  Leonidas  Ross  Denyer,  born  in  New  Albany,  Ind. , 
July  26,  1837;  died  Nov.  4,  1837. 

III.  Maria  Fretz,  born  Nov.  16,  1778;  died  July  7, 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 
27,  1781;  died  Nov.  6,  1849,  aged  68y.,  4m.  and  14d. 
Mrd.  John  Geil,  Apr.  22,  1802.  He  was  born  Apr. 
9,  1778;  died  Jan.  16,  1866.  Weaver  by  trade. 
After  marriage  he  followed  farming.  Lived  in  New 
Britain  about  fifty  years.  He  was  ordained  to  the 
ministry  of  the  Mennonite  church  at  Line  Lexington, 
about  1809  or  1810,  and  served  the  church  faithfully 
for  fifty-five  years.  Children:  Jacob,  Barbara,  Eliza- 
beth,  Mark,  Catharine,  Mary,  John,  Anna,  Samuel. 

IV.  Jacob  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  3, 1803. 
Mrd.  Anna  Funk — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.-  Children: 
John,  Enos,  Samuel. 

V.  John  F.  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pennsylvania, 
Mar.  30,  1831.  Mrd.  Sarah  A.  Schofield,  Apr. 
5,  1860,  in  Livingston  Co.,  Mich.  She  was  born  in 
Bath,  Steuben  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Mar.  22,  1834.  Farmer 
near  Danbury,  Emmons  Co.,  North  Dakota.  In  early 
life  taught  school  for  about  ten  years,  and  for  twelve 
years  was  employed  in  making  surveys  for  making 
and  publishino;  county  maps,  mostly  in  Michigan. 
Methodists.    Children:  Anna,  Lincoln,  Frederick. 

VI.  Anna  E.  Geil,  born  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  Jan. 
4,  1864.    Teacher.    Methodist. 

VI.   Lincoln  Geil,  born  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  Dec. 
26,  1865.    Merchant  at  Winchester,  Dak. 
VI.   Frederick  Augustus  Geil,  born  Sept.  13,  1870. 

—  SU  — 

V.  Enos  F.  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  27, 
1836.  Mrd.  Mary  Means,  Feb.  10,  1859.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Amanda,  Sarah,  Anna. 

VI.  Amanda  M.  Geil,  born  Nov.  L3,  1859.  Mrd. 
Jonas  M.  Moyer,  Jan.  15,  1880.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VII.)  Anna  Laran  Moyer,  born  May 
29,  1881.  (VII.)  Mary  G.  Moyer,  born  Aug.  9,  1883. 
(VII.)  Alice  Moyer,  born  Sept.  3,  1885.  (VII.)  Syl- 
vanus  Moyer,  born  Feb.  1,  1888. 

VI.  Sarah  M.  Geil,  born  May  9,  1861.  Mrd.  Jacob 
F.  Swartley,  Nov.  6,  1888.  Farmer.  One  child:  (VII.) 

VI.  Anna  M.  Geil,  born  May  14,  1865.  She  was 
mrd.  to  Oliver  Keller, — .  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Laran  G.  Keller,  born  Sept.  18,  1884. 
(VII.)  Howard  G.  Keller,  born  May  28,  1887.  (VII.) 
Walter  M.  Keller,  born  Nov.  22,  1888. 

V.  Samuel  F.  Geil,  born  in  New  Britain  Tvvp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  28,  1841,  in  which  place  he 
passed  his  youth,  and  where  he  received  a  good 
academic  education.  In  1859  he  moved  to  Cleveland, 
O.,  where  he  began  the  study  of  law.  After  passing 
through  the  usual  studies  he  was  admitted  to  practice 
in  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  State  of  Ohio,  Sept. 
26,  1862.  Having  read  law  with  Herrick  and  Barlow, 
he  attended  the  Ohio  State  and  Union  Law  College, 
at  Cleveland,  from  which  he  graduated.  May  26, 
1862.  At  the  breaking  out  of  the  war  in  1861,  he 
was  among  the  first  to  enter  the  Volunteer  service, 
and  was  appointed  1st  Lieutenant  of  the  2d  Kegt., 
O.,  Cavalry,  and  remained  until  Dec.  11,  1861,  when 
he  resigned.  In  Nov.,  1862,  he  removed  to  Califor- 
nia, and  took  up  his  residence  in  Monterey  Co., 
where  he  has  been  actively  engaged  in  the  practice  of 
law.  He  served  two  terms  as  district  attorney  of 
Monterey  Co.,  and  during  his  incumbency  conducted 
many  cases  of  great  importance  and  public  interest, 
in  a  highly  satisfactory  and  successful  manner.  He 
has  had  a  large  and  profitable  practice  for  the  last 
fifteen  years.  He  is  at  the  present  time  Attorney 
for  the  Southern  Pacific  Railroad  Company,  and 
other  corporations.     For  the  last  ten  years  there  has 

—  335  — 

not  been  a  case  in  the  county  in  which  he  resides,  of 
any  importance,  either  civil  or  criminal,  that  he  has 
not  been  engaged  in.  Immediately  after  his  arrival 
in  California,  he  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  Su- 
preme Court  of  the  State  of  California,  and  all  the 
Federal  Courts.  On  Feb.  2,  1866,  he  was  mrd.  to 
Josefa  Sanchey,  who,  with  the  two  living  children, 
are  members  of  the  Roman  Catholic  church.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Samuel  Geil,  born  Mar.  8,  1867;  died 
Nov.  10,  1868.  (VI.)  Samuel  Geil,  born  Nov.,  1869; 
died,  aged  7  days.  (VI.)  Anna  Geil,  born  in  Monterey 
Co.,  Cal.,  Feb.  13,  1870.  She  is  attending  Mill's 
College  (1889),  near  San  Francisco,  Cal.  (VI.)  Lydia 
Geil,  born  Oct.  17,  1874;  died  June  15,  1885.  (VI.) 
Herlinda  Geil,  born  May  19,  1876.  ' 

IV.  Barbara  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  16, 
1805;  died  Mar.  26,  1879.  Mrd.  Abraham  Landis. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  103). 

IV.  Elizabeth  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  27, 
1808.  Mrd.  Martin  D.  Rosenberger,  Apr.  9,  1844. 
He  died  Jan.  5,  1887.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Aaron,  Sarah,  John. 

V.  Aaron  G.  Rosenberger,  born  June  3,  1845;  died 
Aug.  6,  1845. 

V.  8arah  Elizabeth  Rosenberger,  born  July  2,  1847. 
Mrd.  Abraham  Rickert,  Jan.  8,  1889.  Farmer.  Men- 

V.  John  G.  Rosenberger,  born  Jan.  27,  1849.  Mrd. 
Wilhelmina  Beyer,  Apr.  12,  1873.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites. Children:  (VI.)  Harvey  B.  Rosenberger,  born 
May  20,  1874.  (VI.)  Laura  Rosenberger,  born  June 
1,  1876.  (VI.)  William  B.  Rosenberger,  born  Dec.  21, 

IV.  Mark  Geil,  born  Nov.  25,  1810;  died  Sept.  19, 

IV.  Catharine  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  23, 
1813.  Mrd.  John  Krabehl,  Mar.  27,  1849.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Mary,  Anna,  Sarah. 

V.  Mary  Krabehl,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  20, 
1850.  Mrd.  William  P.  Smith,  Dec.  10,  1870.  Car 
Inspector.  Baptists.  One  child:  (VI.)  Nora  Florence 
Smith,  born  Oct.  5,  1871. 

—  336  — 

V.  Anna  B.  Krabehl,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
22,  1851.    Baptist.   Unmrd. 

V.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Krabehl,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
May  19,  1857.  Mrd.  William  Henry  Ruth,  July  3, 
1879.  Iron  and  Brass  Moulder.  Baptists.  Children: 
(Vl.)  Clarence  K.  Ruth,  born  May  11,  1880;  died 
Nov.  18,  1880.  (VI.)  Blanche  Ruth,  born  in  Phila- 
delphia, Feb.  16,  1881.  (VI.)  Warren  Ruth,  born  in 
Doylestown,  Pa.,  July  U,  1886. 

IV.  Mary  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  23, 
1816;  died  Aug.  12,  1880.  Mrd.  Joseph  Landis. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  104). 

IV.  John  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  20, 
1819.  Killed  by  a  fall  in  the  barn  Aug.  26,  1890, 
aged  about  71  years.  Mrd.  Sarah  Frances  Roe,  Sept. 
6,  1819.  She  was  born  Apr.  4,  1833;  died  June  14, 
1860.  After  marriage  they  moved  to  Dayton,  Ohio, 
and  later  to  Fort  AVayne,  Ind.,  and  finally  returned 
to  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Farmer,  and  resides  on  the  Old 
Rev.  John  Geil  Homestead  in  New  Britain  Twp. ,  Pa. 
Children:  Mary,  Margaretta,  Samuel.  John  Geil  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  Lydia  Valuvanlee,  Feb.  25,  1865. 
No  issue. 

V.  Mary  Frances  Geil,  born  at  Dayton,  Ohio,  July 
31,  1850;  died  June  24,  1871.  Mrd.  William  M. 
Valuvanlee,  Dec,  1870. 

V.  Margaretta  Rebecca  Geil,  born  near  Fort  Wayne, 
Ind.,  Oct.  13,  1853.  Mrd.  George  C.  Morgan,  in 
1876.  He  was  born  Aug.  16,  1855.  Farmer.  Mrs. 
Morgan,  Baptist.  Children:  (VI.)  Samuel  G.  Mor- 
gan, born  Aug.  23,  1876;  died  Feb.  27,  1887.  (VI.) 
Charles  G.  Morgan,  born  Mar.  9,  1878.  (VI.)  Alice 
H.  Morgan,  born  Jan.  30,  1880.  (VI.)  Harvey  G. 
Morgan,  born  Apr.  20,  1885.  (VI.)  Rose  M.  Morgan, 
born  Apr.  17,  1888. 

V.  Samuel  S.  Geil,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  19,  1857.  Mrd.  Sue  S.  Althouse,  June 
1,  1878.  Produce  Merchant  and  farmer,  and  lives  on 
a  farm  adjoining  the  Old  Geil  Homestead.  Baptists. 
One  child:  (VI.)  John  E.  Geil,  born  May  29,  1883. 

IV.  Anna  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  July  17,  1822, 
Mrd.  MathewHeer— .  He  died  Mar.  15, 1876.  Turner 

(See  page  236.) 

—  337  — 

and  farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Lizzie,  John 
Samuel,  Barbara,  Jacob,  Katie. 

V.  Lizzie  Heer,  born  Aug.  10,  1850.  Mrd.  Fred. 
Rehg,  Dec.  25,  1872.  He  died  Sept.  21,  1876.  One 
child:  (VI.)  Reuben  William  Rehg,  born  Sept.  28, 
1875.  Lizzie  mrd.  for  her  second  husl^and,  Joseph 
Leman,  Sept.  26,  1887.  Farmer  in  Woodford  Co., 
111.  Mrs.  Leman,  New  Amish.  One  child:  (VI.)  Per- 
sida  Leman,  born  Aug.  28,  1889. 

V.  John  Heer,  born  Feb.  20,  1855;  died  Apr.  15, 

V.  Samuel  G.  Heer,  born  Feb.  26,  1859.  Mrd.  Cath- 
arine Niederlender,  Apr.  18,  1881.  Carpenter  at 
Peoria,  111.  Children:  (VI.)  Charles  Heer,  born  Apr, 
9,  1882.  (VI.)  Barbara  Anna  Heer,  born  May  26, 
1884.  (VI.)  Walter  Heer,  born  May  16,  1887.  (VI.) 
Annie  Heer.  born  July  26,  1889. 

V.  Barbara  Heer,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Sept.  10,  1859. 
Presbyterian.     S. 

V.  Jacob  Heer,  born  Mar.  22,  1862. 

V.' Katie  Heer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  5,  1861:. 
Mrd.  Louis  Philippi,  Oct.  9,  1886.  Laborer  in  111. 
Children:  (VI.)  Clara  E.  Philippi,  born  Jan.  13,1886; 
died  Feb.  13,  1886.  (VI.)  Sadie  E.  Philippi,  born  Mar. 
12,  1887.   (VI.)  Edna  Philippi,  born  Sept.  29, 1889. 

IV.  Samuel  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  11, 
1825.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  H.  Seese,  May  8,  1855.  In 
early  life  Mr.  Geil  taught  school,  then  followed  Top- 
ographical Engineering  and  surveying.  In  1850  he 
made  a  survey  of  Morris  Co.,  N.  J.,  and  drew  a  map 
of  that  county,  published  by  R.  P.  Smith.  In  1851 
he  continued  surveying  for,  and  publishing  maps 
until  1861.  His  last  published  map  was  of  the  State 
of  Michigan,  in  1863  to  65.  In  June,  1856,  he  had  a 
fall  which  injured  his  spine  making  him  a  cripple 
for  Kfe.  He  resides  in  Doylestown,  Pa.  Merchant. 
Children : 

V.  Ellen  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  10,  1852. 
S.    (1889). 

V.  William  Edgar  Geil,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct. 
1,  1865.     Student  at  Lafayette  College,  Easton,  Pa. 


—  338  — 
III.  A  daughter,  born  Jan.  5,  1785;  buried  next  day. 

III.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June  24, 
1787;  died  June  9,  1874,  aged  86y.,  11m.  and  15d. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Beidler,  of  Milford,  Bucks  Co.,  May 
14,  1809.  She  was  born  Apr.  10,  1787;  died  Dec.  24, 
1852.  They  lived  on  the  Old  Homestead,  in  New 
Britain  Twp. ,  which  he  inherited  from  his  father,  and 
where  he  built  the  first  Steam  Mill  in  Bucks  Co.  Chil- 
dren: Susan,  Christian,  Eliza,  Henry,  Mark.  Henry 
mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Mary  Fretz,  Dec.  3,  1854. 

IV.  Susan  Beidler  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  4, 
1810;  died  June  9,  1889,  aged  79y.  5d.  Mrd. 
Jonas  D.  Moyer,  of  Montgomery.  Co.,  Nov.  23, 
1830.  He  died  Nov.  20,  1873.  Farmer  in  Franconia 
Twp.,  until  1856,  when  they  moved  to  North  Wales, 
Pa.,  where  he  was  actively  engaged  in  the  Flour  and 
Grain  business  up  to  the  time  of  his  death.  Mrs. 
Moyer  is  still  living  and  resides  in  Philadelphia. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Eliza,  Henry,  William,  Susan. 

V.  Eliza  Moyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  3, 
1831;  died  in  Philadelphia,  Apr.  27,  1858.  Mrd. 
John  S.  Clymer,  Nov.,  1850.  Merchant  Tailor,  at 
Franconiaville.  He  died — .  Children:  (VI.)  Adeline 
Clymer,  born—,  1852;  died  June  4,  1857.  (VI.)  Eliza 
Clymer,  born—,  1858;  died  July  6,  1858. 

V.  Henry  Fretz  Moyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  31,  1833.  Mrd.  Mary  A.  Shearer,  of  North 
Wales,  Pa.,  Nov.  17,  1862.  Lutheran.  Children:  (VI.) 
Harvey,  (VI.)  Warren,  (VI.)  Frank,  (VI.)  Addie,  (VI.) 

V.  William  Moyer,  born  Avig.  6,  1837;  died  in  in- 

V.  Susan  F.  Moyer,  born  in  Montg.  Co.,  Feb.  25, 
1839.  Mrd.  Elias  A.  Hunsicker,  of  Collegeville, 
Montg.  Co.,  Dec.  25,  1855.  He  was  for  20  years 
grain  merchant,  opposite  the  Baltimore  depot,  on 
Broad  Street,  Philadelphia.  At  present  in  Life  and 
Fire  Insurance  business.  Presbyterians.  Children: 
(VI.)  Ella  M.  Hunsicker,  born  Feb.  15,  1857.  (VI.) 
Clayton  M.  Hunsicker,  born  Mar.  25,  1860. 

—  839  — 

IV.  Christian  B.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  5, 
1814;  died—.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  daughter  of 
Abraham  and  Rachel  Fretz —.  (V.)  They  had  one  child; 
died  unnamed. 

IV.  Eliza  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  2,  1817. 
Mrd.  Philip  K.  Fretz.  (See  Index  of  References  No. 

IV.  Henry  B.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  6, 
1820;  died  Sept.  17,  1859.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Landis, 
Oct.  24,  1844.  They  lived  on  the  Old  Homestead  in 
New  Britain  Twp.  Children:  Ralph,  Henry,  John, 

V.  Ralph  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  5,  1846. 
Mrd.  Martha  J.  Beideman,  Sept.  3,  1870.  She  was 
born  Mar.  10,  1851.  Painter.  Children:  (VI.)  Anna 
Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Aug.  2,  1872.  (VI.)  John  B. 
Fretz,  born  Feb.  28,  1875. 

V.  Henry  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  4, 
1851.  Mrd.  Mary  E.,  daughter  of  Wm.  G.  Smith, 
of  Montg.  Co.,  Apr.  26,  1877.  Miller.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (VI.)  Clara  Viola  Fretz,  born  May  12,  1880. 
(VI.)  Ethel  Maud  Fretz,  born  July  24,  1883. 

V.  Mary  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  20, 
1853.  Mrd.  Joseph  E.  Detweiler — .  Carpenter. 
Lutherans.  Children:  (VI.)  Theodore  Fretz  Det- 
weiler, born  Aug.  7,  1874.  (VI.)  Ross  Fretz  Det- 
weiler, born  July  20,  1888. 

V.  John  Mark  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  22, 
1857.    Miller.    S. 

IV.  Mark  B.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  24, 
1824.  Mrd.  Mary  Landis,  Sept.  13,  1849.  Miller. 
Mennonites.    No  issue. 

III.  A  daughter,  born  1789;  died  unnamed. 

III.  Mark  Fretz,  born  Jan.  9,  1791;    died  Sept.  5, 



II.  Henry  Fretz  (son  of  Weaver  John  and  Maria 
Fretz),  born  in  Bedminster  Twp..  Bucks  Co.,  Nov. 
11,  1755;  died  May  30,  1831.  Mrd.  Barbara  Ober- 
holtzer — ,  She  was  born  Oct.  10,  1757;  died  Aug. 
10,  1831.  He  lived  on  a  farm  in  Bedminster  Twp. , 
three  miles  west  of  Bedminsterville,  now  known  as 
the  Wisler  farm,  and  still  owned  by  his  son-in-law, 
Joseph  Wisler,  where  he  followed  farming  and  shoe- 
making.  He  was  known  as  Shoemaker  Henry.  On 
the  occasion  of  his  funeral,  which  was  very  largely 
attended,  two  or  three  calves  were  killed  and  prepared 
for  the  funeral  dinner;  and  over  one  hundred  carriages 
followed  his  remains  to  the  grave,  showing  the  high 
esteem  in  which  he  was  held.  He  and  wife  were 
buried  at  the  Old  Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run,  of 
which  they  were  members.  Their  children  in  the 
probable  order  of  their  birth,  are:  Mary,  Jacob,  John, 
Mark,  Esther,  Henry,  Jonas,  Sarah,  Abraham,  David. 

Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  died  Apr.  10, 

.     Mrd.  Willif       ^ "  "  ■" 

Left  no  issue. 

1827.     Mrd.  William  Goclshall,  being  his  second  wife 

III.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co., — ,  Mrd.  Miss 
—  Newcomer — .  She  died  without  issue.  He  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  widow  Newcomer,  his  first  wife's 
brother's  widow.  Her  maiden  name  was  High.  Jacob 
Fretz  lived  for  some  time  below  Doylestown,  Pa., 

—  341  — 

where  he  followed  shoemakino;.  He  afterwards  moved 
to  Ohio,  and  died  there  without  issue. 

III.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  5,  1784; 
died  Feb.  25,  1843.  Mrd.  Susanna  Haldeman,  Aug. 
16,  1808.  She  was  born  Feb.  2,  1783;  died  Apr.  14, 
1875,  aged  92y.,  2m.  and  12d.  He  was  farmer  and 
drover,  and  lived  on  a  farm  on  the  Durham  Road, 
about  one  mile  north  of  Garden ville.  It  is  the  "Old 
Homestead,"  and  has  been  in  the  Fretz'  family  over 
a  hundred  years.  Mennonites.  Children:  Tobias, 
Henry,  Mary,  Jonas,  John,  Elias,  Sarah,  Susan. 

IV.  Tobias  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  4,  1809; 
died — .  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Overholt — .  She  was  born 
— ;  died — .  Farmer  and  drover.  Children:  Nathan, 

V.  Nathan  Fretz,  born — .  Mrd.  Rachel  Shaddinger 
— .  Farmer  and  drover.  Children:  Laura,  Lizzie, 
Ella,  Eddie,  Daniel,  Willis,  Clara. 

VI.  A.  Laura  Fretz,  born — .  Mrd.  Absalam  Fretz. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  106). 

VI.  Lizzie  F.  Fretz,  born  Aug.  10,  1861.  Mrd. 
Montgomery  Miller,  Nov.  16,  1881.  Machinist,  at 
Pottstown,  Pa.  Baptists.  Children:  (VII.)  Pearl  F. 
Miller,  born  Sept.  16,  1885.  (VII.)  Willis  F.  Miller, 
born  Jan.  20,  1888;  died  Aug.  18,  1888. 

VI.  Ella  Fretz,  born—.    S. 

VI.  Eddie  Fretz,  born—.  Mrd.  Miss—  Black—. 
Drover.    One  child:  (VII.) . 

VI.  Daniel  Fretz.  (VI.)  Willis  Fretz.  (VI.)  Clara 

V.  Aaron  Fretz,  born  Oct.  26,  1839.  Mrd.  Anna 
Leatherman,  Oct.  30,  1858.  She  died  Mar.  10,  1890. 
Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Auctioneer.  Presbyterians. 
Children:  Susanna,  Tobias,  Harvey,  Marietta,  Frank- 
lin, Anna,  Theodore. 

VI.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  Sept.  17,  1860;  died  Jan. 
19,  1871. 

VI.  Tobias  Fretz,  born  May  18,  1862.  Mrd.  Millie 
Strouse — .  Gent's  Furnishing  Good's  Store,  in  Phila- 
delphia. Presbyterian.  Children:  Charles,  Aaron, 

—  342  — 

VI.  Harvey  Fretz,  born  Jan.  30,  1864.  Laborer. 
Presbyterian.     S. 

[Vl.  Marietta  Fretz,  born  June  8,  1865;    died  Mar. 
21,  1869. 

VI.  Franklin  Fretz,  born  Aug,  28,  1867;  died  July 
20,  1878. 

VI.  Anna  Fretz,  born  Nov.  27,  1869.  At  home  and 

VI.  Theodore  Fretz,  born  Feb.  20,  1872;  died  Aug. 
27,  1872. 

IV.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  10,  1810. 
Mrd.  Mary  Fretz,  of  Tinicum  Twp.,  Oct.  4,  1836. 
They  began  mrd.  life  on  a  farm  in  Bedminster,  being 
a  part  of  the  original  Fretz'  tract,  known  as  the  '  'Low 
Lands,"  lying  along  the  Tohickon  Creek.  In  April, 
1839,  they  moved  to  a  farm  in  Plumstead  Twp., 
knowai  as  the  "Leatherman  Farm,"  where  they  lived 
until  1871,  when  they  moved  to  a  small  farm  adjoin- 
ing the  Old  Homestead  where  they  still  reside.  New 
Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Isaac,  Amos,  Enos, 
Ann,  Lavina,  George. 

V.  John  Fretz,  born  Aug.  6,  1837;  died  Sept.  8, 

V.  Isaac  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  4,  1840. 
Mrd.  Lottie  Leech,  daughter  of  George  Leech,  of 
Montgomeryville,  Pa.,  Dec.  21,  1869.  When  three 
years  old  he  became  lame  in  his  right  knee,  and  has 
been  afflicted  ever  since.  He  received  a  good  educa- 
tion, and  taught  school  from  1858  to  1862.  He  then 
went  into  the  commission  business  for  two  years; 
then  went  to  Philadelphia  and  engaged  in  the  Retail 
Grocery  business.  He  at  present  deals  in  butter  and 
eggs.  Baptists.  Children:  (Vl.)  Emma  Fretz,  born  Dec. 
17,  1872;  died  July  29,  1873.  (VI.)  Alice  Fretz,  born 
Sept.  2,  1874.  (VI.)  Hettie  Fretz,  born  May  22,  1877. 
(Vl.)  Lottie  Fretz,  born  Nov.  24,  1879. 

V.  Anos  Fretz,  born  Nov.  23,  1842;  died  Sept.  17, 

V.  Enos  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  16,  1845. 
He  remained  at  home  and  worked  on  the  farm  most 
of  the  time  until  the  fall  of  1869,  then  taught  school 
for  a  few  years.    He  was  mrd.  to  Mary  A.  liigkert,  of 

—  343  — 

Hilltown,  Dec.  3,  1873,  and  settled  on  the  Old  Home- 
stead and  engaged  in  farming,  until  Mar.,  1882,  when 
he  removed  to  Milford  Square,  Pa.,  and  entered  into 
partnership  with  Nelson  Leatherman  in  the  mercan- 
tile business,  in  which  he  is  still  engaged. 

V.  Ann  Eliza  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  13, 
1847.  Mrd.  Morris  J.  Davis,  son  of  Wilson  Davis, 
of  Montgomery ville,  Montg.  Co.,  May  15,  1869. 
Dealer  in  Produce  in  Philadelphia.  Baptists.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Ida  May  Davis,  born  May  25,  1870.  (VI.) 
Henry  Wilson  Davis,  born  Aug.  23,  1872.  (VI.) 
George  F.  Davis,  born  Aug.  31,  1874.  (VI.)  Mary  E. 
Davis,  born  Jan.  24,  1876.  (VI.)  Addie  L.  Davis, 
born  Aug.  5,  1878.  (VI.)  Clarence  Oliver  Davis,  born 
May  26,  1881;  died  May  12,  1886.  (VI.)  Walter  Calley 
Davis,  born  Nov.  11,  1883.  (VI.)  Raymond  Davis, 
born  Mar.  21,  1885;  died  May  21,  1886. 

V.  Lavina  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  5,  1850. 
Mrd.  Isaac  F.  Rickert,  of  Hilltown  Twp — .  Farmer. 
They  live  on  the  Old  Rickert  Homestead,  in  Hill- 
town. Children:  (VI.)  Clayton  David  Rickert.  (VI.) 
William  Henry  Rickert. 

V.  George  L.  Fretz,  born  Sept.  5,  1854.  Mrd. 
Maggie,  daughter  of  Valentine  K.  Clymer,  of  New 
Britain  Twp^  Jan.  29,  1876.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref. 
One  child:  (VI.)  Ida  Estella  Fretz. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  13,  1813. 
Mrd.  Henry  Shaddinger — .  Farmer  in  Plumstead 
Twp.  Children:  Barbara,  Susan,  Sarah,  EUas,  Sam- 
uel, Esther,  Christiana,  Rachel,  Hannah. 

V.  Barbara  Shaddinger,  born  Sept.  19,  1833.  Mrd. 
Charles  Shelly,  Jan.  5,  1854.  He  was  born  May  28, 
1829.  Farmer.  Children:  Isabella,  Mary,  Kitty, 
Ann,  Henry,  Ellen,  Lizzie. 

VI.  Isabella  Shelly,  born  Feb.  21,  1855.  Mrd.  Jere- 
miah Kriebel,  in  1873.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Charles  Kriebel,  born  Jan.  17,  1874. 
(VII.)  Jacob  Kriebel,  born  Apr.  7,  1876.  (VII.)  Wil- 
liam Kriebel,  born  Apr.  19,  1878.  (VII.)  Susie  Krie- 
bel, born  Jan. — ,  1881.  (VII.)  Henry  Kriebel,  born 
June  5,  1884. 

VI.  Mary  S.  Shelly,  born  May  16,  1858. 

—  su  — 

VI.  Kitty  Ann  Shelly,  born  May  9,  1861.  Mrd. 
Pearson  Wolfinger,  Dec.  23,  1882.  Carpenter.  Chil- 
dren: (VII,)  Enos  Wolfinger,  born  Sept.  19,  1885. 
(VII.)  Horace  Wolfinger,  born  Jan.  1,  1888. 

VI.  Henry  S.  Shelly,  born  June  9,  1863.  Mrd. 
Rosella  F.  Myers,  Nov.  22,  1881.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.  Children:  (VII.)  Ervin  F.  Shelly,  born  May  7, 
1886.   (VII.)  Charles  Shelly,  born  Nov.  29,  1889. 

VI.  Ella  S.  Shelly,  born  May  22,  1866.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham B.  Wismer.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  107). 

VI.  Lizzie  Shelly,  born  May  28,  1871. 

V.  Susan  Shaddinger,  born — .    Unmrd. 

V.  Sarah  Shaddinger,  born — .    Unmrd. 

V.   Elias  Shaddinger,  born  — .   Mrd. — ,  and  has  issue. 

V.  Samuel  Shaddinger,  born — .  Mrd.  Mary  Geh- 
man, — .    They  have  issue. 

V.  Esther  Shaddinger,  born — .  Mrd.  —  Jones.  He 
died — .  They  have  two  children.  Esther  mrd.  for 
her  second  husband,  —  Landis. 

V.  Christiana  Shaddinger,  born — .  Mrd.  Fred. 

V.  Rachel  Shaddinger,  born — .  Mrd.  Samuel  Beid- 
ler — .    (See  Index  of  References  No.  108). 

V.  Hannah  Shaddinger,  born  Sept.  19,  1858.  Mrd. 
John  Loux,  Jan.  7,  1882.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  WilHe  F.  Loux,  born  Feb.  27,  1884. 
(VI.)  John  Franklin  Loux,  born  Nov.  21,  1888. 

IV.  Jonas  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  7,  1815. 
Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Stover,  Sept.  28,  1841.  She  died  Nov. 
3,  1883.  Retired  merchant.  Resides  at  North  Wales. 
Children:  Amanda,  Harvey,  Anna,  Susanna. 

V.  Amanda  C.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  9,  1844.  Mrd.  J. 
Fennel  Berger,  in  1875.  Merchant  at  North  Wales, 
Pa.  Presbyterians.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  A.  Berger. 
(VI.)  Henry  J.  Berger. 

V.  Harvey  Fretz,  born  Nov.  18,  1846.  Mrd.  Mary 
P.  Price,  in  1868.  Manufacturer  of  brooms,  wooden 
and  willow  ware  in  Philadelphia.  Presbyterians.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Christiana  P.  Fretz.  (VI.)  Jonas  H.  Fretz. 
(VI.)  Edger  B.  Fretz. 

V.  Anna  Malinda  Fretz,  born  Dec.  8,  1847;  died 
Mar.  16,  1852. 

—  345  — 

V.  Siisaniia  Fretz,  born  Mar.  13,  1855;  died  Mar.  23, 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Backs  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  27, 
1817.  Mrd.  Sarah  Leatherman,  Oct.  8,  1840.  He  is  a 
farmer,  and  lives  on  a  farm  in  Plumstead,  which  he 

Surchased  in  — ,  and  where  he  now  lives,  retired, 
[embers  of  Old  Deep  Run  Mennonite  ch.  Children: 
Eli,  Joseph,  Mary,  Annie,  Henry,  Absalom,  John, 
Amos,  Sarah,  Thomas. 

V.  Eli  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  28,  1845. 
Mrd.  Estlier  A.  Swope,  Nov.  28,  1868.  He  received 
his  education  in  the  public  schools,  is  a  farmer,  and 
resides*  on  his  father's  farm.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary 
Flora  Fretz,  born  July  31,  1870.  (VI.)  Sarah  Emma 
Fretz,  born  Sept.  13,'  1872.  (VI.)  Arthur  S.  Fretz, 
born  Oct.  25,  1881. 

V.  Joseph  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  14, 
1847.  He  was  brought  up  on  the  farm,  afterwards 
lived  in  Philadelphia,  and  from  there  he  finally  settled 
in  Illinois. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  6,  1849. 
Mrd.  Thomas  D.  Worthington,  Feb.  6,  1869.  Their 
occupation  has  been  farming.  Reside  at  Dublin. 
Children:  (VI.)  Edgar  Worthington,  born  Apr.  18, 
1871.  (VI.)  Joseph  Worthington,  born  June  27, 1874. 
(VI.)  William  Henry  Worthington,  born  Dec.  9, 1876. 
(VI.)  Sarah  Elizabeth  Worthington,  born  May  9, 1879; 
died  Sept.  28,  1879.  (VI.)  Anna  Belle  Worthington, 
born  Auff.  21,  1880.  (VI.)  John  Worthington,  born 
Aug.  4,  ""1883.  (VI.)  Mary  Ella  Worthington,  born 
Apr.  3,  1887. 

V.  Annie  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  2,  1852. 
Mrd.  Harvey  Shaddinger.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  109). 

V.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  28,  1854. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Dotterer^  Dec.  25,  1875.  Farmer. 
Lives  on  a  farm  which  he  purchased  from  his  father. 
Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VI.)  Mary  Alice  Fretz,  born 
Apr.  24,  1880.  (VI.)  Minnie  Fretz,  born  Feb.  20,  1884. 
(VI.)  Allen  Steward  Fretz,  born  Sept.  22.  1887. 

V.  Absalom  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  5,  1856. 
Mrd.  A.  Laura  Fretz,   Dec.  27,   1883.     Painter,  but 

—  346  — 

after  marriage  he  settled  in  Philadelphia,  where  he 
has  since  been  engaged  in  the  grocery  business  with 
his  brother  Amos,  at  1430,  Norris  St.  Baptists.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Herbert  S.  Fretz,  born  Dec.  20,  1886. 
(VI.)  Walter  L.  Fretz,  born  June  12,  1889. 

V.  John  H.  Fretz,  M.  D.,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May 
19,  1858.  Mrd.  Mary  C.  Morris,  of  Frenchtown,  N.  J., 
Mar.  -i,  1886.  He  was  brought  up  on  the  farm,  and 
educated  in  the  public  school.  At  the  age  of  nineteen 
he  began  teaching  school,  which  he  followed  for  six 
years.  In  the  spring  of  1882,  he  began  reading  medi- 
cine under  Dr.  A,  M.  Cooper,  of  Point  Pleasant,  Pa. , 
and  in  the  spring  of  1885  he  graduated  from  the  Col- 
lege of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  of  Baltimore,  Md. 
The  same  spring  he  settled  at  Hagersville,  Pa.,  where 
he  is  engaged  in  the  practice  of  his  profession.  He 
and  wife  are  members  of  the  Baptist  ch.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Raymond  M.  Fretz,  born  June  30,  1888. 

V.  Amos  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  27,  1860. 
Mrd.  Kate,  daughter  of  Samuel  Welden,  of  Danboro, 
Pa.,  Oct.  27,  1886.  He  was  formerly  a" clerk  in  the 
store  with  J.  Gotwals,  at  Gardenville,  afterwards 
went  to  Philadelphia,  and  went  into  partnership  with 
his  brother,  Absalom,  in  the  grocery  business  which 
he  still  follows.  Baptists.  One  child:  (VI.)  Elsie  W. 

V.  Sarah  G.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  9, 1862. 
Mrd.  Rev.  Allen  M.  Steward,  of  Kansas,  a  Baptist 
minister.  Mar.  30,  1885,  they  live  on  a  land  claim 
which  they  purchased  near  Pyramid,  Kan.  Children: 
(VI.)  John  Fretz  Steward,  born  Jan.  11,  1886.  (VI.) 
Lucius  Bailey  Steward,  born  July  27,  1888.  (VI.) 
Henry  Allen  Steward,  born  Dec.  10,  1889. 

V.  Thomas  S.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Aug.  18, 1865. 
He  received  his  early  education  in  the  public  schools, 
and  afterwards  attended  Starkey  Seminary,  in  N.Y. 
He  taught  school  several  3^ears,  and  is  now  attending 
school  at  Lewisburg,  Pa.,  preparing  himself  for  the 
ministry  of  the  Baptist  church. 

IV.  Elias  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  1,  1820; 
died  Apr.  1,  1882.  Mrd.  Catharine  Gotwals,  Oct.  5, 
184:3.     She  was  born  Sept.   14,  1824;  died  Apr.  18, 

—  347  — 

1845,  leaving  no  issue.  Elias  mrd.  for  his  second  wife 
Esther  Leatherman,  Apr.  30,  1846.  She  was  born 
May  13,  1824;  died  May  7,  1875,  leaving  three  chil- 
dren. Elias  mrd.  for  his  third  wife  Mary  Hunsberger, 
— .  He  was  a  farmer,  and  lived  on  his  father's  farm 
in  Plumstead  Twp.  Mennonite.  Children  by  his  sec- 
ond wife:  Daniel,  John,  Charles. 

V.  Daniel  Fretz,  born  Sept.  2,  1847;  died  Mar.  15, 

V.  John  L.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  1,  1851. 
Mrd.  Sophia  Myers,  Oct.  9,  1875.  She  was  born  Oct. 
9,  1855.  Farmer,  owns  and  resides  on  the  old  home- 
stead in  Plumstead  Twp.  Mennonitcs.  Children: 
(VI.)  Wilson  L.  Fretz,  born  Apr.  15,  1878.  (VI.)  Ella 
Nora  Fretz,  born  Aug.  5,  1884.  (VI.)  Mary  Etta 
Fretz,  born  Sept.  16,  1886.  (VI.)  Flora  Fretz,  born 
May  20,  1888. 

V.  Charles  Fretz,  born  Oct.  2,  1855;  died  Sept.  20, 

IV.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  4,  1826. 
Mrd.  Daniel  Gotwals,  Feb.  29,  1844.  He  engaged  in 
the  mercantile  business,  at  Garden ville,  with  his 
brother-in-law,  Jonas  Fretz,  in  the  spring  of  1845. 
In  1850  he  removed  to  Dublin,  where  he  carried  on 
the  business  for  three  years;  then  returned  to  Gar- 
denville,  where  he  continued  in  the  business  until  the 
winter  of  1884,  when  his  son  Jonas  became  proprietor. 
Mems.  of  Christian  ch.  at  Carversville.  Children: 
Franklin,  John,  Jonas,  Emeline,  Esther,  Susanna, 
Mary,  Edwin,  William. 

V.  Franklin  F.  Gotwals,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  11, 
1845.  Mrd.  Emma  Jane  Shive,  Jan.  22,  1870.  She 
died  Nov.  11,  1887.  One  child:  (VI.)  John  Gotwals, 
born  — , 

V.  John  Gotwals,  born  Jan.  16,  1848;  died  Feb.  27, 

V.  Jonas  Gotwals,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  25,  1850, 
Mrd.  Martha  Ann  Louder,  Oct.  11,  1871.  Merchant 
at  Gardenville,  Pa.  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah  Florence 
Gotwals,  born  Nov.  2,  1872.  (VI.)  Daniel  Gotwals, 
born  Oct  11,  1874.  (VI.)  Samuel  Gotwals,  born  July 
16,  1877. 

—  348  — 

V.   Emclinc  Gotwals,  born  Nov.  2,  1851;  died  Sept. 

20,  1860. 

V.   Esther  Gotwals,  born  Aug.  22,  1854;  died  Sept. 

21,  1860. 

V.  Susanna  Gotwals,  born  July  25,  1857;  died  Sept. 
16,  1860.    These  three  died  of  Diphtheria. 

V.  Mary  Ellen  Gotwals,  born  Jan.  9,  1861;  died 
May  18,  1883. 

V.  Edwin  S.  Gotwals,  born  Jan.  20,  1865;  died  at 
Starkey  Seminary,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  17,  1882. 

V.  William  Gotwals,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Nov.  27, 1868. 

IV.  Susan  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  20,  1828. 
Mrd.  Thomas  Shelly,  Nov.  26,  1846.  Farmer  in 
Buckingham,  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Tobias,  Kate,  Sallie,  Samuel,  Daniel,  Eli. 

V.  Tobias  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  20,  1854. 
Mrd.  Susanna  Wismer,  Sept.  3,  1878.  Farmer  and 
lives  on  his  father's  farm.  Mennonites.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Bessie  May  Shelly,  born  Apr.  3,  1883. 

V.  Kate  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  16,  1856. 
Mrd.  John  L."^  Wismer,  Sept.  8,  1876.  Farmer  in 
Plumstead  Twp.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VI.)  Walter 
Wismer,  born  Nov.  28,  1878. 

V.  Sallie  G.  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  19. 
1858.  Mrd.  Leidy  Myers.  (See  Index  of  References 
No  110). 

V.  Samuel  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  12,  1861. 
Mrd.  Lizzie  Worstal,  Oct.  6,  1886.  In  milk  business 
in  Philadelphia.  One  child:  (VI.)  Edith  Shelly,  born 
Aug.  3,  1887. 

V.  Daniel  Shelly,  born  Oct.  26,  1864.   S. 

V.  Eli  F.  Shelly,"  born  June  12, 1868;  died  Dec.  24, 1870. 

III.  Mark  Fretz,  born—.  Mrd.  —  Wismer,—.  Chil- 
dren: Joseph,  Henry,  John,  Mary,  Barbara,  Elizabeth. 

IV.  Joseph  Fretz  born — . 

IV.  Henry  Fretz,  born  Nov.  27,  1811;  died  Sept.  12, 
1864.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Landis,  Dec.  12.  1852.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Maria,  Catharine,  Eliza,  Sarah, 

It  Q  T*  W  o  r*  Q 

V.  Maria  Fretz,  born  Jan.  6,  1855;  died  May  12,  1855. 

—  349  — 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  30, 
1856.  Mrd.  Isaac  M.  Swartz,  Sept.  7,  1878.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Elizabeth  Swartz,  born 
May  10,  1879;  died  Aug.  3,  1879.  (VI.)  —  Swartz, 
born  June  3,  1880;  died  May  20,  1885.  (VI.)  Annie 
Swartz,  born  Oct.  1:,  1882.  (VI.)  Ida  Swartz,  born 
Aug.  15,  1886. 

V.  Eliza  Fretz,  born  Sept.  27,  1858.  Mrd.  Mahlon 
Moj^er, — . 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  July  1,  1860.  Mrd.  Samuel 
L.  Myers,  Oct.  26,  1878.  He  died  Feb.  25.  1889. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VI.)  Anna  Myers, 
born  Jan.  26,  1885;  died  Jan.  16,  1887. 

V.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Jan.  7,  1863.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Y.  Moyer,  of  Springfield  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  May  24, 
1884.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  One  child:  (VI.)  Lizzie 
Moyer,  born  Jan.  31,  1887;  died  Feb.  9,  1887. 

IV.  John  Fretz,  l^orn — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Catharine 
Moyer,  Feb.  4,  1849.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Amanda,  Henry,  Barbara. 

V.  Amanda  Fretz,  born  Nov.  15,  1849.  Mrd.  John 
Keller,  Jan.  12,  1878.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VI.)  Minnie  Keller,  born  July  29,  1878.  (VI.)  Ervin 
Keller,  born  July  7,  1881.  (VI.)  Jacob  Keller,  born 
June  13,  1886. 

V.  Henry  Fretz,  born  July  22,  1852.  Mrd.  Susan 
Keller, — .  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VI.)  Wil- 
mer.   (VI.)  Phares.   (VI.)  Harvey.   (VI.)  Ida.  (VI.)  Delia. 

V.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Jan.  9,  1855.  Mrd.  Aaron 
Swartz,  Nov.  17,  1877.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.) 
Katie  Swartz,  born  Nov.  2,  1878.  (VI.)  Ella  Swartz, 
born  Nov.  17,  1880,  (VI.)  Isaac  Swartz,  born  May 
11,  1883.  (VI.)  Amanda  Swartz,  May  17,  1885.  (VI.) 
Samuel  Swartz,  born  Dec.  26,  1886.  (VI.)  Anna 
Swartz,  born  Jan.  26,  1889. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born—;  died  in  1889.  Mrd.  — 
Shelly, — .  He  died — .  Had  issue.  She  mrd.  for  her 
second  husband,  —  Frick. 

V.  Catharine  F.  Shelly,  born — .  Mrd.  Jacob  K. 
Angeny.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  111). 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  ])orn — ;  died — .  Mrd.  George 
Wismer, — . 

—  350  — 
IV.   Elizabeth  Fretz,  born — . 

III.  Esther  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  19,  1790; 
died  Mar.  28,  1865.  Mrd.  Christian  Gayman,  May  9, 
1809.  He  was  born  Feb.  9,  1782;  died  May  17,  1883. 
— They  lived  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  on  the  old  Gayman 
homestead,  late  the  property  of  John  Gayman. 
Shoemaker  and  farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  John, 
Barbara,  Elizabeth,  Leah,  Rachel,  Mary,  Henry, 
Christian,  Esther,  Sarah. — Esther,  mrd.  for  her 
second  husband  Benjamin  Wineberry,  Jan.  22,  1835. 

IV.  John  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co., — .  Mrd.  — 

IV.  Barbara  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  10, 
1812;  died  Nov.  27,  1859.  Mrd.  Henry  Hunsberger, 
of  Hilltown  Twp.  He  was  born  Mar.  14,  1811.  Soon 
after  marriage  (Mar.  14,  1834),  they  emigrated  to 
Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  by  team.  They  were  14^  days  on 
the  way.  They  settled  in  Clinton  Twp.,  where  they 
remained  three  years,  then  moved  to  South  Cayuga, 
Haldimand  Co.  Here  they  bought  120i  acres  of  wood- 
land for  13.00  per  acre.  Having  cleared  a  quarter  acre, 
they  began  building  a  log  house,  and  during  the  same 
summer  they  built  a  log  barn.  Six  acres  of  land  was 
cleared  off  and  sown  to  fall  wheat,  from  which  they 
obtained  80  bushels.  During  the  first  summer  they 
did  their  cooking  and  baking  by  a  large  tree.  At  that 
time,  wolves,  bears,  and  deer  were  very  plentiful. 
Members  of  the  Mennonite  ch. ,  of  which  Mr.  Huns- 
berger is  a  Deacon.  Children:  Jacob,  Esther,  Henry, 
Isaac,  Benjamin,  Catharine,  Samuel,  Barbara,  Amelia, 

V.  Jacob  G.  Hunsberger,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
Dec.  2,  1834.  Mrd.  Sarah  Jane  Huffman,  Mar.  4, 
1857.  His  occupation  is  "Keeping  Entire  horses," 
and  doctoring  domestic  animals  at  Dundee,  Waterloo 
Co.,  Ont.  U.  Brethren.  Children:  Hester,  Mary, 
Malinda,  Lavina,  Lottie. 

V.  Hester  Ann  Hunsberger,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Feb.  18,  1858.  Mrd.  Thomas  H.  Lamont,  Feb. 
18,  1844.  Soon  after  marriage  they  moved  to  Mani- 
toba, where  they  now  reside  near  High  Bluff.  Farmer 

—  351  — 

and  teacher.  Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Tira  La- 
ment.   (VII.)  Stella  Lament. 

VI.  Mary  Etta  Hmisberger,  born  in  Waterloo  Co., 
Ont.,  Sept.  21,  1859.  Mrd.  Thomas  Lind,  of  Water- 
loo, Jan.  1,  1879.  In  the  spring  of  1889  they  moved 
to  Beaver  Creek,  Manitoba,  where  they  have  several 
hundred  acres  of  land.  Farmer.  Scotch  Presbyterians. 
Children:  (VII.)  Alexander  Lind.  (VII.)  James  Lind. 
(VII.)  Jennie  Lind.    (VII.)  Lind. 

VI.  Malinda  Margaret  Himsberger.  born  in  Waterloo 
Co..  Ont.,  Aug.  22,  1863.  Mrd.  John  Wesley  Parks, 
Dec.  20,  1882.  Boss  dyer  for  the  Hespeler  Woolen 
MillsCo.,  of  Hespeler,  Waterloo  Co.,  Ont.  Metho- 
dists.   One  child:  (VII.  Edith  Maud  Parks. 

VI.  Lavina  Jane  Hunsberger,  born  in  Waterloo  Co., 
Ont.,  May  11,  1869.  Mrd.  Thomas  Cell,  of  Preston, 
Waterloo  Co. ,  Ont.  Boss  loom  fixer  for  the  Preston 
Woolen  Mills  Co.  Episcopalians.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Lila  Cell. 

VI.  Lottie  Elizabeth  Hunsberger,  born  in  Waterloo 
Co.,  Ont.,  Sept.  15,  1875.    S. 

V.  Esther  Hunsberger,  born  in  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont., 
July  27,  1836.  Mrd.  Christian  Bayer,  of  South  Cay- 
uga, in  Feb.  1861.  He  was  born  June  2,  1835.  He  is 
a  mem.  Men.  Br.  in  Christ.  She,  Mennonite.  Chil- 
dren: Henr3%  Benjamin,  Rosa,  Barbara. 

VI.  Henry  Bayer,  born  Oct.  7,  1861.  Mrd.  Sarah 
Lymburne'r,  of  South  Cayuga,  in  Sept.  1884.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Loretta  Mabel  Bayer,  born  Jan.  28,  1886. 
(VII.)  Elnorah  Bayer,  born  July  1,  1888. 

VI.  Benjamin  Bayer,  born  Dec.  28,  1863.  Resides  at 
Berlin,  Ont. 

VI.  Rose  Bayer,  born  June  5,  1866;  died  Aug.  29, 

VI.   Barbara  Bayer,  born  Oct.  29,  1870.    S. 

V.  Henry  Hunsberger,  born  in  Haldimand  Co. ,  Ont., 
Apr.  18,  1838.  Mrd.  Ehzabeth  Kinsley,  Dec.  25, 1861. 
She  was  born  Dec.  24,  1831.  Methodists.  Children: 
Kalesta,  Mary. 

VI.  Kalesta  Catharine  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  29, 
1865.  Mrd.  George  Wyhe,  of  Chatham,  Kent  Co., 
Ont.,    Feb.   18,    1885.     Saw-milling   and  farmer,    at 

—  352  — 

Comber,  Ont.  Mrs.  Wylie,  Presbyterian.  Children: 
(VII.)  David  Gordon  Wylie,  born  Jan.  2,  1886.  (VII.) 
Milton  Wylie,  born  Jan.  20,  1887;  died  Feb.  4,  1887. 
(VII.)  Gertrude  Maud  Wylie,  born  Apr.  18,  1888. 
VI.  Mary  Alice  Hunsberger,  born  May  8,  1867. 
Lives  at  Cresbertorine,  Ont. 

V.  Isaac  G.  Hunsberger,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Sept.  13,  1841.  Mrd.  Mary  Funk,  of  South 
Cayuga,  Apr.  14,  1863.  After  marriage  they  lived 
two  years  at  South  Cayuga,  then  mo^'ed  to  Rainham, 
where  they  lived  seventeen  years,  and  then  returned 
to  South  Cayuga,  where  they  now  reside.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.     Children:  Anna,  Jacob,  Rosetta,  John. 

VI.  Anna  Maria  Hunsberger,  born  in  South  Cayuga, 
Ont.,  Nov.  6,  1864.  Mrd.  Henry  Huber,  of  South 
Cayuga,  Jan.  10,  1886.  Farmer.  Mems.  Ev.  Ass. 
Children:  (VII.)  Burness  Huber,  born  Mar.  10,  1887. 
(VII.)  Clara  Elizabeth  Huber,  born  Sept.  21,  1888. 

VI.  Jacob  Henry  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  1,  1867. 
Mem.  Ev.  Ass. 

VI.  Rosetta  Hunsberger,  born  Jan.  13,  1872;  died 
May  13,  1877. 

VI.   John  Elmer  Hunsberger,  born  Dec.  5,  1878. 

V.  Benjamin  Hunsberger,  born  June  14,  1842;  died 
Aug.  23,  1842. 

V.  Catharine  Hunsberger,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Aug,  20,  1843;  died  Oct.  26,  1859,  aged  16y., 
2m.,  6d. 

V.  Samuel  Hunsberger,  born  in  Haldimand  Co., 
Ont.,  Aug.  23.  1845.  Mrd.  Susannah  High,  Feb.  9, 
1869.  She  died  Aug.  29,  1884.  He  is  a  farmer,  and 
lives  on  the  old  homestead,  at  South  Cuyaga.  Mrs. 
Hunsberger  was  a  member  of  the  Mennonite  ch. 
Children:  (VI.)  William  Hunsberger,  born  Nov.  17, 
1869;  died  Dec.  14,  1877,  aged  8y.,  27d.  (VI.)  Abra- 
ham Hunsberger,  born  Mar.  9,  1872.  (VI.)  Martha 
Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  7,  1874.  (VI.)  Annie  Huns- 
berger, born  July  9,  1877;  died  Apr.  4,  1878.  (VI.) 
Alvin  Hunsberger,  born  Nov.  11,  1879.  Samuel  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  Mary  Cook,  Sept.  20,  1885.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Laura  Hunsberger,  born  June  10,  1886. 
(VI.)  Roy  Hunsberger,  born  Aug.  13,  1888. 

—  353  — 

V.  Barbara  Hunsbero;er,  born  at  South  Cayuga, 
Nov.  5,  1848.    Mrd.  Henry  Snyder,  of  Rainham,  May 

25,  1869.  Farmer  and  carpenter.  They  lived  in  Rain- 
ham  19  years,  then  moved  to  South  Cayuga,  where 
they  now  reside.  Mennonites.  Children:  (Vl.)  Elliot 
Snyder,  born  Aug.  18,  1870.  (VI.)  Lavina  Snyder, 
born  Mar.  31,  1872;  died  May  6,  1883.  (VI.)  Lucinda 
Snyder,  born  Aug.  26,  1874.  (VI.)  Amelia  Barbara 
Snyder,  born  June  11,  1876.  (VI.)  Elizabeth  Alice 
Snyder,  born  Dec.  12,  1878.  (VI.)  Edward  Snyder, 
born  Sept.  26,  1879.  (VI.)  Eva  Anna  Snyder,  Taorn 
May  17,  1881.    (VI.)  Jacob  Henry  Snyder,  born  Nov: 

26,  1882.  (VI.)  Rosan  Snyder,  born  Sept.  15,  1884. 
(VI.)  Mary  Catharine  Snyder,  born  Apr.  26,  1886; 
died, Sept.  21,  1887.  (VI.)  William  Samuel  Snyder, 
born  Sept.  12,  1887. 

V.  Amelia  Hunsberger,  born  May  16,  1851;  died 
Aug.  19,  1884,  aged  33y.,  3m.,  3d.  She  was  always 
respected  and  loved  by  her  many  friends.  She  was 
converted  at  the  age  of  17,  and  united  with  the  Ev.  ch. 
She  lived  a  consistent  life  up  to  the  time  of  her  death, 
and  passed  away  in  the  triumphs  of  faith. 

V.  Elizabeth  Hunsberger,  born  at  South  Cayuga, 
Sept.  30,  1853.  Mrd.  Christian  Cook,  Sept.  22,  1874. 
Res.  in  Kent  Co.,  Ont.  Methodists.  Children:  (VI.) 
Jessie  Rosalpha  Cook,  born  Sept.  23,  1875.  (VI.) 
William  Edmund  Cook,  born  Aug.  2,  1876.  (VI.) 
Florence  Maud  Cook,  born  June  19,  1886. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Gay  man,  born — .    Mrd.  Philip  High. 

IV.  Rachel  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
15,  1815;  died  Dec.  10,  1881.  Mrd.  Joseph  High, 
Nov.  25,  1849.    Farmer.    Mennonites.    One  child: 

V.  Mary  High,  born  Sept.  11,  1853;  died  Nov.  26, 
1881.  Mrd.  John  M.  Overholt,  Feb.  1,  1879.  One 
child:    (VI.)  Rachel  H.  Overholt,  born  Nov.  20,  1880. 

IV.  Leah  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  15,  1815; 
died  Aug.  9,  1876.  In  the  spring  of  1843  she  went  to 
visit  her  sister,  in  Canada.  She  remained  there,  and 
was  mrd.  to  Jacob  Stoner,  of  South  Cayuga,  Sept. 
30,  1845.  He  died  Feb.  8,  1886.  Farmer  in  Haldi- 
mand  Co.,  Ont.  Mennonites.  Children:  Benjamin, 
Rachel,  Jacob,  Infant,  John,  Sarah. 


—  354  — 

V.  Benjamin  Stoner,  born  in  Haldimand  Oo.,  Ont., 
Oct.  9,  1846.  Resides  on  the  Old  Homestead,  in 
Haldimand  Co.,  Ont.  Farmer.  Mem.  Ev.  Ass. 

V.  Rachel  Stoner,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont.,  July 
5,  1848;  died  Feb.  21,  1885.  Mrd.  Peter  Storm,  of 
Humberstone,  Welland  Co.,  Ont.,  Oct.  28,  1873. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Luzetta  Alice 
Storm,  born  Nov.  29,  1874.  (VI.)  Leslie  Benjamin 
Storm,  born  Sept.  30,  1877.  (VI.)  Elra  Edmond 
Storm,  born  Feb.  26,  1880.  (VI.)  Elsie  Gabell  Storm, 
born  Mar.  19,  1882.  (VI.)  Ida  May  Storm,  born  Jan. 
16,  1885. 

V.  Jacob  Stoner,  born  Jan.  4,  1850;  died  Ano;.  2, 

V.  Infant  son,  born  and  died  May  1,  1852. 

V.  John  Stoner,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont.,  Apr. 
22,  1864.  Mrd.  Adelia  Wismcr,  danMiter  of  John 
and  Agnes  Wismer,  of  Lincoln  Co.,  Ont.,  Dec.  31, 
1878.  Formerly  a  farmer,  now  employed  in  Button 
factory  at  Berlin,  Ont.  Ref.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VI.)  Wilson  Stoner,  born  Julv  18,  188L  (VI.)  Justus 
Stoner,  born  May  25,  1886. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Stoner,  born  in  Haldimand  Co.,  Ont., 
Mar.  8,  1860.  Lives  on  the  Old  Homestead  with  her 
brother.  Unmrd. 

IV.  Mary  Gayman,  born  in  1819;   died  single.    ■ 

IV.  Henry  Gayman,  born  in  1821 — . 

IV.  Christian  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  2, 
1823.  .  Mrd.  Mary  L.  Shaddinger,  Sept.  30,  1845. 
Farmer  near  Fountainville.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Abraham,  Harvey. 

V.  A.  James  Gayman,  born  Oct.  12,  1847.  Mrd. 
Lydia  Swartzlander,  June  14,  1877.  Mr.  Gayman, 
began  teaching  school  in  1866,  and  has  followed  that 
profession  ever  since.  One  child:  (VI.)  Paul  Swartz- 
lander Gayman,  born  May  13,  1885. 

V.  Harvey  Gayman,  born  Apr.  12,  1849.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Gross,  in  Sept.,  1876.  He  was  formerly  a 
school  teacher,  but  now  lives  on  a  farm  adjoining  his 
father's,  which  he  purchased  in  1885.  Children:  (VI.) 
Bertha  Gayman,  born  July  23,  1879.    (VI.)    J.  Willis 

—  355  — 

Gayman,  born  Sept.  4,  1882;    died   Feb.    23,    1889. 
(VI,)  George  G.  Gayman,  born  Mar.  1,  1886. 

IV.  Esther  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov. 
18,  1826.  Mrd.  Jacob  C.  Crouthamel,  of  Bedminster 
Twp.,  May  18.  1845.  Farmer.  Children:  William, 
Elizabeth,  Esther,  Israel,  Christian,  Mary,  Adam, 
Anna,  Leah,  Jacob,  Samuel,  Lydia,  Rachel. 

VI  William  James  Crouthamel,  born  Jan.  18,  1847. 
Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Keller,  Nov.  29,  1873.  Shoemaker 
and  Creameryman.  Lutheran.  Children:  (VI.)  Byron, 
born  Jan.  30,  1881.  (VI.)  Sarah,  born  June  16,  1882. 
(VI.)  Austin,  born  July  29,  1885.  (VI.)  Cephas,  born 
Apr.  9,  1887. 

V.  Elizabeth  Crouthamel,  born  June  19,  1848.  Mrd. 
Joseph  D.  Hagey,  Sept.  12,  1868.  He  was  born  Apr. 
1,  1841.  Shoemaker.  Lutherans.  Children:  (vl.) 
Edward  C.  Hagey,  born  July  23,  1869.  Harness- 
maker.  (VI.)  Anna  Martha  Hagey,  born  Dec.  3,  1870. 
Tailoress.  Lutheran.  (VI.)  Wilson  C.  Hagey,  born 
Apr.  6,  1872.  Harness-maker.  (VI.)  Clayton  C. 
Hagey,  born  Dec.  1,  1873;  died  Sept.  4,  1887.  (VI.) 
Jacob  Leidy  Hagey,  born  Aug.  7,  1875.  (VI.)  John 
Harrison  Hagey,  born  Aug.  9,  1876;  died  same  day. 
(VI.)  William  Allen  Hagey,  born  May  12,  1877.  (VI.) 
Stella  Hagey,  born  Apr.  16,  1879.  (VI.)  Justus 
Theodore  Hagey,  born  Apr.  11,  1881.  (VI.)  Lester 
Hagey,  born  Oct.  15,  1882;  died  Oct.  17,  1882. 

V.  Esther  Crouthamel,  born  May  24,  1850.  Mrd. 
John  C.  Detweiler,  of  Haycock,  Sept.  9,  1871.  La- 
borer, and  Toll  Collector  near  Dublin.  Lutherans. 
Children:  (VI.)  Isaac  C.  Detweiler,  born  Sept.  9, 1873. 
(VI.)  Anna  Mary  Detweiler,  born  Nov.  14,  1875.  (VI.) 
Esther  Elizabeth  Detweiler,  born  Apr.  15,  1877.  (VI.) 
Jacob  Aaron  Detweiler,  born  Apr.  15,  1880. 

V.  Israel  G.  Crouthamel,  born  Sept.  10,  1851.  Mrd. 
Mary  Ann  Moyer,  May  19,  1877.  She  was  born  Nov. 
16,  1854;  died  June  8,  1882.  He  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Lizzie  O.  Fretz,  June  9,  1883.  Shoemaker. 
Lutherans.  Children:  (VI.)  Emerson  F.  Crouthamel, 
born  Mar.  15,  1884.  (VI.)  Susanna  F.  Crouthamel, 
born  Sept.  2,  1885.     (VI.)  C3TUS  F.  Crouthamel,  born 

—  356  — 

Feb.  20,  1887.  (VI.)  Henry  A.  Crouthamel,  born  Oct. 
29,  1888. 

V.  Christian  Crouthamel,  born  Aug.  15,  1853.  Mrd. 
Catharine  Shelly. 

V.  Mary  Ella  Crouthamel,  born  Dec.  17,  1855;  died 
Oct.  IS,  1861. 

V.  Adam  Crouthamel,  born  Oct.  8,  1857.  Mrd.  Re- 
becca Daub — . 

V.  Anna  Catharine  Crouthamel,  born  Aug.  19,  1859; 
died  Mar.  14,  1883.    Mrd.  Lewis  H.  Hoffman. 

V.  Leah  Crouthamel,  born  Mar.  27,  1861.  Mrd. 
Aaron  Loux. 

V.  Jacob  J.  Crouthamel,  born  Apr.  30,  1863.  Mrd. 
Sallie  Theroff'. 

V.  Samuel  L.  Crouthamel,  born  Nov.  9,  1864.  Mrd. 
Lillie  Adelia  Bauder. 

V.  Lydia  Ann  Crouthamel,  born  Jan.  28,  1868.  S. 

V.  Rachel  Crouthamel,  born  Dec.  6,  1871.   S. 

IV.  Sarah  Gayman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  12, 
1829.  Mrd.  Samuel  F.  Young,  Aug.  15,  1847.  Car- 
penter and  Shoemaker.  Methodists.  Reside  at  Lam- 
bertville,  N.  J.  Children:  Alvin,  Benjamin,  William, 
Esther.  Susanna,  Lydian,  Emma,  Samuel,  Charles, 

V.  Alvin  L,  Young,  born  Apr.  24,  1849;  died  July 
31,  1851. 

V.  Benjamin  W.  Young,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept. 
1,  1851.  Mrd.  Mary  Jane  Pritchard,  of  Buckingham 
Twp.,  Oct.  28,  1871.  She  was  born  Nov.  11,  1851. 
Clerk  in  store  at  Point  Pleasant,  Pa.  Baptists.  No 

V.  Willliam  H.  Young,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp., 
July  13,  1854.  Mrd.  Anna  R.  Kilmer,  of  Tinicum 
Twp.,  Bucks  Co.  Miller.  Baptist.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Tessie  Young. 

V.  Esther  E.  Young,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp. ,  Sept. 
8,  1857.  Mrd.  Jacob  Bright,  of  Plumstead  Twp., 
July  23,  1853.  Flagman  on  Penna.  R.  R.  Baptists. 
Children:  (VI.)  Edward  Y.  Bright,  born  Nov.  20, 
1875.  (VI.)  Howard  C.  Bright,  born  July  24,  1877. 
(VI.)  William  K.  Bright,  born  Oct.  12,  1880.  (VI.) 
Albert  V.  Bright,  born  Auff.  30,  1883.    (VI.)    Charles 

—  357  — 

W.  Bright,  lx)rn  Aui^.  16,  1886.  (VI.)  Elizabeth  F. 
Briijht,  born  Sept.  30,  1888. 

V.  Lydia  Youno;,  born  in  Phimstead  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Apr.  7,  1862.  Mrd.  William  Miller,  of  Carvers- 
ville,  Pa.  Children:  (VI.)  Wilson  Miller.  (VI.)  Harry 
Miller.   (VI.)  Laura  Miller.   (VI.)  Sarah  Miller. 

V.  Susanna  Young,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Feb.  11,  1860.  Mrd.  Charles  B.  Still,  of  Hat- 
boro.  Pa.  They  emigrated  to  Northern  Dakota,  Apr. , 
1885,  took  land,  and  are  now  farming.  Mrs.  Still, 
Baptist.  Children:  (VI.)  Lambert  Still.  (VI.)  Sarah 
M.  Still. 

V.  Emma  Jane  Youno^,  born  in  Pipersville,  Bucks 
Co.,  Aug.  26.  1864.  Mrd.  Frederick  Schultze,  of 
New  Hope,  Pa. — .  Laborer.  Mrs.  Schultze,  Baptist. 
Children:  (VI.)  Walter  Schultze,  born— ;  died—.  (VI.) 
Samuel  Schultze,  born — ;  died — .  (VI.)  Richard  F. 

V.  Samuel  G.  Young,  born  at  Point  Pleasant,  Pa., 
Oct.  5,  1866.  Mrd.  Clara  Fenner,  of  New  Hope,  Pa. 
— .    Laborer.    One  child:  (VI.)  Louisa  Young. 

V.  Charles  E.  Young,  born  in  Point  Pleasant,  Pa., 
Nov.  28,  1869,  at  Lambertville,  N.  J. 

V.  Sarah  Young,  born  Jan.  19, 1871;  died  Jan.  22, 1871. 

III.  Henry  Fretz,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Susan  God- 
shalk — .     Children:  Mary,  Barbara. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born — ";  died.  Mrd.  Abraham  Shad- 
dinger — .  Farmer  and  drover.  Children:  Andrew, 
Susanna,  Henry,  Hannah. 

V.  Andrew  Shaddinger,  born  June  29,  1838.  Mrd. 
Martha  Smith,  Nov.  24,  1864.  She  was  born  Apr. 
27,  1844.  Merchant  at  Point  Pleasant,  Pa.  Children: 
Mary,  Adda. 

VI.  Mary  S.  Shaddinger,  born  May  21,  1868.  Mrd. 
William  R.  Cooper,  M.  D., — .  Physician  at  Point 
Pleasant,  Pa.,  where  he  enjoys  an  extensive  practice. 

VI.  Adda  Shaddinger,  born  Dec.  25,  1871. 

V.  Susanna  Shaddinger,  born  Nov.  16,  1843.  Mrd. 
John  D.  Walter,  Nov.  2,  1865.  Merchant  at  Point 
Pleasant.  Member  and  Deacon  of  the  Baptist. 
Children:  Willis,  Ella,  Charles. 

—  358  — 

VI.  J.  Willis  Walter,  born  Sept.  12,  1868.  He  is 
reading  Medicine  under  Dr.  A.  M.  Cooper,  and  tak- 
ing a  Collegiate  Course  at  the  Medico  Chirurgical  Col- 
lege in  Philadelphia. 

VI.  Ella  Walter,  born  Apr.  13,  1874. 

VI.  Charles  Arthur  Walter,  born  Nov.  17,  1882. 

V.  Henry  Shaddinger,  born — .     S. 

V.  Hannah  Shaddinger,  born — . 
.  IV.  Barabara  Fretz,  born — . 

ill.  Jonas  Fretz,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Elizabeth 
Alderfer — .  Farmer,  in  Bedminster  Twp.  Children: 
Barbara,  Mary,  Isaac,  Eliza,  Catharine,  Hannah, 
Levi,  Sarah. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born — . 

IV.  MaryjFretz,  born — ;  died — .  Mrd.  Christian 
Leatherman, — .  Had  issue,  and  mostly  mrd. 

IV.  Isaac  Fretz,  born  in  1828;  died  1885.  Mrd. 
Anna  Myers  in  1854.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Jonas,  Ebas,  Sarah,  Mary. 

V.  Jonas  Fretz,  born  in  1854.  Mrd.  Anna  Tyson,  in 

V.  Elias  Fretz,  born  in  1855.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Tyson, 
1884.  Children:  (VI.)  Oscar  Fretz,  born  in  1885.  (VI.) 
Ervin  Fretz,  born  in  1887. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  1858.     S. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  1860.     S. 

IV.  Eliza  Fretz,  born—.  Mrd.  William  Myers,  of 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born — ;   died  unmrd. 

IV.  Hannah  Fretz,  born — ;  died—.  Mrd.  Lewis 
Myers."  (See  Index  of  References  No.  112). 

IV.  Sarah  Fretz,  born—.  Mrd.  John  Overholt.  (See 
Index  of  References  No.  113). 

IV.  Levi  A. ^' Fretz,  born—;  died  May  17,  1885. 
Mrd.  Mary  Overholt — .  .  Children:  Joseph,  Lizzie, 
Abraham,  Mary. 

V.  Joseph  O.  Fretz,  born  in  1856.  Mrd.  Hulda 
Leatherman,  Aug.  2,  1879.  Commission  Merchant. 
No  issue. 

V.  Lizzie  O.  Fret.z,  born  Jime  19,  1858.  Mrd.  Israel 
Q,  Qvqutka^me],    (See  Index  of  References  Np,  114), 

—  359  — 

V.  Abraham  O.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  29,  1859.  Mrd. 
Sue  Moyer,  Sept.  6,  1881.  Farmer.  New  Mennonites. 
One  child:  (VI.)  Joseph  Warren  Fretz,  born  May  16, 

V.  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born—.  Mrd.  Reuben  D. 
Landis.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  145). 

III.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  m  Bucks  Co.,  May  19, 
1793;  died  Apr.  23,  1875.  Mrd.  Susanna  Bergy— . 
She  was  born  Mar.  18,  1793;  died  Mar.  19,  1878. 
Farmer  and  Minister.  Ho  was  ordained  to  the  min- 
istry of  the  Mennonite  church  in  1843,  and  faithfully 
served  the  church  for  about  thirty-two  years.  Chil- 
dren: Jacob,  Barbara,  Henry,  Abraham. 

IV.  Jacob  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  25,  1816. 
Mrd.  Susan  Bergy,  Jan.,  1837.  Carpenter,  and  far- 
mer. At  present  speculator  in  Brewery  grain,  at 
Hatfield,  Pa,  Children:  Mary,  Abraham,  Susan, 
Jacob,  Sarah,  William,  and  two  died  young. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born  Feb.  12,  1837.  Mrd.  John 
M.  Smith,  Nov.  15,  1858.  He  died  Feb.  16,  1878.  No 
issue.  Mary  Ann  mrd.  for  her  second  husband,  Peter 
D.  Hedrick,  Nov.  7,  1883.     Butcher.    Ger.  Ref.     No 


V.  Abraham  H.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  30,  1840.  Mrd. 
Mary  Amanda  Hendricks—.  She  died  Feb.  3,  1880. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Elizabeth  H. 
Fretz,  born  Feb.  25,  1871.  (VI.)  Henry  H.  Fretz, 
bor'^  July  25,  1872;  died  Mar.  25,  1876.  (VI.)  Joseph 
H.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  2,  1874.  (VI.)  William  H.  Fretz, 
born  May  20,  1876.  (VI.)  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born  Oct. 
25,  1878.  Abraham  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Su- 
sanna R.  Rickert — .  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah  R.  Fretz, 
born  Sept.  27,  1881.  (VI.)  Ellen  R.  Fretz,  born  Sept. 
28,  1883;  died  Sept.  24,  1884.  (VI.)  Ida  R.  Fretz, 
born  Jan.  5,  1885.  (VI.)  Emma  R.  Fretz,  born  Sept. 
4,  1886.    (VI.)  David  R.  Fretz,  born  Apr.  25,  1888. 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  Apr.  19,  1843;  died  Aug.  24, 
1887.  Mrd.  Christian  G.  Musselman,  in  1861.  He 
was  killed  Feb.  18,  1874.  Wheelwright.  Seven  chil- 
dren; Five  living;  two  dead. 

—  360  — 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  Mar.  10,  1846.  Mrd.  David 
Heavner,  Jan.  20,  1872.,    Tinsmith.    No  issue. 

V.  Jacob  B.  Fretz,  born  July  11,  1851.    S. 

V.  William  B.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  29,  1858.  Mrd. 
Mary  Ellen  Rosenberger,  Nov.  27,  1879.  She  was 
born  Apr.  15,  1858.  Tinsmith  and  Sheet  Iron  worker. 
Dunkards.    No  issue. 

IV.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  Dec.  15,  1817;  died  July  4, 
1890.  Mrd.  Samuel  Fellman.  Five  children:  Four 
died  single,  one:  (V.)  Henry  Fellman,  born — .  Mrd. 
Catharine  Bean — . 

IV.  Henry  B.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  14, 
1821.  Mrd.  Barbara  Eosenberger,  Oct.  9,  1842. 
Mason  by  trade,  and  retired  farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Sarah,  Abraham,  Susanna,  Sylvester, 
Mary,  James. 

V.  Sarah  Ann  Fretz,  born  Nov.  29,  1844.  Mrd. 
James  Garis,  Mar.  21,  1874.  Teamster  at  2246  Tyson 
St.,  Philadelphia.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VI.)  Pear- 
son Garis,  born  Sept.  15,  1875;  died  Nov.  18,  1875. 
(VI.)  Mary  Ellen  Garis,  born  Apr.  5, 1881;  died  Apr. 
14,  1882.  (VI.)  Warren  Garis,  born  Aug.  4,  1877. 
(VI.)  Sylvester  Garis,  born  Mar.  19,  1883. 

V.  Abraham  Joseph  Fretz,  born  Apr.  9,  1847.  Mrd. 
Mary  Handle,—.  She  died—.  Two  children:  (VI.) 
Frank  H.,  (VI.)  William  H.  He  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Susan  Yoder — .  Children:  (VI.)  Ephraim  Y. 
(VI.)  Laura  Y.  (VI.)  Cora  Y.  (VI.)  Malinda  Y.  (VI.) 
Martha  (dec'd).   (VI.)  Bertha  (dec'd). 

V.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  Aug.  14,  1850.  Mrd.  Addi- 
son Reinhart,  Dec.  5,  1868.  Fanner  and  Tailor. 
Dunkards.  Children:  (VI.)  Alice  Reinhart,  born  Apr. 
17,  1869.  (VI.)  Infant,  died  unnamed.  (VI.)  Erwin 
Reinhart,  born  June  8,  1871;  died  Apr.  21,  1872. 
(VI.)  Nelson  Reinhart,  born  Aug.  24,  1872.  (VI.) 
Clinton  Reinhart,  born  Dec.  12,  1874.  (VI.)  Mabel 
Reinhart,  born  June  25,  1885. 

V.  Sylvester  R.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  5,  1854.  Mrd. 
Laura  Yeager — .  Children:  (VI.)  Amanda  Naomi 
Fretz,  born—;  died—.   (VI.)  Martha  Fretz. 

V.  Mary  Amanda  Fretz,  born  Aug.  31,  1857.  S. 

—  361  — 

V.  James  Henry  Fretz,  born  Sept.  10,  1862;  died 
Nov,  6.  1881. 

IV.  Abraham  B.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  7, 
1824.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  S.  Stanffer,  Jan.  28,  1849. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Cornelius,  Samuel, 
Abraham,  Susanna,  Catharine,  George,  Elizabeth, 
Henry,  Mary. 

V.  Cornelius  Fretz,  born  Dec.  18,  1849;  died  Feb. 

V.  Samuel  S.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  12, 
1851.  Mrd.  Anna  M.  Rickert,  of  Philadelphia,  in 
1876.  Manufacturer  of  Umbrellas,  Parasols  and 
Canes.  Res.  Philadelphia.  Children:  (VI.)  Frank 
Howard  Fretz,  born  Feb.  20,  1877.  (VI.)  Florence 
May  Fretz,  born  July  23,  1878;  died  Jan.  5,  1880. 
(VI.)  Jay  Warren  Fretz,  born  July  19,  1880. 

V.  Abraham  Fretz,  born  July  19,  1852;  died  Dec. 
3,  1869. 

V.  Susanna  Fretz,  born  Sept.  20,  1853;  died  Feb. 
24,  1863. 

V.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Jan.  3,  1856;  died  Feb.  19, 

V.  George  W.  Fretz,  born  July  4,  1857.  Mrd.  Lucy 
A.  Wiegner^ — .  Manufacturer  of  Shirts  and  dealer 
in  Men's  Furnishing  Goods,  in  Philadelphia.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  (VI.)  Samuel  Harvey  Fretz,  born 
July  3,  1881.  (VI.)  Dora  May  Fretz,  born  Sept.  22, 
1884.   (Vl.^  Lizzie  Fretz,  born  Mar.  18,  1889. 

V.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Sept.  22,  1858;  died  Mar. 
1,  1863. 

V.  Henry  Fretz,  born  July  9,  1861;  died  Aug.  28, 

V.  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born  June  8,  1864.  Mrd.  Isaiah 
W.  Gross,  Oct.  14,  1884.  Foreman  in  Samuel  S. 
Fretz's  Umbrella  Factory,  in  Philadelphia.  Menno- 
nites. One  child:  (VI.)  Anna  Elizabeth  Gross,  born 
Jan.  11,  1887. 

III.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  27,  1797; 
died  July  21,  1872.  Mrd.  Joseph  Wisler,  in  Mar., 
1827.  He  was  born  Dec.  7,  1796.  Farmer,  and 
Weaver.    They  at  first  lived  in  Haycock  Twp.,  and 

—  362  — 

then  moved  to  the  Old  Henry  Fretz'  Homestead,  in 
Bedminster,  which  he  still  owns.  He  resides  at  pres- 
ent with  his  son-in-law,  Henry  Lapp,  near  Doyles- 
town.  Mennonites.  Children:  John,  Henry,  Bar- 
bara, Samuel. 

IV.  John  Wisler,  born  Apr.  8,  1828;  died  July  21, 
1851.    Farmer,  and  Shoemaker. 

IV.  Henry  Wisler,  born  Aug.  19,  1830.  Mrd.  Mary 
Myers,  Jan.  4,  1854.  She  died — .  Children:  Joseph, 
Abraham,  Sarah,  Lydia.  He  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Mary  Myers,  in  Jan.,  1866.  Carpenter.  Chil- 
dren: Mary,  Emma,  Rachel. 

V.  Joseph  Wisler,  born  Sept.  10,  1856.  Mrd.  Kitty 
Allen,  in  Oct.,  1880.  Employed  in  Rolling  Mill,  at 
Bethlehem,  Pa.    Children:  (VI.)  Toleda,  Clarence. 

V.  Abraham  Wisler,  born  in  Sept.,  1858.  Mrd- 
Emma  Miller—.  Children:  (VI.)  Ida  May  Wisler, 
born  Jan.  15,  1888.  (VI.)  —Daughter,  borri  Sept.  20, 

V.  Sarah  Ann,  and  Lydia  Wisler,  born — ;  died  in 
Jan.,  1865;  both  buried  in  one  grave. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Wisler,  born  Oct.,  1867.    S. 

V.  Emma  Wisler,  born  in  1868.  Mrd.  Milton  Moyer, 
Dec.  25,  1887.  Laborer.  One  child:  (VI.)  Joseph 

V.  Rachel  Wisler,  born  in  1870;  died — . 

IV.  Barbara  Wisler,  born  Oct.  15, 1832.  Mrd.  Henry 
Lapp,  in  Feb.,  1852.  Farmer,  near  Doylestown.  Chil- 
dren: Abraham,  Joseph,  Samuel. 

V.  Abraham  Lapp,  born  in  1853;    died  Jan.  5,  1854. 
V.  Joseph  Lapp,  born  Jan.  16,  1855.    Mrd.   Sallie 

Godshalk,  Dec.  8,  1877.  Boot  and  Shoemaker.  Men- 
nonites. One  child:  (VI.)  Dyllwin  Lapp,  born  Sept. 
19,  1883;  died  next  day. 

V.  Samuel  Lapp,  born — .  Mrd.  Sallie  Swartly,  in 
Oct.,  1880.  Teamster  at  Lansdale,  Pa.,  Children: 
(VI.)  Lizzie.   (VI.)  Laura. 

IV.  Samuel  Wisler,  born  Nov.  23,  1835.  Mrd.  Sarah 
Moyer,  Nov.  15,  1857.  She  was  born  Apr.  4,  1835. 
Farmer  in  Bedminster  Twp.  Children:  Henry,  Isaac, 
Anna,  Joseph,  Noah,  Jofin,   Mary,   Abr^hain,   Svi* 

—  363  — 
sanna,  Sarah,  Sainuel,  Lydia,  Jonas,  Elizabeth,  Bar- 

V.  Henry  Wisler,  born  Aug.  30,  1858.  Mrd.  Isa- 
belleKeeler,  Oct.  9,  1881.  Farmer  at  Hatfield,  Pa. 
No  issue. 

V.  Isaac  Wisler,  born  Jan.  26,  1860;  died  Mar. 
26,  1860.  '      ' 

V.  Anna  Wisler,  born  Apr.  28,  1861.  Mrd.  Joseph 
Alderfer,  Sept.  3,  1882.  Farmer.  Children:  (VI.) 
Sallie.   (VI.)  John. 

V.  Joseph  M.  Wisler,  born  Sept.  28,  1862;  died 
May  7,  1863. 

V."Noah  Wisler,  born  Nov.  13,  1863.  Mrd.  Jane  C. 
Rumfelt,  July  30,  1886.  Farmer.  Children:  (VI.) 
Stella.   (VI.)  Matilda. 

V.  John  Wisler,  born  Jan.  15,  1865;  died  Feb.  21, 

V.  Mary  Wisler,  born  Jan.  17,  1866;  died  Dec.  5, 

V.  Abraham  Wisler,  born  June  26,  1867;  died  same 

V.  Susanna  Wisler,  born  July  6, 1868;  died  24  hours 
after  birth. 

V.  Sarah  Wisler,  born  June  18,  1869;  died  Aug.  13, 

V.  Samuel  Wisler,  born  July  12,  1870;  died  Mar. 
18    1871  .,  " 

v!  Lydia  Wisler,  born  Jan.  8,  18^2.    S. 

V.  Jonas  Wisler,  born  Mar.  13,  1874;  died  Oct.  2, 

V.  Elizabeth  Wisler,  born  June  28,  1875. 

V.  Barbara  Wisler,  born  July  29,  1877. 

V.  Allen  Wisler,  born  Nov.  30,  1882;  died  Apr.  6, 

III.  David  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  12,  1801; 
died  at  Steinsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  5,  1869.  Mrd.  Mary 
Engleman,  daughter  of  Andrew  Engleman,  of  Upper 
Saucon.  She  died  Mar.  17,  1846,  aged  34  years.  He 
was  merchant,  and  had  a  store  at  Plumsteadville  fo 
eighteen  years.  During  the  latter  part  of  his  life  h 
Uved  with  bi^  daughter,  Minerva,  retired  from  bus 

—  364  — 

ness.  The  last  seven  years  of  his  life  he  was  speech- 
less, suffering  from  a  paralytic  stroke  from  which  he 
died.     Children:  Minerva,  Oliver,  Infant. 

IV.  Minerva  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr.  10, 
1835.  Mrd.  Levi  H.  Leatherman,  son  of  Jacob 
Leatherman,  Apr.  5,  1855.  Mr.  Leatherman  was 
formerly  engaged  in  the  Mercantile  business  for  over 
twenty  years;  then  went  into  the  Lumber  business, 
which  he  still  follows.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  Harvey, 
Granville,  Ella,  Howard,  Flora. 

V.  Granville  Leatherman,  bom  Jan.  13,  1857;  died 
May  11,  1861. 

V.  Harvey  Leatherman,  born  Apr.  1,  1860;  died 
May  14,  1861;  both  buried  in  the  same  grave. 

V.  Ella  Leatherman,  born  Feb.  22,  1863.  Dress- 
maker.    Lutheran. 

V.  Howard  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  1.  1868.  Clerk, 
at  Quakertown,  Pa. 

V.  Flora  Leatherman,  born  Feb.  4,  1871.  Dress- 
maker.   Ger.  Ref. 

IV.  Oliver  Fretz,  born  in  1838;  died  in  1859,  aged 
about  21  years. 

IV.  A  daughter  died  in  Infanc3\ 


II.  Barbara  Fretz,  youngest  child  of  '"Weaver" 
John,  and  Maria  Fretz,  born — ;  died — .  Nothing  is 
known  of  her.    It  is  probable  that  she  never  married. 


(Tinicum  Branch.) 

I.  Christian  Fretz  (brother  of  "Weaver"  John), 
settled  in  Tinicum  Twp. ,  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. ,  along  the 
Tinicum  creek,  at  the  place  now  known  as  Heaney's 
Mill.  The  house  stood  on  the  opposite  side  of  the 
road,  a  short  distance  from  the  present  one.  The 
farm  originally  contained  about  140  acres,  and  is 
now  divided  into  three  tracts.  The  present  house  is 
of  stone,  was  built  by  his  son  Christian,  and  is  now 
over  one  hundred  years  old.  The  homestead  with 
about  40  acres  of  the  original  tract,  is  owned  and* 
occupied  by  Joseph  M.  Hockman.  Sixty-five  acres 
are  owned  by  Henry  S.  Wolfinger,  and  25  acres  by^ 
—  Johnson.  It  is  probable  that  some  of  his  children 
scattered  early,  were  lost  sight  of  and  forgotten,  so 
that  nothing  definite  is  known  of  but  three  or  four 
of  them,  although  there  are  slight  evidences  of  others. 
So  far,  in  our  investigations,  we  have  not  learned  that 
he  had  any  daughters.  His  children  that  are  known 
were:  Abraham,  Mark,  Christian  Daniel.  Those  who 
probably  were  or  are  supposed  to  have  been  his  chil- 
dren, are:  John,  Jacob,  Henry. 


II.  Abraham  Fretz  (son  of  Christian  Fretz,  of  Tini- 
cum).  The  date  of  his  birth  is  not  known,  but  he  was 
born  as  early  as  1745,  or  before  that  date.  When  he 
died  is  not  known.  He  was  married  to  Dorothea 
Kulp**— .  In  1775  he  purchased  a  farm  in  Bedminster 
Twp. ,  .consisting  of  224  acres,  of  Alexander  Brown, 
who  purchased  it  from  Richard  and  Thomas  Penn 
(Governors  and  Esqs.),  in  1758.  The  farm  is  now  di- 
vided into  four  farms,  owned  and  occupied  as  follows: 
Jacob  F.  Hockman,  on  the  north;  Levi  Hockman  on 
the  north-east;  and  Anthony  R.  Fretz  and  Quincy  A, 
Fretz  oij  the  south-west.  It  is  quite  probable  that 
Abraham  Fretz  and  his  wife  were  among  the  early 
worshipers  of  the  Mennonite  church  at  Deep  Run, 
and  buried  there.  Their  children  were:  Judith,  Eliza- 
beth, Henry,  Joseph,  Esther,  Anna,  Barbara. 

III.  Judith  Fretz,  born  Oct.  2,  1767;  died  Nov.  7, 
1847.  Mrd.  John  Meyer  (his  second  wife)  July  3, 
1788.  He  died  July  10,  1814.  They  lived  on  a  farm 
on  the  Durham  road,  S.  E.  of  Pipersville.  They  were 
members  of  the  Mennonite  ch.  Children:  Abraham, 
John,  Christian,  Joseph,  Jacob,  Christian,  William, 
Dorothea,  Samuel,  Isaac. 

*  It  is  rather  remarkable  that  the  three  brothers,  Abraham, 
Mark  and  Christian  Fretz,  married  three  sisters,  viz:  Dorothea, 
Gertrude,  and  Judith  Kulp;  and  a  cousin,  John  Fretz  of  the 
Bedminster  Branch,  who  emigrated  to  Canada,  married  Mary 
Kulp,  also  a  sister  of  the  above. 

—  367  — 

IV.  Abraham  S.  Meyer,  born  Jan.  9,  1790;  died—. 
Mrd.  Anna  Kulp, — .  Tanner.  Mennonites.  Children: 
John,  Jacob,  William,  Henry,  Mary,  Sarah. 

V.  John  K.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.  Mrd.  Maria 
Fretz,  daughter  of  "Velvet"  Henry  Fretz,  Sept.  22, 
1844.  Farmer  and  miller.  Children :  David,  Amos, 
Martha,  Albert,  Minerva,  Anthony,  Anna. 

VI.  David  F.  Myers,  born  Jan.  25,  1845.  Mrd.  Lucy 
A.  Campbell,  Sept.  10,  1868.  Wholesale  shipper  and 
dealer  in  baled  hay  and  grain,  and  Assistant  U.  S. 
Express  Agt.,  at  Marion,  Kan.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(Vir.)  Mamie  A.  Myers,  born  Oct.  2,  1869.  (VII.)  Wil- 
lie E.  Myers,  born  Sept.  9,  1871.  (VII.)  Stacy  Myers, 
born  May,  1,  1875.  (VII.)  Louie  Myers,  born  June  2, 
1883.    (VII.)  Josie  Myers,  born  Nov.  8,  1888. 

VI.  Amos  F.  Myers,  born  Feb.  23,  1847.  Mrd. 
Sarah  E.  Fretz,  daughter  of  Drover  Abraham  Fretz, 
Aug.  1,  1867.  She  died  Jan.  3,  1871.  One  Child: 
(VII.)  John  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  29, 
1867.  Teacher  in  the  public  schools.  Ger.  Ref.  Amos 
mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Mrs.  Lavina  Solliday 
(maiden  name  Gillmer),  Sept.  1,  1874.  Grocer  in 
Philadelphia.  Children:  (Vll.)  Arthur  Myers,  born 
Sept.  9,  1879.  (Vll.)  Raymond  Myers,  born  May  7, 
1881.    (VII.)  Vernon  Myers,  born  Nov.  24,  1883. 

VI.  Martha  F.  Myers,  born  June  8,  1848.  Mrd. 
WiUiam  S.  Swope,  Sept.  1,  1866.  Children:  (Vll.) 
Emaretta  Svrope,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  8,  1867. 
Mrd.  Reuben  Snvder,  Aug.  9,  1888.  Farmer.  (Vll.) 
Frances  M.  Swope,  born  June  1,  1870.  (Vll.)  Harry 
Edgar  Swope,  born  July  10,  1872.  (Vll.)  John  Wes- 
ley Swope,  born  Oct.  24,  1877.  (VII.)  Mamie  Swope, 
born  Nov.  25,  1886. 

VI.  Albert  F.  Myers,  born  May  4,  1850.  Mrd.  Kate 
Moyer,  Sept.  22,  1877.  Butcher  at  Perkasie,  Pa. 
Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (Vll.)  Ulysses  M.  Myers,  born 
Nov.  18,  1879.  (Vll.)  LilUe  Viola  M.  Myers,  born 
July  24,  1883.  (VII.)  Wesley  M.  Myers,  born  Aug 
13,  1885.    (Vll.)  Flora  M.  Myers,  born  Mar.  24,  1888. 

VI.  Minerva  F.  Myers,  born  Jan.  10,  1854.  Mrd. 
Isaac  L.  Fretz.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  115). 

—  368  — 

VI.  Anthony  F.  Myers,  M.D.,  born  in  Plumstead 
Tvvp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  6,  1856,  and  was  reared  on 
his  father's  farm  and  mill  property,  on  the  Tohickon 
creek,  in  Tinicum  Twp.,  and  attended  the  public 
schools  during  the  winter  months.  At  the  age  of  20 
he  attended  the  Mennonite  Seminary,  at  Wadsworth, 
Ohio,  for  a  year,  and  began  teaching  in  the  public 
schools  of  Tinicum  in  the  fall  of  1876.  The  following 
two  years  he  taught  the  Pipersville  school,  and  during 
the  summer  term  attended  the  Millersville  State  Nor- 
mal School.  In  Sept.  1879  he  again  entered  the  Nor- 
mal school  at  Millersville  for  a  year,  and  while  there 
was  tendered  and  accepted  the  position  of  assistant 
Principal  of  the  Tressler  Orphan's  Home  at  Loysville, 
Perry  Co.,  Pa.  After  filling  the  responsible  position 
very  acceptably  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  for  two 
years,  he  resigned,  and  spent  several  months  travel- 
ing, visiting  numerous  national"  cemeteries,  and  old 
battle  fields,  and  various  places  of  interest  in  some  of 
the  Southern  States.  In  Sept.  1882,  he  entered  the 
oflice  of  Dr.  S.  S.  Brumbaugh,  at  Pipersville,  Pa., 
and  began  the  study  of  medicine.  He  studied  under 
the  eflScient  supervision  of  his  preceptor,  Dr.  Brum- 
baugh, until  the  following  year,  when  he  entered  the 
Missouri  Medical  College,  at  St.  Louis,  from  which 
institution  he  graduated  as  Physician  and  Surgeon  in 
Mar.  1885.  Returning  East,  he,  in  order  to  become  a 
practicing  physician  in  Pa.,  passed  a  creditable  ex- 
amination at  the  Medico  Chirurgical  College  of  Phila- 
delphia, and  since  Apr.  1885,  he  has  been  a  practicing 
physician  and  surgeon  at  Blooming  Glen,  where  by 
good  success  and  his  ambition  to  become  more  pro- 
ficient in  his  profession,  he  has  gained  the  confidence 
of  the  people,  and  is  enjoying  a  lucrative  practice. 
Dr.  Myers  was  mrd.  Oct.  11,  1888,  to  Wilhelmina  S., 
daughter  of  Simon  H.,  and  Lydia  (Savacool)  Snyder. 
She  was  born  Mar.  21,  1864.  Lutherans.  The  doctor 
is  an  active  member  of  the  Bucks  Co.  Medical  Society, 
the  Lehigh  Valley  Medical  Association,  a  charter 
member  of  the  Perkasie  Lodge  No.  671,  I.  O.  O.  F,, 
and  a  member  of  the  Sellersville  JEncampment, 
I.  O.  O.  F.,  No.  252. 

—  369  — 

VI.  Anna  Barbara  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan. 
5,  1860.  Mrd.  Hillary  S.  Althouse,  May  23,  1885. 
Tailor.  Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.)  Herbert  Althouse, 
born  Oct.  29,  1885. 

V.   Jacob  K.  Myers, — .    No  issue. 

V.  Mary  K.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  23, 
1821.    Mrd.  —  Welsh.    Res.,  Philadelphia.    No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  K.  Myers,  born  June  21,  1824.  Mrd.  Jacob 
F.  Moyer.  He  died  Jan.  12,  1871.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  116).  Sarah  mrd.  for  her  second  hus- 
band Zeno  F.  Gerhart,  of  Franco nia  Twp.,  Montg. 
Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  28,  1873.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  No 

V.  William  K.  Meyers,  born  Jan.  17,  1829;  died 
Mar.  13,  1889.  Mrd.  Mary  M.,  daughter  of  George 
and  Sarah  Fulmer,  of  Haycock  Twp.,  Dec.  19,  1852. 
He,  New  Mennonite.  She,  Ger.  Ref.  Children: 
Charles,  Tilghman,  Sarah,  Wilson,  Emma,  Mary. 

VI.  Charles  F.  Myers,  born  Jan.  23,  1853.  Mr. 
Meyers  is  an  Attorney  at  Law,  at  Doylestown,  Pa.   S. 

VI.  Tilghman  F.  Meyers,  born  June  5,  1886.  Mrd. 
Susan  Gehman,  Jan.  9,  1886.  Farmer.  Mennonite. 
No  issue. 

VI.  Sarah  A.  Meyers,  born  Nov.  3,  1859.  Mrd.  Levi 
G.,  son  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  Bealer,  Mar.  27, 1880. 
Shoemaker  and  Miller.  His  present  occupation  is 
farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Adalina  Bealer. 
(yil.)  Ella  Bealer.  (VII.)  Herbert  Bealer.  (VII.)  Wil- 
liam Bealer.    (VII.)  Emma  Bealer. 

VI.  William  F.  Meyers,  born  Dec.  23,  1862.  Mrd. 
Emma  L.,  daughter  of  John  and  Nancy  Meas,  of 
Pleasant  Valley,  Mar.  26,  1887.  Carpenter.  Mems. 
of  Christian  ch.,  Springfield,  Pa.  Children:  (VII.) 
Stella  Meyers,  born  July  10,  1887;  died  Feb.  14, 
1889.    (VII.)  Clarence  Myers,  born  Jan.  1,  1889. 

VI.  Mary  Ellen  Meyers,  born  Mar.  17,  1866;  died 
Nov.  21,  1867. 

VI.  Emma  L.  Meyers,  born  Feb.  12,  1868.  Mrd. 
Henry  B.  Frankenfield,  May  28,  1887.  Tailor.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Ira  Frankenfield. 

V.  Henry  K.  Meyers,  born  Feb.  8,  1832.  Mrd.  Han- 
nah Hartzel,  Dec.   7.  1856.     She  was  born  May  20, 


—  370  — 

1837.  Farmer  in  Montg.  Co.,  Pa.,  Ger.  Ref.  Chil- 
dren: Camilla,  Franklin,  Clara. 

VI.  Camilla  Meyers,  born  Aug.  21,  1857.  Mrd. 
Emanuel  Pool,  Dec.  15,  1877.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (VII.)  Clayton  Pool,  born  Dec.  24,  1883. 
(VII.)  Anna  Pool,  born  Jmie  30,  1886;  died  April  3, 
1887.  (VII.)  Maetta  Pool,  born  Oct.  18,  1887.  (VII.) 
Alice  Pool,  born  Mar.  1,  1889. 

VI.  Franklin  Meyers,  born  Dec.  12,  1858;  died  Jan. 
25   1859. 

Vi.  Clara  Meyers,  born  Mar.  21,  1862.  Mrd.  Frank- 
lin P.  Snyder,  Jan.  8,  1881.  Employed  in  Steel  works. 
Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.)  Bertha  May  Snyder,  born 
June  6,  1884.  (VII.)  Albert  William  Snyder,  born 
Aug.  16,  1887. 

IV.  John  Meyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  21,  1792; 
died — .    Mrd.  Agnes  Fretz,  daughter  of  Henry  Fretz, 

B.  B.,  April  6,  1817.  Tanner.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Martin,  Joseph,  Leah,  Barbara. 

V.  Martin  Myers,  born  Sept.  23,  1818.  Mrd.  Mary. 
Myers,  Dec.  10,  1846.  Farmer  in  Bucks  Co.  Menno- 
nites.   Children:  Salinda,  Eli,  Emeline. 

VI.  Salinda  Myers,  born  Nov.  18,  1847.    Mrd.  John 

C.  Utz,  Sept.  14,  1869.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Emma  Jane  Utz,  born  July  8,  1870.  (VII.) 
Eli  M.  Utz,  born  Aug.  14,  1872.  (VII.)  Edward  Wil- 
liam Utz,  born  Jan.  28,  1875.  (VII.)  Warren  M.  Utz, 
born  Apr.  1,  1882. 

VI.   Eli  Myers,  born  in  Feb.  1851.    Farmer.   Unmrd. 

VI.    Emeline  Myers,  born  May  22,  1857.     Mrd.  La- 

mech  S.  Myers.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  117). 

V.  Joseph  F.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  18, 
1822.  Mrd.  Mary  Hunsicker,  May  9,  1852.  She  died 
— .  Joseph  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Elizabeth  Kulp, 
July  30,  1887.  Farmer  at  Pipersville,  Pa.  Menno- 
nites.   Children:  Agnes,  John,  Lydia,  Isaac. 

VI.  Agnes  Myers,  born  May  27,  1853.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham M.  High — .    Farmer.    Mennonites. 

VI.  John  H.  Myers,  born  Aug.  16,  1855.  Mrd. 
Mary  W.  Gross,  Dec.  20,  1877.  Steward  of  Bucks 
Co.  Alms  House,  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Isaac 
G.  Myers,   born  Oct.  20,  1878.     (VII.)   Debbie  May 

—  371  — 

Myers,  born  Sept.  24,  1881.  (VII.)  Elsie  Myers,  born 
Oct.  30,  1883.  (VII.)  Infant  son,  still  born,  Mar.  11,' 
1886.  (VII.)  Joseph  Walton  Myers,  born  Feb.  9,  1888; 
died  Nov.  25,  1888. 

VI.  Lydia  Myers,  born  Sept.  24,  1860.  Mrd.  Henry 
Wismer,— .    Farmer.    Mennonites. 

VI.  Isaac  G.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  12, 
1866.  S. 

V.  Leah  Myers,  born  July  19,  1824,  in  Bedminster 
Twp.  Mrd.  Henry  Detweiler,  Feb.  10,  1855.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Agnes,  Mary,  Samuel,  John, 
Benjamin,  Martin,  Henry,  Sallie,  Jacob. 

VI.  Agnes  Detweiler,  born  Oct.  9,  1855;  died  Jan. 
5,  1876.  Mrd.  John  Souder,  Apr.  25,  1873.  Car- 
penter. Agnes,  Lutheran.  Children:  (VII.)  Mary 
Ellen  Souder,  born  May  6,  1874;  died  Apr.  28,  1883. 
(VII.)  Lottie  Souder,  born  Oct  17,  1875. 

VI.  Mary  Detweiler,  born  July  20,  1857.  Mrd. 
WiUiam  Musselman,  Sept.  14,  1878.  Brick  Layer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  (Vll.)  Leanna  Musselman,  born 
Mar.  14,  1879.  (Vll.)  Barbara  Musselman,  born  Sept. 
21,  1880';  died  Sept.  25,  1881.  (VII.)  Dina  Musselman, 
born  May  21,  1883.  (Vll.)  William  Musselman,  born 
Jan.  13,  1886.  (Vll.)  Samuel  D.  Musselman,  born 
Sept.  24,  1888. 

VI.  Samuel  Detweiler,  born  Sept.  1,  1858;  died  Sept. 
18,  1858. 

VI.  John  Detweiler,  born  May  11,  1860;  died  May 
27,  1860. 

VI.  Benjamin  Detweiler,  born  Aug.  30,  1861.  Mrd. 
Lydia  Lewis,  Jan.  5,  1884.  Farmer.  Children:  (Vll.) 
Elmer  Detwiler,  born  July  8,  1884.  (Vll.)  Sallie  Det- 
wiler,  born  July  4,  1886.  (Vll.)  Henry  L.  Detwiler, 
Dec.  15,  1888. 

VI.  Martin  Detweiler,  born  Jan.  5, 1864;  died  same  day. 

VI.  Henry  Detweiler,  born  Sept.  30,  1865;  died  Oct. 
1,  1865. 

VI.   Sallie  Detweiler,  born  Feb.  21,  1867.    S. 

VI.  Jacob  Detweiler,  born  Mar,  14,  1869.  Harness. 
Maker  at  Weissport,  Pa.    S. 

V.  Barbara  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  21, 
X830.    Mrd.  John  B.  Moyer,  Nov.  22,  1849.    Retired 

—  372  — 

farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Noah,  Mary,  Abra- 
ham, Lyclia,  John. 

VI.  Noah  M.  Moyer,  born  Mar.  30,  1851.  Mrd. 
Mary  M.  Moyer,  daughter  of  Jacob  L.  Moyer,  Dec.  5, 
187i.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Minerva 
Moyer,  born  July  26,  1876.  (VII.)  Erwin  Moyer,  born 
Apr.  26,  1879.  (VII.)  Barbara  Moyer,  born  Nov.  11, 
1882.  (VII.)  Jacob  Moyer,  born  Mar.  23,  1884.  (VII.) 
Anna  Moyer,  born  Feb.  13,  1887. 

VI.  Mary  M.  Moyer,  born  Sept.  22,  1853.  Mrd. 
Samuel  D.  Moyer,  of  Franconia,  Oct.  11,  1873. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Anna  M. 
Moyer,  born  Sept.  26,  1871-.  (VII.)  Ella  M.  Moyer, 
born  May  24,  1878.  (VII.)  John  M.  Moyer,  born  Nov. 
7,  1871.  ■ 

VI.  Abraham  M.  Moyer,  born  Oct.  31,  1859.    S. 

VI.  Lydia  M.  Moyer"  born  Aug.  28,  1862.    S.   ; 

VI.  John  M.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  25,  1864.  S. 

IV.  Christian  Meyer,  born  Mar.  3,  1794;  died  Nov. 
25,  1796. 

IV.  Joseph  Meyer,  born  Oct.  2,  1796;  died—.  25,  1796. 

IV.  Jacob  Meyer,  born  July  21.  1797;  died  same  day. 

IV.  Christian  Myer,  born  July  22,  1799;  died  Jan. 
4,  1862.  Mrd.  Siisan  Overholt,"— .  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.   Children:  Jacob,  Sarah,  Hannah. 

V.  Jacob  Myers,  born  Aug.  1, 1830;  died  in  1890.  Mrd. 
Susan  Overholt,  of  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  28,  1855. 
Farmer,  in  Bucks  Co.  Baptists.  Children:  Newton, 
Ella,  Laura,  Harr}^  Lizzie,  Dora. 

VI.  Newton  Myers,  born  Mar.  28,  1857.  Mrd. 
Margie  Mathews,  Feb.  22,  1884.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Bessie  Myers,  born  July  13,  1886. 

VI.  Ella  Myers,  born  Feb.  7,  1860.  Mrd.  Frank 
Riale,  Feb.  i5,  1881.  Farmer.  Baptists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Harry  Riale,  born  Nov.  22,  1881.  (VII.)  Walter 
Riale,  born  Sept.  15,  1884. 

VI.  Laura  Myers,  born  May  24,  1862.  Mrd.  John 
Vantour,  Oct.  15,  1885.  Farmer.  Baptists.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Elsie  Vantour,  born  July  21,  1886. 

VI.  Harry  Myers,  born  Apr,  29,  1864.  Mrd.  Mamie 
Mavnes,  Feb."  14,  1887.     Shoe  and  Boot  Merchant. 

-  373  — 

One  child:  (VII.)  Chu-ence  P^ugcnc  Myers,  born  Jan. 
31,  1888. 

VI.  Lizzie  Myers,  born  Jan.  13,  1867.  Mrd.  Harvey 
Mao-ar^al,  Dec.  1, 1886.  R.R.  Ticket  Agent.  Baptists. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Russell  Magargal,  born  Sept.  10, 1887. 

VI.   Dora  Myers,  born  Nov.  29,  1871.    Baptists.    S. 

V.  Sarah  Myers,  born—;  died—.  Mrd.  Francis 
Fretz.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  118). 

V.  Hannah  Myers,  born  in  1832.  Mrd.  James  P. 
Hough,  in  1860.  Merchant.  He  died  in  latter  part  of 
1860.  Hannah  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  Orange 
M.  Owens,  in  1872.  Mrs.  Owens,  Baptist.  Issue  by 
firs'ti  husband.    One  child: 

VI.  Lillie  M.  Hough,  born  in  1860.  Mrd.  Franklin 
Haldeman,  in  1885.  Farmer.  Mrs.  Haldeman.  Bap- 
tist. Children:  (VII.)  Raymond  Paxon  Haldeman, 
born  in  1887.    (VII.)  Alice  Haldeman,  born  in  1887. 

IV.  William  Meyers,  born  in  Bedminster,  Twp., 
Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  6,  1801.  Mrd.  Barbara  Schimmel, 
Mar.  9,  1828.  They  lived  together  51  years,  his  wife 
having  died  in  Feb.,  1879.  They  were  blessed  with 
8  children,  7  of  whom  preceded  the  father  to  the 
home  beyond.  The  one  remaining  is  Mary,  wife  of 
Ely  Fretz,  and  mother  of  Rev.  Allen  M.  Fretz.  In 
early  life  Mr.  Meyers  followed  the  vocation  of  Car- 
penter, but'  afterwards  engaged  in  farming,  a  short 
distance  below  Pipersville,  where  he  lived  many  years. 
He  was  a  faithful  member  of  the  second  Mennonite  ch. 
at  Deep  Run,  from  its  founding,  and  for  over  thirty 
years  served  as  deacon  in  the  same.  ' '  Varied  were 
his  experiences,  some  times  his  duties  arduous,  but 
without  murmuring  or  complaint,  he  strove  faithfully 
to  perform  them  to  the  best  of  his  convictions."  For 
a  number  of  years  he  was  totally  blind,  yet  he 
patiently  bore  his  cross  to  a  peaceful  end  in  Christ. 
He  died  after  a  few  weeks  gradual  declining  in 
strength,"  on  June  23,  1889,  at  the  house  of  Oliver 
D.  Fretz,  in  Bedminsterville,  aged  87y.,  9m.,  17d. 
His  funeral  services  were  conducted  by  Rev.  J.  S. 
Moyer,  and  A.  B.  Shelly.  To  William  and  Barbara 
were  born  the  following  children:  Judith,  Mary,  Mar- 
garet, Anna,  Catharine,  Mahlon,  Susanna,  William. 

—  374  — 

V.  Judith  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  3,  1829; 
died  Dec.  25,  1880.  Mrd.  Abraham  Keller ,  Oct.  10, 
1847.  He  was  born  in  Haycock  Twp.,  Sept.  16,  1828; 
died — .  He  was  the  son  of  Joseph  Keller,  who  was 
born  Feb.  14,  1777,  and  grandson  of  Christopher 
Keller,  of  Haycock  Twp.,  who  was  born  Dec.  15, 
1751,  Lutherans.  Children:  William,  Mary,  Lewis, 
Joseph,  Amanda,  Susanna,  Abraham,  Catharine, 
Mahlon,  Ira. 

VI.  William  M.  Keller,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.? 
Mar.  29,  1849;  died  Apr.  2,  1851. 

VI.  Mary  Keller,  born  Nov.  20,  1850.  Mrd.  H.  S. 
Deaterly,  of  Bedminster,  May  20,  1871.  Farmer. 
Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Amanda  Deaterly,  born 
July  22,  1872.  (VII.)  Annie  Deaterly,  (VII.)  Lizzie 
Deaterly,  (Twins)  born  Nov.  3,  1874.  (VII.)  Minerva 
Deaterly,  born  Nov.  22,  1882;  died  Mar.  2,  1883. 
(VII.)  Harvey  Deaterly  born  Mar.  23,  1887. 

VI.  Lewis  Keller,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  Dec.  26, 
1852.  Mrd.  Emma  J.,  daughter  of  Amos  and  Mary 
Harpel,  Dec.  25,  1876.  Mr.  Keller  is  the  popular  and 
successful  Merchant  at  Bedminsterville,  Pa.,  where 
he  has  by  pluck  and  energy  built  up  a  large  trade. 
In  1886,  his  store  and  dwelling  were  consumed  by 
fire,  entailing  a  heavy  loss,  the  property  and  goods 
being  only  partly  covered  by  insurance.  He  has  how- 
ever rebuilt,  putting  up  a  large  brick  store  on  the  old 
site,  a  great  improvement  on  the  old  one,  and  con- 
tinues the  business  on  a  larger  scale  than  ever. 
Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Hiram  Keller,  born  Aug. 
9,  1878.    (VII.)  Erwin  Keller,  born  Nov.  30,  1882. 

VI.  Joseph  M.  Keller,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  17, 
1854.  Mrd.  Leannah  Miller,  of  Bedminster  Twp., 
Jan.  1,  1876.  She  died  May  31,  1888.  He  is  a  Cutter 
by  trade.  Children:  (VII.)  Herman  Keller,  born  and 
died  in  Nov.  1876.  (VII.)  Howard  Keller.  (VII.)  Laura 
Keller.  (VII.)  Bertha  Keller.  (VII.)  Etta  Keller.  (VII.) 
Herbert  Keller.  (VII.)  Walter  KeUer,  born  in  Mar. 
1888;  died  Nov.  16,  1888. 

VI.  Amanda  Keller,  born  Dec.  23,  1856;  died  July 
26,  1874.    Lutherans.    S. 

—  375  — 

VI.  Susanna  M.  Keller,  born  Mar.  17,  1858;  died 
Oct.  3,  1866. 

VI.  Abraham  M.  Keller,  born  in  Plumstead  Tvvp., 
Mar.  20,  1860.  Mrd.  Nettie  Harstine,  of  Revere,  Pa., 
in  1885.  Machinery  Salesman.  He,  Lutheran.  Mrs. 
Keller,  Ger.  Kef.  One  child:  (VII.)  Omer  Keller,  born 
in  1888. 

VI.  Catharine  M.  Keller,  born  July  8,  1862.  Mrd. 
Harvey  Shull,  in  1886.  Tinsmith.  Lutherans.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Edna  Shull,  born  in  Feb.  1888. 

VI.  Mahlon  M.  Keller,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp., 
Nov.  4,  1865.  Clerk.  Lutheran.  Mrd.  Ella  Albright, 
— ,  1890. 

VI.  Ira  M.  Keller,  born  in  Bedminster  Twp.,  June 
8,  1868.    Clerk  at  Bedminsterville.   Lutherans.    S. 

V.  Mary  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Oct.  18,  1830. 
Mrd.  Ely  Fretz.     (See  Index  of  References  No.  119.) 

V.  Margaret  Meyers,  born  Oct.  11,  1832;  died  July 
10,  1862".  Mrd.  Jacob  Leatherman.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  120). 

V.  Anna  Meyers,  born  May  11,  1836;  died  May 
27,  1837. 

V.  Catharine  Meyers  (Twin  to  Anna),  born  May  11, 
1836;  died  May  26,  1839. 

V.  Mahlon  Meyers,  born  May  6,  1839;  died  Jan.  22, 
1869.  Mrd.  Susan  Fretz — .  She  died  without  issue. 
Mahlon  mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Jennie  Samuels, — . 
Teacher  and  Life  insurance  Agent.  New  Mennonite. 
One  child:  (VI.)  Mahlon  S.  Meyers, — ;  died  an  infant. 

V.  Susanna  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  1, 
1844;  died  May  3,  1889.  Mrd.  Oliver  D.  Fretz.  (See 
Index  of  References  No.  122). 

V.  William  James  Meyers,  born  Sept.  1,  1846;  died 
Mar.  22,  1867.  Mrd.  Clementine  Fretz,  daughter  of 
Abraham  Fretz  (Drover).  Farmer.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Susan  Meyers,  died  aged  9  days. 

IV.  Dorothea  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  28, 
1803;  died  Apr.  14,  1885,  aged  81y.,  4m.,  28d.  Mrd. 
John  Kratz,  Dec.  13,  1827.  He  was  born  Dec.  25, 
1805;  died  Aug.  19,  1865.  Farmer.  Mrs.  Kratz, 
Mennonite.  Children:  Sarah,  Lewis,  Aaron,  Reed, 
Owen,  Allen,  Mary,  Philip,  Oliver. 

—  376  — 

V.  Sarah  Kratz,  born  Nov.  10,  1828.  Mrd.  John 
Bewighouse.    (Sec  Index  of  References  No.  123). 

V.  Lewis  Kratz,  born  Dec.  25,  1830.  Mrd.  Sarah 
Ann  Bewighouse, — .  She  died — .  One  child:  (VI.) 
Laura  Kratz,  died  an  infant.  Lewis  mrd.  for  his 
second  wife  Esther  Bewighouse,  (sister  to  his  first 
wife),  Feb.  8,  1862.  Farmer.  New  Mennonite.  One 
child:  (VI.)  Curtin  B.  Kratz,  born  Aug.  23,  1863. 
Mrd.  Mary  S.  Fulmer,  Nov.  19,  1887.  Farmer.  Mrs. 
Kratz,  Ger.  Ref.    No  issue. 

V.  Aaron  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  July  9,  1832. 
Mrd.  Catharine  Stover,  Mar.  1,  1860.  She  died  Feb. 
24,  1864,  aged  30y.,  8m.,  27d.  Mr.  Kratz.  resides  at 
Plumsteadville,  where  he  has  Carriage,  Wagon  and 
Sleigh  Works  on  a  large  scale.  Children:  (VI.)  Lincoln 
Hamlin  Kratz,  born  Dec.  23,  1860.  (VI.)  Elmer  Ells- 
worth Kratz,  born  Aug.  4,  1862;  died — .  Mr.  Kratz 
mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Lizzie  W.  Engle,  Sept.  26, 
1866.  She  was  born  Nov.  18,  1842.  Children:  (VI.) 
Reuben  E  Kratz,  born  Feb.  1,  1868.  (VI.)  Anna  May 
Kratz,  born  Dec.  1,  1875;  died  May  30,  1879. 

V.  Reed  Kratz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Nov.  20,  1834. 
Mrd.  Esther  MicLener,  Oct.  12,  1862.  Oil  Merchant. 
Presbyterians.  Children:  (VI.)  Eugene  H.  Kratz, 
born  Oct.  24,  1868.  (VI.)  Florence  Kratz,  born  July 
14,  1871. 

V.  Oliver  Kratz,  born  July  8,  1837.  Mrd.  a  Miss 
Leatherman.    No  records  received. 

V.  Allen  Kratz,  born  May  31,  1840;  died  July  4, 

V.  Mary  K.  Kratz,  born  at  Plumsteadville,  Pa., 
Nov.  29,  1842.  Mrd.  Z.  T.  Leatherman,  Sept.  28, 
1871.  Formerly  Carriage  and  Sleigh  Builder  at  Dan- 
boro,  at  present  house-builder  in  Philadelphia.  At- 
tends the  Presbyterian  church.  Children:  (VI.)  Delia 
May  K.  Leatherman,  born  Apr.  7,  1880.  (VI.)  Edgar 
Lincoln  K.  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  28,  1881. 

V.  Philip  Kratz,  born  Apr.  22,  1845.  G  Mrd.  Louisa 
S.,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Mary  Kratz,  Oct.,  27, 1876. 
Farmer.    Mrs.  Kratz,  Ger.  Baptist.    No  issue. 

V.  Oliver  J.  Kratz,  born  Nov.  26,  1846.  Mrd.  Sa- 
bina  Leatherman — .    They  have  two  children. 

—  377  - 

IV.  Rev.  Samuel  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept. 
5,  1806;  died  Au^  27,  1877.  Mrd.  Mary  Schimmel, 
June  20,  1830.  Farmer  and  Minister.  Mennonites. 
He  preached  at  the  Saucon  Mennonite  church  about 
34  years,  and  at  the  Springfield  church  14  years  alter- 
nately.   Children:  Catharine,  Maria,  Theresa. 

V.  Catharine  Meyers,  born  June  16,  1831.  Mrd. 
Enos  Baringer,  in  1855.  Millwright.  Ger.  Ref.  Chil- 
dren: Titus,  Mary. 

VI.  Titus  Baringer,  born  in  1858. 

VI.  Mary  Baringer,  born  in  1865.  Mrd.  Thomas  S. 
Moyer,  in  1888.  Carpenter.  Mems.  Ev.  Ass.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Lawrence  Moyer,  born  in  1889. 

V.  Maria  E.  Meyers,  born  May  7,  1841.  Mrd. 
David  A.  Mohr,  Dec.  27,  1860.  He  died  Apr.  26, 
1875.  Miller.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  Alfred,  Mary, 
Frank,  Lilly. 

VI.  Alfred  H.  Mohr,  born  Jan.  23,  1863.  Mrd. 
Emma  B.  Landis,  Dec.  24,  1884.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (VII.)  Mamie  Mohr,  born  Oct.  5,  1885. 
(VII.)  Milton  L.  Mohr,  born  Nov.  12,  1887. 

VI.  Mary  E.  Mohr,  born  Jan.  26,  1865.  Mrd.  Allen 
E.  Bleam,  Aug.  29,  1885.    Farmer.    Ger.  Ref.    No 


VI.  Frank  D.  Mohr,  born  July  22,  1868.  Mem.  Ger. 
Ref.    S. 

VI.  Lilly  T.  Mohr,  born  Feb.  4,  1871.    Ger.  Ref.    S. 

V.  Theresa  Moyer,  born  Apr.  28,  1845.  Mennonite. 

IV.  Isaac  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  23,  1809. 
Mrd.  Agnes  Myers,  Oct.  17,  1833.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  Lewis,  Mary,  John,  Abraham, 
Barbara,  Harvey,  Sarah. 

V.  Lewis  Myers,  born  Apr.  12,  1835.  Mi-d.  Hannah 
Fretz, — .  She  died — .  Lewis  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife,  Lizzie,  daughter  of  Rev.  Isaac  Meyer,  Nov.  21, 
1874.  Farmer.  Old  Mennonites  at  Deep  Run.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  Annie  Myers,  born  Oct.  19,  1875.  (VI.) 
Hannah  Myers,  born  May  27,  1879.  (VI.)  John  Myers, 
born  June  1,  1881.  (VI.)  Isaac  Myers  born  June  11, 
1885.  -  .     ' 

—  378  — 

V.  Mary  Myers,  bom  July  17,  1836;  died  Dec.  24, 
1861.  Mrd.  Levi  Fretz,  in  1860.  No  issue.  (See  In- 
dex of  References  No.  124). 

V.  John  Myers,  born  July  23,  1839;  died  Nov.  30, 

V.  Abraham  B.  Myers,  born  Dec.  3, 1842;  died  Dec. 

I,  1857. 

V.  Barbara  Myers,  born  Aug.  23,  1845;    died  Jan. 

II,  1862. 

V.  Harvey  Myers,  born  Aug.  29, 1851.  Mrd.  Lizzie, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Isaac  Rickert,  Jan.  20,  1883.  Far- 
mer. Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Bertha  Myers,  born 
Dec.  22,  1883.    (VI.)  Isaac  Myers  born  June  16,  1886. 

V.  Sarah  Myers,  born  Sept.  22,  1854.  Mrd.  John 
Myers,  (his  second  wife).  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  125). 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in 
1768;  died — .  Mrd.  Henry  Stover — .  Lived  in 
Springfield  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.  Children:  Abraham, 
Catharine,  Barbara,  Elizabeth. 

IV.  Abraham  Stover,  born  July  9,  1793;  died  Apr. 
20,  1874.  Mrd.  Susanna  Stover,  Mar.  29,  1814.  She 
died  Aug.  26,  1848.  Children:  Henry,  John,  David, 
Catharine,  Lydia,  Anna,  Salome.  Mr.  Stover  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  Annie  (Stover)  Fretz,  widow  of 
John  Fretz,  of  Nockamixon,  Mar.  10,  1850.  She 
died — ,  and  Mr.  Stover  mrd.  for  his  third  wife,  Maria 
Wimmer,  Feb.  22,  1860.  Mr.  Stover  was  a  farmer 
and  miller,  and  lived  on  the  Tohickon,  in  Haycock 
Twp.,  near  Keller's  church. 

V.  Henry  L.  Stover,  born  Jan.  30,  1815.  Mrd. 
Mary  Ann  Zeigenfuss,  Feb.  16,  1840.  She  died  Nov. 
1,  1870.  Children:  Abraham,  Clayton,  Susanna, 
Harrison,  Elizabeth,  Nancy,  Clara,  Zeno,  Amanda. 
Mr.  Stover  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Franey,  a 
widow  Young — .  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children: 
Abson,  Zeno. 

VI.  Abraham  Z.  Stover,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  1,  1840.  Mrd.  Amanda  Ritter,  Nov.  28,  1868. 
Farmer,  and  owns  and  lives  on  the  Old  Abraham 
Stover  farm  and  mill  property,  in  Haycock    Twp. 

—  379  — 

New  Mennonitcs.  Children:  (VII.)  Watson  R.  Stover, 
born  July  15,  1878.  (VII.)  Ely  R.  Stover,  born  Dec. 
18,  1882;  died  Jan.  22,  1883.  (VII.)  Elmer  Stover, 
born  Dec.  18,  1884. 

VI.  Clayton  Stover,  born  Sept.  7,  1842.  Mrd.  Anna 
C.  Fell,"  Dec.  3,  1868.  Farmer  in  Bucks  Co.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Addie  Stover,  born  Sept.  11,  1869;  died 
Oct.  27,  1869.  (VII.)  Comly  Stover,  born  July  24, 
1872;  died  Sept.  6,  1872.  (VII.)  Emma  May  Stover, 
born  Jan.  21,  1875.  (VII.)  Howard  Stover,  born  June 
8,  1878.  (VII.)  Joseph  Warren  Stover,  born  Jan.  25, 

VI.  Susanna  Stover,  born  Jan.  28,  1845;  died  Oct. 
27,  1863. 

VI.  Harrison  Sto-ver,  born  Jan.  17,  1847;  died  Dec. 
6,  1863. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Stover,  born  Nov.  20,  1848.  Mrd. 
John  C.  Bye,  Apr.  26,  1869.  Farmer.  Mrs.  Bye, 
Presbyterian.  One  child:  (VII.)  Florence  S.  Bye,  born 
Feb.  17,  1871. 

VI.  Annie  Stover,  born  July  17.  1853.  Mrd.  Isaiah 
Morgan—.   One  child:  (VII.)  Cora  A.  Morgan. 

VI.  Clara  S.  Stover,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  27, 
1853.  Mrd.  Winfield  Scott  McQuade,  Aug.  18,  1873- 
Stair-builder,  in  Philadelphia.  Mrs.  McQuade,  Pres- 
byterian. Children:  (VII.)  Ellen  Bertha  McQuade, 
born  June  12,  1875.  (VII.)  Jennie  Clara  McQuade, 
born  Apr.  2,  1877.  (VII.)  John  Stover  McQuade, 
born  Jan.  10,  1881.  (VII.)  Charles  Winfield  McQuade, 
born  Dec.  28,  1882.  Ellen  Bertha  McQuade,  after  a 
brief  illness,  died  Dec.  12,  1886,  aged  lly.  and  6m. 
Thus  young  was  she  taken  from  her  beloved  parents, 
to  the  fold  of  the  Gentle  Shepherd  where  she  now 
sleeps  in  the  arms  of  Jesus.  She  was  an  Angel  of 
God,  lent  to  her  parents  only  for  a  little  while: 

"T'shard  to  break  the  tender  chord, 
When  love  has  bound  the  heart; 

T'is  hard,  so  hard  to  speak  the  word; 
We  must  forever  part." 

VI.  Zeno  Stover,  born  Aug.  23,  1855;  died  Nov.  28, 


—  380  — 

VI.  Amanda  Stover,  born  Apr.  15,  1860.  Mrd. 
Charles  E.  Housekeeper,  Feb.,  1886,  Farmer.  No 

VI.  Abson  Stover,  born — .    S. 

VI.  Zeno  Stover,  born — .    S. 

VI.  — ■  Stover,  born — .    S. 

V.  John  S.  Stover,  born  Nov.  10,  1816;  died  Aug. 
26,  1817. 

V.  John  S.  Stover,  born  Mar.  4,  1818.  Mrd.  Catha- 
ine  Ott,  Oct.  27,  1844.  She  died  Feb.  17,  1859.  Far- 
mer. Children:  Clarissa,  Henry,  Sylvester,  Newton, 

VI.  Clarissa  Stover,  born  Apr.  17,  1845;  died  Jan. 
15,  1852. 

VI.  Henry  Clay  Stover,  born  Jan.  8,  1847.  Mrd. 
Hannah  SoUiday,  Nov.  9,  1872.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (V||.)  Laura  Stover,  born  Aug.  23,  1873. 
Ger.  Ref.  (VII.)  Erwin  Stover,  born  May  26,  1880. 
(VII.)  Annie  Stover,  born  Nov.  29,  1885. 

VI.  Sylvester  Stover,  born  July  2,  1851;    died  Jan. 

14,  1852;  buried  with  his  sister  Clarissa  in  the  same 

'VI.  Newton  Stover,  born  Dec.  25,  1852;  died  Feb. 
19,  1859;  buried  with  her  mother  in  the  same  grave. 
VI.  Haj-vey  O.  Stover,  born  May  7,  1855.  Mrd. 
Sarah  Snyder — .  Farmer.  Lutheran.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Howard  Stover.  John  S.  Stover  mrd.  for  sec- 
ond wife,  a  widow  Schleifer.    No  issue. 

V.  David  S.  Stover,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  1,  1820. 
Mrd.  Mary  Geisinger,  Jan.  2,  1848.  Children:  (VI.) 
Taylor.    (VI.)  Ephraim.    (VI.)  Cecelia.    (VI.)  Mahlon. 

V.'  Catharine  Stover,  born  Apr.  24,  1822.  Mrd.  Jo- 
seph F.  Nicholas,  Dec.  31,  1843.     He  was  born  Mar. 

15,  1814;  died  Mar.  31,  1886.  Farmer.  Lutherans. 
Children:  Salome,  Mary,  Lizzie,  Stover,  Oliver,  Su- 
sanna, Newton,  Sophia. 

VI.  Salome  Nicholas,  born  Jan,  13,  1846.  Mrd.  Sam- 
uel Lambert. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Nicholas,  born  May  28,  1878.  Mrd. 
Jacob  S.  Krout,  Jan.  11,  1868.  Jeweler.  Lutherans. 
Children:  (VII.)  Lydia  A.  Krout,  born  July  4,  1868; 
died  June  23,  1886.    (VII.)    Ida  Krout,  born  Apr.  8, 

—  381  — 

1870.  Mrd.  William  Mitchel,  Dec.  25,  1888.  Farmer. 
(VII.)  Ella  Kimit,  born  Dec.  1,  1871.  (VII.  Esther 
Krout,  born  Oct.  31,  1873.  (VII.)  Lizzie  Krout,  born 
Aug.  13,  1875;  died  Aug.  30,  1875.  (VII.)  Joseph 
Krout,  born  Sept.  24,  1876.  (VII.)  Roger  Warren 
Krout,  born  Apr.  8,  1879. 

VI.  Lizzie  S.  Nicholas,  born  Feb.  7,  1850.    S. 

VI.  Stover  Nicholas,  bom  Feb.  12,  1852.  Mrd. 
Mary  Shearer — .    They  have  four  children. 

VI.  Oliver  S.  Nicholas,  born  Apr.  10,  1854.  Mrd. 
Amanda  Funk.     They  have  live  children: 

VI.  Susanna  Nicholas,  born  Apr.  10,  1867;  died  Apr. 
4,  1863. 

VI.  Newton  S.  Nicholas,  born  Aug.  24,  1860.  Mrd. 
Louisa  Maugle, — .    Five  children. 

VI,  Sophia  S.  Nicholas,  born  Feb.  26,  1863;  died 
May  11,  1889.  Mrd.  James  M.  Strohm.  (See  Index 
of  References  No.  126). 

VI.  Harvey  Nicholas,  born  June  27,  1867;  died  Aug. 
15,  1867. 

V.  Lydia  Stover,  born  Oct.  4,  1824.  Mrd.  Samuel 
Sumstone,  both  deceased.    No  issue. 

V.  Anna  Stover,  born  Nov.  4,  1826.  Mrd.  Abraham 
F.  Gehman,  July  28,  1850.  Mennonites.  Children: 
David,  Stover,  Susan,  Mary. 

VI.  David  S.  Gehman,  born  Aug.  1,  1851.  Mrd. 
Mary,  daughter  of  Benjamin  F.  Hess.  Ger.  Ref. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Victor  Stover  Gehman,  born  Dec. 
6,  1884. 

VI.  Stover  S.  Gehman,  born  Jan.  1,  1854.    S. 
VI.  Susan  Gehman,  born  May  9,  1858.    Mrd.  Tilgh- 
man  F.  Meyer.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  127). 
VI.  Mary  Gehman,  born  Apr.  4,  1862.  Mennonite.  S. 

V.  Salome  Stover,  born  Oct.  8,  1831.  Mrd.  Clemens 
Stover,  Nov.  25,  1849.  Children:  Louisa,  Titus,  Su- 
san, Alonzo. 

VI.  Louisa  Stover,  — .    Mrd.  Levi  O.  Ahlum. 

VI.  Titus  Stover,  born  in  Tinicum  Twp.,  Bucks  Co., 
Mar.  22,  1853.  Mrd.  Hannah,  daughter  of  Levi  and 
Nancy  Fox,  Sept.  29,  1881.    Ger.  Ref.    No  issue. 

VI.  Susan  Stover,  born  Jan.  31,  1855.  Mrd.  William 
Deihl,  Sept.  13,  1879.  Tinsmith  and  Stove  Merchant, 

—  382  — 

at  Pennsburgh,  Montg.  Co,,  Pa.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VII.)  Clemens  Delhi,  born  May  29,  1881.    (VII.)  Cora 
Delhi,  born  Nov.  30,  1883. 
VI.  Alonzo  Stover,  born  July  10,  1857.    Shoemaker. 

IV.  Catharine  Stover,  born  in  Springfield  Township, 
Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  27,  1795;  died  Jan.  8,  1857.  Mrd. 
Henry  Stover,  in  1813.  He  was  born  in  Springfield 
Twp.,  Mar.  17,  1787;  died  Oct.  5,  1859.  Children: 
Joseph,  Samuel,  Josiah,  Eli,  Franklin. 

V.  Joseph  Stover,  born  in  Haycock  Twp.,  Dec.  8, 
1814.  Mrd.  Thamar  Zeigler,  of  Mont^.  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  27,  1842.  Farmer.  Men.  Br.  in  Christ.  Chil- 
dren: Catharine,  Mary,  Elizabeth. 

VI.  Catharine  Stover,  born  Mar.  25,  1844.  Mrd. 
Bishop  Search,  in  1867.  Farmer.  Children:  (VII.) 
William  Search,  born  Feb.  21,  1868.  S.  (VII.)  Victor 
Search,  born  July  30,  1880. 

VI.  Mary  Anna  Stover,  born  Nov.  6,  1845.  Mrd. 
George  Young,  in  1869.  Butcher.  Ger.  Ref.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Agnes  T.  Young,  born  July  20,  1870.  S. 
(VII.)  Elsie  M." Young,  born  June  21,  1881. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Emma  Jane  Stover,  born  Sept.  28, 
1847.  Mrd.  Tilghman  S.  Funk—.  Laborer.  Luthe- 
rans.   One  child:  (VII.)  David  Funk. 

V.  Samuel  Stover,  born  Dec.  23,  1822;  died  Dec.  10, 
1859.  Mrd.  Sarah  Gehman — .  Farmer.  New  Menno- 
nites.    One  child: 

VI.  Silas  G.  Stover,  born  Aug.  19,  1853;  died  Mar. 
26,  1876.  Mrd.  Ancinetta— .  She  died—.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Lillie  May  Stover,  born  Jan.  11,  1877;  died 
Apr.  3,  1878. 

V.  Josiah  Stover,  born  June  26,  1826;  died  May  16, 
1852.  Teacher.    He  died  unmrd. 

V.  Eli  Stover,  born  Nov.  10,  1829;  died  Sept.  16, 
1878.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  daughter  of  Isaac  and 
Catharine  Fretz.  In  1852  he  bought  one  of  his 
father's  farms  in  Springfield  Twp.,  where  he  lived 
during  his  lifetime.  New  Mennonites.  Children: 
Minerva,  Newton,  Jordan,  Jennie,  Carrie,  Katie. 

VI.  Minerva  Stover,  born  Dec.  29,  1854.  Mrd.  Peter 
D.  Harris,  May  20,  1878.    Farmer.    Mr.  Harris,  Ger. 

—  383  — 

Ref.  Mrs.  Harris,  Mennonite.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Jacob  Harris. 

VI.  Newton  Franklin  Stover,  born  June  26,  1856. 
Mrd.  Catharine  Anders,  of  Durham  Twp.,  in  1881. 
Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (VII.)  Minnie  Idella 
Stover,  born—;  died  Apr.  7,  1883.  (VII.)  Carrie 
Stover,  born  Jan.  5,  1883.  (VII.)  Sadie  Stover,  born 
Apr.,  1885. 

Vl.  Jennie  Stover,  born — ;  died,  aged  6  days. 

VI.  Carrie  Stover,  born — . 

VI.  Katie  Stover,  born — ;  died  aged  2  years. 

VI.  Jordan  F.  Stover,  born  Mar.  13.  1859.  Mrd. 
Annie  L.,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Mary  Bean,  of 
Nockamixon  Twp.,  Dec.  28,  1882.  Mr.  Stover, 
worked  on  the  farm  until  he  was  eighteen  years  of 
age,  attending  the  public  schools  during  the  winter. 
He  afterwards  attended  one  term  of  school  at  Car- 
versville,  then  taught  school  at  Stony  Point  from 
1879  to  1882.  Then  clerked  for  six  years.  He  then 
associated  himself  with  T.  T.  Bean  in  the  Merchan- 
dise business  at  Reigelsville,  Pa.,  under  the  firm 
name  of  Beau  &  Stover.  Jan.  31,  1887,  their  store 
and  contents  were  destroyed  by  fire.  In  April  of  the 
same  year  Mr.  Stover  opened  a  store  under  Mechanics 
Hall.  In  October  he  removed  to  the  corner  brick 
store,  "Bean's  Block."  Children:  (VII.)  Clarence  E. 
Stover.   (VII.)  Bessie  May  Stover. 

V.  Franklin  Stover,  born  Mar.  3,  1834;  died  Dec.  3, 
1878.  Mrd.  Susanna  Schleifer,  of  Springfield  Twp. , 
Bucks  Co.  Dec.  3,  1858.  Farmer  and  Merchant.  New 
Mennonites.  Children:  Laura,  Clinton,  Harvey,  New- 
berry, Alice. 

VI.  Laura  Stover,  born  June  30,  1859.  Mrd.  Pier- 
son  Bewighouse.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  128). 

VI.  Clinton  Stover,  born  Jan.  26, 1863.  Mrd.  Emma 
Nicholas,  Oct.  13,  1888.    Sadler.    Lutherans. 

VI.  Harvey  Stover,  born  May  24,  1865.  Mrd.  Kate 
Ruth,  Sept.  4,  1886.    Farmer.    Lutherans. 

VI.  Newberry  Stover,  born  Aug.  20,  1868.    S. 

VI.  Alice  Stover,  born  Sept.  24,  1870.  Mrd.  Harry 
Rohr,  Mar.  30,  1889.    Mrs.  Rohr,  Lutheran. 

—  384  — 

IV.  Barbara  Stover,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1801.  Mrd. 
Samuel  Detweiler,  of  Hilltown.    Died  without  issue. 

■  IV.  Elizabeth  Stover,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1803. 
Mrd.  Daniel Rosenberger,  in  1824.  Farmer.  Children: 
Joseph,  Catharine,  Leah,  Henry,  Amos,  Samuel. 

V.  Joseph  RosenlDcrger,  born  in  1825;  died  in  1880. 
Mrd;  Nancy  Derstine,  in  1845.  Farmer.  Children: 
(VI.)  Amanda.    (VI.)  Amos.    (VI.)  Titus. 

V.  Catharine  Rosenberger,  born  in  1829;  died  in 
1872.    Unmrd. 

V.  Leah  Rosenberger,  born  in  1835.  Mrd.  Charles 
D.  Haldamen,  in  1855.  Farmer.  Children:  Harvey, 
Elizabeth,  Isaiah. 

VI.  Harvey  R.  Haldamen,  born  in  1856.  Mrd. — . 
Merchant.  Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Haldamen,  born 
in  1879.    (VII.)  John  Haldamen,  born— . 

VI.    Elizabeth  Haldamen,  born  in  1865;  died  in  1865. 

VI.   Isaiah  Haldamen,  born — . 

V.  Henry  Rosenberger,  born  in  1837.  Mrd.  Maria 
Beidler,  in  1861.  Merchant  in  Philadelphia.  Children: 
(V\.)  AUavesta  E.  Rosenberger,  born  in  1862.  (VI.) 
Catharine  Rosenberger,  born  in  1864.  (VI.)  Emma 
Rosenberger,  born  in  1866.  (VI.)  Minerva  Rosenber- 
ger, born  in  1868.  (VI.)  Charles  H.  Rosenberger, 
born  in  1877.  (VI.)  Anna  Rosenberger,  born  in  1879; 
died  in  1883.    (Vl.)  Ida  Rosenberger,  born  in  1881. 

V.   Amos  Rosenberger,  born — . 

V.   Samuel  Rosenberger,  born — . 

III.  Henry  Fretzj  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about 
1770  or  '71.  Mrd.  Barbara  Fretz,  daughter  of  Chris- 
tian and  Barbara  Fretz,  B.  B.,  about  1791  or  '92.  He 
died  a  few  years  after  marriage.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites.    Children:  Catharine,  Anna. 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born — ;  died  young. 

IV.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  12,  1795; 
died  Apr.  10,  1875.  Mrd.  Jacob  C.  Moyer,— .  He 
was  born  Dec.  9,  1791;  died  Mar.  29,  1879.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.    Children:  Jacob,  Maria,  Henry. 

V.  Jacob  F.  Moyer,  born—.  Mrd.  Sarah  K.  Meyer, 
Oct.  22,  1848.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Mr.  Moyer  died 
Jan.  12,  1871.    One  child: 


Tinicum   Christian   Fretz   Homestead 

—  385  — 

VI.  Mary  A.  Moyer,  born  May  31,  1851.  Mrd. 
Emanuel  H.  Barndt,  Mar.  26,  1870.  Organist  and 
tombstone  engraver.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.) 
Elwood  M.  Barndt,  born  Jan.  27,  1871.  Mrd.  Ellen 
H.  Barndt,  Oct.  2,  1888.  Stone-cutter.  Lutherans. 
(VII.)  Lottie  M.  Barndt,  born  Apr.  11,  1873.  Organ- 
ist. (VII.)  Elmer  M.  Barndt,  born  Oct.  29,  1875. 
(VII.)  Victor  M.  Barndt,  born  Aug.  23,  1877.  (VII.) 
Corson  M.  Barndt,  born  May  15,  1880.  (VII.)  Nor- 
man M.  Barndt,  born  July  14,  1882.  (VII.)  Melvin 
M.  Barndt,  born  Aug.  7,  1885.  (VII.)  Murry  M. 
Barndt,  born  June  26,  1888. 

V.  Maria  F.  Moyer,  born  Feb.  21,  1826;  died  Jan.  9, 
1876.    Mrd.  Enos  Fluck.    No  issue. 

V.  Henry  F.  Moyer,  born — .  Mrd.  Sarah  Myers, — . 
No  issue. 

III.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  about 
1772;  died  in  Oct.  1843.  He  purchased  the  homestead 
of  his  father,  June  7,  1814.  He  was  four  times  mrd. 
His  first  wife  was  Mary  Kratz,  by  whom  he  had  the 
follo^dng  children:  Henry,  John,  Abraham. — For  his 
second  wife  he  mrd.  Elizabeth  Kratz,  by  whom  he  had 
the  following  children:  Mary,  Joseph,  Elizabeth. — 
For  his  third  wife  he  mrd.  Magdalena  Delp,  by  whom 
he  had  the  following  children:  Susan,  Sarah,  Catha- 
rine, Veronica. — His  fourth  was  Mary  Reif.  No  issue. 
Farmer.    Mennonites  at  Deep  Run. 

IV.  Henry  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  13,  1794;- 
died  Jan.  14,  1858.  Mrd.  Mary  M.  White,  Jan.  7, 
1824.  He  lived  on  a  farm  adjoining  the  homestead  of 
his  father,  now  owned  by  Jacob  Slotter.  He  was  ac- 
customed to  wear  velvet  pants,  and  from  that  fact  he 
was  familiarly  known  as  "Velvet  Henry."  Children: 
Maria,  Francis,  Martha. 

V.  Maria  Fretz,  born  Oct.  28,  1824;  died  Sept.  15, 
1876.  Mrd.  John  K.  Meyers.  (See  Index  of  Refer- 
ences No.  129). 

V.  Francis  Fretz,  born  about  1826;  died — .  Mrd. 
Sarah  Myers, — .    One  child:  (VI.)  Jordan  Fretz. 

V.  Martha  C.  Fretz,  born  Aug.  31,  1828.  Mrd. 
Thomas   C.    Atherholt,    Nov.    24^  1859.     Wholesale 


—  386  — 

Merchant  and  importer  of  Queensware,  China  and 
Glassware,  at  422  Market  St.,  Philadelphia.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (VI.)  Samuel  F.  Atherholt,  born  Sept.  7, 
1860.  (VI.)  Wilson  David  Atherholt,  born  June  23, 
1862;  died  Sept.  7,  1863.  (VI.)  Edgar  Frank  Ather- 
holt, born  Dec.  20,  1864.  (VI.)  Arthur  Thomas  Ather- 
holt, born  Apr.  11,  1867.  (VI.)  Joseph  Octavius  Ath- 
erholt, born  July  16,  1870. 

IV.  John  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1796;  died 
Oct.  23,  1865,  aged  69y.,  Im.  and  28d.  Mrd.  Cath- 
arine Heiny — ,  About  1820  he  moved  to  Richland, 
now  Ashland  Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  and  wife  died. 
Farmer  and  Weaver.  Presbyterians.  Children: 
Sarah,  Rachel. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  29,  1826. 
Mrd.  Robert  Walker,  Nov.  1,  1845.  In  1850.  they 
moved  to  Illinois,  and  now  live  near  Clinton,  DeWitt 
Co.  Farmer.  Presbyterians.  Children:  Enoch,  Kate, 
Carrie,  Charles,  Jennie,  Anna,  Mary. 

VI.  Enoch  Walker,  born  Aug.  17,  1850.  Mrd.  Jane 
Gizar,  Nov.  25,  1874.  Lumberman  in  Escambia  Co., 
Alabama.  Presbyterians.  Children:  (VII.)  Frederick 
Walker.   (VII.)  Ernest  Walker. 

VI.  Kate  Walker,  born  Nov.  23,  1855.  Mrd.  William 
H.  Weller,  Nov.  27,  1879.  Farmer.  Presbyterians. 
No  issue. 

VI.  Carrie  Walker,  born  Feb.  16,  1858.  Mrd.  P.  K. 
Willson,  Sept.  6.  1882.  Farmer  and  Stock  raiser. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VII.)  Charles  Robert  Willson, 
born  June  26,  1883.  (VII.)  Harry  Kimble  Willson, 
born  Sept.  16,  1885. 

VI.  Charles  Walker,  born  Feb.  14,  1860.    S. 

VI.  Jennie  Walker,  born  Dec.  27,  1862.    S. 

VI.  Anna  Walker,  born  Oct.  16,  1863.  Mrd.  George 
H.  Thorp,  May  2,  1888.    Merchant.    Methodists. 

VI.  Mary  L.  Walker,  born  Aug.  25,  1866.  Mrd. 
John  Tackett,  Feb.  22,  1884.  Farmer.  Methodists. 
Children:  (VII.)  Estella Tackett.  (VII.)  Lulu  Tackett. 
(VII.)  Dora  Takett. 

V.  Rachel  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  6,  1828. 
Mrd.  John  F.  Kilaver,  Dec.  20, 1858.  She  died  Mar.  30, 
1866.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  Catharine,  Sarah. 

—  387  — 

VI.  Catharine  Kilaver,  born  Sept.  24,  1859.  Luthe- 
ran.   S. 

VI.  Sarah  Kilaver,  born  Mar.  i,  1862.  Mrd.  S.  E. 
Copiis,  of  Wood  Co.,  O.,  Dec.  22,  1888.  Farmer 
near  Hoj^tville,  Ohio.  Lutheran.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Franklin  L.  Copus,  born  Apr.  8,  1890. 

IV.  Abraham Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  8,  1799; 
died — .  Mrd.  Anna  Myers,  daughter  of  Henry  and 
Mary  Magdalena  Myers,  of  Plumstead  Twp.,  Mar. 

10,  1829.     Farmer.     Mennonites.    Children:  Joseph, 
Mary,  Sarah,  John,  Abraham. 

V.  Joseph  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  June  12, 
1831.  Mrd,  Hannah  Cassel,  Feb.  27,  1860.  Farmer. 
Children:  Emeline,  Amanda,  Ada,  Clinton,  Willis. 

VI.  Emeline  Fretz,  born  Sept.  Itt,  1862;    died  Sept. 

11,  1865. 

VI.  Amanda  Fretz,  born  Sept.  11,  1864.  Mrd.  Mah- 
lon  M.  Fretz.   (See   Lidex  of  References  No.  130). 

VI.  Ada  Fretz,  born  Aug.  30,  1870. 

VI.  Clinton  E.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  24,  1875. 

VI.  Willis  Fretz,  born  Oct.  30,  1880;  died  Aug.  29, 

V.  Mary  Ann  Fretz,  born  Jan.  18,  1835.  Tailoress. 

V.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  May  18,  1837.  Mrd.  John 
Groman,  Dec.  17,  1S61.  Railroader.  Lutherans.  Chil- 
dren: Emma,  Annie,  Orlando. 

VI.  Emma  Catharine  Groman,  born  Aug.  28,  1863. 
Mrd,  Samuel  P.  Beggs,  in  Aug.  1883.  Children: 
(VII.)  NeUie  Beggs,  born—;  died—.  (VII.)  Raymond 
Samuel  Beggs. 

VI.  Annie  EUzabeth  Groman,  born  Mar.  12,  1866. 

VI.  Orlando  De  Forest  Groman,  born  Mar.  26,  1868. 

V.  John  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  Bucks 
Co.,  Sept.  16,  1839.  Mrd.  Mary  Fretz,  of  Bedmins- 
ter,  daughter  of  Christian  and  Mary  Fretz,  Mar.  2, 
1871.  Farmer.  Mem.  2d  Mennonite  ch.  Children: 
(VI.)  Elmer  Grant  Fretz,  born  Jan.  25,  1872;  died 
Dec.  12,  1876.  (VI.)  John  Clarence  Fretz,  born  Aug. 
15,  1878.  . 

—  388  — 

V.  Abraham  M.  Fretz,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp., 
Aug.  23,  1843.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Fryling,  in  1870. 
She  died  Mar.  3,  1879.  Children:  (VI.)  Oscar  Frank- 
lin Fretz,  born  Oct.  4,  1871;  died  July  10,  1872.  (VI.) 
Malinda  Sabina  Fretz,  born  Jan.  8,  1876.  (VI.)  Cath- 
arine Fretz,  born  Feb.  23,  1879;  died  Aug.  3,  1879. 
Abraham  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Celinda  Wit- 
meyer,  Nov.  16,  1880.  Farmer.  He,  New  Mennonitc; 
his  wife,  Moravian.  Children:  (VI.)  Joseph  Morris 
Fretz,  born  Nov.  25,  1884.  (VI.)  Esther  May  Fretz, 
born  Oct.  23,  1882.  (VI.)  Annie  Helen  Fretz,  born 
Oct.  17,  1886. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  Apr.  22,  1802.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Hockman,  Oct.  9,  1821.  Miller  and  farmer.  Mems. 
2d  Mennonite  ch.  Children:  Joseph,  Elizabeth, 
Stephen,  Mary,  Jacob,  Sarah,  Samuel,  Moses. 

V.  Joseph  Hockman,  born  May  3,  1823;  died — . 
Mrd.  Mary  Baringer,  of  Richland  Twp.,  Oct.  25, 
1846.  Farmer.  Mems.  2d  Mennonite  ch.  Children: 
Amanda,  Louisa. 

VI.  Amanda  Hockman,  born  Feb.  6,  1854.  Mrd. 
Reuben  Miller,  Sept.  19,  1874.  Farmer.  Lives  on  a 
part  of  the  original  Old  "Fretz"  Homestead,  of 
Bedminster,  formerly  owned  by  Martin  Fretz.  Mems. 
2d  Mennonite  ch.  Children:  (VII.)  Estella  Miller, 
born  Oct.  26,  1879.  (VII.)  Mary  Amanda  Miller,  born 
Oct.  10,  1881.  (VII.)  Jonas  Warren  Miller,  born  Sept. 
20,  1884. 

VI.  Louisa  Hockman,  born  Dec.  14,  1859.  Mrd. 
Mahlon  K.  Shearer,  Jan.  13,  1883.  Shoemaker.  New 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VII.)  Arabella  Shearer,  born 
Jan.  11,  1884.  (VII.)  Huldah  Shearer,  born  Nov.  30, 

V.  Elizabeth  Hockman,  born  Nov.  16,  1824;  died 
Nov.  3,  1878.  Mrd.  William  Gable,  Sept.  19,  1844. 
He  was  born  July  26,  1823.  Farmer  and  Blacksmith. 
Lutherans.  Children:  Amanda,  Jacob,  Sarah,  Albert, 
William,  Charles,  Edward,  Simon,  Ann. 

VI.  Amanda  Gable,  born  June  15,  1848.  Mrd.  Frank- 
lin B.  King,  Oct.  29,  1870.  He  was  born  Feb.  9, 
1848.  Shoemaker  by  trade,  at  present  farmer.  Lu- 
therans,    Children:    (VII.)    Alice  King,  born  Jan.  2, 

389  — 

1874.  (VII.)  Simon  King,  born  Jan.  5,  1876.  (VII.) 
Sallie  A.  King,  born  Nov.  4,  1879.  (VII.)  Franklin 
King,  born  Sept.  9,  1882.   (VII.)  Infant;  died  small. 

VI.  Jacob  Gable,  born  Feb.  1,  1850;  died  May  23, 

VI.  Sarah  Gable,  born  Dec.  3,  1851.  Mrd.  Lewds 
Fulmer,  Nov.  23,  1868.  He  was  born  July  1,  1842. 
Farmer,    Lutherans.    No  issue. 

VI.  Albert  H.  Gable,  born  Nov.  19,  1853;  died  Oct. 
6,  1888.  Mrd.  Catharine  Kramer,  Mar.  25,  1876.  She 
was  born  Nov.  3,  1854.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Cora  Ellen  K.  Gable,  born  Sept.  16,  1876. 
(VII.)  Aurilla  K.  Gable,  born  Mar.  1,  1878.  (VII.) 
Horace  K.  (nible,  born  July  19,  1880.  (VII.)  Mary 
Catharine  K.  Gable,  born  Mar.  4,  1883.  (VII.)  Eliza- 
beth K.  Gable,  born  May  6,  1885;  died  Dec.  12, 1886. 
(VII.)  Auilla  K.  Gable,  born  Jan.  22,  1887;  died  Dec. 
27,  1887.    (VII.)    Albert  K.  Gable,  born  Feb.  8,  1889. 

VI.  William  H.  Gable,  born  Aug.  30,  1855.  Mrd. 
Mary  F.  Deaterly,  Aug.  22, 1874.  Farmer  in  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Lewis  D.  Gable, 
born  Dec.  4,  1874.  (VII.)  Wilson  D.  Gable,  born  Mar. 
14,  1880.  (VII.)  Estella  D.  Gable,  born  Oct.  28,  1881. 
(VII.)  Mary  D.  Gable,  born  June  14,  1884.  (VII.) 
Harvey  D.  Gable,  born  Jan.  6,  1889. 

VI.  Charles  H.  Gable,  born  Aug.  6,  1857.  Mrd. 
Hannah  Eliza,  dau.  of  Jacob  Sames,  Nov.  4,  1886. 
Farmer  near  Richland  Centre,  Pa.     Lutherans.    No 


VI.  Edward  Gable,  born  Apr.  14,  1860;  died  May 
25,  1862. 

VI.  Simon  H.  Gable,  born  Jan.  10,  1863.  Mrd.  Jen- 
nie, daughter  of  George  Unangst,  Oct.  25,  1884. 
Farmer  near  Hagersville,  Pa.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VII.)  Charles  U.  Gable,  born  June  15,  1885.  (VII.) 
Saidy  Florence  Gable,  born  Aug.  10,  1886.  (VII.) 
Annie  U.  Gable,  born  Apr.  1,  1888. 

VI.  Ann  Elizabeth  Gable,  born  Apr.  17,  1865.  Mrd. 
Jacob  L.  Swenk,  Mar.  14,  1886.  Miller,  and  Feed 
and  Flour  Merchant.  Lutherans.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Willie  Swenk,  born  Feb.  2,  1887. 

Yi  Mary  Hockman,  borii-^,  Mrd.  William  Baringer, 

—  390  — 

V.  Stephen  F.  Hockman,  born  Auo;.  28,  1828.  Mrd. 
Caroline  Yergev,  Jan.  25,  1855.  ^He  died  Oct.  3, 
1862.  Farmer.  Lutherans.  Children:  Clayton, 

VI.  Clayton  Y.  Hockman,  born  Feb.  11,  1855.  Mrd. 
Ellamand  Kilmer,  Feb.  13,  1886.  Carpenter  at  Sel- 
lersville.  Pa.  Mr.  Hockman,  Lutheran.  Mrs.  Hock- 
man, Ger.  Ref. 

VI.  Salome  Hockman,  born  July  14,  1856.  Mrd. 
Manasseh  S.  Snyder,  Nov.  16,  1878.  Farmer.  Lu- 

V.  Moses  F.  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Apr,  5, 
1830;  died  Nov.  14,  1885.  Mrd.  Rebecca  Wagner—. 
Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  Newton,  Sarah,  Jonas, 

VI.  Newton  Hockman,  born  Dec.  8,  1860.  Mrd. 
Cora  Belle  Gruver  in  1886.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Lloyd  Hockman,  born  Nov.  22,  1887. 

VI.  Sarah  Ada  Hockman,  born — . 

VI.  Jonas  Hockman,  born — ;  died — . 

VI.  Se villa  Hockman,  born — ;  died.  Mrs.  Hockman 
died — .  Mr.  Hockman  mrd.  for  his  second  wife, 
Leanna  Wagner,  Feb.  23,  1867.  She  was  born  Mar. 
5,  1839.     Children:    (VI.)   Allen  Hockman,  born  Oct. 

17,  1868.  (VI.)  Simeon  Hockman,  born  Oct.  15,  1869. 
(VI.)  Mary  Alice  Hockman,  born  Dec.  15,  1870.  Mrd. 
Thomas  Walters,  Feb.  23,  1887.  (VI.)  Joseph  Hock- 
man, born  Mar.  24,  1872.  (VI.)  Moses  Hockman,- 
born  July  4,  1875.   (VI.)  Leanna  Hockman,  born  Oct. 

18,  1876. 

V.  Jacob  F.  Hockman,  born  May  4,  1832.  Mrd. 
Matikla,  daughter  of  Jacob  Deaterly,  of  Bedminster, 
May  9,  1852.  Farmer,  and  lives  on  the  farm  his 
father  purchased  of  Joseph  Fretz,  about  1825.  The 
present  occupant,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  pur- 
chased the  farm  in  1866.  Lutherans.  Children:  Levi, 
Leidy,  Malinda. 

VI.  Levi  Hockman,  born  Mar.  2,  1853.  Mrd.  Cath- 
arine, daughter  of  Reading  Snyder,  of  Bedminster 
Twp.,  Aug.  1,  1874.  Carpenter  and  farmer.  In  1875 
he  purchased  the  farm  he  now  occupies,  from  his 
grandfather,  Jacob  Hockman,    Lutherans.    Children: 

—  391  — 

(VII.)  Laura  Louisa  Hockman,  born  May  28,  1875. 
(VII.)   Ida  Hockman.  born  Sept.  18,  1876. 

VI.  Leidy  Hockman,  born  Auo^.  22,  1854.  Mrd.  Lu- 
cinda,  daug^hter  of  Charles  M.  Deaterl}^  of  Bedmins- 
tor,  Nov.  8,  1879.  Farmer.  Res.  with  his  father. 
Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Clara  Hockman,  born 
Aug.  •!,  1882.  (VII.)  Sallie  Hockman,  born  Aug.  5, 

VI.  Malinda  Hockman,  born  Mar.  7,  1856;  died  Jan. 
24,  1887.  Mrd.  John  O.  Snyder,  May  23,  1875. 
Merchant  at  Souderton,  Pa.  Lutherans.  Children: 
(VII.)  Nora  Snyder,  born  Nov.  1,  1876.  (VII.)  Carrie 
Snyder,  born  Mar.  IS,  1879;  died  young.  (VII.)  Lot- 
tie Snyder,  born  Sept.  7,  1881.  (VII.)  Alice  Snyder, 
born  Oct.  12,  1884;  died  young. 

V.  Samuel  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  2, 
1834;  died  at  the  house  of  his  brother  Joseph,  near 
Bedminsterville,  Pa.,  Sept.  23,  1878.  Mrd.  Jane  E. 
Jardine,  in  Omaha,  Neb.,  Mar.  12,  1866.  Farmer 
and  Stock-raiser.  Children:  (VI.)  Gippie  A.  Hock- 
man, born  at  Hamlin  Grove,  Iowa,  Mar.  1867;  died 
at  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah.  Jan.  22,  1888.  (VI.)  Delbert 
I.  Hockman,  born  in  Weld  Co.,  Col.,  Nov.  30,  1868. 
(VI.)  Brick  P.  Hockman,  born  at  Snake  Valley,  Utah, 
Nov.  22,  1870.  (VI.)  Clara  B.  Hockman,  born  in  Utah, 
Jan.  15,  1873.  (VI.)  Minnie  M.  Hockman,  born  in 
Utah,  Aug.  23,  1875.  (VI.)  Kittie  E.  Hockman,  born 
July  8,  1878. 

V.  Sarah  Hockman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  29, 
1836.  Mrd.  William  R.  Strohm,  July  7,  1854.  Stone 
Mason.  In  1876  he  purchased  a  farm  in  Milford 
Tvvp.,  on  which  he  now  resides.  Ger.  Ref.  Children: 
James,  Mary,  Edward,  Laura,  Wilson,  Hulda,  Julia, 
Sarah,  William,  Amanda,  Alice. 

VI.  James  Monroe  Strohm,  born  July  22,  1855. 
Mrd.  Sophia  S.  Nicholas,  Nov.  8_,  1885.  "She  died  in 
1889.    Painter.    Lutherans.    No  issue. 

VI.  Mary  Ann  Strohm,  born  Mar.  22,  1857.  Mrd. 
Frank  Erney,  Feb.  24,  1877.  Cigar-maker,  at  Qua- 
kertown.  Pa.  Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Flora  Vir- 
ginia Erney,  born  Apr.  2,  1877.  (VII.)  Howard  Solo- 
mon Erney,  born  June  9,  1880;   died  June  24,  1886. 

—  392  — 

(VII.)  Carrie  Irene  Erney,  born  Feb.  15,  1882.  (VII.) 
Norman  Erney,  born  June  2,  1885.  (VII.)  Frederick 
Erney,  born  Feb.  7,  1888;  died  Sept.  19,  1888. 

VI.  Edward  H.  Strohm,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp., 
Aug.  11,  1858.  Mrd.  Addie  Shup,  Sept.  20,  1883. 
Creameryman.  Ger.  Ref.  One  child:  (VII.)  Elsie 
May  Strohm,  born  May  29,  1889. 

VI.  Laura  Strohm,  born  Apr.  26,  1860.  Ger.  Ref.  S. 

VI.  Wilson  H.  Strohm,  born  Dec.  19,  1861.  Mrd. 
Elizabeth  Roth,  Oct.  10,  1888.     Farmer.     Ger.  Ref. 

VI.  Huldah  Strohm,  born  July  15,  1863.  Mrd.  Henry 
J.  Bossert,  Sept.  26,  1885.  Creameryman.  Ger.  Ref. 
Children:  (VII.)  William  S.  Bossert,  born  Aug.  15, 
1886.   (VII.)  Laura  S.  Bossert,  born  Oct.  13,  1887. 

VI.  Julia  Etta  Strohm,  born  Jan.  30,  1866.  Ger. 

VI.  Sarah  Jane  Strohm,  born  Aug.  4,  1873. 

VI.  William  Franklin  Strohm,  born  Dec.  23,   1875. 

VI.  Amanda  Strohm,  born  Mar.  13,  1877;  died  Aug. 
16,  1877. 

VI.  Alice  Strohm,  born  Aug.  13,  1878. 

IV.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  11, 
1803;  died  Dec.  4,  1880.  Mrd.  Catharine  Rickert, 
July  15,  1845.  She  was  born — ;  died — .  Joseph 
Fretz  was  a  farmer,  and  owned  and  lived  all  his  life 
time  on  a  part  of  the  Homestead  purchased  by  his 
Grandfather,  Abraham  Fretz,  in  Bedminster  Twp., 
and  now  owned  and  occupied  by  his  sons  Anthony  R. 
and  Quincy  A.  Fretz.  Mr.  Fretz  was  a  man  of  per- 
haps more  than  ordinary  intelligence,  a  very  observ- 
ing man,  and  a  great  reader.  He  and  his  wife  were 
members  of  the  New  Mennonite  ch.,  at  Deep  Run. 
Children:  Allen,  Quincy,  Joseph,  Susan,  Anthony, 

V.  Allen  W.  Fretz,  born  Mar.  5,  1846.  Mrd.  Mary 
E.  McFarland,  of  Coshocton  Co.,  Ohio,  July  3,  1870. 
She  was  born  Dec.  8,  1845,  in  Montreal,  Canada. 
Mrs.  Fretz  is  a  member  of  the  2d  Mennonite  church 
at  Deep  Run.  Children:  (VI.)  Rilla  Alice  Fretz,  born 
in  Bedminster  Twp.,  Pa..  Apr.  9,  IS^l-  S.  (VI.)  J. 
Titus  Fretz,  boru  Feb,  2,  18T3.  (VI.)  Wilson  Shurtz 
Fretz,  born  June  19,  1875,    (VI.)   Ubarles?  ^J,  Fretg, 

—  393  — 

born  Mar.  22,  1877.  (VI.)  Delbert  B.  Frctz,  born 
Dec.  28,  1879.  (VI.)  Merrill  Linn  Fretz,  born  Dec. 
17,  1881.  (VI.)  Robert  A.  Fretz,  born  May  26,  1883. 
(VI.)  Mamie  Fretz,  born  Feb.  15,  1886;  died  May  8, 

VI.  Quincy  A.  Fretz,  born  July  18,  1847.  He  lived 
with  his  parents  until  a  tew  years  after  his  marriage, 
after  which  he  lived  in  Hilltown  one  year,  and  at 
Souderton  four  years,  engaged  in  manufacturing 
force  pumps.  In  1879  he  returned  to  the  farm  where 
he  now  lives,  and  which,  as  a  portion  of  the  Old 
Homestead,  he  purchased  after  his  father's  death. 
He  was  mrd.  Oct.  10,  1873,  to  Catharine  Yeakel,  of 
Hilltown.  She  is  a  descendant  of  the  Schwenk- 
f elders,  and  was  born  May  27,  1847.  Members  of 
the  2d  Mennonite  ch.,  at  Deep  Run.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Alice  Y.  Fretz;   died  an  infant. 

V.  Joseph  Titus  Fretz,  born  May  5,  1849;  died  Apr. 
27,  1870,  aged  20y.,  11m.  and  22d. 

V.  Susan  Fretz,  born  June  7,  1852.  Mrd.  Mahlon 
Essig,  of  Arcadia,  Hamilton  Co.,  Ind.,  June  22,  1884. 
Farmer  in  Hamilton  Co.,  Ind.  Mrs.  Essig,  New 
Mennonite.  Children:  (VI.)  Infant  daughter,  born 
and  died  Apr.  11,  1886.  (VI.)  Emma  Mabel  Essig, 
born  July  8,  1887. 

V.  Anthony  R.  Fretz,  born  Feb.  19,  1856.  Mrd  Ella 
Barron,  of  Springfield — .  She  was  born  Jan.  27, 
1862.  Farmer,  and  lives  on  the  Old  Homestead, 
which  he  purchased  in  1881.  Children:  (VI.)  Morris 
Dillwyn  Fretz,  born  Mar.  5,  1883.  (VI.)  Chester 
Arthur  Fretz,  born  Mar.  26,  1885.  (VI,)  Joseph  Ed- 
gar Fretz,  born  Aug.  6,  1886.  (VI.)  Ida  May  Fretz, 
born  Oct.  8,  1888. 

V.  Ella  R.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  22,  1862.  Mem.  2d 
Mennonite  church  of  Deep  Run.  S. 

IV.  Susan  Fretz,  born  May  16,  1810;  died  Apr.  8, 
1890,  aged79y.,  10m.,  24d.  Mrd.  Isaac  Detweiler,—. 
He  died  Nov.  7,  1889.  Farmer,  and  lived  in  Haycock 
Twp. ,  on  a  farm  purchased  from  the  heirs  of  Joseph 
Fretz,  know  as  Big  Joe,  son  of  Jacob,  and  grandson 
of  Weaver  John  Fretz,  Mennorfites.  Children; 
A^ron,  John, 

—  394  — 

V.  Aaron  Detweiler,  born  Jan.  29, 1833,  in  Bedminster 
Twp,  Mrd,  Anna  Catharine,  only  daughter  of  William 
Meyers,  Dec'd.  Oct.  24,  1858.  Farmer.  Lutherans. 
Children:  William,  Philena. 

VI.  William  A.  Detweiler,  born  May  26,  1859;  died 
Feb.  5,  1879.    Lutheran. 

VI.  Philena  Catharine  Detweiler,  born  Jan.  30,  1865. 
Mrd.  Elias  C.  Weaver,  of  Richlandtown,  Pa.,  Oct. 
9,  1886.  He  has  the  degree  of  qualified  assistant  in 
the  drug  and  Apothecary  business,  and  is  engaged  as 
Clerk  in  the  drug  store  of  his  brother.  Dr.  M.  H. 
Weaver,  at  Richlandtown,  Pa.  Mrs.  Weaver,  Lu- 
theran. One  child:  (VII.)  Aaron  D.  Weaver,  born 
Jan.  29,  1888. 

V.  John  Detweiler,  born — .  Mrd.  Amanda  Stover, 
— .  Farmer,  One  child:  (VI.)  Stover  Detweiler,  born 
— .  S. 

IV.  Sarah  Fretz,  born  Aug.  28,  1812.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham Myers,  in  1834.  They  settled  on  Joseph  Fretz's 
farm,  near  Pipersville,  where  he  died  Jan.  27,  1881, 
aged  80y.,  and  3m.,  and  where  Mrs.  Myers  still  lives, 
ait  the  advanced  age  of  76  years.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Francis,  Mary,  Aaron. 

V.  Francis  F.  Myers,  born  Apr.  22,  1838.  Mrd. 
Rachel  Meyers,  daughter  of  Abraham  and  Annie 
Meyers,  and  grandaughter  of  Esther  (Fretz)  Meyers, 
— .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Abraham,  Sarah, 
Mary,  Minerva,  Hulda,  Rachel,  Libbie,  Amanda,  Ida. 

VI.  Abraham  Myers,  born — .  Mrd.  Anna  Gruver, 
— .  Miller.  Mem.  Tinicum  Ch.  They  have  two 

VI.  Sarah  Ann  Myers,  born—.  Mrd.  Allen  Zetty. 
(See  Index,  of  References  No.  131). 

VI.  Mary  Ellen  Myers,  born—.  Mrd.  Levi  Myers, 
— .    Farmer  and  Carpenter.    They  have  one  child. 

VI.  Minerva  M^'^ers,  born — .  Mrd.  Henry  Myers. 
Carpenter.    They  have  one  child. 

VI.  Hulda  MVers,  born—.  (VI.)  Rachel  Myers, 
born—.  (VI.)  Libbie  Myers,  born—;  died-.  (VI.) 
Amanda  Myers,  born — .    (VI.)  Ida  Myers,  born — . 

V.  Mary  F.  Myers,  born  Apr.  23,  1840.  Unmrd. 
Lives  at  home  with  her  mother.    Mennonite. 

—  395  — 

V.  Aaron  F.  Myers,  born  May  4-,  1846.  Mrd. 
Susanna  Geisinofer,  daiifyhter  of  Rev.  John  Geisinger, 
of  Sprincrfiekl  Twp.,  Oct.  31,  1868._  Farmer,  and 
lives  on  the  old  homestead,  near  Pipersville.  Old 
Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Sarah  Ellen  Myers,  born 
Mar.  31,  1870.  (VI.)  Wilson  Francis  Myers,  born 
Feb.  2,  1874. 

IV.  Veronica  Fretz,  born — .  Mrd.  John  High,  — . 
He  died—.  Farmer.  Mems.  Nevs^  Mennonite  Ch,,  of 
Deep  Rim.    Children:  Sarah,  Reuben,  Susanna. 

V.  Sarah  High,  born — ;   died  S. 

V.  Reuben  High,  born — .  Mrd.  Sarah  Myers, — . 
Farmer.    They  have  5  children. 

V.  Susanna  High,  born—;  died — .  Mrd.  Abraham 
Myers.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  132). 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  Jan.  14,  1814;  died—. 
Mrd.  Philip  Leatherman.  (See  Index  of  References 
No.  133). 

III.  Esther  Fretz,  born  Sept.  20,  1774;  died  Mar.  2, 
1838.  Mrd.  Henry  Myers,  Oct.  25,  1798.  He  was 
born  Oct.  10, 1774;  died  Sept.  19,  1823.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. Children:  Joseph,  Jonas,  Catharine,  Rachel, 
,  Abraham,  Ephraim. 

IV.  Joseph  Myers,  born  Mar.  26,  1800;  died  Aug. 
26,  1860.  Mrd.'  Mary  Shelly,  Jan.  30,  1827.  She  was 
born  June  5,  1800;  died  Apr.  17,  1877.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Elizabeth,  Lucy,  Matilda, 
Henry,  Esther. 

V.  Elizabeth  Meyers,  born  Nov.  4,  1827.  Mrd. 
Henry  S.  Musselman,  Oct.  6,  1850.  He  died  May  16, 
1885.  Carpenter.  Mrs.  Musselman  resides  in  Huron 
Co.,  Mich.  Methodist.  Children:  Edward,  Gilbert, 
Martha,  Michael,  Joseph,  William,  Epheneda,  Mary, 
Anna,  Albert,  Ellen. 

VI.  Edward  Musselman,  born  Apr.  9,  1851;  died 
Jan.  22.  1857. 

VI.  Gilbert  Musselman,  born  Jan.  5,  1853;  died 
Apr.  17,  1873. 

VI.  Martha  An^  Musselman,  born  July  27,  1855; 
died  Oct.  7,  1875. 

—  396  — 

VI.  Michael  Musselman,  born  Aug.  3,  1857.  Lum- 
berman, in  Huron  Co. ,  Mich. 

VI.  Joseph  Musselman,  born  Aug.  4,  1859.  Farmer 
in  Huron  Co.,  Mich. 

VI.  William  Musselman,  born  May  22,  1861.  Was 
drowned  July  22,  1877. 

VI.  Epheneda  Musselman,  born  Mar.  3,  1863. 
Quarryman  in  Michigan. 

VI.  Mary  Susanna  Musselman,  born  Mar.  24,  1865. 
Mrd.  George  Upthegrove,  July  5,  1883.  Children: 
(VII.)  Ruby  Elizabeth  Upthegrove,  born  Dec.  22, 
1884;  died  July  22,  1885.  (VII.)  Pearl  May  Upthe- 
grove, born  May  21,  1886. 
"VI.  Anna  Elizabeth  Musselman,  born  Mar.  24,  1865. 

VI.  Albert  Franklin  Musselman,  born  Mar.  15,  1871. 

VI.  Ellen  Amanda  Musselman,  born  Mar.  1,  1873; 
died  Jan.  24,  1886. 

V.  Lucy  Ann  Meyers,  born  Feb.  5,  1829.  Mrd. 
Charles  Mclntyre.   (See  Index  of  References  No.  134.) 

V.  Matilda  Meyers,  born  Oct.  10,  1831.  Mrd.  Jacob 
Yost, — .  One  cliild:  (VI.)  Amanda  Yost,  born — .   S. 

V.  Henry  S.  Meyers,  born  Oct.  15.  1836;  died  June 
11,  1837.  ■ 

V.   Esther  Myers,  born  Nov.  30, 1839.  Mennonite.  S. 

IV.  Jonas  Myers,  liorn  Feb.  13,  1802;  died  Apr.  26, 
1885.  Mrd.  Veronica,  daughter  of  Martin  Fretz,  Sr., 
of  Hilltown  Apr.  1,  1828.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Mary,  Catharine,  Leah. 

V.  Mary  Ann  Meyers,  born  in  1833;  died  Aug  10, 
1852,  aged  19  years. 

V.  Catharine  Meyers,  born — .  Mrd.  Tobias  Over- 
holt.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  135). 

V.  Leah  Meyers,  born  Nov.  24,  1839.  Mrd.  Henrv 
B.  Kratz,  Nov.  10,  1860.  He  was  born  Aug.  2,  1838. 
Miller.  Mennonites.  Children:  Sylvanus,  Emma, 
Jonas,  Leidy.  Mary,  Harvey,  Horace,  Henry. 

VI.  Sylvanus  Kratz,  born  Sept.  2,  1861.    Mrd.  

Myers, — .     Farmer.      Mennonites.      Children:    (VII.) 
Infant,  unnamed.    (VII.)  Aaron  Kratz,  died  in  infancy. 

VI.   Emma  Jane  Kratz,  born  Mar.  31,  1864.    Mrd. 

William  H,  Fulmar,  Oct,  1,  188T,    Ffivmer,    Mrn, 

—  397  — 

Fulmer,  Mennonite.  One  child:  (VII.)  Leah  Anna 
Fdmer,  born  Jan.  8,  1889. 

VI.  Jonas  Kratz,  born  Feb.  4,  1866.  Mrd.  Lizzie 
Sine,  in  1886.  Farmer.  New  Mennonites.  One  child: 
(VII.)  Estella  Kratz,  born  in  1886. 

VI.  Leidy  M.  Kratz,  born  Sept.  11,  1868.  (VI.)  Mary 
Ellen  Kratz,  born  June  6.  1870.  (VI.)  Harvey  Kratz, 
born  May  27,  1873.  (VI.)  Horace  Kratz,  born  May  31, 
1875.    (VI.)  Henry  W.  Kratz,  born  Mar.  5,  1879. 

IV.  Catharine  Meyers,  born  Dec.  15,  1801:.  Mrd. 
Christian  Moyer,  in  1831.  He  died  in  181:1.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Rachel,  Leah,  Abraham,  Jonas. 

V.  Rachel  Moyer,  born  Oct.  26,  1833.  Mrd.  Abra- 
ham F.  Kratz.  (See  Index  of  References  No.  136). 

V.  Leah  Moyer,  born  Nov.  7,  1835.  Mrd.  John 
Young,  Nov.  27,  1858.  Farmer  in  Montg.  Co.  Men- 
nonites.   Children:  Isaac,  Jonas,  Katie,  Allen. 

VI.  Isaac  Young,  born  Feb.  28,  1860.  Mrd.  Eliza- 
beth Shunck,  Sept.  23,  1882.  Farmer  in  Montg. 
Co.,  Pa. 

VI.  Jonas  Young,  born  Apr.  23.  1861;  died  Aug. 
13,  1861. 

VI.  Katie  Young,  born  Dec.  5,  1864.  Mrd.  Leidy 
Swartley,  Nov.  10,  1888.    Farmer. 

VI.   Allen  Young,  born  Feb.  9,  1870. 

V.  Abraham  M.  Moyer,  born  in  1837.  Mrd.  Mary 
Clemens,  in  1860.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Wilson,  Henry,  Horace,  Morris,  Allen. 

VI.  Wilson  Moyer,  born  in  1861.    Farmer.    S. 

VI.  Henry  Moyer,  born  in  1864.  Mrd  Lizzie  Landis, 
Jan.  1889.    Employed  on  Hay  Press. 

VI.  Morris  Moyer,  born  in  1867.  Mrd.  Lizzie  Harley, 
in  1887.  Farmer.  One  child:  (VII.)  Merwin  Moyer, 
born  in  Oct.  1888. 

VI.  Horace  Moyer,  born  in  1867  (Twin  to  Morris). 
Farmer  and  lives  at  home. 

VI.   Allen  Moyer,  born  in  1874. 

V.  Jonas  Moyer,  born  in  1839.  S.  Lives  with  his 
brother  Abraham,  near  Salfordsville,  Montg.  Co.,  Pa. 

IV.  Rachel  Myers,  born  Sept.  2,  1807.  Mrd.  John  F. 
Myers.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  137.) 

—  398  — 

IV.  Abraham  Myers,  born  Jan.  4,  1810;  died  Mar. 
16,  1866.  Mrd.  Annie  Shimmel,  Au^  28,  1838.  Far- 
mer. Mennonites  at  Deep  Rvin.  Children:  Rachel, 
Jonas,  Mary,  Henry,  Lamech,  Minerva  Abraham. 

V.  Rachel  Myers,  born  Feb.  12,  1840.  Mrd.  Francis 
F.  Myers.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  138). 

V.  Jonas  S.  Myers,  born  Aug.  1,  1842.  Mrd.  Lavina 
D.  Fretz,  Jan.  19,  1864.  Farmer  in  Bucks  Co.  Mems. 
2d  Mennonite  ch..  Deep  Ran.  Children:  Rosella,  An- 
nie, Clayton,  Lamech,  Sallie,  Abraham,  Henry  Wil- 
liam, Lavina. 

VI.  Rosella  Myers,  born  June  29,  1864.  Mrd.  Henry 
S.  Shelly.    (See  Index  of  References  No.  139). 

VI.  Annie  Fretz  Myers,  born  Nov.  21,  1865;  died 
Dec.  7,  1868.  (VI.)  Clayton  F.  Myers,  born  Oct.  26, 
1867.  (VI.)  Lamech  F.  Myers,  born  May  7,  1869. 
(VI.)  Sallie  F.  Myers,  born  Dec.  16,  1871.  (VI.)  Abra- 
ham Myers,  born  July  7,  1874;  died  Aug.  19,  1875. 
(VI.)  Henry  Myers,  born  June  8,  1877.  (VI.)  William 
Myers,  born  Mar.  6,  1879.  (VI.)  Lavina  Myers,  born 
Oct.  20,  1881. 

V.  Mary  Myers,  born  July  8,  1848.  Mrd.  George 
Trauger,  Dec.  4,  1869.  Farmer.  New  Mennonites. 
Children:  (VI.)  Emma  Trauger,  born  June  18,  1870. 
(VI.)  William  Henry  Trauger,  born  Mar.  7,  1874. 
(VI.)  Samuel  Trauger,  born  Aug.  31,  1876.  (VI.)  New- 
berry Trauger,  born  Sept  23,  1880.  (VI.)  Annie  Trau- 
ger, born  July  22,  1884.  (VI.)  Lizzie  Trauger,  born 
Oct.  17, 1885. 

V.  Henry  S.  Myers,  born  May  30, 1850.  Mrd.  Emma 
Jane  Hockman,  Oct.  18,  1879.  Farmer.  New  Menno- 
nites, at  Deep  Run.  One  Child:  (VI.)  George  H.  My- 
ers, born  Oct.  7,  1883. 

V.  Lamech  S.  Myers,  born  Feb.  11,  1852.  Mrd. 
Emeline,  daughter  of  Martin  Myers,  Apr.  17,  1877. 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  (VI.)  Martin  Erwin 
Myers,  born  Aug.  3,  1877.  (VI.)  Ada  Myers,  born 
Mar.  29,  1881.    (VI.)  Mary  Myers,  born  May  22,  1883. 

V.  Minerva  S.  Myers,  born  June  29,  1855.  Mrd. 
John  B.  Bewighouse.  (See  Index  of  References  No. 

—  399  — 

V.  Abraham  S.  Myers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  22, 
1857.  Mrd.  Annie  L.  Baringer,  Dec.  13,  1879.  She 
was  born  Jan.  30,  1858.  New  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VI.)  Amy  B.  Myers,  born  Aug.  2,  1881;  died  Dec. 
27,  1881.  (VI.)  Carrie  B.  Myers,  born  Oct.  17,  1882. 
(VI.)  Ehner  B.  Myers,  born  Jan.  22,  1885. 

IV.  Ephraim  Meyers,  born  in  Tinicum  Twp. ,  Mar.  30. 
1813;  died  Mar.  26,  1853.  Mrd.  Mary  Keeler,  Sept. 
8,  1843.  She  was  born  Oct.  17,  1813;  died  Apr.  17, 
1884.    One  child: 

V.  Oliver  K.  Meyers,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  16, 
1844.  Mrd.  Mary  Jane  Stever,  Aug.  5,  1865.  She 
was  born  Jul}' 2,  1849.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children: 
Emma,  Anna,  Sarah,  David,  Lambert,  Thaddeus. 

VI.  Emma  Jane  Meyers,  born  Aug.  22,  1866.  Mrd. 
George  Ott,  Apr.  23,  1887.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  One 
child:  (VII.)  Horace  M.  Ott,  born  Oct.  12,  1887. 

VI.  Anna  Maria  Meyers,  born  Oct.  8,  1868.  Mrd. 
Abraham  M.  Swartley,  Mar.  28,  1885.  Farmer.  Men- 
nonites. One  child:  (VII.)  Mary  Ellen  Swartley,  born 
Dec.  15,  1886;  died  Aug.  8,  1887. 

VI.    Sarah  Ellen  Meyers,  born  Mar.  12,  1871.  S. 

VI.  David  S.  Meyers,  born  Sept.  18,  1875;  died  Nov. 
18,  1876. 

VI.   Lambert  S.  Meyers,  born  Sept.  4,  1877. 

VI.   Thaddeus  S.  Meyers,  born  Dec.  26,  1883. 

III.   Anna  Fretz,  born — ;  died — .    Unmrd. 

III.  Barbara  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  in  1778;  died 
Feb.  5,  1852,  aged  74y.,  9m.,  12d.  Mrd.  Philip  Kai- 
singer,  Sept.  18,  1799.  He  died  Dec.  19,  1845,  aged 
75y.,  11m.,  18d.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Jo- 
seph, Lizzie,  John,  Abraham,  Charles,  Susan,  Rachel, 
Hannah,  Samuel,  Jonas. 

IV.  Joseph  Kaisinger,  born  in  Plumstead  Twp.,  Feb. 
17,  1801;  died  Apr.  17,  1848.  Mrd.  Mary  Shank,  in 
1827.    She  died  May  26,  1842.    No  issue. 

IV.  Lizzie  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  14,  1803;  died  Jan. 
15,  1874,  aged  71y.,  Id.    Unmrd. 

IV.  John  S.  Kaisinger,  born  Aug.  14,  1806;  died 
Apr.  19,  1880   Mrd.  (Catharine  Swartz,  Nov.  21,  1841. 

—  400  — 

She  was  born  Mar.  16,  1820.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:   Elizabeth,  Isaac,  Rachel,  Lycliau. 

V.  Elizabeth  Kaisinger,  born  July  25,  1843.  Mrd. 
Philip  K.  Myers.     (See  index  of  References  No.  141). 

V.   Isaac  Kaisinger  born  Nov.  17.  1845. 

V.   Rachel  Kaisinger,  born  July  14,  1848.    S. 

V.  Lydian  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  3,  1858;  died  Mar. 
12,  1867. 

IV.  Abraham  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  3,  1809.  Mrd. 
Mary,  widow  of  Jacob  Fretz  (maiden  name  Swartz), 
— .  She  was  born  Apr.  1,  1816;  died  June  8,  1884. 
Weaver.   Mrs.  Kaisinger,  Old  Mennonite.   One  child: 

V.  Abraham  S.  Kaisinger,  born  June  7,  1851.  Mrd. 
Lizzie  Brown,  in  1873.  She  died — .  Harness-maker. 
One  child:  (VI.)  Annie  Mary  Kaisinger,  born  Nov.  27, 

IV.  Charles  S.  Kaisinger  (Twin  to  Abraham),  born 
Jan.  3,  1809;  died  June  19,  1884.  Mrd.  Ellen  W. 
Anderson,  Nov.  7,  1837.  She  was  born  Oct.  23,  1809; 
died  Oct.  23,  1884.  Farmer  and  lime-burner.  Chil- 
dren: George,  Mary,  Jennie. 

V.  George  W.  Kaisinger,  born  July  21,  1840;  died 
in  1889.  Mrd.  Isabella,  daughter  of  Henry  VanLuva- 
nee.  Peddler.  Reside  in  Trenton,  N.  J.  Children: 
Mary,  Laura,  Jennie,  Cora,  Charles,  Alice,  Georgi- 
ana,  Rhoda,  Augusta. 

VI.  Mary  Ellen  Kaisinger,  born  June  28,  1863;  died 
Feb.  3,  1887.  Mrd.  John  J.  Weaver,  June  17,  1886. 
One  child:  (VII.)  Ella  Edna  Weaver,  born  Jan.  6,  1887; 
died  Aug.  16,  1887. 

VI.   Laura  Frances  Kaisinger,  born  Apr.  2,  1866. 

VI.   Jennie  E.  Kaisinger,  born  Dec.  26,  1868. 

VI.  Cora  Belle  Kaisinger,  born  Nov.  18,  1870. 

VI.  Charles  Henry  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  24,  1874; 
died  Apr.  21,  1874. 

VI.   Alice  Minerva  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  5,  1875. 

VI.  Georofiana  Kaisinger,  born  Sept.  11,  1878;  died 
Sept.  19,  1879. 

Vr.    Rhoda  A.  Kaisinger,  born  Mar.  18,  1880. 

VI.   Fannie  Augusta  Kaisinger,  born  Oct.  2,  1882. 

—  401  — 

V.  Mary  A.  Kaisinorer,  born  Sept.  11,  1842.  Mrd. 
T.  Watson  AVismei^  Oct.  20,  1868.  Farmer.  Chil- 
dren: (VI.)  George  W.  Wismer,  born  Aug.  29,  1869. 
(VI.)  Nellie  W.  Wismer,  born  May  30,  1874.  (VI.) 
May  S.  Wismer,  born  Nov.  29,  1875. 

V.  Jennie  E.  Kaisinger,  born  Sept.  23,  1847.  Mrd. 
William  H.  Smith,  July  12,  1885.  He  died  Mar.  4, 
1889.    Florist.    No  issue. 

IV.  Rachel  Kaisinger,  born  Sept.  19,  1813.  Mrd. 
Abraham  Leatherman,  Sept.  23,  1848.  He  was  born 
Feb.  7,  1802;  died  Feb.  1,  1881.  Farmer.  Menno- 
nites  at  Deep  Run.    One  child: 

V.  Nelson  K.  Leatherman,  born  Mar.  18,  1850. 
Mrd.  Lizzie,  daughter  of  Jacob  Fretz,  Mar.  19,  1874. 
Merchant  at  Milford  Square,  Pa.  Baptists.  Children: 
(VI.)  Warren  Fretz  Leatherman,  born  Feb.  29,  1880; 
died  Aug.  25,  1880.  (VI.)  Susan  Pearl  Leatherman, 
born  June  19,  1882. 

IV.  Hannah  Kaisinger,  born  Sept.  22,  1816.  Mrd. 
Henry  G.  Mj^ers,  Jan.  5,  1841.  Farmer.  Mennonites. 
Children:  Philip,  Sophia,  Elevesta. 

V.  Philip  K.  Myers,  born  Nov.  15, 1841.  Mrd.  Mary, 
daughter  of  Rev.  John  Geisinger,  in  1863.  She  was 
born  Apr.  23,  1843;  died  Aug.  27,  1865.  One  child: 
(VI.)  Hannah  C.  Myers,  born  May  4,  1865;  died  May 
8,  1866. — Philip  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  John  Kaisinger,  May  29,  1875.  Shoe- 
maker.   Mennonites.    No  issue. 

V.  Sophia  Myers,  born  May  18,  1851;  died  aged  11 

V.  Elevesta  L.  Myers,  born  Dec.  13,  1858;  died 
Dec.  21,  1866. 

IV.  Samuel  Kaisinger,  born  Dec.  29,  1818;  died  May 
12,  1886.  Mrd.  Catharine  Anna  Sassaman,  of  Durham 
Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Aug.  21,  1856.  She  was  born  Oct. 
15,  1836.  Shoemaker.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  William, 
Rachel,  Oliver,  Lauretta,  Sallie,  Jestina,  Eleza,  Mag- 
gie, Samuel,  Katie, 

V.  William  Henry  Kaisinger,  born  in  New  Britain 
Twp.,  Jan.  3,  1857.  Mrd.  Eliza  O.  Merkel,  Aug.  30, 
1884.  She  was  born  Mar.  10,  1865.  Moulder.  Chil- 
dren:   (VI.)  William  Henry  Kaisinger,  born  Apr.  16, 


—  402  — 

1885;  died  Apr.  30,  1885.  (VI.)  Samuel  Kaisinger, 
born  Aug.  19,  1887;  died  Aug.  23,  1887. 

V.  Rachel  Elizabeth  Kaisinger,  born  Dec.  31,  1858; 
died  May  5,  1859. 

V.  Oliver  James  Kaisinger,  born  May  30,  1860;  died 
Aug  3,  1861. 

V.  Lauretta  Kaisinger,  born  in  Philadelphia,  Dec.  10, 
1862.  Mrd.  George  W.  Merkel,  Jan.  1,  1880.  Car- 
penter.   No  issue. 

V.  Sallie  Matilda  Kaisinger,  born  July  28,  1865,  in 
Philadelphia.  Mrd.  Milton  A.  Buttz,  oi  Philadelphia, 
Dec.  20, 1882.  Terra  Cotta  moulder.  Methodists.  One 
child:    (VI.)  Samuel  Peter  Buttz,  born  Mar.  15,  1884. 

V.  Jestina  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  22,  1868,  in  Phila- 
delphia. Mrd.  John  H.  Funston,  of  Conshohocken, 
Pa.    Jan.  21,  1888.    Weaver.    Methodists. 

V.   Eieza  Kaisinger,  h\\  Aug.  11,  '69 ;  died  July  20,  '70. 

V.  Maggie  May  Kaisinger,  born  in  Phihidelphia, 
Dec.  20,  1871. 

V.    Samuel  S.  Kaisinger,  born  Feb.  8,  1874. 

V.   Katie  Cora  Kaisinger,  born  Apr.  4,  1876. 

IV.  Jonas  Kaisinger,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar,  31, 
1821.  Mrd.  Livia  Mussehiian,  Aug.  18,  1850.  Farmer, 
near  Hartsville,  Pa.  Mennonite.  Children:  Henry, 
Samuel,  Mary,  Elizabeth,  Charles,  Sallie. 

V.  Henry  M.  Kaisinger,  born  Sept.  6,  1851.  Mrd. 
Kebecca  W.  Schlater,"Apr.  27,  1876.  Merchant.  Ger. 
Kef.  One  child:  (VI.)  Elsie  May  Kaisinger,  born  July 
15,  1884. 

V.  Samuel  M.  Kaisinger,  born  Apr.  1,  1854.  Mrd. 
Addic,  daughter  of  Capt.  T.  H.  Parsons,  dec'cl,  Dec,  2, 
1885.  Dealer  in  Wall  Paper,  Oils,  Paints  at  Milledge- 
ville.  111.    Mrs.  Kaisinger  Baptist.    No  issue. 

V.  Mary  Kaisinger,  born  Sept.  9,  1859;  died  Mar. 
23,  1860. 

V.   Elizabeth  Kaisinger,  born  May  6,  1861.    S. 

V.  Charles  M.  Kaisinger,  born  July  23,  1865.  Mrd. 
Emma  Jane  Detweiler,  of  Union ville.  Pa.,  July  31, 
1887.  Harness-maker  at  Souderton,  Pa.  Mennonite. 
Onechild:  (VI.)  Harvey D.  Kaisinger,  bornFeb.  7, 1887. 

V.  SaUie  Kaisinger,  born  Jan.  31,  1867;  died  Feb. 
12,  1867, 


II.  Mark  Fretz  (son  of  Tinicum  Christian),  born  on 
the  old  homestead  in  Tinicum  Twp.,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 

.    Mrd.  Gertrude  Kulp,  Dec.  22,  1772.    She  died 

May  9,  1780.  He  lived  in  Tinicum  Twp.,  near  the 
Durham  road,  on  a  farm  of  200  or  more  acres.  The 
tract  now  comprises  three  farms  owned  by  Jacob 
Steely  (where  the  homestead  buildings  were),  Levi 
Yost  and  Reuben  Heaney.  Their  children  were:  An- 
thony, Judith,  Elizabeth,  Mary,  Gertrude.  Mark 
mrd.  for  his  second  wife  Mary,  widow  of  Abraham 
Fretz  (son  of  Weaver  John),  Sept.  26,  1780.  They 
had  one  child:  Anna. 

III.  Anthony  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Feb.  1, 1774; 
died  Jan.  26,  1856.  Mrd.  Margaret  Wismer,  Apr  16, 
1795.  She  died  July  23,  1822.  He  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife  a  Quaker  lady.  He  lived  on  a  farm  of  60  acres, 
at  the  "Old  Burnt  Mill,"  in  Plumstead  Twp. ,  where 
he  carried  on  farming  and  milling.  He  was  known  as 
"Lame  Anthony,"  or  "One  Legged  Anthony,"  hav- 
ing received  an  injury  to  one  of  his  legs  by  a  scythe 
or  cradle,  making  amputation  necessary.  The  issue 
by  first  wife  are:  Samuel,  Anna,  Mary,  Mark,  Eliza- 
beth, Joseph,  Catharine. 

IV.  Samuel  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  17,  1796. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  Fretz  (daughter  of  third  Christian), 
in  1824.  Miller.  In  1832  he  moved  to  Clinton,  N.  J., 
where  he  lived  for  17  years,  and  then  moved  to  Ohio, 
locating  at  Wadsworth,  Medina  Co.     The  following 

-  404  — 

year  (1850),  he  bought  the  mill  property  in  Montville, 
Ohio,  and  conducted  the  same  in  company  with  his 
sons  until  his  death,  which  occurred  Apr.  6,  1852, 
after  which  his  sons  assumed  control.  In  the  fol- 
lowing March  the  mill  burned,  being  a  total  loss. 
They  rebuilt  the  mill  and  continued  the  business  for 
many  years.  Children:  Lewis,  Anthony,  Christian, 
Mahlon,  Anna. 

V.  Lewis  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  26, 
1826.  Farmer,  Sawyer  and  builder,  now  retired.  He 
resides  on  the  homestead  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  When 
the  war  broke  out  he  enlisted  under  the  call  of  Presi- 
dent Lincoln's  proclamation  for  75,000  men,  and  was 
comissioned  Captain  of  the  first  company  of  Vol's, 
raised  in  Medina  Co.  After  the  expiration  of  his  term 
of  enhstment  he  again  enlisted  in  the  last  company 
raised  in  Medina  Co.,  the  166  O.  N.  G.,  serving  as 
1st  Lieut.,  with  Captain's  duties,  that  officer  being 
unfit  for  service.  This  company  was  sent  to  Washing- 
ton, as  National  Guards,  to  guard  the  forts  on  Ar- 
lington Heights,  near  Alexandria.  He  rendered  hon- 
orable service,  for  which  he  recieved  a  certificate  of 
thanks  from  President  Lincoln.  Some  of  the  princi- 
pal battles  engaged  in  were  Fort  Henry,  Fort  Donald- 
son, PittLburgh  Landing,  Shiloh,  etc.  He  has  served 
in  various  township  offices,  among  them  Justice  of  the 
Peace.    Unmrd. 

V.  Anthony  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  5, 
1829.  Mrd.  Emily  Hosmer  in  1855,  She  died  soon 
after,  leaving  one  child:  Ida  E.  — Anthony  mrd.  for 
his  second  wife,  Hannah  A.  Crawford,  Sept.  19, 1863, 
by  whom  he  had  one  child:  Clair  W.  — Mr.  Fretz  was 
formerly  in  partnership  with  his  brother, Capt.  Lewis, 
as  farmer,  sawyer  and  builder  in  Medina  Co.  At  the 
outbreaking  of  the  war  he  enlisted  in  the  12th  IlL  V.L, 
as  musician.  He  also  enlisted  with  his  brother  Capt. 
Lewis,  in  166  O.  N.  G.,  as  principal  musician,  and  re- 
ceived from  President  Lincoln  a  certificate  of  honor- 
able service.  He  resides  in  Wooster,  Wayne  Co.,  O., 
and  is  a  member  and  elder  in  the  Presbyterian  church. 

VI.  Ida  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  17, 
1856.     Mrd.   Melvin  S.    Flickinger,    Feb.    14,    1878. 

—    4:05    — 

Farmer  in  Mediiiu  Co.,  O.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Zola  D.  Flickin^er,  born  Mar.  4,  1882.  (VII.) 
Anna  Fern  Flickinger,'  born  May  4,  1884.  (VII.)  Lulu 
Hope  Flickinger,  born  Mar.  31,' 1889. 

VI.   Clair  W.  Fretz,  born  Oct.  3,  1870. 

V.  Christian  Fretz,  born  Oct.  18,  1831;  died  Nov.  19, 

V.   Mahlon  Fretz,  born  in  Clinton,  N.  J.,  — .    Mrd. 

.    He  also  entered  in  the  12th  111.  V.  I.,  with  his 

brother  Anthony,  as  musician,  and  while  in  the  army 
contracted  a  disease  from  which  he  died  soon  after  his 
return,  leaving  one  child:  (VII.)  Mahlon  D.  Fretz, 
born  — .    Mrd.  . 

V.  Anna  W.  Fretz,  born  in  Clinton,  N.  J.,  May  21, 
1841.  Mrd.  Chester  W.  Abbott,  Aug.  9,  1861.  Far- 
mer in  Medina  Co. ,  Ohio.  Mr.  Abbott  enlisted  in  the 
103d  Reg't  O.V.  I.,  and  participated  in  the  following 
battles:  East  Tennesee,'  Knoxvillo,  Armstrong,  At- 
lanta, Franklin,  Nashville,  Wilmington,  Goldsborough 
and  Raleigh.  His  enlistment  was  for  three  years,  he 
was  mustered  out  of  service  at  the  close  of  the  war, 
June  12,  1865.  Mrs.  Abbott,  Presbyterian.  Children: 
Lewis,  Cora,  Ida. 

VI.  Lewis  Fretz  Abbott,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  in 
1862.  Mrd.  Philena  Bowman,  of  Lafayette,  Medina 
Co.,  O.,  Sept.  12,  1882.  Farmer  and  miller.  He, 
Presbyterian.    She,  Disciple.    No  issue. 

VI.  Cora  L.  Abbott,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  in  1866. 
Mrd.  Clifford  V.  Matterson,  of  Seville,  O.,  Feb.  26, 
1885.  Clothing  merchant  at  Seville.  Cora,  Pres- 

VI.  Ida  E,  Abbott,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  in  1873; 
died  Dec.  12,  1881.  Dying  so  young,  yet  she  was  a 
natural  born  musician,  and  possessed  rare  gifts  for 
that  art.  As  a  scholar  she  easily  outstripped  those  of 
her  own  age.  Had  she  lived,  no  doubt  she  would  have 
exhibited  remarkable  progress  in  music  and  scholar- 
ship. But  she  was  wanted  for  the  heavenly  choir,  and 
God  took  her. 

IV.  Anna  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  10, 
1797;  died  in  1885.  Mrd.  Joseph  Solliday,  Dec.  11, 
1817.  Children:  Joseph,  Mary,  Lucy,  Lewis.  — Anna 

—  406  — 

mrd.  for  her  second  husband,  Tobias  Weisel, — .  Chil- 
dren: Lucinda,  Caroline,  Anthony. 

V.   Joseph  Solliday,  born  Oct.  24,  1818. 

V.  Mary  Solliday,  born  Mar.  3,  1820;  died  Jan.  25, 

V.  Lucy  Ann  Solliday,  born  Mar.  18,  1822;  died 
Nov.  11,  1822. 

V.  Lewis  C.  Solliday.  born  Nov.  14,  1823.  Mrd. 
Mary  Ann  Solliday,  Nov.  2,  1845.  Retired  farmer. 
Ger.  Ref.    Children:  Morris,  Catharine,  El  wood. 

VI.  Morris  Soliday,  born  Oct.  14,  1849.  Mrd.  Emma 
Moyer,  Nov.  7,  1878.  Farmer  near  Erwinna,  Pa. 
Ger.  Ref.    One  child:  (VII.)  Gertrude  Solliday. 

VI.  Catharine  Ann  Solliday,  born  Apr.  7,  1845;  died 
May  3,  1876.  Mrd.  Newberry  Sassaman,— .  One 
child:  (VII.)  Mary  May  Sassaman. 

VI.  T.  Elwood  Solliday,  born — .  Mrd.  Emma  Yost — . 

V.  Lucinda  Weisel,  born — .  Mrd.  Joshua  Evans, 
M.  D.,  of  Branchtown,  Pa — .  He  died — .  Children: 
Oliva,  William,  Carrie,  Annie,  Wilbur,  Edward. 

VI.  Oliva  Evans,  born — ;  died  young. 
VI.  William  Evans,  born — ;  died  young. 

VI.  Carrie  Evans,  born — .  Mrd,  George  E.  Wagner 
— .  Children:  (VII.)  Carrie  Wagner.  (VII.)  Florence 

VI.  Annie  Evans.  Mrd.  William  T.  Beans.  Reside 
in  Colorado.  (VI.)  Wilbur  C.  Evans,  born—.  (VI.) 
Pxlward  S.  Evans,  born — . 

V.  Caroline  Augusta  Weisel,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa.  S . 

V.  Anthony  Fretz  Weisel,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 
Mrd.  Hannah  E.  Delp — .  Dealer  in  fancy  coach  and 
driving  horses  at  Cross-Keyes,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Chil- 
dren: ^(Vl.)  Debbie  D.  Weisel.  (VI.)  H.  Ross  Weisel. 
(VI.)  Augusta  Weisel. 

IV.  Mary  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  26, 
1799;  died—.  Mrd.  Samuel  Solliday,  May  17,  1821. 
He  died  Oct.  3,  1830,  aged  38  yrs.  Children:  Eli, 
Rachel,  Joseph,  Clarissa,  Wilson,  Sarah.  Mary  mrd. 
for  her  second  husband,  John  Bissey,  Nov.  10,  1846. 
He  died  Oct.  3,  1870.    No  issue. 

V.  Eli  K.  Solliday,  born  Dec,  22, 1821;  died  in  1887. 

—  407  — 

V.  Rachel  E.  Sollidav,  born  May  14,  1823.  Mrd. 
Robert  A.  Bayard—.  He  died  July  21,  1854.  Mrs. 
Bayard  attends  Presbyterian  ch.  Children:  Mary, 
Armstrono^,  Martha,  Sarah,  Elizabeth,  Joseph. 

VI.  Mary  A.  Bayard,  born  May  10,  1842;  died—. 
VI.  Arnistrono:  Bayard,  born  Dec.  10,  1843;    died — . 
VI.  Martha  A:  Bayard,  born   Dec.   8,   1846.     Mrd. 

William  H.  Gandey,  Oct.  25.  1865.  Paper  manufac- 
turer at  Lambertville,  N.  J.  Presbyterians.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  James  C.  W.  Gandey,  'born  July  17, 
nS66:  was  drowned  July  17,  1879.  ^  (VII.)  Minnie  B. 
Gandey,  born  May  10,'  1868.  (VII.)  Ann  B.  W. 
Gandey,  born  Sept.'  28,  1870.  (VII.)  Lizzie  L.  Gandey, 
born  Sept.  28,  1872;  died  Nov.  11,  1877.  (VII.)  Sallie 
L.  Gandey,  born  Sept.  18,  1874;  died  Dec.  29,  1887. 
(VII.)  Mattie  B.  Gandey,  born  Nov.  1,  1875.  (VII.) 
Hannah  E.  H.  Gandey,  born  Oct.  24,  1880. 

VI.  Sarah  L.  Bayard^  born  Aug.  16,  1848;  died  Aug. 
1873.  Mrd.  Alfred  C.  Gandey,  Dec.  28,  1869.  Mrs. 
Gandey,  Presbyterian.  One  child:  (VII.)  Harry  B. 
Gandey,  born  Oct.,  1870;  died  in  Sept.,  1876. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Bavard,  born  Auo-.  29,  1850;  died—. 

VI.  Joseph  Ely  Bavard,  born 'Nov.  2,  1853.  Mrd. 
Lizzie  A.  Holcomb,  Feb.  2,  1873. 

V.  Joseph  Solliday,  born  Sept.  5,  1824.  Mrd.  Annie 
C.  Atkinson,  Feb!  17,  1846.  Merchant  at  Hawley, 
Wayne  Co.,  Pa.    Presbyterians.    No  issue. 

V.  'Clarissa  A.  Solliday,  born  Aug.  20,  1826.    S. 

V.  Wilson  A.  Solliday,  born  Mar.  4.  1828:  died—. 

V.  Sarah  Solliday,  l)orn  Apr.  28.  1830.  Mrd.  J.  B. 
Longshore,  M.  D.,  of  Camden,  N.  J.,  Apr.  12,  1854. 
She,  Presliyterian.    They  have  no  living  issue. 

IV.  Mark'Fretz,  born  'in  Bucks  Co..  Pa.,  Mar.  17, 
1801;  died  July  24,  1849.  Mrd.  Julia  A.  Bissey,  Dec. 
20,  1825.  Mi'ller.  In  1848  he  moved  fi'om  Little 
York,  N.  J.,  to  Philadelphia,  where  he  died  the  fol- 
lowing year.  He  attended  the  Presbyterian  church. 
Children:  Silas,  Mariraret,  Mary,  Wil'son,  Julia,  Nel- 
son, Jonas,  Justus,  Clarissa,  Sarah, 

V.  Silas  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Dec.  1,  1826:  died 
in  South  Haven,  Mich.,  May  19,  1878.  Mrd.  Catha- 
rine   Ann    Johnson,   Feb.  7,  1857,    at  Frenchtown, 

—  408  — 

N.  J,  Millwright.  Methodists.  Children;  Lucinda, 
Anna,  Alice,  George,  Kittie. 

VI.  Lucinda  Fretz,  born  at  Frenchtown,  N.  J.,  Sept. 
14,  1853.  Mrd.  Joseph  Swails,  Aug.  15,  1872.  Sea 
Carpenter.  Residence,  Charlevoix,  Mich.  Mrs. 
Swails,  Methodist.  Children:  (VII.)  Eva  Swails,  born 
Mar.  21,  1871.  (VII.)  Alice  Swails,  born  Aug.  19, 
1876.  (VII.)  Silas  Swails,  born  Mar.  29,  1879.  '(VI I.) 
Lillie  Swails,  born  Sept.  8,  1881.  (VII.)  Maggie 
Swails,  born  Oct.  3,  1883.  (VII.)  John  Swails,  born 
Oct.  30,  1886.   (VII.)  Flora  Swails,  born  June  11,  1888. 

VI.  Anna  E.  Fretz,  born  in  Jackson,  Wayne  Co., 
Ohio,  Apr.  11,  1857.  Mrd.  Frank  W.  Swails,  Dec. 
27,  1876. 

VI.  Alice  Amelia  Fretz,  born  in  Defiance  Co.,  O., 
May  26,  1863.  Mrd.  C.  P.  House,  May  9,  1882.  Bar- 
ber at  Puyallup,  Pierce  Co. ,  Washington. 

VI.  George  Hathaway  Fretz,  born  at  Edgerton,  Wil- 
liams Co.,  O.,  Apr.  23,  1867.  Seaman,  at  South 
Haven,  Mich.     S.  (1889). 

VI.  Kittie  Louisa  Fretz,  born  and  died  in  South 
Haven,  Mich.,  Aug.  10,  1873. 

V.  Margaret  Fretz,  born  Sept.  22,  1828.  Mrd. 
James  Wells,  in  1850.  He  died  in  Nov.  1875.  Sail 
maker.  Mrs.  Wells,  Presbyterian.  Children:  Susan, 
Ida,  Harry. 

VI.  Susan  Wells,  born  July  24,  1856.  Mrd.  James 
A.  McCaughan,  May  1,  1879.  Shoe,  and  Dry  Goods 
Merchant  at  Paschalville,  Pa.  Presbyterians.  Chil- 
dren: (Vli.)  Margaret  Sarah  McCaughan,  born  Apr. 
4, 1880.  (VII.)  James  Stewart  McCaughan,  born  Mar. 
4,  1882.  (VII.)  Mary  Emily  McCaughan,  born  July  1, 
1884.  (VII.)  Susie  A.  McCaughan,  born  Aug.  12, 
1886.  (VII.)  Harry  Wells  McCaughan,  born  Dec.  16, 

VI.  Ida  Wells  born  Apr.  4,  1860.  S. 
■  VI.  Harry  Wells,  born  Aug.  24,  1862.  S. 

V.  Mary  Fretz,  born  Sept.  26,  1830;  died  in  1851. 
Mrd.  Mahlon  Hendricks,  in  1850.    No  issue. 

V.  Wilson  Fretz,  born  Feb.  14,  1832.  Mrd.  Mary 
Saville,  of  Philadelphia,  Dec.  25, 1857.  She  died  Dec. 

—  409  — 

10,  1869.    Lumberman.  Resides  at  No.  9  Wilson  St. 
Philadelphia.    Children:  Mark,  Lydia,  Mary. 

VI.  Mark  Fretz,  Jr.,  born  Sept.  14.  1857.  Mrd.  Alice 
Kurtz,  of  Philadelphia,  Sept.  12,  1877.  She  died  Feb. 
7,  1884.  Blacksmith.  One  child:  (VII.)  Charles  Fretz, 
born  June  30,  1880. 

VI.  Lydia  Fretz,  born  May  17,  1859.  Mrd.  William 
H.  Servos,  June  13,  1881.  Engineer  in  Philadelphia. 
Children:  (VII.)  William  Henry  Servos,  born  Aug. 
12,  1882.  (VII.)  Gertrude  Servos,  born  Dec.  19,1886. 
(VII.)  Edna  May  Servos,  born  June  26,  1888:  died 
Oct.  24,  1888.  (VII.)  Viola  Moore  Servos,  born  Aug. 
9,  1889. 

VI.  Mary  Louisa  Fretz,  born  Nov.  10,  1861;  died 
Jan.  19,  1885.    Unmrd. 

V.  Julia  A.  Fretz,  born  Nov.  2,  1834.  Presbyterian. 
Resides  with  her  brother  Wilson,  at  No.  9  Wilson 
St.,  Philadelphia.    Unmrd. 

V.  Nelson  Fretz,  born  Sept.  12,  1836;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Jonas  Fretz,  born  June  11,  1838;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Justus  Fretz,  born  July  29,  1839,  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Clarissa  Fretz,  born  May  24,  1842;  died  in  infancy. 

V.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Hunterdoii  Co., 
N.  J.,  Sept.  7,  1843;  died  Aug.  24,  1860.  Presbyte- 
rian.   Unmrd. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  Nov.  9,  1803;  died  young. 

IV.  Joseph  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Mar.  23, 1807; 
died  Mar.  17,  1854.  Mrd.  Catharine  Fretz,  daughter 
of  "Big  Joe,"  Nov.  3,  1833.  Cabinet  Maker,' and 
Miller.  Mennonites.  Children:  Nathan,  Reuben, 
Isaiah,  Moses,  Ely,  Aaron. 

V.  Nathan  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  May  3,  1834. 
Mrd.  Catharine  Longanecker,  June  24,  1854.  She 
died  in  Dec,  1884.  He  left  home  at  the  age  of  12 
years.  In  the  spring  of  1852  he  went  to  Ohio.  In 
1865  they  moved  to  Clay  Co.,  Ind.  Has  been  va- 
riously occupied,  as  wagon  maker,  millwright,  and 
for  fifteen  years  run  a  saw-mill,  and  is  now  proprietor 
and  manufacturer  of  the  well  known  Cough  Remedy, 
called  "White  Star,"  at  Indianapolis,  Ind.  Children: 
(VI.)  Infant,  born — ;  died,  aged  5  days.  (VI.)  Lavina 
Fretz,   mrd,—  Miller—,       He   died—.    (VI.)    Mary 

—  410  — 

Fretz.    (VI.)  Noah  Fretz.    (VI.)  Martha  Fretz.    (VI.) 
Susan  Fretz.    (VI.)    Jacob  Fretz.    (VI.)    Rhoda  Fretz. 
V.  Isaiah  Fretz,  born  Mar.  3,  1836;    died  Mar.   8, 

V.  Reuben  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  27,  1837. 
Mrd.  Fannie  Holley,  of  Owen  Co.,  Ind.,  Nov.  15, 1868. 
In  1859  he  went  to  Medina  Co.,  O.  On  the  llth  of 
Aug.,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  the  103  O.  V.  I.,  and 
served  three  years.  He  was  in  the  command  of  Gen. 
A.  E.  Burnside,  in  the  siege  of  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  and 
was  with  Gen.  Sherman  in  the  Atlanta  campaign.  He 
was  discharged  June  23,  1865.  In  Jul}^  '65  he  came 
to  Clay  Co.,  Ind.,  and  purchased  the  farm  on  which 
he  now  lives.  He  attends  the  M.  E.  ch.  His  wife,  is 
Mennonite.  Children:  (VI.)  Catharine  Fretz,  born 
Aug.  14,  1869.  (VI.)  Laura  Fretz,  born  Dec.  4,  1870; 
died  Oct.  16,  1876.  (VII.)  Cyrus  Fretz,  born  Jan.  20, 
1873;  died  Jan.  12,  1875.  (VI.)  Rachie  Fretz,  born 
Sept.  20,  1874.  (VI.)  Emma  Fretz,  born  Aug.  19, 
1876.  (VI.)  Anthony  Fretz,  born  Sept.  21,  1878.  (VI.) 
Mattie  Fretz,  born  in  Feb.  and  died  Mar.  26,  1881. 
(VI.)  Dorothea  Fretz,  born  Aug.  18,  1882.  (VI.)  Wil- 
liam Abram  Fretz,  born  Dec.  15,  1884.  (VI.)  Maud 
Fretz,  born  Dec,  1886;  died  Feb.  12,  1887.  (VI.) 
Clara  Hope  Fretz,  born  June  14,  1888. 

V.  Aaron  Fretz,  ])orn  in  Bucks  Co.,  Jan.  11,  1840. 
Mrd.  Ella  Chase,  of  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Dec.  31,  1873. 
In  1861  he  enlisted  in  the  U.  S.  I.  1st  Battalion,  and 
served  his  country  three  years.  He  has  lived  in  the 
following  places:' Doylestown,  O. ;  Clay  City,  Ind.; 
Fremont,  Ind.;  Wadsworth,  O. ;  Akron,  O. ;  Cleve- 
land, O. ;  Chicago,  111. ;  St.  Louis,  Mo. ;  Kansas  City, 
Mo.;  Topeka,  Kan.;  Clav  Citv,  Ind.,  and  Indian  Ter. 
Methodists.  Children:  (VI.)  Lulu  Ella  Fretz.  (VI.) 
Hazzard  D.  C.  Fretz.   (VI.)  Maud  Leno  Fretz. 

V;  Moses  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  14,  1841. 
Mrd.  Elizabeth  C.  Henney,  July  3,  1866.  She  was 
born  Summit.  Co.,  O.,  Apr.  13,  1846.  In  the  spring 
of  1859  he  went  to  Medina  Co.,  O.  In  April,  1861, 
he  enlisted  for  three  months  under  the  Governor's 
proclamation.  At  the  expiration  of  this  enlistment 
he  was  honorably  discharged  and  on  Sept.  1,  1861, 

—  411  — 

here-enlisted  in  Co.  D.,  15th  U,  S.  Regulars.  He  was 
appointed  Corporal  Nov.  26,  1861.  He  served  in  the 
followinj^  eno;aofements:  Green  River,  Ky. ;  Corinth, 
Miss.  He  was  discharged  from  the  Hospital  at  Nash- 
ville, Tenn.,  Oct.  20,  1862.  He  has  since  been  va- 
riously occupied  as  Railroader,  Milling,  Engineering, 
Millwright,  Moulder,  and  is  now  foreman  in  the 
Knickerbocker  Co.  Packing  Establishment,  at  Jack- 
son, Mich.     Children:  Anna,  William,  Lulu. 

VI.  Anna  Marilla  Fretz,  born  in  Steuben  Co.,  Ind., 
Feb.  4,  1868.  Mrd.  Grant  Bennett,  July  5,  1884.  He 
was  born  in  Branch  Co. ,  Mich.,  May  16,  1864.  Ma- 
chinist. One  child:  (VI.)  Arty  Eugene  Bennett,  born 
Aug.  10,  1885. 

VI.  William  Forest  Fretz,  born  Sept.  20,  1870;  died 
in  1873. 

VI.  Lulu  C.  Fretz,  born  in  Steuben  Co.,  Ind.,  Feb. 

11,  1877. 

V.  Ely  Fretz,  born  in  Haycock  Twp.,  Bucks  Co., 
Sept.  27,  1843.  Mrd.  May  E.  Simerman,  Dec.  23, 
1869.  She  was  born  in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Sept.  5, 1848; 
died  May  28,  1883.  Children:  (VI.)  Jennie  D.  Fretz, 
born  Oct.  13,  1870.   (VI.)  Arthur  W.  Fretz,  born  Dec. 

12,  1872.  Mr.  Fretz  mrd.  for  his  second  wife,  Katie 
Yohey,  Dec.  30,  1884.  She  was  born  in  Wayne  Co., 
O.,  Jan.  26,  1848.  Foreman  of  Siberling  Reaper  and 
Mower  Co.,  of  Doylestown,  Wayne  Co.,  O.  Metho- 
dists. One  child:  (VI.)  George  C.  Fretz,  born  Feb. 
14,  1886. 

IV.  Catharine  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Sept.  20, 
1813.  Mrd.  Samuel  Solliday,  in  1834.  Jeweler,  and 
Lumber  and  Coal  Merchant.  Mrs.  Solliday,  Presby- 
terian at  New  Hope,  Pa.  Children:  Silas,  Willie, 
Caroline,  Wilson,  Edward,  Charles,  Amanda,  Mary, 
Samuel,  Caroline,  Harry,  Ella. 

V.  Silas  Solliday,  born  in  1834;  died  in  1835. 

V.  Willie  Solliday,  born  in  1836;  died  Feb.  27,  1885. 
Mrd.  J.  Howard  Murray,  in  1860.  Mrs.  Murray, 
Presbyterian.  Children:  Carrie,  Edward,  Anita, 

VI.  Carrie  A.  Murray,  born — .  Mrd.  Richard  White- 
bead,  Jr.,  in  1884.    Manufacturer  of  rubber  goods. 

—  412  — 

Mrs,  Whitehead,  Episcopalian.  Children:  (VII.) 
Richard  Radcliff  Whitehead.  (VII.)  J.  Murray  White- 

VI.  J.  Edward  Murray. 

VI.  Anita  R.  Murray. 

VI.  Howard  Murray. 

V.  Caroline  Solliday,  born  in  1838.  Presbyterian.  S. 

V.  Wilson  Solliday,  born  in  1839.  Mrd.  Lizzie 
Crook  in  1861.  Book-keeper,  for  the  Lehio:h  Valley 
Shops,  at  South  Easton,  Pa.  Children:  (VI.)  Charles 
Solliday.  (VI.)  William  Solliday.  (VI.)  Clara  Solliday. 
(VI.)  Harry  Solliday.  (VI.)  Lida  Solliday.  (VI.)  Roy 
Solliday  and  (VI.)  Russell  Solliday  (Twins). 

V.  Edward  Solliday,  born  in  1841.  Mrd.  Mary 
Reading,  Feb.  6,  1864.  Special  Agent  in  the  Legal 
Department  of  the  Pennsylvainia  R.  R.  Co.,  formerly 
civil  engineer  with  Penn.  R.  R.  Co.  He  is  Presbyte- 
rian. Children:  (VI.)  Ollie  Solliday.  (VI.)  Howard 

V.  Howard  Solliday,  born  1843;  died  1844. 

V.  Amanda  Solliday,  born  in  1845;  died  in  1847. 

V.  Mary  Solliday,  born  in  1847.     S. 

V.  Samuel  Solliday,  born  in  1849;  died  in  1877. 

V.  Calvin  Solliday,  born  in  1851.  Mrd.  Louisa 
Hoppock,  born  in  1877.  Jeweler,  Lumber  and  Coal 
Merchant  at  New  Hope,  Backs  Co.,  Pa.  He,  Presby- 
terian.   One  child:  (VI.)  Chrissie  Solliday. 

V.  Harry  Solliday,  born  in  1857.  Mrd.  Sylvia 
Curtis  in  1883.  Ticket  receiver  for  Pa.,  R.  R.  at 
Intlianapolis,  Ind.  Presbyterian.  One  child:  (VI.) 
Ra3aiiond  Solliday. 

V.   Ella  Solliday,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1857. 

III.  Judith  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  5, 
1775;  died,  in  1826.  Mrd.  Mathias  Dinstman,  Nov. 
24,  1794.  Shoemaker,  farmer  and  minister.  They 
were  among  the  first  that  moved  from  Bucks,  to 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  in  wagons,  where  they  settled 
for  a  time,  and  finally  moved  to  Columbiana  Co., 
O. ,  where  they  died.  They  were  members  of  the  Old 
Mennonite  ch.,  of  which  Mr.  Dinstman,  was  a  min- 

—  4ld  - 

ister.    Children:  Abraham,    Elizabeth,   Isaac,   Anna, 

IV.   Abraham  Dinstman,  born  in Co.,  Pa.,  Jan. 

8,  1798;  died  in  1824.   Mrd. ,  (a  daughter  of  Peter 

Loiix,) — .     Farmer.     Mennonites.     One    child:    (V.) 
Henry  Dinstman, — . 

IV.  Elizabeth  Dinstman,  born  in  Westmoreland  Co., 
Pa.,  Oct.  17,  1802.  Mrd.  Martin  Overholt,  July  1, 
1820.  He  died — .  Carpenter  and  Cabinet  maker. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Sarah,  Abraham,  Elizabeth, 
Judith,  Anthony,  Joseph,  Simeon,  EH,  Jacob. — 
Elizabeth  mrd.  for  her  second  husband  George 
Slotter, — .    No  issue. 

V.  Sarah  Overholt,  born  in  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  10,  1822;  died  May  6,  1881.  Mrd.  D.  S.  Water- 
man, Dec.  25,  1815.  He  was  born  Aug.  7,  1822. 
Farmer  and  Carpenter.  Res.  Wadsworth,  Ohio. 
Children:  Abraham,  Infant,  Infant,  Noah,  Albert, 
Harvey,  Elizabeth,  Caroline,  Louisa,  Sarah. 

VI.  Abraham  Waterman,  born  July  22,  1816;  died 
Aug.  28,  1846. 

VI.   Infant  son,  still  born.  May  21,  1847. 

VI.  Infant  daughter,  born  Aug.  13,  1848;  died 
next  day. 

VI.  Noah  Waterman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Dec. 
10,  1849.  Mrd.  Fyetta  Miller,  June  8,  1871.  Car- 
penter and  joiner  at  Massillon,  Ohio.  Presbyterians. 
Children:  (VII.)  William  B.  Waterman,  born  Sept.  23, 
1872;  died  Apr.  20,  1874.  (VII.)  Sarah  J.  Waterman, 
born  Feb.  28,  1875.  (VII.)  Milton  H.  Waterman,  born 
Jan.  23,  1881.  (VI.)  Arthur  G.  Waterman,  born  Feb. 
2,  1883;  died  July  10,  1883; 

VI.  Albert  Waterman,  born  Mar.  4,  1853;  died 
July,  18,  1872. 

VI.  Harvey  Waterman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Sept.  13,  1854.  Mrd.  Lucy  Y.  Foster,  Jan.  8,  1873. 
Carpenter  at  Massillon,  Ohio.  Ger.  Ref.  Children: 
(VII.)  Alfi-ed  E.  Waterman,  born  Nov.  6,  1873.  (VII.) 
Harley  A.  Waterman,  born  Oct.  24,  1875.  (VII.) 
Emma  May  Waterman,  born  Mar.  19,  1878;  died 
June  1,  1879.  (VII.)  Jessie  Elvira  Waterman,  born 
Sept.  26,  1881.     (VII.)  Myrtle  Belle  Waterman,  born 

—  414  — 

Sept.  30,  1883;  died  May,  19,  1887.  (VII.)  Arthur 
Leroy  Waterman,  born  Nov.  27,  1886. 

VI.  Elizabeth  Waterman,  born  Sept.  16,  1856.  Mrd. 
Rev.  J.  S.  Kendall,  Sept.  16,  1880.  Minister  of  the 
U.  B.  Ch.,  at  Sterlino^,  Ohio,  of  which  they  are  both 
members.  One  child:  (VII.)  Alta  Lucretia  Kendall, 
born  Jan.  18,  1882;  died  Jan.  7.  1887. 

VI.  Caroline  Waterman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio. 
Oct.  15,  1859.  Mrd.  Jackson  S.  Bur^ner,  Oct.  19, 
1876.  Farmer.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  (Vll.)  Clarence 
Leroy  Burgner,  born  May  11,  1878.  (VII.)  Clemens 
Jackson  Bm*gner,  born  July  15,  1879;  died  Sept.  1, 
1881.  (VII.)  Clyde  Seiner  Burgner,  born  Dec.  4,  1882. 
(Vll.)  Floyd  Samuel  Burgner,  born  Jan.  29,  1885. 

VI.   Louisa  Waterman,  born  Oct.  19,  1861. 

VI.  Sarah  Waterman,  born  Oct.  1,  1864;  died^, 
aged  8  weeks  and  1  day. 

V.  Abraham  Overholt,  born  in  Columbiana  Co., 
O.,  Nov.  19,  1826.  Mrd.  Catharine  Ault,  of  Milton, 
Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  24,  1853.  She  was  born  Feb. 
13,  1830;  died  Apr.  29.  1879.  He  mrd.  for  his  second 
wife  Amelia  M.  Fuller,  Aug.  7,  1882.  She  was  born 
in  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Apr.  3,  1840.  Blacksmith;  now 
farmer  in  Medina  Co. ,  O.  Free  Methodists.  Children 
by  first  wife:  Mary,  Cynthia,  Elizabeth. 

VI.  Mary  Jane  Overholt,  born  in  Wayne  Co.,  Ohio, 
Feb.  1,  1854.  Mrd.  James  Keagle,  of  Barry  Co., 
Mich.,  Oct.  7,  1875.  Wesleyan  Methodists.  Children: 
(Vll.)  Arthur  Clement  Keagle,  born  Aug.  13,  1876. 
(VII.)  John  Abram  Keagle,  born  Aug.  17,  1877. 
(VII.)  Walter  Claire  Keagle,  born  Apr.  13,  1879. 
(VII.)  Carrie  Estella  Keagle,  born  Nov.  7,  1880.  (Vll.) 
George  Layton  Keagle,  born  Aug.  31,  1887. 

VI.  Cynthia  Ellen  Overholt,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
Dec.  25,  1857.  Mrd.  Stephen  C.  Crooks,  Sept.  11, 
1879.  He  was  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  14, 
1853.  Engaged  in  the  Saw-mill  business.  Free  Meth- 
odists. Children:  (VII.)  Mary  Adelia  Crooks,  born 
July  5,  1881.  (Vll.)  Frances  Catharine  Crooks,  born 
Nov.  23,  1887.  (Vll.)  Stephen  Abram  Crooks,  born 
Aug.  23,  1889. 

—  415  — 

VI.  Elizabeth  Ann  Ovcrholt,  born  in  Medina  Co., 
Ohio,  Nov.  23,  1864. 

V.  Elizabeth  Overbolt,  born  in  Columbiana  Co., 
O.,  Nov.  12,  1828.  Mrd.  Rev.  Ephraim  Hunsberger, 
Mar.  13,  1862.  Farmer,  and  Bishop  of  the  New  Men- 
nonite  Ch.    Resides  at  Walds worth  O.,  Children: 

VI.  Matilda  Hmisberger,  born  Mar.  26,  1863;  died 
Oct.  21,  1863. 

VI.  Franklin  Hunsberger,  born  Mar.  31,  1864.  Dry 
Goods  Clerk,  at  Wadsworth,  Ohio.    Mennonite.  S. 

VI.   Augusta  Hunsberger,  born  Apr.  22,  1867.  S. 

V.  Judith  Overholt,  born  in  Columbiana  Co.,  O., 
Sept.  22,  1831.  Mrd.  Abraham.  Fry.  (See  Index  of 
References  No.  142). 

V.  Anthony  Overholt,  born  in  Columbiana  Co.,  O., 
Mar.  4,  1834.  Mrd.  Hannah  Nash,  in  1857.  Farmer 
in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  Mennonite.  Children:  (VI.) 
Elmina  Overholt,  born  May  16,  1858;  died  Mar.  1859. 
(VI.)  Twin  boys,  born  and  died  Dec.  26,  1859.  (VI.) 
Ida  Overholt,  born  June  21,  1863.  (VI.)  Minerva 
Overholt,  born  Jan.  1,  1865.  (VI.)  Reuben  Overholt, 
born  Apr.  4,  1868.  (VI.)  Alverna  Overholt  born  Mar. 
2,  1872. 

V.  Joseph  Overholt,  born  Nov.  30,  1836;  died  in  1838. 

V.  Simeon  Overholt,  born  in  Columbiana  Co. ,  Ohio, 
Oct.  25,  1838.  Mrd.  Alniira  F.  Miller,  Mar.  27,  1862. 
She  died  in  Oct.  1875.  Blacksmith  at  Nashville, 
Mich.  Methodists.  Children:  Lucy  John,  Francis, 

VI.  Lucy  Ellen  Overholt,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind., 
Mar.  13,  1864.  Mrd.  Jacob  H.  Heckathorne,  June 
27,  1888.  Cashier  in  M.  C.  Freight  Office  at  Mar- 
shall, Mich.    Methodists.    No  children. 

VI.   John  Wesley  Overholt,  born  Sept.  28,  1865.    S. 
.    VI.  Francis  Asbury  Overholt,  born  Aug.  27,  1870.  S. 

VI.   Elizabeth  Overholt,  born  in  1873;  died,  aged  ly. 

V.  Eli  Overholt,  born  Jan.  23,  1841.  Mrd.  Catha- 
rine Baughman,  Oct.  6,  1869.  She  died  Nov.  23,  1877. 
Children:  (VI.)  Olive  Belle  Overholt,  born  Aug.  19, 
1870.  (VI.)  Albert  Overholt,  born  Sept.  6,  1872.  Mr. 
Overholt,  mrd.  for  his  second  Avife  Mary  E.   Millar 

—  416  — 

(maiden  name  Ball),  Sept.  11,  1881.  Children:  (VI.) 
Arthur  B.  Overholt,  born  Mar.  11,  1883;  died  Aug. 
26,  1883.  (VI.)  Flossy  Maurie  Overholt,  born  May  2, 
1889.  Mr.  Overholt  enlisted  in  Co.  H.  29th  Reg't., 
O.V.  V.  I.,  Oct.  23,  1861,  and  fought  in  the  battles  of 
Winchester,  Port  Republic,  and  Chancellorsville,  Va. 
At  the  battle  of  Port  Republic  he  was  captured  by  the 
enemy,  and  imprisoned  at  Belle  Isle  about  3  months. 
He  was  wounded  at  Chancellorsville,  on  account  of 
which  he  was  discharged,  Dec.  3,  1863.  On  Oct.  1, 
1871,  he  was  appointed  Post  Master  at  Wadsworth, 
Ohio,  by  Gen.  Grant,  and  was  re-appointed  by  Hayes 
and  Garfield,  but  when  the  Cleveland  administration 
was  ushered  in,  he  was  ushered  out.  He  was  again 
appointed  by  President  Harrison  and  took  charge  of 
the  office  June  1,  1889. 

V.  Jacob  L.  Overholt,  born  in  Columbiana  Co.,  O.-, 
Mar.  23,  ISll.  Mrd.  Ellen  Showalter,  in  1868. 
Foreman  in  Planing  Mill  at  Wadsworth,  Ohio.  Chil- 
dren:  (VI.)  Mary  Overholt.    (VI,)  Emma  Overholt. 

IV.  Isaac  Dinstman,  born  in  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa., 
May  1,  1805;  died  about,  1838.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Anna  Dinstman,  born  in  Westmoreland,  Co., 
Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1808.  Mrd.  Joseph  Overholt  (brother 
to  Martin),  Nov.  8,  1827.  He  died—.  Shoemaker 
and  farmer.  Dunkards.  Children:  Jonas,  Margaret, 
Fannie,  Benjamin,  Henry.  Anna  mrd.  for  her  second 
husband,  Joshua  Beer,  Oct.  17,  1858.  Hunter.  They 
reside  at  Wyoming,  Iowa. 

VI.  Jonas  Overholt,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Oct.  2, 
1828;  died  Mar.  9,  1889.  Mrd.  Sarah  Ann  Means,  in 
1850.  She  died — .  They  moved  to  Iowa  in  1851. 
Carpenter  and  farmer.  Christians.  Children:  Benja- 
min, Nettie,  Henry,  Ira,  Joseph,  Eli.  Jonas  mrd. 
for  his  second  wife,  Minerva  Wattson,  in  1861.  No 

VI.  Benjamin  Franklin  Overholt,  born  in  Medina 
Co.,  O.,  Dec.  3,  1851.  Mrd.  Mary  Ann  Morgan, 
Mar.  12,  1877.  Stock  Breeder  in  Humboldt  Co.,  Iowa. 
Children:  (VII.)  Gracie  Gertrude  Overholt,  born  Apr. 
30,  1878.  (VII.)  Eldora  Myrtle  Overholt,  born  Julyl, 
1880.   (VII.)  Olive  Pearl  Overholt,  born  June  12,  1887. 

—  417  — 

VI.  Antoinetta  Overholt,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
Dec.  11, 1853.  Mrd.  Bryan  McClure,  Mar.  10,  1874. 
Farmer  in  Dallas  Co. ,  Iowa.  Presbyterians.  Children : 
(VII.)  Sarah  Maud  McClure,  born  July  19,  1877.  (VII.) 
Harry  McClure,  born  Mar.  22,  1879.  (VII.)  Elsie 
Prudence  McClure,  born  Aug.  25,  1883. 

VI.  Henry  Overholt,  born  in  Jones  Co.,  Iowa,  in 
1855:  died,  1859. 

VI.  Ira  Martin  Overholt,  born  in  Jones  Co,  Iowa, 
May  5,  1857;  died  July  11,  1882. 

VI.  Joseph  Owen  Overholt,  born  in  Jones  Co.,  Iowa, 
July  19,  1860.  Mrd.  Ursula  Goodchild,  Sept.  7, 1883. 
Teacher,  and  R.  R.  Tax  Contractor.  Children:  (VII.) 
Jonas  Ira  Overholt.  (VII.)  Anna  Imy  Overholt 
(Twins),  born  Sept.  13,  1884.  (VII.)  George  Sigel 
Overholt,  born  Mar.  25,  1890. 

VI.  Eli  Sigel  Overholt,  born  in  Jones  Co.,  Iowa, 
May  5,  1862.  Mrd.  Phoebe  Mitchell,  Jan.  1,  1885. 
Farmer  in  Iowa.  Children:  (VII.)  Joseph  Owen 
Overholt,  born  Feb.  8,  1887.  (VII.)  George  Overholt, 
born  Jan.  26,  1888. 

V.  Margaret  Overholt,  born  July  16,  1830;  died 
Nov.  1,  1865.  Mrd.  WilUam  H.  Ruby,  Oct.  17,  1852. 
He  was  born  Nov.  22,  1829.  Farmer  and  Carpenter. 
Christians.  He  enlisted  in  the  26th  Regt.  Iowa  Vol. 
and  died  while  in  the  service  at  St.  Louis,  in  1864. 
Children:  Etta,  George,  Horatio. 

VI.  Etta  Ruby,  born  in  Ohio,  Dec.  29,  1853.  Mrd. 
L.  W.  Hubbard,  July  10,  1875.  Druggist  at  Mon- 
mouth, Iowa.  Methodists.  Children:  (Vll.)  Jerome 
C.  Hubbard,  born  Dec.  15,  1876.  (Vll.)  Pearl  M. 
Hubbard,  born  Feb.  5,  1879.  (Vll.)  Ira  Carl  Hubbard, 
born  Mar.  26,  1883. 

VI.  George  Wesley  Ruby,  born  in  Clinton  Co.,  la., 
Jan.  12,  1857.  Mrd.  Linnie  Johnson,  of  Guthrie  Co., 
la.,  Aug.  27,  1876.  Farmer  in  Guthrie  Co.,  la. 
Christians.  Children:  (VII.)  Irene  Agnes  Ruby,  born 
Dec.  14,  1878.  (Vll.)  Cynthia  Caroline  Ruby,  born 
Dec.  2,  1881.  (Vll.)  Owen  Montgomery  Ruby,  born 
Mar.  20,  1883. 

VI.  Horatio  Nelson  Ruby,  born  in  Clinton  Co.,  la., 
Mar.  26,  1859.    Farmer  in  Guthrie  Co,,  la.     Unmrd. 


—  418  — 

V.  Fannie  Overholt,  born  Nov.  2,  1833.  Mrd.  Jo- 
seph Hudson,  in  1850.  Photographer  at  Tama  City, 
la.  Members  of  Disciple.  Children:  Edgar,  Almond. 

VI.  Edgar  A.  Hudson,  born  in  Ohio,  Jan.  9,  1852. 
Mrd.  Miss  M.  F.  George,  Mar.  6,  1878.  Photog- 
rapher in  Tama  City,  la.    No  issue. 

vl.  Almond  B.  Hudson,  born  in  Iowa,  in  1859;  died 
aged  three  years. 

V.  Benjamin  Franklin  Overholt,  born  Nov.  18,  1841; 
died  Sept.  16,  1843. 

V.  Henry  Overholt,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Jan. 
11,  1846.  Mrd.—.  Children:  (VI.)  Fannie.  (VI.) 
David.   (VI.)  Jennie.   (VI.)  Sadie. 

IV.  Barbara  Dinstman,  born  in  Westmoreland  Co., 
Pa.,  Jane  29,  1811;  died  in  Ohio,  Oct.  15,  1881. 
Mrd. —  Hardman — .  He  died — .  One  child:  Peter. 
Barbara  mrd.  John  Shonk,  in  1833.  He  died  in  1858. 
Farmer.  Disciples.  Children:  Lavina,  Polly,  Solo- 
mon, Moses,  Maria,  David,  Barbara  mrd.  Silas  Bur- 
nett—.   He  died  Feb.  12,  1888.    No  issue. 

V.  Peter  Hardman,  born — .    Mrd. — . 

V.  Lavina  Shonk,  iDorn  in  Trumbull  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  4, 

1834.  Mrd.   Isaac  Owry— .     They  had  13  children. 

The  living  are:    VI.)    Mary  Owry,  mrd.  Pardee. 

(VI.)  Cynthia  Owry,  mrd.  O'Brien.    (VII)  Frank 

Owry,  mrd. Fuller.   (VI.)  Abbie  Owry,  mrd. 

Husler.    (VI.)    Helen   Owi-y,   mrd.  McCartney. 

(VI.)  Ward  Owry.   (VI.)  Nellie  Owry. 

V.  Mary  Shonk,  born  in  Trumbull  Co. ,  O. ,  Apr.  13, 

1835.  Mrd.  Epenetus  Caldwell,  Dec.  20,  1854.  He 
died  May  2,  1863.  Farmer.  Disciples.  Children: 
Charles,  Albert. 

VI.  Charles  E.  Caldwell,  born  in  Trumbull  Co.,  O., 
Nov.  30,  1855.  Mrd.  Sarah  L.  Allen,  Dec.  25,  1884. 
Carpenter  and  Teacher.  He  is  Disciple.  She,  Meth- 
odist.   Reside  in  Warren,  O.    No  issue. 

VI.  Albert  Caldwell,  born  in  Trambull  Co.,  O.,  Apr. 
6,  1860.    Lives  in  Marion,  O.     S. 

V.  Solomon  Shonk,  born  in  TrumbuU  Co.,  O.,  Oct. 
27,  1838;  died  in  1861. 

V.  Moses  Shonk,  born  Mar.  22,  1841;  died  in  in- 

—  419  — 

V.  Maria  Shonk,  born  in  Trumbull  Co.,  O,,  Dec.  8, 
1844.  Mrd.  Isaac  Rummel.  Children:  (VI.)  Rose 
Rummel;  died—.  (VI.)  Willie  Rummel;  died—.  (VI.) 
Joseph  Rummel,  Mrd.  Maggie  Pierce — .  (VI.)  Frank 
Rummell.  (VI.)  Allie  Rummell;  died — .  (VI.)  Lewis 
Rummell.  (VI.)  George  Rummell.  (VI.)  Lillie  Rum- 
mell.  (VI.)  Clarence  Rummell. 

V.  David  Shonk,  born  in  Trumbull  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  17, 
1849.  Mrd.  Julia  Piatt — .  Coal  merchant  near  War- 
ren, O.  Mrs.  Shonk,  Baptist.  Children:  (VI.)  Mabel 
Shonk,  born  Feb.  24,  1880.  (VI.)  Bertha  Shonk,  born 
May  19,  1881.  (VI.)  Charles  Shonk,  .born  Apr.  22, 
1886.   (VI.)  Ralph  Shonk,  born  June  1,  1889. 

III.  Elizabeth  Fretz,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  June 
20,  1776;  died  Sept.  7,  1867.  Mrd.  Henry  Leather- 
man,  Sept.  6,  1797.  He  died  Apr.  18,  1815.  Farmer. 
Mennonites.  Children:  Abraham,  John,  Jacob, 
Henry,  Catharine,  Samuel. 

IV.  Abraham  Leatherman,  born  Sept.  13, 1798;  died 
— .  Mrd.  Mary  Dinstman — .  Cooper.  Mennonites. 
Children:  (V.)  Jacob.   (V.)  Annie. 

IV.  John  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  11,  1800;  died — . 
Mrd.  Mary  Overholt — :.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: Elizabeth,  Mary,  Katie,  Nancy,  Hannah. 

V.  Elizabeth  Leatherman,  Mrd.  Abraham  Meyer — . 
Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Christian,  Abra- 
ham, Anna,  Lizzie,  Sallie. 

VI.  Christian  Meyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. — . 
Mrd.  Anna  Moyer — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Chil- 
dren: (VII.)  Lizzie  Meyer.  (VII.)  Barbara  Meyer. 
(VII.)  SaUie  Meyer. 

VI.  Abraham  Meyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. — .  Res. 
in  Kansas.    S. 

VI.  Anna  Meyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr.  26, 
1853.  Mrd.  Jacob  M.  High,  Dec.  31,  1881.  Laborer. 
Mennonites.  One  child:  (VII.)  Mary  M.  High,  born 
Apr.  23,  1884. 

VI.  Lizzie  Meyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co. ,  Pa. — .  Men- 
nonite.    S. 

—  420  — 

VI.  Sallie  Meyer,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.—.  Mrd. 
Jacob  F.  Ano;eny  in  1835.  Farmer.  Member  of  To- 
hickon  ch.    Chiklrcn: — 

V.  Mary  Ann  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 
Mrd.  David  B.  Myers.  (See  Index  of  References  No. 

V.  Katie  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Mrd. 
Samuel  Shelly.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children. 
John,  Catharine,  Mary,  Harvey,  Emma,  Levi,  Lizzie, 

VI.  John  Shelly,  born—.    Mrd.—. 

VI.    Catharine  Shelly,  born — .    Mrd.  —  Crouthamel. 

VI.   Mary  Sli^lly,  born—   Mrd.  —  Schmell,  — . 

VI.  Harvey  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Mar.  1, 
1864.  Mrd.  Mary  Emma  Godshalk,  Dec.  1886.  La- 
borer. Mennonite.  One  child:  (VII.)  Walter  G. 
Shelly,  born  Dec.  22,  1887. 

VI.   Emma  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.    Mrd.  —  Lear. 

VI.   Levi  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.    Mrd.  — . 

VI.   Lizzie  Shelly,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  — . 

V.  Anna  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Apr. 
11,  1838.  She  died  Mar.  10,  1890.  Mrd.  Aaron  Fretz. 
(See  Index  of  References  No.  144). 

V.  Hannah  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  — .  Mrd. 
Samuel  Derstine, — .  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
(VI.)  John  Derstine,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.  Mrd. 
Lydia  M.  Mill, — .     They  have  two  children, 

VI.  Isaac  Derstine,  born — ;  died—,  aged  15  years, 
(VI.)  Mary  Derstine,  S,  (VI.)  Samuel  Derstine,  S, 
(VI.)  Abraham  Derstine,  S.  (VI.)  Lizzie  Derstine.  S. 
(VI.)  Anna  Derstine.   S, 

IV.  Jacob  F,  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
June  15,  1803.  Mrd.  Margaret  Overholt,  daughter  of 
Joseph  Overholt,  Mar.  25,  1827.  She  died  Sept.  16, 
1872.  Jacob  emigrated  to  Medina  Co.,  O.,  in  1831, 
and  settled  near  River  Styx,  where  he  resides  at  the 
present  time,  retired.  In  early  life  he  was  a  carpenter 
and  farmer.  Mennonites.  Children:  Henry,  Joseph, 
Sarah,  Elizabeth,  Mary,  Samuel,  Catharine,  Anna, 
David,  Fannie,  John,  Margaret,  Jacob,  Manasseh, 

V.  Henry  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co,,  Pa,,  Feb. 
10,  1828.  Mrd.  Elizabeth  Overholt,  daughter  of  Mar- 
tin Overholt,  Sept.  26,  1848.    Carpenter,  farmer,  and 

—  421  — 

minister  in  Medina  Co.,  O.  They  belong  to  the  "Hol- 
derman  church,"  also  known  as  "The  Church  of 
God. "  He  was  ordained  minister  of  said  church  about 
1879  Children:  Sabilla,  Martin,  Maria,  Maggie,  Jacob, 
Minnie,  Lizzie,  Anna. 

VI.  Sabilla  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
July  1,  1860.  Mrd.  Philip  C.  Ahl,  Jan.  18,  1880. 
Carpenter  in  Medina  Co. ,  O.  Members  of  '  'The  Church 
of  God."  No  issue. 

VI.  Martin  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Mar.  18,  1863.  Mrd.  Barbara  East,  Nov.  1,  1888. 
Clerk  and  school  teacher.  One  child:  (VII.)  Clayton 
Henry  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  29,  1889. 

VI.  Maria  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Jan. 
6,  1865.    S. 

VI.  Maggie  M.  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
Jan.  10,  1866.  Mrd.  Martin  L.  Leatherman,  of  Elk- 
hart Co.,  Lid.  Dec.  1888.    Farmer. 

VI.  Jacob  H.  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
Feb.  15,  1869.    Farmer. 

VI.   Minnie  Leatherman,  born  Oct.  27,  1870. 

VI.   Lizzie  Leatherman,  born  Sept.  21,  1872. 

VI.  Anna  Leatherman,  born  Mar.  7,  1876.  All  born 
and  brought  up  on  one  farm  near  River  Styx,  Ohio. 

V.  Joseph  Leatherman  (twin  to  Henry),  born  in 
Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  10,  1828;  died  Mar.  26,  1848. 

V.  Sarah  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
22,  1829.  Mrd.  Tobias  Kreider,  Mar.  18,  1875. 
He  was  born  Mar.  24,  1821.  Carpenter  and  farmer  in 
Medina  Co.,  O.    Mennonites.    No  issue. 

V.  Elizabeth  Leatherman,  born  Aug.  25,  1831.  Mrd. 
Henry  Kehr,  Nov.  30,  1856.  He  was  born  Aug.  25, 
1831.  Farmer  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Mennonites. "Chil- 
dren: Margaret,  Mary,  Martin,  John,  Laura,  David. 

VI.  Margaret  Kehr,  born  Aug.  25,  1857.  Mrd.  Chan- 
cey  Claus,  Apr.  25,  1877.  He  was  born  Oct.  26,  1853. 
LiveinElkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Children:  (VII.)  Rosa  Claus, 
born  Feb.  11,  1878.  (VII.)  Clayton  Claus,  born  Jan.  1, 
1880.    (VII.)  Maud  Claus,  born  July  26,  1886. 

VI.  Mary  Magdalena  Kehr,  born  Jan.  9,  1859.  Mrd. 
Granville  Landis,  Sept.  28,  1884.  He  was  born  Jan. 
25,  1861.    Laborer.    Member  of  Men.  Br.  in  Christ. 

—  422  — 

Children:  (VII.)  Anna  Landis,  born  Apr.  6,  1885. 
(VII.)  Henrv  Landis,  born  Feb.  12,  1887. 

VI.  Martin  Kehr,  born  May  6,  1860.  Mrd.  Martha 
Eyer,  Dec.  27,  1884.  She  was  born  Jan.  22,  1862. 
Farmer  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Mrs.  Kehr,  mem.  Men. 
Br.  in  Christ.  One  child:  (VII.)  Nellie  Elizabeth  Kehr, 
born  Aug.  21,  1887. 

VI.  John  Kehr,  born  Aug.  14,1864.  Mrd.  Louisa  Bech- 
tel,  July  26, 1885.  She  was  born  Apr.  16, 1866.  Farmer 
in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Mrs.  Kehr,  mem.  Men.  Br.  in 
Christ.  Children:  (VII.)  Roscoe  B.  Kehr,  born  Mar. 
28,  1886.    (VII.)  Roy  F.  Kehr,  born  Aug.  30,  1888. 

VI.   Laura  Kehr,  born  Mar.  11,  1862;  died  next  day. 

VI.   David  Franklin  Kehr,  born  Sept.  25,  1870. 

V.  Mary  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O.,  Oct. 
20,  1832.  Mrd.  Abraham  Means,  Feb.  2,  1851.  For- 
merly carpenter,  now  farmer.  In  Dec.  1854  they 
moved  to  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  and  in  Jan.  1884,  to 
Cowley  Co.,  Kansas.  Mrs.  Means  is  a  member  of  the 
Mennonite,  and  Mr.  Means  of  the  River  Brethren  ch. 
Children:  Malinda,  David,  Franklin,  Anna. 

VI.  Malinda  Means,  born  Nov.  16,  1852;  died  July 
11,  1853. 

VI.  David  Means,  born  May  2,  1854.  Mrd.  Malinda 
Berkey,  Dec.  27,  1877.  He  was  formerly  teacher,  but 
is  now  engaged  in  the  management  of  a  large  stone 
business  in  Cowley  Co.,  Kan.  Methodists.  Children: 
(VII.)  Malinda  May  Means,  bornNov.  28, 1878.  (VII.)  Or- 
ville  Berkey  Means,  born  Jan.  30,  1881.  (VII.)  Frankie 
Irwin  Means,  born  June  19,  1883;  died  Oct.  24,  1886. 
(VII.)  Wilbur  Roy  Means,  born  Feb.  20,  1886;  died 
May  8,  1887.  (Vl'l.)  Mary  Beda  Means,  born  Sept.  10, 

VI.  Franklin  Means,  born  Apr.  5,  1857.  Mrd.  Ellen 
Garberich,  Jan.  22,  1880.  Farmer  in  Cowley  Co., 
Kan.  Mrs.  Means,  member  of  the  U.  B.  ch.  Children: 
(VII.)  Willie  H.  Means,  born  Oct.  14,  1880;  died  June 
14,  1882.  (VII.)  Infant  son  born  Apr.  3,  died  Apr.  4, 
1883.  (VII.)  Bertha  J.  Means,  born  Aug.  8,  1884. 
(VII.)  Boyd  J.  Means,  born  May  6,  1887. 

VI.  Anna  Means,  born  Dec.  22,  1859.  Mrd.  Jeffer- 
son S.  Garberich,  Mar.  6,  1879.  piFarmer  in  Cowley 

—  423  — 

Co.,  Kan,  Children:  (VII.)  John  W.  Garberich,  born 
Sept.  20,  1880.  (VII.)  David  Franklin  Garberich,  born 
Jan.  17,  1885.  (VII.)  Mary  Maud  Garberich,  born 
June  19,  1887. 

V.  Samuel  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Oct.  20,  1834.  Mrd.  Maria,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Bishel,  Apr.  26,  1862.  He  was  formerly  teacher,  but 
is  now  a  farmer  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.  Member  of 
the  "Church  of  "God."  Children:  (VI.)  Eli  Leather- 
man,  born  Nov.  16,  1864.  Farmer.  S.  (VI.)  Ida 
Leatherman,  born  June  29,  1869.  (VI.)  Franklin 
Leatherman,  born  Feb.  17,  1873. 

V.  Catharine  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
June  5,  1836.  Mrd.  Abraham  Capp,  Jan.  10,  1857. 
A  commercial  professor,  and  writer.  Mrs.  Capp, 
member  of  the  Church  of  God.  Children:  James, 
Mary,  Lizzie,  Sarah,  Franklin,  Allen. 

VI.  James  Capp,  born  Nov.  24,  1857.  Mrd—. 

VI.  Mary  Capp,  born  Oct.  31,  1858.  Member  of  the 
Church  of  God.    S. 

VI.  Lizzie  Capp,  born  Mar.  18,  1860.  Mrd.  Abel 
Dintaman,  Dec.  11,  1879.  He  was  born  Oct.  20,  1857. 
Farmer,  in  Jasper  Co.,  Mo.  Children:  (VII.)  Ira 
Manasseh  Dintaman,  born  Jan.  18,  1881.  (VII.)  Ivan 
Cloy  Dintaman,  born  Jan.  14,  1883;  died  Jan.  24, 
1883.  (VII.)  Lydia  E.  Dintaman,  born  Jan.  3,  1885. 
(VI.)  Earl  A. "Dintaman,  born  Jan.  27,  1888;  died 
July  7.  1889. 

VI.  Sarah  Capp,  born  Aug.  25,  1861.  Mrd.  Alpha 
Holderman,  Mar.  4,  1883.  Farmer  in  Jasper  Co., 
Mo.  Members  of  the  Church  of  God.  Children:  (VII.) 
James  Harvey  Holdeman,  born  Nov.  6,  1884.  (VII.) 
Sarah  EHzabeth  Holdeman,  born  Mar.  5,  1886.  (VII.) 
Alpha  Abraham  Holdeman,  born  Aug.  14,  1887. 
(VII.)  John  Holdeman,  born  Jan.  10,  1889. 

VI.  Franklin  Capp,  born  Feb.  10,  1866.  Farmer, 
and  Fruit  raiser  at  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

VI.  Allen  B.  Capp,  born  Dec.  25,  1870.  Farmer,  in 
Medina  Co.,  Ohio. 

V.  Anna  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Feb.  7,  1838.  Mrd.  Abraham  J.  Mover,  Dec.  28, 
1861.     He  was  born  May  10,  1837.     Carpenter  and 

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farmer,  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.  Mr.  Moyer,  member  of 
Men.  Br.  in  Christ,  and  Mrs.  Moyer,  of  the  River 
Brethren  eh.  Children:  Fannie,  Salome,  Minerva, 
John,  James,  Manasseh,  Anna. 

VI.  Fannie  Moyer,  born  Nov.  10,  1863.  Teacher. 
Member  of  Men.  Br.  in  Christ.    S. 

VI.  Salome  Moyer,  born  Mar.  25,  1865.  Mrd.  David 
K.  Buzzard,  Mar.  10,  1887.  He  was  born  Dec.  1863. 
Canvasser.  Resides  in  Elkhart,  Ind.  One  child:  (VII.) 
Edith  M.  Buzzard,  Born  Jan  31,  1888. 

VI.  Minerva  Moyer,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Aug. 
31,  1866.  (VI.)  John  W.  Moyer,  born  in  Elkhart  Co!, 
Ind.,  Aug.  19,  1868.  (VI.)  James  F.  Moyer,  born  in 
Elkhart  Co.,  Ind.,  Jan.  23,  1871;  died  Mar.  24,  1871. 
(VI.)  Manasseh  Moyer,  born  in  Elkhart  Co.,  Ind., 
Oct.  11,  1874.  (VI.)  Anna  Moyer,  born  in  Elkhart 
Co.  Ind.,  Mar,  10,  1880. 

V.  David  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
1839.  He  formerly  taught  school,  but  is  at  present 
engaged  as  nurse,  taking  care  of  invalids  and  aged 
people.    Resides  at  Gormley,  Ont.    Unmrd. 

V.  Fannie  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Apr.  7,  1841.  Mrd.  John  O.  Smith,  Jan.  7,  1871. 
He  was  born  in  Holland,  Europe,  Mar.  24,  1839. 
They  reside  in  Branch  Co.,  Mich.  Children:  (VI.) 
Manasseh  Smith,  born  Dec.  12,  1871.  (VI.)  Jacob 
Smith,  born  Mar.  26,  1873.  (VI.)  Margaret  Smith, 
born  Aug.  1,  1874.  (VI.)  Mary  Smith,  born  Apr.  30, 
1876.  (VI.)  Samuel  Smith,  born  Mar.  31,  1878.  (VI.) 
William  Smith,  born  Feb.  11,  1880.  (VI.)  Sarah 
Smith,  born  Mar.  14,  1881. 

V.  John  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Dec.  11, 
1842;  died  June  19,  1865.  Mrd.  Anna  Leatherman,—. 
Carpenter.    Mennonites.    No  issue. 

V.  Margaret  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Sept.  2,  1844.  Lives  with  her  father  on  the  Old 
Homestead.    Unmrd. 

V.  Jacob  O.  Leatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  Ohio, 
Mar.  19,  1846.  Mrd.  Christina  Hounstcin,  Jan.  10, 
1875.  She  was  born  Sept.  27,  1853.  Farmer.  Mem- 
bers of  the  Church  of  God.  Children:  (VI.)  Catharine 
Leatherman,  born  Nov.  25,  1875.    (VI.)  Joel  Leather- 

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man,  born  Aug.  8,  1877.  (VI.)  Martha  Leatherman, 
born  Sept.  12,  1879.  (VI.)  Alpha  Leatherman,  born 
Sept.  25,  1881.  (VI.)  Franklin  Leatherman,  born 
Apr.  19,  1883;  died  Aug.  9,  1883.  (VI.)  Mary  Leather- 
man,  born  Apr.  8,  1884.  (VI.)  Noah  Leatherman, 
born  Apr.  11,  1887. 

V.  Manasseh iLeatherman,  born  in  Medina  Co.,  O., 
Aug.  14,  1848.  He>esides  on  the  Old  Homestead  in 
Medina  Co. ,  O.    Farmer.    Unmrd. 

IV.  Henry  Leatherman,  born  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa., 
June  17,  1806;  died  Dec.  21,  1859.  Mrd.  Catharine 
Moyer,  Oct.  18,  1829.  She  was  born  Dec.  24.  1805; 
died  Nov.  8,  1879.  Farmer.  Mennonites.  Children: 
Elizabeth,  Abraham,  Sarah,  Henry,  Joseph. 

V.  Elizabeth  Leatherman,  born  in  Bedminster,  Pa., 
Aug.  20,  1831.  Mrd.  Isaac  Wismer,  in  1851.  Car- 
penter at  Hatfield,  Pa.  Ger.  Ref.  Children:  Henry, 
Catharine,  Emma,' Sarah,  Abraham,  Amos,  Hannah, 
Adaline,  Ida,  Mary. 

VI.  Henry  L.  Wismer,  born  in  Bedminster,  Pa., 
May  30,  1852.    Ger.  Ref.    S. 

VI.  Catharine  Wismer,  born  May  25,  1854;  died  Dec. 
20,  1862. 

VI.  Emma  Wismer,  born  in  Bedminster,  Pa.,  May 
12,  1856.  Mrd.  John  Seibert.  May  15,  1875.  Far- 
mer. Lutherans.  Children:  (VII.)  Byron  W.  Seibert, 
born  May  27,  1876. M  (VII.)  Reuben  W.  Seibert,  born 
Sept.  6,  1880. 

Vf.  Sarah  Jane  Wismer,  born  Feb.  13,  1858;  died 
Dec.  2,  1862. 

VI.  Abraham  L.  Wismer,  born